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Basf Patent PDF
Basf Patent PDF
(51) Int. Cl.7 ........................ .. C07C 53/02; C07B 53/00 The process according to the invention enables gentle prepa
(52) US. Cl. .............. .. 562/609; 562/606 ration of formic acid. Only very slight decomposition of
( 58 ) Field of Search ............................... .. 562/ 606 , 609-, formic acid Occurs, and the formic acid exhibits 0H1 y a $11 g ht
203/84 corrosion action under the reaction conditions according to
the invention.
(56) References Cited
2,160,064 A 5/1939 Eversole 8 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet
4 7
2 1
U.S. Patent Mar. 30, 2004 US 6,713,649 B1
US 6,713,649 B1
1 2
METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF FORMIC aggressive nature of aqueous formic acid means that distil
ACID lation columns made from special materials must be used in
order to avoid excessive corrosion. OWing to the large
product streams in circulation and the high energy
BACKGROUND consumption, the process described is therefore unsuitable
The present invention relates to a process for the prepa for use on an industrial scale.
ration of formic acid. A sWitch has therefore been made to removing the formic
More recent processes for the preparation of formic acid acid from its mixture (With Water) by extraction With Water,
on an industrial scale start from methyl formate, Which is With the extractant and the formic acid being separated by
10 distillation in a further step. A process of this type is
easily accessible by carbonylation of methanol. The methyl
formate is subsequently hydrolyzed, With the formic acid proposed, for example in EP 0 017 866 B1, Where ?rstly
acting as catalyst. Since both the hydrolysis and the methyl formate is hydrolyZed, and the methanol and excess
re-esteri?cation are catalyZed, an equilibrium becomes methyl formate are removed from the resultant hydrolysis
established in Which all four components, methyl formate, mixture by distillation. The bottom product from the
15 distillation, consisting of formic acid and Water, is extracted
Water, formic acid and methanol, are present in high pro
portions. in a liquid extraction With an extractant Which principally
This results in problems in performing the reaction. It is takes up the formic acid. The preferred extractants proposed
not possible to shift the equilibrium by removing the desired are carboxamides, in particular N-di-n-butylformamide,
process products by distillation since the methyl formate N-di-n-butylacetamide, N-methyl-N-2-heptylformamide,
(boiling point 32° C.) has a signi?cantly loWer boiling point N-n-butyl-N-2-ethylhexylformamide, N-n-butyl-N
than methanol (boiling point 65° C.) and formic acid cyclohexylformamide, N-ethylformanilide and mixtures of
(boiling point 101° C.). It Would therefore be favorable to these compounds. Further suitable extractants described
shift the equilibrium to the formic acid side by means of an include isopropyl ether, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl
excess of Water. acetate, tributyl phosphate and butanediol formate. The
25 mixture obtained in the extraction, comprising formic acid,
Further problems occur in Working up the aqueous formic
the extractant and some of the Water, is subjected to a further
acid. Formic acid and Water form an aZeotrope Which
distillation. A product consisting of all or some of the Water
contains 77.5% by Weight of HCOOH and boils at 107.1° C.
introduced into the distillation and some of the formic acid
at 101.3 kPa. The aqueous formic acid formed on hydrolysis
is taken off at the top of the column and fed back in vapor
of methyl formate has an acid content of from about 20 to 30 form into the loWer part of the ?rst distillation column. The
60% by Weight. Pure or more highly concentrated formic
acid therefore cannot easily be recovered from these dilute bottom product is a mixture of extractant, possibly some of
the Water and the majority of the formic acid. This mixture
aqueous formic acid solutions by distillation.
is separated into anhydrous or substantially anhydrous for
US. Pat. No. 2,160,064 proposes separating the aZeotrope mic acid and the extractant in a further, third distillation
by distillation at various pressures. To this end, the dilute 35 column. The extractant is recycled into the process. In a
acid is ?rst separated at relatively high pressure into Water particular embodiment, the ?rst and second distillation steps
as the top product and a formic acid-rich aZeotrope as the are combined in a single column. HoWever, the extraction of
bottom product. This aZeotrope is subsequently distilled the formic acid from the aqueous mixture is still carried out
again in a second column operated at relatively loW pressure. in a separate extractor. To this end, the mixture of formic
This gives formic acid as the top product and an aZeotrope 40 acid and Water is removed from the column via a side outlet
having a loWer acid content than that from the ?rst distil and fed to the extractor. The mixture of extractant and formic
lation step as the bottom product. The aZeotrope from the acid and possibly Water is discharged from the extractor and
second step is fed back into the ?rst step. fed back beloW the side outlet of the distillation column. A
In a practical implementation, the distillation is carried mixture of formic acid, extractant and possibly Water is
out at a pressure of from approximately 202.6 to 303.9 kPa. 45 removed at the bottom of the column and fed to a further
This causes the composition of the aZeotrope to shift toWard distillation column, Which corresponds to the third distilla
a higher acid content. Theoretically, the aZeotrope should tion column in the embodiment described above.
