Action Research Final PSOSEC
Action Research Final PSOSEC
Action Research Final PSOSEC
Keywords: Effect, Internal Security Operation (ISO)
Refresher Training, Biliran Provincial Mobile
Force Company (BPMFC)
Chapter I
Police involvement in internal security
operations (ISOPs) is inevitable as the need for a
higher level of aggression continually reveals itself
(Azinge San, 2013). Although this has been the case
ever since the Philippines was formed and it also
continued throughout the colonial period, the recent
occurrence of internal disturbances witnessed in the
country has further justified the need for police
participation in ISOPs. Internal disturbances in the
Philippines include insurgencies. This calls for the
added responsibility of the Philippine National Police
aside from the response of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines. This is so because the Philippine
National Police is a government agency that is
chartered to primarily provide all law enforcement
services throughout the country as provided in the
Republic Act No. 6975.
To note, the Philippine government is unable to
control and develop large parts of the country
because of the longstanding communist insurgency
(International Crisis Group, 2011). The conflict has
lasted more than 40 years and killed tens of
thousands of combatants and civilians. Planning
their attacks and securing weapons and funds
locally, the insurgents have strong roots in the
different regions where they operate and have
proved hard to defeat. The government’s counter-
insurgency strategy has diminished its numbers but
has not been able to destroy the organization.
One group that always creates a name
concerning insurgencies is the Communist Party of
the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA).
Thirty-seven years after the CPP-NPA was founded,
it is still believed to be the primary armed threat to
the government of the Republic of the Philippines
(Parlade, 2006). In Parlade (2006) thesis, it was told
that CPP-NPA’s strength has gone from a peak of
25,000 guerrilla fighters, after which it dropped to a
low of 7,000, but is now slowly rising again as it
withstands government efforts to erode it away.
Recently, the CPP-NPA leadership claims to have
increased its mass base, controlled territory, and
fronts by a significant number. With these
developments, threats of insurgencies have been
immemorial to the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
and to the Philippine National Police too. This
proves that Internal Security Operations however
are not without challenges of their own as the
several police personnel in most parts of the country
are not thoroughly trained for ISOPs, in particular,
for anti-insurgency operations, and as a result,
consistently engage in acts which are not civil
enough, and show poor combat skills.
refresher training and in managing future combat
operations/ISOs. The project’s effectiveness will
then be measured as to whether it had improved the
knowledge of the police personnel in the Provincial
Mobile Force Company. If proven effective, this
project will be shared with other agencies with the
same replication problems.
competencies in maintaining and sustaining internal
security and ensuring public safety. The study's
findings can also pave the way for the development
of an action plan that can help standardize police
training and development across the country,
ultimately leading to better outcomes in terms of
crime prevention, law enforcement, and public
safety. By addressing this overarching problem, the
study can help improve the overall performance of
law enforcement personnel and contribute to the
promotion of a safer and more secure society in the
Statement of Objectives
This study intends to assess the effect of ISO
refresher training on Biliran Provincial Mobile Force
In particular, this action research will achieve the
following research objectives:
1.What is the performance level of the students of
Biliran PMFC as to their knowledge and skills in
internal security operations;
2.What are the pre-test and post-test scores of the
students of Biliran PMFC along the following
2.1 knowledge; and
2.2 skills;
3.Is there a significant difference between the
score of the pre-test and post-test scores of the
students of Biliran PMFC as to knowledge and
4.Which among the variables significantly
increased after the conduct of the ISO Refresher
Training Course;
5.Based on the findings of the studies, what
inferences can be proposed; and
6.What recommendation initiative can be offered
based on the findings of the study?
Head of Office in the Biliran Provincial Mobile
Force Company. It offers particular and relevant
data on the efficacy of refresher training programs.
The findings of the study can be utilized to identify
areas where extra training may be required and to
build more targeted and effective training programs
that can improve the BPMFC's overall performance.
Furthermore, the findings of the study can be utilized
to support budgetary requests for training programs
and to justify the allocation of resources to
guarantee that BPMFC personnel are sufficiently
equipped to carry out their tasks.
