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Chapter 3 Setting Up Measurements This chapter describes setting up the measurement definitions in Emonitor 10 use with the Enpac 2500, Measurement definitions define how to collect and store measurements. You ean create several different types of measusement definitions at each location. Emonitor can then take advantage of the abilities of your date collector by combining some of the measurement definitions ‘when you Toad them into the data collector. By combining measurements, Emonitor can shorten the data collection time. Chapter 3 also deseribes how Emonitor and the lists, and inspection codes, apac 2500 handle alarms, Forintormationabout——=~~~”*~*~*~‘“~*és~*~*«S OT “Measurement Definition Options AB Seitng Up Colistion Spocfcations 5 Setting Up Measurement Definitions oy Setting Up Alans, Lists, and inspection Codes a errr Fo: complete information on all Emonitor features, asks, and interface elements, refer tothe Emonitor online help, Pblcaten GMSHIO-UMOW2CEN-E- October 20074 _Satng Up Measurements Measurement Definition Options Pubcon GMS'10-UMOI2CENE- Getober 2007 ‘These topics describe the available selections for setting up measurement definitions in Emonitor, You determine these selections by choosing Tools > Set Active Collectors in Emonitor. Figure 3:1 Set active collectors Oraaieia The names of the ectve data calles appear vere tex. rerrperyras fro data collectors are active, the selections that appear inthe Measurement Definition pane are the ones available to ALL data collectors. if only the Enpac is ative, then only the valid ‘choices for the Enpac appear in thelist, If the Enpac and other data collectors are active atthe same tm, you see the selections that are common to al data collectors that are ‘active. Therefore, you may not see all the selections available fo the Enpac. In some cases both Emonitor and Enpac 2500 support certain options. Ia lther cases, Emonitor can support an option that the Enpac 2500 cannot support. For example, Emonitor can apply a software high pass filter to the data after it unloads the data from the Enpae 2500, This allows you to use a filter that is not available in the Enpac 2500. Measurement Types Emonitor and Eapac 2500 support the following measurement definition types: '* Magnitude - This measorement type i single value representing the total energy ofa measurement. For example, a vibration magnitude -eptesents the total energy in a vibration spectrum. The Eapae 2500 ean alto collect magninude+phase measurements, for the first through the cighth orders. ‘* Numeric - Manual entry or DC voltage measurement of an overall value such as temperatoze, pressure, low rate, operating speed, oF proximity probe gap readings.Setting Up Messwerents 47 * Spectrum - Frequency domain measurement of frequency vs amplitude, usually for velocity or acceleration. The Enpac can collect phase with spectrum measurement definitions + ‘Time Waveform - Time domain measurement of time vs amplitude, usualy for displacement, velocity, or accelesation. Remember that the available measurement types in monitor depend on the active collectors you select with the Tools > Set Active Collectors. If you have two or mote active data collectors, you may not see all the selections available for the Enpac. Measurement Filters monitor and Enpac 2500 each support certain measurement filters. Some of the fiers are suppozted in both Emonitor and Enpae 2500. You can define ‘custom band filters (high pass, low pass, band pass) by creating a new band {ter using Setup > Band Filter: You can choose to use a filter in the Enpac 2500 by selecting the Analog or RSS (digital) option when you define a filter. ea asia Sve Publication GNSIIO-UMDO2C-N-E- October 0078 _Sotng Up Measurements Pablcaon GMS} 10-UMOn20-EN-E October 2007 PTT TT A iter in Emonitor are referred to as software filters, Filters in data collectors are refered to as hardware filters. Hardwear filters alter the signal inthe Enpac 2500. Emonitor software filters alter the signal {data representing the signal) after you unload the date into Emonitor. In general, if the filter you want to uso is available in both Emonitor and inthe data collector it ista your advantage to use the hardware filter in the data collector. Hardware filters have the following advantag ‘They can remove low frequency, high amplitude signal components that would dominate the dynamicrange inthe data collector. This results in improved amplitude resolution ofthe remaining signal range. Software filters have the following advantage: if there sno corresponding filter inthe data collector, or you chose not to use it, Emonitor can apply a digital fiterafter you unload the data frm the deta collector. SE Filters Use a gS filter to detect beating and other component defects, The gSE. filters provide a demodulated measurement similar to the “envelope! 5, filters with the following. ‘measurements in other insteuments. You can use ‘measurement definitions: © Magnitude © Spectrum ‘These six gSE filters are available in the Eapac 2500. Ifyou select the Envelope filer, Emonitor automatically picks the 5 kFLz gS filter. OO HegSE (6000 CPN) 200HegSE (12000 CPM) 500HegSE 0000 CPM) 1000He gSE (60000 cM) ‘2000 He gS (120000 CPM) 5000 HegSE (200000 CPM) The Datapac Emulation parameter inthe Data Collector Rn MO 8 Stina oo Soap > Dat Colston in Emonitor must be set to “Yes.” See Table 4.1 on page 86,Sottng UpMeasuements 48 ESP Filters ‘Use an Envelope Spectrum Processing (ESP) filter to detect bearing and other ‘component defects. The ESP filters apply a bend pass filter, envelope the time domain signal, and then pesform a frequency analysis on the result. ESP Alters ate built into the Enpac 2500, and you cannot change them in Emonitor. You can use ESP filters with the following measurement definitions: = Magnitude scram, ‘The following ESP filters are available with Emonitor and the Eapac 2500, 0610 1.25 ke 1251025 kee 2510 Ske 5to 10 KHz 10 to 204 Ty Contact Technical Support for assistance in using the ESP filters in Emonitor. ‘The Datapac Emulation parameter in the Data Collector as HOB reste Stap> Data colton n Table 4.1 an page 86. Emonitor must be set to "No." High Pass Filters Use a high pass filter to zemove high vibration, low frequency signal components that would dominate the signal. Examples include stractucal vibration or signal components generated by an integrator. The high pass filter excludes all frequencies below a defined frequency. Itallows, or passes, frequencies above the defined frequency. You define these and other band filters using Setup > Band Filter. You can use a high pass flter with the following measurement definitions: * Magnitude * Spectrum, Ifyou select Analog (as the data collector fiter type) when you define a high pass fies, the data collector uses one of the following filters determined by the following formula 2 (max flequency) Tuber of ines Publaton GMSH0-UMO02C-EN-E-etober 2007,50 _Soting Up Messuroments Pulizatan GMSiO-UNON2C-EN-E- October 2007 ‘Emonitor uses a high pass filter with one of the low frequency cutoff shown ia the table below: Ie uses the filter whose cutoffs greater than or equal to the osult of the formula Integrated (Ato V, Ato D, V to D) CeRRoM | “sa0ie (eCPM) 2.67 He (1602 CPM) Bere) | PE _ 2000 op cys sore 400 Fines 409, SOOCPM = 104 Emonitor uses the §.30 Hz (318 CPM) filter for an integrated measurement. It uses the 2.67 Hz (160.2 CPM filter fora non ntegrated measurement. Order (Magnitude) Filters Use onde filters to define the bands around orders