En CTN Ticketing Platform Quick Reference Guide PDF
En CTN Ticketing Platform Quick Reference Guide PDF
En CTN Ticketing Platform Quick Reference Guide PDF
Version History
Version Date Description
V 1.1. 25.06.2018 2. SHORT DESCRIPTION & 3.2.8. Handbook
Command Issue of Price Quote 1 and first passenger, requirement to modifier
3.1.Authorization in the system
URL was changed to https://tp.contenttravelnetwork.com
3.3.3 Revalidation and Formats for Revalidation.
For Revalidation process the optional fields NVB/NVA has been added.
3.2.3. Logs
Added possibility to choose logs by date
4.2. Password reset
New procedure for password reset added
V 1.2. 17.07.2018 Reissue procedure update. PQR creation has been added.
V 1.3. 31.07.2018 “Get rules” button has been removed from the Ticketing App, “CLEAR” deletes
all previous visible data in the Red App Main block
V 1.4. 13.09.2018 1. DEFINITIONS. Definitions and their description were updated
4.6. Agency Fee Manager
Added new block
V 1.5. 21.12.2018 3.2.3. Automated Exchange. New functionality added
V 1.6. 27.03.2019 Screenshots containing Legal information block were changed. Due to Legal
information block removal
SC- customer number added to Consolidator’s record and will be available in .xls
Sales Report
V 1.7. 11.10.2019 3.2.1. Pricing. Added new command Pricing and its description.
V 1.8. 14.07.2021 1. DEFINITIONS. Booking office (PCC) description was updated
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
1. DEFINITIONS .........................................................................................................................................4
2. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBAGENT INTERFACE .................................................................4
3. CTN Ticketing Platform: Ticketing APP ..................................................................................................7
3.1. Authorization in the system ................................................................................................................7
3.1. Key blocks ..........................................................................................................................................8
3.3.1. Main ................................................................................................................................................8
3.3.2. Reports .........................................................................................................................................10
3.3.3. Logs ..............................................................................................................................................13
3.2. Ticketing App: available options and functionality description .........................................................14
3.2.1. Pricing ...........................................................................................................................................14
3.2.2. Issue .............................................................................................................................................15
3.2.3. Reissue .........................................................................................................................................17
3.2.4. Automated Exchange ...................................................................................................................25
3.2.5. Revalidation ..................................................................................................................................29
3.2.6. Refund ..........................................................................................................................................31
3.2.7. Ticket Void, EMD Void ..................................................................................................................36
3.2.8. Cancel refund ...............................................................................................................................37
3.2.9. EMD Issue ....................................................................................................................................37
3.2.10. Handbook .................................................................................................................................38
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
Definition Description
Solution for automation and managing ticketing of bookings made by non-IATA
CTN Ticketing
locations (Subagents) via IATA travel agencies (Consolidators). Has two parts of
Platform (CTN TP)
it: Ticketing Manager and Ticketing App
Ticketing Manager Web-based administration panel of the solution
Red App CTN Ticketing Platform, Subagent’s front-end interface for ticketing
Ticketing App
IATA agency (owner of issue office) with full access to manage and control
Consolidator Subagencies issue rules and balances (and/or stock), Airlines commissions and
Restrictions, Agency Fee Manager
SC Customer number
Non-IATA or IATA remote location (booking PCC) that performs ticketing via
Consolidator PCC under Consolidator rules and settings
Issue office of Consolidator with the access to the Sabre GDS content and
Issue office (PCC)
ticketing operations (defined by PCC TJR settings)
PCC used by Subagent for access to CTN Ticketing Platform. The Booking office
Booking office
with access to the content of Sabre GDS (usually blocked for ticketing operations
by PCC TJR settings)
A unique access code assigned to an agent by the owner of booking PCC. The
EPR code may contain from 4 to 6 digits, and provides various rights to access the
content of Sabre GDS (booking, issuance, etc.)
Agent Code in Sabre Red Workspace, i.e.:
Agent Code
(KS – agent code)
Users in Ticketing CTN, Sabre, Consolidator or Subagency user of the solution with individual
Manager access credentials (login, password, e-mail)
User Access Role Different type of user access to the solution with specified rights
User role in Ticketing Manager to perform ticketing operations in Ticketing App,
Subagency admin has the rights to add and administrate all Subagency users and to view a current
user balance, has access to Sales report, Stock & Balance Transactions reports of the
whole Subagency
User role in Ticketing Manager to perform ticketing operations in Ticketing App, is
able to view a current balance, has access to Sales report, Stock & Balance
accountant user
Transactions reports of the whole Subagency
User role in Ticketing Manager to perform ticketing operations in Ticketing App, is
Subagency agent
able to view a current balance, has access to Sales report, Stock & Balance
Transactions reports of the particular user
Any short name of issue office (PCC), offered by Consolidator, to specify
Short name
particular PCC
Subagency user - role in Ticketing Manager, which may be of three types depending on user access
purposes: Subagency admin user, Subagency accountant user and Subagency agent user.
