Ideology of Pakistan

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The word ideology is defined as the science of ideas or system of ideas,especially

concerning social and political life.It may be defined as the set of beliefs,especially the
political beliefs on which people,parties or countries base their actions.

DAVID APTER: Ideology helps to make more explicit the moral basis of action.

GABRIEL ALMOND: Ideology plays the adhessive role of linking thought to behaviour.

CHAMBER'S DICTIONARY: The word Ideology means the science of

speculation,visionary speculation,body of ideas,way of thinking.

An ideology presents a particular code of life which influence the social,political,cultural,

and economic aspects of human life and thus brings a harmony among the people
believing in a
particular ideology.
Reo M.Christension writes in his book: IDEOLOGIES AND MODERN POLITICS: An
ideology emerges when
people feel strongly that they are being mistreated under an existing order when their
is threatend by fundamental changes occurring in society and when the prevailing
ideology no
longer satisfies them.

The word ideology is composed of two Greek words 'ideo' and 'logos'. It literally means
science or study of ideas.
Ideology is any thing kept before us in constant view as our ideal.It means people's
objetives. Ideology is a motivating force for a nation which is striving hard to bring
stability and homogenity to its nationhood.It brings scattered groups in a society closer
each other on a common platform.Ideologies give shape to the revelotions and give birth
to new
cultures and civilizations.


Pakistan is a state which came into being on ideological basis that is why
Pakistan is called an ideological state. Ideology of pakistan was actually the ISLAMIC
on the basis of which the Muslims of the sub-continent claimed a separate sovereign
state for
themselves. The famous slogan 'PAKISTAN KA MATLAB KIA, LA ILLAHA ILLALLAH.'
became the
core of the freedom movement and the basis of pakistan. 
The ideology of Pakistan took shape through a process of evolution.It started with the 
realization of the Muslims of south Asia that they are quite different from the Hindus and
their future in a 'democratic India' dominated by Hindu majority was not safe. They first
demanded separate electorates in 1906. Historical experience of the Muslims of South
provided the basis; Allam iqbal gave it a philosophical exposition; Quaid-e-Azam
Ali jinnah translated it into a political reality; and the constitutional Assembly of Pakistan
gave it legal sanction. In a nut shell the ideology of Pakistan is that;

1. The muslims of south asia are a nation in the modern sense of the word;

2.The basis of their nationhood is neither territorial,nor racial,lingustic or ethnic.

3.They are a nation because they profess the same faith ISLAM.

4.They are entitled to self-determination.

5.the areas where they are in dominant majority should be constituted into sovereign

6.Wherein they should be enabled to order their lives in individual and collective spheres
accordance with the teachings of Islam as set out in the holy Quran and Sunnah, and

7.The state should endeavour to strengthen the bonds of unity among Muslim countries.


The ideology of Pakistan was based on the fact that the muslims were a separate
nation having their own culture,civilization,customs,literature,religion and way of life.
As the Muslims of India found it difficult to live according to the principles of Islam in the
united India, they were forced to demand a separate homeland to safe guard their
national and
religious identity.

Pakistan ideology was erected on the two nation theory which meant that Hindus and
Muslims were two separate and distinct nations whose understanding of life was totally
different from each other.Sir syed Ahmad khan the pioneer of the Two-Nation Theory,
used the word two-nations for hindus and Muslims, after being convinced of the Hindu
and congress hatred and prejudices for the muslims.


The ideology of Pakistan stems fom the instinct of the Muslim community of South Asia
to maintain its individuality by resisting all attempts to absorb it by the Hindu society.

Pakistan ideology is based on Islamic code,which covers social,political,economic,cultural

and all other aspects of human life. in Islam every Muslim of the world, no matter
wherever he live what ever the language he speaks, whatever the complexion he bears
and whatever the race he belongs to, is a member of one MILLAT-E-ISLAMIA or UMMAH.


Pakistan established on the basis of two-nation theory, which held that there were
two nations that is Hindus and Muslims--living in the sub-continent.They were totally
from each other in every walk of life. Ideology of pakistan was based on Two-Nation
theory in order to give it a practicle shape.


Hinduism and Islam are two different religions and the difference is very vast as
compared to other religions followed in the west. Hinduism believes in caste system,
while Islam believes in the brotherhood and equality of all its followers. That is why the
Muslims of
sub-continent could not be absorbed into Hindu society.

Islam is not only a religion but also a social system and a way of life. So the 
Muslim culture has its roots deep into the teaching of Islam. This culture could in no way
be named as "Indian" because there were many more Indians who owned so different
system of life 
from that of Muslims.


The Hindus and the Muslims had little in common in the day to day mode of life.
The houses,the utensils,the dress,the food,the festivals etc of both the people are
from each other.


The languages of the Muslims and Hindus are different from each other. The Muslims
speaks urdu while Hindu speaks Hindi. Urdu is a modified script of arabic language and
a large percentage of Arabic,Persian and Turkish words. On the other hand Hindi was
written in
sanskrit script with a high percentage of sanskrit word.this difference went much deeper
poetry. The difference may also be noted in every branch of fine art e.g music,painting

Muslims had ruled over the sub-continent for eight hundred years. During this period
their attitude towards the Hindus was liberal and they protected their culture. Afte the
fall of the Mughal empire, the musilms became the worst victims of both the british and
Hindu hostilities, as the British was partial towards Hindus because of their numerical

The Muslim apprehended that they would lose their entity if they remained the part of
Hindu society. They also demanded separte electorates on the ground they were a
different nation
from Hindus. The apprehension grew when the british decided to leave India. Now
Muslims resolved
to get an independent state even at the cost of their lives as it was the only way to
their entity.