for magnitude and smagnitude-tphase measurements. You define these filters using Setup > Band % esi the Tollowing measurement definitions et You can use of # Magnitude Spectrum, You can define and use order filters for the fest chrough the eighth orders with the Eapac 2500. If you specify the Maximum frequency in Orders, select Analog and Order normalize when you define the orders filters, then the Enpac calculates the orders from an external trigger. The Empac 2500 then, uses its own filters to calculate the magnitude and phase for the frst through the cighth orders. Emonitor calculates magnitude values (without phase) for additional ordess after you unload the data. Emonitor also caleulates ‘magnitude values after you unload the data ifyou select None instead of Analog. It you want phase, remember to specify the Maximum frequoney in Colzcton Speiiation ion Od, sl Analog inthe Band Filter Specification ¢ialog and Order normalize in the Collection Specification dialog. Emanitor dos not salect these options by defaultSotng Up Measurements 51 Default Filters ‘There aro also four default filters in Emonitor that map to specific filters in the ‘Bapac 2500. The filters are High Frequency, Envelope, Smart HP, anel Overall. «© High Frequency - Typically this filter maps toa high frequency filter, the data collector and is available only for magnitude acceleration ‘measurements In the Eapac 2500, t maps to the 5 kFlz gSE filter ‘= Envelope - Iypically this iter maps to one of the gSE filters in the data collector and is available for magnitude and spectcum acceleration measurements. In the Enpac 2500, it maps to the $ kFlz gSE filter ‘© Smart HP - (Smart High Pass) Typically this iter maps to a specific ‘high pass filter in che data collector and is available for magnitude, spectrum, and time waveform measurements, In the Eapac 2500, it maps to the Enpac filters showa in the table below, depending on the osults of comparing the filter choice to the formula below. monitor uses the following formula. 2 (an frequency ‘mumberof lines Emonitor chooses an overall filer with one of the low frequency eutofts shown in the table below It uses the filter whose cutoffs less than the E result of the formula Tategrated (A toV, Ato, VtoD) ated (A, V, and D) 530 Hz(318 CPM) 2.67 Fa (160.2 0PM) 73.80 (1428 CPM) EXAMPLE 2120000 CPM, 240000 PM = +00 ines “4a, ~ 600 CPM = 10H monitor uses the 5:30 He (318 CPM filter for an integrated ‘measurement. t uses the 2.67 Hz [160.2 CPM) filter fr a ‘non-integrated measurement. ‘© Overall -'Typically this filter maps to a specific high pass filter in the data collector and is available for magnitude, spectrum, and time ‘waveform measurements, In the Enpae 2500, it maps to the Enpac filters shown in the table below, depending on the results of comparing the filter choice to the formula below. Emonitor uses the following formula, 2 (mex frequency numberof ines Pblicton GMSITO-UMENZC-EN- October 200752 _Seting Up Messurements Publeaon 6MSIIDUMERRD EN Oot 2007 Bau Emonitor uses an overall iter with one of the low feeque shown in the table below. It uses the filter whose cutoff is gr ‘or equal to the result of the formmula, -y carafe ter than Integrated (AtoV,AtoD, VtoD) | Non-integrated (A.V, and D) (0:36 He (21 6 CPIM (a Hz {108 CPM) ‘530 He (318 CPA) 2.67 Fi (160.2 CPM) 3.80 2 (1428 CPM 30,000 CPM se 1S0CPM = 2.51, Emonitor uses the 5.30 He (318 CPM) filter for an integrated measurement. uses the 2.67 Hz (160.2 CPM) filter fora on-integrated measurement, Per The available filters in Emonitor depend onthe data colectors ‘you soloct as active data calectors using Tools > Set Active Collectors. you have two or more active data callactos, you may not see al the selections availabe fr the Enpa. f you have no active data collectors, you see all the selections for ‘every data collactor, not just the selections forthe Enpac. ASS Overall ‘The Enpac 2500 allows you to take a digital overall measurement, instead of analog. Thi Root Sum § et up makes measurement collection faster, Be aware that this juates (RSS) overall value is not as complete hecause it does not include the power in the signal from below the frst spectral bin or above the highest spectral bin. Please note that the R¢ S overall values may not trend well ‘with analog overall measurements. "To use the RSS fier, you must create a Band Fite: in Emonitor. Choose Setup > Band Filter and click New. Thea select RSS (digital) as the filter ‘ype.Seng UpMessuemens 53 |e teat tasoast. Ke] F toca. FE FE] Sole ta uo the RSS fie Using the 0.36 Hz (21.6 CPM) low cutoff filter for integrated Tne ANE surements or the 0.18 (10.8 CPM) ow cuto fit for ‘nn-intograted measurements will aivays cause the Enpac 2500 to go into a ong autorange made. Oniy use these fiter ‘settings when vey ow frequency data is required Measurement Units Emonitor and the Enpac 2500 support many different measurement units. ‘The measurement units that appeas in the Fnpac 2500 axe text that depend on: * the type of measurement definition * the units for the measurement definition, * the transducer specification used in the collection specification for the ‘measurement definition. ‘The Enpac 2500 can collect data for English units, Metsic units, or Decibels. Tt uses the units that you sect in monitor. You ean select units from a single system (eg, English g,in/sec, etc), or you can mix units from different systems (eg, Faglish gs, in/see and Metric m/s2, m/see) in one lst. ‘The Enpac 2500 loads the exact text string from Emonitot. The signal detection type (peak, rms, true peak, ete) is appended to the units on the Enpae 2500 i ‘The measurement units cannot be changed after you collect data forthe measurement definition Pblceton GMSIVO-UMUO2C-2N- October 200754 Seting Up Measurements Setting Up Collection Specifications Measurement apt Tipe Measurement Window Tipe Measurement definitions are controlled in part by the collection specification Getup > Collection). You select the collection specification when you set up the measurement definition. You can cxeate new collection specifications ‘based on your specific measurement by choosing Setup > Collection, Figure 3.4 Collection Specification dialog {Measurement Signal Detection “we Moasurmont Maxirum Fequenc Hb gta wns ane | Mecnnteemer Oa) ES] 7 S| EL Nuntor ane Type of Measurement Zoom ° Zn ear aon = ‘Avorags ‘Measwement Rasluti 1 Mopnitude nd Phase Maasuarent at des (Orders Tack ‘The transducer specification used in the collection specification includes both the hase unit and the calibration value, Figure 35 Transducer Specification Fanaaicerrarie] —aselope [Una | Sion vase i 109 (acwomromeer IGE (a8 aol i ‘The figures ina typical measurement setup in the following sections refer to ‘making selections in these dialogs. For example, a table for STD (HZ) 2000 collection specification would look like ths, Table 31 STD (Hz) 2000 collection specification Transducer | Window ‘Signal Detection [Fax [Lines | Phase? | Onder Norm? | Averages ‘Accelerometer | Hanning Peak am [400 [No [No ‘inear Publcaon 6MSIOAIOD2C-2N€ Cette 2007Setng Up Measurements 55 ‘The table for the tsansducer specification in the STD (He) 2000 collection specification would look lke this Table 22 Transducer specification in STD (Hz) 2000 collection sp ‘Name. Base Unit Input Type Units ‘DC Offset Tevelerometer _[Avsleraton | KP Aczl & 0 Measurement Input Types ‘The input type is past of the transducer specification (Setup > Calibration), ‘The transducer is part of the collection specification (Setup > Collection). ‘You select the collection specification