Number of Subagency users is not limited and can be arranged by Subagency admin user
Subagent can cooperate with one or more Consolidators using single interface and choosing more
favorable terms of sales in each case
Interface Ticketing App Ticketing Manager
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
To access Ticketing APP directly from Sabre sign in to Sabre use one from below w optins:
a) choose TOOLS on the toolbar, then go to OTHER and choose CTN Ticketing Platform.
b) Choose CTN Ticketing Platform from Red App toolbar
There is no need to relog in once you signed in to Sabre:
Ticketing App opens on the right side of the screen while the Sabre screen is on the left:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
To access Ticketing App via link https://tp.contenttravelnetwork.com/ type your Login and Password.
3.3.1. Main
Block [Main] contains the following key elements:
It is possible to see all the connected Consolidators and to work with them.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
By pressing [Details] a message box appears with the Ticketing PCC Restrictions and Subagency Issue
Rules that have been set by Consolidator for the issue office through which Subagent is going to issue a
ticket and for Subagency itself.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
List of commands allows selecting an available ticketing transaction from the drop-down list specified
by the Consolidator:
-EMD issue
-EMD void
-Automated Exchange
tax refund
tax refund with penalty
full refund with possibility to add penalty and correct taxes
refund of partly used ticket
-Cancel refund
Locator field - booking reference
Clean data button [CLEAR]
Activation button [SEND]
3.3.2. Reports
Click on Reports and then click on a particular PNR.
This option allows the Agent to check out basic information about the tickets on all previous successful
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
The same report is available in your Ticketing Manager of CTN Ticketing Platform: Reports- Sales Report
with possibility to download in XLSX, XML, CSV:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
3.3.3. Logs
Click on Logs and the operation logs for the current date will be displayed. Then click on a particular
PNR. Or insert PNR number in Locator field and press SEARCH.
To open logs for any other date, choose the date from the calendar and press SEARCH
This option enables you to see all the transactions taken on PNR the way they are reflected in SABRE.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
3.2.1. Pricing
This command allows to price the itinerary in the Issue office of Consolidator, create and save the PQ record.
To price the itinerary, choose the command Pricing (1) add all necessary qualifiers after WP, i.e.
RQ¥FCA¥NCB¥AC*AB2354¥XC (2). WP will be added by default. Then press the button SEND (3).
Pay attention that form of payment, validating carrier, commission (if Commission Manager is not used) are
mandatory qualifiers for ticket issue in CTN Ticketing Platform.
Please see the steps 1,2,3 on the screenshot below.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
3.2.2. Issue
To issue the ticket:
Prepare PNR and save PQ (pay attention that all mandatory elements such as validating carrier,
commission, form of payment must be added while pricing)
Indicate the Consolidator, one or several (1)
Select the Command- issue (2)
Click on Get Locator and PNR number will automatically appear in the field (for that, PNR should be
opened in Sabre screen) or type it manually in the field Locator (3)
Enter PQ number (i.e., 1) (4)
Press [SEND] (5)
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
Please pay attention to the commission when issuing a ticket! If the Consolidator set the commission and
activated Commission Manager for your agency in TP you don’t have to add it while pricing. It will be
automatically used from TP. If the Commission Manager is not activated by the Consolidator you will have to
insert commission manually in pricing line in Sabre.
To check if the Commission Manager is activated please go to Details in Main block of Ticketing App:
If the Agent has added the commission in pricing line but the Commission Manager is already activated in
TP, then the system will notify about the mistake and will offer one of the following options:
issue a ticket with commission specified by the Agent (Subagent’s responsibility);
accept commission specified by the Consolidator (Consolidator’s responsibility);
cancel the action.
If everything was done correctly, you would get a message that the transaction is successful.
After a successful ticket issue, the amount will be automatically deducted from the Agent’s balance. To review
and check all the information on the transactions please go to Reports and Logs and directly to Sabre screen.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
3.2.3. Reissue
Reissue of e-ticket should be made in case of:
change of the date of travel;
change of the booking class (upgrade or downgrade);
change of the passenger’s name and surname (only upon the permission of the airline).
