EQM Report (Final Draft)
EQM Report (Final Draft)
EQM Report (Final Draft)
Wipaporn Saweangwit 122981
Prinrada Keanamphan 123036
Asamaporn Punkru 123041
Salai Ye Yint Aung 123258
Hein Lin Thant 123351
Kanyakorn Puangpikul 123450
Kaung Myat Htut 123541
ED78.08 Environmental Quality Management
Professor Wenchao Xue
Asian Institute of Technology
School of Environment, Resources and Development
Page Number
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Objective 1
1.2 Time period 1
1.3 Limitation 2
1.4 Timeline 3
1.5 Resource 4
2.Methodologies 5
2.1 Set up inventory boundaries 6
2.2 Source identification 6
2.2.2 Fugitive Emission 7
2.2.3 Mobile Combustion Emission 7
2.3 Emissions from Purchased Energy 8
2.3.1 Market-Based Emissions 8
2.3.2 Location-Based Emissions 8
2.4 Collect activity data 8
2.4.1 Collecting data from stationary sources 8
2.4.2 Fugitive Emission 9
2.4.3 Mobile Combustion Emission 9
2.5 Calculation for quantify emission 9
2.6 The acquired data from OFAM and Accommodation Office 11
2.7 Calculation of the Mobile Source 17
2.8 Calculation of the electricity usage from the AIT staff buildings 19
2.9 Summary of Calculation 27
3. Recommendations 32
3.1 Conclusion 32
3.2 Reducing of greenhouse gas emissions caused by using power
from a third party 32
3.3 Solar-panel usage 32
3.4 Monitoring and enhancing the efficacy of wastewater treatment
system 32
3.5 Changing sanitation supplies to conserve water 32
3.6 Improving the building's exterior 32
3.7 Improving the air conditioning system 32
3.8 Improving the lighting system 33
Page Number
Figure 2.1: key step to develop GHG emission 5
Figure 2.2: Common stationary combustion sources and fuels in 7
dairy processing
Figure 2.3: Common sources of fugitive emission in dairy processing 7
Figure 2.4: Common mobile emission sources and fuels used in dairy 8
Figure 2.5: Activity data that should be collected for each source of 9
mobile combustion emission
Figure 2.6: The chart of the carbon dioxide emission from mobile 28
Figure 2.7: The chart of converting from CH4 into CO2 emission 28
from mobile sources
Figure 2.8: The chart of converting from N2O into CO2 emission 29
from mobile sources
Figure 2.9: The chart the carbon dioxide emission from AIT office 29
Figure 2.10: The chart of the carbon dioxide emission from AIT 30
student buildings
Figure 2.11: The chart of the carbon dioxide emission from AIT staff 30
Figure 2.12: The chart of the methane emission from wastewater 31
treatment plant
Figure 2.13: The chart of the methane emission from collection point 31
Page Number
Table 1.1 Show the timeline of works 3
Table 2.1: Calculation formula 9
Table 2.2: Scope 1 (Mobile Sources) 12
Table 2.3: Scope 2 (Electricity) 13
Table 2.4: Electricity usage from the AIT staff buildings 14
Table 2.5: Electricity usage from the AIT student buildings 15
Table 2.6: Emission factor of fuel according to IPCC 17
Table 2.7: The acquired data after multiplying with emission factor 18
Table 2.8: Emission factor of electricity according to IPCC 19
Table 2.9: The acquired carbon dioxide emission data after 20
multiplying with the emission factor (office building)
Table 2.10: The acquired carbon dioxide emission data after 21
multiplying with the emission factor (student building)
Table 2.11: The acquired carbon dioxide emission data after 24
multiplying with the emission factor (staff building)
Table 2.12: Wastewater Treatment Plant (Nov 2021- Mar 2022) 27
Table 2.13: Sewage Transport (Nov 2021- Mar 2022) 27
1. Introduction
A greenhouse gas inventory is an accounting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted to
or removed from the atmosphere, and inventory will list, by source, the amount of pollutants
emitted to the atmosphere during a given time period (annual emission estimates from a base
year to the latest year). Human activities can cause greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and
greenhouse effect and global warming affect the environment and the environment such as
temperatures of global rising, decreasing in clean water supply, shortage of food sources,
extinction of plants and animals and more severe natural disaster phenomena. Thus,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) created the Paris Agreement (Paris
Agreement) from the COP 21 Conference on Legal Instruments adopted under the
Convention United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, (UNFCCC) that has
set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to an average temperature of less than 2
degrees Celsius. So, organizations try to study that the way release greenhouse gasses from
each activity relate to guidelines for reducing emissions in accordance with the policies.
GHG Emission Inventory project aims are two things. Firstly, this project studied the
GHG emissions in AIT campus. Second, the project defines majority emission source and
opportunity to reduce CO2 emission including scope 1 such as fuel combustion in boilers,
furnaces and vehicles, scope 2 or purchase electricity usage by using the year 2022 data. The
approach of this study is based on the process analysis by applying of documented emission
factors obtained from TGO, TPCC and U.S. EPA standard. The case study area is Asian
Institute of technology which are 157,677 m2 with 157 building including villages and
faculty/staff residences. The study of GHG project was conducted by GHG calculation
manual which use excel program related research and factor of each activity that release from
direct emission and indirect emission also.
1.1 Objective
1.3 Limitations
After the calculation aspect is finished, the observations of limitations from this
project are identified. Due to the limited time and the budget, it is unable to accomplish the
fully detailed carbon emissions from the AIT campus.
