UNIT 07 Docx

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Alejandro Butrón
Anahi Herbas
Fabiola Barea
Milagros Huamani DATE: S eptem ber 9, 2022

Extra Reading Comprehension Activities

(Unit 7, page 80)
A. Check the statements that are true, according to the article.
 1. A person’s personality is not predictable throughout his or her lif etime.

 2. Most people are not total extroverts or total introverts, but somewhere in the

 3. People who believe babies are born with their personalities are in the “nurture

 4. The nature-nurture controversy is very recent.

 5. It’s very easy to conduct research on real people.

 6. Today most experts believe that personality development is not so black and white.

 7. Environment and genes probably work together to create personality.

B. PAIR WORK. Discuss: According to the reading, are these people probably
introverts or the extroverts? Explain your answers.

1. My f riend Ted is a media consultant f or an advertising agency. His hobbies include

skydiving and skiing. Every time I call him, he's always busy with some social

R.- Ted is probably introvert, because skydiving and skiing is a deport only one
person and his friend all the time call him but he doesn’t answer.

2. My cousin Valerie is an editor. She spends her days reading books. Valerie keeps to
herself . She's a very private person. I never know what she's thinking about.

R.- Valerie is probably introvert, because she is a very private person and she
spends her days reading books.

3. My husband loves telling jokes, and he's always the center of attention at parties.
But, when we're at home, he can be really quiet. He's also very sensitive and
interested in how I f eel. When I need to talk, he's always right there and ready to

R.- Your husband is probably extrovert, because he likes to be the center of attention
at parties.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 7

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