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BASIC FOOD At the end of Module 1, you
PREPARATION W/ LAB (HM should be able to:
1) Describe and demonstrate the basic cooking
methods and mediums of Commercial Cookery.
MODULE 1: Application of Basic
Techniques of Commercial Cookery

Identify the different methods of Cooking Food

Using the appropriate cooking method and
for the type of food being prepared is a major
part of the culinary arts. Tough cuts of meat like Identify the different cooking mediums in
beef brisket or lamb shank need to be cooked commercial cookery.
slowly, at low heat, for a long time, and with
plenty of moisture. Prepared properly, these cuts
can be
tender and
delicious. On
the other
hand, dry-
heat methods
typically involve very high temperatures and short
cooking times. A piece of brisket cooked in this
way—on a grill, let's say—would be tough, chewy
and largely inedible. Interestingly enough, a beef
tenderloin steak cooked using a slow, moist-heat
method such as braising would also turn out
tough, chewy and inedible—albeit for different
Cooking is the term applied when heat is used Braising & Stewing
in preparing foods. The different methods of
cooking can be grouped according to the way Combination Method
heat is applied to food. Two methods are
commonly identified using Moist Heat Cooking Combination cooking methods apply
and Dry Heat Cooking. Heat is transferred by both dry heat and moist heat methods to the
water, water-based liquid, or steam in Moist Heat cooking of the food during the same recipe.
Cooking; while heat is transferred by air;
radiation, fat, or metal in Dry Heat Cooking. The Examples of combination methods include:
following shows the different classifications of
cooking methods Braising - When braising, first the food is
browned on all sides, usually with a small amount
Dry Heat Cooking of fat.
Next, the liquid is, added, and then it is
Dry heat cooking refers to any cooking simmered.
technique where the heat is transferred to the
food item without using any moisture. Dry-heat Stewing - When stewing, the food is cut into
cooking typically involves high heat, with smaller pieces and browned in a small amount of
temperatures of 300 F or hotter. Baking or fat. The
roasting in an oven is a dry heat method because Next, the liquid is added and it is
it uses hot air to conduct the heat. Pan-searing a simmered.
steak is considered dry-heat cooking because
the heat transfer takes place through the hot Table 1. Cooking Techniques using the g moist
metal of the pan. Note that the browning of food and dry heat method
(including the process by which meat is browned, Using Definition Using Definition
called the Maillard reaction) can only be achieved Moist Dry
through dry-heat cooking. Examples of dry-heat Heat Heat
methods include: 1. `To bathe 1. It is cooking
Scalding in hot Baking in an oven,
Roasting & Baking water” For whereby,
Grilling & Broiling milk it convection
Sautéing & Pan-Frying means to currents aid
Deep-Frying heat it to in heating
the the air and
Moist Heat Cooking moment equalizing
just before the oven
Moist heat cooking methods include any its boils. temperature
techniques that involve cooking with moisture— .
whether it's steam, water, stock, wine, or some 2. 2. It is cooking
other liquid. Cooking temperatures are much Simmerin It is Broiling over or
lower -- anywhere from 140 F to a maximum of g cooking in under a
212 F, because water doesn't get any hotter than a bath of source of
that. Examples of moist-heat cooking methods water direct heat
include: somewhat such as
below the coals, a gas
Poaching, Simmering & Boiling boiling burner, or a
glowing g y cooking with the
point, 180 electric unit. process frequent
to 210 Much of the equivalent turning of
degrees F heat is to pre- ingredients
(82-99 derived frying an in small
degrees from radiant item that amounts of
C). The energy; is partially fat.
presence some is and briefly
of bubbles conducted usually in
of steam to and from water and
that the broiler sometime
disappear rack. s by other
before methods.
they reach 5. To cook in 5. Refers to
the Steaming steam with Deep- cooking in
surface is or without frying an amount
the pressure, of fat
education on a rack sufficient for
of this over immersion
range. boiling of food. The
3. Cook a 3. Cooked in a water, or temperature
Braising small Shallo frying fan, in a required for
amount of w usually with cabinet- frying runs
liquid, Frying small a type as high as
usually amount of cooker 385
after oil or fat. under degrees F
preliminar Popular for pressure. or 196
y fried eggs, degrees C.
browning. tender cuts 6. To cook in 6. It is cooking
The food of meat and Poaching a liquid, Roastin on a spit
is covered poultry, fish usually g before an
to prevent portions and with a open fire or
evaporatio s,mall whole small by covering
n and to fish. amount with hot
enable the that is hot coals.
food to but not Nowadays,
retain its bubbling. the term is
juices as Keep the used
was the temperatu synonymou
flavor of re at about sly with
other 71C to baking in
ingredient 82C, meat
s that are cookery.
added for 7. Cook 7. Gas-heated
flavoring. Stewing slowly in a Grilling
4. Is a 4. Stir A method of liquid for a
Blanchin preliminar Frying quick-frying
long water is
period till added for
the food continued
item is cooking by
tender. boiling.
8. Boiling It is 8. It is cooking Note: Braising and Stewing can also be
cooking in Sautéin in a lightly categorized as the Combination of Dry and Moist
water at g greased Heat methods.
boiling pan
point. This allowing the
temperatu product to Uses of Heat in Cooking
re may be be turned
recognize over or Heat is used in preparing food by
d by the “flipped” for cooking and toasting. Cooking methods term
presence complete applied when heating affects the entire mass of
of many cooking. food. While toasting concerns primarily the
bubbles of effects of heat on the surface. Without heat,
steam that foods are unpalatable or unsanitary when raw
rises to could not be included in the daily diet. The
the top changes produced in foods by heat depend upon
and break. the methods of heat transfer, the time of heating,
Incomplet the temperature reached on the surface and
e boiling is within the mass of food, and the nature of food
called itself.
It is used
when Method of Heat Transfer
method is Heat transfer from the source of heat to
to be the food is by the following:
employed Convection – the transfer of thermal energy from
for the electricity, gas, or solid fuel to the vapor
remainder molecules of the air, which in turn heat the food
of the or the utensil it comes in contact with.
cooking Conduction – the direct transfer of heat via
time, or metals or any heat conducting containing the
when food. In conduction, heat penetrates the center of
strongly the food. Heat-conducing of heat are metals,
flavored or copper, water steam, and air.
other Radiation – the transfer of heat from a red hot
water- coil to the food. It immediately heats the food it
soluble strokes on. The process can be blocked by an
constituen obstacle between the source and the object to be
ts are to heated.
removed Most foods are cooked by conduction when
and fresh heat flows from one material to another. Metals
are good conductors of heat, thus metal pots and naturally contain poisonous
pans are widely used in food preparation. substances and foods that are
contaminated with pathogenic
Purpose of Cooking microorganisms and toxins. Cooking,
through the application of heat,
Some food, such as fruits and vegetables, is destroys the injurious substances in
highly palatable when eaten raw. However, most raw food and renders the food in a
foods must be cooked to be acceptable to the wholesome and safe form.
human palate. The main purposes of cooking
are: To improve its digestibility; and

All foods undergo softening as a

result of cooking, which may render
food more digestible. Digestibility to
a layman refers not only to the
To improve its natural flavor and palatability; completeness of digestion and
absorption but also the general
When the object is to maintain the feeling and after after-effect of
original flavor of the food, the eating. When food is hard to digest,
cooking process used should be as it is easily manifested by the feeling
short as possible without adding any of discomfort. Some fruits and
flavoring materials. When several vegetables have to be cooked to be
foods are cooked together, an palatable, soft, and easy to digest.
interesting blend of flavor is
developed. Overcooking, however, is To make its maximum nutritive value available in
destructive of flavors and food may a palatable form.
become soggy or stingy. The effect
of cooking on the color and texture Some foods, like fruits and vegetable
of food has a great influence on groups, are highly palatable when
flavor. eaten raw because uncooked and
unsoaked foods retain a good
To destroy pathogenic organisms and injurious portion of their nutritive value.
substances which may be found in raw foods; However, in times of poisoning
outbreaks, people are warned not to
All foods in their natural state are eat raw or half-cooked food. The
subject to spoilage or deterioration most important nutritive change,
because of pathogenic organisms which occurs in natural food through
and injurious substances found in cooking, is the loss of its water
them. Microorganisms, such as soluble nutrients; hence, the
molds, yeasts, and bacteria, grow at retention of these nutrients in foods
a certain temperature generally is directly related to the water-
between 0 degree to 75 degrees. soluble use in cooking. Destruction
However, with heat application or of vitamins may also be brought
exposure to a temperature near the about the action of heat. Some raw
boiling point of water, foods have been cooked in order
microorganisms are easily killed. that their nutritive value can be used
Illness may be caused by foods that by the body. For example, root crops
have to be cooked to fully enjoy their
carbohydrate content. The protein
content of most fish and meat is fully Table 2. Cooking Techniques using water as
utilized when cooked. To develop, cooking medium
enhance, or alert the flavor of foods Poach Simmer Boil
and to maximize its nutritive value, Water is Water is Water is
coil must be exercised by the heated to a heated just heated to
method of cooking used and the temperature below the reach 212
length of cooking time. of 160 to boiling point, degrees F
180 degrees not less than (100
Cooking Mediums F (71- 180 degrees degrees C),
8degrees C) F (82 degrees a
The methods of cooking are classified Small C). It is temperature
according to the cooking medium, namely, air, motionless characterized at which
water, steam, fat and a combination, of one or bubbles apa by gently water is
more mediums namely: pear in the rising bubbles used to
bottom of that barely cook paste
Air and Heat as Cooking Mediums the pan. break the and tougher
Poaching is surface. textured
Boiling, roasting and baking are used to a Simmering I,s vegetables
examples of cooking methods with prepare used for like dried
heat as the medium. Without heat, delicate cooking tough beans.
foods are unpalatable or insanitary foods like cuts of meat
when raw cannot be included in the fish and to make it
daily diet. Many foods are cooked by eggs. tender.
conduction or the flow of heat from
one material to another. Metals are Steam as a Cooking Medium
conductors of heat, thus metal pans
are widely used in cooking. Foods re The methods of cooking with steam
also cooked by convection currents as the cooking medium are:
or the transfer of kinetic energy by steaming, waterless cooking, and
heated air or liquid, and by radiation pressure cooking.
or transfer of kinetic energy by
means of waves. Steaming – refers to cooking in steam arising from
added water.
Water as a Cooking Medium Waterless cooking – cooking with steam formed
from the water originally present in food.
The methods of cooking with water Pressure cooking – cooking with steam under
as the medium are: boiling, pressure; since the heat of vaporization does not
simmering, and stewing. escape, the temperature rises steadily to a high
point. This type of cooking requires the use of a
Bubble size and movement differ pressure, a special type of cooking utensil.
during poaching, simmering and
boiling Fat as a Cooking Medium
Fat is used as the cooking medium A combination of more than one method
in sautéing, deep-fat frying, and pan is used in braising, fricasseeing, and pot
broiling. roasting.

Know the cooking methods used Braising represents a combination of sautéing

with each cooking method: and subsequent cooking in a small amount of
liquid in a covered utensil.
Cooking Mediums: Air, Water,
Steam, Fat. Fricasseeing is almost similar to braising.
AIR Grilling Braising and fricasseeing are in fact
Roasting synonymously applied to meat and poultry.
WATER Temperature
Poaching (160-180 Pot roasting is the term commonly used when a
degrees) large piece of meat is cook by the preceding
Simmering (181-211 methods.
Boiling (212 degrees) Electronic Cooking
Blanching (>1 min) Electronic cooking or microwave
Parboiling (still tender cooking is done on an electronic
crisp) range. Electronic cooking does not
Stewing (long, slow) involve a cooking medium. In an
STEAM Steamer – food electronic oven, a magnetron tube is
places with used to change electricity to high
simmering water. frequency microwaves; the
Waterless Steamer. microwaves are absorbed by the
Baking in foil or food, causing agitation of the
parchment. molecules or friction. By creating
Pressure cooking: molecular friction, energy is
250 degrees at 15lb produced in food. This action results
pressure. in heating of food. Aluminium, tin,
FAT Sautéing and stainless steel utensils and
Stir Frying vessels are not used in microwave
Pan Frying – pan cooking because they cut down the
frying and sautéing its efficiency by shielding the food.
cause the most fat Paper, glass, china and earthenware
uptake are preferable. Much time is saved in
Deep fat frying – microwave cooking and food will not
doesn’t cause so burn.
much fat uptake
because of the high
Combination of fattest Mediums BASIC FOOD
PREPARATION W/ LAB (HM boiling water, or knock a knife off the table and
consequently injure yourself or a colleague.

MODULE 2: Safety, Security,

Personal Hygiene
Personal Hygiene in
Keep yourself clean and fresh. Sweat
the Workplace glands located all over your body produce
moisture constantly. You will perspire more when
you’re working under pressure in a hot
environment; Sweat/ respiration itself is virtually
odourless and normally evaporates quickly.
However, smell comes from bacteria which live in
the perspiration, especially in areas such as
underarms where it cannot evaporate freely.

