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Value Beyond Measure

Certificate of Analysis
LOT # 751219 LID # 751219
Proximate Analysis n= k= ASTM Ultimate Analysis n= k= ASTM
% Ash………………… 6.31 ± 0.68 12 2.2 D3174/D7582 % Carbon……………… 69.69 ± 1.67 12 2.2 D5373
% Volatile Matter………. 43.54 ± 1.22 11 2.2 D3175/D7582 % Hydrogen…………… 5.09 ± 0.84 12 2.2 D5373
% Fixed Carbon(calculated) (50.15) -- -- D3172 % Nitrogen……………… 1.00 ± 0.12 12 2.2 D5373
% Sulfur……………… 0.41 ± 0.03 36 2.0 D4239 % Oxygen (calculated)… (17.5) -- -- D3176
Btu/lb.………… 11888 ± 209 12 2.2 D5865 MAF/DAF BTU (calculated) (12688) -- -- D3180

Mineral Analysis n= k= ASTM Sulfur Forms ASTM

% Silica……………… 27.05 ± 1.65 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 % Pyritic………… (0.02) D2492
% Alumina…………… 15.35 ± 0.64 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 % Organic (calculated)… (0.38) D2492
% Titania………… 1.24 ± 0.06 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 % Sulfate…………… (0.01) D2492
% Ferric Oxide…………… 4.79 ± 0.26 8 2.36 D4326/D6349
% Calcium Oxide……… 25.55 ± 1.55 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 Ash Fusion Temperature Degrees F Degrees F
% Magnesium Oxide…… 6.69 ± 0.54 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 ASTM D1857 Reducing Oxidizing
% Potassium Oxide………… (0.40) -- -- D4326/D6349 Initial deformation… (2283) (2261)
% Sodium Oxide………… 1.79 ± 0.31 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 Softening…………... (2309) (2312)
% Sulfur Trioxide…… 14.99 ± 2.49 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 Hemispherical……... (2313) (2318)
% Phosphorus Pentoxide 0.55 ± 0.07 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 Fluid/Final………… (2319) (2328)
% Strontium Oxide……… (0.51) -- -- D4326/D6349
% Barium Oxide……… 0.61 ± 0.06 8 2.36 D4326/D6349 % Chlorine D4208/D6721 (0.0011)
% Manganese Oxide… (0.03) -- -- D4326/D6349 % Fluorine D3761/D5987 (0.0042)
% Undetermined(calculated) (0.44) -- --
REFERENCES USED: Sulfur - NIST SRM 2693; BTU - NIST 39j(Benzoic Acid); C/H/N – Phenylalanine, EDTA; Form of Sulfur – QAR-RM-6, RM-1
SRM1635a; Mineral Analysis – NIST 634a, 2689, USGS AGV-2; Chlorine – SRM2693, 2682c; Fluorine – 1632d, SARM18. () Indicates
reference only value

The intended use of this standard is for the verification of various tests by the above-mentioned methods. Typical sample size for
analytical testing and minimum size is subject to the test method and instrumentation used. The uncertainty values represent the
expanded uncertainty obtained through analytical testing by the mentioned ASTM methods utilizing ANOVA, ISO Guide 35, and the
Guide to Uncertainty Measurement. Metrological traceability is to the SI derived units expressed as mass fraction percent,
temperature, or BTU/lb. Normal test procedures should be employed when using this standard; this includes using the reproducibility
and repeatability factors of the method for establishing analytical uncertainty if needed. When necessary, professional judgment is
applied toward consideration of data and statistical information. The statistical analysis and the overall direction and coordination of
the analytical measurements leading to certification were performed by K.E. Dyer, Chief Chemist at Alpha Resources.

The material used in production of this standard was identified in accordance with ARI 041. The samples for round-robin testing were
selected in accordance with ARI 031. The above values relate only to the material used to produce this standard. The analytical
samples should be dried or corrected for moisture as per the test method you are using. This bottle contains 50g fine coal powder (-60
mesh). While unable to determine a definite shelf life this reference standard should be reviewed 20 years from the data of
certification. Once opened this certificate is valid for two years. Keep sealed tight and store under normal laboratory conditions. This
certificate cannot be reproduced except in full. Remedies for any claimed defect in this product will be limited to product
replacement or refund of the purchase price. In no event shall Alpha Resources be liable for incidental or consequential damages.

This is a Certified Reference Material (CRM) and is traceable to the above-mentioned references. For good laboratory practice it is
recommended that all standards be verified as fit for purpose prior to use. This standard was produced in accordance to ISO 17034
(RMP) accreditation issued by ANSI-ASQ/ANAB. Refer to certificate and scope of accreditation AR1920.

CERTIFIED February 17, 2020

3090 Johnson Rd. • Stevensville, MI 49127-0199 • Phone (269) 465-5559 • Fax (269) 465-3629 •

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