1.4 Timeline
Table 1.1 Show the timeline of works.
Work Plan W4/ W5/ W1/ W2/ W3/ W4/
Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr
Select method
Analyze data
Define emission
Calculation MK/Salai/Hein
Analyze significant
Conclusion and
Report submission MK
Noted: Green means the processes completed, blue means work is in processing
1.5 Resource
Accommodation office
GHG Protocol
2. Methodologies
Design Process
• Develop an Inventory Management Plan
• Establish organizational and operational boundaries
2.1 Set up inventory boundaries
Scope 1
Scope 1, direct emissions occur from sources owned or controlled by the company. In
dairy processing, most Scope 1 emissions are from stationary combustion. However, mobile
emissions, process emissions and fugitive emissions are also counted as Scope 1, if the
company owns or controls the activities or equipment associated with the emissions.
Scope 2
Scope 2, indirect emissions are from the generation of purchased energy. The
emissions resulting from the production of grid electricity are accounted for under Scope 2.
One of the primary uses of purchased electricity in dairy processing is for process cooling,
freezing and cold storage. Electricity is also used to drive process motors, fans, pumps,
compressed air systems, facility lighting and facility HVAC.6
Scope 3
Scope 3, indirect emissions are a result of an organization’s operations, but are not
owned or controlled by the company.
Biogenic Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Sources of biogenic methane (CH4) and biogenic nitrous oxide (N2O) should be
accounted for as Scope 1, process emissions. A common, yet relatively minimal, source of
biogenic nitrous oxide emissions in dairy processing arises from land spreading, a process in
which nitrogen rich wastewater is recycled to be used as fertilizer on local farms. Nitrous
oxide (N2O) is naturally produced in soils through the microbial processes of nitrification and
denitrification. The nitrogen in the wastewater increases mineral nitrogen availability,
resulting in both indirect and direct N2O emissions at the site.
2.2 Identify Sources
2.2.1 Stationary Combustion
Most emission sources from stationary combustion in dairy processing but are not
limited to boilers, combustion turbine process heaters and generators. Emission sources can
be identified by creating a questionnaire requesting information about the types of fuels used
for on-site stationary combustion at the facility, how fuel consumption is tracked, and the
name and contact information of the energy providers. Figure 2.2 summarizes the most
common stationary combustion sources and fuels.
Figure 2.2: Common stationary combustion sources and fuels in dairy processing
Figure 2.4: Common mobile emission sources and fuels used in dairy processing
2.4.2 Fugitive Emission
Sales-Based Method is activity data based on purchase records and service records.
For companies that maintain their own refrigerant equipment: emissions are based on the
amount of refrigerant purchased and used by the facility.
2.4.3 Mobile Combustion Emission
GHG emissions from mobile combustion are most easily estimated by collecting data
on the amount of fuel consumed, distance traveled and vehicle and fuel characteristics for
each identified source.
Figure 2.5: Activity data that should be collected for each source of mobile combustion
Equation 1:
Traveling for inside and Emissions = Fuel x EF1
outside of AIT Where:
(Vehicles of institution) Emissions = Mass of CO2, CH4, or N2O emitted
Fuel = Mass or volume of fuel combusted
EF1 = CO2, CH4, or N2O emission factor per mass
or volume unit
Equation 1:
Emissions = Fuel x EF1
Stationary Where:
Combustio Generator Emissions = Mass of CO2, CH4, or N2O emitted
n Fuel = Mass or volume of fuel combusted
EF1 = CO2, CH4, or N2O emission factor per mass
or volume unit
Types of
Activity for release CO2 Calculation
piece of equipment
Emissions from fire
k = assembly losses in percent of amount charged
Suppression Equipment
Equation 1:
Emissions = Electricity x EF
Electricity Where:
Separate the part of Emissions = Mass of CO2, CH4, or N2O emitted
area Electricity = Quantity of electricity purchased
EF = CO2, CH4, or N2O emission factor
Categorization of sectors; AIT owns many building areas and people residing in that
area. To calculate the carbon emissions, the areas will be divided according to the types of
habitats in the buildings and the functions. Primarily, two main types will be categorized, and
other types will also be divided. They will be described below accordingly:
