Thesis PDF
Thesis PDF
Thesis PDF
Government of India
Central TB Division, Directorate General of Health Services,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
This module aims to train pharmacists in various aspects of tuberculosis and role of pharmacist in
Tuberculosis (TB) care and control.
The content of the module is similar to RNTCP training module for Multi Purpose Workers, however
modified to adapt for training of pharmacists.
At the end of this modular training, the participants will be able to:
TB germs usually spread through air. When a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis coughs or
sneezes, TB germs are spread in the air in the form of tiny droplets. When these droplets are inhaled
by a healthy person s/he gets infected with tuberculosis. This infected person will have a 10% lifetime
risk of developing tuberculosis.
Patients suffering from smear positive pulmonary TB (PTB) constitutes the most important source of
infection. The infection occurs most commonly through droplet nuclei generated by coughing,
sneezing etc., inhaled via the respiratory route. The chances of getting infected depend upon the
duration, the frequency of exposure and the immune status of an individual.
A smear positive pulmonary TB case in the general community may infect 10 – 15 other persons in a
year, and remain infectious for 2 to 3 years if left untreated.
All those who get infected do not necessarily develop TB disease. The life time risk of breaking down
to disease among those infected with TB is 10–15%, which gets increased to 10% per year amongst
those co-infected with HIV. Other determinants such as diabetes mellitus, smoking tobacco
products, malnutrition and alcohol abuse also increase the risk of progression from infection to TB
Every year, more than 9 million new cases of tuberculosis (TB) occur and nearly 2 million
people die of the disease. Nearly half a million cases have the multidrug-resistant form of the
disease. While Asia bears the largest burden of the disease, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest
incidence of drug-susceptible TB and Eastern Europe has the highest incidence of multidrug-
resistant TB (MDR -TB).
The extent of the TB problem is generally described in terms of incidence, prevalence and
mortality. Incidence is the number of new events (infection or disease) that occur over a period of
one year in a defined population. Prevalence is total of new and existing events (infection or
disease) at a given point of time in a defined geographical population. India accounts for 26% of
the total global TB burden i.e. 2.0-2.5million new cases annually. In Out of all TB notified cases in
India, 53% are smear positive cases and 285 are smear negative cases and 19% are extra
pulmonary cases. Only 2.1% of TB cases are MDR TB cases and there are only 6% of HIV
positive TB patients in India. The table below shows the estimated figures for TB burden globally
and for India provided by WHO for the year 2011
The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target to halt and reverse the TB epidemic by
2015 has already been achieved. New cases of TB have been falling for several years and fell
at a rate of 2.2% between 2010 and 2011. The TB mortality rate has decreased 41% since
1990 and the world is on track to achieve the global target of a 50% reduction by 2015.
Fig. 1. India is the largest TB burden country accounting for one-fifth of the global incidence
In India, it is estimated that 2.31 million individuals are living with HIV infection, which equates
to approximately 0.34% of the adult population of the country. Based on available country data of
2007, it is estimated that 4.9% of new adult TB patients in India are HIV positive. Hence, the TB
epidemic in India continues to be predominantly driven by the pool of HIV negative TB infected
Tuberculosis is the most common opportunistic infection amongst HIV-infected individuals. It
is a major cause of mortality among patients with HIV and poses a risk throughout the course of
HIV disease, even after successful initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART). In India 55-60% of
AIDS cases reported had TB, and TB is one of the leading causes of death in 'People living with
2.5 Paediatric TB
Children in the first five years of their life are likely to suffer from serious and fatal forms of
TB, more so, if not vaccinated with BCG. Globally, it is estimated that about1.1 million new
cases are reported and1,30,000 deaths occur annually due to TB among children. Reliable
data on the
Incidence and prevalence of the disease is not available due to the difficulties in diagnosis
of pediatric TB under field conditions. However, limited data available reveals that prevalence
of TB among children in the age group 0-14 years is estimated to be0.3%of radiological
casesand0.15% of bacteriological cases.
The extent of TB in children is a reflection of the pool of infectious adult smear-positive
pulmonary tuberculosis cases in the community and their ability to transmit infection.
2.6 Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB)
Multi Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB)is defined as tuberculosis disease where the bacilli is
resistant to isoniazid (H) and rifampicin (R),with or without resistance to other drugs. Irregular
consumption and frequent interruption in taking treatment, irrational treatment for TB are
the most common causes of acquiring multi drug resistance. In India, MDR-TB amongst new
cases are estimated at 2-3% and amongst re- treatmentcasesat14-17%. Extensively Drug
Resistant TB (XDR–TB) is a subset of MDR-TB where the bacilli, in addition to being resistant to
R and H, are also resistant to fluoroquinilones and any one of the second-line injectable
drugs(namely Kanamycin, Capreomycin or Amikacin).Now, most recently, Extremely Drug
Resistant (XXDR TB) is reported where the bacilli is resistant to all anti –TB drugs.