There are two options available for Agent to reissue through TP:
to reissue the ticket according to the already available PQR. In this case PNR should be
absolutely ready in SABRE to complete the reissuance in TP
PQR mask has to be made by Agent in SABRE, using WFR [ticket number] or WFRF [ticket number]
without any additional modifiers
to create PQR using TP with the following possibility to complete the reissuance. In this case
Agent should only prepare PNR by making all the necessary changes in SABRE, and PQR
creating is actually done by TP in the issue office of Consolidator.
If everything was done correctly, you would get a message that the transaction is successful:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
If Agent is going to create PQR with following reissue if needed, press Options:
If choosing an option I have PQR (meaning that the booking is absolutely ready in SABRE for reissue
procedure), TP guides the agent to enter PQR number for reissue in the respective field up to the initial flow
(respective command in Sabre W¥PQR2 to issue PQR 2).
If an option I don’t have PQR (respective Sabre command WFR) is chosen, a window appears, where it is
possible to choose:
- ticket number for reissue,
- add qualifiers, if needed, starting with cross of Lorraine, i.e. ¥ALH¥PQ1¥N1.1¥S1-5 in the field below the
ticket number and press the button Apply.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
After pressing Apply the first window with the screen 10 from SABRE appears, where agent is able to mark
with X:
- CODE to start reissue procedure;
- NEXT to proceed;
- MULTIDOCS if applicable;
- QUIT to quit reissue.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
By clicking Continue Screen 30 (and 31, if needed) appears to enter manually by Agent all the data
according to the general reissue procedure in the host.
Press Continue twice to proceed:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
The next screen 40 is a stage where the agent can choose to complete the ticket reissuance, retain PQR or
quit transaction.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
By Retain created PQR is saved in SABRE and the first stage to reissue the ticket is applicable:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
By Ticket the screen with created PQR appears for checking. Agent may complete reissue or cancel the
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
With Complete reissue the pop-up informs about the successful action:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
A new ticket number will appear in PNR. An Old ticket will be in exchanged status.
To review and check all the information on the operation please go to Reports and Logs.
After clicking Apply the SABRE screen 30 appears, with automatically calculated reissue
amount, change fee amount based on the CAT 31. The agent can optionally mark required
fields with X, then click on Continue.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
The next is Screen 40. Agent can mark the necessary fields and choose Ticket to complete
Automated Exchange.
To view/modify baggage allowance or update the endorsements field, mark with X the proper
fields and click Next, then insert updates and Retain PQR.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
After clicking Ticket, check just created PQR and click Complete reissue to finish Automated
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
With Complete reissue the pop-up informs about the successful operation:
A new ticket number will appear in PNR. An Old ticket will be in exchanged status.
To review and check all the information on the operation please go to Reports and Logs.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
3.2.5. Revalidation
Revalidation can be made only in case of departure date change or flight change. The following components
must remain unchanged:
Only one e-ticket, one segment, one coupon can be revalidated at the same time.
If you have several tickets, please proceed one by one. If you have several segments and coupons to
revalidate, please proceed one by one.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
If you click on Options, fill in the fields and press Apply. Please mind that only one segment and one
coupon can be revalidated at the same time. If the fields NVB, NVA are not mandatory for the exact airline,
leave blank these fields.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
3.2.6. Refund
Currently, CTN supports refunds only from live original PNRs.
To make the refund process complete and without interruptions, CTN recommend to delete active segments
and add open date segment in the PNR in Sabre. Only after that to start refund process in CTN.
To make a refund in CTN:
Select the Consolidator;
Select the Command - Refund;
Click on GET LOCATOR and PNR number will automatically appear in the field (remember that PNR
should be opened in SABRE) or type it manually in the field Locator
In empty field enter refund format manually or click Options. To enter manually, please use the same
formats as in SABRE :
for tax refund (WFRT ticket number¥passenger’s number);
for tax refund with penalty (WFRT ticket number¥passenger’s number¥CP500
for partial tax refund (WFRN ticket number¥passenger’s number;
for full refund (WFRR ticket number¥ passenger’s number;
for refund of partially used ticket (WFR ticket number¥passenger’s number.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
Please fill in all the necessary fields and click on [Process refund]:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
You will get a notification, where you may choose [Edit], Cancel or [Confirm refund]:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
If you have chosen [Confirm refund], you will get a message of successful operation:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
In case you are going to refund a ticket but there are no active flight segments in the PNR, you have to create
flight segments with open date segment, i.e.,
<0(zero)><**><OPEN><booking class><departure date><origin location code><destination location
code><DS><number of seats>, i.e. 0**OPENY01novSVOBLQDS1.