Philippine National Police. It can provide
valuable insights regarding the success of refresher
training programs in improving police officers' skills
and capacities. The findings of the study can be
used to build training policies and recommendations
that will improve the overall quality of police training
across the country. Furthermore, the study can
serve as a foundation for evaluating the efficiency of
existing training programs and identifying areas
where adjustments can be made to improve police
officers' competence in preserving internal security
and safeguarding public safety. Finally, the study
can be used as a model for future research into the
best practices for police training and development in
the Philippines.
Future Researchers. The results of this study lay
an essential foundation for further research on the
effectiveness and efficiency of training designs and
programs for police officers. Also, this study can
serve as a basis for conducting future studies that
explore various aspects of police training and
development such as the impact of technology on
police operations, and the best ways to evaluate the
effectiveness of police training programs. Overall,
the study can contribute to the advancement of
knowledge in the field of police training and
development, and inspire future researchers to
continue to explore this critical area of study.
Scope and Limitation
This study has its limitations. First, this study
was conducted in a certain agency in Biliran, hence
it implies a geographical limit to the generalizability
of the paper’s findings. It only holds true to the
context of the agency involved in this paper.
Second, this paper was participated by the rank-
and-file police personnel, force commanders, and
platoon leaders. Hence, the findings of the study
was only limited to the perception of the personnel
involved. If the study will be conducted in other
settings, results may vary. Lastly, this paper has
temporal limitations. The findings can only be true
for the duration of the conduct of this paper.
Conducting this study at another time would likely
result in a different outcome
Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework. This study is anchored
on the Social Learning Theory proposed by Albert
Bandura in 1977. The theory states that individuals
learn new behaviors through observation, imitation,
and reinforcement. In the context of combat skills
training, police personnel can learn new tactics and
strategies through observation and imitation of
experienced trainers, as well as through
reinforcement of successful performance during
training exercises.
The Social Learning Theory emphasizes the
relevance of reinforcement in shaping behavior as
well. Positive reinforcement, such as praise and
awards for strong performance, can increase police
personnel's drive to improve their combat skills in
the context of combat skills training. Negative
reinforcement, such as corrective feedback and
remedial training for poor performance, can also
emphasize the significance of proper combat skills
training for successful counter-insurgency
post-test. Assuming to have a data set of the pre-
test and post-test scores to be normality distributed,
the researcher will analyze the data through a t-test;
a test of difference. This is to evaluate whether the
project had increased the knowledge and skills of
the police personnel. After deliberating the findings,
the researcher will develop recommendations
ations to
improve the
on in order to
ISO equip
Pre-test Refresher Personnel
Training adequately
knowledge in
handling anti-
T-Test operations.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study
Employee performance and job satisfaction can
be enhanced through training and development
initiatives (Mankiw, 2019). Adelusi, Mopeli, and
Sikhwari (2019) posit that training can enhance
employees' competencies and job performance. In a
similar vein, Haque and Ali (2020) suggest that
internal security operation (ISO) training can help
security personnel acquire the necessary skills to
tackle internal security challenges and improve their
performance in this area.
International Studies on Internal Security Operations
A study conducted by Kargbo (2020) on the
impact of training on police performance in Sierra
Leone found that training significantly improved
police performance in handling various security
challenges. The study recommended that law
enforcement agencies should invest in training and
development to enhance the skills of their personnel
in handling security challenges.
In addition, the study of Mayowa, Ajibade, and
Obembe (2021) examined the impact of ISO training
on the performance of security personnel in Nigeria.
The study found that ISO training significantly
improved the skills of the personnel in handling
various security challenges. The study
recommended that law enforcement agencies
should invest in comprehensive ISO training
programs to improve the performance of their
Moreover, a study by Zia and Sajjad (2019) on
the impact of training on the performance of police
personnel in Pakistan, it was found that training
significantly improved the performance of police
personnel in handling security challenges. The study
recommended that law enforcement agencies
should invest in training and development programs
to enhance the skills of their personnel in handling
security challenges.
particularly in terms of crime prevention, community
engagement, and professionalism.