In India, the great concern is the potential threat of drug resistant TB (DR-TB) with the existing
unregulated availability and injudicious use of first and second line anti-TB drugs in the country.
The best strategy for management of drug resistant is to prevent its emergence by implementing
quality DOTS services. The RNTCP rolled out services for diagnosis and management of multi-
drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra in the year 2007. Complete
geographical coverage is expected to be achieved across all districts in the country by March
The following interventions are being undertaken to enable system strengthening to
effectively scale up treatment services of MDR TB:
• Advocate with Indian Drug Manufacturers with Global Drug Facility (GDF) support
• Adhere to WHO Prequalification and GDF Quality Assurance systems,
• Develop second-line drug production plans to meet national drug demand,
• Integrated national on-line electronic recording and reporting system,
• Advocate rational use of anti-TB drugs (Fluro Quinolones in respiratory cases) with all
professional associations and practitioners.
2.7.1 Background
Tuberculosis was never a notifiable disease nationally in India. Though in some of the states it
was for quite a long time, it was never properly implemented due to many reasons. India's
National TB Control programme provides quality assured diagnostic and treatment services to all
the TB patients including necessary supportive mechanisms for ensuring treatment adherence
and completion. But these services cannot be made available to large number of patients availing
services from private sector, as they are not currently reported to the programme.
A large number of patients are not benefitted with these programme services and leads to non
adherence, incomplete, inadequate treatment leading to M/XDR TB, mitigating all the efforts of
the programme to prevent emergence and spread of drug resistance. If the TB patients diagnosed
and treated under private sector are reported to public health authorities, the mechanisms
available under the programme can be extended to these patients to ensure treatment adherence
and completion. The impending epidemic of M/XDR TB can only be prevented to a large extent by
this intervention.
To curb this situation, Govt of India declared Tuberculosis a notifiable disease on 7th May
2012 with the following objectives:
For the purpose of notification, the contact details of the nodal officer at district level and the
reporting formats are available on the website All the health establishments
throughout the country in public as well as private and nongovernmental sector are expected to
notify TB cases. For the purpose of notification the definition of TB cases is as below:
Microbiologically-confirmed TB case – Patient diagnosed with at least one sputum specimen
positive for acid fast bacilli, or Culture-positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or RNTCP-
approved Rapid Diagnostic molecular test positive for tuberculosis.
Clinical TB case – Patient diagnosed clinically as tuberculosis, without microbiologic
confirmation and initiated on anti-TB drugs.
Sputum smear stained with Zeil-Nelson Staining or Fluorescence stains and examined
under direct or indirect microscopy with or without LED.
Solid (Lowenstein Jansen) media or Liquid media (Middle Brook) using manual, semi-
automatic or automatic machines e.g. Bactec , MGIT etc.
Rapid diagnostic molecular test:
Conventional PCR based Line Probe Assay for MTB complex or Real-time PCR based
Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) for MTB complex e.g. GeneXpert
2.8 Nikshay
RNTCP since implementation followed international guidelines for recording and reporting for
Tuberculosis Control Programme with minor modifications. With the objective to improve TB
surveillance in the country, programme has undertaken the initiative to develop a Case Based
Web Based application named Nikshay. This ICT application (Nikshay) was launched on 15th
May 2012 by NIC (HQ) and Central TB Division.
The data entry of the individual TB cases is being done at the block level DEOs (Data Entry
Officers) of NRHM .Till Sept 2012, more than 2,00,000 patients are already registered under this
In July 2011 - WHO released a policy, concluding that, since the “the harms/risks [Currently
available commercial serodiagnostic tests] far outweigh any potential benefits (strong
recommendation) these tests should not be used in individuals suspected of active pulmonary or
extra-pulmonary TB, irrespective of their HIV status.After this WHO policy, the RNTCP published
an advisory statement against the use of serological TB tests in India.
Subsequently, an expert committee convened by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI)
reviewed the evidence on 1 December 2011 and unanimously recommended a ban on sero
diagnostics for TB in India as these tests provide inconsistent and imprecise results. The DCGI
recommendations were formally approved and notified by the Ministry of Health and Family
The most common symptom of PTB is a persistent cough of two weeks or more, with or without
expectoration. It may be accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:-
Fever, night sweats, weight loss
Chest pain, haemoptysis (expectoration (coughing up) of blood or blood stained sputum)), shortness
of breath, tiredness and loss of appetite.
