Respiratory Infections PDF
Respiratory Infections PDF
Respiratory Infections PDF
Done by:
Munira Almasaad
Revised by:
Aseel Badukhon
Team Leader:
Aseel Badukhon
Pulmonary TB
● Local Epidemiology vs. inherited epidemiology
● Diagnosis, Intervention, managements,
● How to approach children with PPD (children and family)
Etiology of URTIs
● Chlamydia
Upper airway
obstruction illness
- Epiglottis
- Foreign body (Croup)
● Risk factors:
○ Absence of immunization against HIB
○ Immunocompromised state
○ Smoking
You can see it now a days in pt who didn't take vaccine
Cellulitis with marked edema of the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, ventricular band and arytenoid.
Airway obstruction
(Inspiration tend to draw the inflamed supraglottic ring into the laryngeal inlet)
Clinical features
● Stridor
● Child assuming posture that maximize the increase in diameter of the obstructed airway/
Sitting & leaning forward with hyperextension of the neck and protrusion of the chin)
● Lateral Neck: Thumb sign (in OSCE) this atypical the x-ray should not be done
● Avoid stimulation of the child. This includes radiographs, drawing bloods, starting IV until secure airway
established don't do x-ray
● NO steroid
● Rib cage and abdominal asynchrony occurs as the condition deteriorates RED
FLAG this is a sign that he will have respiratory failure soon
Steeple or Rat tail sign, X-ray is not usually done it’s a clinical diagnosis
but know it for the exam
Q: 6 months old child come with respiratory stridor and low grade fever
this is his x-ray
● Parainfluenza most common
○ Parainfluenza 1 (most common)
○ Parainfluenza 2 (less frequent)
○ Parainfluenza 3 (less common)
● Influenza
● Adeno, rhino, entero,herpes
● M Pneumoniae if other family member have it
● Moist air
● Oxygen
● IV fluid
● Steroid therapy: IM,PO, Inhalation (suppression of the local inflammatory reaction, shrinking of
lymphoid swelling and reduction in capillary permeability) Mainstay of treatment IM: in the thigh
○ 0.6mg/kg IM
● Aerosols: Recemic epi.: increase the airway diameter within 30 mints, however the effect is short
lived lasting for 2 hours Beware or rebound phenomenon (in two hours) observe for 2 hrs before
Imp. For MCQs and OSCE
Know how to differentiate Already took them in ENT, you’re expected to
between them know them
Host normal or Age preterm Season viral in the winter, Environment: animate (human
compromised babies bacterial in the summer and animals) and inanimate
Viral RSV, parainfl (1,2,3), Inf, adeno, rhino especially type C, entero
Immunocompetent Immunocompromised
● Streptococcus pneumonia
● Haemophilus influenzae
● Staphylococcus aureus ● Pseudomonas spp.
● Group A Streprococci ● Enterobacteriaceae
● Bordetella pertussis ● Legionella pneumophilia
● Moraxella catarrhalis ● Nocardia spp.
● Yersinia pestis ● Rhodococcus equi
● Pasteurella multocida ● Actinomyces spp.
● Brucella spp. ● Anaerobic bacteria
● Francisella tularensis ● Enterococcus spp.
● Neisseria meningitidis
● Salmonella spp.
● Mycoplasma pneumonia
● Chlamydia pneumonia
Bacteria- like
● Chlamydia trachomatis -
● Chlamydia psittaci
● Coxiella burnetii
Most common cause of LRTI, RSV, parainfl (1,2,3), inf, adeno, rhino, entero
Know RSV Bronchiolitis from A-Z it’s very important
Clinical case
● The diagnosis of bronchiolitis is a clinical one based on typical history and findings on physical
● Clinicians in different countries use different criteria to diagnose acute bronchiolitis.
The definition
● A consensus guidelines panel reported a 90% consensus on the definition of bronchiolitis as a seasonal
viral illness characterized by fever, nasal discharge and dry, wheezy cough.
● On examination there are fine respiratory crackles and / on high pitched expiratory wheeze.
