Old and New Regime of Tax:
At the time of making the investment declaration the employees were given an option to choose the tax regime. Based
on the tax regime opted by them their taxes were calculated and deduced during the year.
As per the CBDT circular dated April 13, 2020. It was clarified that the tax regime once opted by an employee cannot be
changed during the Financial Year. However if an employee wants to change the tax regime he/she may do so at the time
of filing of their personal income tax return.
Therefore, the employees opted for the new regime of tax under section 115BAC of the Income Tax Act, would not be
getting any benefit for the investments done by them. And hence such employees are not required to submit any proofs
of investments.
While for the employees opted for old tax regime will continue getting the benefits of the various investments
done by them, as they had been doing till now in the previous year(s). The detailed section wise guidelines
given below will help in understanding the requirement of documents to be submitted to get proper benefits
of the investment done by them.
Income Tax Guidelines for Financial Year 2022-23
Key Points
▪ Tax rates are subject to revision in the Annual Union Budget
▪ It is mandatory for every employee to possess PAN Number. Unless valid PAN is updated in ESS Portal, no credit of taxes
deducted shall be available and Form 16 will also not be available as per IT Rules.
No tax exemption Under Section 10 (except Gratuity and Leave Encashment), Standard deduction, Chapter VI Tax deduction,
Professional Tax etc. allowed under New Tax Regime.
Section Allowed
Section 10
House Rent Allowance (HRA) No
Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) NO
Children Education Allowance No
Gratuity (on separation from Organization) Yes
Leave Encashment (on separation from Organization) Yes
Section 80EE - Income Tax Benefits on Interest on Home Loan (First Time Buyers) No
Section 80EEA - Deduction in Respect of Interest on Loan Taken for Certain House Property No
Section 80EEB - Deduction in Respect of Interest on Loan Taken for Purchase of Electric Vehicle No
Section 80TTB - Interest Earned from Saving Account, FD & RD (For Senior Citizen) No
Section 80C - (PF, VPF, LIP, PPF, NSC, Accrued Interest on NSC, ULIP, Mutual Funds, ELSS, Children Tuition No
Fees, Fixed Deposit, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Employee Contribution to NPS, etc.)
Monthly rent paid amount should be mentioned clearly on the rent receipt to avoid any confusion
during the validation of actual documents.
Receipt should be in readable format and all information mentioned should be clearly visible.
Note: -
• If the rent amount is more than Rs. 8,333/- per month (Rs. 1,00,000/- per year) and
claiming HRA benefit, it is mandatory to furnish Permanent Account Number (PAN) of
the landlord is mandatory.
• In case employee is paying rent amount which exceeds Rs.50000 every month to a
resident Indian, Individuals to deduct tax (TDS) at 5% of the rent. This is. This amendment
has come into effect from the 1st June, 2017.
• Furnish a copy of Form 16C (if issued to landlord during FY 2021-22) or declaration in
the attached format confirming that Form 16C shall be issued in due course.
Please note that only those expenditure gets qualified for exemption from income-tax on which
payment of rent has actually been incurred in respect of residential accommodation occupied by
the assessee
Thus, house rent allowance which is granted to an employee who is residing in a house/flat
owned by him/spouse, is not exempted from income-tax.
Proof Required
Section Details
U/S 80D – • Deduction u/s 80D is allowed against premium paid for Mediclaim • Photocopies of the
MEDICAL policy: receipt of
INSURANCE - Individual Policy can be in the name of taxpayer, spouse, premium paid.
PREMIUM parents or dependent children.
- HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) policy can be taken for any • Original medical
member of the family and it is allowed as deduction at HUF bills along with
only. declaration from
• Maximum Limit for Deduction: the employee (in
- Deduction up to Rs. 25,000/- is allowed when policy is taken case of medical
for self, spouse & dependent children expenditure
- Additional deduction up to Rs. 25000/- is allowed when the claimed for senior
policy is taken for parents of the taxpayer whether citizens for whom
dependent or not. the Mediclaim
- In case Taxpayer/Spouse or Parents are Senior Citizens (i.e., insurance is not
residents of India with 60 years or more of age), deduction is paid)
allowed up to Rs. 50000/- for both taxpayer and the parents
instead of up to Rs 25000/-, as mentioned in both of the
above cases.
• Deduction is allowed against premium paid for current financial year Note:
only. • No proof is
- If the premium payment due date is after the cut-off date, then required in case
last year’s receipt needs to be submitted. Basis the last insurance
year’s receipt, the benefit will be provided. premium is getting
• Only Self / spouse /children and parent’s proof(s) is/are to be deducted directly
provided and age is to be specified in the proofs. from salary.
