Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata Recognizer PDF
Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata Recognizer PDF
Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata Recognizer PDF
Computer Science
ELSEVIER Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
1. Introduction
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0304-3975/99/$-see front matter @ 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
PII: SO304-3975(98)00329-6
326 V. Terrier I Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
2. Definitions
al a2 a3 a4
a8 aI a6 a5
a9 al0 all al2
B P a14 a13
3. Linear acceleration
The linear acceleration known for one-dimensional CAs (cf. [3,7]) which establishes
that a language recognized in time f(n) is also recognized in time n+ [(f(n)-n)/k] for
some k could be generalized to two-dimensional CAs. An initial phase (of max(m,n)
steps for Moore neighborhood and m + n - 1 steps for Von Neumann neighborhood)
will consist in compacting the cells by group of k x k cells. After this phase the
CA could work k times faster for Moore neighborhood and (k + 1)/2 times faster for
Von Neumann neighborhood. So a language recognized in time T(m,n) will be also
recognized in time max(m, n) + [( T(m, n) - max(m, n))/kl with Moore neighborhood
and in time m+n-1+2[(T( m,n)-m-n+l)/(k+l)l with Von Neumann neighborhood.
A(i,l+n-t+Ci-I-n+t)k,t) A(i,k+n-t+(j-1-n+t)k,t)
A(l+m-t+(i-1-m+t)k, A( l+m-t+(i-1-m+t)
l+n-t+(j-I-n+t)k,t) “’ k+n-t+(i-I-n+t)k
A( l+m-t +(i- 1-m+t)kj,t)
B(ij,t) = B (i&t) = :
A(k+m-t +(i-I-m+t)kj,t)
A(k+m-t+(i-1-m+t)k, A(k+m-t+(i- 1-m+t)
I+n-t+(i-1-n+t)k,t) .” k+n-t+(i- 1-n+t)k
mI _
1 +(i- 1)k if t>m,
Lright(i, t) L1e’(i’
t, if i<m -t,
Ldi, t) + k - 1 if i>m - t,
V. Terrier/ Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346 329
if j<n - t,
ctOp(jT t,
Cbott,,(j, t)
1 C,,(j,t)+k-1 ifj>n-t.
Proposition 1. For any CA A there exists a CA B such that if at time 0 the two
CA A and B are in the same conjiguration then at time t with t <max(m,n), B(i, j, t)
contains the following array of states:
and from time t >max(m, n) the CA B can perform in one step k steps of the CA A.
Proof. At time 1, &ft(i, 1) is i, Leght(i, 1) is i for i <m and i+k- 1 for i = m, Ctop(j, 1)
is j, Cb,,tiOm(j, 1) is j for j < n and j+k- 1 for j = m. Hence we could define a transition
function such that the site (m,n) whose east and south neighbors are in state # enters
A(m,n, 1) # ... #
# #
in state . . ; the rightmost sites (i, n), with i cm, whose east neighbors
. . . ..
# ... #
are in state # enters in state A(i, n, 1)# . . . #; the lowest sites (m, j), with j <n, whose
A(m,j, 1)
north neighbors are in state # enters in state . ; the other sites evolve as on
the CA A.
At times t dmin(m,n), observe that as Ll&i, t) - 134.&i - 1, t - l), &ight(i, t) +
1 <I%ight(i + 1, t - I), Ctop(j, t) - 1 2 Ctop(j - 1, t - l), Ck?aO,(jy t) + 1 < Cbottodj +
1, t - 1), we have the required information to compute all the states A(u, u, t) with
Lright(i,t)~U~Ll,~(i,t) and ~bottom ( 1,’ t ) <v<C,,,(j,t) on the site (i,j) at time t. And
as Lright(i,t)=Lright(i+l,t-1)-l, ~l,tt(i,t)=~l,tt(i+l,t-l)-l, Cbottom(j~t)=~b&m
(j + 1, t - 1) - 1, Ctop(j, t) = C,,( j + 1, t - 1) - 1, we are able to localize the relevant
states A(u, u, t) with L&i, t) <u <L+ht(i, t) and C,,( j, t) < u < Cboaom(j,t) among all
the states A(u,u,t) with .&(i- 1,t - l)+ l<u<Lright(i+ 1,t - l)- 1 and Ctop(j-
1,t - 1) + 1 <U<Cboaom(j + l,t - 1) - 1 we may compute.
