. . In In d dev ev e el e op pin innnnnnnnn ing gg UA UAD- D- DD 2 22 pl pl pp ug ug ug ug ug-i -i --i -ins nsss, , ou ou ou ou our r rrr
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TTh Th he eee wo wo wo worl rl rl rl rrrr dd d d d s ss fi fi fi ffine nee ne ne nest st st st pplug- gg in in e emu mu mu mulati t on ns s of of of of c ccc claass ss s icc a aana na na nalo log g g g g ge ge ge ge g ar ar aaa , ,,, no no no now w on nnn F FFirew ew ew w ewir ir irre e e e 80 800 80 8000 0 0 0 000
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Ru Ru Ru Ru Run n la laaarg rg rg rg rgger er eer m mm mix ix ixxes esss e i iinn nnn PPr Pro ooo To To To To T ol ol oo s, s, s, s, LL Log og og o icccc PP PPro r , Cu Cu Cu Cu Cuba ba ba ba baaase sse ss , Li Li Li Live ve v , , Pe Pe PP rf rfor ooo me mmmm r an aaa d more reeee w wwwwit itt itho ho oooout ut ut u
ta taxi xi xi xing ng ng ng ng hhhh hos ooos ost tt co coomp mp mp mput uut u er eeeeee C CCCCPU PU PU PU P
Av Av AAv AAvai ai ai ila aaaabl bl bl bl ble eee in in bbot th DU DU DUUO O O an an and d dd d QU QU QU Q AD AD AD AD p pp pro ro rr ce ce ce ceeesss ssor or or or r mm mm mmod d od odel ells
The warmth of analog.
The simplicity of Firewire.
2011 Universal Audio Inc. All trademarks are recognized as property of their respective owners.
(800) 222-4700 |
UA SWS Ad.indd 1 2/10/11 10:12:03 AM
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 354
The Tony Maserati Collection
Get Tony Maseratis Chart-topping Sound with These Plug-ins y p
Beyonc, Christina, Alicia, and Jay-Z what B
o all of these names have in common? Tony d
Maseratis been the mix engineer behind the bulk M
f their chart-topping tracks! Here, in o The Tony
Maserati Collection M , Waves worked alongside
his luminary engineer to put his go-to sounds th
or guitars, vocals, drums, and basses into easily fo
accessible, no-tweaking-necessary plug-ins. The a
ollection gives you six specially crafted plug-ins co
hat inject Tonys approach to great sound straight th
nto your tracks. Bring these plug-ins into your in
DAW; youre going to love the results! D
The Eddie Kramer Collection
Put a Legendary Engineers Touch on P
Your Tracks Y
Classic signal-processing plug-ins from an C
ndustry icon! Want to give your tracks and in
mixes that magic touch? Use these plug-ins! m
Legendary producer and engineer Eddie Kramer L
(The Beatles, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and (
more) worked with Waves to create the stellar m
The Eddie Kramer Collection T , a Waves
Signature Series plug-in bundle that adds his S
characteristic vibe to vocals, bass, guitar, drums, c
and more. Five incredible application-specifc a
plug-ins let you dial in the perfect sound, and p
heyre amazingly easy to use! th
Iconic Plug-in Bundles
Choose the Right Collection of Waves Plug-ins for Your Needs
If youre into music recording and production, you cant help but hear about Waves these guys have a frst-class plug-in for every
sonic obstacle! The trick is selecting the right outft of Waves plug-ins, so you can tailor your tools to your specifc needs. Fortunately,
Waves has a number of bundles available, packed to the brim with different sets of their pro-favorite plug-ins. Gold is our
most popular bundle, providing over 20 essential plug-ins to make your most popular bundle, providing over 20 essential plug ins to make your
DAW even better, without busting your budget. Project and home studio
ow owne ners rs aals lsoo ra rave ve aabo bout ut tthe he Si Silv lver er bbun undl dlee. IItt ha hass aa gr grea eatt se sele lect ctio ionn of of 1177
l pl pl plug ug ug i -i iins ns ns ttthha ha hattt ar ar areee i ri ri ri h gh gh ghttt ffo fo forrr mo mo most st st mmmus us usiic ic ic pppro ro roddu du duct ct ctiio io ionnn an an andddd i mi mi mi i xi xi xing ng ng tttas as askks ks ks.. If If If If
yo y ure a worki king g p pro, , llo k ok ii t nto Pl Pl t atiinum, , Di Diamondd, , HHo i rizon, , andd
Me Merc rc cur ur uryyyy Me Merc rc .. Av Av Avai ai aila la labl bl bleee in in in bbbot ot othhh na na nati ti tive ve ve
an anddd TD TD TDMMM ffo form rm t at ats, s, ttthhe hese se aare re ttthhe he aa
wo wo l rl rldd- d l cl clas asss bbu bu d nd ndlle less th th th t at at tttop op p ww
tt d ud udio ioss dde depe pe d nd nd oonn ev ever eryy dda dayy. GGiv ivee st st
us us us aaa cccal al allll. WWWeee ca ca cannn he he help lp lp yyyou ou ou fffnnnddd uuu
hhee ri righ ghtt Wa Wave vess bu bund ndle le ffor or yyou ourr th th
musical endeavors. m
The Chris Lord-Alge Collection
Add Grammy-winning Sound to Your Next Session Add Grammy winning Sound
Want to make your mixes pop like Chris W
Lord-Alges? Then you need this bundle! C.L.A. L
has been making mixing magic for over two h
decades, and youve heard his handiwork d
on a range of big hits. Heres your chance o
to put a masters radio-ready touch on your t
own projects! Waves collaborated with this o
Grammy-winning engineer to bring you G The
Chris Lord-Alge Collection C plug-in bundle.
You get amazing plug-ins specially designed for Y
drums, bass, vocals, and guitar. You even get d
cool effects and reverb plug-ins that youll go to c
again and again! g g a
The Jack Joseph Puig Collection
Add an Iconic Producers Touch to
Your Tracks!
Not all of us will get the chance to work
with names like U2, Black Eyed Peas, Keith
Urban, John Mayer, and Lady Gaga. But Jack
Joseph Puig has. And with The Jack Joseph
Puig Collection, you get six application-
specifc plug-ins that put JJPs wisdom and
audio experience into your studio. Dial in
outstanding sounds for bass, drums, strings,
keys, cymbals, percussion, vocals, and guitars.
Models of JJPs favorite personal gear are also
available in a plug-in bundle, in both native
and TDM formats.
Dont waant to wait?
Get your plug-ins via electronic doownload! Call your Saales Engineer for details!
(800) 222 4700
% off
There has never been a better opportunity to jump into the the world of Waves plug-ins! Now, all Waves plug-ins and
bundles are available at an incredible 40% off of last years prices.* Dont miss out on this chance to put the same
premium plug-ins used by top pros into your own DAW! Call your Sweetwater Sales Engineer today and experience
Waves plug-ins at amazingly accessible prices. * Prices approximately 40% lower in 2011 than in 2010.
JJPSigNat at JJPSigNa JJPSigNa JJ Puig Sig Collection ................List
500 500
00 00
ONLY $14/mo. $
JJPNat JJP Bundle, Native .....................List
500 500
00 00 $
JJPTDM JJP Bundle, TDM ......................List
1000 1000
00 00 $
CLASigNat at CLASigNa CLASigNa The CLA Collection ....................List
500 500
00 00
ONLY $14/mo.
KramerNat The Eddie Kramer Collection .......List
500 500
00 00
ONLY $14/mo.
MaseratiNat N M iN M iN The Tony Maserati Collection ..... List
500 500
00 00
ONLY $14/mo.
GoldNat Gold Bundle .............................List
800 800
00 00
ONLY $21/mo.
Gol GoldTD dTDMM Gol Goldd, TDM TDM ................................Lis Listt
160 16000 1600
00 00 00 $
Sil Sil Silver ver verNat Nat Nat Sil Sil Silver ver ver Bu Bu Bundl ndl ndleee .............................Lis Lis Listtt
600 600 600 600
00 00 00 $
Pla PlatNa tNatt Pla Platin tinum um Bun Bundle dle ......................Lis Listt
160 16000 1600
00 00 $
Pl Pla Pla Pla TD tTD tTD tTDMMMM Pl Pla Pla Pla i tin tin tinum um, um, TD TD TD TDMMMM .. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..Li Lis Lis Listtt
260 260 260 2600000 2600
00 00 00 $
Di Dia Diamon mondN dNa dNatt Di Dia Diamon mond B d B d B d und undlle le.. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...Li Lis Listt
250 250 250000 2500
00 00 00 $
Di Dia Diamon mondTD dTD dTDMMM Di Dia Diamon mondd, d, , TDM TDM TDM... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..Li Lis Listtt
440 440 440000 4400
00 00 00 $
HHor Horiizo izo N nNa nNatt HHor Horiizo izo B n B n B d und undlle le .. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....Li Lis Listt
350 350 350000 3500
00 00 00 $
HHor Hor Horiizo izo izo TD nTD nTD nTDMMMM HHor Hor Horiizo izo izonn, n, TDM TDM TDM TDM.. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..Li Lis Lis Listtt
570 570 570 5700000 5700
00 00 00 $
Mer Mercur curyNa yNatt Mer Mercur cury B y Bund undle le ........................Lis Listt
630 63000 6300
00 00 $
MercuryTDM Mercury, TDM ...........................List
9900 9900
00 00 $
354_342.indd 354 2/16/11 10:48:38 AM
Waves SWS AD.indd 1 2/10/11 10:12:52 AM
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 356
Perfect for Beginners
Musicians 2
Affordable Plug-in Collection
The perfect frst plug-in bundle! The ultra-affordable
Musicians 2 collection features EQs, compressors,
and vocal processors used by the pros, so you can
start polishing your songs . Add to that two great delay
tools, and youre ready to craft your own big hits!
Native Power Pack
g g g Mixing and Mastering Plug-ins
The right plug-ins at the right price! Make your
mixes and masters shine their brightest, with the
Native Power Pack plug-in bundle! You get a k
limiter, an EQ, a compressor, delay, reverb, and more
all premium plug-ins, at one nice price!
Renaissance Maxx
Upgrade Your Sound
with This Plug-in Suite
Ready to move up from your
DAWs stock plug-ins? Well,
youll want killer dynamics
and reverbs as well as some
other goodies, such as a
de-esser and a tuner. Toss in
an incredible EQ and a tool
for making your bass sound
absolutely huge, and youve arrived at the ved at the
wildly popular wildly popular Renaissance Maxx Renaissance Maxx bundle bundle. xx
SSL 4000
SSL-emulating EQ and
Dynamics Plug-ins
The SSL 4000 Collection
plug-in suite models the classic
processors that made the SSL
4000 console so popular. You get the G-Master
Bus Compressor , the SSL G-Equalizer 4-band EQ ,
the all-new G-Channel, and t he classic t e a ew G C a e , a d t e c ass c
SSL E-Channe l. Native or TDM.
API Collection
Bring Classic API
Sound to Your DAW!
Sought-after studio classics!
Waves worked closely with API
to re-create the magic of four
renowned modules: the 550A
3-band EQ, the 550B 4-band
EQ, the 560 Graphic EQ, and
the 2500 Stereo Compressor.
Load up the API Collection,
and youll harness that legendary
sound at just a fraction of the cost of the
hard are nits! hardware units!
PIE + HLS Bundle
Get 70s Rock Sound
Developed with Eddie
Kramer! Get your hands on
the gear that made music
history, with the Waves
PIE + HLS Bundle!
It puts the sound of the
iconic Olympic Studios to
work for you, full of 70s
rock favor and attitude.
You get models of a vintage PYE compressor PYE compressor
and the very Helios console from the Rolling
Stones mobile truck! Stones mobile truck!
Vocal Rider
Let Your Plug-ins Do the Heavy Lifting
Finally, the plug-in weve all been waiting for is here! Now you can
invest all of that time you used to spend riding vocal levels into
tweaking your tones and getting the mix absolutely perfect. Waves
Vocal Rider is the ultimate time-saving tool.
L3 Multimaximizer
Premium Mastering Peak Limiter
If you want your projects to sound professional,
you need a mastering limiter thats built for the job. The Waves
L3 Multimaximizer is an easy-to-use multiband phase-linear
auto-summing limiter that has what you need to put a pro polish
on your mixes.
Classic Sounds for Your Tracks
V l Rid
Specialty Plug-ins
ob The Waves
800) 222 4700
CLA Classic
A Masters Collection of
CLA Classic Compressors
emulates the sound of Chris
Lord-Alges favorite 60s- and
70s-era compressors and leveling amps, and it
includes some of his personal settings. Available
in both native and TDM versions.
AudioTrack Native
Three Tools in One Affordable Plug-in
Need some powerhouse plug-ins? AudioTrack Native
gives you three excellent Waves processors in one easy-
to-use plug-in. Its loaded with high-quality equalization,
gating, and compression a perfect three-punch combo g g, p p p
for your studio!
% off
Now, all Waves plug-ins and bundles are available at
an incredible 40% off of last years prices!* * Prices
approximately 40% lower in 2011 than in 2010. 0.
AudioTrackNat AudioTrack Native .....................
ONLY $10/mo.
L3Nat L3 Multimaximizer ....................................
ONLY $13/mo.
VocalRiderNat Vocal Rider ................List
300 300
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
APINat API Collection ..........................List
650 650
00 00
ONLY $18/mo.
SSLNat SSL 4000 Collection ..................List
650 650
00 00
ONLY $18/mo.
RenMaxNat Renaissance Maxx ............ x List
350 350
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
CLANat CLA Classic Compressors............List
500 500
00 00
ONLY $14/mo.
L3TDM L3 Multimaximizer, TDM ............................
00 VocalRiderTDM Vocal Rider, TDM..........List
600 600
00 00 $
APITDM API Collection, TDM ..................List
1300 1300
00 00 $
SSLTDM SSL 4000 Collection, TDM ........List
1300 1300
00 00 $
RenMaxTDM Renaissance Maxx, TDM .....List
700 700
00 00 $
CLATDM CLA Classic Compressors, TDM ...List
1000 1000
00 00 $
PIEHLSNat PIE + HLS Bundle .....................................
ONLY $11/mo.
NPP Native Power Pack ....................List
300 300
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Musician2Nat Musicians 2 ...............List
160 160
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
356_344.indd 356 2/16/11 10:47:05 AM
NTDM N Series, TDM ............................List
400 400
00 00 $
ATDM A Series, TDM............................List
400 400
00 00 $
1980TDM 1980 Compressor, TDM ..................List
400 400
00 00 $
N4TDM N4 Series EQ, TDM .....................List
400 400
00 00 $
StripProTDM Classic Console Strip Pro, TDM ... List
1200 1200
00 00 $
EveryEQCompNat EQ/Comp Bundle ...List
1200 1200
00 00
ONLY $35/mo.
EveryEQCompTDM EQ/Comp Bun, TDM...List
2500 2500
00 00 $
N4Nat N4 Series EQ............................. Q List
200 200
00 00
ONLY $10/mo. ONLY $ /
1980Nat 1980N t 1980 Compressor ........................... r List
200 200
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
NNat N Series....................................List
200 200
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
ANat A Series....................................List
200 200
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
StripProNat Classic Console Strip Pro .........List
600 600
00 00
ONLY $18/mo.
Software Visit us online at
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 357
Everything EQ and Compressor
Bundled Native EQ and Compressor Plug-ins
Here are some of the very best processing plug-ins youll fnd especially
if you have a taste for classic gear! The accurately named Everything EQ
and Compressor Bundle includes the entire line of URS processors for
native systems. Imagine having classic equalizers, compressors, and limiters
at your disposal, without having to comb the countryside looking for vintage
(and expensive) hardware units! Notable plug-ins in this bundle include
the Motown EQ, which captures the dripping with soul sound of vintage
Detroit R&B. Theres also a wide variety of classic compressors modeled after
the dynamics sections of the most famous mixing consoles of all time. These
plug-ins offer easy, clear control layouts as well as incredible sound and
classic vibe. The Everything EQ and Compressor Bundle is full of sonic color
for your native-based system! Available in both native and TDM formats.
Classic Console Strip Pro
Customize Your Dream Console Sound C
A completely customizable channel strip plug-in A
from URS! The f Classic Console Strip Pro lets
you handpick your favorite compressor and build y
your ultimate EQ by borrowing elements from y
egendary EQs! Choose practically every element of l
the channel strip, all the way down to the type of t
nput transformer. At the EQ stage, each band can i
come from a different console. The Classic Console c
Strip Pro builds on URSs legacy of creating S
accurate emulations of legendary devices . This a
plug-ins sheer functionality and range of tones p
will keep you reaching for it time and time again. w
Available in both native and TDM formats Available in both native and TDM formats. A
A Series
Classic 4-band EQ Character C
Classic EQ! This URS EQ plug-in C
aithfully re-creates the sound and the fa
character that have made the classic API c
550 hardware units such sought-after 5
gear today. The g A Series 4-band
equalizer gives you seven switchable flter frequencies spanning four to fve octaves, and
it provides exceptional console sound with a vintage touch. Its got a streamlined design,
so you can easily tweak
by ear. Available in both
native and TDM formats.
N Series
Affordable Neve Sound
You could spend a fortune on that
elusive vintage Neve 1084 EQ, or you
could choose the next best thing, for
a sliver of the cost: the N Series.
This plug-in uses high-resolution
processing to give you the tremendous sound, clarity, and headroom youd expect
from hardware. Its especially effective on drums and bass, giving your tracks that
unmistakable Neve EQ
touch . Available in both
native and TDM formats.
