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Name: Joyce Apud Eurolfan

Course and Section: BSN1- 11 I

System Theory

Betty Imogene Dorothea Myra Estrine Martha Rogers Dorothy

Faye Glenn
Neuman King Orem Levine Johnson

THEORY A nursing theory Imogene King’s Theory of Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Faye Abdellah is well known for Levine’s conservation model Martha Rogers’ theory is Dorothy E. Johnson is well-
developed by Betty Goal Attainment was first Deficit Theory defined developing the “Twenty-One Nursing believes nursing intervention is a known as the Science of known for her “Behavioral
Neuman is based on the introduced in the 1960s. It Nursing as “The act of Problems Theory” that has conservation activity, with energy Unitary Human Beings (SUHB). System Model,” which was
person’s relationship to explains that the nurse and assisting others in the interrelated the concepts of health, conservation as a fundamental The theory views nursing as first proposed in 1968. Her
stress, response, and patient go hand-in-hand in provision and management nursing problems, and problem- concern, four conservation both a science and an art as it model was greatly influenced
reconstitution factors that communicating of self-care to maintain or solving. principles of nursing. It guides provides a way to view the by Florence Nightingale ’s
are progressive in nature. information, set goals improve human functioning nurses to concentrate on the unitary human being, who is book, Notes on Nursing. It
The Neuman Systems together, and then take at the home level of She views nursing as an art and a importance and responses at the integral with the universe. The advocates fostering efficient
Model presents a broad, actions to achieve those effectiveness.” It focuses on science that molds the attitude, level of the person. Nurses fulfill unitary human being and his or and effective behavioral
holistic, and system-based goals. The factors that each individual’s ability to intellectual competencies, and the theory’s purpose by conserving her environment are one. functioning in the patient to
method to nursing that affect the attainment of perform self-care, defined as technical skills of the individual nurse energy, structure, and personal and Nursing focuses on people and prevent illness and stresses
maintains a factor of goals are roles, stress, “the practice of activities into the desire and ability to help social integrity. The fundamental the manifestations that emerge the importance of research-
flexibility. It focuses on space, and time. On the that individuals initiate and individuals cope with their health concept of Myra Estrin Levine’s from the mutual human- based knowledge about the
the patient system’s other hand, the nurse’s perform on their own behalf needs, whether they are ill or well. theory is conservation. When an environmental field process. effect of nursing care on
response to actual or goal is to help patients in maintaining life, health, individual is in a phase of Rogers’ theory defined Nursing patients. Johnson’s Behavioral
potential environmental maintain health so they and well-being.” There are She used Henderson’s 14 basic conservation, it means that the as “an art and science that is System Model is a nursing
stressors and maintains can function in their instances wherein patients human needs and nursing research person can adapt to the health humanistic and humanitarian. care model that advocates the
the client system’s individual roles are encouraged to bring out to establish the classification of challenges with the slightest It is directed toward the fostering of efficient and
stability through primary, the best in them despite nursing problems. amount of effort. The core of unitary human and is effective behavioral
secondary, and tertiary being ill for a period of time. Levine’s Conservation Model is to concerned with the nature and functioning in the patient to
nursing prevention This is very particular in improve a person’s physical and direction of human prevent illness. The patient is
interventions to reduce rehabilitation settings, in emotional well-being by development. The goal of identified as a behavioral
stressors. which patients are entitled considering the four domains of nurses is to participate in the system composed of seven
to be more independent conservation she set out. process of change.” behavioral subsystems:
after being cared for by affiliative, dependency,
physicians and nurses. ingestive, eliminative, sexual,
aggressive, and achievement.