• Medical expenses on the health of a person who is a senior
citizen can be claimed if the Mediclaim insurance premium is • Promissory note will not
not paid on the health of such person. be allowed for Tax
• Late fees or any other penalties are not allowed as per IT Act, hence, benefit.
it will not be considered as deduction.
• Premium payment mode or the payment of medical expenditure
should be other than cash (exception only in case of preventive
health checkup).
• Preventive Health checkup benefits will be allowed for an
amount maximum up- to Rs.5,000/-, the maximum limit within
section 80D.
• Premium paid against In-laws insurance policy shall not be
allowed for tax exemption.
1. Taxpayer needs to ensure to neither enter any “Mediclaim
Premium amount” nor upload any document in case Mediclaim
insurance premium is deducted from salary under Parental
2. Amount deducted towards In-laws parents should be excluded
as the same is not allowed to be deducted from total income.
Section Details Proof Required
U/S 80E – REPAYMENT • Benefit is available only to an individual assessee for the • Certificate of payment from
OF INTEREST ON interest amount paid on education loan taken for the full-time higher bank
EDUCATION LOAN education of self, spouse or children or the student for whom the / financial Institution
individual is a legal guardian. mentioning amount of
• The loan should be taken from any bank / financial institution or any interest paid during the
approved charitable institutions. Loans taken from friends or financial year.
relatives do not qualify for the deduction.
Educational loans are considered irrespective of the place of study
(within or outside India). Higher studies include all the fields of study
pursued after passing senior secondary examination or its equivalent Note:
exam. It includes both the Vocational courses as well as the regular • Promissory note will not
courses. be allowed for Tax
• The deduction for the interest on loan starts from the year in which benefit.
assessee starts repaying the loan. The benefit is available only for 8
years starting from the year in which assessee starts repaying the
loan or until the interest is fully repaid, whichever is earlier. It
means if entire payments are done in 5 years only, then tax deduction
will be allowed for 5 years and not 8 years.
• Any Part time or correspondence courses are not be considered as a
part of deductions.
80EE – Income Tax This scheme was introduced for financial year 2013-14 and was 1. Certificate of payment
Benefits on Interest on available for 2 years, FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 only (assessment year from bank /Institution
Home Loan (First Time 2014-15 and 2015-16). This was initially available for up to Rs. 1,00,000 mentioning amount of
Buyers) per year only. principal & interest paid
during the financial year.
However, this section has been reintroduced effective FY 2016-17 (AY
2017-18). Therefore, deduction of Rs. 50,000 per year is allowed on 2. Declaration to the effect
interest amounting as per the following conditions: that the employee does
not own any other house
- The benefit of tax deduction available till the loan is fully property on the date of
repaid. sanction of loan.
- The benefit is available on or above Rs. 2,00,000 as allowed u/s
24(b). 3. Copy of registration/Sale
deed of house
Following conditions should be satisfied. mentioning the value of
1. Loan should be sanctioned between 1st Apr’16 to 31st Mar’17. property.
2. The amount of loan sanctioned for residential house property
should not exceed Rs. 35,00,000/-. 4. Copy of loan sanction
3. The value of residential house property should not exceed letter, to determine the
Rs.50,00,000/-. loan sanction date.
4. The assessee should not own any house property on the date of Note:
sanction of loan. • Promissory note will not
be allowed for Tax
sanction of loan.
Section Details Proof Required
80EEB – Deduction in Deduction under section 80EEB is available if the following 1. Certificate of payment from bank
respect of interest on conditions are satisfied. /Institution mentioning amount of
loan taken for purchase principal & interest paid during the
of electric vehicle 1. Loan should be taken for purchase of electric vehicle financial year.
2. Loan should be sanctioned by bank/financial
institution between 1st April'19 to 31st March'23 2. Copy of vehicle registration
• Benefit can be availed for a maximum amount of
Rs.150,000 or actual interest, whichever is lesser. 3. Copy of loan sanction letter, to
determine the loan sanction date.
• Promissory note will not be allowed
for Tax benefit.
Section Details Proof Required
If age is 60 years or more, then amount of deduction would be 2. Original medical bills for the
actual medical expenses or Rs. 100,000/-, whichever is lower. expenses incurred on
treatment of such dependent.
Following is the list of specified diseases and ailments for
deduction under section 80DDB: 3. This certificate must be
(a) Neurological diseases obtained in respect of each
(b) Dementia assessment year for which the
(c) Dystonia Musculorum Deformans deduction is claimed and
(d) Motor Neuron Disease enclosed to the return of
(e) Ataxia income for that assessment
(f) Chorea year.
