Inglés C3

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Traducción 3 C inglés Second term 2022-23

Traducción 3C ingles 2022-23 Course Programme

Welcome to General translation from Spanish into English for English language C

This document is intended as a specific supplement to the general guide you can
find in the link below:

1. Introduction

This is a 4th-year compulsory course designed to provide you with an introduction

to translating general texts from Spanish into your second foreign language,

The translations you work on will mainly be persuasive and/or informative texts
drawn from the tourism industry and current affairs.

The course will require you to draw on knowledge and skills learned on translation
courses in your Language B as well as courses on culture of the English-speaking
countries, Documentation, Terminology, and Information Technology.

2. Time commitment

The course consists of 6 ECTS divided into 40% contact hours (2.4 credits, 60
hours) and 60% independent learning time (3.6 credits, 90 hours).

Learning time is the time you spend on the course and includes preparing
translation assignments in teams as well as individual study time.

You should expect to devote an average of up to six hours per week to the course
as well as the four hours in class.

3. Language levels

Non-native speaker-users of English

If you are a non-native speaker-user of English, you are expected to have attained a
minimum level of performance equivalent to B2 on the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages. This means that you would achieve a good
grade in the University of First Certificate exam. If you have not yet achieved this
standard of performance you will need to invest extra time and effort to complete
the course successfully.
T3 C inglés. Second term 2022-23

The distance between your level of English when starting the course and the level
required will determine the number of hours per week over and above the
recommended six hours that you have to devote to the course.

Non-native speaker-users of Spanish

If you are a non-native speaker-user of Spanish, you are expected to have attained
a minimum level of performance equivalent to B2 on the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages. If you have not yet achieved this standard
of performance you will need to invest extra time and effort to complete the course

The distance between your level of Spanish when starting the course and the level
required will determine the number of hours per week over and above the
recommended six hours that you have to devote to the course.

4. Objectives

The course is intended to help you acquire or develop the following specific skills
and competences (for the full list, see the course guide):

• Identify different translation situations and analyse them.

• Identify and describe different non-specialized text genres in Spanish and
• Identify the most frequent textual and linguistic differences in Spanish and
English which may affect the translation process.
• Select relevant documentary resources and assess their usefulness.
• Use the basic computer tools for translation.
• Analyse texts for translation from Spanish into English, and identify the main
translation problems they present.
• Propose appropriate translation strategies.
• Clearly explain the decisions taken in the presentation of translation tasks.
• Clearly present the results of a translation task carried out individually or in a
• Clearly explain your assessment of a translation carried out individually or in a
• Present individual or team translation tasks in the appropriate format and
according to the requirements of the task.
• Successfully translate a non-specialized text of about 300 words from Spanish
into English in approximately two hours.

In order to achieve these objectives, you will carry out a range of activities based
on authentic, current, non-specialized Spanish language texts taken from the
tourist industry, the news media and other sources. Your target texts will be aimed
at non-specialist readers of English who may or may not be native-speaker/users
of the language.

T3 C inglés. Second term 2022-23

5. Methodology

The course is designed to facilitate your learning through active participation in

the classroom and autonomous learning outside it. This means that you will
regularly have to prepare work before and after the classes. The materials you
need and the instructions will be available to you on the online learning platform

In class you will be required to carry out a number of activities designed to focus
on particular aspects of the translation process. These tasks include speaking,
reading and listening activities, documentation, ad hoc translation, revision of
translated texts and the presentation of work in progress to the rest of the class.
Outside class you will be required to work in teams of three or four students in the
preparation of translation assignments for assessment (see section 7).

Online environment

The course is delivered in a collaborative e-learning environment – the learning

environment most like the professional working environment of most translators.
Studying in an online environment has many advantages. Almost all professional
translators work freelance at some time in their careers. Many begin to work as
employees of agencies and later go freelance in order to vary their work or to
become teleworkers, able to live in one country and work online in one or more
others. Others do the opposite: their paths lead them from freelancing into
businesses as translators, revisers, documentalists, terminologists, or translation
project leaders.

Learning in an online environment can be great preparation for your future. It will
prepare you in a privileged situation where you have a tutor and colleagues to fall
back on for support, advice and guidance.

To follow the course successfully, it is essential that you have your own laptop,
and/or PC and internet access!

6. Class norms

It is hoped that the classes will provide a friendly and constructive learning
environment in which students feel free to contribute ideas and insights to class
discussions and to voice their concerns or doubts about any aspect related to the

To help achieve this objective it is important that you attend class regularly and
that you arrive punctually. In order to participate in the continuous
assessment you will be required to attend approximately 75% the classes.
Please speak to the lecturer if you have a medical or other personal problem which
is likely to disrupt your attendance.

T3 C inglés. Second term 2022-23

7. Assessment

Assessment is based on one of two modalities: continuous assessment or final

exam only (‘evaluació n ú nica’).

(a) Continuous assessment

If you choose this option, you will participate in a number of assessed translation
tasks during the term.

Four of the assessed translation tasks will be team assignments. Together, these
tasks represent 50% of the final grade.

The remaining 50% will consist of two individual tasks performed at the end of
the tourist block and at the end of the current affairs block. Note that the first
individual task will be a written translation carried out in class without
access to computers, while the second will be completed at the end of the
course, online under time constraints (24 hours).

The exact breakdown of marks for the continuous assessment is as follows:

Tourist block
Team assignment 1: 12.5%
Team assignment 2: 12.5%
Individual mid-term task: 25%

Current affairs block

Team assignment 3: 12.5%
Team assignment 4: 12.5%
Final individual task: 25%

The deadline for each task will be specified in the corresponding instructions on
Prado. If you upload a task later than the deadline you may be subject to a
deduction of up to 30% of the mark awarded.

To pass the course, you must achieve an average of at least 5.0/10 in the team
assignments, and an average of at least 5.0/10 in the two individual tasks (mid-
term and final task).

If you pass all the team assignments and the two individual tasks, you will
not have to sit the official exam (‘convocatoria ordinaria’).

If you do not achieve an average of 5.0/10 in the team assignments, you will be
required to re-submit one or more of the team assignments on the official exam
date, within time constraints indicated by the lecturer. If you do not achieve an
average of 5.0/10 in the two individual translations, you will be required to resit
the task in which you obtained the lower score on the day of the resit
(‘convocatoria extraordinaria’).

T3 C inglés. Second term 2022-23

For further information, see the document entitled ‘Course assessment in detail’.

(b) Final examination only

If you wish to follow the Final examination option, you must request this in
writing to the Director of the Department of Translation and Interpreting in
the first two weeks of term. In your request, you will need to justify why you
are unable to follow the continuous assessment.

If your request is accepted, you will be able to sit the final exam (‘convocatoria
ordinaria’). The exam will consist of two parts corresponding to each of the two
blocks of the course, and will account for 100% of your final mark for the course.
The first part will relate to the tourist block and will consist of a written translation
to be completed in class without access to computers, in the time established for
the official exam. The second part will relate to the current affairs block and will
be completed within 24 hours. The task will be made available on Prado on the day
of the official exam.

Each part of the exam will be worth 50%. In order to pass the course, you will need
to obtain at least 5 out of ten in each of the two parts.

For further information, see the document entitled ‘Course assessment in detail’.

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