Such patients should be selected and subjected for sputum examination. This enhances the
chances of detection of the bacilli in the smear microscopy.
A person with extra-pulmonary TB may have symptoms related to the organs affected along with
constitutional symptoms stated above. For example:
• Enlarged cervical lymph nodes with or without discharging sinuses (TB Lymphadenitis)
• Chest pain with or without dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing) in pleural TB
• Pain and swelling of the joints in bone tuberculosis (fever, backache, deformity in spinal TB)
• Signs of raised intra-cranial tension like irritability, headache, vomiting, fever, stiffness of the
neck and mental confusion in TB meningitis
• Painless haematuria (blood in urine) or sterile pyuria (pus in urine) in renal tuberculosis
• Infertility in genito-urinary TB.
Pulmonary smear-positive tuberculosis patients expel tubercle bacilli into the air while
coughing/sneezing. Contacts of undiagnosed/untreated pulmonary smear-positive patients
become infected when they inhale these tubercle bacilli.
A pulmonary TB suspect is defined as:
Persons having cough of 2 weeks or more, with or without other symptoms, are referred
to as pulmonary TB suspect. They should have
2 sputum samples examined for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB).
It is important to suspect tuberculosis among the chest symptomatic patients and subject them for
sputum examination. If TB is not suspected, patients with smear-positive pulmonary TB will not be
identified. These patients will continue to spread the infection and it is likely that more than half of
them will die by three years. Hence, every pulmonary TB suspect should be referred for sputum
examination in time.
At least 2 sputum samples (spot – morning) should be collected, preferably within two days, and
examined by microscopy in the laboratory. Diagnosis is done free of charge in the Designated
Microscopy Centers (DMCs) of the Government Hospitals and selected private hospitals.
The diagnostic algorithm given above should be strictly followed. If not followed, patients may either
be treated unnecessarily based upon X-ray results or left untreated.
On seeing the fast spread of Tuberculosis in the country and the mortality caused by it, the
Government put into place a policy which would help us curb the deadly disease which, if detected in
time can prevent the spread and is completely curable. The policy is described in short below. Its
overview will help us understand the methods of diagnosis and treatment better.
Chest x-ray as a diagnostic tool is more sensitive but less specific with higher inter and intra
reader variation. However, it should be used judiciously. It is also useful for diagnosing extra
pulmonary TB, by detecting pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, mediastinal adenopathy
and miliary TB. Miliary tuberculosis ,also known as "disseminated tuberculosis", is a form of
tuberculosis that is characterized by a wide dissemination into the human body and
characterized by the tiny size of the lesions (1–5 mm).
RNTCP does not recommend the serological (Blood Antigen) test as confirmatory test for
detection of tuberculosis.
Demonstration of AFB in a smear from extra pulmonary site is often difficult because of low bacillary
load. The clinical features pertaining to the system affected should be considered in the diagnosis of
extra pulmonary tuberculosis. However, the following are some of the special investigations which
are helpful in diagnosing extra pulmonary tuberculosis. These may be radiological, cytological /
pathological, biochemical and immunological.
(a) Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) and direct smear examination
(b) Excision / Biopsy of specimen for histo-pathological examination
(c) Fluid for cytology, biochemical analysis and smear examination
(d) X-ray of the involved region
(e) Ultra Sonography for Abdominal Tuberculosis
(f) Culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.Tb)
Precise diagnosis of some forms of extra pulmonary tuberculosis is a challenge to the physicians as
they present symptom complex with extraordinary diversity. Delay in the diagnosis can be fatal or
result in life threatening sequelae as in the case of meningeal TB. Patients with symptoms
suggestive of extra pulmonary tuberculosis should be referred to the respective speciality for further
Central TB Division (CTD) and the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) have adopted the
policy of routinely offering voluntary HIV counselling and testing to all TB patients as part of an
intensified TB/HIV package of services.
The services under the intensified TB/HIV packages are :-TB patients with unknown HIV status are
to be referred to the nearest and most-convenient place where NACO HIV counselling and testing is
offered. This may be an ICTC or any PHI where whole blood testing is offered for HIV screening. The
referral should be made at the earliest after TB diagnosis, but may be made at any time during TB
treatment of HIV status remains unknown. Treating physicians and paramedical workers should
explain the need and importance for patients to be certain about their HIV status, and also that HIV
testing is voluntary and not mandatory. This offer should be made at least once during the course of
TB treatment. HIV-infected TB patients not already on ART should be referred as soon as possible
to an ART centre for pre-ART registration and free CD4 testing, using the standard “ART Centre
referral form”. Most HIV-infected TB patients will be eligible for ART. Intensified case finding activities
are to be specifically monitored among HIV infected pregnant women and children living with HIV.
