Sivabalan 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1831 012033 PDF
Sivabalan 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1831 012033 PDF
Sivabalan 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1831 012033 PDF
Abstract. Extinction of fossil fuel resources owing to excessive use has called up new
solution-based resources called 'biomass' which is more affordable to deliver and utilize, bring
less environmental damages such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, opened more
employment opportunities in both rural or suburban areas due to the abundant availability of
this resources throughout the world. About 44% of the energy required by the year 2030 and
about 14% energy sourced from biomass in 2016 based on the World Bioenergy Association's
data. Biomass can be sorted from various sources such as municipal solid waste (MSW),
agricultural crops, crop residues, and forest residues. The clear cut of biomass characteristics in
proximate analysis and ultimate analysis makes it possible to produce reliable energy
resources. Biomass is multi-faceted fuel; thereof, it produces biofuel, which can be used in
transportation and bioenergy to generate cleaner and affordable electricity throughout the
world. In that sense, in this article, the characteristics and functionality of different
thermochemical processes such as direct combustion and gasification have been discussed, and
the reliability and new findings in various aspects in the bioenergy field. Furthermore, the
advantages and disadvantages have been discussed to substantiate further the core objective of
renewable energy in producing better, cheaper, and harmless to the surrounding environment.
This study will give a brief understanding of the right way of using biomass and indirectly
reduce the usage of fossil fuel, thus reserving a better world for the future generation.
1. Introduction
Anything that burns off will turn into ashes, but a fossil fuel burns off to produce energy. The basic
rule of thumb behind non-renewable energy source-based vitality is more affordable to deliver and
utilize than power from sustainable sources. However, the cost of unrefined oil has reached
141usd/barrel toward the beginning of July 2008 in contrast with the value during the '80s and '90s,
whereby it is as low as 20usd/barrel. For example, as of late, petroleum products, oil, coal, and
flammable gas have comprised a definitive energy source on the planet, whereby roughly about 80%
of the overall energy utilization of more than 400 EJ every year as appears in Figure 1(Source: IEA
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International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
2019). This world energy demand expending issue has compelled digging unconventional energy
solutions to restore immense usage of conventional fuel.
Fig. 1 Global energy consumption from the year 1980 to the year 2050 (Adopted: IEA 2019)
The International Energy Outlook (2009) ventures that the world advertised energy utilization are
required to increment by 44% by 2030 because of expanded interest from the under-developing
nations such as India and China. Notwithstanding, it is foreseen that these wellsprings of energy will
be drained inside the following 40 years to quite a while from now, and it takes almost a millennial to
renew it. Also the environmental destruction such as "global warming, acid rain, and urban smog due
to the discharges from conventional fossil fuel sources; therein the world attempts to diminish carbon
outflows by 80% and move on the road in using an assortment of renewable energy sources (RES)",
which are little destructive to the environment such as "solar, wind, biomass," and others in an
imperishable manner [1]–[6].
Renewable-based energy slanting since the late 1970s and U.S policymakers at both the government
and state levels have established an assortment of incentives, guidelines, and programs to encourage
cleaner, renewable energy agricultural-based sources. Based on the data projected by World Bioenergy
Association in the year 2016, the trajectory of biomass energy is still in the most significant rate of
about 14% in correlation with the total percentage of a sustainable power source, which is 18% from
the general absolute world energy utilization appeared in Figure 2 [6].
Fig.2 Different fuels contribution to total world energy consumption based on data from the World
Bioenergy Association [6]
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
Despite the fact that there is an assortment of sustainable power sources accessible on the planet,
energy derived from biomass is still making a benchmark due to little dependency on geographical
location and climate variation, which are proven diversification factors of biomass can grow in
heterogeneous conditions. The above facts have been conditioning with the 10% of global energy
supply contribution are from biomass [7], [8] as well as it is liquidating millions of tons of vital carbon
stocks amidst of a climate crisis which is already out of control and it is merely a belief that one day
80% of fossil fuel utilization will be supplanted by biomass globally.
