BRM Assignment 1
BRM Assignment 1
BRM Assignment 1
Making Hypothesis
The development of hypothesis is a technical work depends on the
researcher experience. The hypothesis is to draw the positive & negative
cause and effect aspects of a problem. Hypothesis narrows down the
area of a research and keep a researcher on the right path.
The researcher must design a sample. It is a plan for taking its
respondents from a specific areas or universe. The sample may be of two
Probability Sampling
Non-probability Sampling
Data collection
Data collection is the most important work, is researcher. The collection
of information must be containing on facts which is from the following
two types of researcher.
Data Analysis
When data is collected, it is forwarded for analysis which is the most
technical job. Data analysis may be divided into two main categories.
Hypothesis Testing
Research data is then forwarded to test the hypothesis. Do the hypothesis
are related to the facts or not? To find the answer the process of testing
hypothesis is undertaken which may result in accepting or rejecting the
Preparation of Report
A researcher should prepare a report for which he has done is his work.
QUESTION 2: What are the qualities of good research? Also
explain Type I & Type II error.
A type II error appears when the null hypothesis is false but mistakenly
fails to be refused. It is losing to state what is present and a miss. A type
II error is also known as false negative (where a real hit was rejected by
the test and is observed as a miss), in an experiment checking for a
condition with a final outcome of true or false.
A type II error is assigned when a true alternative hypothesis is not
acknowledged. In other words, an examiner may miss discovering the
bear when in fact a bear is present (hence fails in raising the alarm).
Again, H0, the null hypothesis, consists of the statement that, “There is
no bear”, wherein, if a wolf is indeed present, is a type II error on the
part of the investigator. Here, the bear either exists or does not exist
within given circumstances, the question arises here is if it is correctly
identified or not, either missing detecting it when it is present, or
identifying it when it is not present.