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Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56

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Applied Energy
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Large scale hydrogen production from wind energy for the upgrading
of bitumen from oil sands
Babatunde Olateju, Joshua Monds, Amit Kumar ⇑
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G8, Canada

h i g h l i g h t s

 Techno-economic/simulation model developed for a large scale wind-hydrogen plant.

 Multitude of plant configurations considered for least cost H2 production.
 Optimum electrolyzer unit size for minimum H2 cost is 3496 kW (760Nm /h).
 Optimum electrolyzer farm size for minimum H2 cost is 80 units.
 Large scale wind-based H2 is not cost-competitive with natural gas-based H2.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There is considerable interest concerning sustainable, economically competitive and environmentally
Received 21 April 2013 benign hydrogen production pathways. In this study, a large scale wind-hydrogen plant is assessed for
Received in revised form 1 December 2013 the production of electrolytic hydrogen, for the servicing of the oil sands bitumen upgrading industry
Accepted 16 December 2013
in Western Canada. The wind-hydrogen plant proposed has a capacity of 563 MW, along with the dual
Available online 6 January 2014
functionality of hydrogen production and electricity generation; with the delivery of hydrogen to the
bitumen upgrader via pipeline. The research carried out involved the development of a data intensive
techno-economic model in tandem with a simulation model of the plant. Several plant configurations
Wind energy
were assessed to determine the optimum electrolyzer size and quantity – which would translate into
Oil sands the minimum hydrogen production cost (including delivery). The optimal plant configuration consists
Bitumen ugrading of 80 units of the 3496 kW (760 Nm3/h) electrolyzer, which yields a minimum hydrogen production cost
Techno-economic assessment of $8.43 and $7.84/kg of H2 with and without delivery. Therefore, currently, hydrogen production from
wind energy remains uncompetitive relative to conventional fossil fuel hydrogen pathways.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to comply with increasingly stringent non-GHG environmental

regulations – most notably, sulphur content in fuels [13–15]. To
Hydrogen is an environmentally benign, versatile energy com- add to this challenge, heavier crude oil grades with higher sulphur
modity; as it can be synthesized from a multitude of energy re- and nitrogen content are becoming more widespread in the global
sources (both renewable and non-renewable) with multi-faceted energy market [13,15]. These aforementioned factors all result in a
end uses in the energy industry [1–5]. Considering the increasingly formidable rise in hydrogen demand, to facilitate compliance with
greenhouse gas (GHG) constrained global energy market, in the fuel regulatory standards via hydrogen intensive hydrotreating and
existing literature, hydrogen is often proposed as a GHG mitigation hydrocracking processes [13,15]
tool to ameliorate GHG intensive sectors – mainly by displacing the In Western Canada, hydrogen is a crucial feedstock to the oil
use of fossil fuels across industries such as transportation and sands industry as it is needed for the upgrading of bitumen to
power generation [6–11]. synthetic crude oil (SCO). Hydrogen demand in the bitumen
The utility of hydrogen as a feedstock in the chemical, and in upgrading industry is anticipated to reach 3.1 million tonnes/year
particular, the oil refining industry, world over, is of significant in the industry by the year 2023 [16]; as oil sands production (a
importance [12–15]. This is because, aside from regulations on combination of SCO1 and non-upgraded bitumen) is expected to rise
GHG emissions, the oil refining industry faces growing pressure from 1.6 million bpd in 2010 to 3 million bpd in 2020 [18]. In Alberta,

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 780 492 7797; fax: +1 780 492 2200. 1
Synthetic Crude oil production in Alberta amounted to 126,400 m3/day in 2010
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Kumar). [17].