Biomass ingests carbon dioxide (CO2) during the developing period and discharges it during ignition
in kilns. In this manner, biomass aid the process of reusing of (CO2) from the atmosphere and does not
contribute further to any of the greenhouse gaseous (GHG) such as CO2, methane (CH4), nitrogen
dioxide (N2O), and biomass expends the same amount of CO2 from the environment during the
development period whereby it discharges during incineration which in scientific terms addressed as
'carbon neutral' [9].
There will be pros and cons in utilizing every type of fuel in the world. Such a criterion is not
ignorable in both biomass fuel and fossil fuels to produce prime energy source. Table 1 explains fossil
fuels and biomass advantages and disadvantages in power generation [10]–[16].
Table 1 the advantages and disadvantages of biomass and fossil fuel in power generation[10]–[16]
Fuel types Advantages Disadvantages
Biomass Various categories of fuel; such as crops, Most of the lignocellulosic material
municipal waste, sewage from animals, and has a high amount of moisture,
forest residues which needs to be evaporated before
it ignites and indirectly reduces the
efficiency of the boiler
Can use together with coal to produce less Individual material prep needed
toxic emission by specific ratios and recent such as densification (pelletization,
studies collaborated with solar PV briquette, agglomerating)
Production cost is much cheaper compared Limited usage in power generation
to fossil fuels as the derivatives or biomass due to the cascade principle (reuse,
residues can be used again to produce recycling, bioenergy, and disposal),
biofuels (2nd generation biofuels)
Fossil fuels High calorific value in comparison with Extinction of fossil fuel could cause
biomass fuel and can produce much an increase in price indirectly due to
efficient energy by burning it. the demand more than production in
the energy market
Accessible to energy access with no Excessive use of fossil could create
geographical limitations grave environmental issues such as
climate change due to CO2 emission
2. Cycle of biomass
Biomass is a mix of both 'bio + mass' words that imply animal and plant origin, incorporating algae,
trees, and crops. It demonstrates with the organic matter attained from plants which produced through
photosynthesis. The conversion of the sunlight into organic matter by the plant through photosynthesis
incorporates multi-faceted vegetations both above ground level and under terrestrial water vegetations
as well as natural waste, and when it is being burned in kilns, the energy transformed from chemical
energy into mechanical energy and finally to electrical power [17].
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
Agricultural crops, crop residue, and forestry products are the basic types of solid biomass[18],
these biomass utilized (CO2) from the atmosphere to assimilate carbon using energy from the daylight.
Creatures that ate up the plants may, in this way, convert biomass into excrement, but the underlying
absorption carries out by plants. The plant will be either decomposed by natural microorganisms or
will be burned in incineration if it is not consumed by herbivorous yet in a case on the off chance that
if it has naturally deteriorated than it discharges back the carbon in the form of (CO2) or methane
(CH4) gas to the atmosphere, decided upon the conditions and processes involved. These processes
will be continuous until the cycle gets interrupted on earth, known as the net carbon emission. Figure 3
illustrated the cycle of biomass energy, and equation (1) and equation (2) show the plant's conversion
process through photosynthesis[19].
In an ordinary definition of energy outlook, biomass accumulated in general from living organisms
such as plant resources and animals and wastes emerges from them. The usage of biomass as an
energy purpose will diversify the energy supply and reduce fossil fuels' dependency due to the
resource's bountifulness. According to Bhattacharyya, suburban cities in under-developed nations
using 64% of firewood for cooking and other heating purposes and another 24% depending on the
crop residues and dried cow dung due to its availability over the entire country [20]. This inefficiency
and unsustainable biomass resources use cause severe side effects in the long run due to indoor air
pollution exposure. It is also expected that biomass can be used to feed ruminant animals such as
cows, chicken, and others, creating new job opportunities in suburban and urban cities in the world.
3. Sources of biomass
Globally biomass sources available from various categories, but the primary four sources which
benefited the power industries are "agricultural crops, agricultural waste(crop residues), forest
residues, and municipal solid waste" [21], [22]. Aßmann et al. have been divided further into three
main classifications: solid in non-woody biomass and woody-biomass, liquid from processed waste,
gas from processed fuel, as depicted in Table 2 below [23].
