ACV Kadjar 2015
ACV Kadjar 2015
ACV Kadjar 2015
V.1 Considering factories? 41
V.1.1 Factories mass 41
V.1.2 Impact calculation 41
V.2 Factories allocations 42
V.3 HC additional source 43
V.3.1 Problematic 43
V.3.2 Hypotheses and calculations 43
V.3.3 Results 44
Figure 1 : Material distribution of SCENIC 3 & KADJAR ............................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 : Repartition of environmental impact of KADJAR along its life cycle .............................................................. 9
Figure 3 : Repartition of environmental impacts of the new KADJAR along its life cycle, according to the recycling
scenario with recycling credits ........................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4 : Comparison between SCENIC 3 & KADJAR for the selected impacts ........................................................ 12
Figure 5 : Contributions for vehicle production ............................................................................................................ 14
Figure 6 : Contributions for use phase......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: contributions for end of life ........................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8 : Normalized results for SCENIC 3 and KADJAR .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 9 : Life cycle of a product.................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 10 : Schematic table of LCA steps [EC 2010a] ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 11: Renault vehicle LCA pattern ....................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 12: Cutoff criteria representation ...................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 13 : Systems modeling ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 14 : Bom Import ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 15 : Recycling modelling................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 16: Impact categories chosen for the study ...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 17: Water consumption reduction in Renault factories ..................................................................................... 39
Figure 18: Evolution of packaging waste quantities at production. Quantity in kg per vehicle from 1996 to 2010 ....... 40
Figure 19: Evolution of photochemical ozone creation potential, function of tank temperature (i.e. petrol vapors) ..... 44
Table 1 : Characteristics of the two vehicles compared: KADJAR and SCENIC ........................................................... 6
Table 2 : Emission limits according to EURO 5b and EURO 6 regulations ................................................................... 6
Table 3 : Material description for KADJAR & SCENIC .................................................................................................. 7
Table 4 : Production plants localization ......................................................................................................................... 8
Table 5 : Environmental impact of the new KADJAR and repartition ........................................................................... 10
Table 6 : Environmental impact of the new KADJAR according the recycling scenario including recycling credits ..... 11
Table 7 : Sensitivity study for inbound logistic ............................................................................................................. 27
Table 8: Comparison of environmental impacts following a modification of supply transport, applied on an average
Renault vehicle .................................................................................................................................................. 27
Table 8: Operation and frequency of maintenance operations .................................................................................... 30
Table 9: Origin and specifications of data collected during analysis ............................................................................ 32
Table 10: Origin and specifications of data collected during analysis (following and end) ........................................... 33
Table 11: Assumptions and definitions for the Life Cycle Assessment ........................................................................ 35
Table 12: Impact assessment choice matrix................................................................................................................ 36
Table 13: Environmental impacts categories selected and definition .......................................................................... 37
Table 14: EU 15 normalisation factors in accordance with CML 2001, Apr. 2013 ....................................................... 38
Table 15: Part of factory’s construction a petrol vehicle’s life cycle ............................................................................. 42
Table 16: Part of factory’s construction a diesel vehicle’s life cycle ............................................................................. 42
Table 17: Comparison of environmental impacts following a 10% increase of Renault factories’ consumptions and
emissions, applied on an average Renault vehicle ............................................................................................ 42
Table 19: Value of photochemical ozone creation potential for use phase, function of tank temperature (i.e. petrol
vapors) ............................................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 20: European emission standards for diesel engines ........................................................................................ 48
Table 21: European emission standards for petrol, LPG and NG engines .................................................................. 48
This part presents the results of the life cycle assessment of the new Renault KADJAR.
It is a comparative LCA study and compares the new Renault KADJAR with an existed model in
the range. The closest one is the Renault SCENIC 3 (short, 5 passengers).
We have to precise that this comparison doesn’t followed exactly the methodology mentioned in
the second part of this report. Indeed, we are not comparing a replaced vehicle and the new one
because Kadjar is a new car in the Renault range. The comparison is based on the customer
targeted by the vehicle. KADJAR and SCENIC share the same target in term of customers (family,
young people) and propose the same kind of performances (weight, habitability, number of
passengers) despite their opposite design. To reinforce the comparison, we use the same engine
for both. Moreover, journalists and customers consider the crossover as the best alternative to
small monospace like the short SCENIC.
For all these reasons we consider the comparison with SCENIC as a good way to evaluate the
environmental performances of new Renault KADJAR.Nevertheless, the results will be lower than
a comparison with an older vehicle which was developed as long ago.
The two vehicles assessed have standard equipment and similar characteristics that are
described in the following table:
Denomination Scenic Kadjar
Production Start 2009 2015
Category VP – M1 VP – M1
Body J segment I segment
Fuel diesel diesel
Engine K9K K9K
For information, the emission limits according EURO 5b and EURO 6 (category M1) for particular
vehicles equipped with diesel engines are given in the following table:
CO (g/km) 0,500 0,500
HC (g/km) 0,100 0,100
NMHC (g/km) 0,230 0,170
NOx (g/km) 0,180 0,080
Part. Mass (mg/km) 5 5
Part. Number (#/km) 6x1011 6x1011
Table 2 : Emission limits according to EURO 5b and EURO 6 regulations
All details about emissions regulations are available in appendix VI.3.
The following table shows the different materials composition of the 2 compared vehicles:
As described in the graphs, the distribution of the materials is almost the same between the
These materials compisitions allow us to conclude that KADJAR and SCENIC have the same
positioning in the range.
Although both vehicle have the same ratios, KADJAR is lighter than Scenic thanks to its new
platform and the work achieved to reduce the global weight of the vehicle. This achievement is
linked to a global roadmap in order to reduce the weight of our vehicle.
The two vehicles are not assembled in the same factory, one is assembled in France and the
second one in Spain.
Table 4 shows also where engine and gearbox for both vehcile are manufactured.
Scenic Kadjar
Vehicle assembly factory Douai (FRANCE) Palencia (SPAIN)
Engine factory Valladolid (SPAIN) Valladolid (SPAIN)
Gearbox factory Cacia (PORTUGAL) Seville (SPAIN)
The emissions and consumptions related to the vehicle assembly, engine and gearbox are taken
into account.
Logistic is also estimated according to those data.
Figure 2 presents the distribution of selected impacts all along the life cycle.
Concerning the recycling phase, it is modelled according to reference scenario (see chapter III.6,
For more information about the choice of indicators, refer to the methodological part, chapter IV.1,
p 33.
As explained on the methodological part, we have chosen to give results for 2 recycling scenario.
The following figure gives the results for scenario 2 (recycling credits are estimated and included
in the recycling phase results).