Besides, the study of Medina and Adelantar
(2017) on the assessment of the effectiveness of the
ISO Training Program for the Philippine National
Police in the Calabarzon Region revealed that hat
the program significantly improved the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes of the participants.
Also, the study of Tugade and Tumlos (2016) on
assessing the impact of ISO Training on the
Philippine National Police in Davao City Police
Office found that the training significantly improved
the participants' understanding of internal security
operations, community policing, and human rights.
significantly improved their operational readiness,
situational awareness, and decision-making skills.
These studies provide evidence of the
effectiveness of ISO training in enhancing the
performance of law enforcement personnel in the
enforcement personnel, specifically the Philippine
National Police personnel in Nueva Ecija Province,
Calabarzon Region, Davao City Police Office, and
SWAT Teams. The findings of these studies
highlight the importance and appropriateness of ISO
training in enhancing the skills and performance of
law enforcement personnel in the Philippines.
Chapter II
Research Design
This study used a quantitative quasi-
experimental, particularly one-group pre-test post-
test research design. This study looked at the effects
of the refresher project (independent variable) on the
police personnel’s knowledge and skills through pre-
test and post-test scores (dependent variables).
Since the personnel have already been assigned to
the agency and are identified to be working in the
involved agency, random assignment was not used;
therefore, the quasi-experimental design is most
appropriate for this quantitative research study
Research Locale
The study was conducted in the Biliran
Provincial Mobile Force Company. This agency is
located in the island province of Biliran. Biliran
Province is located in the Eastern
Visayas Region (Region VIII). Biliran is one of the
country's smallest and newest provinces. Formerly a
sub-province of Leyte, it became an independent
province in 1992. Biliran lies less than a kilometer
north of the island of Leyte. A bridge-causeway fixed
link over Poro Island in the gateway town
of Biliran connects the province to Leyte. Its capital
is the Municipality of Naval on the western coast of
the island.
Research Participants
This research was participated by 34 police
personnel in Biliran Provincial Mobile Force
Company who are currently assigned and are taking
duties during the conduct of this paper. Total
enumeration was used as the sampling technique in
choosing the participants. They were the rank-and-
files, force commanders, and platoon leaders.
Through them, they will be able to help in validating
whether to them lecture and practical exercises is an
effective capacitation, and refresher initiative.
Sources of Data
The data collected were all primary data. These
were taken from the results of the pre-test and post-
test on both assessment of the participants’ skills
and knowledge.
Data Analysis
Gathering of Data
The researchers secured approval from the
concerned agency to conduct the study and
implement the project. From there, when approval
was granted, the researchers met the administrative
head of the agency and presented the study to the
office as a courtesy. The research sought the
support of some experts. After coordinating and
seeking of help from the experts, the researchers
conducted the pre-test, both written and practical
assessments. After the pre-testing, the intervention
was introduced which is the refresher project. This
setup will be applied in the given period. Given
already the implementation, the research will
evaluate the involved personnel again for a post-
Data Treatment
Summary statistics such as frequency counts,
percentages, and descriptive measures such as
mean were generated using descriptive statistics.
Parametric statistics such as t-test was used to find
out the relationship between variables and to test
the null hypothesis. T-test was used in testing the
hypothesis for the knowledge of the participants
since samples satisfy the conditions of normality,
equal variance, and independence.
examined. The assumption was considered
satisfied, as the skew and kurtosis level were
estimated at .037 and -.881, respectively, which is
less that than the maximum allowable values for a t-
test (i.e., skew <|2.0| and kurtosis <|9.0|; Posten,
1984). It will also be noted that the correlation
between the two conditions was estimated at r= ,
p<.001, suggesting that the dependent samples t-
test is appropriate in this case.