Each subsystem’s three
functional requirements
include protection from
noxious influences, provision
for a nurturing environment,
and stimulation for growth. An
imbalance in any of the
behavioral subsystems results
in disequilibrium. It is
nursing’s role to assist the
client in returning to a state of
DIED She passed away on Imogene King died on Dorothea Orem died on June Myra Estrine Levine died on March Martha Rogers died on March Dorothy Johnson died in
January 30, 2019 December 24, 2007 22, 2007 20, 1996, at the age of 75. 13, 1994 February 1999

BORN She was born on October Imogene King was born on Dorothea Orem was born on On March 13, 1919, Faye Abdellah Myra Estrin Levine was born in Martha Rogers was born on Dorothy Johnson was born on
22, 1944 in Ephrata, WA Jan. 30, 1923 July 15, 1914 was born . Chicago in 1920 May 12, 1914 August 21, 1919, in Savannah,

SCHOOL As a young girl, she • In 1945, she • Dorothea Orem • Faye Abdellah earned a • In 1944, Myra Estrin Levine • Rogers received her • Dorothy Johnson’s
attended the same one- received a nursing attended Seton High nursing diploma from Fitkin received her diploma in nursing diploma from professional nursing
room schoolhouse that diploma from St. School in Baltimore Memorial Hospital’s School of nursing from the Cook the Knoxville General career began in 1942
her parents had attended John’s Hospital and graduated in Nursing, now known as Ann County School of Nursing. Hospital School of when she graduated
and were excited to go to School of Nursing in 1931. May School of Nursing. • Continued to finish her Nursing in 1936 from Vanderbilt
a high school library. She St. Louis, Missouri. • She received a Bachelor of Science in • Earned her Public University School of
was always engaged and • King started diploma from the Nursing from the University Health Nursing degree Nursing in Nashville,
fascinated with the study coursework toward Providence Hospital of Chicago in 1949. from George Peabody Tennessee. She was
of human behavior. a Bachelor of School of Nursing in College in Tennessee in the top student in her
During World War II, she Science in Nursing Washington, D.C., in 1937 class and received the
had her first job as an Education, which 1934. prestigious Vanderbilt
aircraft instrument she received from • he went on to the Founder’s Medal.
technician. In 1947, she St. Louis University Catholic University of
received her RN Diploma in 1948. America to earn a B.S.
from Peoples Hospital in Nursing Education
School of Nursing, Akron, in 1939 and an M.S.
Ohio. in Nursing Education
in 1945.
MASTERS Master of Science in • In 1957, she • She was given • Abdellah went on to earn • Master’s of Science in • Her Master’s degree • In 1948, she received
Mental Health, both from received a Master Honorary Doctorates three degrees from Columbia Nursing was granted to her was from Teachers her master’s in public
the University of California-
of Science in of Science from University: a bachelor of from Wayne State University College at Columbia health from Harvard
Los Angeles in 1966. She
also earned a Ph.D. in Nursing from St. Georgetown science degree in nursing in in Detroit in 1962. University in 1945 University in Boston,
clinical psychology from Louis University. University in 1976 1945, a master of arts degree • Doctorate in Nursing Massachusetts.
Pacific Western University • She went on to and Incarnate Word in physiology in 1947, and a was given to her from
in 1985. In 1992, Neuman study with Mildred College in 1980. doctor of education degree in Johns Hopkins
was given an Honorary Montag as her • She was given an 1955. University in Baltimore
Doctorate of Letters at the dissertation chair at Honorary Doctorate • With her advanced education, in 1954
Neumann College in Aston,
Teacher’s College, of Humane Letters Abdellah could have chosen
Pennsylvania. Finally, in
1998, the Grand Valley Columbia from Illinois to become a doctor.
State University in University, New Wesleyan University However, as she explained in
Michigan gave her an York and received in 1988 and a one of her interviews that she
Honorary Doctorate of her EdD in 1961. Doctorate Honoris wanted to be an M.D.
Science. • King developed a Causa from the because she could do all she
master’s degree University of Missouri wanted to do in nursing,
program in nursing in Columbia in 1998. which is a caring profession.
based on a nursing
framework from
1961 to 1966 at
Loyola University in
METAPARADIGM Human being Nursing Nursing Individual Environment Human-unitary human beings Human Beings
The human being is an Nursing is a process of Nursing is an art through She describes nursing recipients The environment includes both A person is defined as an The concept of a human being
open system that interacts action, reaction, and indivisible, pan-dimensional was defined as a behavioral
which the practitioner of as individuals (and families), the internal and external
with internal and external interaction whereby nurse energy field identified by a system that strives to make
environment forces or and client share information nursing gives specialized although she does not delineate environment.