Personal Health and Hygiene

Handling food and working in a kitchen
entails particular responsibilities:

Food safety – poor standards of personal

hygiene, or an illness or infection, can lead to At the end of Module 2, you
food contamination with harmful bacteria. The
person who eats that contaminated food may should be able to:
become ill, possibly seriously, perhaps fatally.
Kitchen safety – if you are not feeling well or Explain Safety,
overtired or you lose concentration; you can
easily meet an accident. You may drop a pan of Security, and Personal
Hygiene in the
Good personal hygiene is essential to help
Workplace prevent food-borne disease.
Therefor the following points must be put into

Shower or bathe daily

Wear clean uniform
Do not work if suffering from a communicable
Handle food as little as possible
Wash your hands before and during work and

after using the toilet

Keep your hair clean and do not touch with
Determine the good personal hygiene hands
practices. Keep your fingernails clean and short
Recognize the fire precautions for hotel and Do not touch your nose and mouth with hands
restaurant establishment. Do not cough or sneeze over food; use a tissue
Identify the different procedures in the event of Do not wear rings, jewellery or watches
fire, on the discovery of a suspicious Do not smoke or allow smoking in food areas
item or package and in the event of Taste foods with a clean teaspoon
accident. Do not sit on work surfaces
Identify the first aid treatment and equipment Other points to note:
and safety procedures. Keep your footwear clean, safe well-conditioned,

and thick enough to protect anything that might

spill onto your feet
Wear suitable head gear at all times when
handling food
Keep your hair, moustaches and beards neat,
tidy and clean. An unshaven appearance
indicates lack of care.
Cover cuts, grazes, burns, etc. with a blue
waterproof dressing that can be easily retrieved
Know whom you should inform if you are ill and work more, and do a better job, if you are not
liable to pass on infection overtired.
Do not handle food if you are suffering from
vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat or a head colds For work in food preparation areas, don’t
As soon as you become aware that you are wear perfumes and aftershave. Your colleagues
suffering from, or a carrier og typhoid, want to smell the food, not you.
paratyphoid fever, salmonella or staphylococcal
infection, inform the person responsible for the Do not wear long flowing hair. Hair
premises about your condition. strands might get trapped in machinery and will
likely fall into the food. There is usually a strict
Checklist rule that hair must b kept in a net or covered by a
hat. Whether or not this is the case, you will find
When to wash your hands: that your hair (and this applies to beards and
moustaches as well) absorbs smoke and food
When coming on duty or entering the kitchen smells. Daily washing will keep it clean and in
After changing into uniform healthy condition.
After handling raw food
Between one task and another The following are the components of the
After leaving the kitchen chef uniform which serves as the standard dress
After meal and rest breaks when you have been, code while working inside the kitchen.
drinking or smoking
After handling money Chef’s hat
After handling waster or putting food in the waste
bin The chef’s hat is mainly used as a hair
After handling cleaning materials restraint. This is used to protect the food
from contamination caused by touching
WHAT YOU WEAR AT WORK AND HOW YOU the hair by the hand or by actual hair
SHOULD LOOK LIKE falling direct into the food. The open top
portion of the chef’s hat serves like an
You spend much or all of your working exhaust or ventilation for the human
time standing. Wear comfortable closed shoes body inside the hot kitchen, allowing the
that won’t slip, and which protect your feet heat to escape from the body through
against spills and dropped objects. Wash your the hat.
feet every day and keep your toenails trimmed.
Change socks daily. Chef’s Pants/trousers

Leave your outdoor clothing and The chef’s pant is used to protect the
footwear in the changing area or locker. Don’t person from injuries such as burns,
take it with you in the kitchen. scalds and accidental cuts. It is designed
in such a way that it can be easily take
Remove rings, bracelets, necklaces and off in case it is accidentally caught on
earrings before going on duty. fire, thus it does not have halts or locks
that might defeat its purpose.
Keep yourself healthy. A clear skin and
complexion depend largely on adulate sleep, Neckerchief
exercise and a balanced diet. You will enjoy your
The neckerchief is rolled then worn the side of the person is used for that
around the neck of the person working purpose.
inside the kitchen. The purpose of the
neckerchief to absorb all the sweat that
drips from the head so that it will not
dampen further the chef’s jacket. Further,
the neckerchiefs help maintain and clean
the neck area of the person.

Double-breasted Chef’s Jacket

The chef’s jacket has a double breasted

feature. The double breasted chef’s
jacket is used mainly to protect the
person from scalds and burns specifically
on the chest and abdomen portion of the Chef Uniform
person. The long sleeves is mostly Figure 1
thickened or reinforced to further protect
the person from scalds and burns Fire Precautions
especially on the soft and delicate part of
the wrist. The buttons of the chef’s jacket Fires in hotel and restaurant
is designed that it would easily fall off establishments are common and all too often can
when pulled during accidents and result in injury to the employee, colleagues or
emergencies such as in instances that it customers. All employees must be aware of any
caught on fire. specific procedures laid down for the
establishments and be ready to comply with them
Apron at all times. A roll call should always be taken to
ensure that everyone is safely out of the building.
The apron is mainly used to protect the
person from spills of hot liquids as well Three components are necessary for a fire to
as burns. The apron should be tied start
around the waist with the knot in front of
the person for easily untangling during Fuel – something to burn
emergencies and accidents. Further the Air – oxygen to sustain combustion
knot should not have dangles or loose Heat – flame, hot surface, electrical energy
end. These should be tacked in to avoid
being caught in electrical and Thus is case where the wood is burning, it is
mechanical equipment. A misconception the fuel, the air around it is the oxygen and the
among many is that the apron is used to flame engulfing the woods is the heat. Should
wipe hands. you wish to pour water on the burning wood, the
The apron is fire would eventually die out due the fact that you
not used for took one of the components on it and that is
hand wiping; head. This is due to the cooling effect of the
a cloth that water on the burning wood. On the other hand,
is usually should you wish to cover the burning wood with a
hanged on fire blanket also known as mineral blanket
eventually the fire would be extinguished. The
blanket would cover the fire making oxygen extinguishers should be refilled immediately after
difficult to penetrate to sustain combustion. use.
All fire extinguishers should be manufactured
The three principal methods to extinguish a fire in accordance with international standards
are the following: specifications; they should be colored, with a
code to indicate the type and with operating
Starving – removing the fuel instructions on them.
Smothering – removing the air How to operate Fire Extinguisher
Cooling – removing the heat

Procedures in the Event of Fire

The fire brigade must be called immediately

when you discover a
Do not panic
Warn other people in
the vicinity and sound
the alarm
Do not jeopardize
your own safety or
that of others
Follow fire
instructions of the
If the fire is small, use appropriate fire
Close doors and windows, turn off gas, electricity
and fans
Do not wait for the fire to get out of control before
calling the fire brigade Figure 2

It is important that in all restaurant

establishments, passageways are kept clear
doors open outward. Fire exit doors and windows
should be clearly marked and fire fighting
equipment must be readily available and working
orderly. Periodic fire drills should examine and be
taken seriously since lives may be endangered if
a fire should start. Fire alarm bells must be tested
at least four times a year and staff should be
instructed in the use of fire-fighting equipment. All

Type of Fire Extinguisher

Water extinguisher
Carbon dioxide cuts off the oxygen supply to the
fire, but whatever was on fire remains very hot.
Coloure Watch that if does not re-ignite
d red,
these Figure 4
suitable Foam Extinguisher
for fires
g wood,
and Coloured
cloth cream, these
Direct the jet at the base of the flames are suitable for
Keep it moving across the area of the fire fires involving
After the main fire is out, respray any remaining flammable
hot spot liquids, it also
If the fire is spreading vertically, attack it at use for fires
the lowest point, then involving paper,
follow upwards wood, etc. AFF
(aqueous film-
forming foam)
Figure 3
Extinguishers, to use:
Do not use
on live electrical
equipment, burning
fats or oils
Figure 5
Dioxide Dry

Coloured black, these

are suitable for fires
involving flammable
liquids or liquefiable
solids e.g. oil, fat,
paint, petrol, paraffin and grease. These are safe
and clean to use for live electrical equipment.
Direct the discharge horn at the base of the Powder Extinguisher
Keep the jet moving across the area of the fire Coloured blue, this type will put out fires
Do not touch the discharge horn – this gets involving flammable liquids or liquefiable
Extremely cold solid, e.g. oil, fat, grease etc. It is safe for
The fumes can be harmful – ventilate the area as fires involving electrical equipment, but
soon as fire has been extinguished does not readily penetrate spaces inside
equipment, so the fire may reignite.
Water sprinkler system consists of an
array of sprinkler heads at ceiling level connected
To use: to a main water supply. In the event of a fire, the
nearest sprinkler head above the fire operates
Direct the nozzle at the base of flames when the temperature at ceiling level reaches a
With a rapid sweeping motion drive the flame present level (e.g. 68’C). Additional heads
towards the far edge until the flames are out operate later if necessary to control the fire.
Repeat as necessary (some extinguishers can be
shut off)
Uses of Dry Powder Extinguisher
For electrical equipment

Disconnect the equipment from the mains

Direct the jet straight at the fire if possible, so that
the powder can penetrate right inside the

Powder extinguishers had a limited cooling

effect, so take care the fire does not re-ignite.

Fire blankets must also conform to the

international standards specifications. Use for
small and place other flames. Take care not to
waft the flames in your direction, or towards
bystanders. You may need to put something
across a large fryer, e.g. a metal tray, to stop the
blanket falling in to the oil.
igure 7
For a fire involving clothing, wrap the
Raising the alarm
blanket around the burning area, but not over the
victim’s nose and mouth. Roll the patient on the Speed is vital. It is the alarm which warns
ground. other people and gives them time to get to safety.
It is the alarm which brings help from those has
Fire hoses are used to similar fires to
trained to fight the fire and to rescue anyone
those classified under water fire extinguishers.
trapped by the smoke, heat or flames. This
You should be familiar with the instructions
means you need to know what to do. Your
displayed by the fire hose before using it.
employer will provide training, and there will be
fire notices and other reminders around your
For fires involving wood, paper and cloth.
workplace telling you what to do. But you are
To use:
putting a lot of people at risk if you wait until there
Release the locking mechanism on the reel
is real emergency before trying to get to grips
Open the valve (to allow water into the nose)
with what has to be done.
Unreel the length to hose required to reach the
Safety and Emergency signs and notices
Aim the jet of water at the base of the flames and
move across the area of the fire.
Many fires cause terrible damage and
suffering because they start in an area (e.g. the Procedures on discovery of a suspicious item or
storeroom) or at a time (e.g. late at night) when package
there is no one present. Automatic fire detection
equipment will quickly alert those on duty. But In all areas of every type of hotel and
often the smoke and perhaps the fire itself restaurant establishment, vigilance is necessary
spread to other parts of the building because at all times regarding suspicious items. It is wiser
people have not close fire doors. You’ve seen the to be safe than sorry, so that any item, which is
signs – don’t you always obey them? And what left unattended in public areas, should not be
about those signs that say FIRE EXIT KEEP ignored. Any items, which may be in full view,
CLEAR? If fire exits are used to store furniture or hidden or partially hidden in a strange or unusual
equipment, people will find their escape route place, device and be concealed in a package,
blocked. Also, the fire can spread rapidly down bag, box, briefcase, etc. Anything, which is out of
the escape route, as the furniture fuels its the ordinary, must not be ignored. Particular
progress. Safety signs and notices are there to attention should be paid to exits, yards, corridors,
make your workplace safer for everyone. stores, changing rooms, staircases, toilets, etc.
Respect this. which may be unattended for some of the time.

Fire notices: what they will say It is necessary to be alert to persons

frequenting the establishment or part of the
What to do if the fire alarm sounds: premises who have no business to be there. If
How to leave the building? you are suspicious, make sure you can give an
Where to assemble accurate description to your employer.

What not to do The procedure in the event of finding a

Do not stop to collect personal belonging suspicious item, although it proves not harmless,
Do not run is as follows:
Do not use the lift/elevator Do not panic
Do not open a door if you suspect there is fire on Calmly warn others in the vicinity
the other side Do not touch the item or allow others to do so
Do not re-enter the building until advised to do so Immediately inform your employees
by the manager/officer in-charge Move to safe place
What to do if you discover a fire
Raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure
nearest fire alarm point (location will be stated) that employers are aware of the procedures to be
taken at that establishment and for the employee
Evacuation procedures and the assembly point to fully understand them.

The rules on the fire notices around your Procedures in the event of an accident
workplace. From time to time, there will be
chance to practice an evacuation. If you find any Should the accident involve or appears
problem during such a fire drill (e.g. a door which to involve broken bones on no account move the
is hard to open, or uncertainly about yours injured person until the injury has been secured
assemble point), tell your manager. Be quite immobilized. If a person has fallen or had an
clear about any specific responsibilities you have accident whereby they are on the ground, do not
even given, such as turning off the gas or attempt to lift them up until it is certain no further
electricity in the kitchen. damage will occur. In due course, the details of
the accident must be documented. It is better to Many injuries, acute illness, death or a
prevent accidents than have to deal with them. dangerous occurrence (e.g. boiler which
Ensure that any specific procedures relevant to explodes and might have cause fatal injury) must
the establishment are compiled with. be reported by the quickest practicable means
(i.e. y telephone).
Should it be necessary to obtain the This must be followed up within seven days by a
service of an ambulance: written report on the official form (code number
Dial _______. State you require an ambulance F2508). The form has a full list of the reportable
State exact location of the accident injuries illnesses; your employer will have to
Give both address and telephone number of provide detailed information of the accident. This
location includes where and what you were doing at the
Indicate age of causality or casualties time. Whether you were authorized to be in the
place and to do what you were doing.
If you make a claim to the Social Security
It is essential that people working in the System for the benefits in respect of personal
kitchen are capable of using the tools and injury, or work related illnesses, your employer
equipment in a manner which will neither harm will have to provide detailed information of the
them not those with whom they work. Moreover, accident. This includes where and what you were
they should be aware of the causes of accidents doing at time, whether you were authorized to be
and be able to deal with any that occur. in that place and to do what you were doing.

Accidents may be caused in various Any accident occurring on the premises

ways: where the employee works must be reported to
the employer and a record of the accident must
Excessive haste – the golden rule in the kitchen be entered in the accident book.
is never run. This may be difficult to observe
during very busy service but excessive haste Information for the accident record
cause people to take chances, which inviolably
lead to mishaps. Date and time of the accident
Distractions – accidents may be cause by not Your full name, address and occupation
concentrating on the job in hand, through lack of Nature of the injury (e.g. cut finger) or illness
interest, personal worry or distraction by (e.g. if you have been in contact with a harmful
someone else. The mind must always be kept on cleaning agent, you may not suffer any pain until
the work to reduce the number of accidents. some hours later)
Failure to apply safety rules. Place where the incident happened and
Recording and Reporting Accidents description if they are not usually based at your
By law, even minor accidents in the Details of the person making report and date the
workplace have to be recorded. More serious report was made
incidents also have to be reported to the
enforcing authority (usually your local In the event of any accident or
environmental health department). Normally the dangerous incident, please complete and return
person in charge of the workplace has to do this, this from to our manager. A separate form must
but you may find it helpful for the future to know be completed for each person injured.
that: Table 3. Incident Report Form
Incident Report Form
Unit Name
_______________________________________ First Aid Treatment and Equipment
_______________ First Aid
Date of Incident
_______________________________________ As the term implies this is the immediate
______________ Time treatment on the spot to a person who has been
________________________________ injured or is ill. It has been a legal requirement
Area in which incident occurred that adequate first aid equipment, facilities and
_______________________________________ personnel to give first aid are provided at work. If
_______________________________________ the injury is serious, person should be treated by
Address a doctor or nurse as soon as possible.
_______________________________________ First Aid Equipment
Age The following are the minimum contains
_______________________________________ in the first aid box:
_____________________ Gender ( ) Male ( ) A card giving general first aid guidance
Female 20 individually wrapped, sterile, adhesive
Status: ( ) Employee ( ) Contractor ( ) waterproof colour dressing of various sized
Customer 4x25 g cotton wool packs
Details of injury/condition (if applicable) and part 12 safety pins
of body affected: 2 triangular bandages
2 sterile eye pads, with attachments
4 medium sized sterile unmediated dressings
2 extra-large sterile unmediated dressings
Describe how incident occurred A report book to record all injuries

First aid boxes must be easily identifiable

and accessible in the work area. They should be
in the custody of a responsible person, checked
Describe any action taken regularly and refilled when necessary.


The sign of shock is faintness, sickness,

If the client aware of the incident: ( ) Yes ( ) No clammy skin and pale face, shock should be
treated by keeping the person comfortable, lying
Form completed by down and warm cover the person with blanket or
_______________________________________ clothing, but do not apply hot water bottles.
_________ Fainting
Signature _________________________
Designation _____________________ Date Fainting may occur after a long period of
__________________________________ standing in a hot, badly ventilated kitchen. The
signs of an impending faint are whiteness, serious, the burns or scalds should be covered
giddiness and sweating. A faint should be treated with a clean cloth dressing (preferable sterile)
by raising the legs slightly above the level of the and the person sent immediately to hospital.
head and when the person recovers
consciousness, putting the person in the fresh air Electrical Shock
for a while and making sure that the person has
not incurred any injury in fainting. Switch off the current. If this is not
possible, free the person by using dry insulating
Cuts material such as cloth, wood, or rubber, do not
use bare hands otherwise the electric shock may
All cuts should be covered immediately be transmitted. If breathing has stopped give
with a blue coloured waterproof dressing after the artificial respiration and bring patient to the
skin round the cuts has been washed. When doctor. Treat any burns as above.
there is considerable bleeding it should be
stopped as soon as possible. Bleeding maybe Artificial Respiration
controlled by direct pressure, by handling firmly
on the cut. It may be possible to stop bleeding There are several methods of artificial
from a cut by pressing the artery with the thumb respiration. The most effective is mouth-to-mouth
against underlying bone; such pressure may be (mouth-to-nose) resuscitation and this method
applied while a dressing or bondage is being can be used by almost all age groups and in
prepared for application but not more than 15 almost all countries.
Safety Procedures
Nose bleeds
Most accidents in the hotel and
Sit the person down with head forward, restaurant industry are cause by the following:
and loosen clothing round the neck and chest. Slips, trips and falls
Ask them to breathe though the mouth and to Incorrect Lifting
pinch soft part of the nose. After 10 minutes, Burns, scalds and cuts
release the pressure. Warn the person not to
blow the nose for several hours. It is desirable to develop a sense of
awareness of potential hazards, in order to
Fractures prevent accident. Examples of hazards
A person suffering from broken bones
should not be moved until the injured part has Power plug (on) when cleaning electrical
been secured so that it is immobile. Medical equipment
assistance should be obtained. Trailing electrical flexes
Faulty sockets (electrical)
Over loaded plugs (electrical)
Failure to replace lighting, bulbs or tubes
Not using correct steps to replace bulbs
Burns and scalds Having wet hands when handling equipment and
Place the injured part gently under slowly Gas pilot alight
running or immerse in cold water keeping it there Gas not igniting
for at least 10 minutes, or until the pain ceases. If
Precautions to obviate accidents or hazards
include the following advice:
Equipment and
Floors must be in good condition and free from
Spillages must be cleaned up at once
Warning notices of slippery floors need to be well
Guards on machinery should be in place
Extra care is needed when guards are off during
Only one person at a time should operate
machine Your kitchen is likely to have a cleaning
Never put hand or arm into bowl of electric mixer schedule. This sets out what should be cleaned
or cutter until; stopped and when. It may say who should do each task,
Only dry upturn gloves or clothes should be used and give details of the equipment and method to
to handle hot pans etc. be used.
Pan handles should not protrude over the stove
Lift heavy items correctly to prevent back injury The cleaning schedule is a sort of master
Finger guards and safety aprons may assist in plan. It makes that every area gets cleaned.
preventing accidents
Types of kitchen surface and their
Never place knives in sinks

Hygiene standards in food preparation

areas must be the highest; this is why the floors
and walls must be made of materials that can be
KITCHEN ESSENTIALS easily and effectively cleaned. Damaged
surfaces are difficult or impossible to clean.
& Cracks get filled up with grease and dirt. Flaking
BASIC FOOD paint comes away, possibly falling into the food.

PREPARATION W/ LAB (HM Check that the cleaning agent is suitable

for its use. The wrong one, of the wrong method
1) can permanently damage the surfaces. However,
you may not
notice the harm,
especially if the
effect builds up
over time.

MODULE 3: Clean and

Maintain Kitchen
At the end of Module 3, the student should
be able to:

Enumerate the main

surfaces of professional
kitchen, types of cleaning
agents, types of equipment
Recall the types of utensils and their storage.

4. Identify the types of cutting equipment,

their cleaning, handling and storing

and kitchen utensils.

Identify the cleaning and CONTENT
maintenance procedures of kitchen
pemises, equipment and utensils.

Are you ready for

today’s lesson? This
time you are tasked
to read the text below and be able to
comprehend it well.

Here are the main surfaces you will come across

in professional kitchens:

Identify the different kitchen surface and their Metal – mostly stainless, but
cleaning and cleaning agent. ventilation ducting may be made
of galvanized steel, and other
Apply the procedures on the following: storing metal work may have painted
cleaning agents, cleaning safety with cleaning agents, surfaces.
disposing of rubbish and waste foods, cleaning floors, Wall tiles – ceramic, resistant to chipping,
drainage channels etc. and cleaning kitchen cracking and scratching. The grouting should be
equipment. of type that does not encouraged mould.
Floor tiles – ceramic or quarry tiles, non-porous, Sanitizers – for ‘clean-as-you go’ use, both clean
very strong and slip resistant. and disinfecting surfaces. But sanitizers,
Vinyl – used for the floor covering, as sheets or dissolved in hot water, require a final rinse and
tiles. Less expensive than ceramic floor tiles, but are not suitable for use on certain metals. Liquid
wears less well, and can absorb moisture and sanitizers are diluted before use. They must be
dirt. left; to dry, not rinsed off.
Painted – ceilings, doors and walls (where it is Sanitizer wipes – a quick and convenient way of
not cost effective to tile the whole area). The cleaning food temperature probes and small
paint must be of a type that does not absorb utensils, and for wiping food preparation surfaces
moisture. Sometimes you will find painted on ‘clean-as-you-go’ basis. Use only once, then
wooden shelves and cupboards in storage areas. discard.
Laminated surfaces – made with very strong Hand surface cleaners – for heavier or more
plastics which do not absorb dirt and moisture, specialized tasks, although they are corrosive
and are scratch-resistant. and damage surfaces if not used with care.
Glass – windows and vision panels in door (so Solvents – dissolve heavy grease and oil which
you can see when someone is on the other side water-based cleaners cannot come with
and open the door more carefully) Abrasives – or scouring cleaners. Mostly used for
cleaning enamel and ceramic surfaces, including
What to look for in the instruction on cleaning tiles. Abrasive powders are much coaster than
agents liquids, creams and paste, but all of them can
damage surface.
Any safety warning such as how to wear
protective clothing. Water is the simplest cleaner of all.
Dilution rates: too strong will damage surfaces, is Applied under pressure, it cleans hard
wasteful; too weak will not do the job properly. surfaces such the floors and walls in delivery
How much time must be allowed for the cleaning and waste disposal areas. Water also rinses
agent to work. out disremoved from a surface by other
How to rinse dirt and cleaning agent from the cleaning agents.
At what temperature the agent works best Soap is not suitable for cleaning
How to store cleaning agents when not in use equipment and surfaces because it leaves a
How often to use the cleaning agent scum. Disinfectant are added to some liquids
How to dispose used cleaning agents soaps for washing hands.

Types of Cleaning Agent Chemical disinfectants are not

recommended for kitchen use, as their
Workplace instructions usually refer to effectiveness can be destroyed by waste
cleaning agents by the marker’s name. However, food materials, by the fabric of cleaning
equipment’s supplier and books like to one refer cloths, and by the materials of some
to types of agent, leaving choice product to the surfaces. Bleach, for example, attacks cloths,
workplace. These are the main types you will some plastics and metal fixings. There is
encounter: also a risk that the disinfectants will leave a
strong smell or taste.
General Purpose (or neutral) detergents – able to
penetrate moderately greasy and/or dirty Checklist:
surfaces. Suitable for cleaning floors and walls,
and similar routine tasks. Storing cleaning agents
Keep them away from foodstuffs yourself time. Do not top up the old solution, but
Close all containers firmly after use begin again with a completely fresh one.
Store containers upright Rinsing water requires frequent changing –
Use in the original container where possible otherwise you will not be rinsing the surface
If transfer to another container is necessary (e.g. properly. Rinsing water should normally be hot.
because the product is bought in bulk), label the The good done by cleaning can be easily undone
new container – if for example, the cloth you use has become
Store in a well-ventilated cupboard or room, contaminated with bacteria from wiping a surface
away from fire risks on which a raw meat was prepared. To reduce
this risk, many workplaces use colour-coded
Cleaning safely and effectively cleaning equipment(in a similar way as chopping
boards are colour-coded)
There are many cleaning products or Clean in a logical order – so you do not make
agents on the market, and a variety of surfaces which have just been washed dirty. For
equipment. Your managers will have to decide exam plus, walls should be cleaned before doors,
what is best for your workplace, and you will be as some dirty waiter will run down the walls on to
trained and instructed on how to use such the floor. Doing the floor after other cleaning is
products safely and effectively. Just as your complete, gives it a chance to dry before anyone
employer has a duty to establish safe working walks over it.
methods, so you have a duty to follow methods Gave you space to work in – before cleaning
set out by your employer. move the contents of shelves, cupboards and
drawers to a safe place. Be sure to rinse the
Here are some points to support your workplace surfaces wild, and leave them to air-dry before
training: reloading.
Standing on chairs or tables to reach high
Different cleaning tasks require different methods surfaces is dangerous – use safety steps.
– getting things wrong can cause damage to Wild floors are a safety hazard – close the area
surfaces, harm to yourself, and spread bacteria you are cleaning. If this is not possible, put
and dirt to surfaces which were previously clean warning signs to catch the attention of anyone
Many cleaning agents are harmful – contact with entering the area. Do not remove them until floor
your skin or eyes, or breathing in the fumes, can is dry.
cause serious illness. Always follow instructions Water and electricity are a dangerous
about the wearing of gloves (a particular type combination – movable electrical equipment
maybe required), eye protection (i.e. goggles), an should be put elsewhere while you clean the
apron or other protective clothing. area. Before washing equipment should be put
Many cleaning agent are sold in concentrated elsewhere while you can clean the area. Before
form – usually there must be mixed with water. washing equipment should be put elsewhere
Follow instructions carefully, e.g. should the while you can clean the area. Before washing
water be hot or cold? Measure amounts walls, cover plugs with insulation tape, so the
accurately. water will not get inside. Never spray water or
Mixed one agent with another can be dangerous steam into or near electrical appliances.
– a chemical reaction can be set up, and in some
cases this produces poisonous fumes. Disposing of Rubbish and Waste Food
Cleaning solutions need to be changed if you are
doing a lot of cleaning – they will not do a proper Before you start cleaning, remove any
job if you try to economize or, perhaps, to save rubbish to the right collection area. You may
need to use a dustpan and brush or sweep some
or the entire floor if there are bits of foods and very hot water. You may need to polish surfaces
other waste around. with a dry cloth.

The disadvantage of brushing or Dirty water running over surface can

sweeping is it sends dust into the air, which will leave marks which are difficult to remove. If this
settle on other surfaces. This is not a problem if happens, start cleaning the bottom of the walls
all those surfaces are going to be washed – so and work upwards. Work downwards when
sweeping, when necessary, should be done rinsing.
before any other cleaning.
Cleaning Sinks
Cleaning floors, drainage channels etc.
Rinse away any food debris using cold
Damp-mopping is the usual method for the water.
routine cleaning floor:
Half fill the basin with warm water. Wet a
Use a push-and-pull action – avoid stretching too cleaning cloth, and apply general purpose
far, or trying to cover too large an area at once, detergent, or if necessary a cream. Clean the
as this can put a strain on your back. draining board, taps, and splash back overflow,
Regularly rinse out the mop head in the underneath include the pipes, and the yop half of
detergent, and squeeze out excess solution so the basin. Change the water as necessary.
you do not flood the floor.
Pay special attention to areas in front of and Drain the basin, and clean the remaining
around cooking equipment, under tables and part.
racks, and in corners
Pull out equipment which is on castors, so that Rinse all areas with warm water. Polish
equipment which is on castors, so that you can taps with dry disposable towel or kitchen paper.
clean the floor underneath properly. Unlock the
castors first, and if you find any difficulty in the
moving the equipment, get the help of a Cleaning hand basins
colleague. Take care not to damage connections
to the gas, water or electricity supply. If it is Follow the method for cleaning sinks. Put
necessary to disconnect the safety chain (this scrubbing brush to one side while you are
stops the equipment moving beyond the reach of working. You will also need to clean the overflow,
flexible connections), reconnect when you have the plug and the chain.
completed cleaning.
Cleaning Kitchen Equipment
Drainage channels and grid housing
require a strong detergent, and perhaps Kitchen equipment which may be
scrubbing. Gratings should be removed operated by gas or electricity must be used with
and scrubbed outside the kitchen. care, properly cleaned and maintained in efficient
working order. This assists in the smooth running
Cleaning Walls of the kitchen; helps prevent accidents and
enable the premises to have a good standard of
Work only over small areas at a time, hygiene. If equipment does not work effectively
rubbing over the surface with a cloth well rung then planning cannot well maintained equipment
out in detergent. Rinse with another cloth, and such as ovens, ranges, fryers, grills and
Do not damage surface to be cleaned by
After each use, large equipment such as scratching with wire wool or bleaching pads.
ranges, salamanders, hot plates, etc. should be In the event of equipment not working
cleaned. This should be done without disturbing satisfactorily, do not ignore it; report the fault.
the smooth working of the kitchen and carried out Should you inadvertently damage any part of
a convenient time. Gas or electricity supply must parts inform your supervisor or tutor.
be turned off before equipment has been re-
assembled. Turn the equipment on then to test Types of equipment and their cleaning
that supply is working correctly. This will prevent
accidents and complies with the law. Always consult your workplace
instructions, or those which come with the
Never attempt to clean equipment unless equipment.
you are confident you know what to do from
workplace training or instruction, or from Don’t forget to clean the equipment legs,
following the supplier’s manual. If you are under connecting gas and water supply pipes, and if
age of 18, you are not allowed by law to clean necessary, the surrounding walls or floor.
any machine, If doing so exposes you to risk of
injury. Steamers

You’re risk from contact with sharp If you are using

blades, hot surface, etc. as you can clean the a bucket to
machine. Others, who use the equipment, after drain the water
you have cleaned it, are at risk if you have not tank, keep an
done the job properly, e.g. re-assembling it eye on the
incorrectly. bucket while it
is filling. The
The procedure for cleaning large equipment is as steamer may
follows: hold more than one bucket-full.