when you set up the measurement definition, Emonitor and the Enpac 2500 support the following input types. # ICP Accel - Use for ICP accelerometers requiring curtent from a power supply. » AC Coupled - Use for AC voltage measurements and now-ICP accelerometers, * DC Coupled - Use for DC voltage measurements. This includes snumetie (process) measurements taken from a DC voltage output ‘= Manual Entry - Use for nvmesic (process) measurements where you center the value for the measurement with the data collector keyboard ‘To specily an input type, choose Setup > Calibration, then select the corset Enpac fiom the Collector list You ean then assign Input types, Calibration, and appropriate Units to the transducer you wish to use, Figure 36 Transducer Calibration dialog case iee [LST =] Fasaoar rare] tipatpe beceermetir [OP Aeah Pullin GIMSiO-UMON20-EN-E- October 200756 _Seting Up Messurements Publiation GMSIIOUMOO2CEN-E- tober 2007, Measurement Window Types “The measurement window type is part of the collection specification (Setup > Collection). See Figuse 3.4 on page 54. You select the collection specification when you set up the measurement definition, monitor and the Eapae 2500 support the following measurement window types In general, the Hanning measurement window provides the best compromise of frequency and amplitude accuracy for most predictive ‘maintenance measurements ‘* Hanning - A general purpose window to use on random type data when feequency zesolution is moze important than amplitude accuracy Use this seting for most of your machinery monitoring activities Rectangular - The data collector does not apply a window: Use this ‘only for transient signals that die out before the end of the time sample, ‘or for exactly periodic signals within the time sample. '* Flattop - Use this when amplitude accuracy is more important than frequency resolution. In data with elosely spaced peaks, a Fattop ‘window may smear the peaks together into one wide peak. Use this setting for sinusoidal or calibration signals. ‘+ Hamming - A general purpose window that is similar to the Hanning ‘windows Ie provides better frequency resolution but decreased amplitude accuracy when compared to the Hanning window. You ean use it to separate close frequency components. Measurement Signal Detection Types ‘The signal detection is part of the collection specification (Setup > Collection). See Figuze 3.4 on page 54. You select the collection specification ‘when you set up the measurement definition Emonitor and the Enpae 2500 support the following signal detection types. ‘= None - Use for stmeric measurements. None defaults to RMS when applied to magnitude or spectrum measurement definition, © RMS - Use for detection of voltage and eutrent, For the frequency domain, the dynamic signal is measured as the square root of the mean of the squate of the sigoal. This is the RMS amplitude ofa sine wave at the frequency of interest. For the time domain, the dynamie time signal is squared, integsated over some time period, and then the square soot is taken, '» Peak- Use for detection of acceleration, velocity and high frequency ‘energy: This isthe peal () to maximum) amplitude ofa sine wave at the frequency of interest and is calculated from the RMS value.Seting Up Measurements 57 '* Peak-Peak - Use for detection of displacement; sometimes used for hgh feequeney energy. ‘This is the peak-to-peak (eininaum to ‘maximam) amplitude ofa sine wave at the frequency of interest and is calculated from the RMS value. '# True Peak -Use to detect impacts and random transients. The dynamic time signal contains the absolute value of the largest peak (positive or negative) within a specified time window. Returns a magnitude value ‘only: If used with a spectrum measurement, Emonitor uses a Peak signal detection type instead, ‘This valve is not caleulated but is measwzed direct. » True Peak-Peak - Use to detect impacts and random teansients, The dynamic time signal contains the absolute value of the largest peak to peak distance within a specified time window, Returns a magnitude value only. If used with a spectrum measurement, Emonitor uses a Peak Peak signal detection type instead. This value is not calculated but is measured dizectly. Measurement Maximum Frequencies ‘The measurement maximum frequency is part of the collection specification Getup > Collection). See Figure 3.4 0 page 54. You select the collection specification when you set up the measurement definition. Emonitor and the Enpac 2500 support the following maximum frequencies in He (CPN). ‘Table 33 Maximum frequencies He oem He PM He oem He CPM He cPM 700) mo «i200; 170066000) “3000 ——auo00) 12800" —(raR.OOT 7 (200) 20-8000) 1200 ~—~(72000)_——
Collection). See Figuse 3.4 on page 54, You select the collection specification when you set up the measurement definition, Emonitor and the Enpae 2500 support the following resolutions, Tablo 34 Measurement resolutions ‘Spectral Li 100 6400 16384 12800 32,768 ‘The values that appear i the Number of lines drop down list in the Collection Specification dialog are those for spectrum measurements. Emonitor uses the corresponding number of time samples from the table shave for time measurement definition. ‘You can caleulate the number of time samples from the number of speetzal Fines using the following formal, time samples ~ spectral lines «2.56 ‘You can caleulace the total time requited to collect a time waveform measurement ftom the Number of lines value and the Maximum frequency ‘value in the Collection Specification dialog (Setup > Collections), If your Maximum frequency is specified in CPM, convert CPM to Hertz using the following formula Fax i) ~ BethySoting Up Measuements 5 Next, find the total collection time for the time waveform measurement using, this formula, collection ime = SpestaLtines Fax (Hz) MEU 2 ee Masi frequen valve of 7200 CRM and a Number of ines value of 400, you would: 1. Convert CPM to He 00 CPM CPM ~ 201% 2. Find the total collection time. 400068 _ 55 seconds 120 He Number and Type of Averages ‘The number and type of averages are part ofthe collection specification (etup > Collection). See Figure 34 on page 54. You select the collection specification when you set up the measurement definition -Emonitor and the Eapac 2500 support the following number and types of averages for data collection, Linear - Up to 4096 averages. ‘= Time Synchronous - Up to 255 averages, and sequites a tigger ‘* Exponential - Up to 99 averages. Uses exponential weighting. Use for son a continous signal that may be slowly varying Also use to obtain a uniform statistical error overall frequencies. ‘ Peak Hold - Up to 99 averages Iolds the each bin (ine). highest measured value ia Averaging is useful for reducing random errors. Random errors include background vibration due to some source other than the machine being measured. Ifyou collect more averages, you have fewer random exzors. However, collecting mote averages requires mote time, Overlap processing (Percent overlap) speeds up the averaging process. ‘The overlap amount determines how much of the time samples are overlapped for successive averages. The greater the overlap, the faster the sample can be Publceton GMSIO-UMINZC-EN-E- Octobe 200760 _Seting Up Measurements Publication GMSIO-UMGNZC-EN-E-etober 2007 collected. The disadvantage is thatthe greater the overlap, the less mew data there is, and the greater the influence of random exross. Order Normalization for Orders Track Spectrum ‘There are two requirements for implementing Orders Track measurements. "The Fmax value must