Early and prompt diagnosis of TB in children is often difficult. A battery of tests is required to arrive at
accurate diagnosis of TB in children. Generally, diagnosis should be made by a Medical Officer and
the existing RNTCP case definitions are to be used for all cases diagnosed.
High index of suspicion of TB in a child is the first step in the diagnosis. Tuberculosis should be
suspected among children presenting symptoms of prolonged / unexplained fever and / or cough for
more than 2 weeks, with no weight gain or history of failure to thrive.
It is to be remembered that cough may not be the predominant and constant symptom
unlike in an adult. Children presenting neurological symptoms like irritability, refusal of
feeds/failure to thrive, headache, vomiting or altered sensorium and convulsions, may be
suspected to have TB meningitis.
The National guidelines on Pediatric TB diagnosis and management were updated based on the
recent evidence and advances in Pediatric TB diagnosis and treatment in consultation with Indian
Academy Pediatrics during January- February 2012. A new diagnostic algorithm is developed for
pulmonary TB, the commonest type of extra pulmonary TB (Lymph node TB) and for other types of
extra-pulmonary TB. The diagnostic algorithms for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB and Lymph node
tuberculosis are provided in Annexure.
All efforts should be made to demonstrate bacteriological evidence in the diagnosis of
Pediatric TB. In cases where sputum is not available for examination or sputum microscopy fails to
demonstrate AFB, alternative specimens (Gastric lavage, Induced sputum, broncho-alveolar
lavage) should be collected, depending upon the feasibility, under the supervision of a pediatrician. A
positive Tuberculin skin test / Mantoux positive were defined as 10 mm or more induration. The
optimal strength of tuberculin 2 TU (RT 23 or equivalent) to be used for diagnosis in children.
There is no role for inaccurate/inconsistent diagnostics like serology ( IgM, IgG, IgA
antibodies against MTB antigens ), various in-house or non- validated commercial PCR
tests and BCG test. There is no role of IGRAs in clinical practice for the diagnosis of TB
4.6 Diagnosis of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
Drug resistant TB is difficult to diagnose and requires set up of quality assured laboratories for culture
and drug susceptibility testing (C/DST) which are resource intensive. RNTCP is currently in the
process of setting up 43 C/DST laboratories across the country for diagnosis and follow up of
patients of drug resistant TB. RNTCP is also accrediting existing laboratories in private sector,
medical colleges, NGOs, ICMR to supplement the C/DST capacity.
Criteria A –
• All failures of new TB cases
• Smear +ve previously treated cases who remain smear +ve at 4th month onwards
• All pulmonary TB cases who are contacts of known MDR TB case
Criteria B –
in addition to Criteria A:
• All smear +ve previously treated pulmonary TB cases at diagnosis
• Any smear +ve follow up result in new or previously treated cases
Criteria C –
in addition to Criteria B
• All smear -ve previously treated pulmonary TB cases at diagnosis,
• HIV TB co-infected cases at diagnosis
In other words, for districts implementing MDR Suspect Criteria B, any smear-positive diagnostic
(except in a new patient) or any smear-positive follow-up result, should prompt a referral for DST. For
districts implementing MDR TB Suspect Criteria C, all patients should be referred for DST at
diagnosis of TB, except new patients (smear positive and smear negative) at without HIV infection.
Refer to PMDT guideline in www. for further details
The table below indicates the treatment regimen, type of patients and regimens
prescribed.The number before the letters refers to the number of months of treatment. The
subscript after the letters refers to the number of doses per week. The dosage strengths are as
Isoniazid (H) 600mg, Rifampicin (R) 450mg, Pyrazinamide (Z) 1500mg, Ethambutol(E)
1200mg Streptomycin(S) 750mg. Patients who weigh 60kg or more receive additional
rifampicin 150mg.
Any person who has a productive cough of any duration and is in contact with a smear
positive case, sputum samples should be examined as soon as possible for diagnosis, and if
negative, s/he should be evaluated by the Medical Officer and also followed up three months
later. Children who cannot produce sputum should be examined with other recommended
investigations like chest X-ray and tuberculin testing. For all such cases contact the Medical
The intermittent therapy will remain the mainstay of treating pediatric patients. However,
Among seriously ill admitted children or those with severe disseminated disease/ neuro-
tuberculosis, the likelihood of vomiting or non-tolerance of oral drugs is high in the initial phase.
