This document provides rubrics to evaluate various activities including small group discussions, role plays, oral presentations, cooking activities, and presentations/posters. The rubrics describe performance levels ranging from 100-80 points and provide descriptors for each performance level. The rubrics evaluate criteria such as preparation, accuracy, listening skills, speech clarity, role believability, meeting time limits, content understanding, creativity, food texture/taste, and use of visuals/required elements.
This document provides rubrics to evaluate various activities including small group discussions, role plays, oral presentations, cooking activities, and presentations/posters. The rubrics describe performance levels ranging from 100-80 points and provide descriptors for each performance level. The rubrics evaluate criteria such as preparation, accuracy, listening skills, speech clarity, role believability, meeting time limits, content understanding, creativity, food texture/taste, and use of visuals/required elements.
This document provides rubrics to evaluate various activities including small group discussions, role plays, oral presentations, cooking activities, and presentations/posters. The rubrics describe performance levels ranging from 100-80 points and provide descriptors for each performance level. The rubrics evaluate criteria such as preparation, accuracy, listening skills, speech clarity, role believability, meeting time limits, content understanding, creativity, food texture/taste, and use of visuals/required elements.
This document provides rubrics to evaluate various activities including small group discussions, role plays, oral presentations, cooking activities, and presentations/posters. The rubrics describe performance levels ranging from 100-80 points and provide descriptors for each performance level. The rubrics evaluate criteria such as preparation, accuracy, listening skills, speech clarity, role believability, meeting time limits, content understanding, creativity, food texture/taste, and use of visuals/required elements.
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Small-Group Discussion This rubric is designed to evaluate the Small-group discussion based on Preparation, Accuracy of information Presented, Listened skills, Speaking style.
Almost always prepared with required materials and prep work for discussion. 100-95 All information presented in the discussion was clear, accurate, and thorough. Always listened respectfully to the perspective of others. Consistently used eye contact, tone of voice, and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the group. Usually prepared with required materials and prep work for discussion. Most information presented in the discussion was clear, accurate , and 94-90 thorough. Usually listened respectfully to the perspective of others. Usually used eye contact, tone of voice, and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of group. Often prepared materials and prep work for discussion. Most information presented in the discussion was clear and accurate, 89-85 but was not usually thorough. Often listened to the perspective of others. Often used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice, and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the group. Rarely prepared with required materials and prep work for discussion. Information had several inaccuracies or was usually not clear. 85-80 Rarely listened and often interrupted others. Rarely used eye contact, tone of contact, tone of voice, and level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the group. Role Play This Rubric is designed to evaluate the Role Play based on Accuracy and believability of role , Clarity of Speech, Expression and body language, Knowledge gained.
Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were usually realistic and in character. 100-95 Speech is always clear and essay to understand . Always expresses emotion through voice, facial expression, and gestures. Can clearly explain several ways in which his or her character “saw” things differently than other character and can explain why. Point-of-view arguments, and solutions proposed were usually realistic and in character. 94-90 Speech is usually clear and easy to understand. Usually expresses emotion though voice, facial expression, and gestures. Can clearly explain several ways in which his or her character “saw” things differently than other character. Point-of-view arguments, and solutions proposed were often realistic and in character. 89-85 Speech is often always clear and easy to understand. Often expresses emotion through voice, facial, expression, and gestures. Can clearly explain one way in which his or her character “saw” things differently than other characters. Point-of-view arguments, and solutions proposed were rarely realistic and in character. 85-80 Speech is rarely clear and easy to understand. Rarely expresses emotion through voice, facial expression, and gestures. Cannot explain any ways in which his or her character “saw” things differently than other character. Table For Speaking This Rubric is designed to evaluate Table For Speaking based on Purpose, Clarity, Tone, Volume, Complete Thoughts, Formal, Eye Contact, Gestures, Timing.
Consistently speaks with a purpose in mind. Speech is clear all of the time. Consistently changes voice to engage audience. 100-95 Uses appropriate volume all of the time. Formal speech is used. Consistent eye contact. Consistently poised with appropriate gestures. Timing is consistently paced. Speaks with a purpose in mind. Speech is clear most of the time. Changes voice to engages audience. 94-90 Uses appropriate volume most of the time. Sufficient use of sentence structure and word choice. Some informal speech is used (yeah, like, um). Frequent eye contact. Sufficiently poised with appropriate gestures. Timing is sufficiently paced. Speaks part of time with a purpose in mind. Parts of speech may be unclear. Limited change in voice to engage audience. 89-85 Limited use of appropriate volume. Limited use of sentence structure and word choice. Little informal speech is used (yeah, like, um). Limited eye contact. Limited poise with limited use of appropriate gestures. Timing is inconsistent. Speaks without a purpose. Speech is unclear, inarticulate. No change in voice to engage audience. Does not use appropriate volume. 85-80 Lack of sentence structure and word choice. Informal speech is used frequently (yeah, like, um). No eye contact. No poise and inappropriate movement. No timing Oral Presentation Rubric This Rubric is designed to evaluate the Oral Presentation Rubric based on Time Limit, Content, Preparedness, Enthusiasm, Speaks Clearly, Creativity.
