The 47 y.o. patient has been treated by neurologyst about spine osteochondrosis with
radicular syndrom for 10 years. Last 2 years the treatment has been without clinical effect.
Laboratiry tests are show acute inflamation. On spine X-ray the lumbal lordosis is
disappeared. Bechterew's disease is suspected. Which investigation can help to prove the
A. *Iliosacral X-ray.
B. HLA-B27 test
C. Blood CRC test.
D. Sternal puncture
E. Raumatoid factor test
The 47 y.o. patient has been treated by neurologyst about spine osteochondrosis with
radicular syndrom for 10 years . Last 2 years the treatment has been without clinical effect.
Laboratiry tests are show acute inflamation. On spine X-ray the lumbal lordosis is
disappeared. Bechterew's disease is suspected. Which investigation can help to prove the
A. *Iliosacral X-ray
B. Antibody level
C. Blood CRC test
D. Anti-DNA test
E. Raumatoid factor test
The patient С. 24 y.o. has been complaining of permanent pain in the joins of hands, feet,
elbows and knee for 4-th monthes. She was treated in the outpatient setting with weak
positive clinical pperformance. During medical examination the joints’ outlines are
smoothed, local skin temperature is increased. Which X-ray imaging can help to prove the
A. *Joints of hands and feet
B. Knee joints
C. Metacarpophalangeal joints
D. Skull
E. Cervical spine
The patient В., 35 y.o. complains of lumbal pain with right leg irradiation as result weiht
lifting. The lumbal pain is intensified by leg motion and cough. Objective evidence: long
spine muscle tension; Achilles reflex is sharply weaken. The painful of paravertabral point
is intensified. Lasègue's test is positive. Which additional investigation are you racomended
in the first place?
A. *Spine X-ray
B. CT-scan
D. Electromyography
E. Lumbar puncture
Diagnostic radiology of inflammation of bones
The patient 8 y.o. complaints of a thoracic spine pain, body weight loss, skin paleness,
anorexia, low grade fever (for last 3 months). Objective evidence: skin paleness, spine
muscular rigidity, limitation of spine movements. Laboratory findings: leukocytosis,
ESR acceleration, anaemia. On X-ray: intervertebral disk is diminished, local
osteoporosis of Th-X boby. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A) *Spine tuberculosis
B) Metastases to the spine
C) Spine osteomyelitis
D) Spine osteopathy
E) Spine osteochondrosis
The patient 18 y.o. complains of right ankle swelling, limitation of spine movements, pain
that the increasing as result of walk is present. PPH: conversion of tubercular tests at 7
y.o. Wasn’t treated as parents renunciation. On X-ray: focal destruction of proximal
tibia epiphysis, joint space is considerably diminished. The tubercular tests with 2 ТО -
18 mm. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A) *Tuberculous osteitis of right ankle
B) Epiphyseal osteomyelitis
C) Sarcoma of right ankle
D) Syphilis of right ankle
E) Traumatic arthritis
The patient 31 y.o complains of acute knee pain, its swelling, rise of body temperature; its
signs occurred suddenly after chill. Objective evidence: knee is swelling, the fluid
within joint space is detected under palpation, limitation of joint movement. On X-ray:
both femur and tibia epiphyseal osteoporosis is present, widening of joint space. The
turbid fluid with fibrin was given after aspiration biopsy of knee. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A) *Rheumatoid arthritis
B) Arthritis deformans
C) Purulent arthritis
D) Tubercular arthritis
E) Syphilitic osteoarthritis
A 47-year-old obese man complained of periodic attacks of acute arthritis in the 1st left
tarsophalangeal joint. Lab exam revealed increased serum level of uric acid. What is the
A) *Gout arthritis
B) Reiter’s disease
C) Rheumatoid arthritis
D) Rheumatic arthritis
E) Osteoarthritis
A patient, aged 40, ailing during approximately 8 years, complains of exertion pain in the
lumbar part of the spine, in cervical and thoracal part (especially when coughing), pain
in the hip and knee joints on the right. On examination: the body is fixed in the forward
inclination with head down, gluteal muscles atrophy. Spine X-ray: ribs osteoporosis,
longitudinal ligament ossification. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Psoriatic spondyloarthropathy
B) Spondyloarthropathy caused by Reiter's syndrome
C) *Ankylosing spondylitis
D) Tuberculous spondylitis
E) Disseminated spine osteochondrosis
A patient, aged 25, complains of pain in the I finger on the right hand. On examination: the
finger is homogeneously hydropic, in bent position. On attempt to unbend the finger the
pain gets worse. Acute pain appears on touching with the probe in ligament projection.
What decease is the most likely?
A) *Thecal whitlow (ligament panaritium)
B) Paronychia
C) Articular (joint) panaritium
D) Bone panaritium
E) Subcutaneous panaritium
A 17 y.o. patient complains of acute pain in the knee joint and t 0– 380C. He was ill with
angina 3 weeks ago. Objectively: deformation and swelling of the knee joints with skin
hyperemia. Small movement causes an acute pain in the joints. Which diagnose is the
most correct?