fall within the range of 10 to $000 Hz, and the machine speed may not vary by more then 10% ducing the measusement collection, For ‘example, if you set up 2 machine that runs at 3500 RPM for an Fmax of 100 (Orders, the measurement will not work because the required Fmax is 15,000 Ha To Set Up Orders Track FFT Collection ‘The Enpac supports the specification and collection of a spectrum with an ‘Fmax defined in terms of number of orders for a varying machine speed. For (Onders Track data collection, you are required to use a trigger to continually determine machine speed. With orders tracking, the sampling sate is not fixed during the collection period. Instead, the time spacing between the samples may be constantly varying so that fixed number of samples per shaft revolution is collected. The sax of the ime waveform is no longer measuzed in seconds, but instead itis ‘measured in degrees or shaft position. From this, he corresponding spectral information is no longer measured in Hz or CPM, but instead it s measured in ‘orders. Orders tracking removes all non-syachronous frequencies from the spectzum, ‘To set up soute points using Orders Track collection, follow these stepsSening Up Messuements 61 1. Create a collection specification in Emonitor that uses Orders for the ‘maximum frequency (Fax). Also, check the Order Normalization checkbox to signify Orders Track to the Enpac. ‘Otters Tack 2. Create a Spectrum measurement definition that uses the Orders Based collection specification, 3, Tag that measurement and lond it to the Bapae with a lis. For Orders Track data collection, you are required to use a trigger to ‘continually determine machine speed. Orders tacking analysis ean be used effectively to diagnose the vibrations of variable speed machines. The ordess tracking yields data in the revolution domain, not the time domain, In an orders spectrum, signals that are periodic in the revolution domain appear 2s peaks and orders or harmonic components zemain fixed in their position through speed changes. This is a clear advantage ‘when comparing the characteristics of vaciable speed machines over a period of time. Using Frequency Items for the Diagnostic Frequency Cursor ‘Using the Enpac 2500, you set up frequency items in Emonitor and download them to the Enpac. Then, you ca zeview the data using the Diagnostic Frequencies cursor. This feature allows you to diagnose the peaks you see in the Enpac using the fzequency items ftom the host software. Publication GMSIIO.UMOQ2C-2€- October 007{52 Setting Up Measurements In onder to load the Diagnostic Frequency labels, you must check the Load Frequency Labels checkbox in the Lond Options dialog, cares TF coket zechan mesma nas cate meson aye tele cect nde 1 bende oodes Setting Up Speed References ‘The Eapac can determine the speed using speed seferences in Emonitor. The speed reference value is used by the frequency items to calculate the Fmax of the dependent measurements ‘Yo set up speed references in Emonitos, double-click in the RPM column in the Location pane, The following dialog appears © comune f Fegercyton Fegan ame ‘You can choose a frequency reference item as your machine speed reference, ‘This allows for machine speeds to be stored and seteieved dynamically: The Enpac supports two types of feequency types: speed reference and linear rotational Ifyou want to use a collected measurement from the Enpac to set the machine speed, you have two options. ' Use a manual entry process measurement to enter machine speed by seading it From any instrament in you plant. The measurement can then be referenced for the machine speed, and would be updated every time you unload that measurement. Pbliation EMSIID-UMON2G NE Oetober 2007Seting Up Measurements ‘* Use a measurement with Order normalization checked in the collection specification, ‘The machine speed from an internal or exteraal tachometer will be used for the machine speed. If the Onder normalization checkbox is not checked, the Eapac will use a ixed Fras. value and will not ealeulate the Fmax based on the current speed of the machine. ory The Orders normalization checkbox does not produce Orders Tracking measurements when used with speed references, ‘Emonitor orders all the measurements in the route so that the dependent ‘machine speed measurement is collected firs. This way, the route is set up for the most accusate machine speed entry, and the measurements refer to the ‘correct machine speed. The band alarms and frequency labels adjust to ‘changes in the machine’s speed, “To set up the Speed Reference Frequency for the Enpac, double-click in the Definition column in the Speed Reference row in the Frequency Item pane. ‘The Speed Reference Frequency dialog appeats. ay enecreD0UE0 EB Peta so cnr me seu ‘Those options ao not supporto Inthe Erp 250, ‘There are three ways to obtain a speed references. © You can enter a constant for the speed. You can use the value in the Machine Speed columa for a location on aa item in the Hierarchy Tree. '* You can use the value from a process measurement as the speed. Publisation GMSHO-UMOO2C ENE -Ocober 200764 Setting Up Measurements Setting Up Measurement Definiti Publication GMSIIO-UMOW2C-EN-E- October 2007, ross Fl to find out more information about each option in the Speed Reference Frequency dialog, ‘You can set up the Linear to Rotational Frequency by double-clicking the Definition column in the Linear to Rotational row in the Frequency Item pane. This dialog allows you to set up a rotational frequency item based on a linear cet 10H Press F' to find out more informatiqn about cach option ia this dialog, ‘The topics in this section describe setting up different types of measurement definitions in Emonitor for your data collector. The topics descibe the way Emonitor works with the Fnpac 2500 for each different type of measurement definition. These include answess to questions such as ‘+ How does Emonitor handle measurement units and alarms available in .onitor but not supported in the Enpac 2500? *+ How many orders of magnitude and pase can the Enpac 2500 collect? ‘ How does the Enpac 2500 support collecting a spectrum when a ‘magnitude measurement isin alarm? Emonitor combines measurement definitions when i ereates a load file froma list of measurement definitions. For example, Emonitor can combine the ‘measurement definitions at e location so that the data collector collects all the ‘measurements at one time. This makes data collection faster and mose efficient since you do not have to start each measurement individually. For ‘more general information on setting up measurement definitions, see the Emonitor oaline help.Setting Up Measurements 65 Magnitude Measurement Definitions [Emonitor and the Eapse 2500 support magnitude measurement definitions, ‘This topic lists the unique characteristics of the Empac 2500 that you may need to know when setting up and collecting magnitude data ‘Measurement Units Not Supported in the Enpac 2600 *# Magnitude measneement definitions with unit not supported by the [Enpac 2500 map to units of USER (eus) in the data collector. This -esults in a process (DC) voltage measurement. * Fora list of supported measurement units, see Measurement Units on. page 53 ‘Magnitude Alarms in the Enpac 2600 (he Enpac 2500 supports above, below, in window, and out of window ‘magaigode alarms © You must set Trigger to "Yes" for any magnitude alarms you want t0 appeat i the Eapac 2500 dating data collecon, '* For more on how Emonitor combines alarms before sending them 10 the Enpae 2500, see Alsrms and the Data Collector on page 