1650 Cut Charts

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Cut charts
100 amp mechanized shielded consumables
• Torch-to-work distance for the following cut chart is 1/8 in (3.2 mm) for all cuts.

Shield Retaining cap Nozzle Electrode Swirl ring T100M

220047 220048 220011 220037 220051 torch

Mild steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
153 0.5 1/4” 6.4 208 5283 135 3429
155 0.5 3/8” 9.5 119 3022 77 1955
159 1.0 1/2” 12.7 88 2235 57 1447
100 160 1.0 5/8” 15.9 61 1549 40 1016
161 1.5 3/4” 19.0 47 1193 26 660
163 1 25.4 28 711 18 457
167 1 1/4” 31.8 19 482 12 305
Stainless steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
154 0.5 1/4” 6.4 231 5867 150 3810
156 0.5 3/8” 9.5 122 3099 79 2006
161 1.0 1/2” 12.7 79 2006 52 1320
100 162 1.0 5/8” 15.9 52 1320 34 863
164 1.5 3/4” 19.0 39 990 25 635
166 1” 25.4 23 584 15 381
169 1 1/4” 31.8 14 355 9 228

Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
154 0.5 1/4” 6.4 253 6426 164 4165
157 0.5 3/8” 9.5 142 3606 92 2336
160 1.0 1/2” 12.7 108 2743 70 1778
161 1.0 5/8” 15.9 77 1955 50 1270
162 1,5 3/4” 19.0 57 1447 33 838
165 NA 1” 25.4 33 838 21 533

Maximum travel speeds are the fastest speeds possible for cutting the material without regard to cut quality. Optimum travel
speeds provide the best cut angle, least dross and best cut surface finish. Remember that cut charts are intended to
provide a good starting point for each different cut assignment. Every cutting system requires “fine tuning” for each
cutting application in order to obtain the desired cut quality.

4-14 powermax1650 Operator Manual


80 amp mechanized shielded consumables

• Torch-to-work distance for the following cut chart is 1/16 in (1.5 mm) for all cuts.

Shield Retaining cap Nozzle Electrode Swirl ring T100M

120930 120928 120927 120926 120925 torch

Mild steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
132 0.25 3/16” 4.8 216 5486 140 3556
134 1/4” 6.4 161 4089 105 2667
137 0.50 3/8” 9.5 94 2388 61 1549
140 1/2” 12.7 60 1524 39 991
80 145 1.0 5/8” 15.9 40 1016 26 660
148 3/4” 19.0 31 787 20 508
150 N/A 7/8” 22.2 23 584 15 381
156 1” 25.4 16 406 10 254
Stainless steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
134 0.25 3/16” 4.8 216 5486 140 3556
136 0.50 1/4” 6.4 158 4013 103 2616
139 3/8” 9.5 83 2108 54 1372
80 142 1/2” 12.7 50 1270 33 838
145 1.0 5/8” 15.9 34 864 22 559
150 3/4” 19.0 24 610 16 406
153 1” 25.4 14 356 9 229

Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
134 1/8” 3.2 454 11532 295 7493
139 1/4” 6.4 176 4470 114 2896
80 143 3/8” 9.5 121 3073 60 1524
146 1/2” 12.7 75 1905 37 940
154 N/A 3/4” 19.0 37 940 19 483

Maximum travel speeds are the fastest speeds possible for cutting the material without regard to cut quality. Optimum travel
speeds provide the best cut angle, least dross and best cut surface finish. Remember that cut charts are intended to
provide a good starting point for each different cut assignment. Every cutting system requires “fine tuning” for each
cutting application in order to obtain the desired cut quality.

powermax1650 Operator Manual 4-15


60 amp mechanized shielded consumables

• Torch-to-work distance for the following cut chart is 1/16 in (1.5 mm) for all cuts.

Shield Retaining cap Nozzle Electrode Swirl ring T100M

120930 120928 120931 120926 120925 torch

Mild steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
134 16 Ga 1.5 627 15926 502 12751
134 10 Ga 3.4 264 6706 211 5359
138 0.25 1/4” 6.4 132 3353 86 2184
60 141 0.75 3/8” 9.5 63 1600 41 1041
141 1/2” 12.7 42 1067 27 686
147 1.50 5/8” 15.9 31 787 20 512
153 3/4” 19.0 22 559 14 363