Add Rich Tube Vibe to Your Recordings g
You use a DAW because its powerful,
convenient, and very good at capturing
and playing back exactly whats put into
it. Unfortunately, that same accuracy
can be a shortcoming sterile, fat-
sounding tracks just dont cut it! Heres
a great fx: URSs fantastic Saturation
plug-in. It puts just the right amount of
rich tube vibe into your DAW. You also get the feel of four different preamps, ranging
from vintage to modern, American to British, and even German.
1980 Compressor
Classic British Compressor Sounds C
Want that 1980s British console bus compression W
ound in a plug-in? Here it is ! The so 1980
Compressor C minimizes digital clipping to give you
headroom, clarity, and a great vintage-style sound. h
ts compressor and limiter sections are independent It
of each other, allowing for maximum fexibility. This o
plug-in also features separate variable attack, release, p
and threshold controls.
Available in both native
and TDM formats.
SatNat Saturation ...................................... List
249 249
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
N4 Series EQ
Your British-sounding EQ Pick
Put the sought-after sound of a vintage British
6-band equalizer into your DAW! If youve been
looking for that perfect sweetening element for
your tracks, the N4 Series EQ is a perfect addition
to your system. This smooth EQ puts a classic touch
on your tracks, and its got the easy-to-tweak user
interface to match. Add British favor to your next
project! Available in both
native and TDM formats.
357_345.indd 357 2/16/11 10:15:02 AM
FutzBoxNat FutzBox v5 .........................List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
ML4000Nat ML4000 v5 ........................List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
MC2000Nat MC2000 v5 ..........................List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
EmeraldPk5Nat Emerald Pack v5 ................List
1495 1495
00 00
ONLY $48/mo.
6030CompNat 6030 Ultimate Compressor List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
6030CompHD 6030 Ultimate Compressor HD....List
449 449
00 00 $
FutzBoxHD FutzBox v5, TDM..................List
449 449
00 00 $
ML4000HD ML4000, TDM ......................List
449 449
00 00 $
MC2000HD MC2000 v5, TDM...................List
449 449
00 00 $
EmeraldPk5HD Emerald Pack v5, TDM........List
2995 2995
00 00 $
ProjStuLE Project Studio............................................
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 358
Project Studio
Value-priced McDSP
Plug-in Bundle
Put McDSP quality in your recording rig at an amazingly
affordable price! This is a great opportunity to use the same
premium McDSP plug-ins the pros use without the pro
price! The Project Studio bundle includes studio-essential
reverb, EQ, and compressor plug-ins, plus you get Chrome
Tone LE guitar effects, the Synthesizer One LE virtual
instrument, the Analog Channel LE tape saturation, and the
ML4000 LE mastering limiter. g
Now with
AU Support
Now with
AU Support
Now with
AU Support
Now with
AU Support
McDSP Announces AU Support!
Use McDSPs acclaimed plug-ins with your Logic rig!
Emerald Pack v5
The Comprehensive McDSP Plug-in Bundle
The whole collection! You simply cant do better than McDSP plug-ins; once youve
used them, youll be a believer! Get the comprehensive Emerald Pack v5 and get all
of McDSPs compressors, EQs, reverbs, and signal processors everything you need to
make the most out of your tracks. Heres what comes inside: 6030 Ultimate Compressor,
Channel G Compact, Analog Channel, Channel G, CompressorBank, DE555, FilterBank,
FutzBox, MC2000, ML4000, NF575, and Revolver. Available in native and HD versions.
MC2000 v5
The Easy Way to Dial In Your Favorite Compressor
From vintage models to modern wonders, the MC2000 v5 gives you all the most-
wanted compressors, in several confgurations. This outstanding plug-in goes beyond
conventional attack, ratio, and threshold controls. You can command the MC2000
v5s articulation, with fnely adjustable Knee and Bite controls. Add classic grit to v5 s articulation, with fnely adjustable Knee and Bite controls. Add classic grit to
ONLY $10/mo
your tone by turning up
the MC2000s analog
saturation feature.
ML4000 v5
This Mastering Limiter Is Perfect for All Kinds of Projects
The right mastering tools are absolutely essential to your project; they can make
the difference between a dynamically rich fnal result and an ear-fatiguing, overly
loud mix. Heres an easy-to-use solution that youll go to again and again! McDSPs
ML4000 v5 ML4000 v5 includes both a single-band brickwall limiter and a multiband limiter includes both a single band brickwall limiter and a multiband limiter
(which also includes
gating, expanding, and
compression capabilities).
FutzBox v5
Amazing Lo-f Effects
With McDSPs FutzBox v5, you can make
your tracks and dialogue sound as if they
are coming through cell phones, TVs, the
radio, and more. Not only is FutzBox a
must-have for post-production work, but
its also a killer tool for the music producer
wanting to add extra favor. Want to make
the intro sound as if its coming through
an old-school boombox? Want to get that weird
megaphonic effect during
the bridge? Its all here in
FutzBox v5.
Now with
AU Support
6030 Ultimate Compressor
Every Compressor You Need in a Single Plug-in
Imagine having all of your favorite compressor favors right at your fngertips from
smooth, tube-driven boxes to aggressive and tight solid-state units. Thats what you get
when you open up McDSPs incredible new 6030 Ultimate Compressor! You get ten
individual module-style interfaces that let you run the gamut of compression goodness.
Plus, its incredibly easy to dial in exactly what you want. McDSPs Analog Saturation
modeling lets you take the 6030 into sonic territory youd expect only vintage hardware
gear could take you. Its perfect for everyone from novice recordists looking to tame
dynamics to seasoned professionals who love to tweak. This plug-in is available in both
native and HD versions.
358_346.indd 358 2/16/11 10:45:45 AM
McDSP SWS Ad.indd 1 2/10/11 10:13:24 AM
EchoBoyNat EchoBoy Native ..................................
ONLY $10/mo.
DecapNat Decapitator Native .....................................
ONLY $10/mo.
FXBunTDM TDM Effects ..............................................
ONLY $42/mo.
FXBunNat Native Effects ............................................
ONLY $18/mo.
AbbeyRdBunNat Abbey Road Bundle ............... List
ONLY $23/mo.
AbbeyRdBunTDM Abbey Road Bundle, TDM ...List
00 $
TG12413LE EMI TG 12413 Limiter LE ...List
00 $
TG12413TDM EMI TG 12413 Limiter, TDM List
00 $
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 360
Native Effects
Affordable Plug-in Bundle Packed with Effects
Even more incredible effects and value! With eight studio-quality effects, including the new Decapitator (analog
saturation modeler) and PanMan (auto panner), the SoundToys Native Effects bundle gives you an impressive array
of pro effects! From versatile modern and analog-style delays to pitch, tempo, and even tremolo effects, this bundles
effects will add new dimension to your tracks. Use fltering and modulation effects to go from a subtle shimmer to
a wild, out-there sound. The Native Effects bundle sounds great on vocals, guitars, keyboards, drums any kind of
source audio you like. Youll love what you hear!
Abbey Road Plug-in Bundle
EQs and Compressors from a World-famous Studio
Legendary gear, right in your DAW! Get the sound and the gear from the worlds most famous studio, right in
your computer! The Abbey Road Plug-in Bundle includes everything from EQs to console-style limiters.
Experience spot-on emulations of the magical Abbey Road console gear that added character to such classic
albums as The Beatles and Dark Side of the Moon. You get spot-on emulations of the EMI RS127 and RS135
EQs, the TG Mastering Pack for the EQ and flter module from the TG 12410 transfer console, and the TG 12413
Limiter from the TG 12345 mixing console. Standalone versions of the EMI TG 12413 Limiter are available in
native and TDM formats, as is the full Abbey Road
Plug-in Bundle.
TDM Effects
Effects for Pro Tools
SoundToys TDM Effects covers all
your sonic bases, with 11 incredible TDM
effects plug-ins! It includes Decapitator
analog saturation modeling, PanMan
rhythmic auto panner, Speed tempo/
pitch transformation, EchoBoy delay,
FilterFreak fltering, PhaseMistress phaser,
Tremolator tremolo and auto-gate,
and Crystallizer granular delay effect.
Exclusive to the SoundToys TDM Effects
bundle are SoundBlender time and
modulation effects, PurePitch pitch shifting, and PitchDoctor pitch correction.
Decapitator Native
Unleash the Magic of Analog Saturation!
Nothing beats the way that saturation brings a mix
together. Thats why engineers are always on the lookout
for the perfect saturation emulator. SoundToys created
Decapitator Native by tracking the real dynamics
of vintage gear no static convolution here. Select
from fve different modes and add spice to your bass,
turn up the heat on your guitars and vocals, and beef up
your kick drums. And when you want to unleash pure
brutality, just punch in the Punish button.
Echo Boy Native
Killer Delay with a Rhythmical Groove
SoundToys EchoBoy Native is one of the fnest
professional echo/delays out there. True Groove rhythm
technology gives its delays a variable rhythm so that they
can swing and jam along with the mix. Adjustable swing/
shuffe and accent effects add a truly musical echo sound
as well. EchoBoy offers a wide range of sounds and echo
styles as well, and you can easily lock EchoBoy to the
session tempo with the fip of a switch. Youll be amazed
by the range of cool and musical sounds you can create
with this incredibly powerful delay tool.
360_352.indd 360 2/16/11 7:48:46 AM
Professional Audio Effects Plug-Ins
* Atticuss Ross (Producer/Programmer)
Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction,
How to Destroy Angels
The SoundToys bundle is one of the few sets
of plug-ins I would label as essential.
Turn your mixes into hits with fat, analog-sounding, creative effects from SoundToys. By combining the
sound of classic studio gear with smart, musician-friendly controls, SoundToys has brought effects
processing to a new level. Addictive and fun, the SoundToys Native and TDM Effects bundles are the perfect
blend of instant sonic gratification and never-ending creative inspiration.
These effects are the secret weapon of top mixers, producers and artists around the world. Now, let
Sweetwater's experience and superior customer service help you plug some fresh new attitude into your
For more information on the plug-ins and bundles, call a Sweetwater Sales Engineer today.
(800) 222 - 4700 |
Featuring EchoBoy, the standard for professional
vocal echo in Pro Tools, and Decapitator, the new
analog saturation modeling plug-in with warmth,
grit, and drive.
aturing EchoBoy the s t a uu g h r g E y h E B e hh
Soundtoys SWS Ad.indd 1 2/10/11 10:20:14 AM
LXPPLUGRB LXP Native Reverb Bundle......List
749 749
95 95
ONLY $14/mo.
PCMPLUGRB PCM Native Reverb Bundle ....List
1899 1899
95 95 $
OxEnhanceTDM Enhance, TDM ..............List
1080 1080
00 00 $
OxEnhanceNat Enhance .......................List
540 540
00 00
ONLY $18/mo.
OxRestore Restore ...................................List
1995 1995
00 00
ONLY $47/mo.
OxEliteNat Elite.............................List
1260 1260
00 00
ONLY $41/mo.
Scarlett Scarlett..................................... t List
129 129
99 99
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 362
Seven Sonnox
Plug-ins in One
Amazing Bundle
Console sound and much
more at a great price!
The Elite bundle lets you
save big on Sonnox plug-iins
up to 40% off retail! This his
collection includes seven Oxford plug-ins EQ, Dynamics, Infator, Transient Modulator, Reverb, Limiter, and SuprEsser
giving you an incredibly versatile sonic tool set. The Infator and the Transient Modulator deserve special attention,
as there are literally no comparable alternatives. The Infator is perfect for beefng up individual tracks, giving you kick
and bass tracks that drive through any mix. On a stereo bus, drums come alive with a sound thats full of harmonics and
attack. Better yet, put the Infator on the master bus and treat your entire mix to the Infators magic touch. The equally
unique Transient Modulator softens attacks when needed.
This is a whole lot of processing power for the money!
SuprEsser er
De-esser and
dynamic EQ
Oxford Reverb b
Reverb and virtual-
space creation
Modify transiennts ss
in your tracks
Fatten mixes,
without overloads
Oxford Limiter
Punch up and
enhance mixes
Dynamics s
Plug-ins with British Soul!
Mix and match your ideal Sonnox bundle with individually
available plug-ins!
Oxford EQ
EQ from Sony
OXF-R3 console $
Clean Up Your
Audio with Sonnox
Shine up old audio and make your new tracks perfect! make your new tracks perfect!
Restores three plug-ins let you remove clicks,
unwanted noises, buzzes, and more. And its great for post
production too!
Make Your Mixes Sound Huge e
The Enhance bundle gives you three
plug-ins to energize mixes. The Oxford Limiter offers everything from subtle boost to
serious punch, the Oxford Infator boosts your mix without causing overload s, and
the Transient Modulator accents
or soften attacks. Available in
native and TDM formats.
The Flavor of Red Series Gear for Your DAW
This complete collection of red-hot processor plug-ins is
a value you simply cant pass up. Focusrite, the makers
of the immensely popular Red series hardware preamps
and dynamics processors found in professional recording
studios everywhere, has released the new Scarlett
plug-in. Now, you can get the sound and the signature
characteristics of Red series processors right in your
DAW. Scarlett features 60s-style optical compressors that ures 60s style optical compressors that
yield smooth and
fuid dynamics.
There are also a
transparent gate
that operates in
both mono and
stereo modes,
a crystal-clear
6-band EQ, and
an easy-to-
use reverb.
Native Reverb Plug-in Bundles
Put Some of the Worlds Finest Reverbs Right into Your DAW
Lexicon reverbs are among the most sought after in the world, and now you can put that reverb magic to work in your own
studio. Thanks to the super-fast processing power of todays computers, you can get that legendary Lexicon sound in plug-in
f ! i h h form! With the i b l i B dl LXP Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle f l i i b Ch b ll l d , you get four classic Lexicon reverbs Chamber, Hall, Plate, and
Room. Easy-to-use controls and over 200 carefully crafted studio presets put real professional reverb at the heart of your
music creation system, and the LXP Native bundles super-affordable price makes it perfect for anyone producing music on
a budget.
For an extended palette of excellent reverb styles, look to the Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle. It offers
seven legendary Lexicon reverbs (Vintage Plate, Plate, Hall, Room, Random Hall, Concert Hall, and Chamber reverbs), each
with wonderful presets to help you instantly nail the sound youre after. When it comes time to really dial in your sound,
youll love the visual EQ system. You can easily adjust both the early and late refections to fne-tune your reverb sound
to your project. Whats more, the PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle also gives you the ability to use each algorithm in
mono, stereo, or a combination of the two. Its like having
a top-dollar reverb processor, only this ones more fexible
and fts inside your laptop.
362_348.indd 362 2/16/11 10:19:24 AM
Features Include:
4 legendory Lexicon rever6 plug-ins
ver 220 srudio presers
nruirive User nrerloce
Crophicol reol-rime disploy
Full poromerer conrrol ond
Polish Your Mix
You're mixing some serious rroc|s ond you crove rhe o6iliry ro
envelop your mix wirh rhor "mogicol spoce" rhor delivers rhe
deprh ond lullness creored when recording in o mo|or srudio.
The mosr rrusred nome in Rever6 inrroduces rhe LXF Norive
Rever6 Bundle developed specilcolly lor orrisrs ond engineers
who ore ro|ing rheir music ro rhe nexr level. This powerlul
rever6 6undle includes lour olgorirhm-6osed plug-ins wirh over
220 lnely-crolred srudio presers rhor will chonge rhe woy you
color your mix lorever.
For more inlormorion, pleose conrocr o Sweerworer Soles Engineer.
LExicon SWS Ad.indd 1 2/10/11 10:22:02 AM
TSAR1Nat TSAR-1 ....................................List
ONLY $11/mo.
PE1CNat Tube-Tech PE 1C ......................List
ONLY $10/mo.
EZMix EZmix .........................................List
VirtConsole Virtual Console Collection......List
ONLY $10/mo.
FGX FG-X ........................................List
ONLY $10/mo.
CL1BNat Tube-Tech CL 1B .......................List
ONLY $14/mo.
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 364
Tube-Tech CL 1B
Experience the Legendary Sound of the CL 1B
Youve heard the hardware version of the CL 1B compressor
on countless hits over the past 20 years. Thats why Softube
put its smooth sound into a convenient plug-in version
the Tube-Tech CL 1B. When you hear the results, you
wont believe youre not listening to the real thing!
Keeps the Life in Your Tracks
The Award winning
Slate FG-X Mastering
Processor uses a new
technology called
Intelligent Transient
Preservation to
increase the level of
your mixes without
causing the squashed
and lifeless sound found in typical peak limiters.
Also includes the FG-Comp analog modeled
mastering compressor.
Virtual Console
The Vibe of Four Analog Consoles
T he Virtual Console Collection by Slate
Digital brings four of the worlds best analog
consoles into your DAW. This collection
consists of two incredibly musical plug-ins:
Virtual Channel and Virtual Mixbus. Using
the Virtual Console Collection will give that
big console sound to your digital mixes.
The Perfect Mix from a Plug-in!
This simple yet
powerful mixing tool
gives you access to
a vast array of mix
presets for just about
any mixing need youll
encounter. Whether
you need to mix drums,
vocals, guitars, bass,
or keyboards, EZmix is your tool. Just add EZmix as a
plug-in on any tracks channel strip and pick a preset for
the instrument or sound on that strip; youre ready to go.
Tube-Tech PE 1C
A Beauty of a Tube EQ, Inside Your DAW!