Figure 3 : Repartition of environmental impacts of the new KADJAR along its life cycle, according to the
recycling scenario with recycling credits
The following figure shows the comparison between the two vehicles.
Figure 4 : Comparison between SCENIC 3 & KADJAR for the selected impacts
The difference between SCENIC 3 and KADJAR is comprised for each environmental impact
between 14 and 18%.
The main difference for each impact concerns the production; the differences are relatively low
compared to other vehicles in the Renault range. We can explain this results by the choice of a
new version of SCENIC 3 equiped with a EURO 5b engine which is already respectful of the
environment. Nevertheless, we used the same LCA model, with the same hypothesis in order to
minimize the incertainties. In this situation, we can notice the significative improvement obtained
by the new ways of development applied on Kadjar. The weight reduction, and the use of a new
platform have allowed to decrease the global impact of the car.
This comparison highlights the difficulties to decrease on each vehicle its environmental impacts.
(>95%) thanks to a new way of management and a favorable panel of suppliers. Furthermore, we
have to apply the same kind of datas management in our ongoing project.
Concerning the full LCA of cars, we can notice that the main contribution comes from the use
The results analysis shows the details of the contributions of each phase of the vehicle life cycle.
Vehicle production:
The following figure shows the different contributions for vehicle production.
Figure 5 : Contributions for vehicle production KADJAR
First of all, the contribution of materials is preponderant in the production phase. Logistics and
manufacturing represent less than 20% of the impacts excepting for POCP for which assembly
and logistis represent around 40%.
Within materials, metal and plastics are responsible for more than 80% of the impacts excepting
for eutrophication and POCP wherein the production of tire and the assembly are significant.
However, we notice that manufacturing is mainly impacted for POCP (around 30%) which
representative the major impact of manufacturing.
The main contributors identified are the cast aluminimum, and steel cast used for body parts for
Use phase:
The following figure presents results for the different contributions of the use phase.
Figure 6 : Contributions for use phase KADJAR
For the use phase, contributions are closely linked to different indicators, but the production of
fuel is the most significant for all the impact (between 40% and up to more than 95% for ADP)
excepting for the global warming which is composed mainly with the driving phase.
If we consider the driving phase of the vehicle (well to tank + tank to wheel), it represents more
than 80% of the impacts.
End of life:
The following figure presents the contributions of end of life for each environmental impact.
Distribution of impact is specific for each type of recycling and associated credits.
The main contributions are for copper recycling ang waste treatment. These two contributors are
responsible of more than 25% of the impacts for each impact.
For recycling credits, the main benefits come from the aluminium and plastics recycling. Despite
the benefits, the process of plastics recycling is the third contributors in term of impact.
In order to give another interpretation of the results, it is possible to normalize the several potential
impacts presented in this study.
Normalization consists in dividing the value of the product per the value of a reference case on
each indicator.
This tool gives the contribution of the studied product on the chosen indicators.
The normalization methodology is CML2001 Western Europe, which is in line with our scope.
Normalization factors are available thanks to our GaBi software and Thinkstep database. They
are gathered in the following table:
The results are presented below.
We performed in this report a comparison between KADJAR & SCENIC 3 to identify the
differences in term of environmental impact by using LCA.
We have defined 5 impacts to measure and compare our vehicles, and the analysis of each of
them show us an improvement on KADJAR compared to SCENIC 3.
We can conclude (based on the following hypothesis which allow to make the comparisons) that
KADJAR has a lower environmental footprint than SCENIC despite they are both recent:
- Same market and target in term of customers despite the design modifications.
- Same vehicle range.
- Same engines and equipments.
- Same perimeters of comparison with the same use cases.
Earnings are directly linked to the vehicle and due to its improvement in term of CO2
emissions, materials using, supply chain management.
In general for the LCA performance at Renault, we have identify some ways of improvement:
- We will sudy the possibility to include all the waste (manufacturing and maintenance which
represents the main contribution to the global waste.).
- We have planned an updated of the oldest Databases with our supplier.
- We use for the moment only 5 impacts contrary to JRC. On this point, we won’t make any
- We don’t take into account the contribution of the plants in term of building, but we are
perfroming an update concerning the datas, and the values will be integrated in the future
We are continually improving our approach of the LCA analysis at Renault to include all the new
developments and the remarks coming from experts of Solinnen.
This part of the document presents the framework to conduct the Life Cycle Assessment studies
of Renault vehicles.
This methodology is the same for all vehicle studies.
This methodology report is the version v1.
Based on ISO 14040-44 standards, Life Cycle Assessment is a technique to assess in a scientific
and objective way, all potential environmental impacts of a product, considering its whole life cycle:
from cradle to grave as described in Figure 9.
LCA studies comply with the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards [ISO 2006], and the following
framework shows how to conduct LCA studies.
Generally Renault LCA studies compare the results for a vehicle launched with the predecessor
The goal of Renault’s LCA studies is to assess the environmental impacts of all new vehicles.
When it exists, the goal of LCA studies is to compare the new vehicle with its predecessor.
An LCA study is an image of the product as it is launched and operates for defined time and
mileage, as described in the functional unit (II.2.1).
A 10 year and 150 000 kilometers in the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) standard is usually
applied in Renault studies. It is a meanvalue and is not representative for all vehicles’
use.However, Renault use this value in accordance with the compromise established between
the CCFA and the automotive industry.
As a standard for all studies, benefits from the recycling processes, considered as potential credit,
are not allocated to products. Results will be provided for information on the potential benefit for
Each LCA study is an attributional LCA and marginal or rebound effects are not taken into account.
Note: Limitations on new technologies (eg. Electric vehicle) are further detailed in relevant LCA
LCA studies will be available to expert stakeholders in order to sustain the dialogue on life cycle
management and an executive summary can be prepared for non-expert readers.
An expert in environment and life cycle assessment will be assigned to review each report in
compliance with the ISO 14040 standard and to validate the findings. The LCA critical review
report is available with each LCA study.
Studies are planned to be disclosed to the public.
It is not possible to make a direct comparison between the results of two different LCA studies,
for instance from any other car manufacturer.
When a comparison is made it is described precisely in the specific vehicle study report and it
usually concerns the comparison between the new vehicle and its predecessor.
The main objective is to maintain a logic when two vehicle are compared. We have to compare
only 2 vehicles dedicated to the same market, with the same customer target and behavior. In the
case of the new comer in the range, we will compare the new vehicle with the closest existed
vehicle in the range. For example, we coul compare Kadjar and Short Scenic. They are dedicated
to the same market, with the same objectives.
