Group 10 Research 11 Abm Accountability
Group 10 Research 11 Abm Accountability
Group 10 Research 11 Abm Accountability
Rexbel L. Tapangan
Authored by:
Rexbel L. Tapangan
Submitted to
1.1 Rationale
Inflation is an increase in the general price level of goods and services in our economy. When the
general price level rises, each buys fewer goods and services accordingly. The unemployment rate,
growth rate, and inflation rate communicate a lot about the health of an economy. The prices rise
for food, commodities, and other goods and services our entire economy is affected. The rising
prices are known as inflation. Commonly, high inflation rates are studied to be damaging our
economy. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, from 2.1% in May 2020, the inflation
rate rose to 4.5% in May 2021, which shows an increase of more than 100%. Their unemployed
parents can't afford to give a higher allowance for their children's needs in school, and due to the
inflation of the price level, the students can't make ends meet.
These are the factors that may affect the Grade 11 ABM students of the ACT Bulacao Campus in
the inflation rate: food, transportation, study materials, uniforms, school projects,
and tuition fees. Currently, the education inflation is at 10% to 12% parents are finding it
impossible to meet the growing fee structure and associated educational costs. The essential needs
of students’ uniforms, textbooks, tuition fees, school shoes, and transportation and food have
become so expensive that it is slowly becoming impossible for a parent to afford his child’s
education. Students have only budgeted allowance. Inflation may highly wreck the minds of the
students it is stead of focusing on their studies, they are thinking about an alternative way for
b.) Finding an alternative way to have another income to make ends meet.
Self Control Theory by Hopwood in (1976), it explains that this is down to student’s behavior but
this can be helped by a suitable system of rewards, performance related pay. The thought of this
theory is in order for the students to know how to control their self on not spending their money or
allowances in uneccessary stuff. The relationship of this theory to our present study is that self
control theory is we need to control ourselves from over spending in our budgeted money or
allowance. Motivational Theory by Kay Hofstede in (1967), it explains that in saving it’s a must to
set a particular goal that will motivate you to achieve your budgeting plan. The thought of this
theory is in order for the students to save or budget their money or allowances they must be
motivated. The relationship of this theory to our present study is that motivational theory explains
that us students must be motivated especially in budgeting our allowances and a kind of
responsibility where an individual will be able to save and budget his or her money and spend it on
important purposes only. Budget Planning Phase Theory by David Carnis in (2017), it explains that
overall budget planning phase theory differs from the costing phase in that the budget planner takes
a broader view. It is believed that one of the hardest part of budgeting the allowance of a Grade 11
student is the isolation of their wants from their needs. The thought of this theory is in order for the
students to ensure that they are not over spending their money or allowance in necessary stuffs. The
relationship of this theory to our present study is that in budget planning phase theory is that,
within a definite period of time certain amount of money is to be spent and such and such aims or
Student Profile
S Data Gathering
Age Survey
Grade, strand & Questionaires
section Analysis of data
Source of income through
Parents work
status & income
Common Strategies in
Budgeting the allowance
of the Grade 11 students
of ACT Bulacao Campus
1.3 Statement of the Problem
This study contributes the problem of the students many expenses in school, to understand
and identify the common strategies for budgeting the allowance and having an alternative income
which can affect or change the every life of the Grade 11 students of ACT Bulacao Campus.
a. age
3. What are the strategies suggested by the students of Grade 11 ACT Bulacao Campus?
The research study is limited and conducted only at Asian College of Technology – Bulacao
Campus in the 2nd semester of school year 2023-2024. The respondents of the study are Senior
High school students under 11th year level. Each of the respondents will be given a questionnaire
to answer. So as to guarantee the reasonability of the gathered information, the researchers will
only provide multiple questions such. This is used to evaluate and gauge the measure of the amount
of money of Grade 11 Senior High students on where and how they spend their money or
allowances and how they allocate their budget or what are their budget plans.
This study was conducted to know how the students will be able to spend wisely or budgeting
their daily allowance. This research would greatly benefit the following:
Students - The students will have the idea of how to budget their allowance or how will they be
able to manage their money properly. Mostly students are prone to spending other stuffs that are
not necessary or their needs. It will also inform the students where they generally spend their
money with and what is the general total amount of money they spend weekly from that certain
variable. The students can greatly benefit on how or what are the strategies in budgeting their
money or allowance.
Parents - The parents may also learn something from this research because they are the one
providing or giving the allowance to their children. As parents have different styles of giving
allowance to their children, they believed that giving allowance to their children can teach them to
be financially responsible. They can teach their children some basic budgeting or saving when it
comes to money.
Teachers – The teachers can also benefit in this research because they can also teach children in
school how spend their money wisely and separate the expenses needs or wants. They can teach
their students on having a budgeting plan. Moreover, this study will help to enlighten the teachers
Budgeting - is a process of creating a plan to spend your money. It is simply balancing your
Income – money received, especially on a regular basic for work or through investment.
Money - a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes
Economy – the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production
Chen (2019) : It is the constant rise in the general level of prices where a unit of currency buys less than
Savanstano and Sharma (1997) : the inflation targeting is likely to be a more effective strategy if it