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The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary
education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS])  to provide
sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for
tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.


Practical benefits of schooling under a 13-year education cycle

1. Preparedness for tertiary learning. With adaptation of K-12 scheme, students are

expected to graduate at age a bit older than past graduates’. This is an advantage,
according to DepEd, as graduates will be considered young adults. Hence, they will be
more equipped to deal with much higher level of learning as they enter college education.
2. Readiness to join the workforce. Unlike the old system, K-12 does not compel each
student to take college after completing Senior High School (SHS). In fact, this scheme
empowers students to make a choice on their own. They may not pursue college
education especially if they have chosen a track other than academic track. The good
thing is SHS graduates will be equipped with skills (through electives) that will make
them good at certain field(s).
3. Skill competency in the global job market. K-12 system aims to improve Filipino
students’ mathematical, scientific, and linguistic competence. With the new curriculum,
DepEd promised to offer higher quality education through tracks. Each track will give
students enough time to master a field and enhance their skills. In the end, K-12
graduates will become globally competitive and are set to obtain spot in the stiff labor


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Perspectives on the Implementation of the K to 12 Program in the Philippines

The government implemented the K to 12 programs to enhance the educational system of the
country in order to accelerate the mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals across the
world. Learners were able to master the skills and develop core competencies which are the essential
things to meet the demand of the global market.

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8 Disadvantages of K12 Education

1. A prolonged beyond the usual tedious or longer years in school (plus 2 years).
Extending for a considerable distance than what’s necessary.
2. Graduates take time to produce and are two years older (23 years old instead of 21
3. Parents have struggled financially or have been heavily laden already. They experience
strains in their monthly budgeting with the additional K12 two years: more for tuition
fee increase, tediously burdened hearts and pockets with the additional 2 years for
tuition fee, school allowance and good food for the brain and health of students. This
happened on top of the desperate economic crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. Additional expenses for the working parents on their kids’ K12 school books, school
projects, school events which weigh down or encumbered parents’ finances.
5. Adds to harming the environment with more electric usage per added classrooms.
6. The K12 program adds harm to the environment by allocating more transports.
7. Some students resort to early teenage matrimonial wedding from being exhausted
beyond endurance with prolonged studies for two more years in the K12 program.
8. After graduating in the K12 Program, companies are hiring college graduates and not the
K12 graduates. Naturally, engineering companies would hire engineering graduates to
successfully facilitate engineering works for them, so why hire a K12 graduates in that
aspect? Similarly, hospitals would employ trained nurses to do delicate work and not the
K12 students because, simply put, nursing graduates are better equipped for that certain
line of hospital work.

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