Case Study Red Bus

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Mobile App Redesign



Red Bus is an online bus ticket booking

platform that belongs to the travel and
tourism industry.

It enables users to book bus tickets for

travel across India and other countries.
Red Bus acts as an intermediary
between bus operators and customers,
providing a convenient and user-friendly
platform for booking bus tickets.

Personal goals
To improve the user experience of the
booking process on the Red Bus

website, increase conversion rates, and

reduce abandonment rates

To understand what makes Red Bus so

reliable to the majority of the population

Business Objectives
To expand the company's services to
more cities and countries

To maintain profitable operations and

generate sustainable revenue growth

To enhance the user experience and

customer satisfaction through

technological innovations .

UX Methodologie My Rol Tools use Timeline

Heuristic Analysi UX Researche FIgm 10 days

AEIOU Framewor UI/UX Designer

Mir (Over 2 weeks)

Competitive Analysi Photoshop

Guerilla Testin
User Testin
User Persona
User Flo
Wire-framing &




77 out of every 100 people

who download a new app stop

using it within the first 3 days? And
after a month, it becomes 90 out of
100 people who stop using it? And
after 90 days, it's over 95 out of 100

The booking flow of the bus from the start to the payment
shall be analysed


1 2 3 4 5

Empathise Define Ideate Prototype Test


Understanding the target audience:

I began the pro ect with understanding RedBus s target market ’ .

It was found that primarily individuals who travel by bus for various reasons

such as commuting to work, visiting friends and family, and taking vacations

were the prime target audienc e

Overall, Red Bus targets a broad range of audiences, including commuters,

travelers, budget-conscious individuals, tech-savvy people, and young
adults and students. Its platform is designed to provide a convenient,

user-friendly, and affordable option for booking bus tickets online.

Competitive Analysis

Next, identifying my competitors in the market was very crucial to analyse the
features and pain points.

Other apps like Make My Trip, Go

Ibibo and Paytm were looked into.

Secondary Research

I ran a desktop research for the reviews and feedbacks given by people online

to have their inputs on their RedBus e perience x .

The pointers identified were

Complexity: Users find the booking process to be complex and confusing,
with too many steps and options

Clarity: Users have difficulty understanding the pricing and discount

structure, as well as the terms and conditions of the booking

Speed: Users might face slow loading times and a lack of responsiveness,
leading to frustration and abandonment

Trust: Users could be concerned about the safety and security of their
personal and payment information, and the reliability of the service .

Primary Research

Heuristic Analysis was conducted over 5 users and insights were

gathered.Each of the problem stated were further categorised into heuristics

and given a number between 0-5 according to the severity of the problem.

Most users found it convenient to use the app with little to no difficulties in the
user interface. They stated that the resembles of the UI with common apps

used regularly made it easier to go through the steps of booking a bus.

Guerilla testing was conducted while the users were assigned a singular task
and their insights were gathered and this gave more clarity on the problems

stated by the users .

The most valuable insights that came through were:

1 2 3
Having too many options Flexibility to freeze the price Personalisation of data can help
bus options leaves users should be given to the users with easing the booking

intimidated and confused process, and shall also allow

users to skip repetitive steps

AEIOU Framework

A Activities

Book bus ticket

Check bus availability and timing

Cancel bus ticket
Track bus locations and progres
Manage bookings and account settings

E Environment
The Red Bus app can be used anywhere with
an internet connectio

Users may use the app on a mobile phone,

tablet, or compute

The app is available in multiple languages

and currencies


User inputs information such as the source

and destination cities, travel dates, and

number of passenger

Users can filter their search results by

various criteria, such as bus type, price, and

travel tim

Users can view photos and reviews of the

buses to help them make a decisio

Users can pay for their tickets through the

app using various payment methods

Ob ects

Search ba
Bus listings with photos and review

Booking and payment interfac

User profile with booking history and account


U Users
Individuals looking to travel between citie

Families or groups of people traveling


Business traveler

Tourists and travelers from other countries


User Persona, Meet ‘Samir’

The insights gathered from primary and

secondary research both helped me gather

insights to create personas which was the

base to my redesign solution

User flow

This helped me empathise with my user

thoroughly, it helped me visualise the

thought process at each step

Figuring out the pain points and gain points and slowly working on
converting pain point into gain points was indeed a rewarding e perience x


How might we?

After setting user flow in place i began

my how might we process ’


Using HMW questions, I began sketching out the

initial draft for how i want the screens to look like

Low- Fidelity Wireframes


Experience 1:


Currently the multiple options listed

to choose from makes it hard for a

user to find desirable options .

The app shall now address the user

by the name the user chooses to

associate with in the start of the

sign up process.And shall also show

the recent buses taken by the user

with good ratings on the top to

ensure easy selection of bus.

Making it specifically tailored for the

user.It also alerts users about price


Experience 2:

Lock Red D l

Currently the app experiences

highest prices around the seasons

of festivals and holiday s

The new feature allows you to lock

the price you see for 7 days allowing

the user to feel comforted by the

affordable price options .

A minimal price of 25 % is to be paid

to ensure reservation till it is

completely paid for.

Experience 3:

Saved Personal Information

Currently every-time a user tries to

book a bus he is e pected to refill all

the details that have been given to

the app previously making it a

cumbersome proces s

The new feature allows you to start

where you left off from and allows

you to skip repetitive steps

Experience 4:

C oupon code

Currently for coupon code usage

the app re uires the user to go

through deals and offers and

remember to copy it and keep for

later, and when failing to do so the

coupons can only be accessed

when the user goes all the way

back to the landing page. Where the

user loses all his progress with

bookin g

The new feature allows you to

access coupon codes personalised

to you, depending on your choice of

bus operator, card used, etc.

Proximity could encourage users to

use it more.


Surprisingly, users were able to complete the 4 tasks given to

them. They were able to relate to most features as they are
familiar with using them in varied apps.

I asked one user to validate my screens, although i hope with

time i shall be able to collect more insights.


Reflection :

Overall, I love how my first UX Case study panned out.This project

really helped me understand how each aspect of design process

is an crucial yet enriching e perience to come up with a desired x

outcome. Having a walk through the entire project, gave me
confidence in my capabilities as a designer.I went overboard with

the timeframes i set for myself for each step, so maybe I shall be

more realistic the ne t time x .

Thank you for your time and patience! Your feedback on the
same is highly appreciated.

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