Thus it is also not possible to compare two different Renault vehicle studies (different model,
Functional unit
- What: Transportation of passengers in a vehicle
- How much: 150 000 km (Europe geographic scope)
- How long: 10 years
- How well: Respect of the norms, studied vehicle type approval
- The vehicle itself defines the reference flow. It is described precisely in the chapter “Goal
and scope of the vehicle study” of the dedicated LCA study.
Water Emissions
Energy (electric, thermal..) (air, water, land)
Raw material Waste
Figure 11: Renault vehicle LCA pattern
The LCA studies analyze all the necessary data to cover the 3 main steps that contribute to the
life cycle impacts:
- the production of the vehicle which include materials extraction and parts production, logistic
of parts and vehicle
- the use of the vehicle including also fuel production (Diesel, gasoline or electricity),
- the end of life treatment including dismantling and shredding
A default cutoff criteria of 95% in mass or energy is applied on all study. In addition a criteria of
99% in mass is applied on the bill of materials of the studied vehicle and all substances of
environmental signficance such as toxic substances and rare ressources shall be taken into
account (as described in Figure 12). The cut-offs values are calcultated for each vehicles as it is
mentioned in part III.3.
NB: Omitted flows will not include toxic substances and rare resources like platinum or gold (i.e.
electronic components)
- On the use of a thermal vehicle, for example with a consumption at 4L/100km, no more than 300
L can be neglected (≈250kg) (5% of a consumption of 4L/100km on a distance of 150 000 km
during 10 years is 300 L)
- For various emissions (air, water, land) calculated flows are approximated to µg/reference flow.
For more information about cutoff criteria applied to the different elements of LCA software
databases used: GaBi 6.0, report to documentation available at:
95 % Mass
99 % Mass
Vehicle’s production
Figure 12: Cutoff criteria representation
Figure 13 represents steps and elements constituting the system: perimeter included in the
studies and the one which is excluded such as material second life benefits or vehicle sales.
Renault plants
Not included
The identification of vehicles material content enables the estimation of the total supply chain
impact from material production to processing stages.
The impact of transformation processes is proportional to the mass of material.
GaBi Thinkstep datasets are used to get the transformation impacts.It is average transformation
When choice is possible, the supply chain is modeled as European wide. In term of supply chain
modelization, we don’t take into account the supplier’s localization. To apply a representative
impact, we choose a value of 2000km as inbound impact by trucks.
The list of all aggregated datasets used in the Renault modelling system is available in APPENDIX
In the case of electric vehicles studies, the battery production is treated apart and specification is
described in the relevant report.
For Diesel, gasoline or electricity, Thinkstep GaBi datatsets are considered depending on the
country where the vehicle is sold (see APPENDIX VI.4).
II.2.2.5 Logistics
Logistic “inbound”, which include all logistic of parts is estimated according to logistic experts in
Renault. A sensitivity analysis shows that logistic inbound is not the main contribution of vehicle
LCA results and that the estimation is relevant. We use a value of 2000km by trucks as inputs for
logistic inbound calculation.
Logistic outbound, which include he delivery of assembled vehicles from the assembly plant to
final customer is considered.
II.2.2.6 Use
The use phase, defined for 150 000 km, includes:
- Fuel consumption (gasoline, diesel, electricity)
- Atmospheric emissions from thermal engine operation and electricity
production: CO2, CO, NOx, HC, SO2, Particles PM10 (from diesel engines)
- Maintenance detailed in chapter III.5.3 :
Oil (drain), oil filters (thermal engines), tires, windscreen washer
liquid, air conditioning
The hypothesis use for maintenance are the same for all the vehicles.
Collecting data to perform LCA is complex. It requires different information from all departments,
not only technical data but also marketing data, environmental reports or material and parts details.
The vehicle is also identified with a VIN number, required to obtain the homologation data,
necessary to calculate the use phase.
To comply with these regulations Renault and other car manufacturers use IMDS (International
Material Data System). This system gathers the information on material concerning every parts
of the vehicle (from Original Equipment Manufacturers and their suppliers) so that Renault can
have the material information for the whole vehicle.
Thanks to the IMDS material database, it is possible to describe the vehicle according different
material categories. We use, if it is necessary to complete the IMDS datas, the same datas use
for the recycling certification according to European regulation 2000/53/EC.
These data are those that are considered to get the whole impact of raw material during the
vehicle life cycle thanks to GaBi software.
In order to carry out the LCA calculation, the vehicle material and processing steps are described
thanks to the BOM import functonnality which has been developed specifically for Renault‘s needs.
The GaBi datasets can be country specific. When the choice is possible, we prefer:
1- European datasets
2- Global dataset (world meanvalue)
3- If the choice is possible for different countries but there is no European or worldwide
datasets, we choose preferably Germany which presents an interesting and
representative electrical mix.
The list of all the datasets used in the vehicle model is available in APPENDIX VI.4.
Bom import is a specific tool developed by Thinkstep for Renault. This software allows to define
a relationship between the materials used in Renault’s cars (coming from IMDS) and the specific
flows defined in GaBi. The mapping uses for our LCA studies is already updated by the new
The figure mentions below as for goal to explain how our datas are collected.
Reference (Twingo 2): inbound according to
Acidification logistic expert = 2000km)
potential Inbound / 2 -0,43%
Inbound x 2 0,85%
Reference (Twingo 2): inbound according to
Global Warming logistic expert = 2000km)
potential Inbound / 2 -0,16%
Inbound x 2 0,32%
Reference (Twingo 2): inbound according to
Eutrophication logistic expert = 2000km)
potential Inbound / 2 -0,79%
Inbound x 2 1,57%
Reference (Twingo 2): inbound according to
Photochemical 100%
logistic expert = 2000km)
ozone creation
Inbound / 2 -0,17%
Inbound x 2 0,35%
Table 7 : Sensitivity study for inbound logistic
The logistic outbound is defined by the delivery of the vehicle in retail network. These informations
(number of km, transportation mode) are already and easily available and are used in LCA.
In order to explain our choice of a distance of 2000kms concerning the inbound and considering
multiple hypothesis made to obtain and treat data from parts transport from first rank suppliers to
the factory (assembly), it is important to verify if hypothesis were reasonable and if data was not
over or under-estimated. So, we chose to modify distance of this transport to observe if it
consequently changes our results. We doubled supply chain distance, from 2000 to 4000 km.
Following table gives results concerning impacts potentials (only global ones). We observe
changes on vehicle production phase because supply chain is only part of this step.
We observe a logical increase of all impacts from this mileage increase. The consequences of
larger distances are larger fuel consumption and then pollutant emissions. But those increases
do not overpass 5%, our cutoff criteria.