Turn off the fuel supply After cleaning, don’t to close the drain
Wash with hot water containing detergent; do not tap. Usually the water tank is left empty in
use more water than necessary readiness for the next day’s work. But do make
Soak any food adhering to the equipment then sure the sink is refilled before lighting the
gently scrap off without scratching the surfaces burner/turning on.
Rinse, using sufficient water.
Dry the equipment
Re-assemble any parts that had been removed Figure 8
Test if equipment is functioning
Other points to include:
It is better
Use cleaning equipment and materials according to remove
to the establishment’s procedures and staining
manufacturer’s instruction. and
Store cleaning equipment and materials in the spillages
appropriate place on a very regular basis, rather than leaving then
to build up. Wipe with a slightly damp cloth using
general-purpose detergent. Then wipe the oven
surfaces with a soft cloth rinsed in fresh water. does
work as
Figure 9 well,
How to clean the oven interior depends on the become
type of finish. Sometimes the oven needs to be danger
warm during the cleaning. Follow instructions ous
carefully and do not neglect to rinse the oven (letting
interior. out
Microwave Oven ave

Figure 10
ons for
g and
Wipe up spills when they occur – with a g the air
soft dampened in warm, general-purpose filter-
detergent solution. Rinse with clean cloth (well which is
wrung out) and polish with a soft, dry cloth. usually
Loosen baked-on splashes by boiling an open at the
jug of water inside the oven. back or
Keep front of
door the
seals oven.
spotles Shields,
sly which
clean. A protect
build-up parts
of split such as
foods the
prevent stirrer,
s a tight also
seal require
being cleanin
formed. g.
The Hobs and Ranges
When cool, wipe clean with a dry
Clean cloth
regularly to Use a broad metal scraper to
avoid a build- remove heavy
up of grease deposits also this from time to
and burnt food time when
deposits. Do cooking for long periods.
not neglect the If the griddle is not to be used for a few days,
slits and back, brush the surface lightly with oil to prevent
including taps and gas pipes. rusting.

Check for specific instructions on Figure 12

cleaning drip trays, burners, open and solid tops.
Some metals become permanently stained and Cleaning salamander
discoloured if wrong cleaned. 1.Turn off
gas supply
and allow to
2. Remove
Figure 11 shelf. Soak
and clean
Griddles, grills and salamanders Spray with salamander cleaner and leave for 15
To clean the aluminium branders on 4.Use scouring pad to remove any spillage
overhead/steakhouse grills/salamanders, leave 5.Rinse all surface with clean hot water
under the heat of the grill until the spillage 6. Dry throughout with a cloth
carbonize. Remove the carbon with a wire brush. 7. Replace grill tray

For simulated charcoal grills:

Figure 13
Lift out the branders bar daily and clean with a
wire brush – this prevent carbonizing and keeps
the channels clear.
Ensure that the
Clean the burners regularly – once a week is
fuel supply is
recommended to stop the burner holes from
off. When cool,
getting blocked. You will have to remove the lave
drain off the oil
rod of burner grates first. Use a wire brush,
and close the
taking care to remove all deposits of lava dust
tap. Clean
and grease. Ensure the burners are dry and free
interior by
from any cleaning material before replacing.
removing any
small particles
in the base the
fryer and wipe
clean. Hot
For griddle detergent water
may be needed
to clean the down before cleaning. Remove any food and
exterior. Finally wipe top shelves and base with hot water with
rinse and dry. detergent rinse and dry. Ensure that door runners
Ensure that the are clean.
drain tap is
closed and add
clean oil.

Figure 16
Food processors
Figure 14 Use a well
wrung-out cloth
Bains-marie for washing and
rinsing, so you
After don’t flood the
use, interior
Take care not to
cut yourself
when handling
or washing the
blades. Always
wipe the blades
well after
washing, to
remove all containers and drain the water, clean prevent rusting.
thoroughly with hot water containing detergent
rinse and dry. Close the drain tap. Remove with
clean water or leave empty ready for use.

Figure 17
Figure 15
Cleaning Kitchen Utensils
As you will see from suppliers’
Check catalogues and catering equipment shops, and
that the from your own workplace, there is a wide range
hot of utensils.
has Using suitable cleaning methods
So types of utensils require special
treatment because of the material they are made Types of Utensils
from examples are given below. If you are
washing something for the first time, ask how it Kitchen utensils can be grouped according to
would be done. what the made of

Rinse of lightly scrape – utensils free of Stainless steel – very durable and easy to clean
food debris beforehand or machine washing. A but need good conductor of head (unless the pan
wild using pot scorers or metal wool, as they has a heavy copper base)
damage surfaces. Coated metal – non-stick pans are coated in a
special way but only the very best quality ones
For hand washing are suitable for heavy use. Follow the label
Fill sink with hot water (at about 60 C) and the instructions for cleaning. Copper pans have a tin
correct concentration of general-purpose coating (except those used for boiling sugar, as
detergent the tin wool melt in the high temperatures). They
Use a disposable washing-up cloth or nylon need re-tanning from time to time. The cookware
brush/scouring pad to clean all surface of the (e.g. with enamelled paint) is sometimes used for
utensil presenting food on hot buffets, but not usually for
Put in very hot water (80 to 85 C) for two minutes cooking because of the weight and the risk of the
to rinse and kill remaining bacteria. Use baskets coating being chipped from heavy used.
to hold the utensils, as these temperatures are Wooden – never leave soaking in water, as the
too hot for hands. cause wood to split or warp (when it becomes a
Air dry – it this not possible, use disposable serious hygiene risk). But over with a cloth
paper towelling sanitizing wipe and leave to dry. If food remains
sanction, scrape this off, wash briefly in hot
Change detergent and rinsing water soapy water, rinse and leave dry from direct heat.
frequently. In some workplaces, a sanitizer is Plastic – durable when well looked after, and no
added to the rinsing water, or this is a separate roof shattered pieces getting into the food (as
stage after rinsing. there is with glass and china a utensil). Do not
soak in water for long periods. Withdraw from
For machine –washing use if the surface becomes badly scratched
and/or stained.
Heavily entered items may have to be Porcelain, earthenware and glass – required for
pre-washed in the sink, using a cooking and serving various dishes. Handle
nylon scouring pad carefully. Even if there is no visual damage,
Stack the dish washer basket internal weaknesses can develop may cause the
carefully, so that utensils will not utensils to break in normal use.
crash around in the machine, Cast Iron – used mostly for frying pans, do not
possibly getting damaged. wash at iron utensils, but wipe firmly with a dry
A commercial dishwasher was at around cloth or absorbent kitchen paper the salt as
60 C, and rinse at around 85 C. The utensils will scouring agent when necessary, or a little
air dry within a short time of coming out of the detergent and hot water. If an iron pan is washed
machine. If hand drychipped from heavy using or by accident, warm it slightly, then give it a coating
polishing is necessary, use disposable towelling. of oil and rub with salt before use.
Aluminium – inexpensive and hard-wearing, but
Sauce pan and frying pans should not be light coloured sauces in them can become grey.
cleaned in a dishwasher. Some foods (e.g. egg when boiled) leave a stain.
To remove stains, boil a weak solution of vinegar Brown – for cooked meat
and water in the pan. Blue – for raw fish
Red – for raw meat
There are some of the utensils you will find in Yellow – for cooked fish
your workplace: Green –


Pots and Pans – of many different shapes and

sizes, some for specific uses, e.g. milk pans (with
pouring lip). Made from aluminium, stainless
steel, copper and iron.
Bowls, dishes and moulds – used for mixing
ingredients, for storing, for moulding cold dishes
(e.g. a fruit jelly) and for cooking. Stainless steel
is the most durable type. Egg white do not whisk
properly in plastic bowls.
Whisks – for beating or whisking cream, egg etc.
and blending thickeners into sauces an d soups.
Check food not trapped in the base, or between
the strands in plastic bowls
F Sieves, colanders and strainers – size of hole
igure 18 and shape depend on their use. Colanders (used
for draining vegetables and salads) have the
Kitchen Utensils largest hole and are fairly easy to clean. Sieves
made with fine wire mesh need special care
Chopping boards – for any food preparation task when cleaning –use the force of water from the
which involves cutting, slicing, chopping, carving tap to dislodge, food caught in the sieve. If badly
etc. plastic boards are considered the easiest to treated, the sieve will get mis-shapen and
keep clean, but heavy use the surface becomes become detached from the rim. A conical strainer
scratched and may stain – they should not be is also called chinos. Food tends to get caught in
used in this state. A system of color-coding the holes, especially at the narrow bottom.
reduces risk of cross-contamination. Spoons, ladles and slices – for stirring handling
food, measure, pouring and portioning. Made
from stainless steel coated steel and plastic Turning the equipment off – turn off at the main
(plastic utensils are best for dishes which require switch pull out the plug. Do not rely on the
a lot of stirring, as they do not conduct heat, machine’s control switch; you might accidentally
some have perforations for draining food. knock it on during the cleaning.
Graters – for grating cheese, carrots etc. check Dismantling the equipment – follow instructions
that no food is caught in the holes. This is less for remove safety guards and other parts of the
likely to happen if the grater is washed soon after equipment, so that cleaning can do through.
use. Keep everything together, so you do not lose
Peelers, zesters and corers – these are the some of the parts.
hand-held type. Peelers are used to remove the Re-assembling – usually the reverse of the
hard skin of vegetables and hard fruits like pears, mounted you followed dismantling equipment.
zesters are used to remove the thin outer skin Safety guards must be put in place before
(not pith) or oranges, lemons etc. Corers are equipment is tested or used.
used for removing the center, including the pith Dealing with problems – report any difficulty to
from apples and similar fruit. Clean well, so food your manager. Later and/ or remove the
does not remain using in the blade. equipment so you do not put others in danger.
Tin openers – these may be bench-narrowed or
hand held. Wash after use, as food will be in Using suitable Cleaning Equipment and Materials
contact with the cutting blade and possibly the
turning mechanism – openers not kept clean are Wash loose parts and attachments in a
serious hygiene hazard. sink filled with hot water and detergent. Rinse in
clean, very hot water and allow to air dry.
Storing Utensils
To clean the body of equipment:
When utensils are absolutely dry, return Fill a cleaning bowl with hot water and general
them to their usage place. Store pot and pans purpose detergent
upside-down on racks or shelves (racks are best Apply to all surfaces with a well wrung-out cloth
because they allow air to circulate inside the pot). Use a nylon brush to dislodge food particles, and
a nylon scouring pad for ingrained dirt
Do not leave plastic utensils in very hot Rinse with clean, hot water (using a well wrung-
places (e.g. on the above the cooking range) out cloth)
Air dry, use a paper towel
Chopping boards are best stored in a
rack, so the air circulates freely. If stacked or put Do not allow water to get into the electrical
away in a drawer, moisture may be trapped and fittings. Never immerse the motor water.
moulds will develop.
Types of cutting equipment and their cleaning
Cleaning Cutting Equipment
Cutting Equipment includes the following:
With cutting equipment, take care to
keep away from injuries cause by sharp blades. Mincing machines – may be an attachment on a
Never attempt to clean such equipment on your mixer or a separate item of equipment. Usually
own careless you have been trained and feel the mincing mechanism consists of several parts
confident that you know what to do. (the worm, cutting disc. Etc.) So that pieces of
gristle and food can be easily removed cleaning.
Here is a reminder of the main points
Chopping machines – wash with generous blades daily using a sharpening
quantities of water to remove the starch from the stone.
potatoes. On stainless steel – to keep the
Slicing machines – set the slice thickness control attractive, shiny finish of stainless
at zero to prevent access to the blade edge. If steel, clean regularly and often by
the blade is intended to be removed for cleaning, rubbing over with a damp cloth
do not separate it from the special carrier. and mild detergent. Rinse and dry.
Rotary knife chopping machines – be sure to If there is a in the direction of the
clean all the recesses and areas which food grain build-up of grease or
comes into contact with stubborn deposits on the surface
Mandolins – these can be fully submerged in the use a soft cleaning pad, rub in the
washing and rinsing water, as there are no direction of the grain.
mechanical parts. Use a nylon brush to clean On aluminium – do not use a
around the (very sharp blades). The force of dishwasher to clean aluminium
water from the rap will also help dislodge food fittings from equipment. The
trapped in the blades. aluminium will get tarnished.
Food Processors
Storing and Handling Cutting Equipment
On Steamers – after each use,
remove any food residues. When Large machine is usually left in one
steamer is not in use, leave door position. Some models are bolted to the floor or
slightly open so that the air inside table to provide stability during operation.
remains clean.
On grills – when cleaning the inside When you do not have to move a
gas operated grill, take not to machine to clean under the base, or because it is
damage the burner plaques. Do a small model and shortage of space means that
not attempt to clean these – any it must be put away after use:
deposit will burn off.
On griddles – to remove Plan to move, so that space is available at the
accumulated carbon, use a machine’s destination, and your route is clear.
scraper and fine grit griddle brick. Unplug the machine, and wind the cable up
Occasionally, to bleach the plate, carefully so it will not become tangles with your
wipe vinegar over the cold surface. feet or other objects.
On vegetable preparations Get help from a colleague if you cannot safely
machines – rinse the bowl by filling move the machine on your own – a trolley will
with hot water and switching on for also make the task easier.
a few moments. Whatever the Carry attachments (push sticks for mincers,
attachment, clean it by hand using mixing bowls, cutting plates for specific uses,
washing-up liquid rather than in a etc.) on second journey – to lighten the load, and
dishwasher. This will help the to reduce the risk of them dropping to the floor
machine last longer. The blades part-way through your journey. Or else put them
on the slicing discs, the plates on on the lower shelf of the trolley.
the julienne discs and the graters
wear out with use. Change them Handling Waste
every so often to ensure high-
quality cutting. Sharpen smooth When collecting waste from the various
departments and areas of the workplace, find out
what sort of materials you are dealing with. You and food which have to be discarded for
may already know from your knowledge of the some reason.
work done in the area, or be able to tell from the Commercial waste – waste created by
appearance of the waste and its weight.
the business; packaging; empty cans,
If you find something unusual, check with bottles and other disposable containers
the person responsible for putting the waste from the kitchen, restaurant and other
there. A new member of the staff, or someone departments in your workplace.
not aware of the risks of handling waste, may Domestic waste – waste from a private
have placed unwrapped broken glass in the household
disposable waste bag for example. Undeniable and Hazardous Waste
Waste is material your workplace does The waste from your workplace could
not want, but waste may be attractive to others.
include items that are dangerous if handled in the
Dogs and cats will soon rip into plastic bags,
scattering the contents in their search for titbits. wrong way by people who collect and dispose of
Birds, pests and vermin are determined to at the waste, and anyone else who gets access to it
waste. (e.g. scavengers):