The normality of the data was tested using the
Shapiro-Wilk test, which yielded a W statistic of .142,
df = 34, p = .108. The data were found to be
normally distributed according to the Shapiro-Wilk
On the other hand, Wilcoxon signed rank test, a
non-parametric test, was used to analyze data on
the performance of the participants in terms of their
Chapter III
This chapter presents the data gathered and the
sequential organization of areas presented in
appropriate tables followed by their corresponding
Table 1
Pre-test and Post-test Scores as to Knowledge
participants (58.82%) scored between 45 to 50,
interpreted as Very Satisfactory. Also, 14
participants or 41.18% scored between 35 to 44,
interpreted as Satisfactory.
This means that participants have a fair
knowledge of internal security operations before the
conduct of the refresher training. However, after the
training was given to them, their performance
significantly increased as evidenced on their
performance during the post-test.
Table 2
Pre-test and Post-test Scores as to Skills
Score Pre-test Post-test
f % f %
Passed 0 0.00 34 100.00
Failed 34 100.00 0 0.00
Total 34 100.00 34 100.00
Table 2 presents the pre-test and post-test
ratings of the participants on internal security
operations skills assessment through the conduct of
application exercises on these areas: Map Reading,
Marksmanship, Tactical Radio Communication,
Bomb Identification, and Immediate Action Drill.
Results showed that before the refresher training, 34
participants or all of them failed the assessment. In
contrast, in terms of the post-test scores, results
revealed that all of the 34 participants (100.00%)
passed the skills assessment.
This means that participants have acquired
additional skills of internal security operations after
the refresher training.
Table 3
Test of Difference Results as to Knowledge
The result suggests that the training was
effective in improving participants' performance on
the measure being used. Hence, the null hypothesis
was rejected.
Variabl M SD MD t- df p- Decision
e value value
Pre-test 27.1 3.91 - - 3
2 4 18.0 31.86 3 0.00 Rejecte
Post- 45.1 2.39 0 6 0 d
test 2 7
Table 4
Test of Difference Results as to Skills
*Indicates a statistically significant change
Based on negative ranks
scores. Hence, the refresher course was effective in
improving the skills of the participants.
Table 5
Summary of Performance
Knowledge Skills
Variables Pret Post- Differ Ra Pret Post-
est test ence nk est test
Map Reading 6.09 8.79 2.71 4
Marksmanshi 5.24 7.44 2.21 5
Tactical Radio 5.29 9.29 4.00 2 Fail Pass
Communicatio ed ed
Bomb 3.94 8.74 4.79 1
Immediate 5.47 9.44 3.97 3
Action Drill
Summary of Findings
This study intends to assess the effect of ISO
refresher training on Biliran Provincial Mobile Force
The following are findings of the study:
The Internal Security Operation Refresher
Training was effective in improving participants'
knowledge of internal security operations. Before the
training, the majority of participants had fair to poor
knowledge of internal security operations, but after
the training, most participants scored very
satisfactorily on the post-test.
The refresher training was also effective in
improving participants' skills in internal security
operations. Before the training, all participants failed
the skills assessment, but after the training, all
participants passed the skills assessment.
The results of the paired t-test indicated that
there was a significant improvement in participants'
scores on the knowledge assessment after the
training. This suggests that the training positively
impacted participants' knowledge of internal security
The results of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test also
indicated a significant improvement in participants'
scores on the skills assessment after the training.
This suggests that the training positively impacted
participants' skills in internal security operations.
However, the study also identified specific areas
where participants still lacked skills, namely
Marksmanship and Map Reading. These areas
showed slight mean differences in both the pre-test
and post-test, indicating that further training or
attention may be needed to improve participants'
skills in these areas.
and all participants passed the skills assessment
after the training.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the ISO
refresher training positively impacted the Biliran
Provincial Mobile Force Company's ability to carry
out internal security operations. The study provides
evidence that investing in training and development
programs for law enforcement agencies can improve
their skills and knowledge, which is crucial for
effective law enforcement and public safety.
The following are the recommendations based
on the results of the study:
1.Conduct regular refresher training programs to
keep law enforcement agencies up-to-date
with the latest techniques and technologies in
internal security operations.
2.Further training or attention be given to these
areas to improve the participants' skills such
as Marksmanship and Map Reading.