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Olateju et al. / Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56 49

as is the case in much of the globe, hydrogen is predominantly electricity is often utilized in the published literature for the esti-
produced via steam methane reforming (SMR) [12–14,19–21]; repre- mation of the unit cost of hydrogen [33,34,36,38]; with sensitivity
senting about 48% of global production [2]. However, SMR has a sig- analysis often carried out to compensate for electricity price base
nificant life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint of about case assumptions.
11,000–13,0002 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per tonne of hydrogen pro- As a result, a key objective of this study is to circumvent the
duced [22–25]. Furthermore, the feedstock cost for SMR is highly var- aforementioned modeling limitations by utilizing accurate, real
iable; as natural gas prices are often difficult to predict, with high time, wind power generation and electricity price data in the
price volatility and sensitivity to market dynamics [17,26]. Apart developed techno-economic and plant simulation model. This will
from this, natural gas is a premium fossil fuel with a significant in turn lead to decreased modeling uncertainty, and yield results
opportunity cost; thus, the continued reliance on SMR as the princi- which are more indicative of the ‘real’ hydrogen production cost
pal hydrogen production pathway in Western Canada raises ques- in a particular jurisdiction. In addition, the research carried out
tions about the sustainability of the bitumen upgrading industry, aims to investigate the extent of economies of scale in wind-hydro-
especially in the long-term. gen systems, with the techno-economic assessment of a large scale
As a result, there is considerable interest from industrial and wind-hydrogen plant in Western Canada. Apart from this, the
governmental stakeholders concerning the production of hydrogen determination of the optimum wind-hydrogen plant configuration
from conversion pathways which have low GHG footprints. Thus, which will result in a minimum hydrogen production cost is an-
research into the development of alternative hydrogen production other objective. Therefore, this paper seeks to ascertain the opti-
pathways without compromising economic viability and maintain- mum electrolyzer size and quantity which will facilitate the least
ing a negligible GHG footprint is warranted; in order to facilitate hydrogen production cost (including delivery to a bitumen upgrad-
the sustainable growth of the bitumen upgrading industry in North er via hydrogen pipeline). All costs are in 2010 Canadian dollars4,
America, and other industries that exist within the hydrogen econ- unless otherwise specified.
omy elsewhere.
Water-based electrolytic hydrogen production from wind
2. Methodology and scope
energy is regarded to have the lowest3 life cycle GHG emissions
of all hydrogen pathways by a number of authors [23,24,27,28]. In
2.1. Site selection and energy logistics
addition, with the exception of hydropower, wind energy has the
lowest levelised cost of electricity ($/kWh) amongst all renewable
The wind power generation capacity depends significantly on
options in most jurisdictions around the world [29,30]; thus, a sig-
the available resource at a certain location. As shown in Table 1,
nificant potential exists for extensive, cost-effective, GHG mitigation
as of 2009, the provincial wind generation capacity of the province
with this hydrogen pathway. Furthermore, extensive research per-
totalled 563 MW [45,46]. Alberta’s wind resource is concentrated
taining to the techno-economic assessment of wind-hydrogen pro-
in Southern Alberta, as reflected by the location of its wind farms
duction systems has been carried out in a multitude of regions
illustrated in Fig. 1 [45]. For the wind-hydrogen plant proposed
across the globe [31–35]. Contrastingly, the existing research
(see Fig. 2), the energy from the network of wind farms is chan-
addressing the techno-economic assessment of hydrogen production
nelled via the existing transmission line system to the summer-
from wind energy in Western Canada is scarce; with the exception
view 1 wind farm in Pincher Creek; where the electrolyzer farm
being a small scale grid connected wind-hydrogen production plant
is located for hydrogen production. The electrolyser farm is situ-
proposed by Olateju and Kumar [36]. The hydrogen production cost
ated at Pincher Creek due to the high density of wind farm loca-
yielded by the aforementioned plant, including the cost of delivery
tions in this area relative to other regions in Southern Alberta
amounts to $13.5/kg H2 [36]; which renders the plant uncompetitive
(see Fig. 1), as well as for comparative reasons with a previous
in comparison with the fossil fuel alternative by a relatively large
study [36]. It is worth highlighting the fact that due to the geo-
margin. Thus, further research that addresses the techno-economic
graphically dispersed nature of the wind farm network on a local-
paradigm which will facilitate a positive shift in the cost-competive-
ised level, the capacity factor of the electrolyzer farm has the
ness of wind-hydrogen systems (relative to the fossil fuel alterna-
potential to be significantly enhanced. This is regarded as a more
tive) is warranted.
efficient and pragmatic alternative to the option of having electro-
In this light, significant reductions in hydrogen production costs
lyzer farms situated at each wind farm location, where the capacity
can be achieved with large scale wind hydrogen plants as substan-
factor of the electrolyzers are reduced due to the fact that they are
tiated by a number of authors [33,34,37–39]. Wind energy in Al-
constrained to the productivity of a single wind farm.
berta has an estimated generating potential of about 64 GW [40].
However, as of 2012, wind power accounted for about 6% of the
electricity generation capacity of the province [41]; with coal 2.2. Simulation model for the wind-hydrogen plant
power being the predominant base load mitigating energy re-
source. Hence, due to the limited contribution of wind power to The wind-hydrogen plant proposed in this paper was modeled
the provincial energy mix, the utilisation of the entire provincial using the EXTEND 6 simulation package [47]. EXTEND 6 has the
wind energy resource for electrolytic hydrogen production is con- capacity for discrete and continuous event modeling [47]; with
sidered feasible. the latter being utilized for the purposes of this research. However,
An important point to note is that the methodology adopted in the modeling of the wind-hydrogen system can be achieved with
previous studies involving wind-hydrogen production often in- several other simulation software; thus, the results presented here
volves the modeling and characterization of the wind variability, are independent of the simulation tool adopted. The principal
via the use of a Weibull probability density function, to estimate model inputs involved comprised of the provincial hourly power
energy, and consequently, hydrogen production [34,36,37,42–44]. generation and grid pool price, along with the alkaline electrolyzer
This has limitations, and invariably, has a certain degree of error specifications. The real time provincial hourly power generation
associated with it. Secondly, a fixed base case selling price of wind and pool price data correspond to the year 2009, and was provided
by the Alberta Electric Systems Operator (AESO) [48]. On the other
Value based on the higher heating value (HHV) of hydrogen (141 MJ/kg).
3 4
Some authors have ranked this hydrogen pathway 3rd amongst all other options Where necessary, an inflation rate of 2% has been used to convert all costs into
[2]. 2010 $CAD. Furthermore, a currency rate of $1US = $1CAD is adopted in this paper.
50 B. Olateju et al. / Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56