Waste not properly secured is hygiene Hazardous cleaning agents – cause

need a safety risk. The sight of it offends burns , may chemically react with other
neighbours, members of the public and waste items
customers. Used oil from the fryer – a fire hazard
Creators of waste (i/e. your workplace)
Cigarette ends and waste paper – a fire
have a legal duty to look after it, and to see that it
is disposed of safety. Any waste handed on to
Sharp objects – could cause severe cuts
someone else must be secured in a suitable
Syringes. Hypodermic, used condoms,
container. Loose material loaded in a vehicle or
sanitary towels, nappies, used razor
skip should be covered.
blade, etc. – health risk (including aids)
The collectors of waste require a written Each type of waste must be kept separate from
description of the waste. For day-to-day items, general waste, securely contained to minimize
this requirement is covered by a general transfer the risk of accident or contamination
note. But specialist waste has to be dealt with as
Hazardous liquids including used oils in
a one –off.
suitable and clearly labelled container
Types of Waste Glass in its own container or bin
Syringes and needles in a sharps box (of
These are the different types of waste the type used in hospitals, etc.) or, if only
you need to know about, with some examples found occasionally, put in an empty drink
can or similar container that won’t be
Food waste – trimmings from preparing
pierced by the needle.
the food, left-overs returned on the
service dishes and customers’ plates,
Safe storage of waste
Container not worn or damaged and (for Old packaging/cardboard cartoons
hygiene reasons) cleaned regularly collapsed and securely bundled
Liquids not liable to leak out Not likely to be blown away by wind
Not liable to be knocked or blown over Not likely to be knocked over by passing
Lid will not blow open in a strong wind vehicles or pedestrians
Secure against animals, vandals, Drums (e.g. of old cooking oil) and
children etc. similar containers labelled clearly and
Contents will not chemically react with firmly closed
each other Items left outside for collection no longer
Minimum fire risk than necessary
Cleaning waste containers and areas Skips covered

Waste containers are heavily used. So is

the waste collection area. Both have to be
regularly cleaned, and kept in a tidy, orderly
Preparation routine
Decide what you need, and collect the
various items of equipment and cleaning agents
required for the task. You will need strong gloves, PREPARATION W/ LAB (HM
and usually waterproof outer clothing and over-
shoes (or wellington boots).Eye protection should
be worn when using some cleaning agents.
MODULE 4: The Food
Preparation Process and
Disposing of slurry and waste Preparing
Slurry and waste block drains if not Vegetables and Fruits
washed away with liberal quantities of water.
Where drains feed into private sewerage
systems, additional rules may exist to prevent


Waste left for collection

Strong containers/bags to resist wind

and rain
Container/bags secure against
disturbance by animals, vandals etc.
Food preparation has been a constant vegetables like protein, fats, carbohydrates,
chore since the first human beings picked up minerals salts and vitamins.
cutting and mashing stones. In return, this effort
to make food edible, preserve it, and transform
its character has sustained an ever-increasing .
population. Many techniques, including grinding,
sifting, drying, salting, sealing, fermenting, and
applying heat, are extremely ancient. Few AT THE END OF MODULE 4, THE
fundamentally new techniques have been
introduced in the past two centuries, among them
microwaving. The main long-term change has Demonstrate food preparation
been the shifting of tasks from the domestic
hearth to centralized factories.
process and prepare vegetable
and fruits.
Food preparation techniques range from
chopping up through fermentation and
emulsifying to pressure-cooking,
vacuum packing, and homogenizing.
One way to understand them is to
examine immediate purposes, which
can be categorized as separating out
edible foods; removing toxins; softening
and otherwise making ingredients more
edible and digestible; distributing foods; storing
them; and making them into new compositions.

On the other hand, vegetables provide a

wonderful array of foods, bringing variety in
flavour, texture, color and
appearance of the food. The
seasonal nature and the
regional variations of
vegetables should be
carefully taken into consideration when planning
a menu. Fresh vegetables are important foods
both from an economic and nutritional point of
view and they are an important part of our diet.

In the same way, vegetable is any

kitchen-garden plant used for food. All the
essentials of a balanced diet are present in Explain mise-en-place.
Recognize the different cutting sharpened, and all tools should be sanitized and
equipment and apply cutting in proper working order. Additionally, recipe items
techniques. that need no cooking – such as chopped onions
or carrots and grated cheese – should be ready
Distinguish the different categories and easily accessible.
of vegetables and list examples for
From a manager’s point of view, the use
each category.
of a mise-en-place sheet will increase

productivity and spare unnecessary work and

movement. The mise-en-place is considered to a
motion economy technique.

Are you ready for today’s

lesson? This time you are
tasked to read the text
below and be able to
comprehend it well.


Every good chef knows that “mise-en-

place” is the first step to successful food
preparation. It means “putting in place”. Organize Table 14. Mise-en-place sheet for every
the job beforehand: Get all needed materials recipe prepared in the laboratory
together, and then keep things cleaned up and in Mise-en-place Sheet
order as you move toward the final goal during
Recipe Title:
All materials to be used, including small
tools and hand equipment, should be within
__ Yield
reach. Remember that knives need to be
____ The following are some basic cuts of

Cut into 1
Ingredients Needed : inch length,
Equipment Needed: cut the
lengths into
thin slices,
and then cut
the length
into strip.
Julienne (Strips)


Figure 19


The most basic skill a cook must have is sized
the ability to handle a knife quickly and efficiently lengths, cut
to produce the exact size and shape of product the lengths
needed. Although cutting machines often save into ½ of an
time and labor, no machine can duplicate the inch slices.
versatility and judgment of an experienced cook Cut the
with a good knife. the French knife. slices into
1/12 of an
Brunoise (small dice) inch strips.
Cut the
strips into
about a
quarter of an
inch. Figure 21

There are 4
types of
These are
known as
rounds and
rough sided.
In order to
the cut must
Figure 20 be depend
on the
shape of the
Cut the
lengths, cut
the lengths
into ¼ of an Figure 22
inch slices.
Macedoine (dice)
Cut the
slices into ¼
of an inch
the strips
into square Specific tools have been designated for
about a certain functions to be performed in the kitchen
quarter of an so that work can be done successfully.
A basic set of tools could comprise the following:

Vegetable Use in peeling

Peeler vegetables and fruits
Figure 23
Vegetable General use for
Knife vegetable and fruits Examples:

Filleting Knife Use in filleting fish

(flexible) Carrots (Carottes) – used as an aromatic
base or as a garnish. It contains a notable
Medium Large Use for shredding, amount of sugar which adds to its nutritive
Knife slicing and chopping properties.
(Chef’s Knife) Parsnip (Panais) – used as condiment
Carving Knife Mainly used for carving
large joints of meat

Boning Knife Use for cutting around

bone and gristle

Palette Knife Use for spreading,

turning items over and particularly for flavouring stocks.
lifting Turnips (Navet) – a pot vegetable of
European origin with a fleshy and sweetish
Fork Use for lifting and root. It was cultivated in India before the
holding large joints of Aryan Invasion
meat Beetroot (Betterave) –used as garnish for
salads, hors-d’oeuvre and various games
Sharpening Use primarily to
Steel sharpen knives
Radish (Radis) – plant of the cruciferae
family, of which the root is edible.
Cultivated in China, Japan and the Indies
CATEGORIES OF VEGETABLES in the most remote areas. The radish is
Roots (Rave) –name used for a category found now in all the temperature regions of
of vegetable plant, whose subterranean Europe.
parts are swollen. The root anchors the
plant to the ground, and absorbs and
transports moisture and nutrients from
the soil up to the rest of the plant.
Root Vegetables
Tubers – is an underground stem which
carries nutrients from the roots to the rest
of the plant. It can also store nutrients. Bulbs
Figure 25


Onion (Oignon) – biennial plant, native of

Asia and Palestine, which has been
Tubers cultivated from earliest time. This
Figure 24
vegetable of the lilaceae family was so
greatly prized in Egypt that it was
Potatoes (Pommes de terre) – tuber worshipped. It contains a strong and acid
bearing plants, native of South America, sulphureted essence, which causes
introduces into France, as an ornamental watering of the eyes and rube faction of the
plant, towards a540. It contains 77% of skin but disappears in the cooking process;
water and 2 ½ times less carbohydrates it taste is pungent.
than bread. Leeks (Poireau) – hardy biennial plant, the
Sweet Potato (Patate) – hardy plants with origins of which go back a very long way,
edible tubers resembling potatoes, native which has never found it its wild state and
of India, now naturalized in all warm is believed to be cultivated variety of
countries. It taste sweet and recalls a little Oriental garlic. This plant, which is mainly
that of artichoke. used as a condiment for the stock pot or as
Yam (Igname) – a climbing plant. Is very an ingredient of homemade soups, can
large root is edible and is prepared in the also be prepared in various ways as a
same way as the sweet potato. A starch vegetable on its own.
product is also extracted from yams and is Garlic (Ail) – a perennial plant,
much use in cookery and confectionery. It distinguishes by its strong smell, cultivated
is called Gulana arrowroot. for its bulb. It is also called “poor man’s
theriac and herbs aux aulx” (garlic herb).
Bulbs – are leaf bases swollen with water Shallot (Echalote) – a pot vegetable which,
and carbohydrates stored for the next year according to Candolle (French Botanist
growth. They grow very close to the ground 1806-1893) is merely a derivative of the
just slightly above its roots onion, with a slight taste of garlic. Some
people find shallot readily digestive than
Aqueous – means containing water

Leaves Vegetables
Figure 27

Cabbage (Chou) – the species

type seems to be European and prior to
the Aryan Invasion. Highly esteemed by
the Greeks and particularly by the
Romans, the cabbage seems to have been
unknown to the Hebrew.
Lettuce (Laitue) – a plant which grows wild
all over Europe, in the Caucasus and in
India. The word Lettuce comes from the
Figure 26 Latin “Lactuca”, for Lettuce when it is cut,
exudes as milky juice.
Examples: Spinach (Espinards) – a pot vegetable
cultivated for its leaves. It is of Persian
origin. It was unknown to the Romans and
Cucumber (Concombre) – genius of plants
transplanted to Europe by the moors. It has
belonging to the group family, with large
been greatly improved by cultivation.
elongated fruits. This vegetable is very
Spinach contains a viscous substance by
watery and contains very little nutritive
virtue of which it has laxative properties. It
value. Originated in the North-West of India
also contains potassium of oxalate and a
where they grow in a wild state. They have
fair amount of iron (through less than
been cultivated in Hindustan for 3,000
sorrel, leek and lettuce.

Flower Hears/Brassicas – any of various

Leaves – in the process called
plants of the genus Brassica of the
photosynthesis, leaves use sunlight to
mustard family, including cabbage,
produce food (in the form of sugar) plus
broccoli, and turnip. These types of
vegetables grow somewhat like edible
flowery plants. Some brassicas are being
confused as leafy vegetables such as
cabbage. Their major distinction is that
they do have their own leaves. However
it is not edible, what is edible is usually
the somewhat flowery bunch that grows Stems/Shoots – a slender stalk
during maturity. supporting or connecting another plant,
such as a leaf or

Vegetable Flowers
Figure 28
Figure 29

Celery (Celeriac) – this plant contains
Cauliflower (Chou-fleur) – these essential oil, which is highly aromatic.
vegetables are oriental in origin and have According to the different varieties, either
been known in the Italy since 16 th century. the stems are eaten, elongated by trussing
A delicate food which must always be or culture in the dark, or the roots
bought with its green leaves (which are in (celeriac). Both are eaten raw in salad or
fact edible) an indication of freshness. cooked.
Broccoli flower (Choux Brocolis) – the Asparagus (Asperege) – a genus of
flower heads which develop in the leaf axis __________, containing more than 100
are eaten before they are fully grown. They species found in the temperate and warm
are also call broccoli tips. It is also eaten regions __________ and America.
for its leaves as well as its flower. Asparagus grows wild in meadows and
bushy places, especially _____ soil, over a
great part of France, as well as on sandy
coasts on the Atlantic and the
Mediterranean side.
Fungi or Mushroom – these are almost in water, as this dilutes their
the only vegetable foodstuff that does taste and causes vitamin loss.
not driven from green plants. To slice, cut through the cap and
stem to dorm slices in an
umbrella shape. If the mushro
om need to be a ___
shape, cut each in half and the
in quarters.

Vegetable Fruit – This type of vegetable

is probably the most widely used. These
are the type of vegetables that bears
edible fruits.

