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eae )EPARTMENT OF PH “Mechanics (PHYS-101) (PALL-2022) ASSIGNMENT #02 Name: _A4. Roll number: 22auu/> = D4. Note: Attempt all questions on Ad papers and answers should be to the point and well explained. QI: Find the equation for acceleration “a” and velocity “v" for many particle system. © Q2: Derivea= or © (Q3: Write physical significance of angular momentum and momentum of inertia? © Scanned with CamScanner ‘Question mo 01 Many stile Sytem « Velocaly z+ ~— Mai on Differentiating wart Ye Mo Rom = mid + mg at ae mn Bn bot 4 ah Ng _ le 5 Pee 4 Center ene 4 2 Miy + ply 2 = OO biok — y dadiivicluc rath athe Mig = Mi tm so FInatn ol Ua¥, + mt aude) Vac = Constond Scanned with CamScanner Accelosaition Myan = myem, + Piffoertiattg wa t in _ dv, Md Vo = my SV, + rE ae OG dt = f de Aom =— i "OM Using Newton nde of Motuew Mine = fi tFyr wt Pe oi oma +m 9,t M Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner | Buestion no 03 Physical Segraficance of Angutas Momentum Argulan. Momentum is @ phygsead quandly thot meodured the omonrt of Atak ional moltow of am objeot . Tt ii defined as the Cans paduct of objects momond of mer tig amd ts angele velocity: To plapsical SigetHeome “ef omgulas momentum Oh be wndlersloa! by consicleung a Spiomaag objet, duh a a Top & a Puomet eater the amgular momintun Bb , We lowed of te blyced she harder ob i Tp slop % Chomfe chow of ue tobhin. oe 3 Physecal Suyruficamce of Momentum Lnetha. The Sum of the products of each. particles mow and ifs dislonre faon the amis oI Aotoion doyuare+ The pl sical giguuipicon of moment wnvilior cor 0 umdlerd lood! by Lonsidoung jhe Sonne Sponewing object Scanned with CamScanner L as befote. An ob,fe ct waft a qreator moment of tmortia wll reoyutre more Conyrt lo change ik sotatioal speed thom om ob fect uulh the omaller momountun mutta + The gueodos, the momento dwwdiq the hascler. au fe Stout on Shop te Ablation of obged: Because an object adi a foager momorvdun of vaubiqg hay MOLe mad witulbubed forthe. amary from the elt of Kototion, uti makes db more Ae sistood fo chownges tts Avtotional mobi - a Scanned with CamScanner

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