Table 1
Grid-connected wind farm generation capacity in Alberta as of 2009 [45,46].

Wind Farm Name Period of installation to 2009 year end capacity # of Wind turbines Wind turbine rated power (kW) Wind farm capacity (MW)
Blue Trail Wind 2009 22 3000 66
Castle River #1 1997–2001 59 660 40
Cowley Ridge 1993–2001 57 375 38
15 1300
Enmax Taber 2007 37 2200 81
Kettles Hill 2006–2007 35 1800 63
McBride Lake 2001–2003 115 660 75
Soderglen Wind 2006 47 1500 68
Summerview 1 2002–2004 38 1800 68
Suncor Chin Chute 2006 20 1500 30
Suncor Magrath 2004 20 1500 30
Taylor Wind Farm 2004 9 375 4

Fig. 1. Geographical depiction of grid-connected wind farm locations in Alberta (2009).

hand, the electrolyzer data input included the maximum and min- alkaline electrolyzers, proton exchange membrane (PEM) electro-
imum power demand, hydrogen flow rate, and the number of elec- lyzers, and high temperature electrolysis (HTE) [36]. Relative to
trolyzer units. A number of electrolyzer sizes were considered in other electrolyzer technologies, alkaline electrolyzers are adopted
the model (see Table 2) along with different numbers of units. Each in this study as a result of their superior technological maturity,
case considered was run as a simulation with a duration of 8760 h large scale hydrogen flow rates and relatively inexpensive capital
to yield the annual hydrogen flow rate as well as the annual elec- cost [36]. For a more detailed scrutiny of the aforementioned elec-
tricity revenue. The quantification of the annual hydrogen flow rate trolyzer technologies, the reader is referred to the work by Olateju
and annual amount of electricity dispatched to the grid is given and Kumar [36].
greater scrutiny in Section 2.4. The electrolyzers considered in this study along with their
performance specifications are given in Table 2. It is important to
2.3. Electrolyzer selection note that the minimum electrolyzer power requirement for all
electrolyzers, has been determined based on a proportional
The current electrolyzer (electrolysis) technologies that exist in relationship between the maximum flow rate and maximum
literature can be sub-divided into three main classes, namely: power demand (rated power) of the electrolyzer as shown in Eq.
B. Olateju et al. / Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56 51

Fig. 2. Conceptual schematic of the wind-hydrogen plant.

