Handout Week 11 Diass Itwr

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ITWR WEEK 11: Hinduism also known as Sanatana Some of the most well known texts include:

Dharma, is the world’s oldest living religion.

Shruti Vedas: The word Veda means “knowledge”.
It is a natural religion, meaning its philosophies and There are four Vedas: Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva, of
practices are considered universally accessible which the Rig Veda is the oldest.
through sincere study, reason, and experience apart
from special revelation. “No one is superior, none Upanishads: These texts, numbering over 100, contain
inferior. All are brothers marching forward to an extensive exploration of the methods of
prosperity.”Mankind, because it is believed to be the understanding the self, God, and the nature of the
most spiritually evolved, thus carries a special world.
responsibility to honor the equal worth of all people Smriti
and the underlying unity of existence through one’s
relationship with oneself and others Upavedas: The Upavedas consist of four main
texts, including:
Hinduism has six major schools of thought
Ayurveda – science of health and life
Over the ages, various schools of theology developed
in Hinduism through a dynamic tradition of Dhanurveda – science of warfare
philosophical inquiry and debate. From timeless and
universal questions such as the purpose of life to the Gandharvaveda – the study of aesthetics, and
relationship between humans and the Divine delineates art forms
(existence, pure being, light of consciousness)
Arthashastra – guidance on public administration,
emerged many schools of thoughts or darshanas.
governance, economy, and politics
Darshana literally means “seeing” and relates to the
Puranas: Stories in the Puranas translate the
different ways of “seeing” the Divine and attaining
meanings of the ancient Shruti scriptures and teach
moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and
them to the masses by explaining the teachings of the
Vedas and Upanishads through stories and parables.
Six darshanas are recognized as the most There are 18 major Puranas (Mahapuranas) and many
influential: minor ones (upapuranas).

Vaisheshika Ramayana: This popular epic tells the life story the
noble prince named Rama, whom Hindus believe to be
Nyaya an incarnation of the Divine. Prince Rama suffers year
of exile and many hardships while destroying
Sankhya powerful demons before returning to rule his
Mimamsa or Purva Mimamsa kingdom. There are numerous versions of the
Ramayana, of which the most well-known are those by
Yoga , the original author Sage Valmiki and the poet-saint
Vedanta (including Advaita, Dvaita, and
Vishishtadvaita) Mahabharata: With over 100,000 verses, the
Mahabharata is a historical epic, and is the longest
For a more detailed explanation of the six darshanas, poem the world has known. Based on an extended
see our Q&A Booklet on Hinduism: Short Answers to conflict between two branches of the Kaurava family,
Real Questions. the Mahabharata is a trove of stories and discourses
Key Hindu scripturesHinduism is rich in scripture on the practice of dharma, including the importance of
and includes an extensive collection of ancient truth, justice, self sacrifice, and the upholding of
religious writings. These sacred texts are classified dharma, the need for complete devotion to God, and
broadly into two categories: Shruti and Smriti. the ultimate futility of war

The word Shruti literally means “heard” and Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gita is a primary
consists of what Hindus believe to be eternal truths scripture for Hindus. Although it is a tiny part of the
akin to natural law. These texts are revered as Mahabharata and technically classed as a Smriti text, it
“revealed” or divine in origin and are believed to is traditionally accorded the rank of an Upanishad. It is
contain the foundational truths of Hinduism. meant to help one understand that upholding dharma
can be challenging, especially in situations where
The second category of scripture is Smriti, which there is not a clear right or wrong.
literally means “memory,” and is distinguished from
Shruti in terms of its origin. Teachings in Smriti texts Agama Shastras: Ancient and numerous, including
are meant to be remind adherents the eternal truths of many that have been lost over the centuries, these
Shruti, and read and interpreted in light of changing texts deal with practical aspects of devotion and
circumstances over kala (time), desha (land), and guna worship, including personal and temple rituals and
(personality). practices.
1. Journalism (Print, Broadcast, Online)
Maslog (2014) defines communication as the fabric
that holds society together. It is through - defined as the “practice of investigating and
reporting events, issues, and trends to the mass
communication that a consensus among members of
the society is formed. audiences of print, broadcast and online media”
(Curtis, 2011, par.1).
We can look at communication as having the
following roles and functions performed by - The oldest form of which is print journalism
journalists and communicators. These roles can be - Practitioners in this field include journalists, news
categorized into three; anchors, reporters, proofreaders, editors,
A. POLITICAL ROLE photojournalists, columnists and layout artists.
B. ECONOMIC ROLE 2. Communication Education
C. SOCIAL ROLE - Some graduates immerse themselves in the industry
Political Role- information that serves as the basis for to be a more effective educator.
the political decisions of leaders and the public. 3. Public Relations (PR)
Disseminating information- gaining information -A strategic communication process that builds
about what happens on our country and in the world. mutually beneficial relationships between
Economic Role- through advertising, people are organizations and their publics.
informed of their needs and wants as well as the
products available in the market. It helps in promoting 4. Advertising
positive economic attitudes, such as saving in banks
and investing. - The nonpersonal communication of information
usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature
Social Role –help shape national culture about products, services or ideas by identified
sponsors through the various media .Aims to convince
Popular culture- referred as mass culture or common people to change their attitudes and behaviors on
culture; associated with commercial culture which ideas, products and services.- Practitioners in this field
includes trends, memes, images, and fashion. include writers, editors, artists, producers, production
COMPETENCIES OF COMMUNICATORS AND assistants, marketing strategists, and salespersons.
JOURNALISTS 5. Media Planning- This is directly associated with
Spitzberg and Cupach (1984) identified three advertising because it entails outsourcing to media
interdependent dimensions for understanding agencies and finding the optimal platforms where a
product or service could be advertised
communication competence: motivation, knowledge,
and skills. 6. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)- An
approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing
a) Motivation is the driving force for engaging in a campaign,through a well-coordinated use of different
communicative event. promotional methods that are intended to reinforce
each other.- Promotional methods (advertising, PR,
b) Knowledge concerns with what communicators personal selling, and sales promotion) must create an
know and understand. It also means impact to their audiences.
having a plan of action toward the achievement of a 7. Filmmaking- The process of producing or directing
communication goal. motion pictures. Practitioners become involved in
c) Skills refer to the behavior or action being story planning, budgeting,
performed during the communication act itself casting, shooting, sound recording and editing and
A competent communicator, therefore, is one who is finalizing the film.- As filmmakers, they work as
motivated, one who know what and how to producers, directors, production assistants, script
writers, cinematographers, editors or co-editors, and
communicate in a specific communicative event, and actors and actresses.
one who effectively makes use of verbal and
8. Theatre Arts- This involves live performance of
non-verbal communication to transmit his message. actors or actresses portraying a sequence of scenes to
tell a story, to be witnessed by a live audience.

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