Summary Human Spirit
Summary Human Spirit
Summary Human Spirit
“If a man is to live, he must be all alive, body, soul, mind, heart, spirit.” –
Thomas Merton
Acting nice and being innocent isn’t a spiritual awakening sign but an
indication of psychological immaturity. We are told by our parents and
various institutions (school, religion, etc.) to “be nice” and behave
ourselves. And we comply with this demand, to varying degrees,
thereby reinforcing the shadow side.
If you’re acting nice, it’s a sure sign that someone is manipulating
you. (The original manipulator or Trickster is usually a parent, but
now it’s in you.) In contrast, a mature adult acts assertively without
seeking the approval of others.
Perhaps you see a pattern here: all of these traps points to ego
inflation. Spiritual awakening grounds us in our humanity, and yet,
more often, spirituality becomes another tool for disassociation,
judgmentalism, and grandiosity.
When you think you’ve “found it,” be on high alert. This belief is a
symptom of a specific early stage of psychological development, not
a spiritual awakening sign.
All of these subconscious signs also point to emotional vampirism.
Perhaps the biggest trap in the spirituality game is called the “spiritual
Difficulty sleeping.
To conclude, inscribe this in your heart and mind. Man inasmuch that
he is a metaphysical dichotomy between body and soul should
endeavour a synergy between both realm in his being for that is the
totality of his being. Inseparable so to speak. And both are needing to
be nourished: One, is corporeal nourishment (biological needs i.e.,
food, etc.); the other one spiritual nourishment (requiring spiritual
exercises i.e., prayer, meditation, contemplation, constant spiritual
consultations and directions, and thoughts or spiritual sharing),
guided with the light of that great sense of openness.