Art Ap Module 2 Answer

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Name: Rechie Ann Bebedor Date Submitted________________

Section: _BSEd Math 1 Score: _________________
Subject: Ethics

A. Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thorough as possible

1. Differentiate art from nature

As for differences between art and nature, it is well known that nature is original and art is only a
creation by human beings. Art tries to replicate things natural but nature will always remain
supreme. There is another difference between art and nature and it is the manner in which much
deeper meaning is conveyed by an artist on his canvas though he appears to mimic nature.
Howsoever beautiful the creation by humans may be, art can never be better or more beautiful
than nature itself.
2. What art field will you explore? Why?
I will choose theater art as I want to perform in front of a vast mass of people. As I believe I can
express my emotions in this kind of art well. I’m not good at expressing my thoughts and
emotions through words.
3. How can you utilize the arts to express:
a. yourself,
I can express myself through gestures and using verbal contacts yet I tried to express
it through writing but it seemed not pleasing and clear.

b. your community
Through speaking I can say what I want to convey this is the only way I am useful of.

c. and your relation to others

I use the art of verbal interactions to bond with others.

1. Why is creativity important to an artwork?

The capacity of a person to think and to innovate ideas is very essential in making an
artwork. Being creative is to not limit your thoughts and imagination you can use it as
a medium to express your emotions through that you can create your masterpiece.

B.Using the table below, write down examples of the different art forms studied in this
lesson. Provide ways on how these art forms express and unmask creativity from the

Type of Art Example How does this How does this

Expression express? unmask the artist’s
Mona Lisa It is a visual In a break with the
Visual arts painting by representation of Florentine tradition of
Leonardo Da the idea of outlining the painted
Vinci happiness image, Leonardo
suggested by the perfected the
word "gioconda" technique known as
in Italian. sfumato, which
Leonardo made translated literally
this notion of from Italian means
happiness the "vanished or
central motif of evaporated." Creating
the portrait: it is imperceptible
this notion which transitions between
makes the work light and shade, and
such an ideal. The sometimes between
nature of the colors, he blended
landscape also everything "without
plays a role. borders, in the
manner of smoke,"
his brush strokes so
subtle as to be
invisible to the naked
Himala A profound work No makeup. No
dwelling on from lapel microphones.
Film the falling short of No choreography.
mankind in the
Nothing but a
stability of their
faith to the piano to
commercialization accompany raw
of religion to vocal power.
patriarchal Nothing but the
societies, Himala most essential cast
exposes the on an intimate
weakness of stage. And nothing
people to events
but the most
or acts contrary to
the laws of nature; distilled dialogue to
supposed to be let the silence
workings of God. speak louder than
In this film, words. Its shows
however, it is not that no matter how
the hands of God lacking in
that operate the
instruments they
miracles but of
the Virgin Mary can produced a
of which beautiful film.
insinuates the idea
of polytheism and
the endeavor of
women to escape
male dominance.
Miss Saigon Set during the A tragedy of passion and
Theater Vietnam War, Miss beauty, Miss Saigon is
Saigon begins in 1975 one of the most stunning
when the conflicting theatrical spectacles of
cultures and all time. Nominated for
ideologies of the an incredible number of
world seemed to meet Olivier, Tony, and Drama
violently in one city: Desk Awards, Miss
Saigon. It’s an epic Saigon is the second,
and tragic story of a massively successful
young couple in love, offering from the creators
caught in a world at of Les Misérables:
war. Claude-Michel
Schonberg & Alain
Boublil, and has now
been adapted for high
school performers
in Miss Saigon School
Eiffel Tower – The tower is 324 The Eiffel Tower is one
Architecture Paris, France meters high, of the most famous
approximately as an structures in the world.
81 storey building. It’s named after the
Today, the tower engineer Gustave Eiffel
attracts millions of and it was built as the
visitors every year. entrance arch for the
World Expo of 1889.
Shakespeare’s Romeo This novel show that
Romeo and Juliet and Juliet tells the creativity reigns in
tale of a young man Shakespeare’s works not
by William and woman, who fall just as wonderful novels
Literary Art Shakespere in love but are but also beautiful works
destined for tragedy of art. These novels
due to their warring allow people to be filled
families - the with the urge or ability
Montagues and the to do or feel something,
Capulets. especially to do
something creative like
these images in order to
come into perfection
through the work of art.

 Medusa by Patricia "Medusa" is an

Smith example of a feminist It shows the feminist
poem with literature interpretation of the
Poetry Performance at its core.
poem. “One face of our
own rage ”a mythological
symbol for the woman
psyche, could have been
easily used by Smith; her
performance of “Medusa”
exemplifies how she
embodies different
personas, throughout her
work as a writer and
performer, to depict the
universal female
experience. Medusa’s
descent into rage is
relatable for the everyday
woman and present
society as a whole.


Search for an example of your favorite work of art and paste a photo in the upper portion
of the box provided below. You search the internet, go to a museum or find a piece of
artwork in your locality. Explain why it is your favorite by discussing its creativity and
expression after the pasted photo.

This poster was created by Jason Boco who is a friend of mine. This
poster shows the symbolism of our identity as Filipinos where there is a
Filipino helping each other throughout this pandemic. The young Filipino
is the center of this poster for our unity because it has always been rooted
in us. We, who are the hope of our country.

Caslib, Garing&Casaul, (2018). Art Appreciation. Rex Book Store, manila Philippines

-End of Module 2-

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