(g) Hemiballismus
(h) Aphasia
(i) Parkinson’s Disease Note:
(j)Malignant Cancer • Promissory note will not be
(k) Full Blown AIDS allowed for Tax benefit.
(l) Chronic Renal failure
(m) Hematological Disorder (a) Hemophilia & (b) Thalassaemia
Section Details Proof Required
80U - PERMANENT • In case of a person with disability (40% and above but less than 1. Certificate issued by a
SELF PHYSICAL 80%) the amount of deduction is fixed at Rs. 75,000/-, physician, surgeon, oculist or
DISABILITY INCLUDING irrespective of actual expenditure. a psychiatrist working in a
BLINDNESS hospital or institution
• In case of a person with severe disability (80% or above), specified by appropriate
a higher deduction of Rs.1,25,000/- shall be allowed, government for the purpose
irrespective of actual expenditure. of the Persons with
Disabilities (Equal
• Proofs should have the name of employee. Opportunities, Protection of
Rights and Full Participation)
• He is a person with disability. Act 1995
3. Where condition of
disability requires
reassessment, fresh
certificate to be obtained
after its expiry to continue
claiming the deduction.
• Promissory note will not be
allowed for Tax benefit.
80TTA - Interest on Section 80TTA is proposed to be introduced to provide Copy of bank statement for the
Saving Account deduction to an individual or a Hindu undivided family in respect FY 2022-23 where interest
& of interest received on deposits (not being time deposits) in a credited amount clearly
80TTB (for senior citizen savings account held with banks, cooperative banks and post mention on the statement.
wrt to interest earned office. The deduction is restricted to Rs 10,000/- or actual
from Saving Account, FD interest, whichever is lower.
& RD)
E.g. Total Interest is Rs. 50,000/- then 50,000 - 10,000 = Note:
40,000/- will be taxable • Promissory note will not be
allowed for Tax benefit.
Note: The remaining amount will be considered as an income
also under the head “Other Income”.
Benefit on Interest income for senior citizens is increased from
Rs 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 U/s 80TTB. Interest income will include
interest earned from savings account, fixed deposits (FD) and
recurring deposits (RD).
Section Details Proof Required
NPS (National Pension As per the section 80CCE, the aggregate amount of deduction 1. Photocopy of all the payment
Scheme) under sections 80C, 80CCC and Section 80CCD(1) shall not receipts issued by the bank
exceed Rs. 1,50,000/-. However, the contribution made by the with NPS Account Details (Tier
Central Government or any other employee to a pension I and Tier II)
scheme u/s 80CCD (2) shall be excluded from the limit of
Rs.1,50,000/- provided under this Section and the same
amount will be considered as a perquisite. Note:
• Promissory note will not be
Note: Please do not enter your “NPS Amount” which is part allowed for Tax benefit.
of your FBP.
80CCD(1B) "NPS – Voluntary Additional Deduction of Rs. 50,000/- 1. Photocopy of all the payment
receipts issued by the bank
with NPS Account Details.
Promissory note will not be allowed in any 80C Investment Section
• Promissory note will not be allowed for Tax
NSC interest declared will also be accounted as “Other 1. Photocopy of all the certificates for
ACCURED Income” and taxed. which interest is being claimed.
INTEREST OF Calculation of Interest.
NSC NSC calculator is given with the supporting forms to
calculate the Accrued Interest of NSC.
Particulars Details Proof Required
• Promissory note will not be allowed for Tax
• In case of Joint loan, declaration specifying the % of benefit 2. Relevant possession proof / Self Declaration documents
claimed by the individual should be accompanied with the bank certificate.
• You can claim up to 2 house property as self-occupied. 3. It is advisable to submit utility bill along with possession
• You can claim only one benefit, either HRA or Interest if property
is in the same location or place 4. Stamp Duty Paid Receipt pertaining to current financial
year (Apr’22 to Mar’23) to claim the benefit of stamp
duty paid.
Let out Property (Loss or Income) 1. Provisional certificate pertaining to current financial
year (Apr ’22 – Mar ’23) with breakup of interest and
• Maximum up to Rs. 2,00,000/-. principal from the Housing Finance Company / Bank.
• House property Should be in the name of the employee. 2. Provide the Calculation of Income from a Let-Out property
Note: - This has to be done on ALT Portal under “FORM 12B” Tab of Investment Declaration page (Tope
right side on investment window).