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Installation Manual

Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

I. Early Streamer Emission (ESE) - IONIFLASH MACH NG....................................................... 4
I.1. IONIFLASH MACH NG presentation ............................................................................. 4
I.2. Our range of ESE: the IONIFLASH MACH NG ............................................................... 5
I.3. Radius of protection .................................................................................................... 6
II. External Installation of a Lightning Protection ................................................................... 8
II.1. Capture device ............................................................................................................. 8
II.1.a. Installation of an ESE ............................................................................................ 8
II.1.b. Raising of the head ............................................................................................... 8
II.1.c. Fastening .............................................................................................................. 9
II.2. Down conductors....................................................................................................... 10
II.2.a. Number of down conductors ............................................................................. 10
II.2.b. Routing ............................................................................................................... 11
II.2.c. Fastening ............................................................................................................ 11
II.2.d. Connection ......................................................................................................... 12
II.2.e. Protection ........................................................................................................... 12
II.2.f. Disconnection ..................................................................................................... 12
II.2.g. Warning .............................................................................................................. 12
II.3. Lightning Impulse Counters ....................................................................................... 13
II.3.a. Electro mechanic Counter .................................................................................. 13
II.3.b. Metering and Communicating Counter ............................................................. 14
II.3.c. Setting up ........................................................................................................... 14
II.4. Earthing systems ........................................................................................................ 15
II.4.a. Earthing system - Type A .................................................................................... 15
II.4.b. Earthing system - Type B .................................................................................... 16
II.5. Equipotential bonding ............................................................................................... 16
II.5.a. Earthing equipotentiality ................................................................................... 16
II.5.b. Separation distance ............................................................................................ 16
II.5.c. Equipotentiality of the metallic parts ................................................................ 18
III. Inspections ........................................................................................................................ 18
III.1. Initial inspection ..................................................................................................... 18
III.2. Periodical inspection .............................................................................................. 18

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

III.3. Exceptional inspection ........................................................................................... 19

IV. Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 19
IV.1. Reference standard ................................................................................................ 19
IV.2. Drawing of a typical installation ............................................................................ 20

This document is a guide reminding the main installation rules for Early streamer emission
lightning protection systems. It doesn’t replace in anyway the standards and best practices.
FRANCE PARATONNERRES disclaims any responsibility for any non-compliances installations
realized with the help of this guide.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

I. Early Streamer Emission (ESE) - IONIFLASH MACH NG

I.1. IONIFLASH MACH NG presentation
The Early Streamer Emission Air Terminals IONIFLASH MACH can operate for a positive
or a negative lightning strike.
When the descending tracer is getting closer to the ground (around 100 meters above
the peak), it generates an electric field underneath it that will grow until reaching values in
the range of one hundred kilovolts per meter. From then on, the first electron until then
located close to the tip of the air-terminal, is suddenly being transformed in a discharge or an
ascending tracer.
Those ascending positive tracers are suddenly developing towards the descending
tracer (this is the lightning). One of closest ascending tracers, the one that started first or the
one that progressed the fastest, gets in contact with the descending tracer. The ionized
channel is then continue from the ground until the cloud, and the arch can take place,
producing a heavy lightning current of several kA.
The Early Streamer Emission IONIFLASH MACH® is an ESE rod on which is installed a spherical
metallic mass aside the very top of the rod. This sphere is isolated from the rod by a collar
made out of a material with high isolated electrical current. The body of the ESE contains two
early streamer emission devices.
When the storm is approaching, the external electrode (sphere + potential stick) that is
electrically conductive is getting charged with the influence of the electric field until its
potential reaches a critical value from which a spark is being made in between the external
electrode and the rod of the central electrode. This spark allows to create a plasma aside the
The plasma associated with the severe electrical current that is around the rod, is the first step
of the development of the ascending tracer.
The spark produced at the tip of the rod of the IONIFLASH
MACH® will initiate the early streamer emission, creating an
ascending tracer towards the descending tracer.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

I.2.Our range of ESE: the IONIFLASH MACH NG

We are offering a range of five Early Streamer Emission Air Terminals presenting an
early streamer emission balanced from 15 µs, for the IONIFLASH MACH NG15 to 60 µs, for the
This range meets all requirements, as shown below.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

I.3.Radius of protection
The radius of protection (Rp) of an ESE depends on the height (h) of which it is installed
compared to the surface that needs to be protected, to its efficiency (Δt) and to the selected
level of protection (Np).