pattern and manifesting continual adjustments to
stressors. about their perceptions in assistance to persons her beliefs or assumptions about Person characteristics specific to the achieve, maintain, or regain
Environment the nursing situation. The with disabilities, making the nature of human beings. The person is a unique whole. That can’t be predicted balance to the steady-state
The environment is a vital nurse and client share more than ordinary Health individual in unity, integrity, from knowledge of the parts. A adaptation.
arena that is germane to specific goals, problems, assistance necessary to Health, or the achieving of it, is feeling, belief, thinking, and person is also a unified whole, Environment
the system and its and concerns and explore
meet self-care needs. The the purpose of nursing services. whole. having its own distinct The environment is not
function. The environment how to achieve a goal.
nurse also intelligently Although Abdellah does not characteristics that can’t be directly defined, but it is
may be viewed as all Health Health
participates in the viewed by looking at, implied to include all elements
factors that affect and are Health is a dynamic life define health, she speaks to Health is the pattern of
medical care the describing, or summarizing the of the human system’s
affected by the system. experience of a human “total health needs” and “a adaptive change of the whole parts. surroundings and includes
Health being, which implies individual receives from healthy state of mind and body.” being.
continuous adjustment to Health interior stressors.
In Neuman’s nursing the physician. Society Nursing
stressors in the internal and Rogers defines health as an Health
theory, Health is defined as Humans
external environment Society is included in “planning Nursing is the human expression of the life process. Health is seen as the opposite
the condition or degree of
through optimum use of Humans are defined as for optimum health on local, interaction relying on The characteristics and of illness, and Johnson defines
system stability and is
viewed as a continuum one’s resources to achieve “men, women, and state, and international levels.” communication, rooted in the behavior coming from the it as “some degree of
from wellness to illness. maximum daily living children cared for either However, as Abdellah further individual human being’s mutual, simultaneous regularity and constancy in
When system needs are potential. singly or as social units” delineates her ideas, the focus of interaction of the human and behavior. The behavioral
organic dependency in his
met, optimal wellness Individual and are the “material environmental fields and system reflects adjustments
nursing service is clearly the relationships with other human
exists. When needs are not Individuals are social beings health and illness are part of and adaptations that are
object” of nurses and individual. beings.
satisfied, illness exists. who are rational and the same continuum. The successful somehow, and to
others who provide direct multiple events occurring
When the energy needed sentient. Humans some degree… adaptation is
to support life is not communicate their care. during the life process show functionally efficient and
available, death occurs. thoughts, actions, customs, Environment how a person is achieving his effective.”
Nursing and beliefs through The environment has or her maximum health Nursing
Nursing’s primary concern language. Persons exhibit physical, chemical, and potential. The events vary in Nursing is seen as “an external
is to define the appropriate common characteristics their expressions from greatest
biological features. It regulatory force that acts to
action in situations that are such as the ability to health to those incompatible
includes the family, preserve the organization and
stress-related or perceive, think, feel, choose with the maintaining life
culture, and community. integrate the patient’s
concerning possible between alternative courses process. behavior at an optimal level
reactions of the client or of action, set goals, select Health Nursing under those conditions in
client system to stressors. the means to achieve goals, Health is “being It is the study of unitary, which the behavior
Nursing interventions aim and make decisions.
structurally and irreducible, indivisible human constitutes a threat to
to help the system adapt or Environment
functionally whole or and environmental fields: physical or social health or in
adjust and retain, restore, The environment is the
sound.” Also, health is a people and their world. Rogers which illness is found.”
or maintain some degree background for human
state that encompasses claims that nursing exists to
of stability between the interactions. It is both
serve people, and the safe
client system variables and external to, and internal to, both the health of
practice of nursing depends on
environmental stressors, the individual. individuals and groups,
focusing on conserving the nature and amount of
and human health is the scientific nursing knowledge
ability to reflect on the nurse brings to his or her
oneself, symbolize practice.
experience, and Environment
communicate with “An irreducible, indivisible,
others. pan-dimensional energy field
identified by pattern and
integral with the human field.”
