Report On Articulatory Phonetics
Report On Articulatory Phonetics
Report On Articulatory Phonetics
Articulatory Phonetics
It is concerned with consonants and vowels as well as tone and phonation types.
(International Encyclopaedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, 2015)
It is a branch of phonetics concerned with describing the speech sounds of the
world’s languages in terms of their articulation, that is, the movements and/or positions of
the vocal organs (articulators). (International Encyclopaedia of the Social & Behavioural
Sciences, 2001)
Articulatory phonetics refers to the “aspect of phonetics which looks at how the sounds of
speech are made with the organs of the vocal tract” Ogden (2009:173).
1. Voice
In English we have both voiced and voiceless sounds. A sound fits into one
of these categories according to how the vocal folds behave when a speech
sound is produced.
Voiced: Sounds that involve vocal fold vibrations when they are produced.
Examples are /b, d, v, m/.
If you place two fingers on either side of the front of your neck, just below
your jawbone, and produce a sound, you should be able to feel a vibrating
sensation. This tells you this is voiced.
Voiceless: Sounds that are produced with no vocal fold vibration. Examples
are /s, t, p, f/.
2. Place
The vocal tract is made up of different sections, which play a pivotal role in
the production of speech. These sections are call articulators and are what
make the speech sounds possible. They can be divided into two types.
Bilabial: this involves the upper and lower lips. In the production of the
bilabial sound, the lips come into contact with each other to form an effective
constriction. /p, m, b/
Labiodental: this involves the lower lip (labial) and upper teeth (dental)
coming into contact with other to form an effective constriction in the vocal
tract. /f, v/
Dental: this involves the tongue tip (active articulatory) making contact with
the upper teeth to form a constriction. If a sound is produced where the
tongue is between the upper and lower teeth, it is attributed the term
Alveolar: this involves the front portion of tongue making contact with the
alveolar ridge to form an effective constriction in the vocal tract. /t, d, n, l, s/.
Postalveolar: these are sounds that are made a little further back (‘post’)
from the alveolar ridge. This produced when the blade of the tongue comes
into contact with the post -alveolar region of your mouth.
Palatal: these are sounds that are made with the tongue body (the big, fleshy
part of your tongue). The tongue body raises up towards the hard-palate in
your mouth (the dome shaped roof of your mouth) to form an effective
constriction. /j/
Velar: these are sound that are made when the back of the tongue (tongue
dorsum) raises towards the soft palate, which is located at the back of the
roof of the mouth. This soft palate is known as the velum. An effective
constriction is then formed when these two articulators come into contact
with each other. /k, g,/
3. Manner
This refers to the way a sound is made, as opposed to where it’s made.
Sounds differ in the way they are produced. When the articulators are brought
towards each other, the flow of air differs according to the specific sound type. For
instance, the airflow can be completely blocked off or made turbulent.
a. Stop articulations:
These are sounds that involve a complete closure in the vocal
tract. The closure is formed when two articulators come together to
prevent air escaping between them. Stop articulation can be
categorized according to the kind of airflow involve. The type of
airflow can be oral (plosives) or nasal (nasals).
Plosives: these are sounds that are made with a complete closure in
the oral (vocal) tract. The velum is raised during a plosive sound,
which prevents air from escaping via the nasal cavity. /p, b, t, d, k, g/.
Plosives can be held for quite a long time and are thus also called
‘maintainable stops’.
b. Fricatives:
Sounds are produced by narrowing the distance between the
active and passive articulators causing them to be in close
approximation. This causes the airflow to become turbulent when it
passes between the two articulators involved in producing a fricative
sound. /f, s, z/
c. Approximants:
Sounds are created by narrowing the distance between the two
articulators. Although, unlike fricatives, the distance isn’t wide enough
to create turbulent airflow. /w, j, r, l/
Open vowels: ɪ , ᴜ
Close vowels: ᴂ
Front vowels: ɪ, e, ᴂ
Mid vowels: Ə
Back vowels: Ʌ
3. Lip position:
This concerns the position of the lips when the vowel is produced. The lips
can either be round, spread, or neutral.
Round vowels: u, o
Spread vowels: ɪ, ɛ
2 Categories of Vowels: