INTN6001 Social Project VP22MGMT0100182
INTN6001 Social Project VP22MGMT0100182
INTN6001 Social Project VP22MGMT0100182
Vizag, Visakhapatnam
Submitted by
This is to certify that Ms. Anjali Pendurty of GITAM School of Business has
successfully completed the Social Project on Economic Survey in partial
fulfilment of requirement for the completion of MBA course a prescribed by the
GITAM School of Business GITAM.
Signature Anjali P
Name Anjali Pendurty
Date 29/04/2023
Apart from the efforts of me, the success of any project depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines given by many others. I take this opportunity to
express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful
completion of this social project.
I also would like to extend my appreciation to the respondents for giving the
With Gratitude.
Name Narayanamma
Gender Female
Age 50
Marital Status Married
No. of Children 3
Qualification NA
Nature of Job/Occupation Sweeper
Family Income(Per Month) 20000
Type of House 1. Rented 2. Own
(Put Tick Mark)
If Rented – Amout 8000
If Own – Loan, Govt. Housing Scheme
1. Do you have any Health Insurance/ Health Card? If yes, Mention the details.
(Ex. Arogya Sri)
Yes, I have a Arogya Sri Card. This card includes all the members of the family i.e., me, my
husband and my 3 childrens. It was used a months back for my husband for his heart surgery.
2. Are you part of any Self-Help Groups? Mention the financial assistance details.
No I’m not a part of any self-help groups. Therefore, the only financial assistance is my
monthly salary.
3. How are you making payments, Digital or Cash? List various digital platforms you
currently use (Paytm, Google pay, Phone pay).
I use cash because I don’t know how to use a digital platform. Tried many times to learn
but being illiterate and lack of knowledge, I could not operate those apps.
4. Were you getting Ration through PDS (Public Distribution System)? If yes, what
items is the Government providing your family?
Yes I’m getting ration through PDS. White ration card is provided to us and the items were
provided monthly ones. Government provides wheat, sugar, milk, rice, eggs and kerosene.
5. Is your family getting any Financial Assistance from the Govt Schemes? (Pension)
7. What are the challenges you have faced during COVID – 19 and how you have
resolved the problem?
I have a lot of issues. Being a sweeper I had to work during covid. I had to make
sure that my family is at safe. I had to stay away from my family so that they don’t
touch me. We even faced food crisis. Government supplies were not sufficient
thereby we had to buy from the shops but we could find hardly some at the nearby
They suggested if the salary gets increased then it would be more easier to live a
better a life. Also they were treated disrespectfully due to their job. Their request
was, even we work for the money same like others. It’s a job too. But we were
treated badly. It would be great if we were treated and respected properly.
9. What are your learnings from this Social Project ?
From the social project we can see that the people who can hardly earn good salary
in a month are even living a proper happy life. But somewhere it’s not sufficient to
fulfil every aspects of the needs. There are many people who cannot afford
everything still are managing to survive in this world. It help me to learn that no
matter what the situation and obstacles are, all we need is patience, hardwork and
ability to lead a balanced life.