Figure 30


Mushroom (Chamoig) – cryptogamus

plants, devoid of chlorophyll, of which there
are great number of species, some edible,
others are poisonous.
There are three more common Vegetable Fruit
Figure 31
groups, button (buds that have
not opened) and cups (larger,
showing __) should have clean Pepper (Poivre) – fruit of pepper plant, a
firm, white caps and fleshly genus of vine-like shrubs, a native of the
stems. Mushrooms dry out Indian archipelago. It was one of the first
quickly. Store unwashed in a spices to be introduced into Europe. It is
closed container in the bottom of much used as condiment, entering into
the refrigerator. There is, no almost
need to peel cultivated Of the culinary preparations, it is
mushrooms, and a light washing an extract and stimulant, and __
is usually adequate. Do not soak
abuse must
therefore be
There are two kinds of pepper in
commerce; black pepper (with a greenish black
wrinkled surface and white pepper (which is the PREPARATIONW/ LAB (HM
same seed freed from the skin and the fleshy 1)
part of the fruit; it is less pungent and less
aromatic than black pepper.
MODULE 5: Stocks,
Tomato - herbaceous plant of South
Sauces and Pasta
American origin of which there are many
varieties, with red or yellow, round or oval
___ it. Sometimes these fruits are called
“Pemmes D’ Amour” (Love apples).

Pods/Seeds –These types of vegetables

Stock is liquid containing some of the
are most commonly known as legumes.
soluble nutrients and flavours of food which are
These usually have pods that contain
extracted by prolonged and gentle simmering
____. Both pods and seeds are edible.
(with exception of fish stock, which
requires only 20 minutes). Stock is
usually as the foundation of soups,
sauces and gravies. Stocks are the
foundation of many important kitchen
preparations; therefore the greatest
possible cares should be taken in their

Pasta is a generic name for an

international range of foods made from a basic
mixture overheats flour or semolina (preferably
durum semolina) and water. Eggs may be used
in pace of water to give a firmer texture and a
yellower color. Whole meat and vegetable
flavoured varieties are also available.

Historians are divided on its origin. It is a Define stocks, sauces, glazes and roux
staple food in many cultures, so it is doubtful that
Classify the different kinds of stock.
any one person or culture invented pasta. A bas
relief of an Etruscan tomb dated about 400 BC Identify the different type of Pasta, shape,
provides an
early Italian
as it depicts
equipment for
pasta making.
Four centuries later, pasta made an appearance food value and storage.
in the writing of Cicero, who was known to be Apply the technique in cooking Pasta.
extremely food of tagliatelle. Thus, although
Marco Polo was supposed to have brought
noodles or pasta back to Italy from Cathay. It is
clear that both the Chinese and Italians were
familiar with it long before it’s time. Classification of Stocks

White Stock – is more delicately flavored

than brown stock. Veal bones are ideal
for white stock, but beef and veal bones
may be used together. The bones are
not browned. They are cut, washed, and
placed in cold water, which is then
brought to a boil. Change the water if the
At the end of Module 5, you should be able to:
stock appears cloudy at the start.
PREPARE AND COOK STOCKS, SAUCES Simmer from 4 to 6 hours. Add the
AND PASTA mirepoix and sachet about halfway
through. The finished stock is strained
and used or stored.

How to make white stock

Chop the bones of meat, and remove fat
or marrow.
Place in a stock pot, add the cold water
and bring to a boil.
If the scum is dirty then blanch and wash
the bones, cover again with cold water,
and reboil.
Skim, wipe around the sides of the pot
and simmer gently.
Add the washed, peeled, whole Placing in a roasting tin in the oven or
vegetables, bouquet garni, and Carefully browning in a little fat in frying
peppercorn. pan
Simmer for 4 to 6 hours. Skim and strain. Drain off any fat and place the bones in a
Note: During the cooking, a certain stock pot
amount of evaporation must take place, Fry any sediment that may be in the
therefore add I liter cold water just before bottom of the tray until it becomes brown,
boiling point is reached. This will also deglace with 1 litter of boiling water,
help to throw the scum to the surface simmer for a few minutes and add to the
and make it easier to skim. bones.
Add the cold water, bring to boil and skim
Brown Stock – is usually made of beef Wash peel and roughly cut the
and veal bones. Beef bones – from a vegetables, fry in a little fat until brownm,
more mature animal – give a rich flavour. strain and add to the bones.
Veal bones – from a younger animal – Add the bouquet garni and peppercorns
provided gelatine that gives body to the Simmer for 6-8 hours. Skim and strain
stock. Note: for brown stocks a few
squashed tomatoes and washed
On the bones lightly, place them
mushroom trimmings can also
in roasting pans and brown in an
be added to improve the flavour
oven until golden brown.
as can a calf’s foot and or
knuckle bacon.
bones produce a bitter stock under browned
bones yield a stock that is weak Fish Stock – these are bones, heads,
in flavour and poorly colored. skins and trimmings from white lean,
deep sea fish. Rich, fatty fish such as
After browning the bones, put salmon, mackerel or trout give a strong
them into the stockpot. Pour the fat off and slightly dark stock. Do not wash the
roasting pan bottom, and deglaze the pan fish bones because the cooking time is
by removing the browned potion with water so short, the delicate flavour may be
over a hot surface. Add this liquid to the washed away. Cold water containing the
stock pot, and cover the bones with water. bones and trimmings is brought to a boil,
Bring to a boil skim, and simmer for 6 to 8 skimmed and simmered. Add the
hours. Add the mirepoix and sachet about mirepoix and seasonings immediately
midway in the cooking periods. Some chefs after skimming.
add tomatoes to enrich the color and give
more flavour. An acid such as lemon juice
often is added to the simmering
How to make brown stock fish stock. Simmer only 30 to 45
Chop the bones and brown well on all minutes.
sides either by:
Overcooking will cause the stock Fry the onions, carrots, celery and leeks
become cloudy. in the sunflower oil until golden brown.
Drain the vegetables, place into a
How to make Fish Stock suitable saucepan.
Cover with the water, bring to the boil.
Melt margarine or butter in a thick Add the yeast extract, simmer gently for
bottomed pan approximately 1 hour.
Add the sliced onions, the well washed Skim if necessary. Strain and use.
fish bones and remainder of the Glazes
ingredients except the water.
Cover with greaseproof paper and a lid Glazes are made by boiling steadily
and sweat (cook gently without coloring) white or brown beef stock or fish stock and
for 5 minutes. allowing them to reduce to a sticky gelatinous
Add the water, bring to the boil, skim and consistency. They are then stored in jars and
simmer for 30 to 45 minutes, then strain. when cold kept in the refrigerator for up to one
Note: Longer cooking time week. If they are to be deep frozen then place
will spoil the flavour. into small preserving jars which have been
Chicken Stock – also can be called a sterilized for 1 hour. The glaze for fish white wine
white stock. It is prepared in the same sauce. Butter and or cream may be added.
way as white stock but simmered only 2-
3 hours. Add the mirepoix and seasoning
s after the first hour of simmering. For
white stocks some chefs eliminate
carrots from the mirepoix to assure Sauces
proper coloring, but this is a matter of 5 Mother Sauces
personal preference. Chicken stock must
always be strained before use or 1. Bechamel – Milk + Roux
2. Veloute – Roux + white stock
Vegetable Stock 3. Espagnole (Brown Sauce) – Brown
How to make Vegetable Stock Stock + Tomato Puree + Tomato paste

Roughly cut all the vegetables 4. Tomato Sauce – Brown Stock +

Place all ingredients into a saucepan. Mirepoix + Tomato Paste
Add the water, bring to boil
5. Butter Sauce (Hollandaise Sauce) –
Allow to simmer for approximately one
Clarified Butter + Egg yolk
Skim if necessary. Strain and use. A sauce is a liquid which has been thickened by
Brown Vegetable Stock the following:
Roughly chop all the vegetables
Beurre manie (Kneaded butter) (equal white roux, but without coloring to a
quantities of butter or margarine and sandy texture.
flour are kneaded to a smooth paste) Brown roux – is used to make brown
Egg yolks sauce (also known as spagbowl) and
Roux souls. Use 200 g drippings or vegetable
Corn flour, arrowroot or starch oil to 250g flour per 4 liters of stock,
Cream, and or butter added to reduce cooked together slowly to a light brown
stock color. Overcooking brown roux causes
the starch to change chemically
All sauces should be smooth, glossy in (dextrinise) and lose some of its
appearance, definite in taste and light in texture, thickening property. This will cause the
the thickening medium should be used in fat to separate from the roux and rise to
moderation. the surface of the soup or sauce being
Roux made. It will also cause too much roux to
be used to achieve the required
A roux is a combination of fat and flour
thickness and will give an unpleasant
which are cooked together. There are three
degrees to which a roux may be cooked, namely:
Other thickening agents for sauces
White roux
Cornflower, arrowroot or starch – these
Blond roux
are used for thickening gravy and
Brown roux
sauces. These are diluted with water,
A boiling liquid should never be added to
stock or milk, then stirred into boiling
a hot roux as the result may be lumpy and the
liquid and allowed to re-boil for a few
person making the sauce may be scalded by the
minutes and strained. For large scale
steam produced. If allowed to stand for a long
cooking and economy, flour may be
time over a moderate heat a sauce made with
roux may become thin due to chemical change
Beurre manie – this is used chiefly for
(dextrinization) in the flour.
fish sauce. Equal quantities of butter or
White roux – is used for white sauce margarine and flour are kneaded to a
(also known as béchamel) and soups. smooth paste and mixed into a boiling
Equal quantities of margarine or butter liquid.
and flour are cooked together without Egg yolk – these are used mainly in
coloring for few minutes to a sandy mayonnaise, hollandaise and custard
texture. sauces
Blond roux – is used for making blond Vegetable and fruit purees
sauce (also known as veloute), tomato Blood
sauce and soups. Equal quantities of Reduced stock – this is stock simmered
margarine, butter or vegetable oil and until the quantity is reduced by half.
flour are cooked for a little longer than a Shapes of Pasta

Small shapes for soups

Extruded long piece for boiling and saucing
Sheet pasta for baking
Figure 33

Food Value

Durum wheat has

a 15% protein
content which
makes it a good
alternative to rice
and potatoes for
vegetarians. Pasta
also contains
carbohydrates in
the form of starch
which gives the
body energy.


If eggs are used

in the making of
fresh pasta, the
fresher they are
Shapes that can easily be filled with stuffing
the longer the keeping quality of pasta. When fresh
pasta is correctly stored, it will keep for up to 3 to 4
weeks. Flat types of fresh pasta such as noodles,
which are dried and transferred to a container or
bowl, will keep for up to a month in a cool, dry store.
Other shapes can be stores in the freezer.

Types of Pasta


Figure 34
possible, and cook until pasta is frim to the bite – al
Egg pasta dente. Drain thoroughly and use as required. Cooking
times will vary depending on size and shape. Five
hundred grams of fresh pasta serves four and the
same amount of dried serves six.

Examples of Common Pasta

Figure 35

Semolina pasta

Figure 36

Whole wheat pasta

Figure 37

Examples of Sauce that go with Pasta include the


Tomato sauce
Cream, butter or béchamel-based
Rich meat sauce
Olive oil and garlic
Soft white or blue cheese
Cooking Pasta

Allow one liter of water for every 100 gram of

pasta. Bring water to a rapid boil in a large saucepan.
Add salt at the user discretion (salt toughens the
protein) return the water to the boil, add pasta all at
once, bring water back to the boil as quickly as
Ravioli – these are small squares of pasta
dough stuffed to resemble pillows with savoury
or sweet filling, served in a sauce, usually
garnished with grated parmesan cheese.

Spaghetti – a long cylindrical dried pasta of

varying thickness and diameter, solid or
hollow. The name spaghetti is also used as
generic term for all long strings of extruded

Figure 40

Lasagna or Lasagne – these are sheets of

pasta dough often with rippled or curly edges.
Lasagna verde are green lasagne and are
spinach flavoured.
Figure 38
Tortellini – these are small rounds of pasta
dough filled with fine chopped meats,
parmesan and nutmeg, then sealed and
shaped into rings.

Lasagne Sheets
Cheesy &
Spinach Beef Lasagne
Figure 41
Tortellini Figure 42
Figure 39
Fettucine – long flat ribbons of pasta up to 1
cm wide, narrower and thicker than tagliatelle.
Sometimes flavoured and colored with tomato
or spinach.
Easter time. For centuries there were arguments
and discussions on philosophical, metaphysical
Raw Fettucine Pasta or biological levels about which came first – the
Raw Fettucine Alfredo
Figure 43 chicken or the egg. Ancient philosophers saw the
Figure egg as a perfect symbol of the world: the shell
44 was the earth, the white was water, the yolk was
fire and the air was in the round end of the shell.

On the other hand, Sandwiches may be

KITCHEN ESSENTIALS made from every kind of bread, fresh or toasted
in a variety of shapes and with an almost endless
& assortment of fillings.

Dishes, Sandwiches and Prepare Egg Dishes,
Canapés Sandwich and Canapé.

Eggs have been a staple food since

prehistoric times when nests of wild birds were
raided for their eggs. Many cultures believed that
eggs had magical powers of renewal and rebirth,
and this belief is remembered in the eggs of
Which protect the quality
of the egg? The white of
Enumerate the types of Egg and its grade of size the egg consists of the
thin and thick white.
Identify the different market forms of egg, its Fresh eggs will contain
purchasing and quality and health, safety and more thick white than
hygiene. older eggs. The thick
white gives the egg a
Classify the three main groups of bread.
high, rounded
Define Sandwiches and its types. appearance when it is
Describe cocktail canapés.

removed from the shell. Such an egg will

keep a more attractive fried or poached
egg than one in which the white spreads

The yolk membrane separates the yolk

from the white. Attached to the yolk membrane
on each side is a rope or cord called the chalaza,
which holds the yolk near the center of the egg.
There is a light spot on the yolk known as germ
spot, which in a fertilized and incubated egg can
Egg is contained in a shell and consists develop into a baby chick. The yolk supplies the
of the white (albumen) and yellow portion (yolk). food for the growing embryo.
The shell of the egg is porous and permits
The color of the yolk depends upon the
moisture and gases to pass through. On the
food the hens eat. In a fresh egg, the yolk is high
outside of the shell is a thin film called the bloom,
and rounded and in the center of the thick white.
which helps to seal the pores and protect the egg
An air cell appears at the blunt end of the egg; it
from contamination. The color of the shell will
gets bigger as the egg ages.
vary from white to brown, depending upon the
breed of chicken that laid it. The color of the egg The chicken egg is by far the most
does not affect it’s cooking properties or common type of egg. When people or recipes
palatability. refer to eggs, they mean the chicken or hen egg.
In recent years, two other types of eggs have
Between the shell and the egg white
become better known:
there are two membranes, inner and outer.
Duck eggs – stronger in flavour,
sometimes offered as an option for fried
eggs and omelettes.
Quail eggs – tiny flavoured eggs, mostly
used for a starter or as a cocktail snack.
They are served hard boiled, normally in
their shell. With sea salt or flavoured salt.
Size of Eggs
Quail eggs can be purchased pre- Figure 45
cooked and chilled, canned or bottled or
Grade and Size The freshness of an egg has a thick
white that supports the rounded, firm yolk and a
Most eggs sold are graded for freshness smaller air cell.
and size according to USDA standards. The
process of grading for freshness is known Freshness of an egg refers to its quality,
candling, which entails placing the egg in front of not it’s age. The freshest eggs are Grade AA,
a very strong light beam in a darkened room. followed by Grade A and Grade B. The color of
Twirling the egg in front of the light makes it the shell has not influence on egg quality.
possible to judge the thickness of the white, the
size and position of the yolk and the size of the
air cell.

