PhET Wave On A String Lab 1
PhET Wave On A String Lab 1
PhET Wave On A String Lab 1
Go to Google, search for “phet waves string”, and click on the first link. Then click the Run Now button.
1) Open the “Wave on a String” simulation. With your mouse, wiggle the first bead to send waves down the
string. Note how they reflect back. Adjust Tension to see how High and Low tension affect the speed of the
2) Set the Tension to High. Select Oscillate to make a machine create the waves. Leave these buttons at
those settings until directed to change them!
3) Select No End to let the waves travel out the door (meaning they never reflect back).
5) Set the damping to zero and the amplitude to 100%. This “amplitude” is not actually a distance, it is just
the maximum the computer will make. Set the amplitude to 0, 40, 60, and 100. (You can also just type the
number into the box instead of using the slider, but do not use the backspace key!)
B) Use the onscreen ruler to measure the amplitude of the wave at two settings:
i. Set amplitude to 100%. Run the wave for a few seconds. Then use the vertical ruler to
measure from the midline (equilibrium) to the top of the highest circle on the crest.
Record amplitude in cm:______
ii. Measure vertical distance from equilibrium to trough: Record amplitude in cm:______
iii. Now change the amplitude to 40%. Measure and record the new amplitude: ________
D) What does increasing the frequency do to the wavelength? What does it do to the amplitude?
Now, practice measuring the time for a certain number of cycles.
Set the frequency to 15%.
Time 8 cycles. Write down your time. ___________
7) Keeping the amplitude constant at 50, adjust the frequency slider to 25, 50, and 70. Using the onscreen
timer, measure the amount of time it takes to complete 15 full cycles at each frequency setting. (It will help to
watch the wave maker and give yourself a countdown, “wave, wave, wave, ready, set, GO.”
8) At each setting, use the numbers from (E) to calculate the period of the wave. This is the amount of time it
takes to make each wave, or the seconds per wave. (seconds divided by waves.)
9) The “frequency” slider just tells the computer to go slow or fast. It does not match the actual frequency in
Hertz. Use the numbers from (E) to calculate the actual frequency in Hertz, which is the number of waves per
(remember this is just like converting from cents to dollars – so 92 cm would equal 0.92 m)
11) Calculate the velocity of the waves, for each ACTUAL frequency (using the data from (H) and (I).
m/s = meters x waves
wave second
NOTE: Since the waves are traveling through the same medium (the same string), they should all have the same
speed. Check your math!
K) Explain what changed and what stayed the same as the frequency was increased.
*L) Assuming your velocities were close to each other, use the average velocity to calculate what
frequency is needed to produce a wavelength of 46cm. Type in that frequency to see if you are
** Extra Credit ** : Reduce the tension from “High” to “8 Tenths” and calculate the velocity at three different
frequencies Record your data and calculations on a separate sheet, and attach it to this one. In one or two
sentences, explain what happens velocity as tension is increased.