Another part of emissions are the emissions from the refrigerators, Air Condition, Fire
Extinguishers and the wastewater treatment plant and canals since AIT owns one outside of
the campus area. From this group, it is the similar situation that types of products and the
usage time are also required to estimate the emission. From the wastewater treatment plant
and the canals, the necessary data will be taken from the students who are conducting the
research of methane emissions. The calculation formula is taken from:
2. Scope 2 (Indirect Emissions)
From the indirect emission part, they will be composed mainly of the office buildings
where AIT staffs are working and the dormitory units where students and researchers are
residing in there. From this aspect, only the electricity consumption will be taken and
calculated for the carbon emissions. Thus, emailing process, electricity products are excluded
in this calculation, but the usage of air conditioning and refrigerators will be involved. The
calculation will be described below:
Emissions = Electricity x EF
Emissions = Mass of CO2, CH4, or N2O emitted
Fuel = Mass or volume of fuel combusted
EF1 = CO2, CH4, or N2O emission factor per mass or volume unit
Table 2.2: Scope 1 (Mobile Sources)
From the mobile source calculation, the vehicles which are currently operating for the AIT activities will be taken into account. The data
of vehicles residing around the AIT campus is also not available from both parties. According to OFAM, 12 vehicles are being used to conduct
the transportation process for AIT campus. The data of the fuel usage is received, and the type of fuels used to operate those vehicles are also
Table 2.3: Scope 2 (Electricity)
Year 2022 (Amount in kWh)
No Area Jan
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 SERD 38,396 35,172 37,110 34,850 37,035 37,406 33,085 33,737 35,528 41,767 37,681 36,079
2 SET 26,529 26,458 28,759 26,419 25,107 25,587 22,700 24,078 25,229 26,948 26,763 22,365
3 SOM 1,456 2,040 2,448 1,972 2,328 2,608 2,812 2,556 2,572 2,740 2,960 2,085
Admin &
4 42,972 34,620 40,572 46,228 41,888 47,796 57,716 56,408 57,036 57,272 54,592 46,224
service units
5 Chiller 231,096 233,090 327,430 319,683 351,499 306,334 207,857 241,183 314,383 299,539 306,107 245,419
6 Centers 119,194 116,337 128,550 122,522 122,174 121,066 140,942 118,248 37,554 35,420 35,071 30,168
7 35,040 32,912 45,624 45,688 49,584 46,688 43,936 48,376 59,232 51,064 48,208 49,032
8 83,719 110,345 124,212 147,741 145,820 141,944 127,867 120,050 122,901 119,209 104,810 130,902
9 lights/pumps/ 136,438 124,826 192,895 140,617 140,405 187,731 253,485 283,684 273,525 240,361 277,449 158,446
Total 714,840 715,800 927,600 885,720 915,840 917,160 890,400 928,320 927,960 874,320 893,641 720,720
According to OFAM, the electricity consumption from the office building area is received. In this data, all of the electricity usage such as
air conditioning, refrigerators and other uses are all included. The area covers almost all of the buildings existed in AIT. In this category the
residential area will not be taken into account as specific data is obtained from the Accommodation Office. The first part is from the electricity
usage from the AIT staffs’ rooms and the second part is the electricity usage of student rooms.
Table 2.4: Electricity usage from the AIT staff buildings
Electricity charges 2022 (in kWh)
of unit Jan
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Faculty House 9 - 14 6 1563 2580 3,553.00 2,513.00 2,549.00 2,850.00 3,017.00 2,222.00 2,331.00 2,130.00 1,695.00 2085
Faculty House 15 - 18 4 867 1264 2,135.00 2,929.00 2,697.00 2,792.00 2,687.00 2,537.00 2,325.00 2,178.00 1,979.00 2033
Faculty House 19 - 28 10 4149 5038 5,442.00 7,350.00 6,927.00 6,166.00 5,225.00 5,614.00 4,339.00 4,970.00 5,023.00 5033
Staff Dormitory 2 18 968 296 572 677.00 1063 1,960.00 1,486.00 2,861.00 3,579.00 2,533.00 1,223.00 1268
Staff Dormitory 3 - Married 8 1304 1262 1170 1,164.00 1,036.00 921.00 840.00 956.00 903.00 895.00 836.00 832
Staff Dormitory 3 - Single 54 2126 2570 2,609.00 3,639.00 4,052.00 3,966.00 3,319.00 3,047.00 3,252.00 3,052.00 2,613.00 3083
Staff Dormitory 4 - Married 3 1139 1312 1,211.00 1,567.00 1,809.00 1,929.00 1,678.00 1,601.00 1,782.00 1,744.00 1,549.00 1558
Staff Dormitory 4 - Studio 12 760 1474 1,231.00 1,670.00 1,790.00 1,557.00 1,706.00 1,631.00 1,715.00 1,627.00 1,505.00 1673
Staff Dormitory 5 - 2 br (L) 3 847 945 1,097.00 1,710.00 1,740.00 1,922.00 1,788.00 1,574.00 1,541.00 1,572.00 1,301.00 1286