Presentation is 4 minutes long. Shows a full understanding of the topic. Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Food expressions any body language generate a strong interest and 100-95 enthusiasm about the topic. Speaks clearly and exactly al (100-95) the time and mispronounces no words. Student referred to or more props that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. Presentation is 3 minutes long. Shows a good understanding of the topic. Students seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. 94-90 Food expressions and any body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic. Speaks clearly and distinctly al (100-95) the time but and mispronounces a few no words. Student had I prop that show considerate work/creativity and which make the presentation better. Presentation is 2 minutes long. Shows a good understanding at the topic. Students a somewhat prepared but it is clear that rehearsal is locking. 89-85 Facial expressions and body language are used to try generate enthusiasm about the topic. Speaks clearly and distinctly most (94-85) the time and mispronounces no more than one word. Students had I prop which makes the presentation better. Presentation is less than 1 minutes or more than 5 minutes long. Does not seem to understand the topic well. Student does not seem at all prepared to present. Very little use of facial expression or body language Did not generate must 85-80 interest in the topic berg presented. Often minutes or cannot be understood or mispronounces more than a few words. Student had no props. SCORING RUBRIC FOR COOKING ACTIVITY This Rubric is designed to evaluate the Scoring Rubric For Cooking Activity based on Texture, Taste, Eye-appeal.
Fine, soft meat. 100-95 Taste like it is cooked by a professional chef. Working of art-excellent platting, color and distribution. Soft meat. 94-90 Home made. Attractive without being perfect. Half cooked. 89-85 Ordinary. Uneven distribution of add-ins or decorations, uneven color. Dog food is better. 85-80 Not nice at all. Hard to tell it’s a food. PRESENTATION/POSTER RUBRIC This rubric is designed to evaluate the Presentation/Poster Rubric based on Use of Time, Pictures/Graphics, Required Elements, Visual Clarity and Appeal, Content Spelling Grammar.
Students uses their time to work productively and efficiently. Pictures and graphics are clear and relevant. All of the required elements are clearly visible , organized and well 100-95 placed. The Project has an excellent design and layout. It is neat and easy to understand the content. The project has excellent spelling, grammar, punctuation, and original content. Students uses most of their time to work productively and efficiently. Most pictures and graphics are clear and relevant. Most of the required elements are clearly visible, organized and well 94-90 placed. The project has a nice design and layout. It is neat and easy to read. The project has 1-2 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors with original content. Students uses most of their time to work productively and efficiently. Few of the pictures and graphics are clear and relevant. Few of the required elements are clearly visible, organized and well 89-85 placed. May be missing elements. The project needs improvement in design, layout or neatness. The project has 3-5 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors with original content. Student does not use their time to work productively and efficiently. Student is frequently off task. The student’s pictures are not clear or relevant. 85-80 Missing most or all of the required elements. The project needs significant improvement in design, layout or neatness. The project has multiple spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Some content is copy and paste or plagiarized This is designed to evaluate the Scoring rubric For Baking Cake based on Effort, Taste, Creativity, Appearance, Overall Appeal.
100-95 Used a difficult recipe with high skill level involved. Used difficult techniques in decorating. Texture is somewhat appealing, uses common flavors. Cake looks ordinary. Seems to be a common theme or idea. Neat appearance. Even cake layers. Well balanced, but uneven shape of decorations. Eye-pleasing with great taste. 94-90 Used a difficult recipe with easier skills involved. Used easier techniques in decorating. Texture is somewhat appealing, uses common flavors. Cake looks ordinary. Seems to be a common theme or idea. Neat appearance. Even cake layers. Well balanced, but uneven shaped of decorations. Eye-pleasing with good taste. 89-85 Recipe used was not as difficult. Used easy and simple decorating techniques. Texture is lacking too dry or crumbly. Pays little or no attention to planning in detail. Cake idea needs more thoughts. Neat appearance. Uneven cake layers. Uneven balanced and shape of cake decorations. Eye-pleasing with pair taste. 85-80 ANALYTIC RUBRIC
This is designed to evaluate the Scoring Rubric For Baking Cake based on Effort, Taste, Creativity, Appearance, Overall Appeal.
Mastered Working Needs
Dimension towards Improvement Mastery 3 points 1 points 2 points Used a difficult Used a difficult Recipe used was not recipe with high skill recipe with easier as difficult. Used level involved. Used skills involved. Used easy and simple difficult techniques easier techniques in decorating in decorating. decorating. techniques. Texture is Texture is Texture is lacking Define the Problem somewhat somewhat too dry or crumbly. appealing, uses appealing, uses Pays little or no common flavors. common flavors. attention to Cake looks ordinary. Cake looks ordinary. planning in detail. Seems to be a Seems to be a Cake idea needs common theme or common theme or more thoughts. idea. idea. Neat appearance. Neat appearance. Neat appearance. Uneven cake layers. Even cake layers. Even cake layers. Uneven balanced Well balanced, but Well balanced, but and shape of cake uneven shape of uneven shaped of decorations. decorations. decorations. Eye-pleasing with Eye-pleasing with Eye-pleasing with pair taste. great taste. good taste.