81. Collecting Magnitude Measurements in Multiple Frequency Bands ‘You can set up multiple measurement definitions at a location to collect ‘magnitude values for individual frequency bands. Use band filters to define the different frequency bands in the measurement definitions. Make suse you select None in the Band Filter dialog, This forces the Enpac 2500 to collect a spectrum measurement. After you unload the measurement, Emonitor calculates the magnitude values in the bands from the spectrum, ‘f your measurements include both magnitude and phase, the Empec 2500 can collect up to cight orders. Ifyour measurements include magnitude only, the Enpac 2500 ean collect up to 200 orders, Proximity Probe Measurements * Proximity probes measure the movement ofa shaft within a bearing *# You usually make two types of proximity probe measurements with magnitude measurement definitions, The dynamic ot AC component indicates the changing (dynamie) distance between the probe and beating shaft. The static or DC component indicates the average distance between the probe and the shaft. This is also referred to as the "De gap” Pbliation GASIIO-UMON2C-E- October 2075 _Soring Up Measurements Dynamic (AC) component © Setup a displacement transducer in the Transducer Calibration dialog with Input type set to "AC Coupled!" and Units set "mils" or "um." Make suse you enter the Calibration value that converts the voltage to-a displacement. « Sct up a Collection Specification with Transduces set to the AC displacement and Signal detection set to Peak-peak.” « Finish setting up the dynamic proximity probe measurement by setting Data Type to "Magnitude" snd Units to "mils" or "um." You ccan use a Files if desire. Static (DO) component o "gap" + Setup a displacement transducerin the Transducer Calibration dialog. ‘with Input type set to "DC Coupled! and Units set to "mils" or umm.” Make suse you enter the Calibration value that convests the voltage to a displacement. Ifyou are using the DC Input Module to remove the AC component and attenuate the signal he a factor of 25, then you must divide your transducer’s calibration by 25. * Sct up a Collection Specification with Transducer set to the DC displacement and Signal detection set to "RMS." « Finish setting up the dynamic proximity probe measurement by setting Data Type to "Magnitude" and Units to "mils" of "ums." You snust set the Filter to "None" since any type of high pass filtering removes the DC component, Typical Magnitude Measurement Definitions Figure 3.7 shows the setup fora typical magnitude measurement definition Figure 2.7 Magnitude measurement definition Jwass.narre | OataType | Unts | Colocion | Fite ‘orage | Active pecoleraton Noa_—|—Wonrivee os — STO 0a 7000 Nove [DrayantVear] Yes. ‘The following table shows the STD (Hz) 2000 collection specification, ‘Table 35 Collection specific ion for magnitude measurement definition [Window ‘Signal Detection | Fmax Lines Phase Order Norm? | Averages [Fain Pea Zi |60) [No To Tinea Publication GMSIIOUMOT2D EN. Cetobar 2007Sting Up Measurements 67 ‘The following table shows the transducer specification in the STD (142) 2000 collection specification, Table 36 Transducer specification in STO (Hz) 2000 collection specification Base Unit | Input Type Units | Calibration Value | DC Offeot ‘Aarelerometer ‘aczeleration | IOP Awa! fa 100 0 pect Mag Bana 5 accel Nau Bana 6 Figure 3.8 shows the setup fora typical set of measurement definitions with multiple frequency bands. Note that the filter specifications used in the tables axe not cusrently defined in the Emonitor database. To define a new filter specification, choose Setup > Band Filters and click New. Figure 3.8 Magnitude with multiple frequency bands measu Bast | ts _| oti |r sment definitions Tl Yo “wage | ge [erm a0 has on | Ave Yat agree gs | sTD a) 7000-25850 Awaye Your Magnnude 98 | SYD) 7000 _Bs-soxFmat Aways Voor Magntide | ps | STD iq 2000 S08-100%Fmay agntide gs | STO Ha 2000 Ce 100% Fmax ‘The filter specifications ate shown in the table below: Table 37 Filter specifications for magnitude with multiple frequencies Name Tow Guioft | High Cuoif | Data coloctor iter type O82 Ore | 08 Ores 12 Orders [Nene 1235 Orer | 12 Orders a 35-85 Order 3.5 Orders 8.5 Orders None ~ 85-50% Fax 85 Orders ‘50% Max Freq | None ~ 50%-100% Fmax | 50% Max Freq 100% Max Freq | None ~ TBO0% Fax [08 Orlrs “05 Max Froq_| None Magnitude and Phase Measurements at Orders monitor and the Enpac support collecting the magnitude and phase at orders. This topie describes the steps to set up measurement definitions to collect magnitude and phase with the Eapse. There are several things you may ced to know about collecting magnitude and phase at orders. ‘+ You must select Also collect phase data in the collection specification to collect phase, Publication GMSIVO UMOZ2C-EN€ -Oetaber 2007(68 Setting Up Measurerents Puieaten GMSIIO-URNNZO-EN- Octobe: 2007 *# You must select Analog when you define orders filters. The Enpac automaticaly uses its internal order filters if you are collecting phase. If you are collecting only magnitude values and you do not select this ‘option, the Enpac collects a spectrum and Emonitor ealeulates the magnitudes after unloading. ‘© When collecting magnitude and phase at orders, the Fapac always collects a spectrum measurement, and then calculates the magnitude and phase values from the spectrum. ‘© The Enpac can collect phase only atthe first through eighth orders. '* The Enpac can collect magnitude only at the fist through the vighth ‘orders, Ifyou request additional orders, Emonitor calculates magnitude ‘values at additional orders fom the spectrum afier unloading the data, ‘© The Enpac may colleet mote orders than requested, but it does not collect fewer thea requested, Only the requested values are unloaded nto Emonitor «The Eapac may display a phase value that differs fom the value that appears in Emonitor by up to one degree «Phase and magnitude measurements at orders sequite a trigger signal ‘This can be from the internal laser tachometer or from an exteraal tigger source such as a Rey phasoz To Set Up Multiple Measurement Definitions for Magnitude and Phase ‘You create only one measurement definition for magnitude and phase at each order The Also collect phase data checkbox in the Collection Specification dialog determines whether you also want to collect phase as well as magnitude data, 1. Create a new measusement definition by selecting "Magnitude" in the Data Type column in the Meastzement Definition pane 2. Select the units for the measurement definition, using a dynamic unit such as 5, m/s2, ips, mm/s mils, um, or V. 3. Select che measurement fiter.‘To collect dhe magnitude and phase a an onder, select a band filter centered on the onder. For example, select (create if necessaey) a fist order band filter with a Low cutoff of 08 Orders, and a High cutoff of 12 Orders Refer to Measurement Filters con page 47 for details and the examples on the following pages. itis very important that order band fiters be centered on the es order For example, 0.7 01.3 orders, 0.8 to 1.2 orders, 0801.1 ‘orders, etc f you do not center the band filters, magnitude and phase readings may not be accurate,5. 