Staff Dormitory 5 - 2 br 9 2240 2934 4,863.00 3,942.00 4,116.00 3,665.00 3,123.00 2,858.00 3,022.00 3,095.00 2,656.00 2641
Staff Dormitory 5 - 1 br 6 959 1126 920.00 1,388.00 1,489.00 1,341.00 1,185.00 1,107.00 1,427.00 1,204.00 886.00 1260
Staff Dormitory 6 - Married 18 2564 3512 3,550.00 4,122.00 4,156.00 3,754.00 3,126.00 3,285.00 3,448.00 3,834.00 3,234.00 4585
Staff Dormitory 6 – Studio 48 2816 4168 4,137.00 5,779.00 6,248.00 6,804.00 6,815.00 6,814.00 6,386.00 5,624.00 4,286.00 5370
Staff Dormitory 7 - Bachelor 42 2269 2989 2,940.00 4,348.00 4,091.00 4,505.00 4,236.00 4,745.00 4,267.00 4,026.00 3,240.00 3718
Staff Dormitory 7- Studio 24 1734 3054 3,059.00 4,253.00 4,219.00 4,455.00 4,276.00 4,009.00 3,366.00 3,276.00 2,662.00 3003
Staff Dormitory 8 - 2 br 12 2627 3825 3,818.00 6,488.00 4,661.00 4,410.00 4,066.00 3,500.00 3,845.00 3,532.00 3,307.00 3599
Staff Dormitory 8 - 1 br 6 1028 1691 1,756.00 2,076.00 2,332.00 2,586.00 2,282.00 1,645.00 1,817.00 1,904.00 1,618.00 1893
Staff Dormitory 8 - 3br 6 1610 3731 3,177.00 3,950.00 4,564.00 4,251.00 3,405.00 2,782.00 3,451.00 3,297.00 2,693.00 2982
Staff Dormitory 9 - Studio 42 2509 3509 3,420.00 4,683.00 4,537.00 4,520.00 4,503.00 3,957.00 3,847.00 3,556.00 3,333.00 4086
Staff Dormitory 10 - 2 br 18 3932 5245 5,005.00 5,754.00 6,055.00 7,517.00 5,493.00 5,948.00 5,433.00 4,613.00 4,223.00 4919
Staff Dormitory 11 - 1 br 6 866 829 873.00 1,391.00 1,826.00 1,550.00 1,469.00 941.00 1,551.00 1,480.00 1,140.00 1152
Staff Dormitory 11 - 2 br 12 1818 2168 2,954.00 3,884.00 4,064.00 3,540.00 2,673.00 3,092.00 3,897.00 2,750.00 2,852.00 3406
Staff Dormitory 12 6 1691 2247 2,377.00 3,118.00 3,199.00 3,460.00 3,106.00 2,916.00 2,804.00 2,762.00 2,201.00 2564
Total 373 42,386.00 57,769 61,869.00 78,395.00 79,220.00 80,421.00 71,504.00 69,642.00 70,328.00 65,654.00 56,055.00 64,029.00
Electricity charges 2022
Buildings of Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Room (10/12/- (20/01- (10/02- (10/03- (10/04- (10/05- (10/06- (10/07- (10/08- (10/09- (10/10- (10/11-
10/01) 10/02) 10/03) 10/04) 10/05) 10/06) 10/07) 10/08) 10/09) 10/10) 10/11) 10/12)
Dormitory A 40 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory B 40 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory C 44 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory D 40 71 125 47 - - - - - - 10 - -
Dormitory E 40 2,129.00 2,542.00 2,479.00 2,951.00 2,715.00 2,835.00 2,261.00 2,427.00 2,173.00 2,483.00 2,589.00 2,391.00
Dormitory F 40 721.00 1,003.00 1,034.00 1,357.00 1,352.00 1,427.00 1,376.00 741.00 1,038.00 915.00 985.00 1,213.00
Dormitory G 40 332.00 504.00 462.00 638.00 514.00 435.00 420.00 519.00 516.00 307.00 334.00 281.00
Dormitory H 48 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory J 48 2,787.00 3,233.00 3,411.00 3,478.00 3,604.00 2,781.00 2,634.00 2,782.00 2,748.00 3,148.00 3,100.00 3,104.00
Dormitory K 40 2,597.00 2,889.00 2,739.00 3,037.00 3,087.00 2,466.00 2,039.00 2,115.00 2,368.00 2,414.00 2,597.00 2,497.00
Dormitory L 68 1,406.00 2,298.00 2,098.00 3,549.00 3,512.00 3,002.00 0.00 1,369.00 83.00 115.00 28.00 10,017.00
Dormitory M 44 - - 140.00 - - 341.00 195.00 111.00 97.00 118.00 116.00 95.00
Dormitory N 68 - 440.00 45.00 118.00 103.00 109.00 101.00 153.00 183.00 202.00 199.00 180.00
Dormitory P 16 739.00 2,000.00 2,525.00 5,347.00 4,481.00 3,941.00 3,611.00 3,112.00 2,285.00 2,422.00 2,229.00 2,356.00
Dormitory P - Married 14 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory Q 68 1,488.00 1,623.00 1,403.00 597.00 92.00 37.00 1,010.00 127.00 223.00 293.00 293.00 273.00
Dormitory R 68 203.00 183.00 187.00 180.00 145.00 119.00 109.00 131.00 232.00 250.00 200.00 186.00
Dormitory S 44 113.00 101.00 44.00 65.00 85.00 110.00 119.00 113.00 137.00 189.00 194.00 3,846.00
Dormitory T 68 4,406.00 6,403.00 6,861.00 9,421.00 8,967.00 7,869.00 7,205.00 6,822.00 8,458.00 8,115.00 6,702.00 7,639.00
Dormitory T -(Share 3 -
2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory U 28 2,141.00 2,804.00 2,623.00 3,887.00 3,668.00 2,890.00 2,052.00 2,136.00 2,084.00 2,014.00 1,822.00 2,302.00
Dormitory U - (Share 3 -
1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory V 68 5,115.00 6,601.00 5,929.00 8,356.00 7,858.00 7,998.00 6,365.00 6,195.00 6,985.00 7,676.00 6,750.00 7,254.00
Dormitory V -(Share 3-
2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Electricity charges 2022
Buildings of Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Room (10/12/- (20/01- (10/02- (10/03- (10/04- (10/05- (10/06- (10/07- (10/08- (10/09- (10/10- (10/11-