Stainless steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
134 0 16 Ga 1.5 625 15875 406 10312
136 0.25 10 Ga 3.4 244 6198 159 4039
139 0.50 1/4” 6.4 110 2794 72 1829
60 145 0.75 3/8” 9.5 53 1346 34 864
146 1/2” 12.7 35 889 23 584
149 2.00 5/8” 15.9 26 660 17 429
154 3/4” 19.0 18 457 12 297

Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
135 0 1/16” 1.6 666 16916 433 10995
138 1/8” 3.2 400 10160 260 6604
141 1/4” 6.4 145 3683 94 2388
146 0.75 3/8” 9.5 74 1880 48 1219
149 1/2” 12.7 51 1295 30 762
153 5/8” 15.9 33 838 21 545

Maximum travel speeds are the fastest speeds possible for cutting the material without regard to cut quality. Optimum travel
speeds provide the best cut angle, least dross and best cut surface finish. Remember that cut charts are intended to
provide a good starting point for each different cut assignment. Every cutting system requires “fine tuning” for each
cutting application in order to obtain the desired cut quality.

4-16 powermax1650 Operator Manual


40 amp mechanized shielded consumables

• Torch-to-work distance for the following cut chart is 1/16 in (1.5 mm) for all cuts.

Shield Retaining cap Nozzle Electrode Swirl ring T100M

120930 120928 120932 120926 120925 torch

Mild steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
147 26 GA 0.5 638 16205 415 10541
25 148 22 GA 0.8 500 12700 325 8255
149 18 GA 1.3 312 7925 203 5156
152 16 GA 1.5 176 4470 114 2896
144 0.25 14 GA 1.9 640 16256 221 5613
146 0.50 10 GA 3.4 151 3835 98 2489
40 147 0.75 3/16” 4.7 97 2464 63 1600
149 1.00 1/4” 6.4 74 1880 48 1219

Stainless steel
Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
139 26 GA 0.5 631 16027 410 10414
139 22 GA 0.8 496 12598 322 8179
142 0.25 18 GA 1.3 592 15037 335 8509
144 0.25 16 GA 1.5 374 9500 243 6172
144 0.25 14 GA 1.9 221 5613 144 3658
40 147 0.50 10 GA 3.4 107 2718 70 1778
149 0.75 3/16” 4.7 67 1702 44 1118
149 1.00 1/4” 6.4 47 1194 31 787

Pierce Material thickness Maximum travel speed Optimum travel speed
Arc current Arc voltage
delay Inches mm IPM mm/min IPM mm/min
150 1/32” 0.8 610 15494 397 10084
152 1/16” 1.5 268 6807 174 4420
146 0.25 3/32” 2.4 293 7442 190 4826
40 149 0.50 1/8” 3.2 204 5182 133 3378
151 1.00 1/4” 6.4 76 1930 49 1245

Maximum travel speeds are the fastest speeds possible for cutting the material without regard to cut quality. Optimum travel
speeds provide the best cut angle, least dross and best cut surface finish. Remember that cut charts are intended to
provide a good starting point for each different cut assignment. Every cutting system requires “fine tuning” for each
cutting application in order to obtain the desired cut quality.

powermax1650 Operator Manual 4-17


FineCut consumables
• Torch-to-work distance for the following cut chart is 0.08 inches (2 032 mm) for mild steel and
0.010 inches (0.254 mm) for stainless steel.
Deflector Retaining Nozzle Electrode Swirl ring T100M
cap torch


120928 220329 120926 120925

* For use with CE systems.
** Use an ohmic sensing cap when a compatible
torch height controller is installed.
220404 220061**

Mild steel
Material thickness Approximate travel speeds
Arc current Arc voltage
Inches mm IPM mm/min
50 76 10 Ga 3.4 90 2286
40 83 10 Ga 3.4 50 1270
45 77 12 Ga 2.7 120 3048
81 12 Ga 2.7 70 1778
79 14 Ga 1.9 135 3810
40 79 16 Ga 1.5 150 3810
79 18 Ga 1.2 150 2540
78 20 Ga 0.9 120 2540
30 80 24 Ga 0.6 150 3174

Stainless steel
Material thickness Approximate travel speeds
Arc current Arc voltage
Inches mm IPM mm/min
50 63 10 Ga 3.4 80 1905
40 73 10 Ga 3.4 60 1524
45 63 12 Ga 2.7 100 3174
72 12 Ga 2.7 80 1905
65 14 Ga 1.9 150 3810
40 64 16 Ga 1.5 150 3810
64 18 Ga 1.2 150 3810
65 20 Ga 0.9 150 3810
30 66 24 Ga 0.6 150 3810

4-18 powermax1650 Operator Manual


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