My Mistborn Metals

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My Mistborn Metals

My metallic powers are gained differently than traditional Allomancy or Feruchemy. In order to
gain these powers an Allomancer or Feruchemist must come in contact with Inverted
Investiture. This reverses their powers to the equivalent in my Metallurgic Table (Physical to
Gravitational, Mental to Alteration, Enhancement to Aura, and Temporal to Electromagnetic). Of
course the other categories are also reversed (Pushing becomes Pulling and vise versa, and
Internal becomes External and vise versa). It must be noted that anyone who is converted this
way loses all connection to the other non-God metals.

I have to give credit to the 17th Sharders who posted on "Make your own metals" by The
Technovore. Many of these powers are inspired by what you put there.

So here they are:

Cerium (Electromagnetic, External, Pulling)

Shade mistings burn cerium to absorb nearby light, casting the area around them into shadow.
This is most often used to hide in already dark places. Shouter ferrings store loudness in their
ceriumminds so that when storing any and all sounds they would make are quieted and when
tapping any sounds they would make are loudened.

Mischmetal (Electromagnetic, External, Pushing)

Flare mistings burn mischmetal to produce light, causing themselves to glow brightly. This is
often used to provide light in dark places or to blind opponents. Glasser ferrings store
transparency in their mischmetalminds so that when storing their skin would be completely
opaque rather than translucent as it normally is and while tapping they can make they’re bodies
translucent or even transparent (when tapping large amounts).

Gallium (Electromagnetic, Internal, Pulling)

Compasshead mistings burn gallium to sense magnetic fields such as that of a planet. This is
most often used like a compass to find north but since compasses can already do this this power
is largely unneeded. However, a truly skilled user - such as a Gallium Savant - can detect many
subtle things, even developing something similar to an Inquisitor's strange sight by sensing the
inherent magnetic properties (paramagnetic, diamagnetic) of ordinary objects not usually
considered magnetic. Artist ferrings store creativity in their galliumminds so that when storing
they have very little imagination and when tapping their minds are overflowing with ideas.

Galinstan (Electromagnetic, Internal, Pushing)

Shocker mistings burn galinstan to produce electrical charges in their body giving anything they
touch an electrical jolt. Author ferrings store language skill in their galinstanminds so that when
storing things like talking, reading, and writing are very difficult and when tapping they can
understand almost anything and can read and write at incredible speeds.

Lead (Aura, Internal, Pulling)

Titan mistings burn lead to produce an aura of fear around them so that anyone within that
aura have any fear and anxiety in them rise up to overwhelming levels. They are not always the
target of that fear. Challenger ferrings store courage in their leadminds so that when storing
they have no control over their fear and while tapping they virtually have no fear at all.

Durite (Aura, Internal, Pushing)

Paladin mistings burn durite to produce an aura of courage so that people in that area will have
their fear suppressed to indistinct levels. Undead ferrings store pain in their duriteminds so that
when storing they feel little to no pain and when tapping any pain they would feel is amplified.
Filled duriteminds are often discarded for lack of usefulness.
Nickel (Aura, External, Pulling)
Warlock mistings burn nickel to place a fear aura similar to that which lead creates around an
object. This aura stays on an object for only a short while after the metal stops burning. Teacher
ferrings store understanding in their nickelminds so that when storing they are easily confused
by everything and while tapping they make connections between two seemingly unrelated
things almost instantly.

Argentan (Aura, External, Pushing)

Enchanter mistings burn argentan to produce a Durite Aura that they can place on an object
they come in contact with. This aura does not affect the Enchanter. Knight ferrings store
durability in their argentanminds so that when storing their bones are brittle, their skin tears
easily, and they are constantly injuring themselves and when tapping they cannot injure
themselves. This does not mean they feel no pain however. By combining this with the Undead
ability you get someone who can survive anything.

Bismuth (Alteration, Internal, Pulling)

Phaser mistings burn bismuth to make themselves partially insubstantial allowing them to pass
directly through objects. Doing so however heats up their atoms so that if they pass through
something too dense like stone or metal they might catch fire on the other side. Giant ferrings
store size in their bismuthminds so that while storing they are smaller than usual and when
tapping they can grow to incredible sizes.

Bismanol (Alteratin, Internal, Pushing)

Destroyer mistings burn bismanol to make themselves partially matter repellant. This causes
solids to part around them like a liquid. When they move away from the solid it keeps the new
shape. Both Phasers and Destroyers can focus their abilities to portions of their bodies. Psychic
ferrings store mental openness in their bismanolminds so that when storing they can't take in
new ideas or perspectives and when tappings their minds develop something similar to
telepathy where the Psychic can feel thoughts and emotions of others. This can clue them in to
the influence of a Shard in the people around them.

Tungsten (Alteration, External, Pulling)

Corroder mistings burn tungsten to Invest an object they are currently touching so that it loses
it's atomic structure, virtually liquifying it. This can be used to melt armor or walls. Corpser
ferrings store their cognitive and spiritual connection to the Physical Realm in their
tungstenminds allowing them to travel around out of body as a Cognititve Shadow and even
interfere with Shardic influences in the world when storing and when tapping they can't be
killed by anything beyond Shardic influence.

Stellite (Alteration, External, Pushing)

Material mistings burn stellite to Invest a nearby object so that it is strengthened on all three
Realms. (Example: a Materialized sheild would not break even when struck with a Shardblade or
even Nightblood.) Comedians store humor in their stelliteminds so that when storing they are
much more serious and intense and while tapping they laugh at almost anything and can crack
the best jokes.

Cobalt (Gravitational, Internal, Pulling)

Heavyset mistings burn cobalt to increase their own gravity making themselves much heavier
and (at high flares) to even gravitationally pull small objects toward them. The Feruchemic
power for cobalt is identical to that of nicrosil exept that it stores Inverted Investiture in their
cobaltminds rather than the traditional power. These ferrings are also called Soulbearers.

Megallium (Gravitational, Internal, Pushing)

Floater mistings burn megallium to decrease their own gravity making themselves mush lighter
and (at high flares) to even reverse their gravity. Memorizer ferrings store the ability to
remember in their megalliumminds so that while storing they have a hard time remembering
things. (Note: this does not store the actual memories like copper. Just the ability to remember
is stored.) While tapping the Memorizer can remember much more than usual.

Magnesium (Gravitational, External, Pulling)

Lifter mistings burn magnesium to decrease the planetary gravity in a bubble around them. This
makes objects and people lighter than usual. The Lifter is not affected by the gravity bubble and
the bubble moves with them unlike the traditional temporal bubbles. Disguiser ferrings store
recognizability in their magnesiumminds so that while storing even their own family won't
rcognize them and when tapping they could be wearing one of Wayne's infamous disguizes with
an accent and everything and everyone would recognize him. A strange side affect of tapping
from a magnesiummind is your bladder fills up much faster. Research is under way about why
this may be.

Magnox (Gravitational, External, Pushing)

Crusher mistings burn magnox to increase the planetary gravity in a bubble around them
making people and objects heavier than usual. The Crusher is not affected by the gravity bubble
and the bubble moves with them unlike the traditional temporal bubbles. Powerbearers can
store a Shard in their magnoxmind preventing it from influencing the planet and preventing
other Shards from detecting it. It has been dicovered that gaining this power also gives one the
ability to worldhop.

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