At times t with min(m,n)< t <max(m,n), for symmetry reasons we can suppose
without loss of generality that m Gn. Observe that as L&i, t) - 12Ll,B(i - 1, t -
11, Light(i, t) + 1 dLight(i + 1, t - l), G,( j, t) - 12 Gop(j - 1, t - l), ~bottom(j~ t) +
1 < CboEom(j + 1, t - 1 ), we have the required information to compute all the states
A(u,u,t) with Lleft(i,t)QuQLright(i,t) and C,,(j,t)<u<Cbottom(j,t) on the site (i,j)
at time t. And asLrisht(i,t)=Lrisht(i,t-1)-l, Ll,ft(i,t)=Ll,tt(i,t-1)-l, Cb&&,t)=
330 V. Terrier I Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
Proposition 2. For any CA A there exists a CA B such that ifat time 0 the two CAs
A and B are in the same conjiguration then at times t <m, B(i, j, t) contains A(i, j, t)
ifi-j<m-t, G(i,j,t) ifi-jam-t and i+j+m+t is odd, G(i,j,t), G(i+l,j,t-
l), H(i,j,t- 1) ifi-jam-t and i+j+m+t is even andfrom time tarn, B(i,j,t)
contains the sites A(u,v, t) with u + v= i +j, max(O,(i -j)k - (k - 1))Qu - u<(i -
j)k + k - 1.
V. Terrier I Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
Proof. At time 1 on the site (m, 1) whose both west and south neighbors are in border
state # a wave is initiated which spreads at maximal speed to the north and the east.
So this wave proceeds at time t on the cells (i,j) such that i - j 3 rn - t and is able to
discriminate the parity of i + j + m + t. Then in the case of i - j cm - t the behavior of
the CAB is the same one of the CAA. In the case of i-jam-t+1 and i+j+m+t+l
odd, note that G(i, j, t + 1) deals with the same cells as G(i, j, t). And clearly G(u, 0, t)
with (U - i, u - j) d 1 contain all the required states to compute G(i, j, t + 1). In the case
ofi-jam--t+1 andi+j+m+t+l even, fromH(i,j-l,t-l),G(i+l,j-l,t-1)
and H(i + 1, j, t - 1) we can compute on the cell (i,j) at time t + 1 the sites A(u, u, t)
with u+v=i+j and i-j+2+2[i(i-j-(m-t))J(k-l)<u---<iij+2+
332 V. Terrier I Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
(1.1) (1. n)
h -1
b-n, 1) (m, n)
2[i(i - j - (m - t))J(k - 1) + 2(k - 1); in addition G(i,j,t) contains the state of the
siteA(u,u,t) with u+v=i+j and u-u=i-j+21i(i-j-(m-t))J(k- 1). So we
get H(i,j,t). Moreover from H(i,j,t) and G(u,u,t) with (U - i,u -j) d 1 we have all
the required states to compute G(i,j, t + 1). Besides G(i + l,j, t - 1) comes from the
south neighbor.
At time m when the synchonization occurs, the process works as before on the cell
(i,j) of odd parity. But on the cells (i,j) of even parity which contain k sites of
the CA A, only (k - 1)/2 (instead k - 1 as before) sites of the CA A are shifted
to the even cells (i - 1,j + 1). Therefore B(i,j,m) contains the sites A(u,u,m) with
V. Terrier1 Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346 333
Fig. 4. max(m,n)<timet<m + n - 1.
b, 1) (m, n)
and i+j=m+n-t+l (t= l,..., m+n-1) occurs on the sites B(i,j,t) withj-i>n-t
and i+jam+n--t+l at times t<n.