Such, select group of seriously ill admitted patients should be given daily supervised
therapy during their stay in the hospital using daily drug dosages.
The following are the daily doses (mg per kg of body weight per day) Rifampicin 10-12 mg/kg
(max 600 mg/day), Isoniazid 10 mg/kg (max 300 mg/day), Ethambutol 20- 5mg/kg (max
1500 mg/day), PZA 30-35mg/kg (max 2000 mg/day) and Streptomycin 15 mg/kg (max
1gm/day).There will be six weight bands and three generic patient wise boxes will be used in
combination to treat patients in the six weight bands. The dose of INH for chemoprophylaxis is 10
mg/kg (instead of currently recommended dosage of 5 mg/kg) administered daily for 6
months. The details of the new weight bands and the new generic boxes are provided in
5.3 Chemoprophylaxis
5.4 Treatment of TB disease in HIV-infected patients
Early diagnosis and effective treatment of TB among HIV-infected patients are critical for
controlling the disease, minimizing the adverse impact of TB on the course of HIV, and
interrupting the transmission of TB in the community. Treatment of TB is same as that in the HIV-
negative TB patients. Patients are to be treated with the RNTCP “New” or “Previously Treated”
regimen according to the patient's history of previous anti-TB treatment.
In addition to TB treatment under RNTCP, all HIV-infected TB patients must be provided
access to care and support for HIV disease, including antiretroviral therapy. ART reduces TB
case fatality rates (reduces deaths) and the risk of recurrent TB.
Cotrimoxazole preventative therapy has been shown to reduce mortality among HIV-
infected TB patients, and is recommended by NACP for all HIV-infected patients. All HIV-infected
TB patients should therefore be provided CPT.
– Intensive phase (IP) for 6-12 months Cm, PAS, Mfx, High dose‐H, Cfz, Lzd, Amx Clv
– Continuation phase (CP) for 18 months PAS, Mfx, High dose‐H, Cfz, Lzd, Amx-Clv
– Clr and Thz used as a substitute drug in case of intolerance
– States to locally procure drugs using national technical specification
ROLE and
Pharmacists are on many occasion first and repeated point of contact to the community. Given
the situation of TB, pharmacist could be the point of contact for a chest symptomatic, and a TB
patient who is on treatment (from Public and private). The roles depicted in this chapter positions
pharmacist as an integral part of TB control initiatives in India. An accurate diagnosis and
treatment of the tuberculosis not only cure the patients but also prevent the TB in the community
by preventing the transmission.
6.1Community Awareness
During first meeting with a patient, one has to find out whether the patient has previously been
treated for tuberculosis. A patient should be made aware that tuberculosis is a life-threatening
disease and tuberculosis treatment is only effective if all prescribed drugs are taken regularly for the
entire prescribed duration.
Then he has to be explained about the following about tuberculosis:
• What is tuberculosis, and how it spreads.
• Symptoms of tuberculosis.
• Treatment of tuberculosis. either from private or public sector
• Information about Directly Observed Treatment (DOT).
• Importance of contact examination and chemoprophylaxis of children below 6 yrs of age.
• Taking some of the drugs or irregular taking of drugs is dangerous and makes the disease
• Motivation of the patient with respect to treatment requirements and expected duration of the
The following information should be communicated to the patients:
When to refer a patient to TB Clinics (or to any Doctor for TB evaluating) and how to
identify chest symptomatic cases:
Pharmacist needs to fill up at least the patient details in the referral form and keep a
carbon copy at the pharmacy. Use pharmacy stamp and sign the form.
• Try to contact the DMC or STS /TB HV after sending the TB suspect for diagnosis. Try to call
patient in 2 days to know if patient did go diagnosis or not. If suspect doesn't go for diagnosis,
inform patient details to TB HV to follow up and convince the suspect for diagnosis
• For patient with prescription from private physician, suggest talking with the physician.
Inform about DOTS.
• Provide IEC materials i.e TB leaflets, pamphlets to the suspect. Provide Sputum cup and
educate about sputum expectoration.
Complete address:.......................................................................................................................
Reason for examination: cough for more than 2 week, fever, loss of weight, haemoptysis
Follow-up examinations
Flowchart: How to identify chest symptomatic cases
Identify the patients who repeatedly visit the Pharmacies for cough and fever medicines
A) Patient on Self medication (without prescription) or with Prescription
Interact with the patients, Enquire how long and what exactly the symptoms are
If symptoms are suggestive of TB, then counsel the patient ,advise for check up, direct the
patient to Designated Microscopy Center by providing exact address
Use referral form, use Pharmacy stamp on referral form, keep a copy for record
Below is the details sequence of activities, once a TB patient is willing to take DOT from
the pharmacy
• TB Health Visitor brings the DOTS box (patient wise box with 6 months medicines ) with
treatment record card to the pharmacy
• Keep the patient wise DOTS medicine box and the treatment record card appropriately in the
• Decide timing suitable to patient and to you for DOTS
• Patient starts visiting Pharmacy on alternate day in intensive phase and once in a week in
continuation phase.
