ContextClueDominoes 1
ContextClueDominoes 1
ContextClueDominoes 1
Cut apart the set of dominoes. Give teams of students the entire set of dominoes. (Laminate the dominoes for
best results!)
The students read the sentences and use context clues to determine the meaning of the underlined word.
The students then must search the remaining dominoes to find the definition of the word. The students
should line up the sentence with the underlined word next to its definition in the same way you connect
When completed, the students should be able to connect all of the dominoes from start to finish—and will
have practiced with the invaluable skill of determining a word’s meaning from context clues.
Students can check their answers by the checking the order of the dominoes on the answer key.
My grandparents
The sergeant This mirror is so grimy Jeff was just trying to quibble all of the
bellowed orders to you can’t see your give you some help. time. Most times the
the new soldiers. fights start over the
own reflection. He didn’t mean to
silliest things, like
antagonize you or what color of napkins
make you cry. to use!
My dad is an upright
The vicious pit-bull After Marvin lost his The wizard used dark
man; he never lies to
attacked the rat. job, he went home magic to conjure an
me and always wants
and stayed in bed for army of ghosts.
to help others.
two days. He was
completely dejected.
make appear asking for sudden decision bothered
My husband thinks
My mom makes the
I thought you loved aliens built the
best breakfasts.
your job. Your pyramids and the
Lately I have been FINISH
decision to suddenly Great Wall of China,
yearning for the
quit flabbergasts me. but I think that’s just
French toast she
My grandparents
The sergeant This mirror is so grimy Jeff was just trying to quibble all of the
bellowed orders to you can’t see your give you some help. time. Most times the
the new soldiers. fights start over the
own reflection. He didn’t mean to
silliest things, like
antagonize you or what color of napkins
make you cry. to use!
My dad is an upright
The vicious pit-bull After Marvin lost his The wizard used dark
man; he never lies to
attacked the rat. job, he went home magic to conjure an
me and always wants
and stayed in bed for army of ghosts.
to help others.
two days. He was
completely dejected.
My husband thinks
My mom makes the
I thought you loved aliens built the
best breakfasts.
your job. Your pyramids and the
Lately I have been FINISH
decision to suddenly Great Wall of China,
yearning for the
quit flabbergasts me. but I think that’s just
French toast she