3.Evaluate the effectiveness of training
programs regularly to ensure that they are
meeting the needs of the law enforcement
agencies and providing the necessary
knowledge and skills to carry out their duties
4.Provide resources and support for law
enforcement agencies such as mentoring and
coaching, can help law enforcement agencies
perform their duties effectively.
5.Share best practices across law enforcement
agencies in order to improve their knowledge
and skills in internal security operations.
6.Further research on the topic may be
conducted such as investigating the long-term
effects of refresher training programs, and
comparative studies across different law
enforcement agencies.
Chapter V
Goals and Outcomes:
To improve the knowledge and skills of Biliran
Provincial Mobile Force Company on internal
security operations through the implementation of a
refresher training program.
Theories of Change/Change Hypothesis:
By providing regular and updated training
programs, participants will have an increased
knowledge and skills on internal security
Participants' increased knowledge and abilities
will result in a more effective and efficient
implementation of internal security operations.
Improved implementation of internal security
operations will lead to better maintenance of
peace and order in the community.
3.Conduct a pre-training assessment to
determine the current knowledge and skills of
the participants.
4.Implement the training program, including
lectures, demonstrations, and application
5.Conduct a post-training assessment to
measure the effectiveness of the training
6.Provide feedback and recommendations to
participants to guide their future improvement in
knowledge and skills on internal security
Establish partnerships with other law
enforcement agencies to share resources and
expertise in implementing training programs.
Regularly update the training program to
incorporate new trends and developments in
internal security operations.
Monitor the implementation of the training
program through regular feedback from
participants and trainers.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the training
program through pre- and post-training
Use the results of the assessments to
improve the training program and guide
future implementation.
2.Identify qualified trainers who will facilitate the
training program.
Select trainers who have expertise and
experience in internal security operations.
Provide training to trainers to ensure
consistent delivery of the training program.
Administer a written test and application
exercises to determine the baseline
knowledge and skills of participants
Provide a summary of the results of the
assessment to each participant.
Provide recommendations for improvement in
specific areas based on the assessment results.
Outcome/s Strategies Timeline Responsibility Resource Monito
(Change/s or and Actions (Expecte (Who will be Requirements Proced
improvement (What will be d start responsible (What (How w
to be done to and for the resources are know th
achieved in achieve the completio action?) required to put strategy
the short objectives?) n times) the strategy in worke
term) action?) How yo
To improve 1. Design a August – Subject Curriculum Com
the comprehensi Decembe matter design n of the
knowledge ve training r 2023 experts on software training
and skills of program on internal program
Biliran internal security Training the
Provincial security operations materials participa
Mobile Force operations (e.g., slides,
Company on for the Instructional handouts, Resu
internal Biliran designers manuals) the
security Provincial participa
operations Mobile Force Training perform
through the Company. program in post-
implementati coordinator. training
on of a assessm
January –
2. Identify February Human Job postings
qualified 2024 resources or and
trainers who training advertisement
will facilitate personnel s
the training Train
program. Selection have the
tools (e.g., necessa
assessments, qualifica
interviews) and exp
in the fie
in post-
February training
3. Conduct a – Experts in assessm
pre-training March assessment Assessment and rec
assessment 2024 and materials feedbac
to determine evaluation (e.g., from the
the current questionnaires participa
knowledge Subject , tests)
and skills of matter
the experts on Scoring and
participants. internal analysis
security software Accu
operations and
the pre-
4. Implement April – results w
the training October the post
program, 2024 Training Training training
including program venue (e.g., assessm
lectures, coordinators classroom, results.
demonstratio shooting Comple
ns, and range) of the
application training
exercises. Audiovisual program
equipment the
(e.g., participa
Training aids
(e.g., firearms, Particip
radio active
equipment, involvem
maps) in the
5. Conduct a Novembe differen
post-training r– training
assessment Decembe Experts in activitie
to measure r 2024 assessment
the and Assessment
effectivenes evaluation materials
s of the (e.g.,
training Subject questionnaires
program. matter , tests)
experts on
internal Scoring and
security analysis
operations software
the pre-
results w
the pos
the leve
in the
and skil