Highway Min Project
Highway Min Project
Highway Min Project
First of all we would like to thank GOD for his uncountable, merciful and
endless guidance throughout our life and for being a reason to have such a
wonderful Min Project. We need to have special thanks for those who were
giving their time to listen our question, sharing their theoretical, practical and
technical knowledge.Especially, we would like to thank INSTRUCTOR for
giving us remarkable contribution and guidance to make our Min P fruitful.
According to the program schedule that is provided from our teacher, which we
agreed to do highway project on Asphalt Pavement and Types of Distress, problems,
possible causes of distress and engineering measure for maintenance work. As our
instructor (teacher) guided us to prepare our project report according to report writing
rules we prepared our report based on the rule. In this project all members are actively
participated and observed types of Asphalt Pavement Distress,possible causes for
distress and Discussed Engineering method of maintenance. When we started and
completed every task within the time and submitted, as our Instructor needed.
Therefore, we satisfied by this project and we had gained good knowledge and
This min project report covers our work on HIGHWAY THREE, Asphalt Pavement,
Types of Distress, Discretion of Distress types, Problems of Distress types, Causes
of distress types and Engineering method of maintenance of types of Distress. And it
gives detailed information about types of pavement distress; the activities should be
carried out to maintain types of pavement distress and with the detail pavement
survey condition in start from eyerusalem(fit awurari Geja Garibo) square
We have written this report using the guide from the ERA MANUAL, and brief
description about our selected site and the action how we collected the data is
provided. This includes background information about our site, about HOSSANA,
soil type and also type of pavement layer in our site. It also explains the overall
experience we have gained during our practical periods, i.e. observation at site.
Neatly, we tried to describe the engineering maintenance methods for the types of
asphalt pavement distress. The challenges we have faced during our project work,
especially on site capturing of photo is very difficult, because the flow of traffic is
very crowded and faced us for accident. Lastly it briefly explains about the overall
benefits we have gained from this project like Improving our practical skills,
interpersonal communication skills, team playing skills, leadership skills, upgrading
our theoretical knowledge and work ethics. Generally this report shows the skills we
have gained in changing theoretical knowledge to practical and identifying problems
and giving engineering solution for the problems.
Table and figures
Table 1 Extent of defects .....................................................................................10
EXCUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................3
List of figures............................................................................................................................V
Table of contents....................................................................................................................VII
CHAPTER ONE...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO..........................................................................................................................5
2. METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................5
Condition survey:-.....................................................................................................6
2.6.3. Rutting:-.........................................................................................................13
2.6.4. POTHOLES:-...................................................................................................16
2.6 CHALLENGES WE FACED DURING OUR PRACTICAL...................................................20
CHAPTER THREE......................................................................................................................22
3.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................22
3.2 Recommendation..............................................................................................23
3.3 Reference..........................................................................................................24
Pavement is one of the major infrastructures that are developed from time to time due
to increasing transportation in order to create strong relationship between different
places. Positive impact of market share development of goods from one area to
another shows the direct infrastructure development .This also affects the type to
choice, that has a great economic impact. In many areas, especially urban areas,
installing proper pavement is a serious issue. Shortages of pavement and modern
design for roads is hot issue when discussing about pavement infrastructure
development, complaints about high unsafely conditions and congestion due to
passenger cars, bus, and truck in search for a transportation are only a few examples
of everyday problems. Many cities and urban areas recognize these problems, but the
solution proves to be very complicated.
Asphalt cement
Location of our site:>1km from Eyerusalem square to nigist Eleni hospital. In the site
we observed different types of distress and its cause, also we give engineering
solution or method of maintenance depending on pavement condition survey. A
pavement condition survey is the process of collecting data to determine the structure
integrity, distress skid resistance and overall riding quality of pavement.