Bronchiolitis definition
American: 1. Age <12 months
1. Age <24 months 2. Signs of viral infection +
2. Signs of viral infection + wheeze widespread crackles +/- wheeze
● Etiology:
○ Viral: RSV Respiratory syncytial virus, the most common cause ; adenovirus (3,7,21) if these
strains infect the child (or adult) they will destroy the lung (broncholitis obliterans) and he
will need a transplant influenza; , parainfluenza (3); rhinovirus; mumps.
○ Others: Mycoplasma pneumoniae
● RSV season?
○ Ubiquitous throughout the world
○ Seasonal outbreaks
■ Temperate Northern hemisphere اﻟﺳﻌودﯾﺔ: November to April, peak January or February
■ Temperate Southern hemisphere اﺳﺗراﻟﯾﺎ: May to September, peak May, June or July
■ Tropical Climates: rainy season
■ In Saudi Arabia RSV appears in November and the seasonal peak occurs during Jan. &
C/P - Tachypnea, chest
- Usually in Non-specific, air
retractions and
mid-winter trapping, atelectasis,
and consolidation.
- Fever, rhinitis, - Mild conj. and otitis
cough, dyspnea poor media.
feeding and vomiting.
Clinical manifestations
● The initial symptoms are rhinorrhoea, cough and sometimes low grade fever. In 18% of cases
the first clinical symptom could be episodes of apnoea one of indication of ICU admission.
● With the relief of fever the child manifests tachypnoea, retractions, nasal flaring, rales and
bronchial obstruction
CO, retention is uncommon, but if present it may lead to assisted ventilation. It may lead to death
● Mechanical occlusion of terminal and respiratory bronchiole with mucus, fibrin, epithelial cells
and inflammatory cells.
Air bronchogram
RSV bronchitis
● Majority: Mild to moderate disease lasting 3-10 days, 2% require hospitalization; of those
3-7% develop respiratory failure and 1% die.
● High risk: Children with Cardiopulmonary disease (e.g. BPD bronchopulmonary dysplasia, CF,
VSD), immune deficiency and neonates.
● Prematurity
● Age <3 months
● Apnoea
● Severe underlying conditions
● Poor feeding (less than 50%) Not feeding because of respiratory distress
● Respiratory distress (RR > 60/min, nasal flaring, retractions) and cyanosis
● Oxygen saturation <92%
Phase of illness should be considered in the decision for timing of review or admission to hospital
- X-ray (if needed): Look for
atelectasis or secondary infection
● Admit: if sig respiratory distress, dehydration, underlying disease. - Aspirate: to know if they have
● 02 sat, CXR, NP aspirate. Oxygen, IPPV (apnea, fatigue) IV fluid additional organisms (other than
● BD: 30% respond to salbutamol. RSV)
● Steroids: not recommended.
● Ribvirin The only antiviral for RSV : for RSV, Inf A & B to high risk group, given nebulization 12-18
hr/day for 3-7 days
● Recemic epi: Not used anymore
Case report
Prevention of spread
● In hospital :
○ Meticulous infection control Isaacs D. Arch Dis Child 66,p226;1991
● At home:
○ Immunization? No vaccines available Only monoclonal antibodies
■ Formalin inactivated-> worse disease
■ Heat inactivated?
○ Passive immunity?
■ Palivizimub For high risk, before winter, expensive (each dose 3000SR)
Discharge criteria
● Peak incidence 5-15 year (account for 75% of pneumonia in this age group)
● C/P: Insidious onset of fever, headache and sore throat followed by dry cough that can last for months.
● Other organs: Meningoencephalitis, carditis, migratory arthralgia and arthritis, hemolytic anemia, +ve
coomb's and cold agglutinins. All can be caused by mycoplasma infection
● Investigations:
○ CXR: Not specific, unilateral or bilateral disease, 20% has pleural effusion
○ CBC: WBC is usually normal WBCs normal or slightly high
○ Cold agglutinin > 1:64
○ Serology: 4 fold increase in CFT
● Treatment: Erythromycin, may not alter the duration or sequela (may decrease the duration of cough).
Treatment: macrolides for 10 days
3. Concurrent viral infection aid this process (present in 30-50% of cases) esp. RSV, because of a lot of
mucus measles and influenza.