We can highlight the low contribution of supply transport on environmental impacts over the global
life cycle and the negligibility of an approximation on this parameter.
III.4.2.1 Impacts
Every plant participating in Renault vehicle production is ISO14001 certified.
Since 1998, Renault checks and controls consumptions and emissions to improve environmental
performance. Since 2012, these data are mandatory standards in France (Article 225 of Grenelle
2 French law). We use these data to conduct the LCA studies. The advantage is that all
information is available and updated each year.The detail of data is described just bellow:
These values are available in the annual Energy and Environment reports, they are udated each
III.4.2.2 Allocations
Renault sites are dedicated to the manufacture of different engines, gearboxes or vehicles.
Impact allocation problems occur when a factory produces different engines and gearboxes, or
when an assembly plant produces different cars.The contribution of each module needs to be
estimated and calculated.
In our panel of plants, we could find assembly lines designed for vehicles, engines and gearboxes.
In this case we have to identify the datas from vehicle and from mechanical.
Moreover, some factories produce different model on the same assembly line (vehicle or engines
or gearboxes) and in this case the assumption is made that emissions are equally shared for
vehicles that are assembled in the same factory. The same assumption is made concerning
engine and gearbox.
Fuel production step starts with oil extraction or electricity production and ends at sale to customer.
This step is named “well to tank”.
The environmental flows associated to these consumptions (incoming or outgoing) are included
in the software.
In addition, we take into account the country where the vehicle is used. Indeed, the electrical mix
is significantly different depending on country of use.
Tailpipe emission data and fuel or electricity production are included in conformity certificates
(excluding SO2 emissions).
Those certificates contain official vehicle type homologation data of Renault cars.
SO2 emissions depend on sulfur rate of Diesel fuel. They are calculated with the following formula:
ppm of S * 2*10-6 * consumption (en g/km) = … gSO2/km
With density:
Gasoline = 747g/l
Diesel = 835g/l
In 2012, all newly launched vehicles in Europe comply with Euro V tailpipe emission regulation:
sulfur rate in gasoline and diesel is 10 ppm.
From its engine technology, an electric vehicle does not produce any tailpipe emissions like CO2,
NOX, SO2 or particles.
Maintenance operations (except crash) are described in Table 9
Concerning the wash of vehicles, as all washes are the same from one product to another, the
water consumption is not considered to calculate impacts and then, not considered in Renault’s
- Scenario 1 – Reference scenario: we consider the processes for the dismantling and
shredding of the end of life vehicle. Are also considered the recycling processes to
produce secondary material, but recycling credits related to the production of the
secondary material are not considered.
- Scenario 2: Recycling credits are estimated and included in the recycling phase results
Figure 15 : Recycling modelling
Recycling Allocation:
Secondary material produced thanks to recycling processes can be considered as substitute for
new material at production and consequently associated to a recycling credit.
Particular attention:
During the modelling phase of the production of the vehicle, data set used to model the production
of raw material, provided by Thinkstep can take into account secondary material (For example,
steel production takes into account the integration of secondary material).
This secondary material must not be considered during the end of life process to avoid double
Data specification Data source
Process Product Specific
General 1 2 3 4 5
specific to site
Vehicle’s production
Aluminum production X X
List of used datasets
Polymers and plastics production X X
List of used datasets
Other materials production (copper…) X X
List of used datasets
Production activities (included assembly
X X X RENAULT - Environ
of engine, gearbox, vehicle)
Vehicle treatment and paint X X X RENAULT - Environ
Notes :
1) Measures
2) Calculations from mass balances and/or incoming data for the defined process
3) Extrapolation of data from a defined process or similar technology
4) Extrapolation of a defined process or similar technology
5) Estimations
Product specific data : refers to processes specifically referring to vehicle
Site specific data : concern data from sites invorlved in the vehicle production but not specific to the vehicle
General data : what is left
Board source: Adapted from « Environmental Assessment of Products » - Volume 1 – H. Wenzel
Table 10: Origin and specifications of data collected during analysis
Data specification Data source type
Process Product Specific
General 1 2 3 4 5
specific to site
Vehicle’s use
Energy production (including electricity) X X
List of used datasets
Notes :
2) Calculations from mass balances and/or incoming data for the defined process
3) Extrapolation of data from a defined process or similar technology
4) Extrapolation of a defined process or similar technology
5) Estimations
Product specific data : refers to processes specifically referring to vehicle
Site specific data : concern data from sites invorlved in the vehicle production but not specific to
the vehicle
General data : what is left
Board source: Adapted from « Environmental Assessment of Products » - Volume 1 – H. Wenzel
Table 11: Origin and specifications of data collected during analysis (following and end)
The table below presents a summary of all the assumptions and definitions considered in a LCA study.
Intended applications
• Complete our range of LCA studies in order to compare each new vehicle with its predecessor or
with a similar existed vehicle in the range.
• Set up new unit process and LCI data sets (eg battery) to be used in a new calculation model
• Build a comprehensive science based dialogue with expert stakeholders inside and outside of the
Scope of assessment
• Function of systems:
Transport of passengers in a vehicle
• Functional unit:
Transportation of persons in a vehicle, for a distance of 150 000 kms (~93 000 miles), during 10 years,
respecting vehicle type approval regulations (e.g. NEDC driving cycle)
• Comparable performance figures
• Cars with standard equipment and fittings
System boundaries
• The system boundaries include the entire life cycle of the cars (manufacturing, service life and
recycling phase), according to cut-off criteria.
Cut-off criteria
• The assessment includes maintenance but not repairs
• No environmental impact credits are awarded for secondary raw materials produced
• Cut-off criteria applied in GaBi data records, as described in the software documentation
• Explicit cut-off criteria, such as mass or relevant emissions, are defined at 99% for the vehicle’s
definition and 95% for incoming flows.
• Allocations used in GaBi data, as described in the software documentation (www.gabi-
• Allocations for end of life is described in the end of life chapter of the report
Data basis
• Renault vehicle parts lists
• Material and mass information from the Renault IMDS
• Emission limits (for regulated emissions) laid down in current EU legislation
• The data used comes from the GaBi database or collected in Renault plants, suppliers or industrial
• Evaluation of Life Cycle Inventory and impact assessment results, subdivided into life cycle phases
and individual processes
• Comparisons of impact assessment results of the vehicles compared
• Interpretation of results
Table 12: Assumptions and definitions for the Life Cycle Assessment
Environmental indicators were chosen in considering three criterias:
- Contributions known and supposed of automotive product.
- Diversity of ecosystems, local biodiversity, global resources depletion.