BOOKS • The Neuman • Theory for Nursing: • Dorothea Orem • Better Nursing Care Through • Introduction to Clinical • Educational Revolution • Her 1968 paper,
System Model: Systems, Concepts, helped publish the Nursing Research and Patient- Nursing in Nursing (1961) entitled, One
Application to Process; Theory for “Guidelines for Centered Approaches to • Renewal for Nursing • Reveille in Nursing Conceptual Model of
Nursing Education Nursing: Systems Developing Curricula Nursing (1964) Nursing, is a classic
and Practice, in • Concepts and for the Education of • Patient-Centered Approaches • In about 1963, Rogers contribution to Nursing
1982 Process Practical Nurses” in to Nursing edited a journal called literature.
• Conceptual Models • The Language of 1959. • Preparing Nursing Research Nursing Science • Two of Johnson’s many
for Nursing Nursing Theory and • In 1971 Orem for the 21st Century: • An Introduction to the works include Theory
Practice. Metatheory published Nursing: Evolution Theoretical Basis of Development: What,
• Toward a Theory for Concepts of Practice, • Methodologies Nursing (1970) Why, How? and
Nursing General the work in which she • Challenges Barriers and Hazards in
Concepts of Human outlines her nursing • New directions in Patient- Counseling.
Behavior theory, the Self-care Centered Nursing: Guidelines
• Curriculum and Deficit Theory of for Systems of Service,
Instruction in Nursing. Education, and Research
Nursing: Concepts • In 1973 edited that • Effect of Nurse Staffing on
and Process. group’s work in the Satisfactions with Nursing
book Concept Care: A Study of How
Formalization in Omissions in Nursing Services,
Nursing. as Perceived by Patients and
Personnel, Are Influenced by
the Number of Nursing Hours
• Patients and Personnel Speak,
A Method of Studying Patient
Care in Hospitals
• Appraising the Clinical
Resources in Small Hospitals
• Nursing’s Role in the Future:
The Case for Health Policy
Decision Making
• Overview of Nursing
Research, 1955-1968
• urgeon General’s Workshop,
Health Promotion, and Aging
proceedings. March 20-23,
• Words of Wisdom from
Pivotal Nurse Leaders.
ASSUMPTIONS • Each client system Imogene King’s personal • To stay alive and The assumptions Abdellah’s “21 • The individual “is a sentient • Man is a unified whole • There is “organization,
is unique, a philosophy about human remain functional, Nursing Problems Theory” relate to being, and the ability to possessing his own interaction,
composite of beings and life influenced humans engage in change and anticipated changes that interact with the integrity and interdependency and
factors and her assumptions about the constant affect nursing; the need to environment seems manifesting integration of the parts
characteristics environment, health, communication and appreciate the interconnectedness ineluctably tied to his characteristics that are and elements of
within a given nursing, individuals, and connect among of social enterprises and social sensory organs.” more than and different behaviors that go to
range of responses nurse-patient interactions. themselves and their problems; the impact of problems • Each individual “is an active from the sum of his make up the system.”
• Many known, King’s conceptual system environment. such as poverty, racism, pollution, participant in interactions parts. • A system “tends to
unknown, and and Theory of Goal • The power to act education, and so forth on health with the environment… • Man and the achieve a balance
universal stressors Attainment were “based deliberately is and health care delivery; changing constantly seeking environment are among the various
exist. Each differs on an overall assumption exercised to identify nursing education; continuing information from it.” continuously forces operating within
in its potential for that the focus of nursing is needs and to make education for professional nurses; (Levine, 1969) exchanging matter and and upon it, and that
disturbing a human beings interacting needed judgments. and development of nursing leaders • “Patient-centered nursing energy with one man strives continually
client’s usual with their environment, • Mature human from underserved groups care means individualized another. to maintain a
stability level or leading to a state of health beings experience nursing care. It is predicated • The life process evolves behavioral system
normal line of for individuals, which is an privations in the form on the reality of common irreversibly and balance and steady-
defense. The ability to function in social of action in care of experience: every man is a unidirectionally along state by more or less
particular roles.” self and others unique individual, and as the space-time automatic adjustments
interrelationships involving making life- such he requires a unique continuum. and adaptations to the
of client variables sustaining and constellation of skills, • Pattern and natural forces
at any point in function-regulating techniques, and ideas organization identify the occurring on him.”