6 Setng UpMessuements 69 |. Select the collection specification. You most check the Also collect phase data checkbox in the Collection Specification dialog so the data collector collects phase at orders. Select the storage specification. The first measurement definition is now complete If you want to create more than one measurement, copy the measurement definition by selecting the correct row and choosing Edit > Copy. Move down to the next empty tow in the measurement definition spreadsheet, and choose Edit > Paste to paste the copied measurement definition. . Edit the new measurement definition by changing the measurement filter Selecta ban x centered on the next order ). Repeat steps 6 and 7 to create measurement definitions for the desired ‘orders. You can then include these measurement definitions i a Hist and Toad it to the data collector. Remember that you must have a tigger signal to collect magnitode and phase at an order. Typical Magnitude and Phase Measurement Definitions ‘The Measurement Definition pane for one through four orders might look like Figare 3.9. Note chat all measurement definitions have the same units and collection specification, Figure 3.9 Magnitude and phase measuroment definitions [josanee | owe | couecron [rare Slower Reve] I [Hletepincs os | apaPress | —vetoner — Yee] i os mea Orser | Away ves | Yes a os | wagaPhsse | swore | Awe Year | ves] | uaontuss | — 98 | —wagAPrawe | —ahOrier —| Avaya Yoor [You] | ‘The following tuble shows the collection specification fox Mag 8 Phase. Table 38 Collection spocification for mag & phase measurement definitions Transducer Window Signal Detection | Fax ines [Phase | Order Norm? | Averages “Acsoiromator Fanning Poak Sore (AO Yes Yer inear Publican GMSI0-UMOO20-EN-E- October 200770 _Seting Up Measurements ‘The transducer specification in the Mag & Phase collection specification is shown in the table below. Table 39 Transtlucer specification in mag & phase collection specification Wame Base Unit | Input Type Units [Calibration Value [DC Offset ‘Accelerometer | Acceleration | OP Accel os 700 0 ‘The fiker specifications ate shown ia the table below: ‘able 3.10 Filtor spocifications in mag & phase measurement definitions Wame Tow Cutoff [High Cutolf | Data collector filter type Tet Order OB Orders 120%de | None 2nd Order TB Orders 22006 [None ed Order 28 Orders ‘320ndes [None “th Order 38 Ores ‘20nder [None Numeric (Process) Measurement Definitions ‘Emonitor and the Enpac 2500 support numeric measurement definitions. This topic ists the unique charaeterstes of the Epac 2500 that you may need to know when setting up and collecting numeric data, ‘Measurements Units Not Supported in the Enpac 2500 '* You can make a numeric measurement definition for any available measurement unit by setting Data Type to "Numeric." ‘= Numeric measurement definitions with Input type set to "DC Coupled! with units not supported by the Enpac 2500 map to units of USER (cus). The input type is part of the transducer specification that you select for the collection specification. This results in a process (DC) voltage measurement in the Enpac 2500. + Fora list of support measurement units, see Measurement Units oa, page 53. Full Scale Values for Numeri¢ Measurements in the Enpac 2500 + The full scale value in the Enpac 2500 for a numeric measurement is defined as ren times the value of the alarm of the baseline measurement. ‘If no alas of baseline measurement exists for the measurement in the data collector, the Bapac 2500 assumes a fall seale valve of 10,000. Publication GMSII-UMOU2CEN-E- October 2007Soting Up Measurements 74 + A fill sale value of 10,000 ean be 2 problem if you want 10 enter avery large or very small value for the numeric measurement. For example, you can not enter a value geeater than the fall scale value. Ifyou enter a value that is very small compared to the fll seal, the Enpae 2500 may ound the value off Ifyou enter 0.01 with a fall scale value of 10,000, the Empac 2500 stores it as a0 (zero). Temperature Measurements + Set up a temperature measurement defiaition by setting Data Type 10 "Numeric" and Units to "RPM," "CPM," or "deg. C" ‘+ Set up the temperature transducer in the Transducer Calibration dialog “with Input type set to "DDC Coupled" and Units ser to "deg F" ox "deg C" Make sure you enter the Calibration value that converts the voltage 10 a temperature * Sct up the collection specification to inclnde a Signal detection of "RMS" ‘Machine Speed (RPM) Measurements + Set up a tachometer measusement definition by setting Data Type to "Numeric? and Units to "RPM," "CPM," or "Elz." ‘= Setup the tachometer transducer in the ‘Ihansducer Calibration dialog with Input type set to "ICP Accel" for either the internal laser tachometer or an external TTL device (such as entach laser sensor, an ‘optical trigger, or strobe light with TTL output). Set the Input type to "AC Coupled" or "DC Coupled” if your speed sensor has an. AC or DC volkage signal proportional to speed, Set Units to "RPM," "CPM," oF "Ui" Make sure you enter che Calibration value that converts the voltage to speed. Sct up a Collection Specification with Transducer set to the tachometer transducer you set up above, Window set to *Rectangulas,” and Signal detection set to "None." Do not fill n any fields in the Resolution area or the Averaging area ofthe dialog, + Connect the speed sensor to the trigger connector on the Enpac 2500 ‘when collecting data, Magnitude Alarms in the Enpac 2500 ‘You can use magnitude slaems with numeric measurements, ‘# The Enpac 2500 supports above, below, in window, and out of window magnitude alarms with numeric measurements, '* You must set Trigges to "Yes" for any alarms you want to appeasin the Enpac 2500 during data collection, * For more on how Emonitor combines alarms before sending them to the Ennpac 2500, see Alarms and the Data Collector on page 81 Publication GNSIIO-UMOQQC-N€- Ocober 200772_ Setting Up Measurements Typical Numeric Measurement Definitions Figure 3.10 shows the setup for typical smmeric measurement definitions [Note that the fits two measurements ate numeric (DC) voltage measurements, and the third is a umerie manual entry measurement. Numane | esa.F ‘The collection specifications appear in the table below: N/A means not applied. ‘Table 3.11 Collection specifications for numerio measurement definitions Transducer [Window | Signal Detection [Fmax [Lines | Phase | OrdorNorm? | Averages Temperatwe [NA FNS WA Wa 1 Wo WA Techometer | NA None NA WA No No NA Manval Entry [ N/A None WA WA No No NA ‘The following table shows the transducer specifications in the collection specifications. Table 312 Transducer specifications in numeric collection specifications Name Baso Unit | Input Typo Units [Calibration Value [DC Offset Temperature Temperature DC Coupled aeg.F __[Soonatebeiow [0 Techometor Frequoncy | DG Couplod PM Seenotebelow. [0 ‘Manual Entry None ManvalEnry [None [Soe notebelow. [0 Not: Mae se yet te Callbeaton vl tht cones teagan rit sh asd, Spectrum Measurement Definitions Emonitor and the Rapac 2500 support spectrum measurement definitions. ‘This topic lists the unique characteristics of the Eapac 2500 that you may nced to know when setting up and collecting spectrum data. + The Enpac cannot collect phase with a spectrum measurement definition. In other words, do NOT check the Also collect phase data checkbox in the Collection Specification dialog: Plicaton GMSII-UMO020-N-€- Octobe 7007Satng Up Measurements 73 # You can choose to have the Enpac 2500 collect a spectrum only if a magnitude measurement at the same location isin alarm, Set the Colllect and store condition in the Edit Storage Specification dialog to "On. ‘Magnitude Alarm" for the storage specification for the spectsum. ‘measurement definition, Time Synchronous Averaging in the Enpac 2500 ‘* Time synchronous averaging cancels out the effects of signals not selated to the synchronizing trigges. Time synchronous