- Indicators positively considered by environmental experts and the European automotive industry.
The choice of indicators was validated by using the French matrix: adapted [ADEME 2011]
[ADEME 2011]
Global warming high high high high
Abiotic depletion high high high high
Water eutrophication medium medium medium medium
Photochemical pollution medium medium medium medium
Acidification medium medium medium medium
Aquatic ecotoxicity medium low medium low
Biodiversity low low medium low
Land Use Change low low medium low
Table 13: Impact assessment choice matrix
Concerning particles, even if they are a key topic for automotive industry, particularly for Diesel
vehicles, they are not considered whithin an indicator. It is explained in the paragraph IV.12.
Abiotic Depletion Potential Global Warming Potential
Indicators Definition
Global Warming 100yr Quantifies non-natural increase of greenhouse effect gas concentration (CO2,
Potential N2O, CH4, refrigerants…) in the atmosphere and consequently of global
(kg CO2 equivalent) warming potential.
Acidification Potential Characterize the acid substances increase (NOx, SO2…) in lower atmosphere,
(kg SO2 equivalent) source of acid rains and forests depletion.
Photochemical Ozone Quantify the production of pollutant ozone (≠ to ozone layer), responsible of
Creation Potential « ozone peaks », results of reaction of sunlight on NOx and volatile organic
(kg Ethene equivalent) compounds. This ozone is irritating for respiratory system.
The environmental impacts determined in the Life Cycle Assessments are representing a specific
burden to the environment; therefore, they are measured in different units. For instance, the global
warming potential is measured in CO2 equivalents and the acidification potential in SO2
equivalents. In order to make them comparable, a normalisation process is required. In our Life
Cycle Assessments, the results are normalised with reference to the annual average
environmental impact caused by Western Europe.
Impact caused by Western Europe
inhabitants x 10-6
Abiotic Resource Depletion Potential
Acidification Potential
(kg SO2 equivalent)
Global Warming 100yr Potential
(kg CO2 equivalent)
Eutrophication Potential
(kg Phosphates equivalent)
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential
(kg Ethene equivalent)
Table 15: EU 15 normalisation factors in accordance with CML 2001, Apr. 2013
Concerning the automotive industry and particularly the use phase of the vehicle, toxicity potential
impact is mainly coming from particulate matters.
These particles are fine dust from incomplete combustion. With a diameter inferior to 10µm, that
can penetrate animal and human airway and cause asthma, inflammations or cancers.
PM 10 is only taken into account in human toxicity indicators.
In his research F. Querini [Querini, 2012] had studied the impact of different fuels on human
toxicity (according to different methodologies). The results show that if Diesel fuel contribute to
PM10 formation, the evolution of Euro standard have considerably reduce particles quantities and
thus Diesel impact on toxicity.
On top of that, the LCA model takes into account only emission that follows Euro regulation and
particulate matters are only measures since Euro 6 regulation. The consequence is that it is not
possible to make a comparison between the wem vehicle and the replaced one.
When comparison will be possible particles and human toxicity indicator will be disclosed.
Conscious of problems linked to water consumption and in an ISO 14001 approach, Renault
works for reducing its use. In this way:
- Group’s water consumption decreased of up to 55% from 1998 to 2010, associated
to a 22,7% increase of the production
- Water consumption per vehicle produced decreased, from 11,3 m3/veh, to a small
4,14 m 3/veh, representing a 63.3% decrease from 1998 to 2010.
(x1000 m3)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Water consumption
From the ISO 14001 deployment in the group, Renault obtained a large amount of data about
the different water sourcings. Water footprint integration will be the next step of the LCA
deployment at Renault, as well as human toxicity. For the time being, Renault focuses on
reducing the group’s global water consumption.
ratio (Kg/véh)
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Figure 18: Evolution of packaging waste quantities at production. Quantity in kg per vehicle from
1996 to 2010
Nevertheless, there are very few data, to be used as a recognized emission factor database, to
achieve reliable calculations for those emissions. As there exists no regulation addressing this
scope, industry performs tests to evaluate functional properties but those measurements do not
allow evaluating lifetime wear emissions.
In addition, the composition of those wear particulates depends very much on the supplier and
some of those parts do not stand for the lifetime of the car and can be changed without any
control of the supply chain by the manufacturer.
Taking only account about the copper emission factor coming from COPERT methodology
would probably be as restrictive as not considering this source of emissions at all.
Any way, ignoring non-exhaust particulate matter probably leads to underestimate the absolute
result of the life cycle impact analyses, but this is not a problem for a wide comparative
approach, tires and break wear being included in all cars whatever there are EV or fossil fuelled.
In order to ensure coherence of hypotheses performed and to measure the influence of some
parameters, we performed a sensitivity analysis. We apply an important change to a parameter
to check if the result is significant or negligible.
With this assumption and since we have on the one hand the information of vehicles and engines
produced for each plant, and on the other hand the estimated surface area for each plant, we can
estimate the factory mass per unit produced (per vehicle or per engine).
These values are quite negligible. Moreover, concrete represents 90% of the factory’s mass and
it is mainly constituted of aggregate (sand, pebbles). Quantity of energy necessary for its
construction is low comparing to energy consumed by the system, and then negligible.
Considering now impacts, we show that the part of the factory allocated to each car is negligible
on the global life cycle.
Then we can consider factories construction (and other infrastructures) as negligible on the global
life cycle.
1,6l 16v (petrol) System’s impact on its
Factory life cycle (without
on life
impact considering factories
Impacts potentials cycle
Abiotic depletion (kgSb-eq) 0.076 219.79 0.034%
Acidification (kgSO2-eq) 0.12 60.10 0.20%
Eutrophication (kgPO4-eq) 0.005 5.35 0.093%
Global warming (kgCO2-eq) 16.4 34762 0.047%
Photochemical ozone creation (kgC2H4-eq) 0.01 12.44 0.080%
Table 16: Part of factory’s construction a petrol vehicle’s life cycle
We note that none of impacts values reaches 0.7 on the global life cycle. It reveals the weak
incidence of an allocation error of factories flows, which contribution stays under 1%.
REMARK: If part of the factories remains weak comparing to the global life cycle of a vehicle, any
reduction of consumptions or emissions is beneficial.
The issue deals here with the potential evaporation of hydrocarbon vapors (petrol) during tank
- From petrol delivery truck to petrol station
- From petrol station fuel pump to vehicle tank.
Because of petrol’s volatility (not concerning diesel), part of hydrocarbons is emitted in the
atmosphere bringing a potential increase of photochemical ozone creation. Moreover, presence
of benzene (0.7% in petrol vapors) brings a public heath problem because it is a carcinogen agent.