• Call patient inside the pharmacy and offer to sit .Give medicines from kit and let patient
swallow it in front of you. Offer drinking water and use disposable cup (some patient may
prefer to get the water bottle from home) Do not offer DOT in air-conditioned part of the
Pharmacy. Let the administration be in the well ventilated part of Pharmacy but also care for
patient's privacy and ensure patient is comfortable to take medicines.
• Enquire about how is patient feeling and record his body weight if there is Weighing Balance in
the Pharmacy.
• Make appropriate entry in the treatment record card.and keep card in secure place in a file
• If the patient doesn't visit on scheduled day, immediately make phone call to the patient
or immediately informing Health Visitor about the default.
• Ensure that all doses in the intensive phase and the first dose of each weekly blister during the
continuation phase are taken under direct observation. Also ensure collection of empty blister
packs which should be preserved till the end of treatment.
• Remind patient to go for follow up sputum test (if patient is sputum positive ) and give a copy of
referral form
• Discuss if patient suffers from any side effects and advice patient to go to Medical Officer if
needed.(Refer to table on Adverse Drug Reaction to anti-TB drugs, page )
• Ensure that partially used PWBs and treatment record cards of such cases (of patients who
have died / defaulted / failed treatment / transferred out) are taken back by HWs from the
• Allow supervision of boxes ,treatment cards anytime by RNTCP staff
• Train the assistants in the Pharmacy for DOT administration and supervise the work. This is
important as to maintain continuity of medicine administration, even in absence of
Appropriate entries need to be made in the treatment record cards. It is easy and doesn't take
much of the time.
All patients, who come with anti-TB prescription first time, can be explained following.
Concentrate especially on the low economic status patients as these are patients who may
not afford treatment for prescribed period and leave it half way and can become DR TB
patients later.
• Explain to the patient ,the importance of direct observation of treatment
• Explain the entire DOTS treatment is free and can be made available even from the
Irrational use of antibiotics by doctors, patients and pharmacists leads to drug resistance .
Hence there is necessity to follow these guidelines:
• No sale of first or second line drugs (MDR-TB medicines) without prescription. Discourage
self medication
• No sale of any antibiotic, especially flouroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin etc) without
prescription. Patients need to be counseled for inappropriate self medication of these drugs
and how it can lead to resistance, or can mask symptoms of active TB etc.
• Over-the-counter sale of around 92 antibiotic and anti-tuberculosis drugs in India will be
restricted soon. Drug Controller General of India has written to the Union health minister to
notify a new schedule, H1, in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules. Once notified, following
clearance from the law ministry, these drugs cannot be sold without prescription. The drugs
will also have to carry a prominent label in red color on the left corner with the following
warning: "It is dangerous to take this prescription except in accordance with medical advice
and not to be sold by retail without the prescription of the registered medical practitioner."
• The drugs to come under H1 includes Moxifloxacin, Meropenem, Imipenem, Ertapenem,
Doripenem, Colistin, Linezolid, Cefpirome, Gentamicin, Amikacin, Pencillin, Oxacilin,
Zolpidem, Cefalexin, Norfloxacin, Cefaclor, Cefdinir, Tigecycline, Tobramycin, Tramadoland
• Swallowing of drugs during the intensive phase of treatment in the presence of DOT Provider.
• Swallowing of the first dose of the weekly course of the continuation phase under direct
observation of the health functionary and bringing the empty blister-pack during the next
weekly collection of drugs.
• Going for follow up sputum test
• Bringing all symptomatic contacts to the nearest heath unit for a checkup.
Some key points for improving listening and understanding skills include:
6.13.1 DO:
• Greet, smile, Call person seat inside or outside Pharmacy ,as possible.
• Allow sufficient time for the interactionMaintain eye contact
• Move your head to indicate you are paying attention
• Apologize for any unforeseen interruptions
• Ask open-ended questions (questions that cannot be simply answered with a “yes”or “no”)
such as questions that begin with “What”, “Why” or “How”. These questionsrequire more
than just a few words in the answer
• Periodically summarize what the other person has said to ensure that you have
understood; use their own words to repeat the ideas back to them.