Consequently, at time m + IZ- 1 B(i,j, t) contains the sites A(u, O,t) such that u + v
and i +j have the same parity, (i -j)k - (k - l)<u - vb(i -j)k + k - 1 and
(i+j-2)k-(k- l)<u+v-2d(i+j-2)k+k- 1. In other words B(i,j,t) contains
the sequence of k2 sites A( 1 + (i - 1)k + LX,1 + (j - 1)k + B,t) with Il(a,P)IIi <k - 1
and a + /3 even. Therefore the site B(i + a, j + p, t) with /l(a, p)II 1<2 contains the sites
A(1 + (i - 1)k + c1,l + (j - 1)k + p,t) with (II(c(,p)IIi 63k - 1 and a + P even) or
(il(a,fi)\\,<2k- 1 and a+8 odd) in particular the sites&l +(i- l)k+ol,l+(j-
l)k + B,t) with II(~I,B)III <2k. H ence from this time, k + 1 steps of the CA A can be
V. Terrier/ Theorerical Compuier Science 218 (1999) 325-346 335
simulated in 2 steps on the CA B. Actually for any integer s,sk + 1 steps of the CA
A can be simulated in s + 1 steps on the CA B.
Proof. CA& r(m, n) C CAM,,~~~ (T(m, n)) indeed the Von Neumann neighborhood is
contained in the Moore neighborhood.
CA Moore(T(m, n)) c CAv~(2T(rn, n)) since one step on a Moore CA can be simulated
in two steps on a Von Neumann CA. Let k be an odd integer such that k 3 4c/(c - 1),
it exists since c > 1.
We have
Note that the way the input words are supplied into two-dimensional array will be
determining in the comparison of one- and two-dimensional CAs. Recall that here we
consider the words are written in a square in a snakelike order manner. The following
propositions depend closely on this choice.
Proof. As the input words are written in a snakelike order, to identify the relevant
neighborhood of each site of the square is simple. For that purpose each site will be
marked with a state indicating its respective left and right neighbors (NW for the sites
with the left neighbor on the north and the right neighbor on the west, and in the same
way EW, ES, WS, WE, NE) (Fig. 6).
This marking process propagates downwards one line by step in the following way.
At time 1, the site (1,l) whose north and east neighbors are in state #, enters in
state NW; the site (1, Ifi] ) whose north and west neighbors are in state #, enters in
state ES; the sites (1, i) with 1 <i < [@I whose north neighbor but not their east or
their west neighbors are in state #, enter in state EW.
336 V. Terrier/ Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
Fig. 6.
At time i > 1, the sites not marked enter in state WS, WE, NE, NW, EW, ES,
respectively if their north neighbor is in state NW, EW, ES, WS, WE, NE, respectively.
Therefore at time [J;;l all sites are marked.
Parallely at time 1 a synchronization process starts from both ends of each line. So
all cells are synchronized at time [fil. Then from this time the two-dimensional CA
operates as in one-dimensional case.
Proof. Indeed in one-dimensional case the minimal time is n, therefore of greater order
than [fil. And according to Section 3.2, we have the desired linear acceleration.
of length [J;zj so that the ith segment of B corresponds to the ith line of A if i
is odd, the reverse of the ith line of A if i is even. For that purpose we distinguish
the leftmost cells of each segments i.e. the cells 1 + i[fil with i = 0,. . . , r&l - 1.
Precisely we construct a CA which distinguishes the sites ( 1 + i r&l, (i - 1)2 + i [J&l ).
The construction is displayed by the Figs. 7 and 8. In parallel a signal end of line is sent
from the leftmost cell n at time 0, it meets the signal P on the section corresponding
to the diagonal t = c - 1 + ( [fil - 1)2. Therefore among the distinguished sites (1 +
i[fil,(i- l)‘+i[fil) we can select the sites on the diagonal t = c- 1 +( [,,/Kl - 1)’
i.e. the sites (1 + irfil,( r&l - 1 )2 + i[fil ). F rom these sites vertical signals are
initiated, they mark the cells 1 + i [fil with i = 0,. . . , r&l - 1. During this initial
phase each input bit remains on its cell and a synchronization process is initiated on
the cell 1 at time 0, in this way the cells are synchronized at time 2n - 1. From this
time the simulation of the step k of the CA A will be done at time 2n - 1-t k( [+I+ 1)
on the CA B in this following way (cf. Fig. 8):
(1) at time 2n - 1 + k( [Jt;l + 1) providing the step k of the CA A is computed the
new states are propagated at maximal speed to the left and to the right;
(2) at the next step 2n+k( [,/El + 1) m
. order to reverse each segment the digits are
sent at maximal speed to the right, bounce on the rightmost cell of the segment and
return at maximal speed to the left, in parallel a synchronization process is initiated
from both ends of each segment;
(3) in this way at time 2n + k( Ifi + 1) + [fil - 1 the synchronization occurs.