Current European legislation does not impose vapor recovery systems on those two steps (unless
recovery systems are being developed). Automotive manufacturers ensure non-evaporation of
petrol vapors once filler hose closed (canister system, tank’s sealing)
Here is a sensitivity analysis when the gas station is equipped with a recovery system for vats
filling. We only consider the impact on which the constructor can act.
REMARK: During petrol station vats filling, the emitted quantity allocated to each vehicle is the
same than the one emitted during tank filling (same quantity of petrol consumed and same
hypothesis concerning evaporation calculation. So we double variation of impact measured.
1) We consider averaged over the year the vapor tension of petrol to a median summer/winter
value: 60kPa at 37.8°C (100° Fahrenheit)
Vapor tension is equally placed between Pentane and Hexane vapor tensions, which equations
2) We consider 1 liter of atmosphere saturated of petrol vapor at atmospheric pressure (101.3
kPa) and at 20°C (average temperature supposed).
Quantity of HC emitted during tank filling approaches 0.079 g/km for a vehicle consuming 7.9
liters/100 km.
At 20°C, this emission is very close to Euro IV emi ssion regulation. If average tank temperature
is 10°C, P petrol becomes 19 kPa and emission approaches 0.052 g/km
Figure 44 represents evolution of photochemical ozone creation’s impact during use phase, with
a tank a 10°C and 20°C considering previous hypothe sis.
Figure 19: Evolution of photochemical ozone creation potential, function of tank temperature (i.e.
petrol vapors)
Table 19: Value of photochemical ozone creation potential for use phase, function of tank
temperature (i.e. petrol vapors)
Fuel vapors are very far from being negligible. There is a real need of vapors recovery.
However, this emission does not have the same geographic dispersion as exhaust gas.
Moreover, as stated previously, in many countries (England, United States…), recovery systems
are compulsory and would be extended to rest of the Europe.
Then Renault does not consider these pollutant emissions in the vehicle life cycle.
However, this sensitivity analysis reveals the need of regulating it quickly on European perimeter.
[ISO 2006] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 14040: Environmental
Management – Life Cycle Assessment – Principles and Framework.
[EC 2010a] European Commission - Joint Research Centre - Institute for Environment and
Sustainability: International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - General guide
for Life Cycle Assessment - Detailed guidance. First edition March 2010.
[EC 2010b] European Commission - Joint Research Centre - Institute for Environment and
Sustainability: ILCD-Handbook-LCIA-Framework-requirements-online-12March2010
[Rosenbaum&al 2008] Ralph K. Rosenbaum, Till M. Bachmann, Lois Swirsky Gold, Mark A. J.
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and Manuele Margni, et al.; USEtox—the UNEP-SETAC toxicity model: recommended
characterisation factors for human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity in life cycle impact
[Querini&al 2010] USEtox relevance as an impact indicator for automotive fuels. Application on
diesel fuel, gasoline and hard coal electricity; F Querini, S Morel, V Boch and P Rousseaux
[Querini, 2012] Analyse de cycle de vie des énergies alternatives pour l’automobile et propositions
méthodologques pour une meilleure évaluation des impacts locaux, thèse soutenue le 6 juillet
[Morel&al 2011] Morel S.; Adibi N.; SETAC; Ecological Over the Life Cycle, Setting the first
Product Carbon Footprint Commitment in the Automotive
[Reap,2008] Reap J., Roman F., Duncan S. and Bras B.;A survey of unresolved problems in life
cycle assessment
[Morel&al 2010] Morel S.; Dang V.; SAM4, New Electric Vehicles and Business Models – a
Consistency Analysis of Functional Unit for Vehicle LCA
[Frischknecht &al 2010] Frischknecht R. & Stucki M.; Scope-dependent modelling of electricity
supply in life cycle assessments
[CIRED 2009] Vogt Schlib A.; Sassi O.; Cassen C.; Hourcade J.C.; Electric vehicles, What
economic viability and climate benefits in contrasting futures?
[MAKISHI 2008] C. Makishi Colodel, M. Fischer, S. Morel , J. Stichling, A. Forel; (SAM3 2008),
Regional Inventories and Opportunities in the Car Industry – The Renault KOLEOS case study
[Schmidt & al 2010] Schmidt WP, Morel S, Ruhland K; Krinke S., Kunne B.; Feasibility of a Global
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[EC 2009] European Parliament & Council - DIRECTIVE 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use
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CML 2001: name of the environmental impacts calculation method from the Institute of
Environmental Sciences of Lieden Faculty of Science
In mg/km
REMARK: For EV, as it is a zero emission from engine’s operation, it fits all EURO regulations.
For the TWINGO study, Renault vehicle model has runned with database 6.11 service pack 27.
Some datasets are not up to date since they were used previously and have moved from
Thinkstep availabled databases to paid extensions that Renault did not subscripted.