time can affect the actions. ( designed specifically for man and reflect his • A behavioral system,
degree to which a him.” (Levine, 1973) innovative wholeness. which requires and
client is protected • “Ultimately, the decisions • Man is characterized by results in regularity and
by the flexible line for nursing intervention the capacity for constancy in behavior,
of defense against must be based on the abstraction and is essential to man. It is
possible reaction unique behavior of the imagery, language and functionally significant
to stressors. individual patient.” thought sensation, and because it serves a
emotion. useful purpose in social
life and the individual
• “System balance
reflects adjustments
and adaptations that
are successful in some
way and to some
ANALYSIS The delineation of • The social systems There is a superb focus of • The problem-solving • Each individual “is an active The Science of Unitary Human Johnson’s Behavioral System
Neuman’s three defense portion of the open Orem’s work which is self- approach introduced by participant in interactions Beings is highly generalizable as Model describes the person as
lines was not clearly systems framework care. Even though there is a Abdellah has the advantage with the environment… the concepts and ideas are not a behavioral system with
explained. In reality, the is less clearly wide range of scope seen in of increasing the nurse’s constantly seeking confined to a specific nursing seven subsystems: the
individual resists stressors connected to goal the encompassing theory of critical and analytical thinking information from it.” approach, unlike the usual way achievement, attachment-
with internal and external attainment than nursing systems, Orem’s goal skills since the care to be (Levine, 1969) of other nurse theorists affiliative, aggressive
reflexes, which were personal and of letting the readers view provided would be based on • The individual “is a sentient defining the major concepts of protective, dependency,
made complicated by the interpersonal nursing care to assist people sound assessment and being, and the ability to a theory. Her statements, in ingestive, eliminative, and
formulation of different systems. was apparent in every validation of findings. interact with the general, made us believe that a sexual subsystems. Each
resistance levels in • A multitude of concept presented. • With Faye Abdellah’s aim in environment seems person and his or her subsystem is interrelated with
Neuman’s open systems views and From the definition of health formulating a clear ineluctably tied to his environment are integral to the others and the
model. definitions is which is sought to be rigid, it categorization of patient’s sensory organs.” each other. A patient can’t be environment and specific
confusing for the can now be refined by problems as health needs, • “Change is the essence of separated from his or her structural elements and
reader. Because of making it suitable to the she rather conceptualized life, and it is unceasing as environment when addressing functions that help maintain
multiple views on general view of health as a nurses’ actions in nursing long as life goes on. Change health and treatment. Her the behavioral system’s
one concept, such dynamic and ever-changing care, which is contrary to her is characteristic of life.” conceptual framework has integrity. When the behavioral
as what has been state. aim. Nurses’ roles were (Levine, 1973) greatly influenced nursing by system has balance and
discussed in her defined to alleviate the • “Patient-centered nursing offering an alternative to stability, the individual’s
concept of power, it problems assessed through care means individualized traditional nursing approaches. behaviors will be purposeful,
blurs the point that the proposed problem-solving nursing care. It is predicated organized, and predictable.
the theorist is trying approach. on the reality of common Imbalance and instability in
to relate to the experience: every man is a the behavioral system occur
readers. unique individual, and as when tension and stressors
such he requires a unique affect the subsystems’
constellation of skills, relationship or the internal
techniques, and ideas and external environments.
designed specifically for
him.” (Levine, 1973)
• “Ultimately, the decisions
for nursing intervention
must be based on the
unique behavior of the
individual patient.”
CAREER • After earning her • Imogene King • She also received • As a consultant and educator, • She was a private duty nurse • After Martha Rogers • Dorothy Johnson’s
Master’s Degree, worked in a variety accolades for her Faye Abdellah shared her in 1944, a civilian nurse in graduated from George professional
Neuman began of staff nurse roles. nursing theories with the U.S. Peabody College in experiences involved
contributions to
working as a nurse.