Moreover, the ith cell of the jth segment receives the ith states of the (j - 1 )th and
(j + 1)th segments and the (r&i] - i)th state of the jth segment which correspond
to the states of the cells (i,j - l),(i,j),(i,j + 1) (resp. ([fil - i,j - l),( [fil -
i,j), ([fil - i, j + 1)) of the CA A if j + k is even (resp. odd).
Thus at the next step 2n- 1+(k+ 1)( [fi] + 1) we know all the required neighborhood
to compute the new states corresponding to the step k + 1 of the CA A.
In fact the computation of the last n - ([Jill - 1)2 cells are performed on the
segment [fil - 1.
I Space
Fig. 7. Construction of the sites (1 + ik, (i - 1)2 + ik) intersections of the signals C and F.
V Terrier I Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346 339
of the step 2
of the step I
I1 vertical signals
=_ the sites (I+i dn, (i-l)‘+i dn)
Fig. 8
340 V. Terrier I Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
squares must be grouped. So an initial phase of [,,/Gl steps is required to group the
columns by two to the left and also to exhibit, as in Section 4.1, the trace of the
simulated tapes. As the Turing machine works in space n, this trace is contained in
the bounded area.
Proposition 5 can also be obtained as a consequence of Proposition 3.
Proof. We construct a Turing machine with two tapes, the second tape with two tracks.
On the CA an input word of length n is supplied in a snakelike order as a picture of
size ([&I, [fil ). So the initial phase of the simulation consists in dividing the input
word of length n into [fil blocks of length [Jj n so that the ith block corresponds to
the ith line if i is odd, the reverse of the ith line if i is even. A first scan of the input
permits to compute [J-ln on the second tape. A second scan of the input is required
to mark each i. [fij th letters (for i = 1,. . . , [,,hl ) of the input by *.
So the initial phase takes O(n) steps.
Then the simulation of one step of the CA goes as follows. See Fig. 9. On the
first tape the head scans the input one square by step. On the second tape the head
scans [fil squares successively from left to right and from right to left. During the
left-to-right sweeps it records on the first track the odd blocks (red on the first tape)
and during the right-to-left sweeps it records on the second track the even blocks (red
on the first tape).
By this way at the end of the scan of the ith block on the first tape, we have the
ith line on the upper (resp. lower) track, the (i - I)th line on the lower (resp. upper)
track and the head points to the rightmost (resp. leftmost) square if i is even (resp.
odd). So simultaneously the heads will point to the (j+ 1)th elements of the (i - l)th,
ith, (i + 1)th lines; and if in the state the contents of the squares scanned during the
two last steps (the (j - 1)th and the jth elements of the (i - l)th, ith, (i + 1)th lines)
are recorded we know all the relevant information to compute the jth element of the
ith line at the next step of the CA.
Thus simulating one step of the CA requires n + [fil + 1 steps on the TM and the
lines are shifted [Jt;l + 1 squares rightward. Now it is the odd line which are written
in reverse. So the simulation of the next step is made in the same way but in reverse.
6. Real-time recognition
i, j-2,t+l) (ij-l,t+l) i+lj+l,t) /~--\~[“‘\ (i+2,l,t) i (i+3,l,t) 1 3
1(i+l,l,t) I___f
i+l, j-1,t) (i+lj,t) (i-lj+l,t) /___~i-l,4n,t)l
Notation. See Fig. 10. Let A4 be a 2-CA with Moore neighborhood with (1,1) as
distinguished cell. We consider the behavior of the CA working in real time on input
pictures of size (m, n). We will use the following notations. For any set U c Z* we
denote by Neig(U) the Moore neighborhood of U and Neig’(U) its tth iterate. Let
A be the set {(x,y):ldx<m,ldy<n} andE,=Neigma”(“*“)-‘-‘({(l,l)})flA denote
the set of the cells at step t which can have an effect on the result of the computation,
i.e. which can affect the cell (1,l) at time max(m, n) - 1.