date de mise à
Process Source process jour
DE: Lead (99,995%) PE 2014
EU-27: Sulphuric acid (96%) PE 2014
EU-27: Water (desalinated,deionised) PE 2014
DE: Ceramic 2006
GLO: Palladium mix PE 2014
GLO: Platinum mix PE 2014
GLO: Rhodium mix PE 2014
EU-27: Copper Wire Mix DKI/ECI 2014
DE: Copper mix (99,999% from electrolysis) PE 2014
RER: PWB FR4 (2l; 2s; AuNi finishing) PE 2006
RER: IC unspecific (average) PE 2006
DE: Capacitor SMD ceramic (average) PE 2006
DE: Capacitor SMD tantal (average) PE 2006
DE: Resistor SMD (average) PE 2006
DE: Diode SMD small (average) PE 2006
DE: Oscillator SMD (average) PE 2006
Components mixer PE 2006
RER: Assembly line SMD (simple) throughput 1000/day PE 2006
Electronic (ABS/ESP) 2004
DE: Transistor small (average) PE PE 2006
DE: Coil SMD miniature coil (average) PE PE 2006
Card (Electronic part) PE 2006
Electronic (Sensor chases clutch release) 2004
EU-27: Aluminium clean scrap remelting & casting (2010) EAA <p-
agg> PE 2006
RER: Printed wired board FR4 (4l; 2s; AuNi finishing) PE PE 2006
DE: Capacitor AL-ELKO General purpose (Average) PE PE 2006
DE: Transistor SMD power large (average) PE PE 2006
DE: Diode SMD large (average) PE PE 2006
Airbag (Electronic part) 2004
DE: LED (average) PE PE 2006
Card reader (electronic part) 2004
DE: Filter SMD (average) PE PE 2006
Electronic (Sensor height) 2004
RER: IC unspecific (average) PE PE 2006
Electronic (Anti-theft) 2004
Plastic for electronique PE 2006
Electronic (Control panel) PE 2004
Electronic (Sensor pedals accelerator) 2004
Automatic parking brake (Electronic part) 2004
DE: Coil SMD chip coil (average) PE PE 2006
Relay (Electric power assisted steering) PE PE 2006
Electric power assisted steering (Electronic part) 2004
Electronic (Under hood module) 2004
Electronic (Body Control Unit) 2004
Engine Control (Electronic part) 2004
EU-27: Lubricants at refinery PE 2014
DE: Cooling liquid 2006
DE: Glass wash fluid 2006
DE: Brake fluid 2006
EU-27: Diesel mix at refinery PE 2014
EU-27: Gasoline mix (regular) at refinery PE 2014
EU-27: Gasoline mix (prenium) at refinery PE 2014
EU-27: Float glass PE 2014
DE: Ceramic 2006
DE: Steel cast part allowed (automotive) PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from natural gas PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (20MoCr4) PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (16MnCr5) PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (100Cr6) PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (28Mn6) PE 2014
DE: BF Steel billet/slab/bloom PE 2014
EU-27: Aluminium sheet mix PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
DE: Aluminium sheet deep drawing PE 2014
EU-27: Aluminium ingot mix PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from natural gas PE 2014
DE: Aluminium die-cast part PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from natural gas PE 2014
DE: Cast iron part (automotive) PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Compressed air PE 2014
EU-27: Lubricants at refinery PE 2014
DE: Steel sheet HDG PE 2014
GLO: Steel sheet stamping and bending (5% loss) PE 2014
GLO: Steel turning PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (20MoCr4) PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (16MnCr5) PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (100Cr6) PE 2014
DE: Steel billet (28Mn6) PE 2014
DE: BF Steel billet/slab/bloom PE 2014
GLO: Silver mix PE 2014
DE: Zinc redistilled mix PE 2014
GLO: Gold mix (primary and copper route) PE 2014
EU-27: Brass (CuZn20) PE 2014
DE: Ferro chrome mix PE 2014
GLO: Silicon mix (99%) PE 2014
CN: Magnesium PE 2014
ZA: Feroo manganese PE 2014
GLO: Feroo silicon mix PE 2014
DE: Nd-Fe-Dt Magnet with metal alloy input PE 2014
GLO: Ferro nickel (29%) PE 2014
RER: Stainless steel cold rolled coil (304) Eurofer 2014
RER: Stainless steel cold rolled coil (316) Eurofer 2014
EU-27: Aluminium ingot mix PE 2014
DE: BF Steel billet/slab/bloom PE 2014
DE: Copper mix (99,999% from electrolysis) PE 2014
CN: Magnesium PE 2014
DE: EAF Steel billet/Slab/Bloom PE 2014
DE: Tin plate BUWAL 2006
DE: Zinc redistilled mix PE 2014
GLO: Ferro nickel (29%) PE 2014
EU-27: Aluminium ingot mix PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from natural gas PE 2014
DE: Aluminium die-cast part PE 2014
DE: Underbody protection (PVC) PE 2011
DE: Seam sealing (PVC) PE 2011
DE: Cavity preservation PE 2011
DE: Primer water-based PE 2011
DE: Coating electrodeposition mix PE 2011
DE: Base coat water-based (red; metallic) PE 2011
DE: Clear coat solvent-based (2K) PE 2011
RER: Nylon 6,6 granulate (PA6,6) Europe 2014
RER: Nylon 6 granulate (PA6) Europe 2014
RER: Nylon 6,6 GF30 compound (PA6,6 GF30) Europe 2014
DE: Polyamide 6,12 granulate (PA6,12) Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene low density granulate (PELD) Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene high density granulate (PEHD) Europe 2014
RER: polypropylene granulate (PP) Europe 2014
DE: polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Elastomer
Granulate (PP/EPDM TPE-O) mix PE 2014
DE: Nitrile rubber (NBR) PE 2006
DE: Nitrile butadiene rubber, incl. MMA (NBR-speciality) PE 2014
DE: Ethylene Propylene Diene Elastomer (EPDM) PE 2014
DE: Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Mix PE 2014
DE: Sheet Moulding Compound resin mat (SMC) PE 2014
RER: Polyurethane flexible foam (PU) Plastics Europe 2014
RER: Polyurethane rigide foam (PU) Plastics Europe 2014
EU-27: Talcum powder (filler) PE 2014
DE: Glass fibres PE 2014
RER: Polymethylmethacrylate-ball (PMMA) Europe 2014
RER: Polyvinylchloride granulate (suspension, S-PVC) Europe 2014
FR: Polyoxymethylene granulate (POM) PE 2014
RER: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene granulate (ABS) Europe 2014
DE: Polystyrene (PS) mix PE 2014
RER: Polybutadiene granulate (PB) Europe 2014
EU-25: Polycarbonate granulate (PC) Plastics Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene terephtalate granulate (PBT, amorphe) Europe 2014
RER: Epoxy resin Plastics Europe 2014
DE: Polyester Resin unsatured (UP) PE 2014
DE: Polybutylene Terephthalate Granulate (PBT) mix PE 2014
RER: Styreneacrylonitrile (SAN) Plastics Europe 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
DE: Plastic injection moulding part (unspecific) PE 2014
EU-27: Tap water (groundwater) PE 2014
RER: Nylon 6,6 granulate (PA6,6) Europe 2014
RER: Nylon 6 granulate (PA6) Europe 2014
RER: Nylon 6,6 GF30 compound (PA6,6 GF30) Europe 2014
DE: Polyamide 6,12 granulate (PA6,12) Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene low density granulate (PELD) Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene high density granulate (PEHD) Europe 2014
RER: polypropylene granulate (PP) Europe 2014
DE: polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Elastomer
Granulate (PP/EPDM TPE-O) mix PE 2014
DE: Nitrile butadiene rubber, incl. MMA (NBR-speciality) PE 2014
DE: Ethylene Propylene Diene Elastomer (EPDM) PE 2014
DE: Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Mix PE 2014