After the refund has been completed, open date segments should be deleted in the PNR.
DIN will be automatically generated and sent to the Account Department.
If any error occurs, you need to:
1. Delete Accounting Lines and fill them manually for each passenger.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
Following successful operation, the document will be voided, funds will be released and the status of the
coupons will be changed to OPEN.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
Following successful operation, the refund will be cancelled, the status of the coupons will be changed to
• An associated EMD (EMD-A). It is an EMD issued for the collection of miscellaneous charges
that are to be lifted with an associated ET. Each coupon of the EMD-A is associated to a flight
• A standalone EMD (EMD-S) is an EMD issued for residual value or the collection of
miscellaneous charges that are not covered by e-ticket coupon, for example group deposit and
change fee. A standalone EMD is not issued in conjunction with a passenger ticket. It can
reference a ticket but is not associated to a flight coupon.
• AE items that are valid for exchange only cannot be on the same EMD as AE items that can
be refunded
• AE items that are commissionable cannot be on the same EMD as AE items that are not
commissionable. Journey AE items cannot be combined on the same EMD as sector AE
items. Journey AE items only have a value at the document level, not at the coupon level.
3.2.10. Handbook
Quick Reference Guide
Format, used in Sabre Manual input (example) Meaning
from the list
FOP can be any,
¥CASH or ¥CASH or
Add Form of can be added in
¥FVI4444333322221111¥12 ¥FVI4444333322221111¥
payment PQ/PQR as
/21 12/21
Any FOP can be
Add Form of
5-CASH 5-CASH added in PNR
Remarks field
Issue of Price
W¥PQ Issue 1
Quote 1
Issue of Price
W¥PQ1¥AB2 Issue 1¥AB2
Quote 1 on Belavia
W¥PQ1¥N1.1 (activated
PQPLUS in issuing PCC TJR) Issue of Price
or W¥PQ1N1.1 (no ¥, Issue 1¥N1.1 or 1N1.1 Quote 1 and first
deactivated PQPLUS in issuing passenger
W¥PQR Reissue 1 Reissue of first
WETR*T [ticket number] Revalidation ¥s1/c1 Revalidation of first
WETRL/S [segment number]/C segment/coupon
[coupon number]
WF Refund RT [ticket number] ¥n1.1 Tax refund
WF Refund RT [ticket number] ¥n1.1] Tax refund with
¥CP100 penalty
WF Refund RR [ticket number] ¥n1.1 Full refund with
possibility to enter
penalty and correct
tax amount
WF Refund R [ticket number] ¥n1.1 Refund of partly
used ticket
WF Refund RN [ticket number] ¥n1.1 Tax refund with
possibility to correct
amount and choose
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
taxes to be
WETR* [ticket number]/E Void [ticket number] Void
WEMD*T [ticket number] Void EMD [ticket number] EMD Void
The Subagent can access the Ticketing Manager via link https://tp.contenttravelnetwork.com
- Enter Login
- Enter Password
- Press button [Login].
Following successful authorization, the page of СTN Ticketing Platform will appear:
4.3. Users
Users module includes the following functions:
*To specify the code, type in 2 (two) symbols of the Agent code. ** Check your code in SABRE:
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
NB – Agent code.
User’s PCC, EPR and Agent code in TP are mandatory and unique and should entirely match Agent’s
credentials in SABRE.
After successful creation of new user, automatic notification with credentials will be sent to the email
specified in the new profile.
Country Code
Phone number
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
4.7. Reports
4.7.1. Balance Transactions
This report is for viewing and downloading in XLS. The table that appears allows tracing all operations with
the Subagency balance and contains the following fields:
− Date of transaction;
− Consolidator: name of Consolidator agency;
− Agent: the first and the last name of subagent who completed the transaction;
− Locator: the booking reference;
− Action: operation done
− Consolidator office: Consolidator issue PCC;
− Payment #: payment reference number;
− Current status: balance current status;
− Amount dedacted/added: the amount of operation;
− Fee amount: the service fee amount;
− Balance before action: the amount on agent’s account before the transaction;
− Balance after action: the amount on agent’s account after the transaction.
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
СTN Ticketing Platform. User Guide for Subagent
4.8. Filters
In the right corner of the screen you will find this option which allows sorting information on established
To reset Filters, press Clear.
To complete the work with CTN Ticketing Platform, please press button [ ].