Specifically, she
From 1947 to 1958, nursing, including caregivers around the world • Army in 1945, a preclinical Tennessee in 1937, she mostly teaching,
was a pioneer in she worked as an honorary degrees • She led seminars in France, instructor in the physical worked for the although she was a
nursing involvement instructor in from Georgetown Portugal, Israel, Japan, China, sciences at Cook County Children’s Fund of staff nurse at the
in community Medical-Surgical University, Incarnate New Zealand, Australia, and from 1947 to 1950 Michigan for two years Chatham-Savannah
mental health. nursing and was an Word College, Illinois the former Soviet Union • Director of nursing at Drexel as public health nurse. Health Council from
While she was assistant director at Wesleyan University, • She also served as a research Home in Chicago from 1950 • In 1940, she accepted a 1943 to 1944.
developing her
St. John’s Hospital and the University of consultant to the World to 1951 position in Hartford, CT, • She was an instructor
systems model, she
was working as a School of Nursing Missouri-Columbia. Health Organization. • surgical supervisor at both at the Visiting Nurse and an assistant
lecturer at the • Her first theory • She was inducted into • she has been active in the University of Chicago Association. She worked professor in pediatric
University of article appeared in the American professional nursing Clinics from 1951 to 1952, at the Association for nursing at Vanderbilt
California-Los 1964 in the journal Academy of Nursing associations and is a prolific and the Henry Ford Hospital five years, first as an University School of
Angeles in Nursing Science, and received awards author, with more than 150 in Detroit from 1956 to Assistant Supervisor, Nursing.
community health
which nurse from the National publications 1962. then as the Assistant • From 1949 until her
nursing. Due to her
work in nursing, theorist Martha League for Nursing • In 1951, Levine also became Education Director, and retirement in 1978 and
Neuman was Rogers edited. and the Sigma Theta a clinical instructor at Bryan lastly as the acting her subsequent move
named as an • In 1969, King Tau Nursing Honor Memorial Hospital in Director of Education to Key Largo, Florida,
Honorary Member conducted a World Society. Lincoln, Nebraska, and • At the same time, she Johnson was an
of the Fellowship of Health Organization administrative supervisor at completed her assistant professor of
the American nursing research the University of Chicago coursework at Teacher’s pediatric nursing, an
Academy of
seminar in Manila, • Levine also worked as a College and completed associate professor of
• Betty Neuman has Philippines, where chairperson of clinical her degree nursing, and a nursing
done many things, she met Midori nursing at her alma mater, requirements (Master professor at the
including a nurse, Sugimori of Japan. the Cook County School of of Arts) in 1945. University of California,
educator, health Nursing, from 1963 to 1967 • After completing her Los Angeles.
counselor, • She managed to work her degree in 1945, she sent • In 1955 and 1956,
therapist, author, way up the academic ranks out many job inquiry Johnson was a
speaker, and at Loyola University from letters, considered pediatric nursing
1967 to 1977 and the staying in Hartford but advisor assigned to the
University of Illinois from settled on a position as Christian Medical
• She earned many
1962 to 1963 and from 1977 the Executive Director College School of
awards and
to 1987 at the Visiting Nurse Nursing in Vellore,
honors, including
several honorary • She coordinated the Service in Phoenix, South India.
graduate nursing program in Arizona • From 1965 to 1967, she
doctorates, and
oncology at Rush University • While a doctoral served as chairperson
was an honorary
from 1974 to 1977. student, she did spend a on the California
member of the
• Levine was a director of the year as a visiting Nurses Association
American Academy
Department of Continuing lecturer at a Catholic committee that
of Nursing.
Education at Evanston University in developed a position
Hospital from March to June Washington, DC. statement on
1974 and a consultant to the • Rogers was then specifications for the
department from July 1974 appointed Professor and clinical specialist.
to 1976 Head of the Division of
Nursing at New York
University right after
graduating from
• Rogers officially retired
as Professor and Head
of the Division of
Nursing in 1975 after 21
years of service

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