3. How much global damage index value happened in the road sections
4. What type of remedial measure is needed for the assessed pavement road
In general, asphalt pavement distress is divided into two categories. Such as:-
General objectives
The General objectives of this project are to conduct a detail pavement condition
survey for a given road section in hosanna town access road (from eyerusalem aquare
to nigist elleni hospital) according to ERA design manual 2013.
Specific objectives
The Specific objectives are:-
To identify the type of damage and cause of damage
The significance of this project is understands how to figure out the surface condition
of pavement as per standard in ERA 2013 manual. The project also creates the
mechanism to identify type and nature of damage, severity, extent and as well as the
cause of damage and its treatment/repair.
Dusts on aggregate
Maintenance treatment
Any surface treatment or thin overlay
Fog seal
The methodology gives an overview of the applied procedures in order to attain the
objective of the project. It indicates methods followed for the assessment, evaluation
and analysis of the pavement conditions to identify causes of distress and their
corresponding maintenance measures for hosanna town roads.This section describes
procedures followed establish the degree of severity &level of extent of pavement
distress and also reviews possible remedial measures.
b. Secondary data
It is the data collected from previous theoretical as well as recorded data that were
conducted at the site.
It was taken from:-
Different materials
Traffic data
Moisture condition
All the collected data has been analyzed and all other information’s are computed. For
the solution of distress type purposes, the investigated data from the site can be
analyzed based on engineering view and finally evaluate with respect to technical ,
financial and time aspects has been done.
The case study area covers from eyerusalem square to nigist eleni hospital
Accordingly, the rough condition survey investigation, the data collecting methods are
carried out by dividing the given road section in to 10 blocks, in each block 100 m
intervals. In these sections, we made rough condition survey to identify the distress
type by walking as visualizing and identifying all the distress types in each blocks of
our selected site.
The collected data are analyzed based on ERA manual as well as engineering views.
Condition survey:-
These are:
Alligator crack
Edge crack
Transverse crack
After the above data are properly collected we go to the given data interpretation and
analysis section based on ERA manual and engineering view.
The above condition surveying distress type are properly analyzed based on their
severity and extent using ERA manual as the guidance as well as their case of failures
and maintenance type properly.
The following major criteria were considered when making the study on the road: -
These road can fairly represent the main collector roads in the road network
These roads is the most utilized sections and convey higher traffic loading and
hence are prone to damage than others.
These road need top priority in having routine and periodic maintenance.
The following pieces of equipment are utilized to carry out visual condition survey:
and camera for video capturing. The identified distress is quantified and recorded
using the following:-
• Distress severity - estimating the distress items in three damage levels i.e. low (L),
medium (M) and high (H) severity. This assessment helps to estimate degree of
• Distress extent - Denote relative area (percentage of the road section) affected by
each combination of distress type and severity.
The lengths of the cracked pieces are usually less than 15 cm on the longest side. In
some cases, alligator cracking is caused by excessive deflection of the surface over
unstable sub grade or lower courses of the structure. The unstable support is usually
the result of saturation of the bases or sub grade. Although the affected areas in most
cases are not large, occurring principally in traffic lanes, occasionally, will cover
entire sections of pavements.
Alligato A - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 -
r Crack
Extent 1 1 1
Severity 1 1 1
For block(3,5,9)
A1 =L1*W1 = 3m *4.5m= 13.5m2, A2=L2 *W2= 1.8m *1.5m=2.7m2, A3 =3*4 =12m2
Atotal = A1+ A2+A3 =28.2m2
Area of block in road section is calculated as Ablock= Lblock * wblock
Ablock= 9m * 100m =900m2
Level of extent(%) is calculated as
In our road cross section, such cracking looks like longitudinal cracks at edge of the
pavement with or without traverse cracks branching towards the shoulder.
Edge cracks are parallel to and usually within the edge of the pavement. This distress
is accelerated by traffic loading and is caused by a weakened base or sub base at the
pavement edge. Weakening of the base or sub base can normally be associated with a
drainage problem causing water intrusion.