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
Table 3. Listed summary of world major agricultural crop from the year 2018 to 2019[27].
Year World Total United China India Pakistan South Selected
Foreign States America Others
Million Metric Tons (MMT)
2018 763.1 715.7 47.3 134.3 98.5 26.7 18.5 21.0
2019 733.4 682.2 51.3 132.5 99.7 22.5 19.5 19.0
Coarse grain
2018 1357.3 973 384.3 266.6 47.0 6.2 39.3 13.0
2019 1373.6 988.5 385.1 263.8 42.3 6.8 50.4 13.5
2018 495.1 489.4 5.7 148.9 112.9 7.5 0.9 0.5
2019 491.1 484.2 6.9 143.6 111.0 7.4 0.8 0.5
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
Table 4. shows six main categories of crop group with residues produced from the crops[28]
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
A Forest residue generates woody biomass residues from timber logging. It is regarded that roughly
a quarter of total global forest land covering almost 5B hectares is of wooded land globally according
to world forest statistics by FAO. It is estimated that about 50% of these residues fall under developing
nations. There are two types of residues within the category: direct residues (whole trees, branches,
and leaves) and processed forest residues (sawdust and logs). The production of the forest residues
depends upon the selection of tree species and local geographical conditions beforehand. The
processed residues are further divided into primary and secondary forest resources [30].
MSW can be collected and recycled into many useful end products or burn it in an incineration
boiler to produce power or go through anaerobic digestion to produce bioenergy, compost, or
electricity and landfilling to produce bioenergy or compost.
4. Composition of biomass
Biomass can be dissected into a structural composition and chemical composition to understand
further biomass availability and readiness for biochemical and thermochemical processes. It is a pre-
requisite in studying the biomass material before it can be transformed into biofuels, biogas, or rich
compost to be used as fertilizers in agricultural industries.
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
statement has been further proven from the biomass lower ignition temperature than fossil fuel sources
such as coal. Despite that, biomass holds significantly fewer carbon and oxygen, which directly
impacts being too high in polarity and lessens the molecules' heat content. This aspect will be
discussed further in the upcoming section in the "proximate and ultimate analysis" of biomass
Table 6. shows seven different types of biomass with the proximate analysis [39].
Biomass Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed carbon Gross calorific
(%) matter (%) (%) (%) value Kcal/kg
Saw dust 13.8 72.9 0.6 12.7 4028
Groundnut 10.1 68 2.8 19.1 4008
Coconut husk 13.4 56.7 2.4 27.5 3800
Rice husk 7.2 61.8 16.4 14.6 3729
Sugarcane 4.5 77.1 2.4 16 4547
Jatropha cake 7.3 65.1 8.3 19.3 4725
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
solely depending on the variation from one type of plant to another type of plants, such as sawdust and
bamboo leaves, as shown in Table 6 [39]. Stolarski et al. evaluated biomass quality in terms of the
heat content of a chosen woody biomass depending on the soil improvement practice and the
surrounding climate and in which it is grown and other growing parameters [41].
Figure 5. Illustration of biomass conversion into end products such as biofuels, bioproducts, and
5.1. Biofuels
The biomass can be remoulded into "other forms of energy such as liquid biofuels, gases (syngas,
hydrogen and others) and electricity accessible via the technologies and processes involved as in
thermochemical or biochemical ways [42]. The conversion of biological matters such as corn, sugar
cane, maize, and others, transformed into ethanol via fermentation, is called transportation biofuels,
whereas soybean, canola, vegetable oil, or waste fats are biodiesel formed of a biofuel[43]. Bio-fuels
can be divided further into four-generation groups, "such as first-generation (1G), second-generation
(2G), third-generation (3G), and lastly, the fourth generation" [44]. Biomass composition and calorific
values depend on the biomass nature and process involved[45].
This paper is not going in-depth on biofuel; instead, it focuses on bioenergy and its application. The
accompanying segment gives a review of the diverse biomass transformation advances created to date.
