Law Major Syllabus For U.G. (Session 2021-22) 176 PDF
Law Major Syllabus For U.G. (Session 2021-22) 176 PDF
Law Major Syllabus For U.G. (Session 2021-22) 176 PDF
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Course Code: G010101T Course Title: Introduction to the Indian Legal System
Course outcomes:
By the end of the Course, the student would be able to-
Understand the outline of various legal systems.
Know the institutions of the Indian legal and justice system.
Be acquainted with various components of criminal justice.
Have knowledge about access to legal aid and alternate dispute redressal
mechanisms that exist in India.
Know about constitutional and statutory provisions relating to legal aid.
Meaning, purpose, nature, and theories of punishment; Kinds of
IV Punishment in ancient times; Relevancy of Punishment in modern 11
Legal Aid:
Concept of legal aid; Constitutional and statutory provisions;
VIII Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 and its provisions; National 11
Legal Services Authority of India-Constitution, functions and role.
Suggested Readings:
1. Minnatur, Joseph, “The Legal System”, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, 2008,
2nd ed.
2. Sankaran, Kamala and Singh, Ujjwal Kumar, “Towards Legal Literacy”, Oxford
University Press,New Delhi, 2008.
3. Mathew, P.D, “Your Rights if you are Arrested”, Indian Social Institute, New
Delhi, 2003, 1st ed.
4. Pillai, P.S.A., “Criminal Law”, LexisNexis, Gurgaon, 2012, 11th ed.
5. Kempin, Frederick G., “Legal History: Law and Social Change”, Prentice-Hall,
New Jersey, 1963, 1st ed.
6. Singh, Mahendra Pal and Kumar, Niraj, “The Indian Legal System: An Enquiry”,
Oxford University Press, 2019.
7. David, René & Brierley, John E. C., “Major Legal Systems in the World Today:
An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Law”, Free Press, New York, 1978.
8. ckcsy ,oa 'kkL=h, ”Hkkjr dk oS/kkfud ,oa laoS/kkfud bfrgkl” यूनिवर्सिटी बुक हाउस प्रा. निनिटे ड, जयपुर
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open
for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks)
Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student -10 Marks
Presentation-5 Marks
Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Second
Year: First
Subject: Law
Sources of Law:
Sources of Law and their Classification; Essentials and validity of
Customs; Judicial Precedent, Theories of Precedent, Stare Decisis,
III Ratio-Decidendi, Obiter Dicta; Legislation, Constitution, Statute, 13
Act, Ordinance, Rules and Regulations, Parent and Subordinate
Legal Concepts-I:
Kinds and Classifications of Law; Rights and Duties, their nature,
IV 11
kinds and relationship.
Legal Concepts-II:
Legal Person, its nature, importance and theories; Possession and
V 11
Ownership, their nature, kinds and relationship.
Interpretation of Law:
Principles of Natural Justice, Kinds of Justice with reference to the
VI 12
Preamble to the Constitution of India; Concept of Equality, Law and
Equality in different Contexts.
Interpretation of Law:
Principles and theories of Equity, Fairness and Good Conscience;
VII 11
Principles of interpretation of law; Methods and aids for the
interpretation of law and judicial decisions.
Rules of Statutory Interpretation:
Primary Rules-Literal or Grammatical Rule, Golden Rule, Mischief
Rule, Purposive Rule; Secondary Rules-Noscitur a Sociis, Ejusdem
Generis, Reddando Singula Singulis.
Suggested Readings:
1. Lakshminath, A., “Judicial Process and Precedent”, Eastern Book Company,
Lucknow, 2016, 4th ed.
2. Gupta, N.C. Sen, “Evolution of Ancient Indian Law”, Probsthain & Co., London,
3. Singh, G.P., “Principles of Statutory Interpretation”, LexisNexis Butterworths
Wadhwa, Nagpur, 2010, 12th ed.
4. Allen, C.K., “Law and Orders”, Universal Law Publishing, Delhi, 2009.
5. Smith, A.T.H. (ed.), “Glanville Williams: Learning the Law”, Sweet and Maxwell,
London, 2016, 16th ed.
6. Cotterrell, Roger, “The Politics of Jurisprudence, Oxford University Press, New
York, 2011.
7. Tripathi, B.N. Mani, “Jurisprudence (Legal Theory)”, Allahabad Law
Agency, Faridabad, 2020. (Hindi)
8. लाल, बसन्ती, “सं विवियो का वििवचि”, से न्ट्रल लॉ पब्लिकेशन्स, प्रयागराज, 2018.
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Third
Year: Second
Subject: Law
Fundamental Rights:
Fundamental Rights and their Classification-Right to equality,
Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Religion,
IV 13
Right to Establish Minority Educational Institution; Constitutional
Remedy-Enforcement of Fundamental Rights, Writ Jurisdiction.
Emerging Issues:
Judicial Activism, Public Interest Litigation and Concept of Locus
Suggested Readings:
1. Sharma, B.K., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Mamta, Rao, “Constitutional Law”, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
3. Pandey, J.N., “Constitution of India”, Central Law Agency, Allahabad. (Hindi
And English)
4. Bakshi, P.M., “Constitution of India”, Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi.
5. Basu, D. D., “Constitutional Law of India”, LexisNexis, New Delhi. (Hindi And
6. Reddy, O. Chinappa, “The Court and the Constitution of India”, OUP, New
7. Seervai, H. M., “Constitutional Law of India-A Critical Commentary”,
Universal Law Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Suggestive digital platforms web links-
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open
for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks)
Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student -10 Marks
Presentation-5 Marks
Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Fourth
Year: Second
Subject: Law
Course Code: G010401T Course Title: Road Safety: Laws, Policies and Practices
Course outcomes:
By the end of the Course, the student would be able to-
Understand various concepts related to road safety.