contain from approximately 84 to 85% by Weight of formic
acid at 253.2 kPa. When the distillation is carried out in
The design of large-scale industrial syntheses is deter
mined to a large extent by economic considerations. It is
practice, the formic acid content in the still of the ?rst 50
therefore an object of the present invention to provide a
distillation column never exceeds a proportion of from 81 to
process for the preparation of formic acid Which employs
82% by Weight. The second distillation is carried out at
inexpensive chemicals Which are available on a large indus
atmospheric pressure or someWhat beloW atmospheric pres
trial scale and should not be harmful to the environment, and
sure. This means that the amount of formic acid distilled off
Which can be carried out in smaller plants compared With the
can correspond to the difference betWeen the compositions 55
processes knoWn from the prior art With the same yield.
of the tWo aZeotropes. OWing to the small differences, the
columns must have a very high number of theoretical plates BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
and be operated at very high re?ux ratios. At a re?ux ratio
of R=2.3, the number of theoretical plates for the ?rst We have found that this object is achieved by a process for
distillation column is 15. The second column has, at a re?ux 60 the preparation of formic acid Which comprises the folloW
ratio of R=10, 18 theoretical plates. Furthermore, the aZeo ing steps:
trope formed as the bottom product in the second distillation a) hydrolysis of methyl formate to give a mixture of Water,
must be fed back to the ?rst distillation step. formic acid, methanol and excess methyl formate;
Both oWing to the high bottom temperature (125 to 135° b) removal of the methanol and excess methyl formate
C.) in the ?rst column and oWing to the high residence time 65 from the mixture of Water, formic acid, methanol and
of the formic acid, high losses of yield due to decomposition excess methyl formate by distillation to give aqueous
of the formic acid must be accepted. Furthermore, the formic acid;
US 6,713,649 B1
3 4
c) extraction of the aqueous formic acid With at least one esters. The reaction equilibrium betWeen the formic acid
formic acid ester to give a mixture of at least one formic ester and the alcohol means that small amounts of alcohol
acid ester and formic acid; are alWays present in the reaction mixture during the pro
d) separation of at least one formic acid ester and formic cess. HoWever especially in case of benZyl alcohol, these do
acid by distillation. not interfere further since benZyl alcohol has comparable
physical properties to benZyl formate. BenZyl alcohol has a
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE density of 1.04 g/cm3 and a boiling point of 205.3° C. With
INVENTION Water, it forms an aZeotrope containing 91% by Weight of
H20 and boiling at 999° C. In the practical implementation
In a practical implementation on a technical scale it is
10 of the process, the mixture of benZyl formate and benZyl
preferred to use at least one formic ester of the group
alcohol can therefore be regarded as a single substance
consisting of ethylene glycol diformate, diethylene glycol oWing to the comparable physical properties and the rapid
diformate, propane-1,2-diol diformate, propane-2,3-diol reaction betWeen the tWo substances.
diformate, Dipropylene glycol diformate, butane-2,3-diol
diformate, butane-1,4-diol diformate, benZyl formate, cyclo The benZyl formate is advantageously introduced at the
15 top of the extractive distillation column.
hexyl formate, 2-phenylformate, 2-ethylhexylformate.
Those formic acid esters are produced in large scale and are The extractive distillation column is advantageously oper
therefore available in huge amounts at loW costs. BenZyl ated at ambient pressure.
formate is most preferred. In an advantageous embodiment, a phase separator is
BenZyl formate is a colorless liquid With a slight cinna provided at the top of the extractive distillation column. The
mon odor. It has a density of 1.04 g/cm3 and a boiling point mixture of Water, a little formic acid and a little extractant
of 202.3° C. With Water, benZyl formate forms an aZeotrope taken off at the top of the column can then be fed to the
having a Water content of 80% by Weight and a boiling point separator, Where the aqueous phase and the extractant phase
of 992° C. BenZyl formate has ideal properties as an can be separated and the extractant then fed back to the
extractant. The boiling point is sufficiently high to alloW 25
extractive distillation column.
effective and simple separation of the formic acid by distil The mixture of formic acid, benZyl formate and possibly
lation. At the same time, no signi?cant decomposition of the small amounts of Water Which is taken off at the bottom of
formic acid is observed at the requisite temperatures. The the extractive distillation column is Worked up by distilla
formic acid is therefore only subjected to very loW thermal tion. It has proven advantageous here to carry out the
stresses in the process according to the invention and separation of the mixture of benZyl formate and formic acid
consequently only slight decomposition of the formic acid at reduced pressure in a vacuum column. This reduces the
need be accepted. Furthermore, the formic acid is in com thermal stress on the formic acid, further reducing losses due
paratively loW concentration both in the aqueous solution to decomposition. Furthermore, the loWer distillation tem
and in the extractant. Together With the loW temperatures perature has an advantageous effect on the energy balance
necessary in the process according to the invention, this 35 and thus on the costs of the process.
results in an only loW corrosion action of the formic acid. The formic acid ester can be circulated betWeen the
Apart from the distillative separation of formic acid and extractive distillation column and the vacuum column,
extractant provided as the ?nal step, less resistant and thus Which means that only small unavoidable losses of extrac
less expensive materials can therefore be used for construc tant need to be made up.