5.2. Biopower
The biomass consumption to generate energy could vary from one to another in terms of the end
product generated from each conversion, as depicted in Figure 6. It can be thermal energy generated
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
directly from biomass burning or the vent gases produced from the combustion. The generated heat
from the processes, as mentioned earlier, is utilized to produce steam, which indirectly can be
reutilized certainly as either process heat for specific material production industries or transformed
into power denoted as "bio-power" by supplying it via a steam turbine. In particular, biomass
conversion's key objective prior to its use is to improve the relatively low characteristic of the material
as fuel, as fuel made up of biomass material is still exceptionally low in energy density. This problem
can be catered easily by redesign to fit into the "high energy density fuel markets such as charcoal,
liquid fuels, and gaseous fuels." This bio-fuel conversion will be the new advancement in
bioconversion processes.
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
that roughly 90% of biodegradable material that has been used as energy derivatives are subjected
through this combustion route globally[50]. Direct combustion very common in Central and South
America used in agrarian process industries such as rice, coffee, sugar cane, and others[51]. In 1989, a
biomass-based power plant was first introduced in the United States with a 6GW power supply[52].
In the past, direct combustion using biomass as fuel has been viewed as a method to dispose of
organic waste. The use of these low-cost fuels indirectly resulting in a low-efficiency boiler, which
relatively has opened a new horizon towards the energy production technologies in today's power
generation advancement. Besides that, the rising organic waste price and local factors such as taxes,
fuel prices, and emission control standards (environmental legislation) have impacted the trading
between investment and efficiency.
The interaction between fuel, energy, and environmental aspects can be considered the three
fundamental combustion applications. The ignition of biomass fuel in the boiler causes combustible
vapours' volatilization, which burns like flames. This unpredictable degradation resulted from the
combustion comprises three divisions, such as the vaporous part of (CO, CO2, and H2), a condensable
portion of (H2O, aldehydes, ketones) and tar and alcohols part containing (furan, phenolic mixes, and
sugar deposits). In excess air, the leftover material, which remains a carbon char, will consequently be
burnt. The heat resulting from the combustion process can be used as a source for secondary
conversion processes to produce electrical energy, which again depends on some other factors.
Few internal factors contribute to biomass material's combustion efficiency, such as moisture
content, ash content, heat dissipation, and incomplete combustion. The content of biomass moisture
differs from one type to another type of biomass; for example, agricultural residues have the lowest
moisture content of 10-12% compared to wood residues and bagasse, which is as high as 50%.
Therefore, it is proven that moisture content less than 50% will be the best prominent for combustion
as the moisture content not only inhibit the combustion, but it can cause significant energy loss in the
form of latent heat of steam, as well as rendering the material purification which indirectly reduces the
net energy from the overall process. The presence of fixed carbon and volatile matter plays a vital role
in combustion processes explained in the previous section. It is innocuous if biomass is fully
combusted, leaving CO2 and water, but this would be an issue in incomplete combustion, which
leaves fly ash, smoke, and other poisonous gases impeding the earth. Figure 7 illustrated biomass
power plant combustion [53].
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
Sher et al. has performed a study on the combustion of biomass fuels in a 20 kWth fluidized bed
combustor in oxygen medium and found that combustion medium alteration could lessen CO emission
up to 80% and decrease in NOX emission too, which has been proven from her study of using 25% and
30 % volume of pure oxygen with three different types of biomass feedstocks [55]. Sher et al. further
investigate that even though a significant decrease in the toxic emission can be obtained from the
study, an oxy-fuel mixture ratio of O2 and CO2 oxidant must be kept to 30 volume % due to a decrease
in gas temperature from the overall operation [55]. Arranz et al. experimented on the pinewood pellets
combustion behaviour and characterization through experimental and compared with other biomass
pellets in South West Europe, resulting in another proven technology to reduce ashes production,
NOX, and SO2 [56]. This palletization process's only drawback is that the processed pellets could be
hydrophilic, which absorbed moisture and consequently swelled up, causing handling and storage
constraints, explained by Koppejan et al. [57].
