The document contains details of 13 students nominated for the 2023 PIP scholarship at SMAN 1 GEGESIK high school, including student IDs, personal details, bank account numbers, scholarship amounts, and nomination status. All students are in their final 12th grade year and have until June 30, 2023 to activate their virtual bank accounts to receive their 500,000 rupiah scholarships.
The document contains details of 13 students nominated for the 2023 PIP scholarship at SMAN 1 GEGESIK high school, including student IDs, personal details, bank account numbers, scholarship amounts, and nomination status. All students are in their final 12th grade year and have until June 30, 2023 to activate their virtual bank accounts to receive their 500,000 rupiah scholarships.
The document contains details of 13 students nominated for the 2023 PIP scholarship at SMAN 1 GEGESIK high school, including student IDs, personal details, bank account numbers, scholarship amounts, and nomination status. All students are in their final 12th grade year and have until June 30, 2023 to activate their virtual bank accounts to receive their 500,000 rupiah scholarships.
The document contains details of 13 students nominated for the 2023 PIP scholarship at SMAN 1 GEGESIK high school, including student IDs, personal details, bank account numbers, scholarship amounts, and nomination status. All students are in their final 12th grade year and have until June 30, 2023 to activate their virtual bank accounts to receive their 500,000 rupiah scholarships.
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SK Nominasi PIP SMA 2023
peserta_didik_id sekolah_id F3514FCA-980E-E211-A8E6-2B4F35E9EE08 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 C49B1076-BCFF-E111-8E40-47E6074412B9 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 63BE983D-911D-E211-9572-732D2C215E9D 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 7E164DE2-3305-E211-A9C5-79A3ADE565D7 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 C15BAD60-9D22-E211-8D5A-7FFF7BC6FE39 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 23D64188-5308-E211-8603-897C016BDC5D 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 4515A414-5B08-E211-8603-897C016BDC5D 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 91F67500-FC22-E211-B75D-89FD027A49AD 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 183C16D8-D77D-4371-A137-A79AE74237F6 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 A83B1E21-1CE5-E111-A0A5-E305567310E2 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 06F061FB-09C2-4605-B43E-E9266544A457 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 E8CEAF75-5AF2-E111-BC8F-EFCF481B0746 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 11842682-5908-E211-B0F3-FB2969736131 5D5D256A-9139-41AF-8099-D61E1B3F4CF5 npsn nomenklatur kelas rombel nama_pd nama_ibu_kandung 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 4 SEPTI DWI YANTI TARINI 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPA 1 MAJIYATUN NISA Saropah 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 4 MALIKHATUS SOFRO SUMINA 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 1 Wudianto Lina 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPA 1 rijal annafi rosida 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPA 1 Deanni Syafitri Arkoni 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 3 Nelli Yuniati Arti 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 4 YOGI ADITIA RINI 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPA 3 MUFARIDAH NURATI 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 2 Siti Hawa Kartini 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 3 ZAKIYYATUN NIDA ROBINI 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPA 4 Mukhamad Irfan Sopiyah 20214980 SMAN 1 GEGESIK 12 XII IPS 4 YUSUF BACHTIAR Maryana nama_ayah tanggal_lahir tempat_lahir nisn jenis_kelamin nominal Tursina 2004-09-08 CIREBON 0047016833 P 500,000 MUJAHIDIN 2004-06-09 Cirebon 0038643860 P 500,000 CARSADI 2004-04-17 CIREBON 0041319674 P 500,000 taryadi 2005-09-21 cirebon 0054263394 L 500,000 supyan 2004-11-21 cirebon 0048487237 L 500,000 Durokim 2004-12-15 Cirebon 0048566757 P 500,000 Sapingi 2004-07-11 Cirebon 0047016427 P 500,000 SUPRONI 2005-01-25 Cirebon 0054327976 L 500,000 ASMUNI 2005-08-15 Cirebon 0051869614 P 500,000 SURIP 2005-07-28 Cirebon 0053401670 P 500,000 SUTARJO 2004-03-19 CIREBON 0046931223 P 500,000 Rustad 2004-02-16 Cirebon 0049027624 L 500,000 Juni 2004-05-27 Cirebon 0021948618 L 500,000 Total 6,500,000 no_rekening tahap_id nomor_sk tanggal_sk '1674268512 1 13/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM1/2023 2023-03-13 '1674268396 1 13/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM1/2023 2023-03-13 '1674268283 1 13/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM1/2023 2023-03-13 '1674267857 1 13/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM1/2023 2023-03-13 '1674269605 4 16/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM4/2023 2023-03-13 '1674269694 4 16/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM4/2023 2023-03-13 '1674270654 4 16/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM4/2023 2023-03-13 '1674270687 4 16/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM4/2023 2023-03-13 '1674270712 4 16/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM4/2023 2023-03-13 '1674269571 4 16/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM4/2023 2023-03-13 '1674270803 4 16/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM4/2023 2023-03-13 '1674268307 1 13/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM1/2023 2023-03-13 '1674268363 1 13/PLPP.1.3/BP/SK.NOM1/2023 2023-03-13 nama_rekening tanggal_aktivasi no_KIP no_KKS no_KPS virtual_acc SEPTI DWI YANTI Belum Aktivasi ND0012021498000051 MAJIYATUN NISA Belum Aktivasi ND0012021498000011 MALIKHATUS SOFRO Belum Aktivasi ND0012021498000031 WUDIANTO Belum Aktivasi ND0012021498000061 RIJAL ANNAFI Belum Aktivasi ND0042021498000061 DEANNI SYAFITRI Belum Aktivasi ND0042021498000071 NELLI YUNIATI Belum Aktivasi ND0042021498000031 YOGI ADITIA Belum Aktivasi ND0042021498000021 MUFARIDAH Belum Aktivasi ND0042021498000011 SITI HAWA Belum Aktivasi ND0042021498000051 ZAKIYYATUN NIDA Belum Aktivasi ND0042021498000041 MUKHAMAD IRFAN Belum Aktivasi ND0012021498000041 YUSUF BACHTIAR Belum Aktivasi ND0012021498000021 semester_id layak_pip keterangan_pencairan 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 20222 Ya Batas akhir aktivasi sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2023 tahap_keterangan DTKS Fase 1 irisan P3KE Kelas Akhir - 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