Planning Booklet

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Planning Booklet

Location Rece

Image  Address   Potential problems 

Unit 3, The  Students
Old injuring
Foundry, themselves
Foundry whilst dancing 
 Electrical
SN15 1JB   
 People
tripping over
 Arborfield,  Ovens
Reading over
RG2 9JX heating
 People
 Wires –

Time Audio Visual
00:00:00 – Intro – piece to camera Archive footage of
00:00:42 The Business industry has businessmen working
always been dominated in an office
by men with only 21% of
woman are business
owners compared to the
79% being men.
Archive of ‘powerful’
Its only recently women woman working in
have realised their business and doing
entrepreneurialy jobs that are
potential stereotypically viewed
as ‘mens jobs’
Samantha Reid Is the
Owner of The Dancing Piece to camera of me
company located in in a place representing
Chippenham, She has this (outside the
always lived and academy)
breathed dance from a
very young age and
always had the dream of
doing something to do
00:03:02 Samantha on screen
with dance.
I travelled to with b-roll of dancers
Chippenham to find out
more about her story
00:03:32 Samantha telling the
camera bout how she
Whereas for Lucy this
wasn’t the case, Opening Lucy and I on a sofa, b-roll
of classes
the Cake College was
never her dream, she
simply saw a gap in the
03:32-04:50 B-roll of Sam teaching
market and was lucky
enough to have the the students in a
facilities to do something lesson and the
about it. students dancing.

Lucy talking about how

Sam on camera and
the cake college started

After Sam saying about

how this was always her

Sam answering my
Equipment list

Item Why am I using it

Cannon EOS 2000D
This is the camera that I will be using to
shoot all of my footage on, I will be using
the regular lens on the camera for all shots.
This is the Camera that I have used in my
previous productions and have always been
pleased with the quality of the footage it
gives. I will use it when filming interviews,
piece to cameras and b-roll footage.
I will need to make sure that I adjust the
white balance accordingly depending on the
environment that I am in and to have an idea
of what the setting is like in each location.
I will be using a tripod when interviewing
my subjects and for the Pieces to cameras
that I have planned. I will put the camera on
the tripod to hold my camera so that I can
adjust the height and be hands free when
filming these things and allow me to get
different angles. I need to remember to
bring this with me everywhere I film
I will be using a lav mic on my interviewees
during their interviews and on myself
during my piece to camera. This will help to
make the sound better quality and ensure
that the audience is able to hear everything
that is said by these people. I just have to
rember to bring the zoom recorder to plug
into this and make sure this is plugged into
I will be plugging the Lav mic into the
zoom recorder that I will give to the
interviewees and myself, and record on my
camera and the zoom recorder then clap so
that when I am editing I can tell where I
want them to match up. I am going to make
sure that the clap is clear so that the visuals
and audio match up when I am editing.

I am going to use a camera mounted light

when filming indoors to harness the subjects
features and to make the lighting better
quality. I haven’t used lighting equipment
before, but the lighting in my past
productions haven’t been great so I want to
try and make this better for this production.
I need to make sure that the light is used in
an appropriate way on a setting that fits.
Cast List

Cast/crew member Role Dates needed

Name: Samantha Reed 13th-14th of April 2023
Samantha is the owner of
the ‘dancing academy’ and
has been for x years and
will be one of my subjects
in this project.

Name: Lucy Cooper 6th- 7th 2023

Lucy is the Owner of the
Cake Collage, she started
the business in 2014 in her
kitchen, over time as the
business grew she as able to
build a classroom I her
Name: Sophie Hicks, is Any time when needed
ging to be the producer,
presenter, narrator, camera
and editor of this
documentary. She will be
the person interviewing the
subjects and presenting to
the camera.

Archive Footage

Video Link Time Codes 1:33 – 1:55
2:54 – 3:00
Production Schedule
Week Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday 
30/01  Idea Idea Idea Send out Catch up on    
generation generation generation: survey, analyse any other
with chosen cont  write up best survey   work 
words with ideas,  focus
focus group  group 
6/02  Write up Upload Write up Start pitch Pitch ideas      
proposal  problem- production PowerPoint  
solving   schedule 
13/02  Half term             
20/02  Write up the Start research Analyse Research types Research into    
overview of into women in relevant of how women
documentary   in business   documentaries   documentaries  start their
27/02  More research Send emails to Add research Research more Re write the    
into the codes potential into interviews  on women's final idea with
and interviewees  problems  changes from
conventions   research 
6/03  Adapt Set up Analyse more Watch and Start target    
anything to do planning   documentaries analyse more   audience
feedback  to do with feedback  
13/03  Target Adapt Adapt idea Add some Watch a    
audience focus research based on target genre documentary
group   according to audience   research   to do with
focus group  women in
20/03  Anylyse Ensure Top up all nyc  nyc  nyc  nyc 
documentary   website is up research 
to date  
27/03  nyc  nyc  Plan interview Plan interview Prepare for    
questions   dates   interview 
3/04  Easter  Easter  Easter  Film and Film b-roll     
interview with
10/04  Easter  Easter  Easter  Film interview Film b-roll of    
with Samantha  Samantha
teaching a
17/04  Upload any   cut all clips to Put everything Edit colour    
footage to correct clips into a timeline  and lighting 
memory stick  cutting out any
24/04  Keep putting   Upload first Re shoot  Re shoot     
stuff in order  draft find
what’s missing 
1/05  Edit   Edit   Edit   Edit   Edit      

Interview Questions

Questions for Samantha Reid

 How much teaching do you do now

 Compared to when u started
 How many teachers
 How many students
 Have u always been here
 What drove you to get here
 What do you offer
 Where does your love for dancing come from
 What are the highs and lows
 Is it competitive w the parents
 Who introduced you to dancing
 Who has been your mentor
 When did u start dancing

Questions for Lucy Cooper

 How did the Cake college come about?

 What did you do before the Cake College?
 How does the day lay out?
 What are you most proud of?
 What are your goals for the future?
 Who inspired you to do this?
 How did it start?

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