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
The addition of a certain percentage of biomass mix with coal can be co-fired in the coal-fired
power plant is an added value of biomass combustion exclusive usage to power a steam turbine, which
has been a promising method the nearest future[58]. Adding a biomass mixing fuel with coal would
not only be a promising method in the combustion system but would instead causing disadvantageous
too in boiler operation. This con can be catered with pre-treatment called torrefaction, which was
studied by Eddings et al. [59] and Pahla et al. [60] from landfill food waste torrefaction to be used as
in biomass co-firing and pulverized coal with raw Pinion Pine/Juniper wood as biomass in co-firing
too, torrefied and pyrolyzed forms found that a percentage of biomass within 50-80% with remaining
5-10% of coal with insignificant changes in the handling equipment, however, if the percentage of
coal is more than 10% or if both coal and biomass are burning separately in parallel co-firing then
changes in burners, mills, and dryer are compulsory. Apart from that, biomass physical/"thermo-
chemical and chemical properties are important tools in the application of biomass co-firing" [61].
Nevertheless, deposition of ash on the boiler tubes Pisa & Lazaroiu [62] and the characteristic of ash
brings many complications later in the co-firing of biomass, which is proven by Zhou et al. [63] study
on "biomass ashes effect on characteristics of sintering on high/low bituminous coal ash" melting
point. Xing et al. [64],[41] evaluated pine ash and El Cerrejon coal properties in co-firing through an
experiment and has identified that increase in biomass co-firing ratio will increase the rate of fly ash
deposition and slag, which settle down on the convection surfaces. Table 9 below listed the advantages
and disadvantages of biomass combustion [65]–[67].
5.2.2. Gasification
Gasification is one of the oldest technologies in producing energy from biomass material and used in
common in the early 1920s to power a car in Sweden by wood gasifier due to abundant wood biomass
availability and lack of fossil fuel resources. Gasification has less carbon emission and NOX than
combustion due to lower temperature range operation, which is the root cause of producing lower
NOX. The design of wood gasifiers has been studied during World War Two from 1939 to 1945 to
optimize and enhance their performance[68]. De Lasa et al. [69] has performed "catalytic steam
gasification of biomass" and confirmed that this thermochemical process is well-known among other
thermochemical conversions for the reasons of cost-effectiveness and efficiency in using
lignocellulosic biomass conversion to bioenergy. Gasification is attained via incomplete combustion in
a very high temperature in an oxygen-lean confined space, accompanying by gaseous release or
syngas by-product, which primarily comprises CO, H2, CH4, CO2, H2O, and others are shown in
equation (5) below. The produced syngas from the thermochemical reaction can be altered into liquid
form via Fisher-Tropsch (FT) method or directly subjected to a combustion engine during the process
of gasification [70], [71] as shown in Figure 8 [72].
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
Biomass H2(g) +CH4(g) +CO(g)+CO2(g) +NH3(g) +H2S(g) +H2O(l) +Tar(l) +C(s) + trace elements (5)
Factors such as the density of biomass fuel in distress and eradicated by introducing densification
techniques such as palletization. In that sense, the pre-treatment method not only caters to moisture
and bulk density of biomass feedstocks, but it has also reduced the transportation cost of the fuels.
However, this technique has its imperfection, such as swelling of biomass pellets due to moisture
absorption. Arranz et al. [56] has envisaged the problem of swelling through studies on the mineral oil
coated wood pellet and have proven that coated mineral oil wood pellet retained its shape up to the
1800s submerged in water in comparison with untreated wood pellet. Moreover, this process has also
shown that HHV's value increases significantly of the treated wood pellet by 0.9MJkg-1 and bulk
energy density by 1.4GJm-3 on average, which indirectly reduces the fuel's transportation cost Arranz
et al. [56].
