09 - Chapter 3

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This chapter discusses the details of research methodology that is adopted

while doing research for “Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System
in selected Service Industry”. The method adopted in this goes well with
the area of survey. As the research is related to the study of job enrichment
it required to have interaction with multiple employees working at various
levels of the selected organization. To understand their feedback, it was
necessary to ask the right questions. Hence, basic statistical tools are used
to evaluate the answers provided by the employees. The primary area of
the research was the factors that enriched the jobs done by employees. The
literature reviews have assisted the researcher to focus on the type of
research method that will be most suitable for this area of study.


a) Job enrichment: Job enrichment is a motivational technique which

emphasizes the need for challenging and interesting work. It
suggests that jobs be redesigned so that intrinsic satisfaction is
derived from doing the job. In its best applications, it leads to a
vertically enhanced job by adding functions from other
organizational levels, making it contain more variety and challenge
and offer autonomy and pride to the employee

b) Motivation: Motivation can be defined as the inspiration to perform

better. Motivation helps an employee to keep improving his abilities

& skills to ensure the smooth running of business operations and to
achieve corporate objectives


There are different types of industries operating in our Country and

Service Sector is major one. Operating model of service sector is different.
In Service sector, the hierarchy level is different in different Companies at
all the levels, right from Top Management to the Executive level. Hence,
same parameters can’t be implemented to motivate employees at different
hierarchical levels. As all the human beings have different nature &
behavioral pattern, it is difficult for Management to implement one single
motivational technique to enhance the performance of an employee or
improve the working culture in the organization. Due to this, Management
has to implement a set of multiple motivational techniques to improve the
quality of work & employees, to produce better results.

There is a correlation between the concept of job enrichment &

motivation. An employee gets motivated with increased job enrichment. As
per study of concept of job enrichment, it means that the management
assigns some tasks to an employee who enriches his work performance &
abilities; Company provides newest technology to the employee so that it
would be easier for the employee to work, etc. Hence, if an employee is
getting some added activities which are kept maintained for higher level
employees then they feel motivated and give their best performance.

The study of this subject will reveal the facts about the effectiveness of the
Performance Appraisal Systems in Service industry and its impact on the

overall employee performance w.r.t. to their efficiency & behavior and the
various aspects and methods of providing job enrichment to the employees.

It is not possible for the company to provide promotions to all the

employees at the same time as they have to think about the work exposure,
work experience, educational qualifications, skills set developed by the
respective employee, employee’s command over the role he/she is handling
in the organization, his/her behavior while dealing with the internal as well
as external stakeholders and most of all his/her abilities & willingness to
take any new challenges. Likewise, salary increments can’t be same for all
the employees. Company has to consider the significance of the
contributions made by the employee in achieving the overall organizational
objectives. Human Resource department of the company plays a vital role
in defining multiple criteria for applying the motivational practices which
keeps the employee’s moral high. Additionally, it has been observed that
the Line Managers of the respective employee are not capable enough to
judge the capabilities of the subordinates. This leads a situation where that
Line Manger has to depend on its wits and his experience while working
with that individual. Majority of the times, the Managers have set some
preconceived notions in their minds that if certain person is having
experience in one are then he/she will not be able to take up some other
work. And they start sharing biased opinion about the subordinates. It is
the responsibility of the Line Managers to ensure that the subordinates are
groomed well enough to take care of additional work, meet deadlines, for
balancing the authority-responsibility relationship.

Through this, a newly constructed service sector motivation practice will

be suggested which will further provide job enrichment to the employee
and motivation to contribute more and more for achieving the set business

as well as personal objectives as the title of my research work is “Job
Enrichment and Employee Motivation Practices in select service sector
units: A Study”.


Currently it is difficult to gauge the motivation an employee can get from

actions taken by organization. Motivation is key factor through which
employee feels that his/her views are being considered, he/she is part of
some or other decision-making process, etc.

To understand the impact of each & every actions taken by the

organization, it is very important to understand the aspects of human
tendency of looking at it so that if it is required to fill the gaps then actions
can be taken appropriately by a focused approach.


As the subject is more descriptive & understanding of human psychology

is more relevant the period under discussion is considered as one full cycle
of performance appraisals done in the organization. Organizations have
varied approach to have the appraisals. Some have it quarterly, some have
it half yearly & some have it on a yearly basis.

This research covers period of more than 4 years from 2015-2016, 2016-
2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 & 2019-2020 (till May 2019).


A) To understand the concepts of job enrichment & motivation as

applicable to service sector,

B) To examine the relation between job enrichment & motivation,

C) To know the motivational practices and job enrichment techniques

implemented by Companies under research,

D) To understand the impact of job enrichment on the employee



A) It is important to understand the meaning of job enrichment

methods followed by Companies of different types under service
sector before we arrive at a conclusion of developing a new system,

B) A lot of motivation practices are already in use and all are having
some or other limitations. My research will study those limitations
also, to understand the drawbacks which are there in those systems,

C) Compare motivational techniques already implemented by

Companies to understand the common points and the distinct
points, which are critical and must be adhered to.

Develop a new motivational practice which will boost morale of an

employee through job enrichment.


Hypothesis 1:

Ho – It is believed that for different industries different types of

motivational & job enrichment system prove effective.

H1 – It is believed that for different industries different types of

motivation & job enrichment system do not prove effective.

Hypothesis 2:

Ho – The desired level of job enrichment at the work place can’t be

achieved by offering promotion and enhancement in salary.

H1 – The desired level of job enrichment at the work place can be

achieved by offering promotion and enhancement in salary.

Hypothesis 3:

Ho – For successful motivation of employees’ different types of

organization have to adopt different techniques of motivation and
job enrichment.

H1 – For successful motivation of employees’ different types of

organization don’t have to adopt different techniques of motivation and
job enrichment.


Category of
Industry Population Justification for Sample Size

Total 18338* Most of the companies use more or less same

style of performance appraisal management
Service 11403*
system hence, 3 companies would be
sufficient as sample size.
Sample Size 3 Companies

*Source: 18338 Companies are registered under Pune Jurisdiction as per

data maintained on website of Maratha Chamber of Commerce

Sample size (employees) selected from each of the 3 companies from

population is as mentioned in table per below:

Company Name Total Employees Sample Size % of Population

Syngenta Services Pvt. Ltd. 220 66 30%
CBRE 432 32 7%
KPMG 638 62 10%

Methods of data collection

A) Primary Data:

Interviews & Questionnaire

B) Secondary Data:

Books & articles

Methods of data presentation

The answers received from the employees of 3 companies selected as

sample is categorized in simple yes, no, not sure type. Which is then
presented as % of total employees for a respective Company. Such analysis
is done for each question for each individual company and then a final
combined conclusion is mentioned for each question.

Statistical Tools & Technique used

Simple random sampling is used for research & graphical presentation of

data is done for the interviews conducted.


Effectiveness of any job enrichment and motivation practices can be felt

with positive & negative improvements in any human. As human nature is
different in case of every other human it is impossible to include the
behavioral changes for all the humans, hence, study of effectiveness of job
enrichment and motivational practices can be done considering the
changes effected at employees working at different levels in the
organization instead of considering the volume of companies involved in it.

Companies under research did not provide their future plans due to
confidentiality. Company as well did not share the name of the employees
with whom I wished to interview to understand their feedback about
answers provided to the questions as “No”.


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