An intensifier is an adverb that comes before an adjective or another adverb to strengthen its
meaning and emphasize its effect.
A. Read the text about extreme sports and underline the intensifiers.
Extreme sports are different from average sports because they are incredibly
risky. Either you perform the sport at an extremely fast pace or its location
is incredibly dangerous. In order to do an extreme sport completely safely,
you should be really experienced at it.
For the adrenaline junkies, extreme sports are very attractive and intriguing. But, if you're
thinking about taking up an extreme sport, think very hard about the challenges involved.
3. Extreme sports are more attractive than regular sports because .....................................
1. The most important thing about doing an extreme sport is doing it ..................................
3. To train someone in an extreme sport, you must know the sport ......................................
6. No matter what sport you decide to do, make sure you do it ...........................................
2. I will only try an extreme sport on my own for the first time when I'm ready.
3. My trainer said that if I'm prepared each time I do the sport, it will be easy.
6. While I'm skydiving, I feel comfortable. But every time I go, my mother is anxious.
F. Using your own ideas, complete each sentence with a sport that fits the description.
12. ....................... is a sport that makes me feel totally confused when I watch it.