Manual Instalacion PDF
Manual Instalacion PDF
Manual Instalacion PDF
Installation Manual
Implementation of a Lightning Protection System
I. Early Streamer Emission (ESE) - IONIFLASH MACH NG....................................................... 4
I.1. IONIFLASH MACH NG presentation ............................................................................. 4
I.2. Our range of ESE: the IONIFLASH MACH NG ............................................................... 5
I.3. Radius of protection .................................................................................................... 6
II. External Installation of a Lightning Protection ................................................................... 8
II.1. Capture device ............................................................................................................. 8
II.1.a. Installation of an ESE ............................................................................................ 8
II.1.b. Raising of the head ............................................................................................... 8
II.1.c. Fastening .............................................................................................................. 9
II.2. Down conductors....................................................................................................... 10
II.2.a. Number of down conductors ............................................................................. 10
II.2.b. Routing ............................................................................................................... 11
II.2.c. Fastening ............................................................................................................ 11
II.2.d. Connection ......................................................................................................... 12
II.2.e. Protection ........................................................................................................... 12
II.2.f. Disconnection ..................................................................................................... 12
II.2.g. Warning .............................................................................................................. 12
II.3. Lightning Impulse Counters ....................................................................................... 13
II.3.a. Electro mechanic Counter .................................................................................. 13
II.3.b. Metering and Communicating Counter ............................................................. 14
II.3.c. Setting up ........................................................................................................... 14
II.4. Earthing systems ........................................................................................................ 15
II.4.a. Earthing system - Type A .................................................................................... 15
II.4.b. Earthing system - Type B .................................................................................... 16
II.5. Equipotential bonding ............................................................................................... 16
II.5.a. Earthing equipotentiality ................................................................................... 16
II.5.b. Separation distance ............................................................................................ 16
II.5.c. Equipotentiality of the metallic parts ................................................................ 18
III. Inspections ........................................................................................................................ 18
III.1. Initial inspection ..................................................................................................... 18
III.2. Periodical inspection .............................................................................................. 18
This document is a guide reminding the main installation rules for Early streamer emission
lightning protection systems. It doesn’t replace in anyway the standards and best practices.
FRANCE PARATONNERRES disclaims any responsibility for any non-compliances installations
realized with the help of this guide.
I.3.Radius of protection
The radius of protection (Rp) of an ESE depends on the height (h) of which it is installed
compared to the surface that needs to be protected, to its efficiency (Δt) and to the selected
level of protection (Np).
Rp (h) (m) is the radius of protection at a given
r (m)
- 20 m for protection level I;
- 30 m for protection level II;
- 45 m for protection level III;
- 60 m for protection level IV;
Δ(m) = ΔT x 106
Field experience has confirmed that Δ is equal to the efficiency obtained during the ESE
assessment testing.
For a site where the required radius of protection is a Level 2, a IONIFLASH MACH NG 30 ESE,
positioned at 5 meters height, will protect a surface of a 55 meters radius (diameter of 110m).
II.1.c. Fastening
The fastening of the ESE IONIFLASH MACH shall be performed in a secure and lasting
way thanks to the numerous accessories from FRANCE PARATONNERRES.
The set containing the ESE as well as the pole and the masts
have to be fixed to the building. It can be done:
II.2.b. Routing
The routing of the down conductors shall be as direct as possible and preferably
outside the building. The down conductors need to be installed as straight as possible and
with curves.
II.2.c. Fastening
A down conductor shall be fixed at a rate of three fasteners per meter (every 33 cm
It is necessary that the installation is well fastened and hermetic, and for this, it is
essential to choose fastening compatible with conductors and supports. They can be fixed:
II.2.d. Connection
All conductors need to be connected together thanks to specific connectors that are
made of the same material as the conductor. The conductors shall not be drilled.
II.2.e. Protection
The bottom part of the down conductors shall be protected from any mechanic choc.
The protection shall be made with a 2m height protection sheaths.
II.2.f. Disconnection
Each descent shall have an inspection joint allowing to disconnect the down conductor
from the earthing system. This disconnection allows to measure the earthing system
independently from the conductor.
It is recommended to install the inspection join above the protection sheath,
approximately at a 2 meters from the ground. If the down conductor is installed on a metallic
wall, the inspection joint shall be placed inside the inspection pit in order to disconnect the
earthing system on the metallic structure of the building.
II.2.g. Warning
It is asked to implement signaling plates aside the down conductors that advise of risks
and hazards during storms.
II.3.c. Setting up
The counter shall be installed onto the more direct down conductor. Ideally, it shall be
installed above the protection sheath and the inspection join, approximately 2 meters above
the ground level.
The I FLASH REPORT and IONICOUNT counters from France Paratonnerres, can be
installed easily and directly onto the down conductor, with no need to modify it.
s ki l
The lenght l (in meter) match the length in between the point where the separation
distance is taken into account and the closest equipotentiality connection point
III. Inspections
In order to check the well-functioning of the lightning protection system and thus the
protection of the goods and people, inspections need to be done:
IV. Appendices
IV.1. Reference standard