How many times have you heard someone say, Its just
like the hardware? Well, Softubes Tube-Tech PE 1C EQ
plug-in really is! Every element of the now-classic equalizer
has been modeled to perfection, and the user interface works
just like the hardware original. Youll love the interaction
between the flters and the analog vibe.
Best-of-both-worlds Reverb Plug-in
TSAR-1 stands for True
Stereo Algorithm Reverb, the
secret behind this amazing
plug-ins magnifcently wide
spatial effect. The TSAR-1
plug-in is both extremely
versatile and incredibly
easy to use. You also get 41
outstanding presets, which
cover both vintage and
modern styles .
Call your Sweetwater Sales
Engineer now for details
(800) 222-4700
364_354.indd 364 2/16/11 7:59:10 AM
ATVS7Nat Auto-Tune Vocal Studio .............List
ONLY $21/mo.
MicModelEFX Mic Modeler EFX ...........List
ONLY $10/mo.
AT7Nat Auto-Tune 7 .............................List
ONLY $12/mo.
ATVS7TDM Auto-Tune Vocal Studio, TDM ......List
00 $
AVOXEvo AVOX Evo ..................................List
00 $
AT7TDM Auto-Tune 7, TDM ......................List
00 $
AutoTuneEFX Auto-Tune EFX ...........................List
00 $
PitchNTimeLE Pitch n Time................List
ONLY $13/mo.
MuVoice Mu Voice...................................List
ONLY $10/mo.
HarmonyEngEvo Harmony Engine Evo...........List
ONLY $10/mo.
HarmonyEFX Harmony EFX .............................List
00 $
Software Visit us online at
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 365
Mu Voice
Pitch-correction Plug-in and 4-part Harmony
Generator for Studio and Stage
Fix your pitch and add harmonies! In the studio, having
pitch-correction capabilities on hand is essential. Yet,
its an often overlooked creative tool during the initial
songwriting stages of a song. Mu Technologies introduces
their user-friendly Mu Voice plug-in. Its not only a
pitch-correction plug-in, but its also an intelligent 4-part
harmonizer. Either insert chord and scale information or
let Mu Voice generate parts based on what youre playing
on a MIDI controller. It offers low latency, so you can use it
as a powerful vocal effect!
Pitch n Time LE
Easy Pitch-shifting/Time-stretching Plug-in
What can Pitch n Time LE do for you? Well, if youre
looking for an easy, effective way to subtly or drastically
manipulate your audio loops trying to make that
commercial spot ft into its allotted time slot or salvaging
a backing vocal thats just a little bit off-key here and
there then Pitch n Time LE fts the bill! This plug-in
is great for modifying pitch and tempo, and it wont
introduce phase issues into stereo tracks or introduce
digital artifacts. Pitch n Time LE lets you process Dolby matrix-encoded
tracks without losing
surround information!
Harmony Engine Evo
Check Out This Natural Vocal-harmony Generator
Sweet harmonies! You already know what an effective tool Auto-Tune is.
Now the innovators at Antares give you the ability to craft incredible vocal
harmonies with an extraordinary amount of control with Harmony
Engine Evo! Generate four independent harmony voices, complete
with humanization features for the most realistic, natural-sounding
performances. Antaress throat-modeling technology is built in, so you can
process each harmony voice through a physical model of the human vocal
tract. This plug-in now includes Antares Evo technology, for faster and
more-accurate pitch detection as well as very natural-sounding results.
Harmony Engine Evo even adds fve channels of the awesome CHOIR vocal
multiplier ! The same great harmonies are also available in the streamlined,
affordable Harmony EFX.
Auto-Tune 7
Incredible Pitch and Time Correction
Turn that almost perfect vocal take into a perfect track! Dont risk losing another vocal take
because of bad notes or timing; get Antares Auto-Tune 7. Now the same powerful pitch-correction
software used by countless professional studios includes extremely high-quality, hands-on time
shifting as well. Available in both native and TDM formats, Auto-Tune 7 adds an intuitive and
ultra-fexible graphic mode to the second generation of Antares Evo voice-processing technology,
giving you total control over pitch and timing for more natural (or outlandishly unnatural) effects.
A streamlined version, Auto-Tune EFX, also gives you great Auto-Tune quality, in an amazingly
affordable package.
Mic Modeler EFX
Use the Mic You Really Want!
Dont have the perfect mic on hand for that magic track? Well,
you need the Mic Modeler EFX! Use this astounding plug-in
to make an inexpensive dynamic mic sound like a much
pricier condenser or ribbon mic, for a fraction of the price. Mic
Modeler EFX is amazingly easy to use, and it fat-out works. Just
input your mics polar pattern, its distance from the source,
and whether or not youre using a low-cut flter. Like magic,
Mic Modeler EFX turns your run-of-the-mill microphone into a
high-class studio performer!
Auto-Tune Vocal Studio
Amazing Pitch and Time
Correction, Plus Excellent
Creative Tools
Auto-Tune Vocal Studio gives you
an outstanding set of pitch- and time-
correction tools for vocals and more.
Auto-Tune 7 features second-generation
Evo vocal-processing technology as well
as an amazing new time-correction
engine and an updated interface. When
you use Auto-Tune 7, you get incredibly
realistic, artifact-free automatic pitch correction, and
theres a graphic mode for fne-tuning individual notes. Add
to that the power of the AVOX Evo vocal-processing bundle (also available
separately), and you can easily take ordinary vocals and turn them into gold.
365_356.indd 365 2/16/11 8:00:18 AM
Altiverb has written the book on convolution A
everb! Loaded with some of the best sounding re
oo oo ooms ms ms fro fro fro f ma ma m all ll ll ove ove over t r t r the he he wor wor world ld ld, , th th these ese ese re re real al al spa spa spa p ces ces ces ro ro ro
il il ill a l a l add dd dd son son sonic ic ic rea rea realis lis lismt mt m to a o a o any ny ny y rec rec record ord ording ing ing g . . wi wi wi
R RR d and and A y A y A y ki kin kinss, , S l Sal Sales es EEng Eng giine ineer er, , EEx Exttt. 129 129 129 99999
MeloAssist Melodyne Assistant .............. t List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Me Melo loEd Edit itor or Mel Melody odyne ne Edi Editor tor .................... r Lis Listt
349 349 349
00 00 00
ONLY $11 $ /mo.
MelodyneStudio Melodyne Studio Bundle.... List
699 699
00 00
ONLY $20/mo.
Speakerphone2 Speakerphone 2 ..................List
495 495
99 99
ONLY $17/mo.
Altiverb6 Altiverb 6..................................List
595 595
00 00
ONLY $19/mo.
MeloAstUnoUp Melodyne Assistant Upgrade....List
79 79
00 00 $
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Processors
ProGear 366
Altiverb 6
Breathtaking Convolution Reverb with an Enormous Collection of
Excellent Impulses
Put your tracks in some of the coolest sonic spaces in the world, with Altiverb 6! This
effcient convolution reverb uses samples of real spaces to re-create everything from
globally renowned concert halls to truck-cabin environments. You get an extensive
se sett of of ppar aram amet eter erss an andd pa para rame mete terr au auto toma mati tion on eeas asil ilyy tw twea eaka kabl blee fr from omAAlt ltiv iver erbb 6 6ss
user-friendly interface, which also includes visual waterfall and waveform displays, a
wet/dry mix control, and a
virtual stage that lets you
position your audio in the
room. Use what the pros
use: Altiverb 6!
Speakerphone 2
A Must-have Tool for Sound Design and Post Production
You hhear thhis hha d ndy l plug-in every dday in your ffavorite movies andd TV shhows.
Speakerphone 2 lets you put audio through an assortment of ordinary and wild
speakers. Sounds range from bullhorns to vintage amps to walkie-talkies to crackly
telephones. Primarily designed as a post-production tool (creative engineers will fnd it
incredibly useful as a music production effect too!), Speakerphone 2 gives you everything
from a voice through a PA in a train station to a guitar being fed through a vintage amp
in a great-sounding room. Far more than a simple speaker emulator, Speakerphone 2
ma make kess it it eeas asyy to to ppla lace ce yyou ourr au audi dioo in into to rrea eali list stic ic eenv nvir iron onme ment ntss.
Melodyne Studio Bundle
Two Great Ways to Tighten Up the Pitch and Timing
of Your Recordings! gs!
Fix pi p tch and timing g
problems! Celemonys
Melloddyne Studi dio
BBu d ndlle i gives you
tw twoo of of tthe he mmos ostt
po powe werf rful ul ppit itch ch- an andd
ti timi ming ng g-ccor orre rect ctio ionn
pr p og grams available
today: Melodyne Studio o
33 andd MMelloddyne EEdi dittorr.
Bo Both th uuse se tthe he ssam amee
in intu tuit itiv ivee us user er iint nter erfa face ce ee
that lets yo y u gr g ab
and drag notes within a piano-roll-style environment. By simply clicking and dragging,
you can d adjju t st tthhe pit it h ch a d nd ttiimiing f of eachh notte. YYou can jju t st as ea i silly adj djustt t othher notte
pa para rame mete ters rs ttoo oo, in incl clud udin ingg gl glid idee, vvib ibra rato to, fo form rman antt, aand nd iind ndiv ivid idua uall no note te llen engt gthh, aall ll iinn th thee
same window.
Melody yne Studio 3 3 s multitrack environment lets yo y u take individual tracks and g generate
full ensembles, harmonies, and choruses from them. Having access to multiple tracks
l also all llows you tto lliine up tthhe ttiimiing f of iinsttrumentts, maki king iitt easy tto ti ti h ghtten up ddrums
or even the timing of entire bands. Melodyne Editor, though limited to a single track of
operation, features Celemonys awesome new DNA (Direct Note Access) technology that
can analyze the acoustic content of polyphonic material and give you the ability to fx the
tuning of individual notes within chords or ensembles. Together, Melodyne Studio 3 and
Melodyne Editor give you all of the tools you need to quickly and accurately polish your
music into professional-
sounding masterpieces.
Melodyne Editor
Pitch Correction with Unheard-of Power
This is the pi p tch-correction software
weve all been waiting for! Celemony once
again raised the pitch-correction bar by
iintr dd oduciing hh th i eir DN DNAA ((D (Diirect NNote AAcces )) s)
tte h chnollogy. DN DNAA bbreakks ddown mult ltit itiimbbr l al
au audi dioo, ssuc uchh as as ccho hord rdss an andd en ense semb mble less, ssoo
th that at yyou ou ccan an ttun unee ea each ch nnot otee in inde depe pend nden entl tlyy.
Th That at mmea eans ns ttha hatt wh when en yy you ourr gu gu g it itar ar pp pla laye ye y rr
nails an amazing performance but his A strinng g
slips out of tune, you can simply load the track into k
MMelloddyne E Edi dittor andd
co corr rrec ectt on only ly tthe he bbad ad nnot otes es.
Melodyne Assistant
Amazing g Tuning g at an Affordable Price
To Toda day, y, ppit itch ch ccor orre rect ctio ionn is is lles esss of of aa
novelty than it is an expectation.
Wh Whet ethe herr yo you ure re ttra rack ckin ingg in in aa
prof ofes i sional al sttudi dio or recordi ding
yo y ur bands demo, , yo y ur audience is
going to expect your vocals to be in
tu tune ne. Me Melo lody dyne ne iiss on onee of of tthe he mmos ostt
popular pitch- and time-correction softwaare options, and Melodyne
Assistant is the most affordable way to ffully tap into this awesome
power. And if you already have a copy of Melodyne Uno, then you can upgrade
with the Melodyne
Assistant Upgrade
from Melodyne Uno.
366_355.indd 366 2/16/11 10:50:29 AM
CompleteTK2 Complete Production Toolkit2 .....................
ONLY $70/mo.
ReelTapeSuite Reel Tape Suite ..........................
ONLY $18/mo.
ElevenTDM Eleven, TDM ..............................................
ONLY $21/mo.
ElevenLE Eleven.......................................................
Hybrid-e High-def Virtual Synthesizer........................
Transfuser Transfuser ..................................................
Strike-e Strike.........................................................
Velvet-e Velvet ........................................................
Structure-e Structure ....................................................
PTInstExp Pro Tools Instrument Expansion Pack....List
ONLY $17/mo.
Plug-ins Pro Tools
ProGear 367 Visit us online at
Pro Tools
Instrument Expansion Pack
Astounding Virtual Instruments, Amazing Deal!
What a deal! Avids absolutely jam-packed Pro Tools Instrument
Expansion Pack lets you tap into legendary sounds from rocks past
or take your tone totally modern all while saving you tons of money!
Inside this bundle, you get all fve of Avids A.I.R. virtual instruments:
Hybrid, Strike, Structure, Velvet, and Transfuser. So youll be
ready to compose any style of music.
Leading the way is the hi-def synth powerhouse Hybrid, a soft synth
that merges classic analog warmth with the sonic power of digital
technology. Strike offers an intuitive way to get professional drum
sounds without a drummer. Velvet provides vintage-tinged electric
pianos for adding classic R&B and rock tones to your mixes. Structure
represents the frst Pro Tools-specifc sampler, and it ships with an
amazing sound library. Last but not least is Transfuser, your loop-based
groove-creation toy for creating inspiring new music on the fy. All these
great plug-ins are also available individually.
Packed with accurate
re-creations of timeless
electric piano sounds.
Get creative with
legendary synth
sounds from the 70s
to today.
This loop-based groove-creation
powerhouse inspires new music.
Like having a top-notch
session drummer on call
The one-stop solution for all
your sampling needs.
Get Your Favorite Guitar Tones, Right
Inside Pro Tools!
Eleven picks up where other amp-modeling
solutions have left off, delivering the same sonic
details that give legendary amps their unique sound
qualities: cabinet resonance, speaker cone breakup,
power amp sag, ghost notes, and more. You wont
believe how great your guitar tracks will sound!
Eleven is available for Pro Tools|HD and Pro Tools
LE users.
Reel Tape Suite
Analog Tape Saturation/Effects
Analog tape character, inside your
DAW! Give your digital recordings
the unmistakable feel and warmth
of analog tape, with the Reel
Tape Suite. For one great price,
you get all three top-notch tape
effects plug-ins ; enjoy spot-on analog sound
while maintaining full-on, tweakable control
over the amount of the effect you want to
dial in.
Complete Production Toolkit 2
Powerful, Comprehensive Expansion Option
for Pro Tools 9
Instantly take your Pro Tools 9 system to the next level by adding the
Complete Production Toolkit 2! With this powerful expansion option for
Pro Tools 9 software systems, youll have many of the same features youd fnd
in a Pro Tools|HD system. The Complete Production Toolkit 2 provides all the
fexibility youll need to work on sessions even if the fles were created in a
major studio on a Pro Tools|HD rig and youre working on a mobile Pro Tools
rig. Youll be able to run up to 192 simultaneous audio tracks (up to 512 tracks
total), have full VCA mixing capability, have support for 64 video
tracks, mix in full 7.1 surround while monitoring in stereo via the
Neyrinck SoundCode Stereo plug-in, speed up your workfow with
advanced automation and audio/ video editing tools, use X-Form
to shift pitch and time with natural-sounding results, exchange
sessions with Pro Tools|HD users without losing a single piece of
session data, and much more!
The Complete Production Toolkit 2 provides all the muscle any
Pro Tools 9 user needs to meet serious engineering and production
demands its a must-have.
367_360.indd 367 2/17/11 7:27:06 AM
HEAT HEAT, TDM ................................................
ONLY $18/mo.
Impulsive Impulsive ..................................List
ONLY $11/mo.
VocAlignPrj3 VocALign Project 3 ..........List
ONLY $11/mo.
Anthology2 Anthology II, TDM ....................List
ONLY $35/mo.
EchoBoyTDM EchoBoy TDM .................................
ONLY $13/mo.
PitchNTime Pitch n Time ....................List
ONLY $26/mo.
PTStudioC Pro Tools Studio Complete Bundle ... List
ONLY $95/mo.
PTProduction Pro Tools Production Bundle .........List
00 $
PTMastering Pro Tools Mastering Bundle ........List
00 $
VocalignPro4 VocALign Pro ...................................
Phoenix Phoenix, TDM ............................................
ONLY $16/mo.
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Pro Tools
ProGear 368
Pitch n Time
Pitch-shifting and Time-stretching Plug-in
Artifact-free pitch shifting and time shifting! Once you
see Seratos fantastic Pitch n Time in action, youll
be absolutely amazed. Its a true studio problem solver
and allows you to time shift 800% and pitch adjust
36 semitones! This Pro Tools-specifc version works
with all forms of Pro Tools (HD, LE, and M-Powered)
plus, you can do all this on anything from a single
note to a full mix. This amazing tool makes an essential
addition to any pro or project studio!
Professional Echo-/
Delay-modeling Plug-in
Get ready to be blown away
by EchoBoy TDM, with
unique Echo Styles that let you create 30 different echoes and delays. You
get everything from pristine digital delays to smooth prime number delays,
as well as warm chorused echoes, tape emulation, and lo-f effects. The
incredibly fexible EchoBoy offers an extensive editor to tweak each style to
your liking.
Anthology II
A Powerhouse of Production
Put legendary Eventide processing
capabilities into your Pro Tools|HD rig!
The incredible Eventide Anthology
II production bundle gives you 15
separate high-quality plug-ins, including
harmonizing, EQ, compression, and
phase-alignment tools, as well as Eventides
world-famous phaser, fanger, and reverb
all at a fraction of what the hardware
units cost!