Classification Weight Per Dozen

Jumbo 30 oz

Extra Large 27 oz

Large 24 oz

Medium 21 oz

Small 18 oz Grades of Egg

Figure 46
Peewee 15 oz
Eggs are also classified according to size and

When eggs are graded, the carton or

case receives a label that indicates the grade
(freshness) and size. Although quality and size
are both marked on the
carton, they are not
interrelated- that is, the
largest eggs are not necessarily of the best Dried eggs are
quality. Eggs of any size may be in any of the used primarily
three grades. for baking. They
are not
Market Forms of Eggs suggested for
Fresh use in breakfast
cookery. Unlike
Fresh or shell most
eggs are used most dehydrated
often in the food products, dried
service operation. eggs are not
shelf stable and
must be kept
refrigerated or
frozen, tightly
Figure 47


Frozen eggs
are available in
several forms: Figure 49

Whole Purchasing and Quality

The size of the eggs does not affect the
quality but does affect the price. Eggs are tasted
for quality then weighted and graded. When
Whole eggs with extra yolk
buying eggs the following points should be noted:
Figure 48
The eggshell should be clean, well-
Frozen eggs are usually made from high
shaped, strong and slightly rough.
quality fresh eggs and are excellent for use in
When eggs are broken there should be a
scrambled eggs, omelettes, French toast and
high proportion of thick white to thin
baked goods. They are pasteurized and are
white. If an egg is kept, the thick white
usually purchased in 30-pound cans. Frozen
gradually changes into thin white and
eggs take at least 2 days to thaw at cooler
water passes from the white to yolk.
The yolk should be firm, round (not
flattened) and a good even color. As
eggs are kept the yolk loses strength and
begins to flatten, water evaporates from
the egg and is replaced by air.
Food Value

Eggs contain most nutrients and are low

in calories (two eggs contain 180 calories) . Egg
protein is complete and is easily digestible and
therefore is useful to balance meals. Eggs are Figure 50
useful as a main dish as they are protective food
and provide energy and material for growth and
repair of the body.

Salmonella Health, Safety and Hygiene

Hens can pass salmonella bacteria into Eggs should be stored in a cool place,
their eggs and thus cause food poisoning. To preferably inside the refrigerator.
reduce this risk, pasteurized eggs may be used Eggs should be stored away from
where appropriate. possible contaminants, such as raw
meats, strong smelling foods.
Stocks should be rotated: first in, first out
Store in a cool but not too dry place at Cracked eggs should not be used.
about o degree to 5 degrees Celsius is ideal. The Preparation surface, utensils and
humidity of the air and the amount of carbon containers should be regularly cleaned
dioxide in the air are controlled. At this condition, and always cleaned between preparation
eggs will keep up to 9 months. Egg dishes should be consumed as soon
as possible after preparation or if not for
Due to the porous nature of the immediate use, refrigerated.
eggshells it will be able to absorb any strong Sandwiches and Canapés
odors, therefore they should not be stored near
strong smelling such as onions, fish, cheese. There are three main groups of bread which are
filled to make sandwiches, etc.

Loaves of bread – these may be sliced

or unsliced. If your workplace makes
many sandwiches regularly, the bread
may come sliced to a specific thickness
or shape by the baker (e.g. along the
length of the loaf). Alternatively this can
Pasteurized eggs are washed, sanitized be done on the premises using bread
and then broken into sterilized containers. After slicing machines. Hand sliced bread is
combining the yolks and whites they are strained, ideal for the chunkier sandwich, made to
pasteurized that is heated to 63 C for one minute order.
then rapidly cooled.
Bread Baguette
Figure 51 Rolls
Figure 52
Rolls, baps and baguettes – these are Figure
usually single portion size, although 53 Figure 54
larger varieties can be cut into two or
three pieces for smaller portion. Rolls Pitta – this is thin, flat bread, oval in
may have soft or hard/crisp crust. Baps shape. By slitting along one side, you
are usually soft, baguettes (narrow can cut open out the center cavity to take
French sticks) crispy. Baguettes can be a suitable filling.
sliced in half lengthwise leaving a hinge.
Alternatively, make two parallel cuts
running the length of the baguettes. Rolls
and baps can be treated similarly, or
have their tops sliced off and replaced as
a hat on the filling. Pitta
Figure 55

Before fillings are put in sandwiches, the

bread needs to be spread with butter or
margarine, low fat spread, mayonnaise or in
combination of these. The spread provides
flavour and stops the bread from soaking up
moisture from the filling. With some fillings like
cucumber and tomato slices, the spread has
limited effect, so these are best made to order.

Types of Spread

Peanut butter
Butter can be salted or unsalted and
flavoured. Butter may be flavoured with mustard,
garlic, horseradish, lemon and parsley.

Spreading should be used soft so that

they coat the bread smoothly and do not damage
its surface. In most kitchens, butter will not take Toasted Sandwiches – these are made
long become soft. For reasons of hygiene, avoid by inserting a variety of savory fillings
leaving butter overnight, or even for a few hours. between two slices of hot, freshly
A few seconds in the microwave on the defrost buttered toast, e.g. scrambled egg,
program will soften butter quickly. bacon, fried egg, scrambled egg with
chopped ham, or by inserting two slices
Where sandwiches are required in large of buttered bread with the required filling
quantities, the usual method is to use large into a sandwich toaster.
buttered (unless this has been done before each
slice is cut) and the prepared fillings are added,
so the complete load is made into long
sandwiches. If they are to be kept for any length
of time the crusts are replaced and the loaf
wrapped in clean cloth, greaseproof paper or foil. Toasted Sandwich
When required for service the sandwiches are Figure 56
easily and quickly cut into any required size or
shape, neatly dressed on a doily on a flat dish Bookmaker Sandwiches – this is an
and sprinkled with washed and drained mustard underdone minute teak between two
cress. A typical set of fillings for a loaf could be slices of hot buttered toast.
ham, tongue, smoked salmon, tomato,
cucumber, egg.

Fillings can be:

Sliced – cucumber, cold meats, chicken

Chopped – hard-boiled egg, lettuce
Grated – Cheddar cheese, apple
Mixed – flaked tuna fish with mayonnaise
Mashed or pureed – smoked salmon
trimmings with cream cheese.
Types of Sandwiches
Figure 59

The variety of open sandwiches can include

some of the following:

Smoked salmon, lettuce, potted shrimps,

slice of lemon
Scrambled egg, asparagus tips, chopped
Bookmaker Sandwich Grilled bacon, cold fried egg, tomato
Figure 57 sauce, mushrooms
Cold sliced beef, slice tomato, fans of
Double Decker and Treble Decker gherkins
Sandwiches – toasted and untoasted Shredded lettuce, sliced hard-boiled egg,
bread can be made into double decker mayonnaise, cucumber
sandwiches, using three slices of bread Cold boiled rice, cold curried chicken
with two separate fillings. Treble and Minced raw beef, anchovy fillet, raw egg
quadro decker sandwiches may also be yolk, chopped horseradish, onion and
prepared. They may be served hot or parsley.
cold. Pickled herring, chopped gherkin, capers
sieved, hard-boiled egg
When serving open sandwiches it is
usual to offer good choice. Care should be taken
with finishing touches, using parsley, sliced
radishes, gherkins, pickles, carpets etc. to give a
neat clean look to the dish. Presentation is
Treble Decker Sandwiches important.
Figure 58
Cocktail Canapes
Open Sandwich or Scandinavian
These are small items of food, hot or
Somrrebord – this is prepared from a
cold, which are served at cocktail parties, buffet
butter slice or any bread garnished with
receptions and may be offered as an
any type of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables,
accompaniment to drinks before any meal
salad etc.
(luncheon, dinner or supper). Typical items for
cocktail parties and light buffets are:

Hot savory pastry patties of lobster,

chicken, crab, salmon, mushroom, ham
etc. small pizzas, quiches, brochettes,
Open Sandwich
Hot sausages (chipolatas) various fillings
such as chicken livers, prunes,
mushrooms, tomatoes, wrapped in
bacon and skewered and cooked under
the salamander. Fried goujons of fish
Savory finger toast include any of the KITCHEN ESSENTIALS
cold canapés. These may also be
prepared on biscuits or shaped pieces of &
pastry. On the base the following may be BASIC FOOD
used: salami, ham, tongue, thinly sliced
cooked meats, smoke salmon, caviar, PREPARATION W/ LAB (HM
mock, sardine, eggs 1)
Game chips, fried fish balls, celery stalks
spread with cheese MODULE 7: Fish, Shellfish, Poultry
Beverages, coffee, tea, fruit-cup, punch-
and Meat
bowl, iced tea, coffee
Note: Canapes are served on neat
pieces of buttered toast or puff or short pastry. A
variety of foods may be used – slices of hard-
boiled egg, thin slices of cooked meats, smoked
sausages, fish, anchovies, prawns, mussels etc.
They may be left plain, or decorated with piped
butter and coated with aspic jelly. The size of a
canapé should be suitable for a mouthful.

Foods from the sea lakes and rivers

have been important in human diets since
prehistoric time. Archaeologists have identified
shellfish hidden among the remains of primitive
Canapes society in many locations around the world,
Figure 60
providing good evidence that these foods were While Beef is the meat of any kinds of
eaten before the dawn of agriculture. cattle which have been domesticated for human
consumption through the centuries of history,
Today fish remains a staple diet of a ever since people developed settled agricultural
minority of people such as the Inuit and other communities.
North American Indians and groups living in
Beef has always been a favoured meat
fishing communities. Fish is mostly chosen as a
in Europe, where it’s used in recorded in
diet due to its health consideration. This antiquity. The primary producers raised and
popularity has resulted in a far greater selection butchered their own beef cattle throughout early
and due to swift and efficient transport; well over history and by the Middle Ages there were
200 different varieties of fish and seafood are powerful butchers guilds which controlled the
sold in our markets today. cuts of meat and to a certain extent the popular
taste in beef consumption in towns and cities.
On the other hand the term poultry in its
general sense is applied to all domestic fowl for In England in the late 16 th century the
food and means turkeys, geese, ducks and systemic planting of clover, hay crops and turnips
chickens. made it possible to feed cattle over the winter
months and provide fresh meat year round. The
All the domestic breeds of chicken are remained difficulties in providing fresh meat to a
descended from the wild red jungle fowl of India. growing urban population, since meat had to be
Originally, regarded as a sacred bird, the fowls sold quickly or salted – there was no refrigeration
were used in religious ceremonies where entrails until 1880. But dwspite these difficulties the 19 th
were examined in search for omens and the century was the century for great English beef.
meaning of life.
Only in the last 200 years have cattle
Historians believe that from India been systematically selected for either milk or
chickens were taken to China and the Pacific beef, once it was discovered the cattle thrived on
Islands. Their arrival in the Mediterranean the natural grassland of the New World. Great
regions has been dated by 1350 BC paintings in advances were made in cattle feeding methods
Tutankhamen’s tomb. The Hebrew of the Old and breeding techniques in the USA, which gas
Testament does not appear to have known become the world’s leading producer of beef
chicken, as it is not listed in the dietary today.
prescriptions of Deuteronomy and Leviticus. In
720 BC Pork is the white, succulent meat of the
The Greeks were issuing ordinances banning domestic pig, prized for its richness and flavour.
crowning cocks from city streets, chicken were China is perhaps the leading pork eating nation
thought to be too scrawny for good eating and in the world, though it is also the principal meat of
were kept for the eggs the pacific an Indonesian island and of South
ones that scratched for their own food, that East Asia. In ancient Greece and Rome, pigs
fattened chicken started to be featured at Roman roamed freely in the streets, and even in
banquets. Many recipes for chicken are to be medieval times wandered around the
found in the cookbook of the 13th century gives thoroughfares of London and Paris, where they
recipes for stuffed chicken, while German lived on the refuse. For centuries pork was
cookbook of the same period provides virtually the only meat eaten by European
instructions for chicken stew. peasant and the pig has aptly been described as
nothing but an immense dish which walks while
waiting to served.

Fish and Shellfish

Fish is classified into two general groups:

finfish and shellfish. The finfish come from both
salt and freshwater and have scales and fins.
Some shellfish, including oysters, clams and
scallops are enclosed in hard shells. Others such
as lobster, crab and shrimp, have crust like shell
At the end of Module 7, you and segmented bodies.
should be able to: Fish are also classified as lean or fatty
according to the amount of fat they contain. (In
Prepare and Cook Fish, Shellfish, any case, fish contains much less fat than red
Poultry and Meat meat) The flesh of fish with higher fat content
yellow, pink or grayish in color. Whereas white
fish is less fatty. Fatty fish include salmon
mackerel and tuna; the leaner varieties include
haddock, cod and halibut. Most shellfish contain
little fat and are lean.