Table 2
Electrolyzer size range [33,49].

Electrolyzer manufacturer/model Min. H2 flow rate Max. H2 flow rate Energy requirement Size H2 pressure H2 purity
(Nm3/h) (Nm3/h) (kWh/Nm3) (kW) (bar) (%)
Norsk hydro atmospheric type No. 5010 (5150 0a 50 4.8b 240 1 99.9 ± 0.1
Amp DC) [33]
Norsk hydro atmospheric type No. 5020 (5150 50 150 4.8b 720 1 99.9 ± 0.1
Amp DC) [33]
Norsk hydro atmospheric type No. 5030 (5150 150 300 4.8b 1440 1 99.9 ± 0.1
Amp DC) [33]
Norsk hydro atmospheric type No. 5040 (4000 300 377 4.8 1810 1 99.9 ± 0.1
Amp DC) [33]
Norsk hydro atmospheric type No. 5040 (5150 300 485 4.8b 2328 1 99.9 ± 0.1
Amp DC) [33]
Industrie Haute Technologie (IHT) Type S-556 190 760 4.9b,c 3496 30 99.9 ± 0.1
A minimum flow rate of 1 Nm3/h was utilized in this study.
Indicates the hydrogen production systems level energy requirement specified by the manufacturer [33].
Average value of the energy requirement range (4.6–5.2 kWh/Nm3) indicated.

(1). The adoption of this approach is as a result of the energy (WPi 6 EPmin & WPi 6 EPmax total), allows for the calculation of the
requirement for all the electrolyzers being non-uniform. amount of hydrogen produced from the plant and/or the amount
of energy sold to the grid for each hour of the year. The summation
ðEFmin  EPmax Þ
EPmin ¼ ð1Þ of the hourly hydrogen production for the entire year yields the an-
ðg  EFmax Þ nual hydrogen production. The annual amount of energy sold to
the grid is calculated in identical fashion.
2.4. Quantification of hydrogen production It is worth pointing out that, for reduced complexity, an implicit
assumption is made with the energy management regime adopted
The wind-hydrogen plant has a dual functionality of hydrogen in this study. The assumption is that the energy from the wind
production and electricity generation. Electricity generation is in- farms is distributed uniformly across all electrolyzers in a given
tended to enhance the plant’s cost competiveness; as wind power plant configuration. This would imply that for an increased quan-
will be sold to the grid in periods where power output falls short of tity of electrolyzers, it would be possible for a given electrolyzer
the threshold required for hydrogen production. Furthermore, in unit to operate at a power level below EPmin.
the event where excess wind energy is available during hydrogen In reality, it is more likely that power would be distributed
production, the simultaneous yield of hydrogen and electricity oc- within the electrolyzer farm in a non-uniform manner. For in-
curs, to consolidate the revenue generation capacity of the plant stance, one or more units may not be available at any given time
even further. due to maintenance, or a control system may switch units on or
Using the average hourly wind power production data [48], the off given a set of safety considerations or the optimization of plant
distribution of the energy produced by the wind turbine either for efficiency5. Thus, a plant operator may decide to run some units at
hydrogen production and/or the sale of electricity to the grid is
governed by the energy management flow chart illustrated in 5
It is important to note that in practice, the energy requirement for a given
Fig. 3. This flow chart, with the use of two decision tools electrolyzer will vary based on its operational load.
52 B. Olateju et al. / Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56

Fig. 3. Energy management flow chart.