tion of the plant. BenZyl formate is a compound Which is
The Water content in the bottom product mixture in the
stable under the reaction conditions in the process. There is
extractive distillation column is determined by the formic
therefore no need to remove extractant decomposition prod
acid ester content eg the benZyl formate content. The
ucts during Work-up. Furthermore, benZyl formate does not process according to the invention therefore alloWs the
interact With the compounds used in the process. A further
preparation of both anhydrous formic acid and aqueous
advantage is the lack of toxicity of benZyl formate. Such 45 formic acid having a certain Water content. The amount of
esters can occur naturally in relatively large amounts as
formic acid ester is therefore advantageously selected
aroma substances in various fruit. They are also used in
depending on the Water content of the formic acid to be
perfumes and as aroma substances in foods. Finally, benZyl
formate is prepared from benZyl alcohol, Which, as a bulk
chemical, is available in virtually unlimited amounts at loW The extractive distillation column is advantageously oper
prices. The advantages presented for benZyl formate of ated at a loW re?ux ratio.
course also apply to all other formic acid esters mentioned
above to a more or less extent.
The extraction is advantageously carried out under dis The invention is illustrated in greater detail beloW With
tillation conditions in an extractive distillation column. 55 reference to examples and With reference to a draWing, in
There is therefore no need for a separate extractor. Amixture Which:
comprising the majority of the Water, a little formic acid and FIG. 1 shoWs a schematic representation of an apparatus
small amounts of the extractant benZyl formate is taken off for carrying out the process according to the invention.
at the top of the column. This mixture is fed back to the In FIG. 1, 1 denotes an extractive distillation column, to
hydrolysis reactor, in Which hydrolysis of the methyl for Which a mixture of formic acid and Water is fed via line 2
mate takes place. A mixture consisting of small amounts of from the hydrolysis reactor (not shoWn) after removal of
Water, the majority of the formic acid and the majority of the methanol and excess methyl formate. If the reaction is
extractant is taken off at the bottom of the column. carried out appropriately, the mixture may also contain small
The formic acid ester need not be introduced as such. It amounts of the extractant benZyl formate. The feed of the
is also advantageously possible to employ the corresponding 65 hydrolysis mixture takes place approximately in the center
alcohol. These react With the formic acid “in situ” under the of the extractive distillation column. The feed of the extrac
conditions of the extractive distillation to give formic acid tant benZyl formate takes place via line 3 close to the top of
US 6,713,649 B1
5 6
the column. During continuous operation of the plant, only
the unavoidable losses of extractant need to be compensated TABLE 1
for. The majority of the extractant is circulated. A mixture
Extractive distillation at a high molar ratio of benzyl formate
comprising the majority of the Water and small amounts of and formic acid
formic acid and extractant is taken off at the top of the
extractive distillation column via outlet line 4. The extrac Proportion of HCOOH content
HCOOH in the Feed Molar in the outlet stream,
tant can, if desired, be removed in a phase separator (not feed, (F), ratio % by Wt.
shoWn). The mixture is fed back into the hydrolysis reactor
(not shoWn). A mixture comprising the majority of the % by Wt. g/h E/F Distillate Extract Relative to H2O
formic acid and of the extractant and possibly small amounts 10
35.0 50 3.00 0.3 12.2 92.4
of Water is discharged at the bottom of the extractive 50.0 50 2.50 0.4 11.7 94.3
distillation column 1 via line 5. Line 5 runs into a vacuum 50.0 50 3.40 0.3 8.8 95.3
column 6, the feed taking place approximately in the center 70.0 50 1.31 0.5 23.0 89.9
70.0 37.5 1.74 0.5 20.7 90.4
of the height of the column. Formic acid, possibly contain 70.0 37.5 2.32 0.4 17.6 91.8
ing small amounts of Water, is taken off at the top of the 15
column via outlet line 7. The extractant, Which is virtually E: Benzyl formate
free from formic acid and Water, is taken off at the bottom F: Formic acid
of the column and fed back to the extractive distillation
column 1 via circulation line 8 and feed line 3.
Under the conditions indicated, decomposition of the 1.3 Vacuum Distillation of the Mixture of Formic
extractant Was not observed. Acid and BenZyl Formate
The conditions for carrying out the extractive distillation
and the separation of the mixture of benZyl formate and 25 The distillation Was carried out using the same column as
formic acid are explained more precisely With reference to
described under 1.1. The distillation Was carried out at a
the folloWing examples.
pressure of from 13.3 to 14.7 kPa. The temperatures in the
column Were as folloWs:
1. Distillation
Content of H20 (rnol—%) in the liquid and vapor phases (30 rnol—% of benzyl formate)
X 9.31 18.41 24.52 33.20 41.59 50.05 61.71 69.90 83.75 92.50
Y 4.53 19.52 32.27 42.93 58.46 63.03 73.85 82.45 92.55 97.12
It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:
Title page,
Item [86], PCT No., “PCT/EP0l/l1046” should be -- PCT/EP00/l1046
m Way,”
Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark O?‘ice