Contrast the two general groups of fish and its

Know the cuts of fish and procedures in cooking
fish Market Forms of Fish
Define poultry, beef and pork.
Identify the different cuts of chicken, beef and Fish and seafood are available in several
pork. forms; fresh, frozen, canned, dried, smoked and

pickled. About half the fish used in the United

States is fresh or frozen and the remainder is
canned. Only small amount cured fish is used in
our country but it is very popular in Scandinavia.
The many available kinds of fresh, frozen,
canned and cured fish can add variety and be even fresher than fresh fish because much of
interest to your entrees. the freezing takes place directly on the fishing
boats. Frozen fish is usually sold in fillets and
Fresh Fish steaks. Fish steaks which are cut from fillets may
Following are the five most common forms of be breaded and partially cooked before freezing.
fresh fish: Breaded, uncooked fillets and shellfish are sold
Whole fish. Fish marketed just as it
comes from the water, also known as round fish. Canned Fish
The scales and entrails (the internal organs) Both finfish and shellfish are canned in a
must be removed before cooking. variety of forms. Popular canned finfish include
Drawn fish. Fish with only the entrails salmon, tuna and sardines. Varieties of canned
removed. The head, fins and scales remains on shellfish often considered a delicacy include
the fish. oyster, clams, lobsters, crab, scallops and
Dressed fish. Fish ready for cooking. The
head, tails, fins, scales and entrails are removed. Cured Fish

Steaks. Cross-sectioned slices of Fish that has been salted, smoked or

dressed fish. Large fish pickled is referred to as cured fish. Curing
such as halibut and preserves fish and also gives it a distinctive
salmon are often sold as flavour. Mildly salted fish sometimes treated with
steaks. The backbone is smoke, which imparts a special smoky taste.
usually the only bone in a Examples of cured fish are salt cod,
fish steak. mackerel, finnan haddie, kippered herring and
Fillets. A lengthwise cut away anchovies. Cod or herring is salted in dry salt or
from the backbone. A brine and then dried. Finan haddie is haddock
single fillet comes from that has been cured in brine and then smoked.
one side of the fish; a Kippers, salmon and white fish may also be
double or butterfly fillet cured. Pickled fish is cured in brine that contains
comes from both sides of vinegar and spices and after processing.
the fish and is held Shellfish
together by uncut flesh
and skin. You will find only Shellfish is sold live in the shell, shucked
a few (sometimes no) (shell removed) and cooked. The following
bones in a fillet. characteristics are clues to the freshness of
Frozen Fish
Shucked oysters and clams are plump
Several varieties of frozen fish are and creamy in color. The liquid they are
available year round. Purchased frozen fish can in is colorless and clear.
Shells of live clams and oysters should supplier. The fish should be well iced so
be tightly closed or should close when that it arrives in good condition.
The tail of a live lobster snaps back
quickly after it is flattened out. (Both
lobster and crab should be kept alive
until they are cooked).
The fresh deep-sea scallop is white; the Figure 61
bay scallop is creamy white or pinkish.
Shrimp should be odourless and the thin
shell covering them should be firmly Fresh fish should be stored in a fish box
attached. containing ice, or in a separate refrigerator or
Shellfish is divided into mollusc and part of a refrigerator used only for fish at a
crustacean. Mollusk has a soft body temperature of 1C-2C.
without outer hard shell or covering such
as octopus and squid, while crustaceans has a Preservation
hard shell covering of their bodies such Freezing. Fish is either frozen at sea or as
as prawns, lobster and crabs. soon as possible after reaching
Points to look for when buying fresh fish: port. It should be thawed out
Eyes – bright, full and not sunken, no before being cooked. Frozen fish
slime or cloudiness should be checked for:
Gills – bright red in color, no bacterial No evidence of freezer burn
Fresh – firm, translucent and resilient so Undamaged packaging
that when pressed the impression goes Minimum fluid loss during thawing
quickly, the fish must not be limp Flesh still feeling firm after thawing
Scales – flat, moist and plentiful Note: Never re-freeze frozen fish once it has
Skin- should be covered with fresh lime, thawed as this could be s major health
or be smooth and moist, with good hazard.
sheen and no abrasions or bruising;
there should be no discoloration Canning. The oily fish are usually canned.
Smell - .pleasant with no smell of Sardines, salmon and anchovies
ammonia are usually canned in their own
juice or in oil or tomato sauce.

Salting. This is done by rubbing significant

amount of salt to the fish. Usually salting is
accompanied by a smoking or drying process.

Pickling. This is done by storing prepared

Note: Fish should be purchased daily if uncooked fish inside vinegar.
possible direct from the market or
Smoking. This is done wherein the fish is under the salamander, grill bar marks may be
subjected to a smoke using made with a red hot poker before cooking.
selected wood trimming or saw Grilling may also be done on a barbecue, in
dust. This can be done manually which case the fish whole, in cuts or in kebabs
or with a smoking machine. may be marinated for a short time then the
marinade used o baste the fish whilst cooking.
Methods of Cooking Fish Whole fish can have sprigs of fresh herbs placed
Boiling. This method is suitable for whole in the belly cavity and they can also be wrapped
fish such as salmon, turbot and trout and certain in oiled foil and cooked on a barbecue.
cuts of fish on the bone. In either case the fish Shallow Frying – This method is suitable
should be completely immersed in the cooking for small whole fish, cuts and fillets. The fish is
liquid which can be water, water and milk, milk, passed through seasoned flour, shallow fried on
fish stock. Whole fish are covered with a cold both sides, presentation side first, in clarified fat
liquid and brought to the boil, cut fish are usually in a frying pan. Ehen the fish is placed on a
placed in a simmering liquid. serving dish or plate and masked with nut brown
Poaching. This is suitable for small whole butter, lemon juice, slice of lemon and chopped
fish, cuts or fillets. Barely cover the fish with fish parsley it is termed MENUNIERE.
stock, cover with buttered paper, bring to the boil Deep Frying – This method is suitable for
and cook in the oven without allowing the liquid small whole fish, cuts and fillets.
to boil. The cooking liquor is usually used for the
sauce which masks the fish. The fish can be coated by:

Steaming. Any fish which can be Flour, egg and crumn

poached or boiled may also be cooked by Milk and flour
steaming which has a number of advantages. Batter (seasoned flour, egg and water
and/or milk
It is an easy method of cooking The coating forms a surface to prevent
Cooking by steam can be rapid, thus penetration of the fat into the fish. Deep fried fish
conserving flavour, color and nutrients is served with a quarter of lemon and or suitable
It is particularly suitable for large scale sauce and fried parley.
Note: Fish to be steamed is prepared for Baking – many fish whole portioned or
cooking in the same way as for poaching. The filleted may be baked in an oven. In order to
sauce can be prepared separately, but the liquor retain the natural moisture it is necessary to
from the steamed fish should be strained off, protect the fish from the direct heat.
reduced and incorporated into the sauce.
Whole fish – completely cover in a thick
Grilling – This method is suitable for coating of sea salt and bake. Wrap in
small whole fish, cuts and fillets. The fish is pastry (puff pastry) and bake.
passed hrough seasoned flour, brushed with oil Portions of Fish – place in a buttered or
and grilled on both sides. When fish is grilled oiled dish and bake slowly, basting
frequently. Different herbs and suitable Figure 63
finely sliced vegetables can be
added to vary flavour.
Note: Sauce can be offered with the fish

Roasting – Thick cuts of firm fish such as

salmon, turbot or monk fish are suitable for
roasting. The fish is usually portioned, lightly
covered with oil and roasted in an oven in the
usual way (do not overwork). Finely sliced
vegetables and sprigs of herbs can be put in the
roasting tray and when the fish is cooked and
removed the tray can be deglazed with suitable
wine to form the base of an accompanying

Cuts of Fish

Steaks –
thick slices of
fish with or
without bone
Steaks of round fish (salmon, cod) may
be called darne
Steaks of flat fish called trocons


Fillets – cuts of fish free from bone; a
round fish yields two fillets. A flat fish four

Fillet Cut
Figure 66

Goujons – filleted fish cut into strips

Goujon Cut


Paupiette – fillets of fish (sole, plaice,

Whiting) spread with a stuffing and rolled

Paupiette Cut
Figure 65

Darne -
is a
thick, cross-section cut from a round fish,
perpendicular to the spine. Steaks often
retain part of the backbone.

Darne Cut
Plaited Cut
Figure 69
Butterfly- A butterfly or cutlet begins with
a filet. One side of the fish is sliced from POULTRY
behind the head, around the belly, and
tapered toward the tail. The process is Cuts of Chickens
repeated on the other side of the fish,
producing a connected or double filet. Breast – the tenderest meat, which can
be poached, baked, sautéed or grilled. Chicken
breasts are called SUPREMES when they are
boned, skinned and halved. The thin strip of meat
lying next to the breastbone is called filled.
Butterfly Cut
Thigh – these can be fatty and may need
to be trimmed and skinned. Thighs can be fried,
baked, casseroled and barbecued. Boned thighs
can be stuffed or the flesh used as a cheaper
substitute for expensive breast meat.

Figure 67 Drumstick – these can be fried, baked,

casseroled and barbecued. (A Maryland is an
uncut thigh and drumstick.
Troncon - This is a steak-cut (bone-in)
Wings – There are often used in soups
from a flatfish such as flounder, halibut,
and can also be fried, baked and barbecued.
sole, or turbot. In the U.S. these are
called a Steak cut. Giblets – these edible parts of the
Troncon Cut entrails of the chicken, they consist of gizzard,
heart, neck and livers can be sautéed or made
igure 68 into pate and the other giblets can be used for
soups and stocks.
Skin – this can be crisped in an oven for
a snack, but it must be remembered that skin has
a high fat content.
Feet- these can be added to the stock
pot and Chinese serve them hot or cold as
Plaited – also known as an tresse, this
is a fillet cut into three even pieces
lengthwise to within inch of the top and
nearly plaited.
cuts of meat and to a certain extent the popular
taste in beef consumption in towns and cities.

Different Cuts of Chicken In England in the late 16 th century the

Figure 70 systemic planting of clover, hay crops and turnips
made it possible to feed cattle over the winter
Head – this can be used for stock and months and provide fresh meat year round. The
some people regard this as a delicacy. remained difficulties in providing fresh meat to a
growing urban population, since meat had to be
Storage sold quickly or salted – there was no refrigeration
until 1880. But dwspite these difficulties the 19 th
Fresh undrawn poultry must be hung by century was the century for great English beef.
the legs in a well-ventilated room for at least 24
hours; otherwise it will not be tender. The innards Only in the last 200 years have cattle
are not removed until the chicken are eviscerated been systematically selected for either milk or
and should be stored in a refrigerator. Frozen beef, once it was discovered the cattle thrived on
birds must be kept in freeze until required but the natural grassland of the New World. Great
must be completely thawed, preferably in a advances were made in cattle feeding methods
refrigerator, before being cooked. This procedure and breeding techniques in the USA, which gas
is essential to reduce the risk of food poisoning. become the world’s leading producer of beef
Chickens are potential carriers of sakmonella and today.
if cooked from a frozen state there is required
degree of heat to kill off salmonella not reaching Cuts of Beef
the center of the chucken.
Butt – This contains shin, round, topside
Frozen chicken should be checked that: and silverside.
The packaging is undamaged
There are no signs of freezer burns which are Fillet – Lies under the rump and the
indicated by white patches on the skin sirloin and is the tenderest cut of beef. The whole
Frozen chicken should be defrosted by removing or long fillet is the entire fillet and the butt fillet is
them from the freezer to a refrigerator. that section under the rump. In a piece the fillet
can be roasted (wrapped in pastry roasted – Beef
Wellington) or cut into steaks and grilled or pan
BEEF fried. Fillet is divided into three parts: the head or
thicker part is known Chateaubriand, the middle
Beef is the meat of any kinds of cattle part is known as the Tornado and the end or tail
which have been domesticated for human part is known as the Mignon.
consumption through the centuries of history,
ever since people developed settled agricultural Round – The boneless piece of meat
communities. taken from the front of the butt, off the femur
bone. In one piece it can be roasted, as steak it
Beef has always been a favoured meat can be braised, and is best marinated to
in Europe, where it’s used in recorded in tenderize prior to grilling, pan frying or
antiquity. The primary producers raised and barbecuing.
butchered their own beef cattle throughout early
history and by the Middle Ages there were Rump – The boneless piece of meat that
powerful butchers guilds which controlled the covers the hip bone. It can be
roasted in apiece or used as Blade – The piece of meat that
steaks from grilling, pan frying, surrounds the shoulder blade
barbecuing. outside and underneath.
Rump and Loin – The rump and the loin Available in a piece with bone in
is the remainder of the hind or boneless for roasting or pot
quarter after the removal of the roast, or as steaks for braising.
butt. It produces the tenderest
meat. Brisket – The under section of the
forequarter and ribs. Available in
Shin Beef – From both the fore and hind a piece with bone in, boned and
quarter, contains the shank bone rolled for roasting or corned fore
if for soups and stocks. boiling.

Silverside – The boneless outside portion Chuck – That section above the ribs onto
of the butt most commonly sold the neck with the blade
in piece, either fresh for roasting removed. In a piece with bone
or corned. Corned silverside in, for roasting or pot roasting, or
should be covered with court boneless steak for braising or
bouillon and gently simmered stewing. The chuck is
until tender (approximately 30 flavorsome piece meat suitable
minutes per 500g) for curries, steak and kidney
pudding pies.
Sirloin – The piece of meat between the
rumps band the ribs. The section
of the sirloin nearest the rump
contains some fillet. In a piece
with the bone inn or boneless it
can be roasted. Sirloin steak
with bone in or boneless, is for
grilling, pan frying or barbecuing.

Skirt Steak – The flank cut from mid to

hind quarter from the underside
of the rump and the loin. Cut into
pieces and stewed, stuffed,
rolled and braised. Also sold as
flank steak.

Topside – The boneless inside portion of

the butt of the femur bone. In a
piece it can be roasted or pot
roasted, for steaks it can be
braised, and is best if marinated
to tenderize before grilling, pan
frying or barbecuing.
Different Cuts of Pork
Figure 72

Different Cuts of Beef

Figure 71


Pork is the white, succulent meat of the

domestic pig, prized for its richness and flavour.

China is perhaps the leading pork eating

nation in the world, though it is also the principal
meat of the pacific an Indonesian island and of
South East Asia. In ancient Greece and Rome,
pigs roamed freely in the streets, and even in
medieval times wandered around the
thoroughfares of London and Paris, where they
lived on the refuse. For centuries pork was
virtually the only meat eaten by European
peasant and the pig has aptly been described as
nothing but an immense dish which walks while
waiting to served.

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