Location Recce Unit 13
Location Recce Unit 13
Location Recce Unit 13
FRANCESCA, a young girl around 12 years old with brunette hair and
olive skin, is sat at the dining room table. Francesca’s mother
AMANDA, a tall woman with auburn hair and olive skin is sat at the
other end of the table with her head in her hands as a report card
lays on the table with less-than-ideal grades on. Francesca begins
to argue with Amanda about how it’s not her fault and Amanda begins
to snap back.
(Following Francesca)
I hate you!
Francesca slams the door on Amanda and Amanda just stares at the
door with her mouth wide open, she turns around and puts her back
against the door. Parallel editing of the two as both slide their
backs down the door and sit on the floor, they both place the back
of their heads on the door.
Cut to:
Francesca sits on the bed with JOSEPH, a tall boy with dark brown
hair and tanned skin, they lean in to kiss and he grabs a condom
from her pocket. The door then slams open. Amanda storms in and
begins yelling at Francesca.
FRANCESCA (yelling)
FRANCESCA (yelling)
AMANDA (yelling)
FRANCESCA (yelling)
Francesca grabs a bag from on top of her drawers and starts to stuff
clothes in.
Francesca grabs Josephs hand and walks towards the doorway where
Amanda is stood, he looks concerned but follows Francesca anyway.
Amanda stands in the doorway to stop the two leaving.
FRANCESCA (yelling)
AMANDA (yelling)
FRANCESCA (yelling)
I said move!
Francesca pushes Amanda and walks down the stairs towards the front
door pulling Joseph behind her.
Francesca opens the front door and walks out; she turns back around
to face Amanda.
AMANDA (whispered)
Cut to:
Hey, you
There is a message There is a message
I'm just now
typed on her phone on her phone to
leaving Close ups to her mum that Francesca that
Can I come around says, I miss you. says I’m sorry we
later on this She deletes the fought, please
evening? message and types come home. After a
I’m sorry for few seconds she
Or do you need
everything that deletes the
time? happened, I miss message and puts
Yes, of course, you. After a few her phone down.
that's fine seconds she
deletes the
message and puts
her phone down.
Hey, you
Good morning
Francesca is sat Amanda is sat at
I'm sure you're
at the head of a the head of a
busy now, why Mid shots table with her table in the
else would you boyfriend and his dining room with
ignore me? friend sat around her other daughter
Or do you need her talking and around her
laughing, she talking, laughing
seems zoned out. and drinking, she
You can't help it She is staring seems zoned out.
if your mind has straight into the She is staring
changed camera. straight into the
You're so blue
Are you still Francesca is
breathing? running down the
Won't you tell me same street and
crying, the rain
if you found that
is heavier, and
deeper meaning? she is completely
Do you think I've soaked.
gone blind?
I know it's not
the truth when
you say, "I'm
So go ahead and
break my heart
Leave me
wondering why the
hell I ever let
you in
So don't pretend
that I'm the
You were the one, Francesca knocks
but you're born Close up on a door and
to say goodbye stands there
Kissed me half a
decade later
That same Amanda hears the
perfume, those knock and runs to
same sad eyes Mid shot the door; she
opens the door and
Francesca is
standing there.
Go ahead and
They run into
break my heart
Mid - close up each other’s arms
again and just cry while
Leave me hugging each
wondering why the other. The scene
hell I ever let begins to fade.
you in
Are you the
definition of
Or am I?
Or am I? Inserted clips
Must be nice of the two at
To love someone different
who lets you points of their
break them twice lives.
Location Recces
Dining Room Location Recce
Location Address:
Hp10 8aq
Nearest Train Station:
I have been given permission from the homeowner to film at any
Hazards Solutions:
There are sharp objects around Make sure that any sharp objects
the dining room that could pose are moved away from the sides of
a danger. the counters.
The floor is made of wood and Make sure that the actors are
therefore could be slippery. aware that the floor may be
Bedroom Location Recce
Location Address:
Hp10 8aq
Nearest Train Station:
I have been given permission from the homeowner to film at any
Hazards Solutions:
There are wires which could be a Tape down any loose wires that
tripping hazard, I want the room aren’t in shot so people can’t
to seem like it belongs to a trip over them and allow the
teenager so there will also be actor to get used to the room
clothing and bits on the floor. before filming.
Stairway Location Recce
Location Address:
Hp10 8aq
Nearest Train Station:
I have been given permission from the homeowner to film at any
Hazards Solutions:
Location Address:
HP11 2AZ
Nearest Train Station:
Hazards Solutions:
No permissions required
Hazards Solutions:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
30 31 1 2 3 4 5
Idea Generation: Idea Generation: Whittle down to 3 Upload Survey
Mind Maps and Write up of ideas ideas and write up results and explain
initial ideas. Focus and analyse mind in full. Send out in how I’m using
groups maps. survey. them.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Context: Context: Context:
Proposal Production
Schedule and
Putting together
pitch, client and Pitch
bibliography problem solving.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
February half term:
Research Genre ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Topic Research Secondary Secondary Secondary
Primary Research: Research: Research: Research:
Survey Generational Parental Absence Other
27 28
Target Audience
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4 5
Character Character Character
Research: Research: Propp’s Research:
Character Profiles Theory Age gap
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Narrative research:
Todorov’s Theory Catch up research Catch up research Catch up research
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Start Writing Script Continue Writing Story Boards Story Boards cont.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Looking for Actors Crew list and props New York ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
27 28 29 30 31
All research
---------------- ----------- Location Recces Finishing
and planning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
with Actors, Filming- Scene 1 Filming – Scene 2,
signing release and 3 4 and 5
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Editing Editing Editing Editing
production to
be submitted
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Screenings Feedback
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Feedback week
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Oscars and
Leavers dinner
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30