Introduction To The Poem Ode To A Grecian Urn

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Introduction to the poem:

Ode on a Grecian Urn, written by John Keats, is a romantic poet of the

19  century. The poem elaborates the pictures on a fancy pot of ancient Greek.

The Urn was placed in the British Museum, and Keats found it attractive to write
an ode because of its beautiful shape and unique pictures.
What does an Ode on a Grecian Urn mean?
Meaning of title holds a unique position when it comes to an understanding the
poem’s central idea. Ode on a Grecian Urn is all about the beauty and
expressive nature of the Greek Pot. However, the word Urn or Pot has not been
used in the whole poem, but all stanzas are about it. Grecian Urn is an immortal
and ageless beauty that will always be here when we might die. When we see
the word Grecian, it belongs to ancient Greek, not the modern one. So the
Grecian Urn is about the culture and traditions of old Greek.
Structure and rhyme scheme of Ode on a Grecian Urn
ABAB rhyme scheme is used in a beginning stanza of ten lines and the last one,
which is the 5  stanza. In the 2  stanza, the CDECED rhyme scheme is used. 
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3  and 4  contain the rhyme scheme of CDE CDE. There is a total of 5 stanzas in
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Ode on a Grecian Urn, and each has ten lines.

Summary of Ode on a Grecian Urn:
Ode on a Grecian Urn is significantly about the Urn, which is in ornamental ways
use to preserve the ashes of a beloved person or for wine mostly of identical
shape. An urn is a work of art, and Greek Urn in basis has been known for the
outstanding pictures adorned on its sides. The first four stanzas of the poem
consist mainly of the description of such things, and he defines the painted sides
of imagined Urn.
Keats is looking at the Urn that depicts to hold on to different scenes. He is
fascinated by how the images on Urn are captured a single moment there. There
is silence and not moving forward in time. The first picture is about the boys
chasing some girls naked (nakedness was the culture of ancient Greek). It is
telling us about the sexual tension between them. The second picture is about a
man and woman lying under a tree, and the man is playing music. The man is
frozen in time, and Keats found it more attractive as heard melodies are sweet,
but those unheard are sweeter. They are captured in their youth, and the girl will
always stay young.
He reminded us about love which will always remain green just like the leaves of
trees as time has stopped for them. According to Keats, the heard music is
beautiful, but the unheard is sweeter. In the Urn, a man was singing a pipe song
without being tired. At that time, he did not attend the song, but he felt the
sensation and beauty of pipe music. It was like the love of a young man, which
never cools down. A town was emptied, and the people gather on a mountain.
They were there to see the sacrifice, which is discussed in the 4rth stanza. The
city will always remain empty, as the painter had captured that moment when
people were on the hilltop. Even when we die, the paintings of branches,
maidens, and weeds will never get rotten because they have been frozen for the
Themes in Ode on a Grecian Urn:
  Art capture time:
Ode on a Grecian Urn theme of time is all about time can freeze in art, and Keats
has shown in his poem Ode on a Grecian Urn. The pictures in which boys were
chasing girls, two lovers were sitting under the tree, the emptied town will be left
empty, and the eternal love between two young lovers was captured by the art in
the form of images. Time has seized the young lady who will never get old and
for the leaves that will always remain green.
  Art is immortal
The central theme of Ode on a Grecian urn is that art is immortal. Keats
describes in his Ode on a Grecian Urn that we are mortal, but art is not. Art will
tell about our traditions, customs, and the beauty of time, which we experience in
our era to subsequent generations. Art will always be here, just like the ancient
Urn telling about the old Greek to the speaker admiring its uniqueness in the
  Ode on a Grecian Urn theme beauty:
Art is always beautiful because of its permanence and immortality. Once a
painter paints a picture, it will be unchangeable as it shows his thoughts and the
viewers’ opinions. The lovers under the tree, pilgrim, images of maidens, and
other creatures were present on the Urn unchanged. Although years have
passed, time has not lessened the beauty of that Urn as art is immortal, which
makes it beautiful.

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