● Fever
● Chills
● Cough
● chest and abdominal Pain
● Younger infants less specific symptom and signs they don't complain
● CXR Lobar/bronchopneumonia
● Blood culture, sputum in older children Blood culture 30% positive (septicemia)
1. Adequate oxygenation.
2. Depends on severity and age oral if mild, sever need admission + IV ABx: Ampi or amoxacillin (10-30%
of H flu are resistance) cefuroxime 75- 100 mg/kg/day Augmentin if resistant to amoxicillin
- Child with RUL pneumonia, he will need antibiotics for longer periods (14 days) because if he doesn’t take
them orally the infection will spread
- Killing an infection in the lung is difficult because it’s difficult to penetrate
- if the child cannot take the ABx or not complaint you need to admit him
● Significant tachycardia for level of fever (values to define tachycardia vary with age and with
● Difficulty in breathing
● Not feeding
● Chronic conditions (eg, congenital heart disease, chronic lung disease of prematurity, chronic respiratory
conditions leading to infection such as cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, immune deficiency).
Features of severe disease in an older child include:
● Significant tachycardia for level of fever (values to define Tachycardia vary with age and with
● Signs of dehydration
● chronic conditions (eg, congenital heart disease, chronic lung disease of prematurity, chronic respiratory
conditions leading to infection such as cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, immune deficiency).
- Esp. with S. aureus, H flu, S pneumoniae. Can be thin transudate or thick exudates
- Send pl fluid for cell count, glucose, protein, pH, LDH and culture.
Parapneumonic - Empyema WBC > 15,000/mm3, protein >3 g/dI, pH <7.2
- Management: ABX + drainage, recovery is slow, fever continue for 1 - 2 weeks.
- Children can present with symptoms and signs of pneumonia but also have features of
systemic infection.
Septicemia and - Children with septicemia and pneumonia are likely to require high dependency or intensive
care management.
metastatic infection
- Metastatic infection can rarely occur as a result of the septicemia associated with pneumonia.
Don’t forget to read about - in cases with pallor, profound anemia and anuria “renal shutdown”, this should be
HUS in general (this is a
common peds topic!!!!!!) considered.
tube 1 2
4 3
4 cysts
● Congenital cysts
● Sequestrations
● Bronchiectasis
● Neurological disorders
● Immunodeficiency
Certain serotypes of pneumococcal disease are more likely to lead to necrotizing pneumonia and abscess
formation than others
● S aureus with Pantone Valentine leukocidin toxin can lead to severe lung necrosis with a high risk of
● The vast majority of childhood TB occur in children < 4 y usually after exposure to an infected adults.
(i.e. children infected with TB always have an adult with active TB in their environment).
● Multi-drug resistance has emerged as an important clinical problem direct observed therapy is needed
● Infection in patients with HIV infection initially lead to increases in the number of cases
● Adults with cavity harbor a great no. of bacilli for long time. They become non- infectious 2 weeks after
● Children with primary TB are rarely infectious, TB bacilli are sparse, but they are the long term reservoir
of infection in the population.
Clinical manifestations
● Insidious onset
● Weight loss
● Anorexia
● Fever
● Hepatosplenomegaly
● Headache almost always = meningitis
● Abdominal pain and tenderness usually = peritonitis
● Skin and eye tubercles (Tuberculous Uveitis )
● Presumptive diagnosis of TB
● Most children acquire infection from adults, thus the epidemiology of TB in children follows that of
● The diagnosis of TB is difficult in children, and children are usually not infectious
Bacteriologic confirmation
● Problematic in children
○ Pauci-bacillary disease, often poor yield
○ NB! BUT still do culture if possible
- TST response
3-8 weeks - Hypersensitivity reactions
- Erythema nodosum
- Osteo-articular disease
1-3 years - Calcifications
- Adult-type disease
● Complications are rare and are not more common in TB patients (10371 / 1.5 billion BCG)
● Miliary TB & TB meningitis: not later than 3-6 mo. after initial infection.
● Renal: 5-25 y.
● Secondary reactivation.
● Shorter courses (6 mos.) using more drugs; INH, rifampin and pyrazinamide for 2 mos. followed by 4
mos. of INH and rifampin.