10/01) 10/02) 10/03) 10/04) 10/05) 10/06) 10/07) 10/08) 10/09) 10/10) 10/11) 10/12)
Dormitory W 28 1,422.00 2,258.00 2,425.00 3,345.00 2,942.00 2,532.00 2,114.00 2,566.00 3,346.00 3,379.00 2,879.00 3,426.00
Dormitory W -(Share 3-
2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory X 52 1,523.00 1,572.00 1,637.00 1,787.00 1,421.00 1,252.00 1,595.00 1,535.00 1,744.00 1,673.00 1,455.00 1,324.00
Dormitory X - Married 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory Y 52 1,141.00 1,445.00 1,566.00 1,745.00 1,746.00 1,485.00 1,420.00 1,205.00 1,589.00 1,778.00 1,676.00 1,528.00
Dormitory Y - Married 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Student Village1 -
20 936.00 1,663.00 2,191.00 2,551.00 3,178.00 3,157.00 2,680.00 3,108.00 3,310.00 2,562.00 2,057.00 2,613.00
Married unit
Student Village 1 -
60 1,331.00 1,137.00 954.00 1,027.00 1,274.00 1,222.00 1,021.00 1,078.00 1,225.00 1,386.00 1,405.00 1,554.00
Single unit
Student Village 2 -
12 391.00 843.00 10,929.00 1,351.00 1,268.00 863.00 1,260.00 1,049.00 1,043.00 1,316.00 1,369.00 1,637.00
Married unit
Student Village 2 -
84 623.00 395.00 373.00 409.00 410.00 555.00 353.00 295.00 397.00 166.00 217.00 184.00
Single unit
Student Village 3 -
32 7,380.00 8,194.00 8,098.00 11,106.00 11,925.00 11,933.00 9,333.00 8,782.00 8,101.00 8,198.00 7,260.00 8,449.00
Married unit
Student Village 3 -
78 2,105.00 1,927.00 1,803.00 2,042.00 1,814.00 1,836.00 1,655.00 1,882.00 1,770.00 2,297.00 2,162.00 2,314.00
Single unit
CUC 5 233 393 340 402 439.00 328 435 55 438 129 137 180
Total 1406 41,333 52,576 62,343 68,746 66,600 61,523 51,363 50,408 52,573 53,555.00 48,755.00 66,843.00
2.7 Calculation of the Mobile Source
Since the given data is the consumption of the fuel usage, it can be converted to liters
to kJ unit. And then, the unit is converted to TJ and multiplied with the related remission
factors to attain the required Carbon Dioxide Emission equivalent. The detail descriptions
will be presented below:
Table 2.7: The acquired data after multiplying with emission factor
According to IPCC Thailand Guideline, Motor Gasoline – uncontrolled and Gas/ Diesel Oil emission factor will be used as the operating
vehicles are using the similar fuel for the operation. From the calculation, the carbon emissions (Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide)
are attained for monthly emissions.
2.8 Calculation of the electricity usage from the AIT staff buildings
To calculate the carbon emissions from the electricity usage, the very specific specification of the products is required such as the voltage
usage, ampere consumption and the type of products (e.g., the brand of the product and the horsepower of the product). Such detailed work is
unable to collect during the short time period and the two parties are also not collecting data. Thus, thermal conversion energy from every
product must be assumed as 100% efficiency. Thus, the emission factor from the electricity consumption is 0.4999 for all of the consumption.
Table 2.9: The acquired carbon dioxide emission data after multiplying with the emission factor (office building)
Carbon emission year 2022 (kg CO2eq)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
SERD 19159.60 16509.41 17728.47
1 17550.83 18517.89 17390.15 18,480 18665.59 16834.76 20841.73 18802.82 18003.42
4 5 2
SET 13237.97 14350.74 13183.08 12767.91 12014.92 12589.27 13354.73 11160.13
2 13202.54 12,528 11327.3 13447.05
1 1 1 3 2 1 7 5
3 726.544 1017.96 1221.552 984.028 1,162 1301.392 1403.188 1275.444 1283.428 1367.26 1477.04 1040.415
Admin &
service 28147.59
4 21443.02 17275.38 20245.42 23067.77 20,902 23850.20 28800.28 28460.96 28578.73 27241.40 23065.77
units 2
Chiller 115316.9 116311.9 163387.5 159521.8 152860.6 103720.6 120350.3 156877.1 149469.9 152747.3 122464.0
5 175,398
04 1 7 17 66 43 17 17 61 93 81
Centers 59477.80 58052.16 61138.47 60411.93 70330.05 59005.75 18739.44 17500.42 15053.83
6 64146.45 60,965 17674.58
6 3 8 4 8 2 6 9 2
16423.08 22766.37 22798.31 23297.31 21924.06 24139.62 29556.76 25480.93 24055.79 24466.96
7 Arcade 17484.96 24,742
8 6 2 2 4 4 8 6 2 8
62288.17 96254.60 70167.88 93677.76 126489.0 141558.3 136488.9 119940.1 138447.0 79064.55
8 lights/pum 68082.56 70,062
4 5 3 9 15 16 75 39 51 4
314929.3 400890.6 368251.5 386832.7 380503.9 403326.7 401724.4 376800.3 393626.6 294319.1
302122.0 384,240
7 12 21 84 67 3 41 89 69 82
4,407,568 kg CO2eq/year
4,408 tons of CO2 eq/year
According to the calculation, the annual conversion of carbon dioxide emission from the office building is 4,408 ton of CO2 eq.