mechanical effects include imbalance, misalignment, eccentricity of bent shafts, blade passing, and gear meshing, '¢ Time synchronous averaging sequites the internal laser tachometer oz external rigger ‘* Set up a Collection Specification with the averaging Type set «0 "Time Synchronous" and enter the Number of averages. Use a large number of averages (euch as 20 or 30) co get the desired reduction in non-syachronous effects, For mote on supported averaging in the Enpac 2500, see Number and Type of Averages on page 59. Order Normalized Spectra in the Enpac 2500 + Onder normalized spectrum measurements have a frequency axis based ‘on multiples of the running speed (orders). This quickly identifies the frequency relationship between each measured vibration amplitude and the running speed of the machine. Itis particularly useful on variable speed machinery ‘+ An order normalized spectrum measurement requites& tigger input to the Enpae 2500. + Set up a Collection Specification with Window set to "Hanning." Select the Maximum frequency in "Ondess," and make sure to scleet the Order normalization option. The Averaging can be ether ineas" oe "time synchronous,” but should include at least four averages. + The Enpac 2500 may collect more orders than requiced. For example, if, you set the Maximum frequency to "10 Orders," the Enpac 2500 may ‘collect more than ten orders. The Enpac 2500 always collects atleast the umber of orders you request in the Colleetion Specification, + The Enpac 2500 displays an order normalized spectrum. If the Collection Specification dialog has the Also collect phase data, checkbox checked, and if the Maximum frequency is eight orders or less, the table on the Enpac 2500 sercen shows the magnitude and phase ‘values at each order. Ifthe Collection Specification dialog does not have the Also collect phase data checkbox checked, or if the Maximum frequency is more than eight orders, the table on the Enpac 2500 sereen shows magnitude values only. The Enpac 2500 displays a ‘maximum of eight orders in the table Publication GMSIO-UMO2C-EN-E- Detter 2007TA _Settng Up Mecsurenents If che table has eight orders ot less, the Enpne 2500 arrow keys move the spectrum cursor. If the table has more than eight orders, the Fmpac 2500 ateow keys scroll the table values. Proximity Probe Measurements ‘+ Proximity probes measure the position and motion ofa shaft within a beating, + You can use a spectrum measurement definition to measure the dynamic or AC component of a proximity probe measurement. This indicates the motion of the shaft within the bearing at each frequency: «Set up a displacement transducer in the Transducer Calibration dialog with Input type set to "AC Coupled! and Units set to "mils" o: "um." ‘Make sure you enter the Calibration value that converts the voltage to a displacement. + Set up the Collection Specification to include the displacement ‘Transducer, and set the Signal detection to "Peak-Peak." You also anced to select the window, frequency range, and averaging options + Finish setting up the dynamic proximity probe measurement by setting Data Type to "Magnitude" and Units to "mils" or Yum." You can use a Filter if desired, but make sure it does not interfere with the frequency of interest. Spectrum Alarms in the Enpac 2500 “The Enpac 2500 supports band alarms with up to ten bands ‘© You can have the data collector collect a spectrum measurement if ‘magnitude alarm is in alarm, Set the Collect and store condition in the Edit Storage Specification dialog to "On Magnitude Alarm" for the storage specification for the spectrum measurement definition, + You must set Trigger to "Yes" for any alarms you want to appeat in the ‘Enpac 2500 during data collection. If you set'Trigger to "Yes" for wo ‘or more alarms for the same measurement definition, Emonitor ‘combines the alarms before sending the combined alarm to the Enpac 2500. ‘+ For more on how Emonitor combines alarms before sending them to ‘the Eapac 2500, see Alarms and the Data Collector on page 81 The Enpac docs not support spectrum alarms. You can stil set up the alarms for the spectrum measurement definitions, Emonitor tests the data against the alarms after you unload the data Puan GNISIIOUMOQ2C- ENE etober 2007,Sotng UpMessurements 75 Typical Spectrum Measurement Definitions Figure 3.11 shows the setup for typical spectrum measurement definitions ‘The fists a standaed specteum, the second is an order normalized spectrum, and the thied is a time synchronous spectrum, Bib ra 2000 ‘vera | Rvaye ear | Yos loernarm spec Specrum | gs | 10ardersram | __Owa___| Aways Year | Yes Fine nc Spee Boeetum iat sane | Oral way Year| Yor ‘The following table shows the collection specifications (ia the same order as the measurement definition table above). ‘Table 3.13 Collection specifications for spectrum measurement definitions Transducer _|Window | Signal Detection |Fmax | Lines Phase | Order Norm? | Averages Recelerometer [Hanning | Peak 2k 400 No. No ‘near Accelerometer [Hanning | Peak orders | 400 No Yes Tinear Aecelerometer [Hanning | Poak 2kile 00 [No No ‘ime synch ‘The following table shows the transducer specification in the collection specifications ‘Table 314 Transducer specification in spectrum collection specifications Name Baso Unit | Input Type Units | Calib jon Value [DG Offset ‘Acceerameter | Aeteleration | 1 Accel a Tot 0 Time Waveform Measurement Definitions Emonitor and the Enpac support time waveform measurement definitions, his topic lists the unique characteristics of the Enpac that you may need to know when setting up and collecting time waveform data ‘The Enpac 2500 cannot collect phase with time waveform measurement definitions # Yon can choose to have the Enpac collect a time waveform only if a magnitude measurement a¢ the same location i in alarm, Set the Collect and store condition in the Edit Storage Specification dialog to "On Magnitude Alarm" for the storage specification for the time waveform measurement definition Publication GMSIIOUMOC2C-2W -Oetober 2007% tng Up Moasuonents ENE Oetober 2007 # The Enpac supports integrated time waveform measurements (single {ntegeation). This means you can collect a time waveform with velocity units using an accelerometer of displacement vnits using a velocity transducer. The length of the time waveform depends on the maximum frequency you select in the collection specification, You can calculate the smmber of time samples from the number of special ines (Collection Specification dialog) using this formula time samples = spectral lines «2.56 ‘You can calculate the total time required to collect atime waveform ‘measurement ftom che Number of lines value and the Maximum frequency value in the Collection Specification dialog (Setup > Collection Specification), If your Maximum frequency is specified in CPM, convert CPM to Herts using this formula. : Emax (CPM) Fmax itz) ~ Enel Next, find the total collection time forthe time waveform measurement vusing this formula, ection time = Spel ines cotlection time = “Fax (liz) PSTUTITBE | youhada Maximum frequency value of 7200 CPM and a Number of lines value of 400, you woule: 1. Convert CPM to Hz 7200 CPM BOCEM 1201 2. Find the total collection time. Boling 5.3 secondsSetiag Up Measuerents 77 Time Synchronous Averaging in the Enpac 2500 ‘¢ Time synchronous averaging cancels out the effects of signals not related to the synchronizing teigges. Time syachtonous mechanical effects include imbalance, misalignment, eccentricity of bent shafts, blade passing, and gear meshing. ‘* Time synchronous averaging requires the internal laser