The 9 mos. approach is the one recommended for children. The course is 9 months in children not 6 months
○ Use only with anti-TB med not alone indicated in:
1. TB meningitis and increased ICP due to brainstem inflam and resultant HC.
2. Endobronchial TB => collapse or air trapping.
3. Miliary TB with pericarditis, pleural effusion or peritonitis.
● Regimens
○ INH 6 months (since 1965)
○ RIF + PYR 2 months
○ RIF + INH 3 months (France and Britain)
○ (RIF 4 months)
○ (CDC trial with a long acting RIF: rifapentine)
● A shorter and safer regimen would increase and physician acceptance and patient adherence
● Isoniazid is safe for latent TB infection
Adverse effects Number (%) Events per 1000 patients completing treatment
Hepatotoxicity 10 (0.3) 4
Dizziness 17 (0.4) 7
Treatment of contact
Positive Negative
Positive Negative
(disease) (infection)
● Future perspectives
-Children and infants are prone to AOM because their Eustachian tubes are
short, horizontal and function poorly
-It is most common at 6-12 months of age
-Most children will have at least one episode
-It causes earache and fever
-Every child with a fever should have their tympanic membranes examined
-Otoscopic findings: tympanic membrane is bright red and bulging with
loss of the normal light reflection. There could acute perforation of eardrum
with pus visible in the external canal
-Pathogens: RSV, rhinovirus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae and
Moraxella catarrhalis
Acute otitis media -Complications: mastoiditis and meningitis (refer to ENT lecture if you want to
recall complications)
-Antibiotics marginally shorten the duration of pain but no effect on
preventing hearing loss
-Pain should be treated with regular analgesia and may be required for up to
a week
-Recurrent otitis media can lead to otitis media with effusion (usually
asymptomatic apart from possible decreased hearing, eardrum is dull and
retracted often with visible fluid level. It may resolve spontaneously, but may
cause conductive hearing loss and interfere with normal speech
development). If hearing doesn’t improve surgery may be considered with
insertion of tympanostomy tubes.
● URTIs may cause: difficulty in feeding in infants as their noses are blocked and this
obstructs breathing, febrile seizures
● Hospital admission may be required if feeding and fluid intake is inadequate
● Fixed partial airway obstruction leads to stridor (the most common cause is viral
laryngotracheobronchitis “croup”). Other causes of stridor are:
● RSV is highly infectious, and infection control measures, particularly good hand hygiene,
cohort nursing, and gowns and gloves, have been shown to prevent cross- infection to
other infants in hospital
● Prevention of broncholitis: a monoclonal antibody to RSV (palivizumab) given monthly by IM
injection reduces the number of hospital admissions in high risk preterm infants
● At all ages Mycobacterium tuberculosis should be considered as cause of bacterial
● The most sensitive clinical sign of pneumonia is raised respiratory rate so this MUST be
measured in a febrile child
● The classic signs of consolidation are often absent in children
● Antibiotic choice depends on age and severy: newborn (broad spectrum IV antibiotics) older
infants (oral amoxicillin with broader spectrum antibiotics such as conamoxicla reseved for
compicated or unresponsive pneumonia) , children > 5 years either amoxicillin or an oral
macrolide such as clarithromycin. If child has mild / moderate pneumonia we give oral
unless he is vomiting
● Small sterile parapneumonic effusions occur in up to one-third of children with
pneumonia and usually resolve once the pneumonia is treated
● Pneumonia: Those with a lobar collapse or persistent symptoms should have a repeat
chest X-ray after 4–6 weeks to confirm resolution
Then they develop spasmodic cough followed by characteristic inspiratory whoop. Those spams
are worse at night and may culminate in vomiting (tussive vomiting) . During paroxysm, the child
goes red or blue in the face and mucus flow from the nose and mouth. The whoop may be absent
2# Paroxysmal phase in infant and apnea is common. Epistaxis and subconjunctival hemorrhage can occur due to
vigorous coughing. This phase lasts for 3 months.
Infants and young children suffering severe spasms of cough or cyanotic attacks should be
admitted to hospital and isolated from other children
3# Convalescent phase Decrease of symptoms but may persist for many months