Know about road signs, signals and safety measures.
Be acquainted with increasing cases of road accidents and its effects on
Have knowledge about nuisance on roads resulting in road accidents.
Understand the phenomena of High Security Registration Plates.
Road Signs:
Arm Signals, Traffic Signs, Parking Signs, Speed Limit and Vehicle
II Control Signs, Prohibitory Signs, Compulsory Direction Control 11
and Other Signs.
Road Accidents:
Vehicle accidents-Current scenario, Laws, Injury, Safety
precautions, Road transport regulations; Insurance & Finance
IV 11
Classes/types of insurance; Accident claims and settlements;
Duty of driver in case of accident; Indian Judiciary as protector
of road users-Medical Care & Treatment, Removal of Roadside
Advertisements/Hoardings, Removal of Liquor Vends, Road
Accident Compensation, Be Good Samaritan, Save Humanity.
Road Rage:
Concept, causes; Road Rage in India-Current Scenario; Road
Rage and Laws.
Vandalization and destruction to public transport vehicles
during agitations and protests:
VI 12
Constitutional and statutory provisions; ‘Bandh’ distinct from
general strike; Safeguarding public property-fundamental duty;
Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984; Efficacy of
PDPP Act, 1984; Role of Indian Judiciary.
Suggested Readings:
1. Elvik, Rune, “The Handbook of Road Safety Measures”, Emerald Group Publishing
Limited, India, 2009, 2nd ed.
2. Proctor, Steve, Belcher, Martin, Cook, Phil, “Practical Road Safety Auditing”,
Thomas Telford, London, 2001.
3. Rajvanshi, Gargi, “Transportation Law”, LexisNexis, New Delhi. (Hindi And
4. Road Transport Year Book, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, GoI.
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Fifth
Year: Third
Subject: Law
E- Contracts:
Kinds of E-Contracts-email, web contracts, Standard form
contracts; Formation of E-contracts-application of the
VI Contract Act, 1872 and Information Technology Act; United 10
Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications
in International Contract.
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Fifth
Year: Third
Subject: Law
Course Title: Right to Information and Consumer
Course Code: G010502T
Protection Laws
Course outcomes:
By the end of the Course, the student would be able to-
Understand the procedure and mechanism of accessing information under RTI
Know about the role and functions of Public Information Authorities.
Be acquainted with various concepts of consumer protection law.
Have knowledge about the consumer movement in India.
Understand the organizational set-up under the consumer protection law.
Organizational Set-up:
Consumer Protection Council; Central Consumer
Protection Authority; Consumer Disputes Redressal 10
Commission; consumer mediation; Product liability;
Offences and Penalties.
Suggested Readings:
1. Paranjape, N.V., “Right to Information Law in India”, Lexis Nexis, New Delhi.
2. Yadav, A. S., “Right to Information Act, 2005: An Analysis”, Central Law
Publications, Prayagraj.(Hindi And English)
3. Naib, Sudhir, “The Right to Information in India”, Oxford University Press, New
4. Gambhir, Cheena, “Consumer Protection Administration: Organisation and
Working”, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.
5. Tripathi, S. C., “Consumer Protection Act”, Central Law Publications,
Prayagraj.(Hindi And English)
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open
for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks)
Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student -10 Marks
Presentation-5 Marks
Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Fifth
Year: Third
Subject: Law
Suggested Readings:
1. Lal, Batuk, “The Law of Evidence”, Central Law Agency, Allahabad.
2. Singh, Avtar, “Principles of The Law of Evidence”, Central Law Publications,
Allahabad. (Hindi And English)
3. Shastri, S.C., “Environmental Law”, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
4. Takwani, C K, “Civil Procedure with Limitation Act, 1963”, Eastern Book
Company, Lucknow. (Hindi And English)
5. Kelkar, R.V., “Lectures on Code of Criminal Procedure”, Eastern Book
Company, Lucknow.
6. Sharma, Vakul, “Information Technology”, Universal Law Publishing, New
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open
for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks)
Project Writing/ Research Orientation of the student -10 Marks
Presentation-5 Marks
Online (MCQ) Examination preferably with Google Form-10 Marks
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Sixth
Year: Third
Subject: Law
Legal Writing:
Concept, Types, Sources-Primary and Secondary, Techniques of
writing a legal report, Precautions to be adopted in legal writing,
III 09
Problems in legal writing; The Form, the Content and Style of
the Legal Report, Analysis of the Report.
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
…….. in class/12th/ certificate/diploma.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Programme/Class: Semester: Sixth
Year: Third
Subject: Law
Dr. Prashant Mishra Dr. Satish Chandra Dr. Pradeep Kumar Pandey
Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor
BJR Institute of Law Faculty of Law Department of Law
Bundelkhand University, University of Lucknow, Brahmanand College, Kanpur
Jhansi Lucknow