Table 2.10: The acquired carbon dioxide emission data after multiplying with the emission factor (student building)
Carbon emission year 2022 (kg CO2eq)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dormitory A 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory B 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory C 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory D 0.499 35.429 4428.625 23.453 - - - - - - 4.99 - -
Dormitory E 0.499 1062.371 1237.021 1472.549 1354.785 1414.67 1128.239 1211.073 1084.327 1239.017 1291.911 1193.109
Dormitory F 0.499 359.779 515.966 677.143 674.648 712.073 686.624 369.759 517.962 456.585 491.515 605.287
Dormitory G 0.499 165.668 230.538 318.362 256.486 217.065 209.58 258.981 257.484 153.193 166.666 140.219
Dormitory H 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory J 0.499 1390.713 1702.089 1735.522 1798.396 1387.72 1314.366 1388.218 1371.252 1570.852 1546.9 1548.896
Dormitory K 0.499 1295.903 1366.761 1515.463 1540.413 1230.53 1017.461 1055.385 1181.632 1204.586 1295.903 1246.003
Dormitory L 0.499 701.594 1046.902 1770.951 1752.488 1498 - 683.131 41.417 57.385 13.972 4998.483
Dormitory M 0.499 - - 69.86 - - 170.159 97.305 55.389 48.403 58.882 57.884 47.405
Dormitory N 0.499 - - 22.455 58.882 51.397 54.391 50.399 76.347 91.317 100.798 99.301 89.82
Dormitory P 0.499 368.761 737522 1259.975 2668.153 2236.019 1966.56 1801.889 1552.888 1140.215 1208.578 1112.271 1175.644
Dormitory P -
0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory Q 0.499 742.512 700.097 297.903 45.908 18.463 503.99 63.373 111.277 146.207 146.207 136.227
Dormitory R 0.499 101.297 93.313 89.82 72.355 59.381 54.391 65.369 115.768 124.75 99.8 92.814
Dormitory S 0.499 56.387 5695.087 21.956 32.435 42.415 54.89 59.381 56.387 68.363 94.311 96.806 1919.154
Dormitory T 0.499 2198.594 3423.639 4701.079 4474.533 3926.63 3595.295 3404.178 4220.542 4049.385 3344.298 3811.861
Carbon emission year 2022 (kg CO2eq)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dormitory T -
(Share 3 - 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory U 0.499 1068.359 1308.877 1939.613 1830.332 1442.11 1023.948 1065.864 1039.916 1004.986 909.178 1148.698
Dormitory U
- (Share 3 - 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory V 0.499 2552.385 2958.571 4169.644 3921.142 3991 3176.135 3091.305 3485.515 3830.324 3368.25 3619.746
Dormitory V
-(Share 3- 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory W 0.499 709.578 1210.075 1669.155 1468.058 1263.47 1054.886 1280.434 1669.654 1686.121 1436.621 1709.574
Dormitory W
-(Share 3- 0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dormitory X 0.499 759.977 816.863 891.713 709.079 624.748 795.905 765.965 870.256 834.827 726.045 660.676
Dormitory X
0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Married
Dormitory Y 0.499 569.359 781.434 870.755 871.254 741.015 708.58 601.295 792.911 887.222 836.324 762.472
Dormitory Y
0.499 - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Married
Village1 - 0.499 467.064 1093.309 1272.949 1585.822 1575.34 1337.32 1550.892 1651.69 1278.438 1026.443 1303.887
Married unit
Village 1 - 0.499 664.169 476.046 512.473 635.726 609.778 509.479 537.922 611.275 691.614 701.095 775.446
Single unit
Student 0.499 195.109 164476.8 5453.571 674.149 632.732 430.637 628.74 523.451 520.457 656.684 683.131 816.863
Carbon emission year 2022 (kg CO2eq)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Village 2 -
Married unit
Village 2 - 0.499 310.877 186.127 204.091 204.59 276.945 176.147 147.205 198.103 82.834 108.283 91.816
Single unit
Village 3 - 0.499 3682.62 4040.902 5541.894 5950.575 5954.57 4657.167 4382.218 4042.399 4090.802 3622.74 4216.051
Married unit
Village 3 - 0.499 1050.395 899.697 1018.958 905.186 916.164 825.845 939.118 883.23 1146.203 1078.838 1154.686
Single unit
CUC 0.499 116.267 169.66 200.598 219.061 163.672 217.065 27.445 218.562 64.371 68.363 89.82
20625.16 26235.42 31109.15 25630.13 26233.92 24328.74 33354.65
0.499 34304.25 33233.4 30700 25153.59 26723.95
7 4 7 7 7 5 7
337,632.382 kg CO2eq/year
337.632382 tons CO2eq/year
From the above table, it is also witnesses that some of the dormitories have not been resided by the students. In some months, some
students are giving back the hired rooms and thus the emission from that period will be considered as zero. The annual emission of the carbon
dioxide from the dormitory buildings are 337.63 tons CO2 eq.