Apart from that, different biomass used in gasification needed different operating conditions yet
still relied on the gasifier type used to get the desired by-product, especially the amount of tar in the
gas product. Gasification comprises three stages: drying, pyrolysis, and partial oxidation, which
overlap; thereof produces a combination of multiple reactions. Besides that, there are three different
types of gasifying mediums, such as oxygen, air, steam, or CO2, which gives different by-products
from the reaction shown in Table 10 [73]–[76]. Parthasarathy & Narayanan [77] has studied different
gasifying medium through the study of "hydrogen production from steam gasification of biomass" and
has found that oxygen has the highest value of high calorific syngas. In contrast, in steam and air
combination medium, it produces intermediates calorific value due to excessive H2 production than
air, which is proof that the gasifying medium plays an essential factor in the transformation of solid
char and hydrocarbon into CO and H2 Parthasarathy & Narayanan [77].
Besides that, few other factors contribute to the end product production, such as gasifier pressure
and temperature, residence time, the existence of a catalyst, and gasifier design. Based on the chemical
reaction and temperature ranges, the gasification process is divided into primary, secondary, and
tertiary reaction stages, shown in Table 11 [78]–[80]. Narváez et al. [81] have proven that an increase
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
in temperature will aid in the production of gaseous by-product in gasification where; this has been
demonstrated in a recent study of bubbling fluidized bed gasification temperature changes from 700
℃ to 850 ℃ with less tar formation of only 26% and economically expedient because of lower cost
for gas cleaning. In general, the residence time has a significant effect on the tar composition rather
than tar yield, which is proven by a slight increase with less than the 20s; it would increase the H 2 and
CO concentration and vice versa for CH4 and CO2 content from the overall gasification process.
International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RoAI) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1831 (2021) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1831/1/012033
gasification, a small plant (30tons/day) is vital to produce (21,594 m3/day), which can be feed for 500
automobiles [91]. Besides that, a giant plant needs higher costs, and biomass prices directly contribute
to the hydrogen market price. Density and particle size engaged a substantial part or aspect in the
gasification system by sustaining heat transfer rate, less tar, and high gas yield. Kumabe et al. have
found that during co-gasification in Mulia Coal, the particle size reduction ranges from (0.5 - 1.0mm)
has a significant amount of sulphur reduction compared to the particle's initial size (106µm) [92]. The
production of methanol through gasification might not be economically feasible due to the gaseous
separation process complication using special equipment[93]. In fact, this could be the cause of
methane production via steam changing familiar than through the gasification process. "Every
gasification system has its pros and cons and, therefore, feedstock with a character appropriate for a
gasifier should be employed to ensure high-quality syngas, cost-effective and efficient operation, and
minimum environmental impact," which has been listed in Table 12 below [83]–[85].
6. Conclusions
Expecting a fruit on the next day of planting a seed is against the natural nature's cell turnover
capability. The same thing goes for implementing biomass as one of the energy supplies depends on
the acceptance of humankind and the reliability of the source with negligible environmental damages.
After all, humankind only starts to view supplementary sources after seeking goodness from various
points of view, such as comprehensive energy security, fluctuation of fossil fuel price, environmental
legislation and subsidies from government agencies, new job opportunities, and others.
The production of bioenergy still a most controversial topic in the world due to uncertainty of how
reliable this technology could be and, at the same time, replacing current fossil fuel usage for
electricity or biofuel productions. Even though the expanding usage of raw material has been
implemented with its thermochemical properties, it produces other drawbacks such as slagging and
fouling in the direct combustion system and temperature, pressure, and catalyst constraints in the
gasification system. Again, this implementation will lead to scholars' paradox in finding ways by
introducing co-firing solutions with fossil fuel to reduce the problem mentioned above; thereof, it
causes price decrement. Moreover, a binding agent such as algae of 20% has been proven durable with
a negligible reduction of the feedstock's original energy content and alters fuel's physical properties to
reduce transportation costs. In contrast, both government and non-government agencies have
introduced policies and subsidies throughout the world to reduce the import dependency of fuels,
promote a cleaner environment, create new employment in rural areas, create additional income for
farmers, and sustain health benefits. Thus, the decision-making process has landed on our palms now
to decide whether to pick it or to drop it.
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