CM20200415 22992 Fcdea
CM20200415 22992 Fcdea
CM20200415 22992 Fcdea
Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.
All information in this document is substantially correct at time of printing and may be altered subsequently.
Final weight and dimensions will depend on completed specification.
Information subject to selected configuration, and subject to change without notice.
1706D-E93TAG1 1706D-E93TAG2
Configuration ElectropaK
Cylinders 6 vertical in-line
Displacement, litres (in ) 3
9.29 (567)
Aspiration Turbocharged aftercooled
Bore and stroke, mm (in) 114 x 149 (4.5 x 5.9)
Combustion system Direct injection
Compression ratio 16.5:1
Exhaust aftertreatment N/A
Rotation (viewed from flywheel) Anti-clockwise, viewed on flywheel
Total lubricating oil capacity, litres (US gal) 26-30 (6.9-7.9)
Cooling system Liquid
Total coolant capacity, litres (US gal) 35.8 (9.5)
Technical information
Engine Power Typical Prime Fuel Consumption
Speed Type Generator
Model of Gross Net Output* (Net) 110% 100% 75% 50% 25%
rpm kWm (hp) kWm (hp) kVA kWe g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
Prime 267 (358) 254 (341) 292 234
1706D-E93TAG1 1800 213 215 224 246 259
Standby 294 (394) 281 (377) 323 259
Prime 322 (432) 309 (415) 356 284
1706D-E93TAG2 1800 215 217 218 235 253
Standby 354 (475) 341 (458) 393 314
*Generator powers are typical and based on typical alternator efficiencies and a power
factor (cos θ) or 0.8.
Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.
All information in this document is substantially correct at time of printing and may be altered subsequently.
Final weight and dimensions will depend on completed specification.
Information subject to selected configuration, and subject to change without notice.
Standard equipment
1706D-E93TAG1 1706D-E93TAG2
Electro unit or electropaK ElectropaK ElectropaK
Radiator fitted ü ü
Fuel filter, engine mounted ü ü
Water separator ü ü
Fuel priming pump (manual/electric) Manual Manual
Fuel cooler N/A N/A
Air filter, engine mounted ü ü
Engine ECM, engine mounted ü ü
Wiring harness to ECM ü ü
Wiring harness (all connectors to
û û
single customer interface)
Starter motor ü ü
Battery charging alternator ü ü
Flywheel housing ü ü
Flywheel ü ü
Fan ü ü
Fan guard ü ü
Temp and oil pressure for automatic
ü ü
stop/alarm configurable
Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.
All information in this document is substantially correct at time of printing and may be altered subsequently.
Final weight and dimensions will depend on completed specification.
Information subject to selected configuration, and subject to change without notice.
1706D-E93TAG1 1706D-E93TAG2
Configuration ElectropaK
1311 x 2083 x 1091 (51.6 x 81.9 x 42.9)
H x L x W, mm (in)
Dry weight, kg (lb) 1070 (2359)
Prime Power: Power available at variable load in lieu of a main power network. Overload of 10% is permitted for 1 hour in every 12
hours of operation.
Standby (maximum): Power available at variable load in the event of a main power network failure. No overload is permitted.
Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.
All information in this document is substantially correct at time of printing and may be altered subsequently.
Final weight and dimensions will depend on completed specification.
Information subject to selected configuration, and subject to change without notice.