Let R,(U) = Neig’( U) n Et represent the set of cells which contain at time t the
relevant information regarding the input bits supplied at initial time in U.
A portion of picture p on a set U consists in the elements p(i,j) such that (i,j) E 0:
We denote by p $ c the picture resulting of the concatenation of a portion of picture
p on A/U and a portion of picture c on U.
342 V. Terrier I Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346
(m,v-t> (m,n>
Fig. IO.
1 j n/2 n..
m 0 . . . 0 bin(m-ijf
The relation of equivalence. Note that by definition of R,( U) the states of Neig(R,+t
(U))/R,(U) at time t=O,... ,max(m, n) - 1 are independent of the input bits supplied
in U at time 0. So we could define the following relation of equivalence: two portions
of picture p, pf on A/U are U-equivalent if the two states sequences of the cells
Neig(R,+t (U))/R,( U) at time t = 0,. . , max(m, n) - 2 during the evolution of the CA
on the inputs p and p’ are equal.
Proof. We consider pictures A of size (n,n) and the set U = {(x,n):x = n - llog(n -
l)] - l,...,n - l}U{(n,y):y=n - llog(n - l)] - l,...,n - l}. Note that the cardi-
nality of Neig(R,( U))/R,_t(U) is lower than 4Llog(n - 1)J + 8. Thus the cardinality
of U:~~Neig(R,(U))/R,-l(U) is lower than (n - 1)(4[log(n - 1)j + 8). So if L is
recognized by a Moore CA in real time whose the number of states is s then there is
at most S(“-t)(4tos(n--1)+s) =2O(“‘%(“))U _equivalence classes for the portions of picture
on AfU.
At each subset E of {(x, y): 1 Gx, y d n/2} we associate the portion of picture pE on
A/U defined by p~(x, y) = 0 if x > n/2 or y > n/2 and for 1 < x, y < n/2 pE(x, y) = 1 if
(x, y) E E, else p~(x, y) = 0. Observe that for all distinct subsets E, F of {(x, y): 1 < X,
y d n/2} there exists integers x, y such that (x, y) belongs to E/F or F/E. Now consider
the portion of picture c on U such that c(n, n - [log(n - l)] - 1) = . . = c(n, n -
llog(n - i)J - 2) = 0, c(n, n - jlog(n - i)J - 1) . . . c(n, n - 1) is the binary notation of
n-i, c(n-llog(n-l)J-l,n)=...=c(n-[log(n-j)]-2,n)=O, c(n-jlog(n-
j)J - 1, n) . . . c(n - 1, n) is the binary notation of n -j. Thus pi $ c belongs to L if and
only if pF $ c does not belong to L. In other words pE and pF are not equivalent. To
conclude note that the number of subsets of {(x, y): 1 d x, y < n/2} is 2”2!4.Hence it
is of order greater than 2°(“‘os(n)).
Proof. See Fig. 12. From p(m, 151 + l),. . ., p(m,n - 1) = 0.. .O bin(m - i), if 1 < i d
m/2 we have to select the line i. For that purpose we compute bin(m -k) on the right
of the kth line for all k=m - l,..., 1 in the usual way. We consider that initially all
cells are in a quiescent state /?. The process begins on the cell (m - 1, n - 1) which
can be distinguished at time 2 and enters in state 1. Then the CA evolves according
this rules:
! i-i-i-l
m= 14
Fig. 12.
is known by the cell (k, t) at time m - k + 1. In addition we can distinguish the line
1+ [m/2] and the column 1+ jn/2J by sending signals from both ends of each line and
each column. Thus a comparison process can start on each line k with k < n/2 at time
m - k + 1 from the cell (k, n - 1) and propagates to the right until reaching the column
1 + [n/2]. The comparison succeeds on the line u. And from the site (i, 1 + [n/2] ) a
signal of selection is sent to the right. Inverting the roles of the lines and the columns
the same process is achieved in order to select the column j. In this way the cell (i,j)
is selected at time m - i + n - j. To sent its content to the cell (1,l) requires i + j - 2
steps, hence this content reaches the cell (1,1) at time m + n - 2.