VocALign Project 3
Audio-alignment Plug-in
Line up two audio sources
perfectly in seconds! Synchro
Arts VocALign Project 3 is
an incredibly handy studio and
post-production tool you can
use its magical processing on
sources as disparate as spoken word,
instruments, and vocals. A visual
user interface lets you select different
audio regions for processing.
The even more fexible
VocALign Pro version is
also available.
4GB of First-class Impulse
Responses for your Impulse Reverb
Essential add-on to TL|Space! Impulsive gives
you over 4GB of impulse responses from 24 of
the worlds most sought-after reverb units. To
create this breakthrough collection, Timbral
Research used a patent-pending process
called Realvolution, for far more accurate
responses than previously available. Impulsive
includes over 1,000 presets, each available
in 24-bit/96kHz resolution, 24-bit/44.1kHz
resolution, and CPU-friendly ECO mode.
Pro Tools
Studio Complete Bundle
Total Production Package
The Pro Tools Studio
Complete Bundle comes
with everything you need to
mix, master, and produce
music with pro results! From
lush reverbs to incredible
mastering tools, most of these plug-ins get their core programming
straight from TC Electronic hardware, for exceptional sound quality.
Specifc bundles for
production and mastering
are also available.
Plug-in Suite for Tape Saturation
Theres just something cool about hitting
tape hard, which doesnt happen naturally in
the digital world. Thats what the Phoenix
TDM plug-in suite does amazingly well!
Phoenix emulates the unique properties of a
magnetic tape machine , giving you the kind
of tonal color that tape saturation provides,
as well as the character you get when you run
your signal through an analog machine.
i E h St l th
Warm Up Your Tracks!
Inject analog soul into your Pro Tools|HD sessions!
HEAT isnt a plug-in; its built right into your mixer
window and gives you the ability to change the sound of
the entire board, on a global level. The key to HEATs
magic lies in its Drive and Tone controls. Drive faithfully
emulates the nonlinear processing of magnetic tape as
well as the harmonic content that naturally occurs with
tape, letting you dial in a fatness that smooths high-
frequency transients. The Tone control gives you control
over the amount of brightness that gets accentuated, and
it works in conjunction with the Drive control to add
analog vibe to your tracks.
See TDM Bundles
on page 360
368_361.indd 368 2/16/11 8:06:49 AM
Stutter-e Stutter Edit................................ t List
299 299
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Nectar-e Nectar....................................... r List
299 299
00 00
ONLY $10/mo. $
RX2Adv RX 2 Advanced .......................List
1299 1299
00 00
ONLY $39/mo. ONLY $39/mo.
RX2 RX 2.........................................List
349 349
00 00
ONLY $12/mo. ONLY $12/mo
Alloy-e Alloy.........................................List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Ozone4-e Ozone4 e Ozone 4 ....................................List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Plug-ins Mastering
ProGear 369 Visit us online at
Ozone 4
Outstanding Mastering Tools in This
Best-selling Suite
You dont have to compromise! The amazing iZotope
Ozone 4 mastering suite gives you 64-bit quality and all 6
the tools you need to get the mastering results you want
at an unbelievably low price! In addition to mastering
essentials (dynamics, EQ, and loudness maximizing),
you get analog-modeled effects, a Harmonics Exciter, and
y mid-side processing! Available via electronic delivery.
All the Channel-processing Functions You
Need in One Great Plug-in
Even if you already have a ton of processing plug-ins,
you wont fnd a better way to make the most out of
your tracks! The Alloy plug-in gives you six mixing y
tools that help you control, shape, and add punch to
your audio. Use Alloys dynamics, EQ, exciter, de-esser,
limiter, and transient-shaper elements, alone or
in different combinations, for a total channel strip
solution inside one outstanding plug-in! Alloys
user interface makes it incredibly easy to use, and its
modules allow you to tweak with precision. Call your
Sales Engineer today to get yours; its available via
electronic delivery.
RX 2
Clean Up Your Audio !
The RX 2 restoration suite makes short work of background
noise, tape hiss, digital distortion, clicks, pops, crackles, and
more! With the spectrogram display, you can see all the elements
of your audio. Spectral Repair easily removes individual sounds
and even resynthesizes missing or damaged audio. There are also
a denoiser, a declick & decrackler, a declipper, a freehand lasso
tool, improved batch processing, and much more! Available via
electronic delivery.
RX 2 Advanced
Advanced Tools for Incredibly Accurate
Audio Repair
With tools ranging from Denoise and Spectral Repair to
Declip and Hum Removal, RX 2 Advanced has everything d
you need. RX 2 Advanced also includes sample-rate
conversion, MBIT+ dithering, time stretching/pitch
correction, and third-party plug-in hosting. And it features
Deconstruct, which lets you separate audio into tonal, noise,
and transient components. Available via electronic delivery.
Amazing Vocal Plug-in Suite
The iZotope Nectar isnt just a vocal production
tool; its a whole suite of amazing vocal processors
in one affordable plug-in! Whether youre an
independent recording engineer, a dialogue
production specialist, or anyone else in charge
of producing the best-sounding vocals possible,
Nectar will improve the work you do. Pitch
correction, compression, reverb, delay, and more
you ve go youve got it all! In total, Nectar includes both
automatic and manual pitch correction plus 11 al itch ction plus 11
other excellent vocal processors and effects.
Stutter Edit
Awesome Rhythmic Effects
If youve ever tried to achieve that
stutter effect, you know it can take
hours in the studio to nail it. Now
iZotope lets you do it in seconds.
Stutter Edit is a playable multi-effect
for both studio work and performance.
Using a MIDI controller, you can
achieve an array of colorful rhythmic
effects for pro results. iZotope worked
hard to take a musical, instrument-like
approach to the effect, linking it to
simple gestures you can play right
from a MIDI controller. Stutter Edit
works with all major DAWs.
369_362.indd 369 2/16/11 10:22:34 AM
Creator2011 Creator 2011 ........................List
SoundForge10 Sound Forge Pro 10 ..........List
ONLY $14/mo.
SoundForge10SS Sound Forge Pro 10 DVD......List
95 $
SoundFrgAS10 Sound Forge Audio Studio 10 ............
Toast10 Toast 10 Titanium ........................List
CDArchitect CD Architect 5 ...................List
SoundSoapPro2 SoundSoap Pro 2 .......List
ONLY $18/mo.
PeakPro6 Peak Pro 6 ................................List
ONLY $18/mo.
PeakLE6 Peak LE 6 ...................................List
00 $
PeakProXT6 Peak Pro XT 6 ..........................List
00 $
TRackS3Dlx T-RackS 3 Deluxe ..................List
ONLY $14/mo.
TRackS3Std T-RackS 3 Standard .................List
99 $
TRackS3sgl T-RackS 3 Singles ....................................
TRackS3Dlxcg T-RackS 3 Deluxe Crossgrade ...................
SoundSoap SoundSoap 2 ..............List
00 $
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Mastering
ProGear 370
SoundSoap Pro 2
Pro-grade Noise-reduction Bundle
No matter how good your rig is,
sometimes noise is impossible
to avoid. SoundSoap Pro 2
quickly and effectively cleans
up your audio! Pesky clicks and
crackles, hums and buzzes, and
even low-frequency rumble of
wind is no match for SoundSoap
Pro 2! And it does the job
without adversely affecting the
audio you want to keep. This
amazing software actually
learns the offending noise and
attacks it! And an integrated noise gate puts the crowning
glory on the restoration process. It works as a plug-in
(RTAS, AU, VST, AudioSuite). The even more affordable,
streamlined SoundSoap 2 software is also available.
CD Architect 5
Production-quality CD-mastering Software
Master CDs on your PC! Sonys CD Architect 5 gives
you the tools you need to produce pro-level audio CDs
and its also amazingly budget friendly! Trim events from
full-length media, add new tracks, import regions from
Sound Forge software as tracks,
and master audio by applying
over 20 real-time effects! And
disc-at-once CD burning is a
snap. CD Architect 5 lets you
arrange your project via simple
drag-and-drop operations.
Whats more, you can even
perform complex crossfades
and DJ-style megamixes !
Toast 10 Titanium
Feature-packed CD-/DVD-burning
Software for Mac
If you burn CDs and DVDs on the Mac platform, you
need Toast! You can do much more than burn discs,
though, with Toast. It lets you capture streaming audio
from the Internet, tag the
tracks, and add them to
your iTunes library! Roxios
Toast 10 Titanium sets
the standard for burning
CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray or
HD discs. Create audio CDs
with crossfades or enjoy your
TV shows anywhere, with
EyeTV burning and TiVoToGo
transfers to DVD or iPod!
Peak Pro 6
Pro-caliber Stereo Editing, Processing, and Mastering
Software Solutions
Make that last step count!
Peak Pro 6 has the tools to
ensure your master disc is as
good as it can be! Organize,
tweak, and burn your fnal
masters with the fully Red
Book-compliant playlist .
Also available is Peak LE 6,
which gives you the essentials
from Peak Pro at a more affordable price. If you need more pro
features, Peak Pro XT 6 adds a suite of additional mastering,
sound design, and sound restoration tools to Peak Pro 6s
impressive features!
Sound Forge Pro 10
All-in-one Editing and
Mastering Software
Youll appreciate the new
event-based editing, fawless audio
time stretching, and integrated
CD-burning features. Sound
Forge Pro 10 even includes
the Mastering Effects Bundle 2
by iZotope! You get support for
a range of video formats, plus
display features for editing and
scoring to video. A tutorial DVD and ultra-affordable
Sound Forge Audio Studio 10 software are
also available.
T-RackS 3 Deluxe
A Complete Crop of Mixing and
Mastering Plug-ins
T-RackS 3 Deluxe from IK Multimedia builds on the legacy of the
excellent T-RackS software, adding fve great new processors for a total
of 10 incredible mixing and mastering tools! Whether youre looking
for clean clarity or rich analog character, this bundle has you covered.
For the essential set of mixing and mastering tools, you can go with
T-RackS 3 Standard. If you dig the plug-ins included in T-RackS,
you can go the a-la-carte route and choose T-RackS 3
Singles. It gives you an authorization code to download
one of the 10 plug-ins in T-RackS 3 Deluxe. Own another
IK Multimedia product? You can crossgrade and save!
Creator 2011
Amazing Media Production for Your PC
Roxio Creator 2011 kicks home audio, photo, and
video production into high gear. Now the same amazing
program that lets you easily capture, enhance, save, and
share your projects on your PC also lets you tap into the
magic of 3D! Create your own
original 3D pictures and
video using standard 2D
images and footage . Creator
2011 even comes with a pair
of 3D glasses. When youre
fnished, you can upload
your projects to your iPod or
other mobile device; share it
with the world on YouTube
or Facebook; or burn it to
CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc.
370_364.indd 370 2/16/11 8:09:05 AM
Copyright 2010. Sony Creative Software Inc. All rights reserved. SONY and make.believe are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
Sound Forge Pro 10 and ACID Pro 7
Professional Audio Production and Music Creation Solutions
If you are looking for the perfect software tools for digital audio production and music creationlook no further
than Sony
. Sound Forge
Pro 10 is the ultimate all-in-one production suite for audio recording and mastering,
sound design, audio restoration, and Red Book CD creation. It set the industry standard more than a decade
ago, and has helped producers deliver the highest quality audio possible. Let it do the same for you!
Pro software has been changing the way professionals think about and write music for over a decade.
This application is a fully functional DAW with MIDI sequencing capabilities, state-of-the-art loop manipulation,
and much, much more. Use ACID
today to learn more. Your Sales Engineer will tell you why Sound Forge Pro 10
and ACID Pro 7 will help you achieve sweet aural perfection with any audio project.
Sweet Aural Perfection
Volume licensing is available for all Sony Creative Software applications.
Its no wonder that this [Sound Forge Pro 10] is considered by many professional audio engineers and designers in flm,
video grames, radio, and music, as a top-of-the-line set of tools. - Todd Spitz, Studio Monthly
ACID Pro 7 is one of the most powerful pro-level DAW (digital audio workstation packages on the market.
- Caroline Ward, PC World
Sony SWS Ad.indd 1 2/10/11 10:22:47 AM
WaveLab7 WaveLab 7 ...............................List
ONLY $18/mo.
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Mastering
ProGear 372
High-quality Audio Editing, Mastering, and CD/DVD Burning
Powerful editing and mastering tools, now with Mac support! WaveLab
your total solution for high-resolution stereo and multichannel audio editing,
mastering, and CD/DVD burning! You get impressive time- and pitch-
stretching tools plus a fantastic restoration suite! Whats more, the
whole user interface has been given a fresh new look. Call your Sales
Engineer to fnd out more!
Now with
Mac support!
All-in-one intuitive user interface
Comprehensive and accurate audio editor
Complete Red Book CD-mastering tool set
Complete DVD audio-authoring tool set
Multichannel surround audio support
Video Thumbnail Track for editing audio for video
VST3 restoration suite from Sonnox
Mac and PC compatible
Why Wait?
Did you know that many of the software
titles we offer are available with an electronic
delivery option? That means you can place
your order on and download
your new software rather than waiting for a
physical box to arrive! There isnt a faster,
more effcient way to get your hands on the
latest software! Call your Sales Engineer or
check out
for all the details.
the tools you
need TODAY!
372_363.indd 372 2/16/11 8:11:49 AM
Reason5 Reason 5 ..................................List
ONLY $11/mo.
ReFillCollG Sonic ReFill Gold Collection ...................... List
ONLY $10/mo.
Reason5up Reason 5 Upgrade .....................................
RecordR5Duo Record Reason Duo ....................List
00 $
BassRefll Reason Elec Bass ReFill .................. List
DrumReFill Reason Drum Kits 2.0 ReFill ............ List
00 $
AbbeyRefll Reason Abbey Road Keys ReFill ....... List
00 $
PianoRefll Reason Pianos ReFill ....................... List
00 $
StringRefll Reason Strings ReFill ......................... List
00 $
Software Visit us online at
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 373
Reason ReFill Sound
Customize Your Reason Sounds
Get even more creative inside Reason by adding a wealth of
sounds to your palette! For bass sounds, grab Reason Electric
Bass ReFill. Eight famous electric basses make up this collection
all recorded in multi-microphone detail. For drums, Reason
Drum Kits 2.0 ReFill offers 17 NN-XT drum kits, 50 ReDrum
kits, and a host of style templates . For electric keyboards, the
Reason Abbey Road Keyboards ReFill gives you seven
classic instruments from the legendary studio, including the
Steinway Upright, the Hammond RT-3, the Mellotron MKII, the
Mannborg Harmonium, and more. And for pianos, the Reason
Pianos ReFill offers up three multi-sampled
greats: the Steinway D, the Yamaha C7, and
the Steinway K. The premium Reason
Strings ReFill is fortifed with solo and
ensemble string samples.
Includes a wide range of sounds, including
grand pianos, acoustic basses, synthesizers,
strings, drums, and more
Features a rack-style approach to generating
CPU-friendly design for Mac and PC
Communicates with DAWs via ReWire
Includes Thor polysonic synthesizer, RPG-8
arpeggiator, Kong Drum Designer, and more
Dr. OctoRex loop player
Sonic ReFill Gold Collection
ReFills for Reason
Reason users, heres an opportunity to
greatly expand your possibilities and
acquire the entire Sonic Reality ReFill
collection while saving a ton of money at
the same time! With the Sonic ReFill
Gold Collection, you can add to your
sample library exponentially, without
spending thousands. Inside, youll fnd
everything from drums to bass to strings
to retro keys and beyond. All in all, these
are some of the best-sounding libraries
for Reason, one of the easiest-to-use soft
synths around. And with this kind of sonic
versatility in your arsenal, youll be in pure
patch heaven!
Reason 5
Enter a Whole New Creative World!
Reason 5 is far more than a virtual instrument
or even a collection of virtual instruments; its a
complete music creation environment loaded with
powerful tools such as synthesizers, samplers, and
drum machines. Reason 5 has all of the effects,
signal processors, and complex routing options of
a full-fedged DAW, yet its environment is intuitive
enough that you dont have to be a programmer
to get great results. Amazing new features in the
latest version, including the jaw-dropping Kong
Drum Designer, the super-fexible Dr. OctoRex loop
player, in-device live sampling, and the innovative
Blocks song-development mode, make Reason
more powerful than ever before. From its simplest
subtractive synthesizer, Subtractor to its complex
modular synthesizer, Thor, Reason 5s functionality
will inspire you. Its analog-style virtual-rack environment is incredibly intuitive, and its
fexible routing and automation options are nearly limitless.
Reason 5s selection of synthesizers and samplers makes it an excellent sound-design tool.
Advanced synths, samplers, and drum machines give you an unlimited range of sound
production, but there are simple modules as well, which are a great way to start if youre new
to sound creation and manipulation. New to Reason 5 is an incredible in-device sampling
option that lets you capture and process your own samples in any of Reasons sample-based
devices. Reason 5s sampling option opens up a world of creative music possibilities, and
each of its sound modules has sophisticated signal and control options to satisfy anyone
who wants to go beyond the stock sounds. But Reason 5 still offers an enormous library
of sounds and preset options, so you never need to make your own samples or
patches. Reason 5 gives you an unlimited number of console-style and line-style
mixers, allowing for submixing and grouping, with a clear visual distinction
between groups. There are simple and complex versions of reverb and distortion
units, as well as creative extras, including a Combinator that lets you create
advanced layers and splits between instruments. An amazing vocoder lets you
create distinctive sounds. On top of that, Reason 5 gives you a powerful set of
mastering-grade dynamics processors that you can use to pump up your mix. If
you already own a previous version of Reason, you can upgrade to Reason 5 at
a special low price. You can also get the value-priced Record Reason Duo,
which bundles Record 1.5 and Reason 5. Call your Sales Engineer to learn more!