full capacity while others remain idle; or all at half capacity, yet 3.3. Hydrogen pipeline costs
maintaining the same hydrogen output. Hence, it becomes apparent
that irrespective of the energy allocation strategy adopted by a given 3.3.1. Hydrogen pipeline characterisation
plant operator managing the electrolyzer farm, the cumulative For a hydrogen production flow rate that exceeds 2400 kg/day,
hydrogen production obtained per annum and subsequent electricity pipeline transport of the hydrogen produced is regarded as the
sold to the grid would be the same. Therefore, the energy manage- most cost effective means of delivery [55]. Thus, considering the
ment regime adopted here has no impact on the veracity of the large scale flow rate of the plant, for each plant configuration ap-
results. praised from a techno-economic standpoint, the characterization
Lastly, an electrolyzer efficiency of 73% (based on HHV of H2) i.e. of the appropriate pipeline is warranted6. The characterization of
4.8 $/kWh energy requirement and a rectifier efficiency of 95% the hydrogen pipeline required the determination of two key pipe-
[50,51] were adopted in the EXTEND 6 simulations. line parameters i.e. the pipeline diameter and pipeline length. The
diameter of the hydrogen pipeline was calculated with the use of
the Panhandle – B equation [56]. This equation was solved with a re-
3. Cost estimation verse engineering approach to obtain the required diameter for the
plant’s hydrogen flow rate. The estimate of the pipeline distance
3.1. Electrolyzer capital cost from Pincher Creek to the Industrial Heartland of Edmonton where
the upgrader is located (see Fig. 1), is based on the driving distance
An electrolyzer capital cost estimation model developed in an between these two locations – about 450 km [36]. However, the dis-
earlier study, which is based on data obtained from existing liter- tance of hydrogen delivery will vary depending on the jurisdiction in
ature and industrial experts, was adopted to serve as a reliable question.
estimate of costs [36]. The nature of the work carried out in the
current study involves the capital cost estimation of a significant
number of electrolyzer units with varying sizes. In reality, a de- 3.3.2. Hydrogen pipeline capital cost
gree of cost and labour efficiencies will likely be achieved, with The hydrogen pipeline capital cost model utilized in this study
the purchase of a large number of units from a particular is based on published literature [57] (see Fig. 4). The cost ascer-
vendor/manufacturer. However, this study takes a conservative tained using this model was compared to other hydrogen pipeline
approach, with the assumption that none of the aforementioned capital cost models in the existing literature [58,59]. The difference
efficiencies are realized. Table 3 gives the further details on elec- in the pipeline capital cost between the model adopted in this pa-
trolyzer costs including installation, operating and maintenance per and the models presented by Parker [58] and Johnson and Og-
(O&M) costs. den [59] were 10% and 18%, respectively. As is the case with all
pipelines, hydrogen pipeline capital costs will be highly site spe-
cific, and the consideration of the special pipeline seals required
3.2. Wind turbine capital cost and auxiliary units costs for hydrogen transport and the possible embrittlement of steel will
play a significant role in determining costs [58]. In general, taking
The wind turbine capital cost, O&M cost, along with costs and pipeline operation into account, an increased risk is associated
useful lives associated with auxiliary plant equipment and power with hydrogen pipelines relative to other industrial fluids (e.g.
electronics are provided in Table 3. Considering auxiliary plant
costs in particular, it is important to note that the cost of Note that for plant configurations with a hydrogen flow rate less than 2400 kg/
purification of the feed water (via reverse osmosis) for the day, a hydrogen pipeline is not considered cost effective nor pragmatic [55]. However,
the optimization of the delivery mode for each case is beyond the scope of this paper.
electrolyzers is miniature compared to the cooling water cost Moreover, the flow rates encountered in the simulations run in this study are
[36]. Thus, the latter has been assumed to account for the cost predominantly large scale (>2400 kg/day). Thus, a pipeline was sized specific to each
of purification. simulation considered.
B. Olateju et al. / Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56 53

Table 3
Wind turbine and auxilliary plant costs.

Cost components Values Sources/comments

Wind turbine capital cost ($/kW) 982 Derived from the average of values specified in [33,34,50,52]
Plant power electronics cost ($/kW) (including rectifier and control 35 Estimated relative to the cost specified for a 1 GW plant with no
unit cost) inverter [39]
Wind turbine labour and installation costs ($/kW) 196 20% of WT capital cost [53]
Electrolyzer labour and installation costs ($) Function of electrolyzer 4% of electrolyzer capital cost [36]
Electrolyzer O&M cost ($/kW/yr) 17 [52]
Electrolyzer cell stack replacement cost Function of electrolyzer 30% of electrolyzer capital cost [33]
Wind turbine O&M cost (years 1–6) ($/kWh/yr) 0.01 [36]
Wind turbine O&M cost (years 7–12) ($/kWh/yr) 0.03 [36]
Wind turbine O&M cost (years 13–20) ($/kWh/yr) 0.05 [36]
Pincher creek water cost ($/m3) 0.99 [36]
Wind turbine service life (yrs) 20 [33,52,31]
Electrolyzer service life (yrs) 10 [32,33]
Rectifier service life (yrs) 10 [54]
Control unit service life (yrs) 10 [36]

is assumed to have a negligible present value and thus not consid-

ered. Furthermore, there would not be additional costs of land,
transmission line costs, and other secondary plant set up costs,
as there is existing wind farm infrastructure in Southern Alberta.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Electrolyzer performance