Here we will restrict to a particular case where the distinguished cell is the cell
(m, 1) for pictures of size (2m - 1, n). We consider the behavior of a 2-CA with Von
Neumann neighborhood working in real time on input pictures of size (2m - 1, n). We
need the following notations.
Let t be an integer less than n. We denote by A the set {(x, y): 1 < x < 2m -
1, 1 < y < n}, by U the set of t cells {( 1, y): n - t < y < n}, by I’ the set of t cells
((2m - 1,~): n - t <y < n}, We focus on the step m - 2. Em_2 =Neig”({(m, l)})=
{(x,y): 1~y,x-y~m-n-l,x+y~m+n+1}denotesthesetofcellsatstep
m - 2 which can have an effect on the result of the computation (i.e. the cell (m, 1) at
time m + n - 2).
V. Terrier1 Theoretical Computer Science 218 (1999) 325-346 345
Neigme2(U) = {(x, y): 1 < x < m- 1,1 d y < n,n-y < m-n+t-2) (resp. NeigmP2
(V)={(x,y):m+l <x<dm-1,l <y<n,x+y>m+n-t+2})representstheset
of cells at time m - 2 depending on the input bits supplied at time 0 in U (resp. V).
Note that at time m - 2, E,,,_2/Neigm-2(U U V) is independent of the input bits
supplied at initial time in U and V, Neigmu2 (U) is independent of V and Neig. m-2(v)
of U. So we could define the following relation of equivalence: two portions of picture
p, p’ on A/( U U V) are (U, V)-equivalent if
(i) the states at time m - 2 of E,_2/Neig”-2(U U V) of the CA on the inputs p
and p’ are equal;
(ii) for all portions of picture u on U, the states at time m-2 of Em-2 n Neigmw2( U)
of the CA on the inputs p @ u and p’ 6~ u are equal;
(iii) for all portions of picture v on V, the states at time m-2 of Em___2
flNeigmP2( V)
of the CA on the inputs p @ v and p’ @ v are equal.
Proof. Let s be the number of states of the CA. (i) As the cardinal@ of E,,,_JNeigmP2
(U U V) is n + (n - t)(n - t + 1) there is at most s”~(~-~)(~-~~‘) distinguishable pictures
on E,,_2/Neigm-*(U U V). (ii) Note that Neigmm2(U) n Em_2 is composed first for
i=l ,. . . , t of the (n-t+i/2) sites {(y+m-n+t- 1, y): 1 < y < n-t+(i+l)/2) which
depends on the bits supplied at initial time on the i cells ( 1, n - t + 1), . . . , ( 1, n - t + i)
but not on the t-i cells (l,n-t+i+l),..., (l,n), second for 2 < i < j < t and i +j
even of the sites (m - 1 + (j - i)/2,n - t + (i + j)/2) which depend exactly on the
bits supplied at initial time on the j - if 1 cells (1,n - t + i),...,(l,n - t + j). So
the number of distinguishable pictures on Neigmm2 (U) fl Em__2at time m - 2 is at most
n, Si4j s(~-‘+~~‘~J)~’. “;;;:;z s’+jpi = 2c(n2’-tt3). (iii) In the same way the number
Proof. At each subset E of {(x, y): 1 <x < 2m - 1,1 < y < TZ}we associate the portion
of picture PE on A/(U U V) defined by p~(x, y) = 1 if (x, y) E E else p&x, y) = 0. As
a = [log nj and b = [log 2ml all lines and columns could be encoded. Hence for all
distinct subsets E and F of {(x, y): 1 <x<2m - 1,1 < y 6 n}, PE and pi are not
(U, V)-equivalent. Note that as t = (a + b)/2 the number of (U, V)-equivalence classes
for portions of pictures on A/(U U V) is bounded by 2°(n2’U+b”2).In other part, the
number of subsets of {(x, y): 1 < x < n, 1~ y <2m - 1) is 2”(2m-3). Hence, provided
m = 0(26) is of greater order than n = 0(2a), 2”(2m-3) is of order greater than 2°(n2”+b)‘Z).
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