Sweetwater Exclusive!
EE 30-day
Video Training!
Call your Sales Engineer
for details.
373.indd 373 2/16/11 8:12:57 AM
Battery 3
Reaktor Prism
Guitar Rig 4 Pro
Absynth 5
Kontakt 4
Komp7 Komplete 7 ...............................List
ONLY $18/mo.
Komp7Elem Komplete 7 Elements ..................List
00 $
Komp7Kup Komplete 7 Crossgrade ...............List
00 $
Battery3 Battery 3 ..................................List
ONLY $10/mo.
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 374
Battery 3
Virtual Drum Sampler with 100 Drum Kits
Tons of drums! Generate awesome drum tracks for your mixes by using NIs Battery 3. Packed with a whopping
100 outstanding drum kits, the latest version of this acclaimed drum sampler has an improved display, a powerful
new engine, and a host of sound-shaping options. The cell matrix is bigger and more versatile than ever, with up
to 128 sample cells, and its fully customizable. In those 12GB, over 100 kits are included, and you get adjustable
articulations, such as fam, humanize, and roll, for natural-feeling rhythms. Time stretching allows samples and
loops to sync to the tempo.
Komplete 7
Your Comprehensive Soft Synth Bundle
Native Instruments is behind many of todays top virtual instrument sounds from
mind-blowing synths to refned acoustic instruments to must-have drum machines
and pretty much everything in between. Well, lucky for you, nows the time to load up
on Native Instruments full onslaught of sounds at a truly reasonable price!
Meet Komplete 7, a massive collection of 24 synthesizers, pianos, organs, samplers,
and effects that will ignite your music production process with burning creativity.
It gives you a tremendous sonic resource for your studio. In addition to over 90GB
of sample libraries, Komplete 7 includes the astounding Kontakt 4 sampler (also
available separately on page 375). There are also six incredible synths: Absynth 5,
Massive, Reaktor Prism, FM8, Reaktor Spark, and Acoustic Reactions. But were only
getting started! Youll also fnd the Battery 3 drum sampler (see description below),
the Reaktor 5 modular studio, and Guitar Rig 4 Pro software. In fact, NI added
Rammfre, a spot-on emulation of the Rammstein guitarists aggressive rig. You also
get the funk-favored, vintage-style Scarbee MM-Bass instrument. Other new additions
to this collection include the Abbey Road | 60s Drums instrument, four outstanding
virtual pianos, an assortment of unbelievable organs and electric pianos, and mind-
blowing effects. The Finger is an impressive effects unit you can actually play like an
instrument. Traktors 12 effects are pulled straight from Traktor Pro. Want to add a
touch of reverb or swim in it? Refektors pro-grade convolution reverb is exactly
what you need.
Komplete 7 Elements gives you an incredibly affordable entrance into the world
of Komplete 7. This bundle includes several instruments and over 12GB of content
from Komplete, at a price youll absolutely love! A specially priced Komplete 7
Crossgrade offer is available to owners of Kontakt, Reaktor, Kore, and Guitar Rig 4
Kontrol Edition. Call your
Sweetwater Sales Engineer
for more details.
374_365.indd 374 2/16/11 8:14:58 AM
Kore 2 is a product that everyone will use differently. For some, the ability
to rapidly sort through your entire library of sounds is a huge feature. Me?
I love that Kore 2 lets me stack many instances of my favorite plug-ins while
keeping the CPU usage and latency nice and low. And its great to have eight
real-time knobs that glow in the dark!
Daniel Fisher, Director of Product Optimization, Ext. 1090
Kontakt4 Kontakt 4 ..................................List
ONLY $14/mo.
Kore2 Kore 2 ......................................List
ONLY $14/mo.
Maschine Maschine 1.5 ............................List
ONLY $21/mo.
Software Visit us online at
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 375
Kore 2
Loads You Up with Sounds, Features Hands-on Control, and
Offers Easy Sound Library Navigation
If MIDI music creation and composition, sound shaping, and easy analog-style
control are among your favorite things, then Kore 2 is the tool for you! The 500
production-ready sounds that come with Kore 2 are only starting points the hardware
controllers touch-sensitive knobs allow you to morph each sound among up to eight different
variations, for thousands of amazing sonic textures! Plus, Kore 2s Sound Matrix function gives
you KoreSounds, plug-ins, effects, MIDI fle players, step sequencers, arpeggiators, and even entire
performances of multiple KoreSounds in any combination, all with simple drag-and-drop operation.
Add a deep degree of parameter control, instant mapping of plug-in parameters to the hardware controller, an
effective and intuitive on-screen interface, and much more, and youve got a powerful creative partner and sonic tool
in Kore 2!
Kontakt 4
Incredible Soft Sampler with Massive 46GB Sound Library
Stunning sampler! Youll love working with samples, thanks to Kontakt 4! The latest
version of Kontakt offers a vast new instrument library, ingenious editing capabilities,
and surround support, to give you a complete sonic experience. The included soundset
boasts over 43GB of content, and it includes sounds from popular favorites from the past.
Plus, Kontakt 4 gives you lossless sample compression, a new attribute-based browser, and
universal sample import capabilities. The sample library is overfowing with top-quality
instruments, including a special collection that focuses on voices and choirs!
Maschine 1.5
Create and Perform Grooves with This Cool Software/Controller Combo
Make killer grooves! Native Instruments Maschine 1.5 is a complete groove-production
system thats primed for the studio and the stage and it gives you the perfect combination
of software versatility and hardware control! With Maschine 1.5, you can program grooves
right onto the hardware box either by playing the 16 velocity-sensitive pads or by
using them in the traditional step-sequencer style. All the controls on the box are MIDI
programmable, so Maschines ready to interact with your favorite software programs. Its
awesome for Ableton Live users.
More than a controller, Maschine comes with stellar sounds too! You get great-sounding
drum kits, awesome synth sounds, and even samples of acoustic instruments all at your
fngertips, all ready to feed your inspiration! In fact, the 1.5 update added an extended sample
library, upping your sonic arsenal from 5GB to 6GB! Youll also enjoy enhanced
editing features, new hardware shortcuts, improved polyphony, and much
more. So run it as a standalone instrument or use it as a plug-in with your
DAW. Maschine 1.5 lets you seamlessly work its amazing content into your
productions. Youll be creating and manipulating astounding grooves in no
time at all!
375_366.indd 375 2/16/11 8:16:01 AM
Jupiter-8 V2
Prophet V2
CS-80 V2
MT TronP Pro MM-Tro on Pro Ele ectronic c Deliver ry..... ......List
199 199
95 5 95 5
OONLY $$10/m mo.
TheOne The One....................................List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
VCollection2 VCollection 2......................List
599 599
00 00
ONLY $18/mo.
minimoogV2 minimoog V 2.0...................List
249 249
00 00 $
Arp2600V2 ARP 2600 V2 ......................List
249 249
00 00 $
ModularV2 Moog Modular V2.5.............List
249 249
00 00 $
ProphetV2 Prophet V2 ..........................List
249 249
00 00 $
CS80V2 CS-80 V2 ............................List
249 249
00 00 $
Jupiter8V2 Jupiter-8 V2 ........................List
249 249
00 00 $
AEL b AELab Analog Experience - The Laboratory ...List
419 419
00 00 00 00
ONLY $13/mo.
AEFactory Analog Experience - The Factory ....... List
319 319
00 00 $
AnalogLab Analog Laboratory............................ List
299 299
00 00 $
AEPlayer Analog Experience - The Player......... r List
179 179
00 00 $
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 376
V Collection 2
A Collection of Seven of the Most Sought-after Synths of All Time
A synth lovers dream come true, Arturias V Collection 2 bundles an entire arsenal of glorious
vi vint ntag agee sy synt nths hs iinn on onee am amaz azin ingg pa pack ckag agee. TThe hese se vvir irtu tual al ssyn ynth thes esiz izer erss do don n tt ju just st ssou ound nd ssim imil ilar ar ttoo
th th i eir namesakkes; eachh one iis a spott-on repli licati tion off a sought ht-aft fter synth th ffrom th the 6 600s, 7 700s, 8 800s,
and beyond. So prepare to be completely blown away by the unbelievably realistic sound of seven
of the most well-known and coveted synths of all time, including heavy hitters from Moog, ARP,
and Roland.
Fire up the Minimoog V2 and enjoy its exceptional re-creation of the original Minimoogs
streamlined layo y ut. Create y your own sounds from the very y frst oscillator, , or snag g one of the more
than 1,000 killer presets and start twisting some knobs! Or fre up the incredible ARP2600 V2
and dive into the synth known for providing the deep, rich, and vibrant tones of artists ranging
from Herbie Hancock to Stevie Wonder. And with the latest version of the ARP2600 V2, you get
breathtaking automation control over its parameters via MIDI.
An Anal alog og ssyn ynth th eent nthu husi sias asts ts,, pr prep epar aree fo forr al alll of of tthe he ppar aram amet eter er ttwe weak akin ingg an andd pa patc tchh ma mani nipu pula lati tion on yyou ou ccan an hhan andl dle. e.
Your journey begins in the mid-60s, with the Moog Modular V2.5. Arturia frst designed their Moog
Mo Modu dula larr in in ppar artn tner ersh ship ip wwit ithh Bo Bobb Mo Moog og, an andd th they eyv vee co cont ntin inue uedd to to iimp mpro rove ve iits ts sson onic ic ccha hara ract cter eris isti tics cs ttoo fa fait ithf hful ully ly
emulate this iconic synth. You get all of the fexibility of running patch cables and tweaking knobs, as the Moogggggg
Modular V2.5 responds to the touch of your keyboard as though you were sending it pure CV rather than MIDI.
And as with the rest of the collection, the Moog Modular V2.5 takes full advantage of modern technology, with
an advanced patch browser, MIDI functions, and instant setting recall.
The Prophet V2 gives you both the frst and the last of Sequential Circuits legendary contributions to
synthesizer history. Inside the Prophet V2, you get the latest versions of Arturias painstaking reproductions
of of tthe he aana nalo logg Pr Prop ophe hett 55 an andd th thee di digi gita tall Pr Prop ophe hett VS VS, in in aall ll tthe heir ir sson onic ic sspl plen endo dorr. YYou ou aals lsoo ge gett so some me eexc xcel elle lent nt
bonuses, such as built-in effects and tons of presets. The CS-80 V2 (a re-creation of one of Yamahas past
keyboard masterpieces) and the Jupiter-8 V2 (a revival of one of the great Roland keyboards of bygone
days) both come loaded with content and
are represented in mind-blowing detail. Each
of these amazing vintage soft synths is also
available individually.
M-Tron Pro
Virt tual MMell lotrro on
Whoo hasn nt bee en iin ntriiguued bby the e
othe erworlldly f fute e s souunnds in n the
intro to SStrawwber rrry
Fieldds For rever
or thhe striings o of
Nig ghts in n Whi ite
Sati in? Bo oth w weree
the pproduucts off th haat mechannical ma arv rvel, the MMellootro onn.
M-TTron Pro is aa ssoftwware s simul latiio on of f the ubeer-clla assic c
tape e-playi ing innstr ruumen nt and its aan uupdatted vversiio on oof
the acclai imed M-TTrron.
The One
Pick Your Favorite Synth!
The One gives you installers and user manuals for all of Arturias software titles, right on one DVD. Then, you can
use the included activation code to activate any one of these instruments. Choose among eight amazing instruments,
including Analog Factory, Minimoog V, Moog Modular V, ARP2600 V, CS-80 V, Prophet V, Jupiter-8 V, and Brass.
ARP2600 V2
Experience The
Analog Synth Emulation Plug-in with Controller C ll
The Analog Experience The Laboratory combines the best of Arturias virtual analog synth software with a y
super-cool 39-key dedicated MIDI controller. Once the controller is connected, youre treated to seamless, mouse-free
music creation, with a staggering 3,500 synth sounds from some of the most popular and recognizable units ever made
from Moog to Yamaha to Roland and more. The Analog Experience The Factory includes a 32-key MIDI y
controller. The Analog Laboratory soft synth takes y
the Analog Factory to another level, with an enhanced
feature set. The Analog Experience The Player is
the simplest and most lightweight version of the series. It
includes a compact 25-key MIDI controller.
Minimoog V2
Moog Modular V2.5
376_367.indd 376 2/16/11 8:44:13 AM
Arturia is introducing three high quality
keyboard controllers. Each one of them
is made of aluminum and wood, offers
h^beaZ Xdc\jgVi^dc idlVgY Vcn hd[ilVgZ dg
hardware, and comes at great price.
In addition, the Player, the Factory and the
Laboratory are delivered with a dedicated
application that will turn them into full hybrid
synthesizers. Offering sounds taken from the
best synths of all time, they will undoubtedly
become your sonic weapon of choice.
Controller keyboards| Hybrid Synthesizers (800) 222-4700
Arturia SWS Ad.indd 1 2/10/11 10:23:26 AM
HollywdStrMac Hollywood Strings Diamond Edition......................
ONLY $53/mo. ONLY $53/mo.
QLChoirs QL Symph Choirs - PLAY............List
495 495
00 00
ONLY $16/mo.
QLGypsy QL Gypsy ..................................List
395 395
00 00
ONLY $13/mo.
QLVoicePass QL Voices of Passion ..........List
395 395
00 00
ONLY $13/mo.
QLSD2 QL SD2 - Next Generation ..........List
395 395
00 00
ONLY $13/mo.
QLPianos QL Pianos .................................List
495 495
00 00
ONLY $16/mo.
GoliathEW QL Goliath .................................List
495 495
00 00
ONLY $16/mo.
QLSOPlatCplus QL Symph Orch Plat Comp Plus.......... List
995 995
00 00
ONLY $32/mo. ONLY $32/mo ONLY $32/mo
HollywdStrPC Hollywood Strings Diamond Edition.....................
QLSOPlatC QL Symph Orch Plat Comp ................. List
895 895
00 00 $
QLSOGoldC QL Symph Orch Gold Comp ................ List
495 495
00 00 $
QLSOSilvC QL Symph Orch Silver Comp .............. List
195 195
00 00 $
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 378
Quantum Leap Symphonic
Orchestra Platinum Complete Plus
Dive into This Massive Collection of Instruments
If you want the most nuanced, expressive
orchestra sounds possible, then you need
a sample collection thats robust enough
to give you everything you need. You
get exactly that with Quantum Leap
Symphonic Orchestra Platinum
Complete Plus 194GB of samples!
Choose among other versions to ft your
needs and budget.
Quantum Leap Goliath
Virtual Instrument Collection
with Sample Player
Need a range of
quality instrument
sounds? EastWests
Quantum Leap
Goliath has you
covered! You get
premium drums
and percussion,
keyboards and
mallets, pop brass,
choirs and vocals,
ethnic instruments,
atmospheres, synth
pads and leads,
guitars, basses,
acoustic pianos, and more! The advanced PLAY sample d more! The advanced PLAY sample
engine is included, so you can easily browse through this
collections 40GB of instruments and articulations.
Quantum Leap Pianos
Play Four Outstanding Concert Pianos
concert pianos at
your disposal! The
Quantum Leap
Pianos collection
gives you the most
detailed collection
of four of the
worlds fnest
grand pianos, in
24-bit resolution
and three
positions. Included
are the Bechstein
D-280 grand, the
Steinway D grand, the Bosendorfer 290 grand, and the
Yamaha C7 grand all meticulously recorded .
Quantum Leap SD2
The Next Generation
Sample Library
Your ticket to exotic
percussion sounds!
EastWests stellar
Quantum Leap
SD2 The Next
puts a batch
of incredible
ethnic percussion
right in your
workstation! This jaw-dropping 13GB collection includes w dropping 13GB collection includes
hand drums, bells, gongs, anklung, Chinese bowl drums,
devil chasers and other exotic forms of percussion all devil chasers, and other exotic forms of percussion all
captured in stunning sonic detail!
Quantum Leap
Voices of Passion
Female Voice Virtual Instrument
Add beautiful voice soundss
to your projects, anytime!
Quantum Leap Voices
of Passion features fve
amazing female vocalists
from all around the worldd,
performing ethereal,
fowing vowels as well as
whispers, wails, phrases,
calls, words, and breath
noises. These striking
and mysterious sounds
are perfect for use in television, flm, and ision flm and
musical applications, and include pitch and
style variations Perfect for composers style variations. Perfect for composers
and New Age artists !
Quantum Leap Gypsy
Virtual Classical/Ethnic Instrument
Old-world fair! EastWests Quantum Leap Gypsy
collection gives you incredibly bly
articulate virtual
instruments, designed
for realistic, expressive
performances. Violins,
accordions, nylon- and
steel-string guitars,
and trombones are
among this librarys
many great-sounding
sampled instruments. In
addition, several of these
instruments can be played
in both gypsy and classical
styles, lending ethnic style to your compositions and your
performances. Enjoy a touch of the old-world sound, with performances. Enjoy a touch of the old world sound, with
the incredible fexibility of modern sampling technology.
Quantum Leap
Symphonic Choirs
PLAY Edition
Virtual Choir
Incredible choirs! The
Quantum Leap
Symphonic Choirs
PLAY Edition puts
you in front of fve
stunningly sampled
choirs: a boys choir, an
alto choir, a soprano
choir, a bass choir, and a
tenor choir. There are also
several solo singers. Whats more, you can use its
unique WordBuilder software to have each choir perform unique WordBuilder software to have each choir perform
your song in any language !
