Dsu Report PDF
Dsu Report PDF
Dsu Report PDF
The main objective of the project is to develop online Banking system for banks.
In present system all banking work is done manually. User have to visit bank
to Withdrawal or Deposit amount. In present bank system it is also difficult to find
account information of account holder. In this bank management system we will
automate all the banking process. In our bank management system user can check his
balance online and he can also transfer money to other account online. In this Software
you can keep record for daily Banking transactions. The main purpose of developing
bank management system is to design an application, which could store bank data and
provide an interface for retrieving customer related details with 100% accuracy.
This bank management system also allow user to add new customer account, delete
account and user can also modify existing user account information. Using this system
user can also search any individual account in few seconds. Using our bank
management system user can also check any translation in any account. Our system
also provide security check to reduce fraud. The system will check the user’s existence
in the database and provide the set of services with respect to the role of the user.
The main object of this system is to provide a secure system. Our system is
password protected and it only allows authorized user to access various functions
available in the system.
Our system will help the user to Locate any A/C wanted by the user. It will
Reduced manual work as most of the work done by computer. As all the manual work
will be done automatically so it will increase work speed and reduce time consumption
to complete any bank related work. It will also increase the work efficiency as few
employees can handle more customers. This will reduced the manual workload and
give information instantly.
The Project Banking system has been made to automate the Banking system.
Through this bank management system user can manage all bank account activity like
deposit money, withdraw money, transfer money from one account to another account,
online payment etc. Using this bank management system user can check his account
detail online like balance in account, bank statement etc. The Administrator can check
bank account with a login can work out with A/C holders of the bank can withdraw/
deposit cash / cheque /DD to/from their accounts. This system is also help bank user to
create New account easily. The project makes a sincere effort to provide all the below-
mentioned features to meet the requirements of the bank.
In this project we have automate the bank process like Account Opening, Daily
Transactions, Loan Sanctions, Account Maintenance. In this bank management system
use can also search record of a particular Account Holder.
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Banking Operations Using C
2. Basic Operations
Fig.1.2.1. flowchart
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Chapter 2
Bank Management System
The bank management system is an application for maintaining a person’s
account in a bank. A bank is a financial intermediary and money creator that
creates money by lending money to a borrower, thereby creating a
corresponding deposit on the bank's balance. National Institute of Bank
Management, Pune (An Autonomous Apex Institute Established by RBI &
Banks) Registered as a Society under the Indian Societies
On the other hand the Stanford federal credit union was the foremost
financial institution to facilitate online Bank Management System services to
all of their customers in the Wealth Management. Insurance: IndiaFirst Life
Insurance Co. Ltd. National Insurance Company Limited: Mediclaim. This is
the web site of Maharashtra Bank one of the largest banks in Western India .
Board of Directors Shri S. R. Bansal Chairman & Managing Director Shri
Bibhas Kumar Srivastav Executive Director Shri Manish Gupta Govt. Nominee
Director Shri. Offer all levels of interim and permanent positions. Staff and
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Structure declaration
struct acc_type
char bank_name[20];
char bank_branch[20];
char acc_holder_name[30];
int acc_number;
char acc_holder_address[100];
float available_balance;
struct acc_type account[20];
printf("The above structure can be declared using
typedef like below");
Acc_detail account[20];
int num_acc;
void Create_new_account();
void Cash_Deposit();
void Cash_withdrawl();
void Account_information();
void Log_out();
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Banking Operations Using C
void display_options();
/* main program */
int main()
char option;
char f2f[50]
printf("\n***** Welcome to Bank Application *****\n");
printf("\nThis demo program is brought you by %s",f2f);
printf("Please enter any options (1/2/3/4/5/6) ");
printf("to continue : ");
option = getch();
printf("%c \n", option);
case '1': Create_new_account();
case '2': Cash_Deposit();
case '3': Cash_withdrawl();
case '4': Account_information();
case '5': return 0;
case '6': system("cls");
default : system("cls");
printf("Please enter one of the options");
printf("(1/2/3/4/5/6) to continue \n ");
return 0;
void display_options()
printf("\n1. Create new account \n");
printf("2. Cash Deposit \n");
printf("3. Cash withdrawl \n");
printf("4. Account information \n");
printf("5. Log out \n");
printf("6. Clear the screen and display available ");
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printf("options \n\n");
void Create_new_account()
char bank_name[20];
char bank_branch[20];
char acc_holder_name[30];
int acc_number;
char acc_holder_address[100];
float available_balance = 0;
printf("\nEnter the bank name : ");
scanf("%s", &bank_name);
printf("\nEnter the bank branch : ");
scanf("%s", &bank_branch);
printf("\nEnter the account holder name : ");
scanf("%s", &acc_holder_name);
printf("\nEnter the account number(1 to 10): ");
scanf("%d", &acc_number);
printf("\nEnter the account holder address : ");
scanf("%s", &acc_holder_address);
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void Account_information()
register int num_acc = 0;
//if (!strcmp(customer,account[count].name))
printf("\nBank name : %s \n" ,
printf("Bank branch : %s \n" ,
printf("Account holder name : %s \n" ,
printf("Account number : %d \n" ,
printf("Account holder address : %s \n" ,
printf("Available balance : %f \n\n" ,
void Cash_Deposit()
auto int acc_no;
float add_money;
while (acc_no=account[acc_no-1].acc_number)
printf("\nThe New balance for account %d is %f \n",
acc_no, account[acc_no-1].available_balance);
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void Cash_withdrawl()
auto int acc_no;
float withdraw_money;
while (acc_no=account[acc_no-1].acc_number)
printf("\nThe New balance for account %d is %f \n",
acc_no, account[acc_no-1].available_balance);
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Banking Operations Using C
[1.] Online https://fresh2refresh.com/c-programming/c-programs/c-code-for-bank-
application//accessed on /2021/15:02
[2.] Online https://www.codewithc.com/mini-project-in-c-bank-management-
system//accessed on 2020/16:55
[3.] Online_file:///C:/Users/shri/Downloads/2014_Bookmatter_AlternativeInvestm
entsInWealth.pdf/accessed on 2021/16:45
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