A number of performance metrics used to assess the different

electrolyzers considered in this study are provided in Table 4.

Fig. 4. Hydrogen pipeline capital cost. 4.1.1. Electrolyzer farm size

As seen in Table 4, for the smaller electrolyzer units with a max-
imum H2 flow rate in the range of 50–150 Nm3/h, the number of
CO2 and natural gas). Thus, in practice, this elevated risk needs to units required to achieve the minimum hydrogen production cost
be assessed and quantified; so as to be factored into the resulting is in the multiples of hundred. The practicality and challenges asso-
cost estimates for improved accuracy. It is worth pointing out that ciated with the installation, energy management and monitoring of
in 2010, the Government of Alberta (GOA) approved the construc- such a high number of units can prove to be prohibitive. Apart from
tion of a hydrogen pipeline by Air Products Inc. to transport hydro- this, the spatial footprint is an added hurdle, and more impor-
gen from the company’s two production facilities to bitumen tantly, the hydrogen production cost achieved leaves more to be
upgraders, refineries and chemical processors [60]. desired with regards to its competitiveness.
For the larger sized electrolyzers, although they suffer from re-
3.4. Hydrogen compressor cost duced capacity factors in comparison to the smaller electrolyzers,
the number of units warranted for the minimum hydrogen produc-
It is important to note that the desired delivery pressure of tion cost is significantly lower and more pragmatic. Furthermore,
hydrogen by the bitumen upgrader is 50 bar [55]; hence, an ele- the largest electrolyzer considered yields the minimum production
vated pipeline inlet pressure of 60 bar is utilized in this study. A cost of all simulations run.
compressor is required to raise the pressure of hydrogen to an ele-
vated magnitude that would be conducive for pipeline transmis- 4.1.2. Electrolyzer capacity factor
sion. The hydrogen compressor cost for each plant configuration The variation of the electrolyzer capacity factor with the num-
is heavily dependent on the electrolyzer hydrogen output pres- ber of units is illustrated in Fig. 5. It can be seen in Fig. 5 that the
sure; as this determines the pressure ratio that the compressor is negative slope of the capacity factor curve becomes increasingly
subjected to. A two stage compressor with an efficiency of 70% steep as the electrolyzer size is increased. Thus, compared to the
and a specific capital cost $970/kW is adopted in this paper [61]. larger electrolyzers, the smaller electrolyzers maintain a higher
A compressor was sized for each plant configuration considered, capacity factor magnitude in general; and over a wider range of
based on a model utilized in an earlier study [61]. electrolyzer quantities. This is as a result of the undersized nature
of the power demand of the smaller electrolyzers in comparison to
3.5. Principal economic data and model assumptions the available power from the wind farms. To put the results into
context, the aggregate capacity factor of the wind farms utilised
An IRR of 10% was utilized in the techno-economic model along in this study amounts to 30%. Hence, for cost competitiveness,
with an inflation rate of 2%. The investment cost of the plant is ser- the capacity factor of the electrolyzer farm must be greater than
viced by 100% equity; and the construction period for the commis- this value. This is reflected in the corresponding capacity factors
sioning of the plant is estimated at one year, with a plant lifetime for the respective minimum hydrogen production costs which
of 20 years [36]. In addition, the decommissioning cost of the plant range from 41% to 51% (see Table 4).
54 B. Olateju et al. / Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56

Table 4
Electrolyzer performance output.