Hollywood Strings
Diamond Edition
Cinematic Strings!
Compose Oscar-worthy arrangements with
Hollywood Strings Diamond Edition.
This brilliant plug-in features a near-endless
catalog of string articulations and sounds,
each meticulously recorded for fawless
quality. In fact, the team that worked on the
project includes award-winning engineers
and producers some of the same guys
who recorded and mixed the latest Star Wars movies, Jurassic Park, Titanic,
and more. These
sounds are silver-
screen ready!
378_368.indd 378 2/16/11 8:42:32 AM
PPG3 PPG Wave 3.V ..........................List
199 199
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
DarkSi ide-e The e Dark Side ........................Listt
395 395
00 00
OONLY $13/mo. .
CompCoollMac QL CComplete Comp Cooll PLAY - M Mac ..................
OONLY $35/mo.
CompColllWin QL CComplete Comp Cooll PLAY - PCC ... LList
1495 1495
00 00 $
Largo Largo ............................................List
299 299
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
QQLMinRoc ck QL Mi inist try of Rock .... ..........List
395 395
000 000
ONLY $1 13/mo.
FabFour Fab Four ..... ........................... ...... r List
395 5 395 5
00 00
ONLY $13//mo.
RAplayy QL RA A - PLAY Edition n ................Listt
395 395
00 00
OONLY $13/mo. .
Silk QL Silk....... .................................List
495 5 495 5
00 00
ONLY $16///mo.
Software Visit us online at
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 379
Quantum Leap RA
PLAY Edition
Dozens of Ethn nic Virtu uaal Instruuments
from Aro ound the Globee
Play ethniic instrum ments fromm around thhe world!
Quantumm Leap RRA PLAAYY Editionn brings yo ou
both uniqque and traaditional innstrumennts from thhe
Americas, Australia, , Africa, thhe e Far Eastt, the Midddle
East, and the Turkis sh Empire ess. Add an e exotic fav vor
to your traacks with tthis incre eddible and vvaried
instrumennt collectioon!
Quantum Leap Silk
Put Ricch-soundin ng Silk RRoad
Instrumments on Y Your Tracks
Instrume ents from the e East! Insid de Quanntu um
Leap Si illk, youll fndd a rich colllection o of
instrume ents from the e Silk Roadd, bringging g the
sounds o of China, Perssia, and Ind dia to your DAW!
Each ins strument was captured inn stunni ing g detail
and incluudes an extennsive set of a articulaationns,
so you caan compose w with the true sound d of each
instrume ent. Call toda ay and fnd o out mor re!
Quantum Leap
Ministry of Rock
VVirtual Dr rum, Gu uit tar, andd Bass Innstrumeents
IIncredible ro ock sounndss! The
QQuantum Leap MMinnistry
oof Rock soound library y k
ggives you a wwide ran nge e of
aamazingly rrealistic ddruums,
bbasses, and guitars, c cov vering
aan array of sstyles. Nooww you
ccan use your keyboaardd
ccontroller annd your DA AW
tto produce a all sorts o of rock
ssongs, from mellow tun nes to
aall-out shredd fests!
Fab Four
Play wwith Period--
correctt British
Invasioon Soundss
Put the i instruments t that
changed the world on n your
own trac cks! These Beaatles-
inspired,, period-speci ifc
instrume ents (includinng
guitars, b basses, drums s, and
keyboard ds even ammps)
give you that classic, u unforgettab ble sounnd y youre
looking ffor. Fab Fouur instruments weree re ecorded
using oriiginal mics aand gear fromm that p per riod. You
have to hhear this colleection for yoourself!
Vi Virtuall AAn l alog/W /Wavet b ablle
Sy ynth Plug g-in
This software synth is all Waldorf! You
ge gett th thee sa same me aama mazi zing ng ttec echn hnol olog ogyy th that at
Waldorf builds into their Blofeld and Q
hardware syn y ths, , but this one lives in
your computer! With its friendly interface
and incredible oscillators, flters, and
arpeggiator, Largo has the vibe and
functionality you need to get classic
synth sounds. Plus, its VST/AU plug-in format adds a level of fexibility
youll love, whether you use Largo in the studio or onstage!
Quantum Leap Complete Composers Collection -
PLAY Edition
Huge VVirtual Insttrument BBundle e
All the in nstruments yo ou need, in one gre eat c collection! ! EastWests s Quantumm Leap Coompletee Compossers Colllection
PLAY Eddition puts aall the virtual instru umments you nneed for com mposing prrojects at t yoour dispoosal. And it t makes ann incredib bly y
expressivve and wide-rranging coll lection f for musicians s as well. Thhe Complette Compo ose ers Collec ction PLA AY Editionn includes s
everythinng from symp phonic instrrumentss an nd choirs t to world souunds, percuussion innstr ruments,, ethereal v vocals, and d much mmo ore.
Imagine having a com mplete libraary of prrofeessional-qu uality instrruments andd voices a at the read dy to make yyour comppositions coome
to life. Noow you do! Avvailable for both Mac aand PC. Ca all your Sa ales Engineeer to fnd d ouut more about this astoundin ng bundle e.
The Dark Side
40GB of Wond derfully Eeriee Innstrume ents
Call up The Darrk
Side, an nd youve
got 40GB B of the
instrumments you kknow
and love e morpphed
to their spookiest
selves. CCreated by
EastWessts Doug
Rogers a and acclaiimed
indie pr roducer Daave
Fridmannn, The Da ark Side ad dds disttinc ctive soniic favor
to any trrack. If yooure after the ulttima ate in ma angled
instrumments, in th he favor o of Radiooheead, Muse, Nine Inch h
Nails, et t al., then The Dark Side is for r you.
PPG Wave 3.V
Classic Synth Sounds
WWal aldo dorf rfs s WW PP PPGG Wa Wave ve 33 V .V ssof oftw twar aree VV
synth gives you the sound and vibe
that the early y-80s classic offered, ,
plus functionality that players back p
then wouldnt have been able to
dream of. You get over 500 new
sounds , over 100 new wavetables,
and more. The PPG Wave 3.V gives you authentic reproductions of the digital oscillators
from the 2.2 and 2.3 models, and even includes the PPG Wave 2.3s factory sounds. You
also get six outstanding
effects types.
379_369.indd 379 2/16/11 8:41:04 AM
Morphestra Morphestra ......................List
699 699
99 99
ONLY $23/mo.
SubBoomBass SubBoomBass ......................
ONLY $10/mo.
SynthSquad Synth Squad .................................. List
349 349
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Trilian Trilian .......................................List
299 299
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Predator Predator.................................................... r
ONLY $10/mo.
StylusRMXxp Stylus RMX Xpanded.......... List
399 399
00 00
ONLY $14/mo.
Omnisphere Omnisphere.......................List
499 499
00 00
ONLY $17/mo.
SAGE5pk Xpander Pack .......................List
149 149
00 00 $
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 380
Powerful Soft Synth Loaded with 40GB+ of Studio- P
quality Sounds q
Warning: once youve entered W Omnisphere, you wont want
o leave! So, what makes this new soft synth so exciting? Is it to
he impressive new STEAM synth engine Spectrasonics built th
nto Omnisphere? Could it be the staggering sound-shaping in
apabilities Omnisphere has to offer ? How about its Live mode, ca
hich gives you transitionless patch switching and layers, or its wh
ce mapping? What about its absolutely huge (40GB-plus) built-in powerful performanc
is that all these great features and many more make this all these great features and many more make this library? The answer i
your go-to source for incred dible synth sounds! your go-to source for
Stylus RMX Xpanded
Easy-to-use Groove Module with Fully
Loaded Sample Library
Create amazing grooves fast! Whether youre laying
down basics in the studio or making grooves on the fy,
youll love how easy it is to get results from the Stylus
RMX Xpanded groove module! It comes with 13GB d
of sounds as well as powerful real-time groove-editing
features, so be prepared to get inspired! Original Stylus
RMX customers can get the g Xpander Pack p separately. p y k
This Virtual Modular Synth Plug-in Is a
Sound Designers Dream Come True
Tweakable modular synth! Predator lets you tweak to
your hearts content, and its simple user interface means
you dont have to hunt around to get the results you
want. Predator ships with Predator FX, which allows you
to use the incredible flters, modulations, effects, and
vocoder as effects plug-ins within your DAW!
Expand Your Musical Basses
Bring on the basses! Inside Trilian, youll fnd a 34GB
core library of rich-sounding acoustic, electric, and synth
basses all playable and immensely tweakable. Built
on Spectrasonics powerful STEAM engine, Trilian offers
incredible feel and control, with round robin variations
for realism, juicy flters, an arpeggiator with Groove-
Lock, a built-in FX rack, and much more. Trilian adds
new life to the low end!
Bring On the Low End with This
Step-sequencer-driven Virtual Bass Synth
Beef up the low end for low-end bucks! Rob Papens
SubBoomBass virtual synth gives you the tools you
need to craft massive synth bass lines. A tuned drum synth
and a 16-step sequencer add even more life to the party!
You also get a ton of effects and plenty of presets to make You also get a ton of effects and plenty of presets to make
your tracks move!
DCAM: Synth Squad
Amazing Collection of Virtual Analog and
FM Synths
FXpansions DCAM: Synth Squad includes the fat- d
sounding Strobe performance synth, the rich Amber string
synth, and the lead-friendly Cypher analog-emulating/FM
synthesizer. Fusor is a semi-modular combiner/workstation
that not only puts the other three synths to work in the
i t b t l l t dd ff t same environment, but also lets you add even more effects
to the other great sound-shaping tools!
Make Entire Productions with These
Stunning Cinematic Instruments
Ready for action! Morphestra gives you amazing a
cinematic sounds that suit a range of projects. It includes
everything from soundscapes to single hits to ambient
noises. Create trailers, add texture to your bands projects,
and more. Morphestras 1,200 instruments and multis
come installed on a handy 80GB hard drive.
380_370.indd 380 2/16/11 8:39:43 AM
Symphobia2 Symphobia 2 ...........List
1299 1299
00 00
ONLY $44/mo.
Evolve Evolve.......................................List
320 320
00 00
ONLY $11/mo.
EthnoInst2 Ethno Instrument 2 ....................List
395 395
00 00
ONLY $14/mo.
SymphInst Symphonic Instrument............. t List
295 295
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
ElectricKeys Electric Keys ...................List
295 295
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
MachFive2 MachFive 2 ............................List
495 495
00 00
ONLY $17/mo.
BPM BPM 1.5...................................List
295 295
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
MachFive2cg MachFive v2 Crossgrade ..........List
295 295
00 00 $
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 381 Visit us online at
BPM 1.5
Build and Combine Irresistible Grooves
Using MOTUs BPM 1.5 is like being able to integrate your favorite rhythm
programming hardware with your go-to computer-based instruments only better!
YYou get an impressive 19GB-plus sound library; a built-in drum synthesizer; drag-
and-drop simplicity; and the ability to build and combine drum kits, loops, sequenced
patterns, and other instrument sounds. BPM 1.5 also offers universal plug-in capability
y to put your creativity as well as standalone operation. You wont fnd a better way
into your grooves and
performances than with
the amazing BPM 1.5!
MachFive 2
The Rosetta Stone of Samplers
If you have libraries of samples from several different formats, then MachFive 2 is the
player you need! Not only does it come with tons of built-in sounds, but it will also open
and play back samples from virtually any sample or fle format, directly! MachFive 2 also
preserves all preset characteristics, such as key switch, release, and trigger-speed sample
switching . Tap into the power of MachFive 2, as either a standalone sampler or an inserted
virtual instrument within your DAW. A special crossgrade offer is available for owners of DAW. A special crossgrade offer is available for owners of
competing samplers.
Electric Keys
Rare and Vintage Keyboard Virtual Instrument
The impressive Electric Keys collection offers up re-creations of legendary electric
pianos, electric organs, clavinets, Wurlitzers, tape samplers, string machines, keyboard
basses, and other rare and exotic electric keyboard instruments, all of which are
multi-sampled at 24-bit/96kHz. To make sure the sounds were spot-on, MOTU enlisted
50 well-preserved vintage instruments from Fender, Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Hammond, 50 well-preserved vintage instruments from Fender, Yamah
Wurlitzer, Hohner, Elka,
Farfsa, Mellotron, Moog,
RMI, ARP, and others.
Symphonic Instrument
Add a Full Symphony to Your DAW Without
Straining Your CPU
For a budget-friendly price, you get an outstanding
range of high-quality orchestral sounds: strings, brass,
woodwinds, pipe organs, period instruments, pianos, and
more! Symphonic Instrument functions both as a
plug-in and as a standalone instrument. This affordable
instrument is also surprisingly easy on your CPU! instrument is also surprisingly easy on your CPU!
Ethno Instrument 2
A Whole World of Virtual Instrument
Loops, Samples, and Voices
Ethno Instrument 2 offers a whopping
21GB of world music instrument samples and
loops. Four gigabytes are dedicated to sampled
instruments that span the globe, including
African, Asian, Australian, Latin American, and
West Indian instruments, among others. Since
many of the included world instruments dont
conform to the Western 12-note chromatic scale, MOTU has conveniently provided the , y p
option of playing the instrumeent in its native tuning or in a modifed Western tuning.
Award-winning Cinematic Virtual Instrument
The cinematic sounds
you need, right at your
fngertips! Heavyocitys
Evolve is packed
with ethereal string
sounds, evocative
tonalities, moving
cinematic rhythms, and
tremendous percussive
hits and kits all with
the aim of giving TV/
video game composers,
flm scorers, and
adventurous musicians a
broad palette of inspiring soundscaping tools. This nearly
6GB collection comes with almost 3 900 samples! 6GB collection comes with almost 3,900 samples !
Symphobia 2
Orchestral Sample Library
Symphobia 2 gives you an amazing array of orchestral
sounds for flm, TV, and video game scoring. This
incredible sample collection splits its 33GB of content
between orchestral sounds and moody cinematic effects.
Try out the Multis collection to really take your
scoring toward the unique. You even get two different
virtual microphone sets for optimuminstrument blends virtual microphone sets for optimum instrument blends.
Includes the NI Kontakt Player 4.
381_372.indd 381 2/16/11 8:38:25 AM
Electri6ity Electri6ity .................................List
399 399
95 95
ONLY $12/mo.
AcousLegHD Acoustic Legends HD......List
299 299
95 95
ONLY $10/mo.
RealGuitar2 RealGuitar 2L..................List
299 299
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
ST2XL SampleTank 2.5 XL ...................List
229 229
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
MiroslavPhil Miroslav Philharmonik ......... List
229 229
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
IKwstBun2 Total Workstation 2 ............List
399 399
99 99
ONLY $13/mo.
Ivory2Grand Ivory II Grand Pianos ......List
349 349
00 00
ONLY $12/mo ONLY $12/mo.
Pianoteq3 Pianoteq 3 .......................List
349 349
00 00
ONLY $11/mo.
RealStrat RealStrat ......................... t List
299 299
00 00 $
MiroslavPhilcg Miroslav Philharmonik CG............... List
229 229
99 99 $
MiroslavClas Miroslav Philharmonik Classik Ed .... List
129 129
99 99 $
IKwstBun2cg Total Workstation 2 CG ........List
349 349
99 99 $
Ivory2Ital Ivory II Italian Grand ........List
179 179
00 00 $
Ivory2Upright Ivory II Upright ................ t List
299 299
00 00 $
00 AliciasKeys Alicias Keys .......................List
119 119
00 00
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 382
Pianoteq 3
Virtual Piano Instrument and Sound-design
Design your own virtual
piano from the ground
up! Pianoteq 3 lets you
create your own dream
instrument, from hammers
to strings to the cabinet and
more. This isnt simply a
collection of parameters;
Pianoteq 3 makes all the
elements you choose interact
just as they would on a real
instrument! You can even
put up to fve virtual microphones wherever you want
inside your piano to capture the sound that suits you.
Alicias Keys
Get the Piano That
Alicia Keys Trusts
There are a lot of instruments
and sound libraries named
for the artists who inspired
them, but theres never been
a soundset quite like Alicias
Keys. Alicias Keys gives you
the soulful sound of Alicias
own Yamaha C3 Neo grand
piano (the one shes played
on multiple Grammy-winning
recordings and chart toppers) . Plus, each of the nearly Pl h f th l
3,000 samples in this library was recorded in her own
Oven Studio with Alicia Keys, herself, at the piano
for the most authentic sound possible. You have to play
this one to believe it!
Ivory II Series
Packed Full of
Premium Pianos
Amazing pianos! Synthogys
Ivory II pianos sound better
than ever, thanks to a host
of new features (including
a new engine, sympathetic
string resonance, lid
position, timbre shifting,
parametric EQ, half
pedaling, and many more).
You also get double the
velocity layers. All this piano greatness is
available in the Ivory II Grand Pianos, the Ivory II
Italian Grand, and the Ivory II Upright.
Total Workstation
2 Bundle
An Amazing Collection of Virtual Instruments
in a Single Value-priced Package
All you need, in one box! The
Total Workstation
2 Bundle includes a
huge collection of virtual
instrument plug-ins plus
fve critically acclaimed
workstations , giving you
28GB of samples and over
14,000 sounds. What an
astounding value! If you
own another IK Multimedia
product, then check out the
money-saving crossgrade offer.