• Convey that you understand their fears and apprehensions
• Make them comfortable
• Repeat important information in different ways each time you meet
• Emphasize that your job is to help them
• Emphasize that they will be cured
• Use examples from your own experience
• Tell them that this is what you would recommend to your family members
• Compliment the other person on what they have done well
• Recognize their progress
• Emphasize that their welfare is your concern/job
6.13.2 DON'T:
No drug is free from side effects and hence, the anti-tubercular drugs are no exception. But the
patient should immediately report the side effects to the concerned doctor or the pharmacist and
should not stop the treatment on his own. Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) observed during treatment
for tuberculosis are comparatively less in the intermittent (alternate day) therapy than what is seen in
daily regimens. Symptom-based approach to evaluation of possible side effects of anti-TB drugs
The diagnosis of TB disease is an opportune moment for imparting behaviour change in the
patients' smoking habit, with patients more likely to accept the behaviour change needed for
improving their health. Tobacco smoking may lead to delayed sputum conversion in sputum
smear positive PTB cases, lower treatment success rates and higher rates of relapse of TB
disease and death. Hence the past and present history of tobacco smoking (cigarette / beedi / pipe
/ cigar / hukka) should be elicited from each TB case at the time of initiating treatment. Smoking
cessation advice to current smokers should become an integral part of TB case
management. Such interventions may help improve outcomes of anti-TB treatment and reduce
transmission of infection in the short term, and improve the quality of life of TB cases by preventing
chronic respiratory and other disease associated with smoking in the long term. Tobacco
cessation advice has been demonstrated to be successful in TB cases even in the absence of
costly Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
Patients who smoke should be motivated to make an informed decision to stop smoking. All
cases should be informed personally about the harmful effects of smoking on health in general
and the potential for poorer outcomes of anti-TB treatment with continued smoking.
The potential benefits of stopping smoking to the health of the individual should be suitably
communicated. The patient's past experience with cessation and relapse of smoking may be
discussed in an understanding atmosphere. Patients may be told that they can be successful even
if they have not been able to quit smoking at earlier attempts. During the conversation, the patients
are asked to identify situations and moods that trigger smoking (working/getting out of bed/having
a cup of coffee/pleasant moments/while dealing with personal or professional problems/ group
smoking). They are encouraged to devise their own ways to respond to the circumstances that
encourage smoking.
Patients should also be advised not to smoke in the presence of others, since increased
frequency of coughing due to smoking increases the risk of TB infection among their household
and other contacts. That smoking is prohibited in public places according to 'Prohibition of
Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008' may be clearly communicated to them.
This is a form of counseling. Before saying anything to motivate the patient to quit tobacco use,
the health professional needs to identify the tobacco user and find out the stage of readiness
to change that the patient is in, by asking a few questions.
1. Ask the patient if he/she is a tobacco user.
2. Briefly Advise against continuing tobacco use and link the current condition/ailment to
continued tobacco use, where possible e.g. “Quitting smoking/tobacco use would improve
your health and will aid in early recovery”.
3. Then Assess readiness to quit by asking the patient whether he or she is ready to quit at this
time. e.g. “How recently have you thought about quitting tobacco?”
If the patient appears ready to change (quit), next steps are :
4. Assist the tobacco user in making a quit plan.
5. Arrange for follow-up by setting the next contact.
If the tobacco user is not yet thinking about quitting tobacco use (pre contemplation), the
doctor will promote greater awareness of the relevance to the patient of the advice to quit, the risks
of use and rewards (benefits) of quitting. Many tobacco users are largely unaware of the potential
harm that tobacco use can do to them. If the patient is not ready to quit, the doctor must not push
the patient. People usually need time to change (incremental nature of change).
If the patient is at least thinking about (contemplating) quitting, the doctor can find out the
patients roadblocks (barriers) to quitting and help the patient see ways to overcome these. This
process may be enough to help the patient get ready to quit (without pushing).
At the next visit, this process should be repeated so that the information about relevance, risks
of continuing and rewards of quitting can sink in a little more and some roadblocks removed.
As you can see, the doctor must try to make the tobacco user think about quitting. This is
important because there are so many other forces acting that are difficult to control,
physiological compulsions to use tobacco, learned habits, social pressures, accessibility etc,.
Engaging the mind of the tobacco user, bolstering it with new knowledge and a sense of caring by
the person counseling can help motivate him/her to change. Follow-up is important to help keep
the tobacco user on track until he or she is confident about remaining tobacco free.
There is conflicting evidence on the role of diabetes, it's control and response to TB treatment.
Some studies suggest that there is no co-relation between the two, whereas others suggest that
sputum conversion is delayed and treatment outcomes are poorer in diabetics who are poorly
controled during their treatment for TB.