DE: Sheet Moulding Compound resin mat (SMC) PE 2014
RER: Polyurethane flexible foam (PU) Plastics Europe 2014
RER: Polyurethane rigide foam (PU) Plastics Europe 2014
EU-27: Talcum powder (filler) PE 2014
DE: Glass fibres PE 2014
RER: Polymethylmethacrylate-ball (PMMA) Europe 2014
RER: Polyvinylchloride granulate (suspension, S-PVC) Europe 2014
FR: Polyoxymethylene granulate (POM) PE 2014
RER: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene granulate (ABS) Europe 2014
DE: Polystyrene (PS) mix PE 2014
RER: Polybutadiene granulate (PB) Europe 2014
EU-25: Polycarbonate granulate (PC) Plastics Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene terephtalate granulate (PBT, amorphe) Europe 2014
RER: Epoxy resin Plastics Europe 2014
DE: Polyester Resin unsatured (UP) PE 2014
DE: Polybutylene Terephthalate Granulate (PBT) mix PE 2014
RER: Styreneacrylonitrile (SAN) Plastics Europe 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
DE: Plastic injection moulding part (unspecific) PE 2014
EU-27: Tap water (groundwater) PE 2014
RER: Nylon 6,6 granulate (PA6,6) Europe 2014
RER: Nylon 6 granulate (PA6) Europe 2014
RER: Nylon 6,6 GF30 compound (PA6,6 GF30) Europe 2014
DE: Polyamide 6,12 granulate (PA6,12) Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene low density granulate (PELD) Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene high density granulate (PEHD) Europe 2014
RER: polypropylene granulate (PP) Europe 2014
DE: polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Elastomer
Granulate (PP/EPDM TPE-O) mix PE 2014
DE: Nitrile butadiene rubber, incl. MMA (NBR-speciality) PE 2014
DE: Ethylene Propylene Diene Elastomer (EPDM) PE 2014
DE: Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Mix PE 2014
DE: Sheet Moulding Compound resin mat (SMC) PE 2014
RER: Polyurethane flexible foam (PU) Plastics Europe 2014
RER: Polyurethane rigide foam (PU) Plastics Europe 2014
EU-27: Talcum powder (filler) PE 2014
DE: Glass fibres PE 2014
RER: Polymethylmethacrylate-ball (PMMA) Europe 2014
RER: Polyvinylchloride granulate (suspension, S-PVC) Europe 2014
FR: Polyoxymethylene granulate (POM) PE 2014
RER: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene granulate (ABS) Europe 2014
DE: Polystyrene (PS) mix PE 2014
RER: Polybutadiene granulate (PB) Europe 2014
EU-25: Polycarbonate granulate (PC) Plastics Europe 2014
RER: Polyethylene terephtalate granulate (PBT, amorphe) Europe 2014
RER: Epoxy resin Plastics Europe 2014
DE: Polyester Resin unsatured (UP) PE 2014
DE: Polybutylene Terephthalate Granulate (PBT) mix PE 2014
RER: Styreneacrylonitrile (SAN) Plastics Europe 2014
DE: Latex concentrate (mix-renault) PE 2014
RER polyvinylchloride resin (B-PVC) Europe 2014
DE: Latex concentrate (mix-renault) PE 2014
DE: Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Mix PE 2014
RER: Polyurethane flexible foam (PU) Plastics Europe 2014
RER: Epoxy resin Plastics Europe 2014
DE: Polyester Resin unsatured (UP) PE 2014
DE: Tire 175/70R13 Silica/Rayon [PP] 2000
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
DE: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
US: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
GB: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
ES: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
FR: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
BE: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
ENTSO: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
JP: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
CN: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
RU: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Gasoline mix (prenium) at filling station PE 2014
EU-27: Diesel mix at filling station PE 2014
EU-27: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (70% propane, 30%
butane) PE 2014
EU-27: Tap water (groundwater) PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from natural gas PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from LPG PE 2014
ENTSO: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Process steam from natural gas 85% PE 2014
EU-27: Commercial waste in municipal waste incinerator PE 2014
EU-27: Landfill (Commercial waste for municipal disposal; FR, UK,
FI, NO) PE 2014
RER: Articuled lorry (40t) incl. Fuel ELCD 2014
EU-27: Rail transport incl. Fuel PE 2014
EU-27: Barge incl. Fuel PE 2014
EU-27: Container ship ocean incl. Fuel PE 2014
EU-27: Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station PE 2014
EU-27: Diesel mix at filling station PE 2014
EU-27: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (70% propane, 30%
butane) PE 2014
EU-27: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
DE: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
US: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
GB: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
ES: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
FR: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
BE: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
ENTSO: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
JP: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
CN: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
RU: Electricity grid mix PE 2014
EU-27: Lubricants at refinery PE 2014
DE: Cooling liquid 2006
DE: Glass wash fluid 2006
DE: Brake fluid 2006
DE: Lead (99,995%) PE 2014
EU-27: Sulphuric acid (96%) PE 2014
EU-27: Water (desalinated,deionised) PE 2014
DE: Tire 175/70R13 Silica/Rayon [PP] 2000
DE: Platinum recycling 2004
DE: Palladium recycling 2004
DE: Rhodium recycling 2004
GLO: Palladium mix (aps) PE 2014
GLO: Platinum mix (aps) PE 2014
GLO: Rhodium mix (aps) PE 2014
RER: Plastic granulate secondary (unspecific) 2001
RER: polypropylene granulate (PP) (aps) Europe 2014
DE: polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Elastomer
Granulate (PP/EPDM TPE-O) mix (aps) PE 2014
RER: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene granulate (ABS) (aps) Europe 2014
DE: polyethylene High Density Granulate (HDPE/PE-HD) Mix (aps) PE 2014
DE: Copper Recycling Hüttenwerke Kayser AG 2002
DE: Copper mix (99,999% from electrolysis) (aps) PE 2014
RER: Aluminum ingot secondary BUWAL 2006
EU-27: Aluminium ingot mix (aps) PE 2014
DE: Steel cold rolled (electric arc furnace) 2006
DE: BF Steel billet/slab/bloom (aps) PE 2014
EU-27: Waste incineration of plastics (unspecified) fraction in
municipal solid waste (MSW) ELCD/CEV 2014
EU-27: Landfill (Commercial waste for municipal disposal; FR, UK,
FI, NO) PE 2014
DE: Scrap tire recovery (cement works) 2000
EU-27: Thermal energy from hard coal renault (aps) 2014
DE: Used oil refinery 1997
RER: Incineration of used oil 2006
EU-27: Heavy fuel oil at refinery (1.0wt.% S, Copy) (aps) 2014
EU-27: Lubricants at refinery (aps) PE 2014
EU-27: Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) (aps) PE 2014
EU-27: Diesel mix at refinery (aps) PE 2014
EU-27: Gasoline mix (regular) at refinery (aps) PE 2014
RER: Lead (secondary) 2001
DE: Lead (99,995%) (aps) PE 2014
EU-27: Landfill of glass/inert waste PE 2014