A) Infectious-allergic polyarthritis
B) Reactive polyarthritis
C) Rheumarthritis
D) *Rheumatism, polyarthritis
E) Systemic lupus eritematodes
A 14 y.o. patient suddenly fell ill when high fever, acute pain in the right shin. In two
weeks X-ray showed translucent spaces (destructive focuses) with unevel countours in
the middle third of tibia diaphysis. Along the bone edge there was a narrow line of
shadow (periostitis) 1-2 mm from the surface. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Bone cyst of tibia
B) Right shin tuberculosis
C) Right shin syphilis
D) *Right shin osteomielitis
E) Right shin trauma
F) Tendon type
30 y.o. woman, had mild trauma of 5th finger of the left hand 15 days ago. She has treated
her self at home. She presents to the hospital due to deterioration of the condition and
temperature rise. Objectively: hyperemia and swelling on the ventral surface of finger.
Restricted movements of the finger. X-ray of the left hand: an early stage of
оsteomyolitis of the fifth finger could not be excluded. The diagnosis: panaris of 5th
finger of the left hand. What form of panaris has occurred in the patient?
A) Hypodermic
B) *Bony
C) Joints type
D) Paronychia
A 31 y.o. woman has complained for 3 years of pain and swelling of radiocarpal and
metacarpophalangeal articulations, morning stiffness that lasts up to 1,5 hours. Two
weeks ago she felt pain, swelling and reddening of knee joints, body temperature raised
up to 37,50С. Examination of her internal organs revealed no pathologic changes. Her
diagnosis was rheumatoid arthritis. What changes in X-ray pictures of her joints are the
most probable?
A) Cysts in subchondral bone
B) Multiple marginal osteophytes
C) *Constriction of joint space, usura
D) Epiphysis osteolysis
E) Constriction of joint space, subchondral osteosclerosis
A 21 y.o. man complains of having morning pains in his back for the last three months.
The pain can be relieved during the day and after physical exercises. Physical
examination revealed reduced mobility in the lumbar part of his spine, increase of
muscle tonus in the lumbar area and especially during the moving. X-ray pattern of
spine revealed bilateral sclerotic changes in the sacrolumbal part. What test will be the
most necessary for confirming a diagnosis?
A) Rheumatoid factor
B) Antinuclear antibodies
C) Uric acid in blood plasma
D) *HLA-B27
On the 4-th day of injections a 60 y.o. patient felt pain and tissue induration in the left
buttock. Objectively: the skin in the superexternal quadrant of the left buttock is red and
hot, palpation reveals a painful infiltrate 6х6 cm large with softening in the centre. Body
temperature is 37,90С. What action is necessary to diagnose an abscess?
A) Ultrasonic examination
B) Biopsy
C) X-ray investigation
D) *Punction
E) Clinical blood analysis
A 58 year-old man complained of pain and swelling of the left foot small joints. The skin
over these joints was purple, BT was 38°C. For the last 6 years he has had a few
episodes of such arthritis with duration of each one up to 7 – 10 days. He also suffered
from chronic tonsillitis. On exam, there were abnormal features in the left
metatarsophalangeal joints. What is the pathogenetic mechanism of this disease
A) *Increased biosynthesis of uric acid
B) Immune response to streptococcal infection
C) Hyperproduction of autoantibodies to collagen
D) Decreased amount of chondroitin sulfate
E) Production of antibodies to native DNA
The woman 38 y.o. complains the morning joint stiffness, especially digital joints of hands
and feet, that is disappeared after active motion during 30-60 min. Objective evidence:
artritis of metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints. Body tempearture is
subfebrile. ESR - 45 mm/hour. X-ray: osteoporosis and erosion the joints surfaces. Which
is the most probably diagnosis?
A. *Rheumatoid artritis
B. Psoriatic arthropathy
C. Artritis deformans
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
E. Reactive polyarthritis
The patient 18 y.o. fall ill acutely 3 week ago. The body temperature is sharply increased,
arises severe pain of left shin. On the left shin X-ray multiple destuctive foci with irregular
shape and unclear outline. The sequestra are within the destructions. An linear periostitis is
around injured bone. Which is the most probably diagnosis?
A.*Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of left shin bones
B. Tuberculosis of left shin bones
C. Sarcoma of left shin bones
D. Fibrous osteodistrophy of left shin bones
E. Metastases of left shin bones
The patient complains of thoracic spine pain as result of insignificance trauma (fell down
the bed). He is admitted in a 40 min after accident. PPH: lung tuberculosis. On spine X-ray
is suspected the compresion fractures of VIII and IX thoracic vertebral body. Which spine
pathlogy can lead to pathological fracture?
A. *Tuberculous spondilitis
B. Syphilis
C. Metastasis
D. Osteomyelitis
E. Traumatic fracture
The patient G., 14 y.o. falled ill acutely, when high body temperature, febrile chill, sharp
right shin pain was arisen. On X-ray of right leg the changes wasn’t found. After 2 week
from onset of disease (in time of clinical remision) the repeated right shin X-ray was done:
the destructive foci with irregular outline and linear periostitis in the middle third diaphysis
of right tibia were diagnosed. Which is the most probably diagnosis?
A. *Right shin osteomyelitis
B. Right shin tuberculosis
C. Right shin syphilis
D. Right shin bone cyst
E. Right shin trauma
The boy 12 y.o. complains of two fistulas in lower third of left femur, high body
temperature, general weakness. 6 monthes ago was acute hematogenous osteomielitis of
left femur. On left femur X-ray – total left femur sequester (size 12x3 cm) is diagnosed.
Which is a previous diagnosis?
A. *Secondary chronic osteomyelitis;
B. Pathological fracture;
C. Tuberculosis;
D. Ewing’s sarcoma;
E. Osteoid-osteoma;