Rp (h) (m) is the radius of protection at a given

h (m) is the height of the ESEAT tip over the horizontal

plane through the furthest point of the object to be

r (m)
- 20 m for protection level I;
- 30 m for protection level II;
- 45 m for protection level III;
- 60 m for protection level IV;
Δ(m) = ΔT x 106
Field experience has confirmed that Δ is equal to the efficiency obtained during the ESE
assessment testing.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

Chart of the radius of protection of the IONIFLASH MACH NG

For a site where the required radius of protection is a Level 2, a IONIFLASH MACH NG 30 ESE,
positioned at 5 meters height, will protect a surface of a 55 meters radius (diameter of 110m).

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II. External Installation of a Lightning Protection

An external installation of a lightning protection allows to secure a site against direct
lightning effects.

II.1. Capture device

First of all, the lightning current shall be captured. This is the job of the ESE.

II.1.a. Installation of an ESE

The top of the capture device, meaning the peak of the Early Streamer Emission, shall
be installed at least 2 meters above the area that needs to be protected, including aerials,
refrigerating towers, roofs, tanks etc.
In order to widen the area protected by an ESE, it is often recommended to increase
its own height (see l.3. Radius of protection). Therefore, the optimum installation of an ESE is
at 5 meters.

II.1.b. Raising of the head

The ESE IONIFLASH MACH is applied on a 1m, 2m or 3m pole. The
assembly is secured by a gas threading ½ and a punch sight that allow a
lasting and secured fastening.
2 meters extension masts allow to raise the height of the ESE.
Masts can be combined according to the required height. They need to
interlock them together and to tighten up the collar’s screw so that they
are maintain together.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.1.c. Fastening
The fastening of the ESE IONIFLASH MACH shall be performed in a secure and lasting
way thanks to the numerous accessories from FRANCE PARATONNERRES.
The set containing the ESE as well as the pole and the masts
have to be fixed to the building. It can be done:

 On the frontage with supporting brackets to be

embedded or screwed
 On a mast thanks to offset and lateral supporting
 On a chimney thanks to a strap
 On a roofing terrace thanks to a tripod
 On a wood structure thanks to anchor bolts
 On any other support thanks to universal supporting

When the ESE is installed at such a height that the

strenght of the wind is likely to impact the efficiency of the
system, a strutting kit has to be implemented to stabilize the

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.2. Down conductors

After the lightning current has been captured by the ESE, it needs to be redirected to
the ground.
II.2.a. Number of down conductors
Each ESE shall be connected to at least two down conductors. Those need to be specific
or, in certain cases, use natural components.
If the ESE is installed on an isolated structure (cf. the norm’s definition), only one down
conductor is necessary.
If a site is protected with several ESE, the down conductors can be shared, however,
the number of down conductors needs to be at least equal to the number of ESE.

Example of shared down conductors

In this case, there are 3 down conductors for 2 ESE

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.2.b. Routing
The routing of the down conductors shall be as direct as possible and preferably
outside the building. The down conductors need to be installed as straight as possible and
with curves.

Down conductors’ curve shapes

II.2.c. Fastening
A down conductor shall be fixed at a rate of three fasteners per meter (every 33 cm
It is necessary that the installation is well fastened and hermetic, and for this, it is
essential to choose fastening compatible with conductors and supports. They can be fixed:

 On a brick facade with clamps and dowels or plastic fasteners

 On a metallic facade and roofing with clips and rivets
 On a roofing made of tiles, slates, fiber cement etc. with staples and specific
 On a roofing terrace with ballasted cones and welded flanges, in order not to
alter the impermeability
 On gutters and ridges with specific fasteners

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.2.d. Connection
All conductors need to be connected together thanks to specific connectors that are
made of the same material as the conductor. The conductors shall not be drilled.

II.2.e. Protection
The bottom part of the down conductors shall be protected from any mechanic choc.
The protection shall be made with a 2m height protection sheaths.

II.2.f. Disconnection
Each descent shall have an inspection joint allowing to disconnect the down conductor
from the earthing system. This disconnection allows to measure the earthing system
independently from the conductor.
It is recommended to install the inspection join above the protection sheath,
approximately at a 2 meters from the ground. If the down conductor is installed on a metallic
wall, the inspection joint shall be placed inside the inspection pit in order to disconnect the
earthing system on the metallic structure of the building.

II.2.g. Warning
It is asked to implement signaling plates aside the down conductors that advise of risks
and hazards during storms.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.3. Lightning Impulse Counters

A lightning impulse counter allows to keep a record of the number of lightning strikes
that have impacted the installation. Its presence on an installation allow to register all
lightning events on the site.

II.3.a. Electro mechanic Counter

The electro mechanic counter IONICOUNT allows to keep a
record of the number of lightning strikes. Its technology without
embedded electronic assures its reliability.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.3.b. Metering and Communicating Counter

The metering and communicating
IFLASHREPORT allows to register lightning events.
Those data are remotely accessible via a Bluetooth®
communication system through the app « FPT » or
directly onto the screen.