Table 2.11: The acquired carbon dioxide emission data after multiplying with the emission factor (staff building)
Carbon emission year 2022 (kg CO2eq)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Faculty House
0.499 779.937 1287.42 1772.947 1253.987 1271.951 1422.15 1505.483 1108.778 1163.169 1062.87 845.805 1040.415
9 - 14
Faculty House
0.499 432.633 630.736 1065.365 1461.571 1345.803 1393.208 1340.813 1265.963 1160.175 1086.822 987.521 1014.467
15 - 18
Faculty House
0.499 2070.351 2513.962 2715.558 3667.65 3456.573 3076.834 2607.275 2801.386 2165.161 2480.03 2506.477 2511.467
19 - 28
0.499 483.032 147.704 285.428 337.823 530.437 978.04 741.514 1427.639 1785.921 1263.967 610.277 632.732
Dormitory 2
Dormitory 3 - 0.499 650.696 629.738 583.83 580.836 516.964 459.579 419.16 477.044 450.597 446.605 417.164 415.168
Dormitory 3 - 0.499 1060.874 1282.43 1301.891 1815.861 2021.948 1979.034 1656.181 1520.453 1622.748 1522.948 1303.887 1538.417
Dormitory 4 - 0.499 568.361 654.688 604.289 781.933 902.691 962.571 837.322 798.899 889.218 870.256 772.951 777.442
Dormitory 4 - 0.499 379.24 735.526 614.269 833.33 893.21 776.943 851.294 813.869 855.785 811.873 750.995 834.827
Dormitory 5 - 0.499 422.653 471.555 547.403 853.29 868.26 959.078 892.212 785.426 768.959 784.428 649.199 641.714
2 br (L)
Dormitory 5 - 0.499 1117.76 1464.066 2426.637 1967.058 2053.884 1828.835 1558.377 1426.142 1507.978 1544.405 1325.344 1317.859
2 br
Dormitory 5 - 0.499 478.541 561.874 459.08 692.612 743.011 669.159 591.315 552.393 712.073 600.796 442.114 628.74
1 br
0.499 1279.436 1752.488 1771.45 2056.878 2073.844 1873.246 1559.874 1639.215 1720.552 1913.166 1613.766 2287.915
Dormitory 6 -
Carbon emission year 2022 (kg CO2eq)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dormitory 6 - 0.499 1405.184 2079.832 2064.363 2883.721 3117.752 3395.196 3400.685 3400.186 3186.614 2806.376 2138.714 2679.63
Dormitory 7 - 0.499 1132.231 1491.511 1467.06 2169.652 2041.409 2247.995 2113.764 2367.755 2129.233 2008.974 1616.76 1855.282
Dormitory 7- 0.499 865.266 1523.946 1526.441 2122.247 2105.281 2223.045 2133.724 2000.491 1679.634 1634.724 1328.338 1498.497
Dormitory 8 - 0.499 1310.873 1908.675 1905.182 3237.512 2325.839 2200.59 2028.934 1746.5 1918.655 1762.468 1650.193 1795.901
2 br
Dormitory 8 - 0.499 512.972 843.809 876.244 1035.924 1163.668 1290.414 1138.718 820.855 906.683 950.096 807.382 944.607
1 br
Dormitory 8 - 0.499 803.39 1861.769 1585.323 1971.05 2277.436 2121.249 1699.095 1388.218 1722.049 1645.203 1343.807 1488.018
Dormitory 9 - 0.499 1251.991 1750.991 1706.58 2336.817 2263.963 2255.48 2246.997 1974.543 1919.653 1774.444 1663.167 2038.914
Dormitory 10 0.499 1962.068 2617.255 2497.495 2871.246 3021.445 3750.983 2741.007 2968.052 2711.067 2301.887 2107.277 2454.581
- 2 br
Dormitory 11 0.499 432.134 413.671 435.627 694.109 911.174 773.45 733.031 469.559 773.949 738.52 568.86 574.848
- 1 br
Dormitory 11 0.499 907.182 1081.832 1474.046 1938.116 2027.936 1766.46 1333.827 1542.908 1944.603 1372.25 1423.148 1699.594
- 2 br
Carbon emission year 2022 (kg CO2eq)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
0.499 843.809 1121.253 1186.123 1555.882 1596.301 1726.54 1549.894 1455.084 1399.196 1378.238 1098.299 1279.436
Dormitory 12
21150.61 28826.73 30872.63 39119.10 40130.07 35680.49 34751.35 35093.67 32761.34 27971.44 31950.47
0.499 39530.78
4 1 1 5 9 6 8 2 6 5 1
397,838.728 Kg CO2eq/year
397.84 tons CO2eq/year
From the calculation, the carbon dioxide emission from the buildings living from the staff are 397 tons of CO2eq.
Table 2.12: Wastewater Treatment Plant (Nov 2021- Mar 2022)
Point Area Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Unit
Entry 13.2 15.708 5.94 8.448 11.748 0.02508 Kg/month
Equalization 96 0 2.112 22.08 0.1056 0.1824 Kg/month
SBR 314.16 4 0 0 0 0 Kg/month
Effluent 36 14.4 20.16 9.72 11.16 5.4 Kg/month
Sludge 32.17 0 9.3293 2.41275 1.02944 21.5539 Kg/month
50.2142 42.6607 24.0430 27.1613
Total CH4 4 37.5413 5 4 8 Kg/month
Total CO2 1,406.00 6 1,194.50 673.21 760.52 Kg/month
Overall 5,085.38 Kg
According to the data provided by Dr. Simon Guerrero Cruz, wastewater treatment
plant inside AIT campus release methane, CH4 and carbon dioxide, CO2. And the gases
release from each single process of wastewater plant such as entry (influent), equalization
tank, SBR tank, effluent and the sludge which is release as a final byproduct of the
wastewater treatment process. The duration of the data collecting process is about six months,
(Nov 2021 to Mar 2022). Based on the calculation mentioned above, the total carbon
emission from the wastewater treatment plant and the collection plant are approximately
5,108.10 kg.
From the above calculation, the summarized carbon dioxide emissions from the
various sources are the 4400 tons of CO2eq from the office buildings, 337 tons CO2 eq is
emitted annually from the students’ buildings and 397 tons is emitted from the residents;
buildings of the staffs. The assumptions that the resident buildings emission is greater than
the student buildings’ emissions are that there are returns of the students and most of them
have to attend physical classes which significantly reduces the time that they are living in the
2.10 Data Analysis of Carbon Emission from AIT Campus
From the perspective of mobile sources as taken account only 2 vehicles in the AIT
campus, the following chart can be illustrated to see the carbon emissions.