Electrolyzer manufacturer/ Max. H2 flow Size H2 output Energy sold to Energy used for H2 Number of Capacity Min. H2
model rate (Nm3/h) (kW) (kg/day) grid (kWh/yr) production (kWh/yr) electrolyzer factor (%) cost ($/kg)
Norsk hydro atmospheric type 50 240 43,640 2.37E + 08 1.23E + 09 800 51 13.88
No. 5010 (5150)
Norsk hydro atmospheric type 150 720 46,523 1.56E + 08 1.31E + 09 300 48 10.82
No. 5020 (5150)
Norsk hydro atmospheric type 300 1440 49,755 6.52E + 07 1.40E + 09 175 44 9.77
No. 5030 (5150)
Norsk hydro atmospheric type 377 1810 50,878 3.33E + 07 1.43E + 09 150 42 9.54
No. 5040 (4000 Amp DC)
Norsk hydro atmospheric type 485 2328 50,021 5.77E + 07 1.41E + 09 110 44 9.30
No. 5040 (5150 Amp DC)
Industrie Haute Technologie 760 3496 53,475 2.32E + 07 1.44E + 09 80 41 8.43
(IHT) Type S -556

to the capacity factor curves, the electricity revenue curves have a

negative slope which becomes increasingly steep as the electro-
lyzer size is increased (see Fig. 6).
However, as shown in Table 4, the increased revenue of the
smaller electrolyers does not translate into a lower cost of hydrogen
production. This is attributed to the fact that the increased revenue
does not compensate for the increased capital cost requirement ($)
of the smaller electrolyzers, as a result of the relatively high number
of units required to achieve a hydrogen production flow rate in the
same order of magnitude as larger electrolyzers. However, it is
important to point out that in jurisdictions where wind generated
electricity is sold to the grid at a premium, or where renewable
energy incentives such as feed-in-tariffs (FIT) exist, the H2 cost
competitiveness of the smaller electrolyzers will be greatly
Fig. 5. Electrolyzer capacity factor.
enhanced. On another note, it is worth pointing out that another
revenue generation scheme is the sale of the oxygen produced by
Another important factor which influences the capacity factor the electrolyzers to an existing market.
of a given electrolyzer is the flow rate range, as this governs its
operational flexibility. The wider the flow rate range, the higher
4.2. Hydrogen production cost
the number of hours in which the electrolyzers are in operation;
leading to a higher hydrogen productivity and capacity factor –
The non-linear variation of the hydrogen production cost with
which translates into a reduced production cost. This is exempli-
electrolyzer size and quantity is provided in Fig. 7. The minimum
fied by the largest electrolyzer unit (3496 kW (760 Nm3/h)), as it
cost achieved in the analysis carried out, with and without deliv-
possesses the widest flow rate range of all electrolyzers considered,
ery, amounts to a cost of $8.43 and $7.84/kg of H2 respectively; cor-
hence yielding the minimum production cost.
responding to 80 units of the 3496 kW (760 Nm3/h) electrolyzer.
However, it is worth pointing out that the use of varying com-
The overarching trend is a decrease in the hydrogen production
binations of electrolyzer unit sizes, has the potential to increase the
cost as the electrolyzer size is increased (see Fig. 7). Furthermore,
capacity factor of the electrolyzer farm. For instance, in plant con-
all the production cost curves have a minimum value (see Table 4),
figurations where large scale electrolyzer units are used, the
after which the costs escalate with an increase in the number of
replacement of some units with smaller electrolyzers will facilitate
electrolyzer units. This is due to the interrelated and competing
a wider range of operation –which will likely translate into re-
forces of the electrolyzer capital cost, capacity factor, hydrogen
duced production costs. Furthermore, in configurations where
productivity and grid electricity sales. The capital cost ($/kW),
smaller electrolyzers are used, the substitution some units with
larger ones has the potential to significantly reduce the number
of units needed to achieve large scale hydrogen productivity;
thereby decreasing the spatial footprint, the capital cost require-
ment ($) along with the complexity of managing a plant with a
high volume of units.