Failure starts at the edge of the pavement and progresses toward the wheel path
pavement edge distress can result in worsening of the wheel path condition and allow
moisture in to the sub grade soils and base material.
It is not in the wheel path.
Possible Cause:-
Crack Types
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Edge A 2 2 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -
Extent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Severit 2 2 2 2 2 2
For block(1,2,3,5,7,9)
2.6.3. Rutting:-
A rut is a surface depression which occurs in the pavements wheel path. Pavement uplift
may occur along the sides of a rut. Ruts are usually most noticeable after rainfall When
the wheel tracks are filled with water.
Rutting are parallel depression of the surface in the wheel tracks.
Rutting characterized by a surface depression in the wheel path .In many instance,
ruts become notice enable only after a rainfall when the wheel path fill with water. This
type of distress is caused by a permanent deformation in any one of the pavement layers
or sub grade resulting from the consolidation or displacement of material due to traffic
Rutting load is associated deformation or rutting appears as longitudinal depression
in the wheel path.
Rutting can also be the result of shear failure in the either unbound or the bituminous
pavement layers resulting in shoving at the edge of the road pavement .
Rutting is defined as permanent deformation in the wheel path.
It caused due to unstable HMA, deification of HMA and deep settlement in the sub
Alligator A - - 2 - 1 1 - - 2 - - 1 - - - - - -1 - -
Extent 1 1 1 1
Severity 1 1 1 1
For block(3,5,6,9,12and18)
2.6.4. POTHOLES:-
Are bowel shaped holes of various sizes in the pavement resulting from the
localized disintegration.
Pothole grow in size and depth as water accumulation in the hole and
penetrates in to the base and sub grade, weakening support in the vicinity of
the pothole.
Image 4 pothole
Possible Cause:-
Due to lack of binding material.
Due to Gradation.
Temporary repair usually involved cleaning out the hole and filling it with a
pre-mix asphalt patching material.
Permanent repair is made by cutting out the hole to solid material on both side
and bottom and filling it with base and surface material.
Pot holes frequently appear when it is difficult to make apermanent repair and
emergency measure have to be taken.
Number of area is 9.
A1 = A2=A3=A4=A5=A6=A7=A8=A9=d2/4 = 1.42*/4=1.54m2
Atotal = £An= 9x3.14 =13.85m2
Area of block in road section is calculated as Ablock= Lblock * wblock
Ablock= 9m * 100m =900m2
Level of extent(%) is calculated as
Atotal/ Ablock* 100%=13.85m2/900m2* 100%=1.54%< 10%
Therefore, the level of extent for this block is one.
Where d is diameter in meter
Alligato A 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 1 - -
r Crack
Extent 1 1 1 1 1
Severity 2 2 2 2 2
GVI (Global visual index) is calculated for a specified length of road from
1. Cracking index, If
2. Deformation index
Deformation index(Id).
If 0 1-2 3 4-5
Repetition of similarly types of distress within one block and with route.
3.1 Conclusion
The conclusion can be made from the observation of the pavement condition survey
from Start from eyerusalem square to nigist elleni hospital.
Also the area was covered by a lot of potholes.
And other type of crack such that alligator, edge crack is grouped under low
severity and extent.
The high way mini project helps us to practically understand the theory which learned in
the class and develop self-confidence and introduce us to the highway pavement distress,
determination their type, extent and severity and cause and solution for distress therefore,
from 1km recorded different type of pavement distress as alligator crack, edge crack,
pothole and rivaling.
Generally a good pavement distress survey will collect data necessary to:-
Identify roads which requires preventive routine maintenance activities such as
asphalt over layers, seal, etc. these roads can be listed in order of priority and the
maintenance activities can be schedule.
Identify roads which need major rehabilitation or reconstruction these roads will
have deteriorated to the point that maintenance work is required to raise the condition
to an acceptable level.