5000 4861.43
3332.45 3450.34 3442.56 3588.57
kg Co2 eq
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
B7 Gasoline 95
Figure 2.6: The chart of the carbon dioxide emission from mobile sources
1.64 1.64 1.64 1.71
1.5 1.39
kg CO2 eq
0.15 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.12 0.16 0.12
0.08 0.05 0.06 0.07
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Axis Title
B7 Column1
Figure 2.7: The chart of converting from CH4 into CO2 emission from mobile sources
Conversion from N2O to CO2 emssion from vans
0.17 0.17
0.16 0.16 0.16
0.15 0.13
kg CO2 eq
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Axis Title
B7 Gasoline 95
Figure 2.8: The chart of converting from N2O into CO2 emission from mobile sources
Next, the carbon dioxide emission from the AIT office buildings, student buildings,
stuff buildings from the electricity source is displayed. Since the data from this chart is not fit
to show in the chart, it is preferred to check the table 2.9 and table 2.10 and 2.11.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 2.9: The chart the carbon dioxide emission from AIT office buildings
The acquired CO2 emission (student building)
A C E G J L N d R T U V W X Y it it it C
ry ry ry ry ry ry ry rie ory ry ry ry ry ry ry un un un CU
ti o ti o ti o ti o ito ito ti o ar ti ti o ti o ti o ito i to i to d d d
rm rm orm orm rm orm rm - M orm rm orm rm m m rie rie rie
Do Do Do rm Dor or ar ar ar
Do D D D Do ry P D D Do o D
D -M -M -M
ito e1 e
rm g g g
Do lla lla lla
t Vi Vi Vi
t t
en en n
t ud tud ude
S S S t
Figure 2.10: The chart of the carbon dioxide emission from AIT student buildings
4 8 8 2 d le d io L) br br d io or io br br br io br br br
- 1 - 1 - 2 ory rrie ing rrie tud br ( - 2 - 1 rrie tud hel tud - 2 - 1 - 3 tud - 2 - 1 - 2
9 15 19 i t a S a S 5 5 M - a S c S 8 S
e M -
us use use orm 3 - y 3 4 - y 4 5 - ory ory 6 - y 6
M - 2
- Ba 7- ry 8 ry 8 ory 9 - y 10 y 11 y 11
o ry o o t y r r r
H o o D y or y itor ory mit mit ry itor ry 7 ito mit mit rmi itor ito ito ito
l ty ty H ty H taff itor mit itor i t or or ito o m r r o m m m
cu ul ul S m or m orm rm D D rm orm mit or Do Do ff D orm Dor Dor Dor
Fa Fac Fac r
Do aff
D or o ff ff r D ff
D aff D ff D Sta Sta Do aff D Do aff Sta Sta Sta aff D taff taff taff
ff St ff St a ff St t
a S t
a a ff S St S S S
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 2.11: The chart of the carbon dioxide emission from AIT staff buildings
After that, the emission of CH4 data is analyzed from wastewater treatment plant and
collection point and then converted to CO2 gas.
Entry Equalization SBR Effluent Sludge
Figure 2.12: The chart of the methane emission from wastewater treatment plant
Figure 2.13: The chart of the methane emission from collection point
3. Conclusions and recommendations
3.1 Conclusion
In this term project, the carbon emission from AIT campus, mainly carbon dioxide
and green house gases are analyzed through the help of data from OFAM and AIT
Accommodation office and the thesis from Miss. Chonticha Deela guided by Dr. Simon. Due
to limited time and budget, the whole aspect of the AIT campus cannot be estimated. Thus,
mobile sources, stationary sources including all parts of the building and emission from
wastewater treatment plant are mainly calculated. As mentioned above, wastewater treatment
plant calculation data is only available for six months and the fugitive emissions of
refrigerants cannot be measures since the usage of them and duration of refrigerants usage
cannot be identified. To reduce the carbon dioxide emission from the AIT campus, the
aspects from recommendations sections could reduce the emission and there are many
alternative ways to reduce the carbon emissions.
3.2 Reducing of greenhouse gas emissions caused by using power from a third-party
The following variables influence the amount of greenhouse gas emissions: power use
and price of greenhouse gas emission coefficient The quantity of electricity purchased by
lowering the amount to be less is one of the elements that may be improved. The
Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), which has a greenhouse gas emission coefficient
from production, is the only source of external electricity, therefore the greenhouse gas
emission coefficient could not be reduced organization's only source of energy.
2006 IPCC guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (no date) IPCC. Available
at: https://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/vol5.html (Accessed: April 22, 2023).
Emission factors 2021 database documentation - microsoft (no date). Available at:
CO2KWH_Methodology.pdf (Accessed: April 22, 2023).
Homepage: GHG protocol (no date) Homepage | GHG Protocol. Available at:
https://ghgprotocol.org/ (Accessed: April 22, 2023).
Yang, X. et al. (2022) Greenhouse gas emissions inventory data acquisition and analytics for
low carbon cities, Journal of Cleaner Production. Elsevier. Available at:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095965262200350X (Accessed: April 22,
Campus maps. Asian Institute of Technology. (2017, August 3). Retrieved May 6, 2023, from
Take climate action by supporting green projects. United Nations online platform for
voluntary cancellation of certified emission reductions (CERs). (n.d.). Retrieved May 6,
2023, from https://offset.climateneutralnow.org/?utm_campaign=%28_campaign