II.3.c. Setting up
The counter shall be installed onto the more direct down conductor. Ideally, it shall be
installed above the protection sheath and the inspection join, approximately 2 meters above
the ground level.
The I FLASH REPORT and IONICOUNT counters from France Paratonnerres, can be
installed easily and directly onto the down conductor, with no need to modify it.

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.4. Earthing systems

When the lightning current has been captured and conducted through the down
conductors, it needs to be evacuated into the ground.
One or several earthing systems, with a resistance as low as possible, need to be put
in place.
II.4.a. Earthing system - Type A
An earthing system shall be realized for each down conductor.
Earthing systems of type A, shall have a resistance below 10 Ω and contain at least two
If this 10 Ω value is not reachable, the total length of the buried electrodes shall be at
least 160m for the level of protection 1 and 100m for the other levels of protection (the length
of the vertical electrodes being considered as doubled).
The conductors shall be buried at a minimum depth of 50 cm.
It is recommended to use conductors in copper or in stainless steel so that it lasts

Example of an earthing system of Type A1, called “duck foot”

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

Example of an earthing system of Type A2, called « Triangle »

II.4.b. Earthing system - Type B

Earthing systems of type B, called “Earthing Loop”, are made of either a ring conductor
external to the structure, and in contact with the soil for at least 80% of its total length or a
foundation earth electrode provided it is based on a 50 mm² conductor. The bottom of each
down conductor should at least additionally be connected to either a 4 m minimum radial or
a 2 m minimum rod.

II.5. Equipotential bonding

In order to avoid electrical arcs within and outside the lightning protection system,
some security precautions need to be taken. It is essential to isolate elements or to insure the
balance of the potentials.

II.5.a. Earthing equipotentiality

All the lightning and electrical earthing systems of the protected structures need to be
interconnected through the disconnectable connections.
Those connections shall have a section of at least 25mm².

II.5.b. Separation distance

The electrical insulation in between the capture device or the down conductors and
the metallic parts of the structure, the metallic installations and the internal systems, shall be
made with a distance d in between the greater parts compared to the separation distance s:

s  ki  l

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

 The coefficient ki directly related to the level of lightning protection :

Level of protection chosen ki
I 0,08
II 0,06
III & IV 0,04

 The coefficient kc directly related to the number of down conductors :

Number of down conductor kc
1 1
2 1 … 0,5
4 & plus 1 … 1/n

 The coefficient km directly related to the separating material :

Material km
Air 1
Concrete, Brick 0,5

 The lenght l (in meter) match the length in between the point where the separation
distance is taken into account and the closest equipotentiality connection point

Drawing of the separation distance according to the considered lenght

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

II.5.c. Equipotentiality of the metallic parts

When technical constraints are no allowing to respect the separation distance,
calculated as above, it is necessary to implement equipotentiality connections.
Those connections, implemented in between the captured device and the external
metallic parts of the lightning protection system, shall be as direct and straight as possible. It
is recommended to use a conductor of 50mm² able to support the lightning current passage.
In the case of the implementation of the equipotentiality of sensitive elements
(sensitive electrical cabinet, antenna’ mast, satellite dish…), it is recommended to implement
equipotentiality spark gap. They allow to insure the balance of the potentials and the flow of
the static loads, while insuring the isolation of the two parts.

III. Inspections
In order to check the well-functioning of the lightning protection system and thus the
protection of the goods and people, inspections need to be done:

 Initially, after the installation of the lightning protection system

 Periodically
 Exceptionally, if there is a modification

III.1. Initial inspection

The initial inspection shall be done at the end of the installation work, with an aim to
insure that the entire lightning protection system is in compliance with the norms in effect, as
well as with the technical study and the document describing the performed work.

III.2. Periodical inspection

The frequency of the inspections is defined as per below:

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Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

III.3. Exceptional inspection

Every time that the protected structure is modified, repaired or when the structure has
experienced a lightning strike, a complete inspection needs to be performed.

IV. Appendices
IV.1. Reference standard

 NF C 17-102 dated September 2011 : Lightning Protection – Early streamer emission

lightning protection system
 NF EN 62305-1 dated November 2013 : Lightning Protection - Part 1 : General
 NF EN 62305-2 dated December 2012 : Lightning Protection - Part 2 : Risks assessment
 NF EN 62305-3 dated December 2012 : Lightning Protection - Part 3 : Physical damages
on the structures and human risks
 NF EN 62305-4 dated December 2012 : Lightning Protection - Part 4 : Power and
Communication Networks into the structures

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Implementation of a Lightning Protection System

IV.2. Drawing of a typical installation

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