4.1.3. Electricity production and revenue

The amount of energy dispatched to the grid is significantly
higher for the smaller sized electrolyzers relative to their larger
counterparts. This is quite intuitive as the smaller electrolyzers,
for the same number of units, demand significantly less power
for maximum hydrogen production; hence maintaining a high
capacity factor whilst channeling significant amounts of energy
to the grid for revenue (see Fig. 6). Furthermore, in similar fashion Fig. 6. Grid electricity sales.
B. Olateju et al. / Applied Energy 118 (2014) 48–56 55

provided. However, the estimate provided by some authors is based

on a cost accounting methodology that does not consider a speci-
fied IRR; instead focusing on the capital recovery factor [39]. More-
over, the electrolyzer capital costs of $306/kW [34] and $330/kW
[39] are heavily discounted in comparison to the capital costs
adopted in this study. Furthermore, the wind resource utilized for
the hydrogen plant has a capacity factor of 54% and 40% for Zolezzi
et al. [34] and Leighty et al. [39] respectively, in comparison to the
capacity factor of 30% in this study.

5. Conclusion

From the techno-economic evaluation conducted, the minimum

Fig. 7. Hydrogen production cost. hydrogen production cost for a large scale wind-hydrogen plant of
capacity 563 MW, as proposed in this study, amounts to $8.43 and
$7.84/kg of H2 with and without delivery to the bitumen upgrader
capacity factor and grid electricity sales, decrease as the electro- respectively. In addition, the optimal plant configuration consists
lyzer size in increased; however, hydrogen productivity increases, of 80 units of the 3496 kW (760 Nm3/h) electrolyzer. Furthermore,
with the opposite being true as the electrolyzer size is decreased. from the results generated, it can be inferred that for hydrogen
All the aforementioned parameters play a significant role in deter- production from large scale wind-hydrogen plants, large scale
mining the hydrogen production cost. However, the most (MW) electrolyzers with a wide flow rate/operating range are re-
significant of all cost elements is the wind turbine capital cost quired to facilitate cost competitiveness.
which accounts for about 55% of the hydrogen production cost The plant component with the most significant impact on pro-
for the optimum electrolyzer size and number (i.e. 3496 kW duction costs is the wind turbine capital cost. A reduced capital
(760 Nm3/h) and 80 units). The sensitivity of the hydrogen produc- cost is likely to be achieved in the near future as wind energy con-
tion cost to the wind turbine capital cost is shown in Fig. 8. Note tinues to mature and pervade the energy markets around the
that the wind turbine capital cost estimate for a capacity of globe. The near future also has the potential to introduce, in the
563 MW is a constant value for all plant configurations considered. form of energy policy, a significant cost penalty for GHG emissions
Relative to previous work carried out on a small-scale wind which could introduce a competitive advantage for hydrogen pro-
hydrogen plant in Western Canada [36], significant economies of duction from wind energy. Furthermore, as practiced in some juris-
scale are apparent in this study; as the hydrogen production cost dictions, renewable energy incentives such as feed-in-tariffs will
experiences a 37% decrease from $13.5/kg of H2 to $8.43/kg of H2. enhance the cost-effectiveness of wind-hydrogen even further. As
In comparison to previous studies on large scale wind hydrogen for present times, the wind-hydrogen pathway remains economi-
production [33,34,37–39], the cost of $8.43/kg of H2 achieved in this cally uncompetitive in comparison to the fossil fuel alternative
study appears relatively high. However, the comparison of costs i.e. SMR.
should be carried out with full consciousness of the underlying eco-
nomic assumptions, quality of the wind resource, plant scale, rate of Acknowledgements
return and disparities pertaining to the methodologies and scope of
the techno-economic assessment in the aforementioned studies. The authors would like to express their sincere appreciation to
For instance, the work carried out by Levene [33] involves the John Kehler of the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), for his
assumption of a wind farm capacity factor of 40%, a fixed electricity support and guidance concerning the wind farm energy data
price of $0.03/kWh, along with the inclusion of production tax cred- utilised in this paper. The authors are thankful to the NSERC
its; all of which amount to hydrogen production cost of $ 6.13/kg of Associate Industrial Research Chair in Energy and Environmental
H2 for an IRR of 10%. Apart from this, the cost of hydrogen delivery is Systems Engineering at the University of Alberta for financial sup-
not accounted for in the study [33]. In other studies [34,39], the port for this research.
hydrogen production cost estimate of $2.48/kg of H2 (2030 price
forecast in US dollars, with 10% IRR [34]) and $2.98/kg of H2 (for References
an equivalent H2 pipeline length – i.e. 450 km) [39] have been
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