However in general the treatment for TB in patients with diabetes is the same as for those
patients who are non-diabetic. In a few cases, rifampicin may induce early phase hyperglycemia
due to augmented intestinal absorption. Although relapse rates themselves are unchanged, in
diabetics who relapse the prognosis is poorer.
Principles of the management of co-existent TB and diabetes comprise:
1. Proper care and hospitalization in patients with poor diabetic control;
2. Ideally insulin should be used to control blood sugar during anti-TB treatment,
however oral hypoglycaemics can be used if the patient is well stabilized on them;
3. Drug interactions with rifampicin need to be kept in view and recognised if they occur:
4. Glycaemic equilibrium is essential with goals of maintaining fasting blood sugar < 100mg%
and glycosylated HB < 6% should be aimed towards.
5. Monitoring for adverse effects, particularly of hepatic and nervous systems should be done as
Isoniazid may lead to peripheral neuropathy; and
6. Use of potentially neuropathic agents in patients with peripheral neuropathy demands special
consideration and administration of pyridoxine.
• On the other hand, if the dose is entirely missed and the patient does not report to the
health facility even on the next day then the dose is given on the next scheduled day. It should be
ensured that all the doses in the intensive phase, should be administered before the continuation
phase is initiated. For example, patient was scheduled to come on 17th April but does not turn up on
17th or even on 18th but reports on 19th. Hence, the dose due on 17th is given on 19th and so on and so
RNTCP staff is responsible for ensuring the quality of health care provided to tuberculosis patients in
their area.
• To have a firsthand look into the difficulties faced by pharmacists and effectively address
• To boost the morale and motivate the pharmacists.
• To promote team work.
• Is Pharmacy neat and clean? Potable Water facility available? Sitting arrangement made for
• Ensure TB IEC material is displayed in the pharmacy appropriately
• If DOT box is ongoing, supervise no. Of blisters ,treatment record card,
follow up check date for patients and remind /advice pharmacist about the same.
• Enquire with pharmacist if there have been any new referrals for sputum test& check the
referral book& collect patient details
• Request pharmacists to refer as many cases as possible of chest symptomatic to the DMC
• Ensure that the Lab staff enters the name of pharmacy in the lab register for referred case
4) Activities: 20 min
– Documentation practice (Practice for filling Treatment Record Cards ,Referral form
for sputum test and introduction to Patient Identity Card )
– Observation and handling of DOT kits
7) Question/Answers 15 min
10) Copy of MOU to each pharmacist and get it signed by pharmacist 10 min
11) After the training, issue an authorization letter (format enclosed at the end of Module) or
certificate to participants
Who will do selection of pharmacists: Local Chemist association will select the willing
pharmacists and will coordinate with them and RNTCP
Criteria for selection: Only those to be trained who are engaged in service delivery (actually work
at the counter)
Undertaking by the pharmacist for participation in DOTS (to be kept by Chemist Association)
Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP). I am willing to keep the patient wise DOTS
medicine boxes provided by District/City TB Society for the TB Patients in my pharmacy shop. It will
be convenient for the nearby patients to visit the Shop and take the medicines under our observation.
I am awarethat these medicines will ONLY BE FOR THAT PARTICULAR PATIENT SENT by TB
society &i will keep the record of the medicines dispensed to these patients in a TREATMENT
RECORD CARD given by the Corporation. I will never have any intention to sale these medicines. In
case the patient skips the doses, I will inform the TB Health Visitors (TB HVs) and they will follow up
with the patient. I will also make sincere effort to contact the patient.
I will make an effort to detect Chest Symptomatic TB suspects and refer them to the nearest
Designated Microscopy Centers (DMCs). I will keep all treatment record cards and DOTS boxes
By becoming DOTS providers, I will be getting socio-professional satisfaction of utilizing our services
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Format for “Authorization Letter or Certificate from RNTCP” on letter head (may be modified suitably)
(Copy to be kept by each pharmacist and copy to be submitted to local FDA by Chemist Association )
This Is to inform that City/District TB office of …………….has carried out DOTS training of
letter/certificate is planned
These pharmacists are participating in DOTS and are authorized to stock patient wise DOTS
boxes in their pharmacies, issued by City/District TB office .RNTCP staff will supervise the
DOTS medicine boxes utilization at the pharmacies. Pharmacists will also refer the TB
Format for attendance sheet for Training Programme (Copy to be kept by RNTCP and by
Chemist Association for future partnership and coordination)
Treatment Categories and Regimens for Pediatric Tuberculosis
Exercise 1
6. Which is the best way to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis?