Xie 2019
Xie 2019
Xie 2019
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Internet of Things-based evacuation
intelligent evacuation protocol protocol
in libraries
Kefan Xie and Zimei Liu
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
Received 29 November 2017
Liuliu Fu Revised 12 June 2018
21 October 2018
Department of Information Systems, Accepted 24 October 2018
California State University, Los Angeles, California, USA, and
Benbu Liang
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
Downloaded by University of Kansas At 07:19 22 January 2019 (PT)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a theoretical framework of applying the Internet of Things
(IoT) technologies to the intelligent evacuation protocol in libraries at emergency situations.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors conducted field investigations on eight libraries in Wuhan,
China, analyzed the characteristics of crowd gathering in libraries and the problems of the libraries’ existing
evacuation plans. Therefore, an IoT-based intelligent evacuation protocol in libraries was proposed. Its basic
structure consisted of five components: the information base, the protocol base, the IoT sensors, the
information fusion system and the intelligent evacuation protocol generation system. In the information
fusion system, Dempster–Shafer (D-S) evidence theory was employed as the information fusion algorithm to
fuse the multi-sensor information at multiple time points, so as to reduce the uncertainty of disaster
prediction. The authors also conducted a case study on the Library L in Wuhan, China. A specific evacuation
route was generated for a fire and the crowd evacuation was simulated by the software Patherfind.
Findings – The proposed IoT-based evacuation protocol has four distinguishing features: scenario
corresponding, precise evacuation, dynamic correction and intelligent decision-making. The case study shows
that the proposed protocol is feasible in practice, indicating that the IoT technologies have great potential to
be successfully applied to the safety management in libraries.
Research limitations/implications – The software and hardware requirements as well as the Internet
network requirements of IoT technologies need to be further discussed.
Practical implications – The proposed IoT-based intelligent evacuation protocol can be widely used in
libraries, which is one of the inspirations for the use of IoT technologies in modern constructers.
Originality/value – The application of IoT technologies in libraries is a brand-new topic that has drawn
much attention in academia recently. The crowd safety management in libraries is of great significance, and
there is little professional literature on it. This paper proposes an IoT-based intelligent evacuation protocol,
aiming at improving the safety management in libraries at emergency situations.
Keywords Libraries, Internet of Things, Library science, Safety management, Evacuation simulation,
Intelligent evacuation protocol
Paper type Research paper
The Internet has taken a giant leap forward from “Internet of communication” to “Internet of
Things (IoT),” making it possible to connect objects and transfer data with or without human
intervention (Bi et al., 2014, 2018). Although IoT is still in its early stage (Cheng et al., 2018;
Xu et al., 2014), it has a huge potential for libraries (Wójcik, 2016). With the IoT, libraries will
be able to add more value addition to their services and offer rich library experience for the
users. IoT can even help in strengthening the ties between the books and readers, and thereby
realizing Ranganathan’s 2nd law of library science “Every Person His or Her Book” Library Hi Tech
© Emerald Publishing Limited
This paper is supported by National Social Science Foundation of China (Project No. 15AGL021). DOI 10.1108/LHT-11-2017-0250
LHT (Pujar and Satyanarayana, 2015). There are some practical examples of IoT applications in
libraries service. In November 2014, Orlando Public Library implemented Bluubeam
technology to send location triggered information to library users. Users using the library app
will get alert about library offers and events. One library utilized Bluubeam to advertise free
computer workshops and book sales. IoT applications improve the libraries service.
The rapid development of technologies also has an impact on safety management of
libraries. In emergencies, especially when libraries are densely populated, it is a highly
challenging task to evacuate librarians and library users to safe places due to the complexity of
the modern library layout. Hence, evacuation protocol is essential for libraries. Evacuation
protocol is developed to ensure the safest path and the most efficient evacuation time of
librarians and library users (Ibrahim et al., 2016). In a proper protocol, multiple exits, multi-flow
lanes and special technologies were designed to ensure full, fast and complete evacuation. In
addition, most of the modern libraries are equipped with safety devices such as monitoring
probes, smoke sensors, temperature sensors and alarms, as well as emergency facilities such as
emergency lights and evacuation signs (Liu and Zhu, 2014). These facilities play an important
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role in disaster early warning and crowd evacuation. The full use of them contributes to
transfer properties in time and evacuate librarians and library users in an orderly manner, thus
minimizing the damage of potential accidents (Yu et al., 2016). In reality, however, these
facilities have not been fully utilized. Technologies need to be set up to integrate these facilities
into the evacuation protocol to implement the intelligent evacuation decision-making.
The new technology, IoT, is expected to bridge diverse technologies to enable latest
applications by connecting physical objects together in support of intelligent
decision-making (Al-Fuqaha et al., 2015; Mao et al., 2016; Xu, 2011; Xu et al., 2014; Xu and
Duan, 2018). The IoT is the key to implement intelligent evacuation protocols in libraries, by
connecting items with the Internet through the radio-frequency identification (RFID),
infrared sensors, global positioning system (GPS), laser scanners, smoke sensors and other
information sensing equipment to achieve intelligent crowd identification, positioning,
tracking, monitoring and management (Gokceli et al., 2017). This paper aims at establishing
a theoretical framework of applying IoT technologies to the intelligent evacuation protocol
in libraries, to improve the safety management in libraries when emergency occurs.
This paper is organized as follows. Related works are summarized in the second section.
In the third section, characteristics of crowd gathering and existing evacuation protocols in
libraries are analyzed. In the fourth section, the definition of the intelligent evacuation
protocol is given, and the features of the protocol are described. The basic structures and
information fusion algorithm of the IoT-based intelligent evacuation protocol in libraries are
elaborated in the fifth section. The proposed protocol is demonstrated in a fire situation in
the sixth section and the paper is concluded in the seventh section.
Related works
Definition of IoT
It is a challenge to define the IoT because of the newness of the domain. IoT is a
multi-discipline concept that many different aspects are involved of this issue (Chen, 2017; Xu
et al., 2018). IoT refers to the interconnection of physical objects, by equipping them with
sensors, actuators and a means to connect to the Internet (Dijkman et al., 2015). IoT is a
global-scale network that covers the usage of virtual objects or virtual things with attributes,
auto-IDs, and self-configuration, receptivity (Miorandi et al., 2012; Perera et al., 2014). Nolin and
Olson (2016) and Gubbi et al. (2013) described the general idea of the IoT. Many scholars
forecasted the development of as well as the potential risk of IoT (Barnaghi and Sheth, 2016;
Kantarci and Mouftah, 2014; Jayavardhana et al., 2013). IoT introduces a vision of a future
Internet where users, computing systems, and everyday objects possessing sensing and
actuating capabilities cooperate with unprecedented convenience and economic benefits
(Granjal et al., 2015). Some studies proposed frameworks of IoT applications in different Intelligent
domains: society, industry, and environment (Perkel, 2017; Yu et al., 2016; Zanella et al., 2014; evacuation
Jin et al., 2014). Examples of IoT applications include monitoring of personal health through protocol
wearables (Yan et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2014, 2018), washing machines that enable users to pay
per load instead of for the machine, and greenhouses that adapt their internal climate to the
monitored properties of the crops that grow inside (Civerchia et al., 2017; Dijkman et al., 2015;
Fan et al., 2014; Fang et al., 2014, 2015; Qi et al., 2017). These research findings provide this
paper with the theoretical basis of IoT technologies applied to intelligent evacuation protocols.
collections, consulting and training, track and trace services, and the sharing of information
(Wójcik, 2016). Similarly, Pujar and Satyanarayana (2015) pointed out the potential areas for
implementation of IoT in libraries, including collection management, information literacy,
recommendation service, location-based services and appliances management (Pujar and
Satyanarayana, 2015). Cao et al. (2011) proposed a construction of the personalized service
system of university libraries based on the environment of the IoT (Cao et al., 2011). A survey
respondents listed several ways that IoT tools could be integrated into libraries, examples
include climate and room configuration, accessibility, way-finding, etc. (Matthew, 2015). Hahn
(2017) demonstrated an IoT implementation of location-based recommendation services in
libraries through mobile technology pair with Bluetooth low energy beacons (Hahn, 2017). In
the research of Sarmah (2015), Beacon is a commercially available IoT device widely used in
libraries. Libraries use these beacons to provide event announcements, wayfinding and item
recommendations (Sarmah, 2015). Massis (2016) suggested several approaches to security and
privacy concerns regarding the impact of the IOT on libraries (Massis, 2016).
Overall, these studies indicate different possibilities of IoT applications in libraries and
suggest the huge potential of IoT technologies being adopted in libraries’ intelligent
evacuation protocols, especially in wayfinding and information sharing.
Gaps in literature
The topic of IoT in various scientific disciplines and practical activities has been gaining
popularity (Cai et al., 2014; Jiang et al., 2014; Kim, 2017; Li and Xu, 2017; Li et al., 2015, 2018;
LHT Liu et al., 2017; Lu, 2018; Lu and Xu, 2018; Molka-Danielsen et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014,
2016; Whitmore et al., 2015; Yan et al., 2018). However, there are insufficient papers that
approach this issue from the perspective of libraries’ safety management (Gokceli et al.,
2017; Katayama et al., 2017; Annadata et al., 2016; Ryu, 2015; Liu and Zhu, 2014). To address
the gap, we analyze the existing libraries evacuation plans and propose an IoT-based
intelligent evacuation protocol for libraries.
complicated nowadays, which increases the possibility of crowd gathering and the difficulty
of crowd evacuation in libraries. To ensure the property safety and the personal safety of
librarians and library users, it is necessary to comprehensively understand the libraries’
layout and the characteristics of crowd gathering. We conducted the filed investigations on
eight public libraries and university libraries in Wuhan, China. The characteristics of crowd
gathering in these libraries are summarized in Table I.
People who enter the library are divided into three categories according to their visiting
purpose: librarians, library users (readers, borrowers, lecturers and audiences) and
visitors. After entering the library, people with different purposes usually stay in different
functional areas and perform various activities, such as providing services, studying,
reading, finding books, borrowing or returning books, listening to lectures and simply
looking around. The area where people stay is relatively fixed. The crowd gathering
degrees in different areas of the library vary. For instance, the lecture hall concentrates a
large number of lecturers and audiences. While in larger reading areas, borrowers look for
and read books from book stacks, where people are relatively scattered. Moreover, the
familiarity with the library’s layout is various for different personnel types. Librarians
and readers who regularly stay in the library are quite familiar with the layout,
while visitors, lecturers and audiences who occasionally come to the library are less
familiar with the library environment. The gathering levels and the familiarity with
the layout both greatly affect the success rate of crowd evacuation in emergencies.
Gathering staying Average Familiarity Admission
Personnel types Gathering areas levels time amount with layout frequency
Scenario Precise
corresponding evacuation
IoT-based intelligent
evacuation protocol
Figure 1.
Intelligent Dynamic Features of intelligent
decision-making correction evacuation protocol
LHT Feature 1: scenario corresponding
Scenario corresponding means that a targeted evacuation protocol content corresponds to a
certain disaster scenario, including alarm mode, evacuation route, information display,
evacuation guidance and emergency staffing, according to the characteristics of the disaster
and the damage area of the library. Here, we take fire and earthquake as examples to explain
the advantage of scenario corresponding.
In the event of a fire, the sight is blocked by smoke; thus, the sound rather than the image
is preferred to be used in the process of evacuation. Alarms are issued using high-volume
beeps. Evacuation orders and evacuation route are issued by broadcasts. The best
evacuation route is to bypass the fire area and the area where the fire is spreading.
Emergency command staff consists of four action teams: evacuation group, fire-fighting
group, contact group and ambulance group.
When the earthquake happens, alarms, orders and evacuation route are informed both
by broadcasts and display screens. The best evacuation route is the quickest route to escape
from the library. The emergency command staff members are divided into three action
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connection of objects and objects, objects and people, and objects and networks, to achieve
precise and dynamic crowd evacuation.
In this paper, hardware and software components are determined with regard to IoT
requirements. In the rest of this section, details of the structure and function of each
component are discussed.
Information base
The information base is an information resource in the computer system of the library,
providing basic information for intelligent evacuation protocol. It contains three aspects of
information: disaster information, evacuation cases and library information (Table II).
Information base
Disaster information
sub-base Adding evacuation case
Protocol base
According to emergency responding measures and evacuation process, the protocol is
divided into five modules: alarm mode, evacuation route, evacuation guidance, information
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display and emergency staffing. For different types of disasters, each module is subdivided
in regard to specific content. When the information fusion system determines the type
and severity of the disaster, the corresponding evacuation contents of the five modules are
called out and assembled into the intelligent evacuation protocol generation system.
Alarm mode. The alarm modes include alarm bells, flash signals, high-sounding beep,
broadcast, speakers, and so on. The facilities in the library may be damaged to some extents
by disasters, and some alarm modes are not suitable in certain disaster scenarios. Therefore,
certain specific alarm modes or the combinations of some alarm modes are selected under
different situations. For instance, with the existence of smoke in a fire, the sound alarm
rather than flash signal is more likely to be used.
Evacuation route. Evacuation needs to bypass the damaged areas caused by disasters, so
there are different evacuation routes under different situations. Figure 3 shows the modular
content of evacuation route. In the event of a fire, according to the location and the severity
of the fire, the evacuation route bypassing fire areas is formulated. In an earthquake, the
passageways and exits in the library may be blocked, and then different evacuation routes
bypassing these blocked areas are formulated. In an over-crowded accident, evacuation
routes avoiding crowded areas are formulated based on information received by IoT sensors
and monitors. Depending on the specific circumstances, there are different evacuation
routes. All these routes take full advantage of different safety exits to evacuate librarians
and library users to safe places.
Evacuation guidance. The evacuation guidance module includes opening exits and
clearing obstacles on evacuation routes, providing escape tools and providing assistance in
key locations. Evacuation guidance module and evacuation route module are one-to-one
correspondence relationship and are closely integrated. After determining the evacuation
Contents Sources
Figure 3.
Alarm mode Evacuation Information display The content
module guidance module module of evacuation
staffing module
route module
route, the evacuation staffs’ standing positions are determined. They stand on the key
points of the evacuation route such as the stairs, corners and exits, helping in the evacuation
of librarians and library users to safe places. In different disasters, the staff should provide
different safety tools for librarians and library users. Flashlights and wet towels are needed
in fires, while helmets are needed in earthquakes.
Information display. Information can be displayed in different formats, such as on
electronic screens, via broadcasts, by emergency lights and fire lights. According to the
availability of equipment, the mode of appropriate information display is selected.
Emergency staffing. The main contents of the emergency staffing module are evacuation
group, contact group and ambulance group. Each group consists of a number of staff
members, who are responsible for specific tasks. Depending on the specific need in some
circumstances, another action group such as fire-fighting group may be added.
IoT sensors
Modern libraries have large space, diversified functions and complicated layouts. They
bring more difficulties when a disaster occurs. Most libraries therefore have sensors to
collect information on disasters. There are two main types of sensors: one to detect possible
disasters and the other one to locate the exact locations of library users. These sensors
communicate with each other through the IoT technologies and access the computer
information fusion system to predict the possibility of disasters, thus to improve the success
rate of evacuation.
Through the field investigations, it is found that crowd location equipment is mainly
RFID and monitoring probes. An RFID framework comprises four principal components:
RFID tags, RFID readers, antennas and a computer network to connect the readers
(Yu, 2008). The antennas connect the readers to the tags in such a way that the readers can
transfer the RFID signals to the tags and listens to responses. The reader sends the
information to a computer system so that the information can be processed. Monitoring
probes transmit surveillance images to a computer system over the Internet, collecting not
only the location of the crowd, but also other useful information such as the severity of the
fire, obstacles in the passages, etc., to help generate precise intelligence evacuation protocol.
LHT Smoke sensors, temperature sensors and hygrometers are the most common sensors
installed in libraries for detecting purposes. The smoke sensor realizes the occurrence of a
fire by monitoring the concentration of the smoke. The threshold is that when concentration
level hits 0.65–15.5 percent FT, the alarms are activated. The smoke sensor is widely used in
various fire alarm systems because of its stable performance. The temperature sensor is a
sensor that detects temperature and converts it into readable output signals. Through the
smoke sensor and the temperature sensor connected to the library IoT system, the smoke
concentration and temperature values are recorded remotely and transmitted to the sensor
information sub-base in the information fusion system.
center. The information fusion algorithm is developed to fuse the multi-sensor information,
in order to reduce the uncertainty of disaster prediction and to assist the intelligent protocol
generation system to precisely generate the final result. As a generalization of Bayesian
estimation, we adopt D-S evidence theory to deal with the problem of uncertainty reasoning
effectively and reasonably. It effectively reduces the uncertainty of the information obtained
by IoT sensors and greatly improves the accuracy of disaster detection.
The theory of D-S evidence is based on the theory of a non-empty finite field Θ, which
is called the frame of discernment (FOD). The FOD represents a finite number of system
states (θ1, θ2, …, θn). The probability function that supports a system state for some
evidence is called the basic probability assignment (BPA). The BPA is defined as the
mapping from the power of Θ to the [0, 1] interval:
m : P ðYÞ-½0; 1; mðFÞ ¼ 0; mðAÞ ¼ 1:
D-S evidence theory proposes a fusion rule of multiple pieces of evidence, namely the
Dempster rule, which is formally defined as follows: Let m1 and m2 be the BPA of the two
evidences, and then the BPA function of the combined evidence of the two evidences is:
m1 ðAÞ m2 ðAÞ ¼ K 1 m1 ðBÞm2 ðC Þ When Aa|;
In the information fusion system, the library-related data collected by multiple sensors are
the pieces of evidence in the DS evidence theory, which constitutes the distribution of the
BPA function of the target mode to be identified, indicating the credibility degree of each
targeted mode hypothesis. The collected data of each sensor at a particular moment form a
group of evidence. The so-called multi-sensor information fusion is to generate a new Intelligent
comprehensive evidence group by Dempster rules with several evidence groups. As evacuation
Figure 4 shows, in the information fusion system, the information fusion algorithm first protocol
integrates the information of the same sensor at different moments to obtain a new BPA and
then merges the evidence of different sensors for the second fusion, to obtain the result of
disaster prediction.
of the library implements the protocol and evacuate the librarians and library users.
During the evacuating process, IoT sensors receive the real-time on-site information, and
the protocol generation system updates the protocol when necessary, so as to make the
evacuation procedure safer and faster. After the event, the evacuation staff evaluates the
emergency evacuation protocol and the implementation process and adds the case to
the basic information base to enrich the database contents.
Case study
Library L is a modern university library in Wuhan, China, with relatively complicated
layout and a large number of IoT sensors such as smoke sensors and temperature sensors.
We take Library L as supposed case in a scene of fire. Using the information fusion
algorithm, the fire prediction is gained. The evacuation route and evacuation protocol are
complemented. Based on the simulation, the evacuation efficiency and the feasibility of
intelligent evacuation protocol are analyzed.
Layout of Library L
After field investigations and field measurements, the basic data of Library L are obtained.
This library’s original floor plan and the location of the exits and the IoT sensors are marked
in Figure 5. There are five floors in this library. The first floor consists of the lecture hall,
study area, reading area and office room. The second floor consists of the reading area,
study area, service area and office room. The library has a total of ten available exits, with
Temperature sensor
concentration The BPA
Smoke sensor
at Time A
Signal Fusion The New Figure 4.
transmission algorithm BPA The process
concentration The BPA
of sensors
at Time B
information fusion
LHT (a) (b)
Office room N2-1
W1-1 E1-1
probe Study area
Reading area
Study area
Reading area
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E1-2 Information
W1-2 Temperature Smoke desk
Figure 5. sensor sensor
Floor plan of S1-1 S1-2 S1-3 light S2-1
Library L
Notes: (a) The first floor; (b) The second floor
eight of them being located on the first floor (E1-1, E1-2, W1-1, W1-2, S1-1, S1-2, N1-1
and N1-2) and two (N2-1 and S2-1) on the second floor. The exits’ widths are about the same.
Among them, the width of S2-1 and N2-1 is 6 meters, S1-2 is 2 meters and the rests are
1.8 meters wide.
Sensors m F n U Result
m F n U Result
Table IV.
m1(·) 0.754 0.230 0.016 Uncertainty The fusion result of
m2(·) 0.861 0.134 0.005 Fire two sensors in periods
m F n U Result Table V.
The fusion result
m(·) 0.951 0.034 0.015 Fire between two sensors
N1-1 N1-2
W1-1 E1-1
Area A
Fire point
Figure 6.
W1-2 E1-2 The evacuation route
in Library L
S1-1 S1-2 S1-3 S2-1
LHT Evacuation simulation
Pathfinder software is adopted to simulate the fire scene and the evacuation route.
Assuming that the library only opens the first floor and the second floor, we initialize
the setting of Pathfinder with the number and distribution of the population in Library L.
There are a total of 300 librarians and library users in the first floor, including 130 in the
lecture hall, 40 in study area, 80 in reading area and 50 in the rest areas. There are a total of
200 librarians and library users in the second floor, including 100 in reading area, 40 in
study area, and 60 in service area and other areas. We take Helbing’s research results as
reference and set the rate of personnel movement subjects to standard normal distribution:
the average rate of 1.19 m/s, the minimum rate of 0.8 m/s, the maximum rate of 1.55 m/s, and
standard deviation of 0.1 m/s (Helbing et al., 2002). In accordance with the evacuation route,
all 500 librarians and library users in the library are evacuated safely in 55 sec. Evacuation
simulation diagram is illustrated in Figure 7.
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Result analysis
According to the result of simulation, 500 librarians and library users in the library evacuate
safely within 55 seconds based, indicating the feasibility of the application of IoT-based
intelligent evacuation protocol.
The information fusion improves the accuracy of disaster prediction both in time and
space. Library L has a large number of temperature sensors, smoke sensors and monitoring
probes to help detect disasters. However, the reliability of a single sensor is not high enough
and the prediction uncertainty is too high, which may affect the alarm reaction and
evacuation efficiency. The information fusion system fuses the information of a single
sensor in different sampling times and then fuses the information among different sensors,
reducing the uncertainty of disaster prediction.
Library’s floor plan plays an important role in the evacuation case. Only based on the
specific floor plan and the location of the disaster, the intelligent protocol generation system can
generate the corresponding evacuation routes and bypass the fire areas, to achieve safe and
fast crowd evacuation. The library’s lecture hall is the most vulnerable area for crowd accident
during evacuation process. The region is prone to disaster-derived accident – crowded
stampede, because there is a high degree of population concentration. Such area needs to have
more focuses on evacuation protocols.
Figure 7.
Simulation diagram
of evacuation
in Library L
Conclusions Intelligent
Modern libraries are prone to public safety accidents because of its diversified functions, evacuation
complicated layouts and huge number of users. As a trendy novel technology, the IoT in protocol
library is gaining great interests with large potentials. This paper attempts to apply IoT
technologies to library’s safety management and proposes an IoT-based intelligent
evacuation protocol in library.
that the evacuation of librarians, and library users in the library is successful, indicating the
proposed protocol is of great importance for libraries.
The D-S evidence theory in information fusion system shows significant advantages in
information fusion of IoT sensors. The algorithm fuses the information of a single sensor at
different times and fuses the information of different sensors at the same time. It fuses
information of multiple sensors in time and space, greatly reducing the uncertainty of
accident prediction and improving the efficiency of early warning and evacuation.
The potential of IoT application in libraries is huge, not just in safety management, also
in library service and library science. IoT will help libraries in providing location-based
service, recommendation service as well as information literacy, as showed both in the
literature and in practical examples. The proposed IoT-based intelligent evacuation protocol
is just one part of the whole library IoT system, providing users’ location information,
library’ environmental information and evacuation guide. The protocol, cooperating with
other IoT applications in libraries, provides a feasible direction of the future smart libraries.
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Further reading
Simović, A. (2018), “A big data smart library recommender system for an educational institution”,
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 498-523.
Weber, R.H. and Weber, R. (2010), Internet of Things, Springer, New York, NY.
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Zimei Liu can be contacted at: [email protected]
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