Orchestral and Choir Workstation
IK combined its premier
Miroslav orchestra, string,
and choir collections, and
put them into Miroslav
Philharmonik, which
includes a 7GB library with
over 1,300 great sounds. (Own
another IK product? Crossgrade
and save!) The more affordable
1.5GB Philharmonik Classik
Edition has 250 stellar sounds
and 20 DSP effects.
SampleTank 2.5 XL
Industry-standard Sample Workstation
SampleTank 2.5 XL
weighs in with an amazing
1,700+ patches. Load up
SampleTank 2.5 XL, and
you'll have a full range
of instruments at your
command, either as plug-ins
or in standalone mode,
with Core Audio support on
Mac and WDM/ASIO on PC.
SampleTank also provides a
nearly unlimited number of
sound-shaping tools. Use it
as a soft synth or a sampler,
or take advantage of its
pitch-shift and time-stretch capabilities. Youll
have incredible sound shaping potential! have incredible sound-shaping potential!
RealGuitar 2L
Guitar Virtual Instrument
Want to use your W
keyboard to add k
ealistic guitar re
parts to your tracks? p
RealGuitar 2L R gives
ou the power! Using y
multilayered samples m
aken from every fret ta
and all six strings of a
a real acoustic guitar, a
his software provides th
verything from ev
ealistic fret position re
changes to sliding, h
bending, and muting techniques. If youd like to use an
electric version, go with RealStrat.
Legends HD
Acoustic Guitar Virtual Instrument
Acoustic Legends HD
gives you a whopping
19GB of acoustic guitars
in 24-bit/96kHz resolution,
for realistic guitar sounds
and expression. You get
a variety of styles, chord
voicings, instruments, and
articulations, all of which
will put an incredible range
of acoustic expression at
your fngertips!
Virtual Guitar Like Never Before!
With Electri6ity, you
get complete access to
eight different guitars,
including a Strat,
a Tele, a P90-based
model, a Les Paul, and
more, as well as an
impressive collection
of stompbox effects
and guitar amps. Plus,
you get three pickup
positions for each
guitar, so you can get
the exact guitar tone youre after to make ure after to make
di hi ! your recordings shine!
382_374.indd 382 2/16/11 9:40:35 AM
GGMarchBand2 Concert and Marching Band 2.....
ONLY $10/mo.
VSLEnsemblePro Vienna Ensemble PRO ....List
285 5 285
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
VI2SpecialPkg VI II Special Edition Bundle........ List
865 865
00 00
ONLY $29/mo.
VI2SpecialEd VI II Special Edition ......................... List
420 420
00 00 $
VI2SpecialPl VI II Special Edition PLUS ................ List
555 555
00 00 $
VI2SpecialPkg-E VI2SpecialPkg E VI II Special Edition Bundle Ext VI II Special Edition Bundle Ext....................... ... t
VI2SpecialEd-E VI II Special Edition Ext................................... ... t
VI2SpecialPl-E VI II Special Edition PLUS Ext ......................... ... t
JazzBB3 Jazz & Big Band 3 .....................................
ONLY $10/mo.
GPO4 Personal Orchestra ....................................
ONLY $10/mo.
Software Visit us online at
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 383
Vienna Instruments is widely regarded as having the most r realistic virtual orchestra collections available. Whether youre a top p-echelon
flm composer or a a home producer, theres a Vienna solutio on for you. Either go with a Special Edition library below or pick inddividual
section libraries to o get the articulations and sounds you neeed there are far too maany options available to list here! Call us foor details.
Vienna Ensemble PRO
This VI Host Redeffnes Your Creative Possibilities
Straight from the mak kers of some of the worlds
premier virtual orches stral instrumentation
comes a unique virtuaal instrument host that
takes a conductors-ey yee-view of in-the-box
music production. You u can connect via RTAS,
AU, or VST to deliver yo our Vienna Instruments
and other third-party VVST or AU instruments
and effects plug-ins rigght to your favorite DAW.
Because of its modular r client/host structure,
Vienna Ensemble PPRO lets you pass data
over Ethernet to fully u use the processing power
and memory of satellit te computers. Dont have
audio interfaces for all l of your computers? No
problem! If you have g gigabit Ethernet, you can
stream audio and MID DI to and from the host
DAW S i ! I l d th 9GB E i DAW. Serious power! In ncludes the 9GB Epic
Orchestra Pack!
Vienna Special
Edition Libraries
Compose with a Complete
World-class OOrchestra
Vienna Special E Edition libraries bring the
sounds of the Vienna Symphonic Library
to your studio, inn affordable CPU-friendly
packages. Instea ad of choosing individual
instrument secti ions, you can work
with a compreheensive collection! The
Special Editioon Bundle includes the
Special Editioon
and Special
Edition PLUS
libraries (availaable
individually too)). Add y
articulations witth the
extended libraries.
License Key for Vi Vieen eenna na Instruments
In order to us see any of the Vienna Sy Symp mphhonic Library y co coll llec ec cti tioons, you ul lll ne e ne eed ed thhe VSL Ke Keyy. Ju Ju t st lload th hee VVS VVS SLL L ke ke keyy y i wi h th y your r
licenses, an ndd it will un nlock the he VVienna conten entt yo yo y u have i inns sta tall lled ed.
The VSL KKey co onnec ects ttoo o yo yo our ur c com ompu pute te err r i via a UUSB. B
VS S VSLLK LK L ey VSL VSL Ke Key.............. .......................... .... .............
For Pro Composers
For Modern Studios
To view the com l plette
select ection ion of of Vi Vienn ennaa
lib librar ra ies, visit
www sweetwater com www ww
Jazz and Big Band 3
Youll Love These Brass, Sax, and Rhythm
Section Instruments
Garritan puts the spirit of New Orleans into a collection
of amazing instruments you have to hear to believe! The
Jazz and Big Band 3 virtual instrument features over
50 great-sounding instruments, including trumpets,
trombones, saxes, winds, drum kits, basses, guitars,
and keyboards as well as muted samples for the
trombones and trumpets trombon
ve your to gi
sitions added compos
authenticity. Jazz sonic a
ig Band 3 lets and B
reate anything you cr
m intimate jazz from
ups to swinging grou
bands. You big
all this at an get
nbelievably low un
rice. Call today to pr
fnd out more! f
Personal Orchestra
The Premium Orchestral Instruments You
Want, at a Great Price
Who says you need to invest tons of cash to get amazingly
realistic orchestral sounds and textures? Garritans
Personal Orchestra includes all the symphonic a
instruments you need to create orchestrations of
any size easily and affordably! A 2GB library of
great-sounding samples and fexible, add-a-player-at-a-
time ensemble-building time ens
mean you can options
a uniquely design
string quartet or voiced
ate the New York re-cre
harmonic. The Philh
onal Orchestra Perso
mes with the com
ntakt 2 sample Kon
ayer. It can pla
n as a plug-in run
r standalone. or
Outstanding value! O
Concert and Marching
Band 2
Outstanding Marching Band Instruments Let
You Assemble Incredibly Accurate Marching
Band Arrangements!
Garritans Concert and Marching Band 2 gives you
the tools to put together incredibly accurate marching
band arrangements . Easily create realistic-sounding
marching bands, concert marchin
wind ensembles, bands, w
her band and oth
gements, and build arran
own bands with your o
mble building. This ensem
ary is a must for libra
cators who need to edu
t out on the feld. get
383_375.indd 383 2/16/11 9:43:49 AM
ZPack Digital Vault Z-Pack ............................List
249 249
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
SPack01 S-Pack Vol. 1 - K Series Cymbals..........List
109 109
99 99 $
SPack02 S-Pack Vol. 2 - FX Series Cymbals ........List
109 109
99 99 $
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 384
Digital Vault Z-Pack
Your Instant Collection of Premium Cymbals
Wouldnt it be great to have your very own vault flled with all kinds of premium,
handmade Zildjian cymbals ready to play at a moments notice? Thanks to
Zildjians astounding Digital Vault Z-Pack, you get instant access to a roomful
of those brilliant beauties. And, best of all, theyre available at the click of a mouse!
Th This is bbre reat atht htak akin ingg so soft ftwa ware re iinc nclu lude dess th thee fa fant ntas asti ticc (a (and nd aama mazi zing ngly ly eeas asyy-to to u -use se)) BF BFDD
Eco engine, which lets you easily choose the cymbals and drums you want. The Eco
engine then puts them into incredibly intuitive and useful user displays.
The debut of Gen16 Intelligent Percussion by Zildjian marks the companys frst
fforay into thhe ddigit l al world ld, andd h this nea l rly 4400-year-old ld company hhas creat d ed
a winner right out of the gate! Their new Gen16 Intelligent Percussion lineup
combines the centuries of experience, innovation, and know-how with cutting-edge
digital technology. The result is a huge virtual vault of genuine Zildjian cymbals
youll be proud to put on your projects. In fact, these masterpieces are painstakingly
modeled on the precious originals found only in Zildjians vault not on
pr prod oduc ucti tion on ccym ymba bals ls.. Th This is mmea eans ns yyou ou wwon ont t ffnndd th them emaany nywh wher eree el else se!!
The Digital Vault Z-Pack pack gives you an amazing selection of Zildjian A Series cymbals (in all their
full-length sampled glory no truncated samples here) plus exclusive artist groove tracks. You can also
add the S-Pack Vol. 1 K Series Cymbals and the S-Pack Vol. 2 FX Series Cymbals to make
your collection even more impressive. These packs include meticulously recorded samples of hand-selected
reference cymbals as well as artist groove tracks. Call your Sales Engineer to fnd out more!
BFD2 BFD 2.0 ....................................List
499 499
00 00
ONLY $11/mo.
BFDeco BFD eco....................................List
199 199
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
BFD2Up BFD 2.0 Upgrade........................List
299 299
00 00 $
BFDGHv01 BFD2 Greatest Hits Vol. 1............List
169 169
00 00 $
BFD 2.0
The Virtual Drum Room of Your Dreams
Make your dream kit! Put together rare, vintage, and boutique drum kits in seconds. Adjust mic positions and even Make your dreamkit! Put together rare, vintage, and boutique drumkits in seconds. Adjust mic positions and even
adjust mic bleed! Load up BFD 2.0, and it will sound as if youre standing inside an incredible-sounding room with
every must-have drum component at your fngertips. The included effects will punch up any mix. And youve also got
the best microphones in the world already set up, so youll never have to turn knobs or pull levers to rearrange them.
BFD 2.0 is as close as it gets to the drum-engineering experience in the studio but with zero setup time and an
incredible bank of sounds (55GB). Owners of BFD 1.5 can upgrade to BFD 2.0, with the BFD 2.0 Upgrade. Add the
amazing (and amazingly affordable) BFD2 Greatest
Hits Vol. 1 library and put a wide variety of kits and
sounds into your BFD instrument!
BFD eco
Powerhouse Drum Plug-in Made Affordable,
Easy, and CPU Friendly
Based on the award-winning BFD engine (check out BFD
2.0, left), the BFD eco plug-in gives you an immense
range of the most sought-after drum sounds. Best of all,
youve got easy access to all of those drum sounds in your
VST-, AU-, or RTAS-compatible DAW, thanks to BFD ecos
simple and intuitive user interface. This is a great plug-in
for anyone who wants to learn how to program drums
but needs no-compromise drum sounds ready for the
highest level of sessions. Boasting 1,500+ drum grooves,
the affordable and powerful BFD eco is going to be music
to your ears. You even get 40 preset kits in a variety of
styles, from rock to jazz to funk and beyond!
384_376.indd 384 2/16/11 9:44:33 AM
Drumagog5 Drumagog 5 Pro...................List
289 289
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Drumagog5Plat Drumagog 5 Platinum...........List
379 379
00 00 $
KitAFull Kit A v1.1 - FULL ....................List
1499 1499
99 99
ONLY $44/mo.
AddictDrums Addictive Drums................List
249 249
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
DrumCore3 DrumCore 3...............................List
250 250
00 00
ONLY $10/mo. ONLY $10/
DrumCore3DlxDrumCore 3 Deluxe.....................List
650 650
00 00 $
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 385 Visit us online at
Drumagog 5 Pro
Beef up those drum tracks! Amazing new features, including a more
accurate triggering engine, a sample-accurate Auto Align 2.0 alignment
algorithm, an extensive 4GB sound library a
with room samples, and an amazing auto w
hi-hat tracking system, make h Drumagog 5
Pro P more useful than ever before. For years,
engineers and producers worldwide have used e
Drumagog to fx and enhance existing drum D
racks. Equipped with a new user interface, tr
Drumagog 5 Pro is extremely easy to learn and D
use. u Drumagog 5 Platinum adds plug-in
hosting, a Morph|Engine
dynamics processor,
and professional-caliber
convolution reverb.
DrumCore 3
Virtual Drum Software
The drums you love at your command! Use
DrumCore 3 to give your tracks their backbone. There
are tons of styles, feels, and variations included, so
you can fnd the perfect vibe for your song. In fact, the
redesigned user interface makes it easy to search for the
right groove. With rock, blues, metal, jazz, funk, urban,
reggae, Latin, and more, DrumCore 3 has the groove you
need for your tracks . DrumCore 3 Deluxe adds 10
incredible DrummerPack
expansion sets (normally
$69.99 each) .
Addictive Drums
Drum Production Tool Kit Plug-in
Great sound and easy to use! The Addictive Drums
plug-in gives you a massive array of great drum
sounds plus the ability to tweak them to your hearts
content. Designed with a wide variety of applications
in mind, this comprehensive plug-in lets you access
all parameters, giving you complete control over
the thousands of included grooves and beats. Using
Addictive Drums you can obtain the realistic sounds Addictive Drums, you can obtain the realistic sounds
of a miked acoustic kit or manipulate the samples for
unique drum textures.
Kit A v1.1 FULL
Virtual Acoustic Drum Sample Library
Mixosauruss Kit A v1.1 FULL packs an astounding
133GB of stereo samples thats nearly 100,000 stereo
samples spread across 20 different microphone setups!
Wondering how youre going to ft all of that on your
hard drive? Dont worry; Kit A v1.1 FULLs huge sample
library comes to you preinstalled on a FireWire/eSATA
hard drive . Every sample inside this astonishing library e this astonishing library
was recorded using high-end vvintage gear, for the utmost
in sonic quality.
EZdrummer EZdrummer ............................... r List
179 179
00 00
SupDrum2 Superior Drummer 2.0 .......List
349 349
00 00
ONLY $11/mo.
EZXFunkmast Funkmasters EZX..........................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXJazz Jazz EZX ......................................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXMetal Metalheads EZX...........................List
89 89
99 99 $
EZXTwisted Twisted Kit EZX............................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXElectro Electronic EZX..............................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXNashville Nashville EZX...............................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXDFH DFH EEZX.....................................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXLP Latin Percussion EZX....................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXVR Vintage Rock EZX.........................List
89 89
00 00 $
EZXClaustro Claustrophobic EZX.......................List
89 89
00 00 $
SDXMusicCitySN Music City USA SDX ..........List
179 179
99 99 $
SDXNYStudio New York Studio Vol. 2........List
179 179
00 00 $
SDXCustVint Custom and Vintage ...........List
179 179
00 00 $
SDXCustVintSN Custom and Vintage SN ......List
179 179
00 00 $
SDXMetal The Metal Foundry .............List
179 179
00 00 $
SDXMetalSN The Metal Foundry SN........List
179 179
00 00 $
Superior Drummer 2.0
Virtual Drum Software with 20GB of Sounds
The sounds in Superior Drummer 2.0 were originally slated to be part of an
expansion pack for EZdrummer. But after the legendary session drummer Nir Z went to
work with the all-star Toontrack recording team in three famous New York studios, it
was clear that the sounds were special enough for their own sound engine. Toontrack
took the opportunity to revamp EZdrummer, boosting the engine and updating the
user interface to showcase these new sounds. Do you love the amazing sounds you get
in Superior Drummer 2.0 and want to load up with more killer content? Then youll i S i D 2 0 d t t l d ith kill t t? Th ll
love the range of amazing sound libraries Toontrack offers. With everything from New
York- and Nashville-recorded drums to vintage and heavy metal kits, Toontracks SDX
Expansion Packs have all
kinds of musical tastes and
styles covered.
Easy-to-use Virtual Drums
Not all drummers are engineers, and not all engineers are drummers. But with
EZdrummer, anyone can be both. This incredibly easy-to-use software plug-in puts
premium-quality drum kits in great-sounding rooms, then gives you full-on control.
A whopping 7,500 sound fles at 16-bit/44.1kHz let you create the perfect drum
kit just drag-and-drop the preset fles to wherever youd like them to go. There are
also more than 8,000 preset patterns with easy previewing . Advanced users get a ton
out of EZdrummer by adjusting deep functions such as microphone bleed, microphone
positions, internal mixing
levels, and more. A built-in l l d A b il i
humanizer feature helps
keep your grooves natural
sounding and noncycling, for
very convincing tracks. And
above all, Toontrack offers
high-quality EZX expansion X
packs in virtually every style,
so you can always keep your
grooves fresh.
385_378.indd 385 2/17/11 5:09:43 PM
TriggerEX Trigger EX .................................List
199 199
99 99
TriggerPlat Trigger Platinum ........................List
399 399
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
SSDrumsEX SS Drums EX.......................List
149 149
99 99
SSDrumsPlat SS 3.5 Sig Drum Plat Pack .......List
399 399
99 99
ONLY $10/mo.
