The Y2K Problem PDF
The Y2K Problem PDF
The Y2K Problem PDF
he Y2K problem evokes two contrasting responses: Given the widespread diffusion and complex interdepen-
In his 1914 book Business: A Proffbssion, Brandeis identified Computer professionals are responsible for the effective
two distinctive attributes of a profession: the mastery of a development and operation of information systems. When
systematic body of theoretical and technical knowledge and major events are known to occur that pose significant risks
the development and internalization of an ethic of service.24 or that will compromise the effective operation of these sys-
Although he did not persuade business to heed his advice tems, such as the year 2000 date problem, computer tech-
about an ethic of service, his blandishments are as timely as nologists have a professional responsibility to alert manage-
ever with respect to the professionalization of software engi- ment and take corrective action in a timely manner. As com-
neers and computer programmers. Well-established profes- puter ethicist Helen Nissenbaum writes, "If any reasonable
sions communicate their ethic of service through a code of person fails to take precautions of which he is capable, and
ethics and a procedure for monitoring their members' com- that any reasonable person with normal capacities would have
pliance with the ethical principles enunciated in the code. taken in those circumstances, then he is not excused from
Hence, one way to determine a profession's self-acknowl- blame merely because he did not intend the outcome. ''26 Since
edged ethic of service is to look at their code of ethics. When computer professionals failed to take reasonable precautions
one looks at the code of ethics of computer programmers to avoid the Y2K problem, they are collectively responsible
and software engineers, it would seem that many of the prin- for the predicament, even if they did not intend to cause
ciples of the code are violated in the case of Y2K. such a problem. Nor could they have fulfilled their responsi-
Take for example the code of ethics of the Association of bilities simply by reporting the problem to top management
Computing Machinery (ACM), one of the most established without any further action. This belief is shared by members
of computing professions. As a "General Moral Imperative," of the computing community itself and is expressed by Leon
the code of ethics of the ACM implores its members to Kapplelman, who states that