tachometer or an external trigger input to the Enpac 2500, * Ser up a collection specification with the averaging Type set to "Time synchronous" and enter the Number of averages. Use a large number of averages (such as 20 or 30) to get the desired reduction in non-syachtonous effects. For moze on supported averaging in the Enpac, see Number and Type of Averages on page 59. Typical Time Waveform Measurement Definitions FFiguse 3.12 shows the setup for a typical time waveform measurement definition, Figure 3.12 Time waveform measurement definitions [| Jiveas. name Data Type | Units | Gleeson Fiiee | Storage | Aclve ene Tine Tine gs | Sto joes —| hone voy Year| Yas The following table shows the collection specification, sasurement definition Table 315 Collection specification for time waveform Transducer Window | SignalDetection |Fmax [lines [Phase | OrderNorm? | Averages ‘acelerometer [Fanning | Peak 2a __~[ 400 No No 7 inear The following table shows the transducer specification inthe collection specification. ‘Table 3.16 Transducer specification in time waveform collection specification DE Offset Wame Base Unit | Input Type Units | Calibration V ‘clecometer | Anzeleration | IOP Accel 100 7 Publication GMSI10-UMonZC-EN€ -Ostobe 2007RB ng Up Meosueents Voltage Measurement Definitions [monitor and the Eapac support measurement definitions with units of volts (AC or DO, You can collect several different types of voltage measurements. ‘This topic shows the typicel measurement definition setup for three voltage measurements Voltage is similar to other unit in that you can collect magnitude, numeric, spectrum, and time waveform voltage measurements Typical Voltage Measurement Definitions Figure 3.13 shows the setup for three typical voltage measurement definitions. WagonuseW Vote AC Nene ‘amare ae vats Nee The following table shows the collection specifications. Table 3.17 Collection specications for voltage measurement definition Transducer [Window [SignalDetection [Fmax [lines [Phase | OrderNorm? | Averages Wotage Hanning [AMS ze __—( «00 No No Tinear VoltageDC [Rectangular | None 2h 40 [No __—[ No ‘Tineer op The "Voltage" transducer is for Volts AC. The "Voltage D transducers for Volts DC, ‘The following table shows the tanssucer specifications in the collection specifications Table 3.18 Transiucer specifications in voltage collection specification Nane Base Unit [InputType [Units | Calibration Value DC Osot Wage Vorage ACGoopled —_|V Toa 3 Voltage DC Voltage [De coupled vac 000 0 Publication GSiO-UMOQ2C-EN-E- Detox 2007Setng Up Measurements 79 Combining Measurement Definitions for a Location ‘You can use Bmonitor to set up many different measurement definitions for
Database. Select the Measurement view and click OK. Select the machine in the Hierarchy Tree for which you want to set up ‘axial measurements, In the Location pane, choose View > Pane Options to add the Lo. Channel column to the Location pane, Press Fl in the Pane Options dialog for assistance, ‘Create a Location for the frst te-axial measurement and set Lo, Channel to "1X." ‘in the Measurement Definition pane, create the measurement definition for that location. . Select the location you just created, Choose Edit > Copy to copy the Tocation viet . Move to an empty row in the Location pane and choose Bdit > Paste to paste the location into the spreadsheet. ). Edit the new location to change the Direction and set Lo. Channel to ar Repeat steps 7 and 8 to copy and paste the third loeation into the Location pane, Fut the new location to change the Direction and set Lo. Channel to "IZ." 13 The Location ID and Pos three t-avial measurements n must be the same for ll Now include these measurement definitions in alist: You can create a new listo: recall the cutsent lis. ‘The locations must be tagged in order to create a group list |Add the three locations to a group list by double-clicking the Group ‘column in the Location pane. ‘The current group number appears in the Group columa, Make sure you assign the locations to the same group ‘number. The group is then loaded with the list to the Enpac 2500. Figure 3.14 shows the typical measurement location setup for tx-axial measurements, Publieation GMSIIOUMGO20-N-€- Oetber 007Sting ip Measures #1 I |Blandard arin "eat Loven ¢ Jaonsars aenine Qt cession 3) | Bandare machine Setting Up Alarms, and Inspection Codes ists, This section descxibes the way Fmonitor loads alarms, lists, and inspection codes into the Fapac 2500. For more information on alnems, Hist, and inspection codes, see the Emonitor online help. Alarms and the Data Collector monitor and the Eapae 2500 support loading alarms with the list of measurement definitions to the data collector. Selecting Alarms to Load to the Enpac 2500 ‘= Ifyou want to load an alarm to the data collector with a measurement definition, you must set Trigger to "Yes" in the Alarm spreadsheet in Emonitor, «* Ieyou set Trigger to "Yes" for two or moze alarms for the same measurement definition, monitor combines them to make a single alarm, Supported Alarms with the Enpac 2500 This list describes alarms the Enpac 2500 supports alarms it does not support, and substitutes for some of the unsupposted alaems. '* The Enpac 2500 supports above, below in window, and out of window ‘magnitude alarms for magnitude and numeric measurements '* You cannot select a magnitude out of window alarm in Emonitoz. You ‘must create one by combining en above and a below alarm for the same. ‘measurement definition. Emonitor creates an out of window alarm ‘when i builds the load file if both alarms are active. Publication GMSO-UNOG2C-EN-€ Ceo 20072 _ Setting Up Measureronts '* The Enpac 2500 does not support spectrum (narrowband) alarms for spectrum measurements. You can stil set up spectrum alarms with specerum measurement definitions, Emonitor tests the measurements against the alarms after you unload the data, For unsupported alarms, Emonitor tests the measurements against the alarms when you unload the data collector. This means that Emonitor abvays accurstely indicates when a measurement isin alarm, eegarlless of the aumber ‘or complexity of the alarm(s). This is tee forall active alarms, regardless of their trigger statos. Lists and the Data Collector Emositor and the Fnpac 2500 support loading lists of measurement definitions to the data collector. Inspection Codes and the Data Collector [Bmonitor and the Enpac 2500 support loading inspection codes to the data — ee eaaamnmanreer tc 4 lect Inspection Code Support in the Enpac 2500 = You can load inspection codes into the Eapac 2500 only with a list. * You can use only the inspection codes loaded with the lst with ‘measurements in that ist. This includes both measurements in a list and unscheduled measurements associated with that list. = You cat load up to 100 inspection codes into the Bapac 2500, Emonitor numbers the inspection codes from 1-100. The Enpac 2500 numbers the inspection codes from 00-99. * ‘The Enpac 2500 displays the first 16 characters of each inspection code. Loading inspection Codes to the Enpac 2500 You can load and remove inspection codes, * You mut load th inspection cades when you load alist. You do this by selecting Load inspection codes in the Load Options dialog. Ifyou do not sleet this option, no inspection codes are available For measurements from the list oF for unscheduled measurements associated with the Hist. ‘You can remove the inspection codes from the Enpac 2500 by initializing the data collector Pubiatin GMSIIOUMON2C-E-Octobe 2007
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