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 386
Steven Slate 3.5 Signature
Drumkits Platinum Pack
Virtual Drum Instrument with More
Than 40 Kits
The powerful Steven Slate 3.5
Signature Drumkits Platinum Pack offers
over 40 kits of no-tweaking-necessary, radio-
ready drum samples for your tracks. Plus, the
Platinum Pack delivers 13 high-quality models of
legendary kits for you to experiment with . Now,
you can now produce jaw-dropping drum tracks
from your MIDI keyboard or electronic drum
kit! You can also use the included MIDI grooves
recorded by LA session drummer Glen Sobel.
Trigger Platinum
Intelligent Drum Replacement
When it comes to drum replacement, accuracy
counts and Slate Digital gets it. Thats why c
they created Trigger to be a t
one-stop drum-replacement tool
that saves you time t and sounds d
better than the rest. You can b
trigger a close-miked sample, a t
stereo room sample, and a stereo s
overhead sample all right from
the same drum track. You can t
even retrigger ghost notes and e
extremely complex drum e
flls. f Trigger Platinum
comes loaded with the c
Steven Slate Drums Platinum
samples collection . s
10 Killer Drum Kits at an Absolutely
Amazing Price
Steven Slate brings all his know-how to this affordable
10-kit drum collection, with kits straight from the
Platinum Pack. Using these no-tweaking-necessary
samples, youll have radio-ready drum tracks in no time
at all. Put the power of Steven Slate Drums EX to work in X
your studio!
Trigger EX
These Drums Will Defnitely Trip
Your Trigger!
As does its big sibling (above), the A Trigger
EX drum-replacement tool gives you great X
drum sounds (these samples come from
the Steven Slate EX sample collection). And
Trigger EX is amazingly affordable! Heres
your chance to ratchet up the q quality of y
your drum sounds the y
hassle-free way.
Call your Sweetwater Sales Engineer now for details.
(800) 222-4700
386_379.indd 386 2/16/11 8:37:20 AM
InfniteGold Serafne FX Tron ...................List
399 399
00 00
ONLY $11/mo.
OWDgold Ocean Way Drums Gold ............List
599 599
00 00
ONLY $20/mo. ONLY $20/mo
DrumMast2MTHD Drum Masters 2 w/HD ..........List
995 995
00 00
ONLY $32/mo.
EpikDrums Epik Drums................................List
995 995
00 00
ONLY $32/mo.
DrumMast2MT Drum Masters 2.................... List
299 299
00 00 $
OWDplatMac Ocean Way Drums Plat Mac ......List
1995 1995
00 00 $
OWDplatPC Ocean Way Drums Plat PC ........List
1995 1995
00 00 $
Plug-ins Virtual Instruments
ProGear 387 Visit us online at
Epik Drums A Ken
Scott Collection
All-star Drum Sounds! A
Ken Scotts producer/engineer credentials include K
projects with The Beatles, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, p
Supertramp, Dixie Dregs, and more. And here, with the S
unbelievable u Epik Drums A Ken Scott Collection n,
hes joined forces with the original drummers from h
those infuential 70s lineups. Each drummer has been t
re-recorded in studios around the globe, using the very r
same rare analog gear that was used on the original s
classic albums . All of the amazing kit samples are mapped
for both keyboard and
electronic drums .
Drum Masters 2
Multitrack Platinum
Drum Kits, Grooves, and Sounds from
Legendary Drummers
Amazing samples and grooves from frst-rate players!
Use Drum Masters 2 Multitrack Platinum, and
youll be blown away by the sounds of iconic players!
The Platinum edition comes on a hard drive. A version n
without the hard drive is also available. Both include
the Infnite Player.
Ocean Way Drums
Gold Edition
40GB Drum Samples with Mix Options
Sonic Realitys Ocean Way Drums Gold Edition
gives you 40GB of some of the fnest drum samples
youll hear . These stellar samples were recorded at the y
renowned Ocean Way Studio B . Want more? Grab the
Ocean Way Drums Platinum Edition ( Mac or
PC version), which gives you an astounding 120GB
of top-quality content.
Each Ocean Way Drums
collection comes with its
own hard drive.
Workstation Gold
Thousands of Sounds, Perfect for
Composers and Songwriters
From multisampled pianos to guitars to full
orchestras and more, Sonic Realitys stunning
Infnite Workstation Gold has all the sounds and
instruments you need for composition in practically
any genre. Songwriters and composers will love this
collection of 15 Kapsules for the Kontakt format. The
Infnite Workstation Gold library also works as its own
virtual instrument plug-in
inside popular DAWs, as
well as standalone.
387_380.indd 387 2/16/11 10:44:00 AM
Number of
staves Unlimited 16
Can import
MIDI data Yes Yes
Can edit
MIDI data Yes No
Can export Yes, Yes,
MIDI data fully GM only
Support of Single,
dotted notes double, triple Single only
Note value 512th to 32nd to
support long whole
Instrument Common
notation Full instruments
Guitar tablature
support Full Basic
multi-rests Yes No
Ideas Hub Yes No
numbers Custom Automatic
Lyric verses
allowed Unlimited 5
Export lyrics
as text Yes No
Video support Yes No
Scroll view Yes No
Rehearsal marks Custom Default
Import music from
Finale Yes Yes
VST and AU
playback Yes Yes
capabilities Yes No
settings Full Limited
textures 60+ 6
Built-in sounds Full range GM only
6 Category
Sibelius Sibelius
Kudos to the Sweetwater team for making my shopping
experience educational, satisfying, and enjoyable!
You have a customer for life!
Dereck Tabata
customer RAVES!
exp perience educational, satisf fyin y g, g and enjoy j yable!
You You You You hhha ha ha have ve ve ve a c a c a c a cust ust ust ustome ome ome ome ff r f r f r f r for or or or l f lif lif lif lif life! e! e! e!
D DDere ere ere k ck ck ck T b Tab Tab Tabata ata ata
Sibelius6Ref Sibelius 6 Reference ..........................
Sibelius6 Sibelius 6..................................List
ONLY $18/mo.
Sibelius6PS Sibelius 6/PhotoScore Ult ...........List
00 $
Sibelius6First Sibelius 6 First .........List
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Notation Software
ProGear 388
Sibelius 6
Realize Your Ideas and Create
Pro Lead Sheets and Scores
Musician, engineer, teacher if youre
into the creative process behind writing,
arranging, and performing music,
then youve got to check out Sibelius
6. This amazing music notation suite
helps you turn your musical ideas into
printable professional notation. Boosted
by a number of ingenious time-saving
features, Sibelius 6 can even integrate
with Pro Tools, for an unbelievably
smooth music production and creation
workfow. Just enter in notes the way you
prefer you can use a MIDI controller,
draw them in by hand, click on keys or frets, play your computers
QWERTY keyboard just as you would a piano, or use AudioScore to
sing them in via a microphone!
Among the cool new features in Sibelius 6 is Magnetic Layout, which
tidies up your scores so that your markings wont ever overlap. In
addition, the new Versions feature keeps track of your work, so you
can compare your score with how it just was that way, youre
always working on the best rendition of your project. To top it all off,
Sibelius is loaded with incredibly realistic sounds, so you can hear
your compositions played back with unbelievable realism.
Wish you could scan in your printed sheet music? Now you can, right
from the get-go! Just choose the Sibelius 6 and PhotoScore
Ultimate Bundle, which includes Sibelius 6 and breakthrough
PhotoScore Ultimate software.
Sibelius First
Affordable Notation Software Thats Compatible with Sibelius
Tap into the power of Sibelius 6, at a more manageable cost! Sibelius First is the
easiest way to create your own lead sheet, tab, or score, and share it. Based on the
award-winning Sibelius software, the Sibelius First music notation program provides
an easy-to-use interface and powerful tools for composing and arranging, all at a lower
price. Whether youre a singer/songwriter, a guitarist, or a keyboardist, Sibelius First
provides all the features you need to create, arrange, and publish your music. Plus,
the whole time you work in Sibelius First, youll be getting familiar with the Sibelius
software environment the same one used by pros so you can transfer your skills
when youre ready to move up.
Sibelius 6 Reference
Learn the Ins and Outs of Sibelius 6
The Sibelius 6 Reference
is the be-all, end-all guide on
Sibelius 6s features! Divided
into nine chapters, Sibelius 6
Reference takes you through
all of the essential topics, so
you can become familiar with
the essential tools and features.
The index also helps you
quickly locate information on
specifc areas of the program.
388_382.indd 388 2/17/11 7:40:30 AM
(800) 222-4700
Elevate your score.
With Sibelius 6 come features only dreamed of in the not-so-distant past. Magnetic Layout
alone will save hours. Weve used Sibelius exclusively for years and have never looked back.
Ron Vermillion, Universal Studios Music Library
Call your expert Sweetwater Sales Engineer to learn how Sibelius
can help you create perfect scoresup to twice as fast.
2011 Avid Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product features, specications, system requirements, and availability are subject to change without notice. Avid, the Avid logo, and Sibelius are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
Avid Sibelius SWS Ad.indd 1 2/10/11 10:24:24 AM
PrintMusic11 Finale PrintMusic 2011.......List
119 119
95 95
Finale11 Finale 2011 ..............................List
600 600
00 00
ONLY $18/mo.
Allegro Finale Allegro ............................List
199 199
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Notation Software
ProGear 390
Finale Allegro
Outstanding Value and an Introduction to Finale
Finale Allegro
2011 is a cant-beat value for anyone with basic notation needs. With it, you can
create printable scores and play back your work, all in an easy-to-use format. You can even export your
song ideas as iPod-ready MP3 fles! Enter notes into PrintMusic 2011 via a MIDI keyboard controller, a
microphone, or your computer and mouse. You can also scan scores into PrintMusic 2011. This latest
version gives you improved lyric entry, an easier-to-use staff layout, new fonts, music education worksheets,
improved pickup measures, and more.
390_381.indd 390 2/16/11 8:36:13 AM
GuitarPro6 Guitar Pro 6 ..........................List
59 59
95 95
Progression PROGRESSION...............List
149 149
00 00
Notion3 NOTION 3..................................List
299 299
00 00
ONLY $10/mo.
Photoscore6 Photoscore Ultimate 6....................
ONLY $10/mo. ONLY $10/mo.
Notation Software
ProGear 391 Visit us online at
Photoscore Ultimate 6
Scan Printed or Written Sheet Music Right into
Your Notation Software
Forget manually entering in notation from your printed scores;
just use Photoscore Ultimate 6! Simply place the sheet music
in a scanner, and, in moments, youll have a digital re-creation
thats ready to be duplicated or sent to Sibelius (page 388) for
editing or altering the score.
Photoscore Ultimate 6 can read both printed and handwritten
sheet music, and will even bring in slurs, dynamics, guitar
tablature, chord diagrams, lyrics, and more. This amazing
software even recognizes more-complex musical signposts! Best
of all, Photoscore Ultimate 6 frees you to write music anywhere
and still be able to digitize it later. Work smarter, not harder, with and still be able to digitize it later. Work smarter, not harder, with
Neuratrons Photoscore Ultimate 6!
Affordable Software Helps You Create and Hear Your Scores
When youre bringing your musical ideas to fruition, you
want a program that wont get in the way of you and your
creativity. NOTION 3 is the easy-to-use, straightforward pick;
you can focus on your music, not the technology. Enter, edit,
and manipulate notation right from your computer keyboard
or MIDI instrument. Then, let the instrument sounds built
into NOTION bring a revolutionary degree of realism to your
songs and NOTION 3 ups the ante on performance with
advancements such as real-time tempo control, which lets
you take NOTION to the stage with unprecedented control!
You can hear your score performed by the London Symphony
Orchestra, with thousands of samples recorded at Abbey Road
Studios . NOTION incorporates full ReWire support, and it Studios . NOTION incorporates full ReWire support, and it
nnow offers built-in support for major VST sound libraries to
eexpand your sonic capabilities.
Turn Your Guitar Ideas into
Sheet Music and Tablature
PROGRESSION provides a guitar-centric
approach to creating sheet music and
lead charts. Just connect a MIDI guitar or
keyboard to your computer, and youre
ready to start capturing your musical ideas.
PROGRESSION supports custom tablature
and alternate tunings. Plus, any change
you make to the notation is automatically
updated in the tab.PROGRESSION comes
with thousands of acoustic and electric
guitar samples from acclaimed guitarist Neil Zaza, along with low-end support
from bass virtuoso Victor Wooten. Victors brother, Roy Futureman Wooten,
handles the rhythm details, giving you an incredible range of percussion sounds.
PROGRESSIONS editing features include drag-and-drop capability, note audition,
and simple deletion, while real-time NTempo control puts you in complete command
of tempos. PROGRESSION also has VST-hosting capability, and IK Multimedias
Amplitube 2 Duo amp-modeling software is included Amplitube 2 Duo amp-modeling software is included.
Guitar Pro 6
This Guitar Tab Editing and Composition
Tool Is a Great Value
You wont believe what an outstanding tab editor and
compositional tool you get in eMedias impressive
Guitar Pro 6 at such an incredibly low price! The
latest version of this outstanding software gives you an
upgraded sound engine, so you can play back your ideas
and compositions on your Mac or PC, with extraordinary
realism (you can even add several great effects). Guitar
Pro 6 also includes a
Scales tool, Metronome
and Countdown
features, and a Mix
Table that lets you take
control of instrument
and effects levels on
playback. Input music
via microphone or
MIDI controller, or use
the Virtual Fretboard
or Virtual Keyboard to or Virtual Keyboard to
enter notes.
391_382a.indd 391 2/16/11 8:35:24 AM
Motion 4
Final Cut Pro 7
Soundtrack Pro 3
VegasPro10 Vegas Pro 10 .................................List
ONLY $21/mo.
MediaComp5 Media Composer 5 ..........................
ONLY $88/mo.
FinalCutStu3 Final Cut Studio ..............................
ONLY $35/mo.
VegasProPA2 Vegas Pro Production Assistant 2 ....List
95 $
VegasMSPro10 Vegas Movie Stu HD Plat 10 Prod Suite .........
FinalCutExp4 Final Cut Express 4.0 ......................
StudioUltColl Studio Ultimate Collection .................
ONLY $10/mo.
StudioUlt14 Studio Ultimate ................................
Software Call today! (800) 2224700
Video Production Software
ProGear 392
Final Cut Studio
Complete Video Editing and DVD Creation Solution
Final Cut Studio consolidates Apples extensive suite of video editing software into one comprehensive box, giving you all the tools you need
to see your video projects through from clips to completed visions. Final Cut Studio includes the latest version of Final Cut Pro, the powerful
centerpiece of the suite, which puts incredibly fexible and powerful editing tools at your fngertips. But editing is just one small piece of the
puzzle, and Final Cut Studio gives you everything you need to add professional moving graphics to your flms. To handle the audio side of
post production, theres Soundtrack Pro 3, a complete audio post-production environment. New multitrack editing tools accelerate the audio
workfow, and voice-level match keeps dialogue at the same volume, saving you an immense amount of time during the editing process. Create
signature looks for your video creations with Color 1.5. By placing the power of high-end grading in your hands, you can quickly and easily
modify the hue of a single scene or craft a signature look for an entire sequence or flm. Of course, having a perfectly edited, awesome-sounding,
and perfectly hued flm or clip is useless if you cant share it with the world.
Compressor 3.5 and DVD Studio 4 are onboard to manage everything from
encoding to burning DVDs and Blu-ray discs. The more streamlined and affordable
Final Cut Express 4.0 is also available.
Robust video editing/production suite
Includes Motion 4 animation tool
Complete audio post-production tools
Burn DVDs and Blu-ray discs
A full range of color-grading
and fnishing tools
Encodes and delivers in a variety
of formats
Studio Ultimate
Produce and Edit with First-rate Plug-ins
With Studio Ultimate
Collection, you get video
production software plus an
assault of special plug-ins.
Make top-quality movies with
stunning effects, transitions,
animation, and more! A
standard version without the
plug-ins is also available.
Media Composer 5
Powerful Tools for Video Editing
Theres good reason why frst-class producers, directors, and editors depend on Avids
Media Composer 5 to meet their crucial deadlines. Its built for collaboration,
and its included Production Suite gives you exactly what you need to create effects,
composites, graphics, and soundtracks. An advanced set of editing tools, wide
support of media formats and resolutions, and rock-solid media management all
work together to support a rapid, high-level workfow. When its time to share your
results, you can author Blu-ray discs and easily post interactive online content. Media
Composer 5 is your go-to editing suite.
Vegas Pro 10
Your Complete Video Production Suite
Do it all! Working inside Vegas Pro 10 is incredibly easy and
intuitive. But this comprehensive video production suite also gives
you the pro-level features you need, and support for gigapixel
images means you can work with extremely large images and
retain their quality! Vegas Pro 10 also includes native XDCAM EX
fle support and RED ONE high-def camera support. This latest
version of Vegas Pro adds stereoscopic 3D editing capability, image stabilization for video clips,
Genlock sync controls, improved support for 50p and 60p projects, and more. You can even apply
quality lighting effects right inside the program to create highlights or to change the focus of
your shot! Vegas Pro 10 also doubles as a particularly potent DAW, complete with audio effects .
When youre ready to publish, use the included DVD authoring software to create pro-quality,
feature-packed DVDs and Blu-ray discs! The Vegas Pro Production Assistant 2 plug-in lets
you automate many of your frequent tasks and processes. The amazing Vegas Movie Studio HD
Platinum 10 Production
Suite turns your PC into a
powerful video editing and
production tool.
392_384.indd 392 2/17/11 7:41:24 AM