The Two-Nation Theory on the basis of which Pakistan came into being was first 
presented by sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1857. According to this theory the Muslims of
considered themselves to be a separate nation from Hindus. However some questions in
regard to
Two-Nation theory were still to be explained,like;

What was the ideological basis on which the Muslims should be considered a separate

If they were separate nation then what was the nature of their allegiance to the Indian

Were the factors that Hindus and Muslims had been living togather for centuries not
strong enough
to merge the two communities into one nation?

These questios were answered by allama Iqbal in his presidential address delivered in
the annual
meeting of All India Muslim league at Allahabad in december 1940.

Allama iqbal considered Islam as complete code of life. He said that i am fully convinced
the Muslims of India will ultimately have to establish a separate state for themselves. He
negated the concept of natiion in india. On the occasion of a meeting of a cosmopolitan 
organization he said;
"I have been myself of the view that religious differences should disappear from
this country and even now act on this principle in my private life. But now I think that
preservation of their separate entities is desirable foe both the Hindus and the Muslims.
vision of a common nationhood for India is a beautiful ideal and has a poetic appeal,but
lookig into the present conditions and the unconscious trends of the two communities
incapable of fulfilment."

Allama iqbal closely observed the political development in India and come to the
conclusion that both the communities cannot live togather peacefully and amicably. Thus
he openly

"we suspect each others antentions and inwardly aim at dominating each other.
in the higher intrest of mutual co-operation,we cannot afford to part with the monopolies
the circumstance have placed in our hands and conceal our egoism under the cloak of
outward simulating a large hearted patriotism but inwardly as narrow-minded as a caste
or a 
tribe. Perhapes we are unwilling to recognize that each group has a right to free
according to its own cultural traditions."

In his allahabad presidential address he said;

"The various caste units and religious units in India have shown no inclination to
lose their individualities in a large whole. Each group is intensly jealous of its separate 
existence. The formation of the kind of moral consciousness constitute the essence of a
is not possible in India."

Allama Iqbal defined the Muslims of India as a nation and suggested that there would
be no possibility of peace in the country unless and untill they were recognized as a
Allama believed in the federal system and thoyght it as an ideal system for India. He

"A unitary form of government is inconcivable for India. The residuary powers must be
left to the self governing units. I would never like the muslims of India to agree on a
which negates the principles of a true federation or fails to distinguish the as a separate
political unit. In this way only the Muslims of India will have maximum opportunities of 
development and in return would be able to render best services for the defence of the
against foreign invasion,be the invasion of ideas or of guns and bayonets."
Allama Iqbal expressed the Muslim sentiments and ideas in true spirit by defining
them as aseparate nation. His Presidential address washed away all the confusions from
the muslim 
minds and showed them new dimensions in their struggle for freedom. The spirit which
allama Iqbal
infused in the Muslims developed into an ideological basis for the Pakistan movement.
IQBAL was truly a great advocate of Two-Nation theory or Ideology of Pakistan.


Quaid e azam was perhapes the first statesman in the world who carved an independent
sovereign state purely on the basis of an ideology i-e two-nation theory. quaid was a
suporter of two-nation theory. In his Presidential address at lahore on 23rd march 1940
he said;

"India is not a nation nor a country.It is a sub-continent,composed of nationalities,

Hindus and Muslims being the two major nations. The Hindus and the Muslims belong to
different religions,philosophies,social customs and literatue. They neither intermarries
interdine and indeed they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on 
conflicting ideas and conceptions.their aspects on life and of life are different. It is quite
clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspirations from different sources of history.
have different epois,their heroes are different and have different epitodes."

Quaid e azam after entering into politics, joine All India National Congress with a 
view of securing self-rule for india through constitutional means. For this objective he 
advocated Hindu-Muslim Unity. He came to be known as the "ambassodor of Hindu-
Muslim unity."

However he was greatly disapointed to see the prejudicial and partisan attitude of the 
congress and Hindus towards the muslims. The publication of the nehru report did the
last damage.
Quai e azam at last chaged his views about Hindu-Muslim unity.

In september 1944, Quaid e azam held talks with gandhi at simla to discuss the 
Rajgopalacharia formula. During these negotiations Jinnah stuck to his declared stand on
two-nation theory and said;

"we maintain and held that Muslims and Hindus are two major nations by any definition
test of a nation. We are a nation of a hundred million and what is more we are a nation
our own distinctive culture and civilization,language and literature,art and architicture,
names and nomenclature,sense of values and proportions, legal laws and moral codes,
customs and
calendar, history and traditions, aptitudes and ambitions. In short we have owr own
outlook on life and of life. By all canons of internationallaw we are a nation."

while addressing the students of Muslim university,Alligarh on march 8,1944 he said;

"Hindus and Muslims though living in the same towns and villages,had never been
into one nation; they were always two separate entities."

On the same occasion he said;

"Pakistan started the moment the first non-muslim was converted to Islam in India long
before the Muslims established their rule. Through out the ages Hindus had remained
Hindus and
Muslims had remained Muslims,and they had not merged their entities--that was the
basis of

On 14th february 1942,he declared;

"we should base our democracy on the principles and concepts of Islam."
He wanted to see Pakistan as a country where every individual enjoyed equal rights and 
privileges. He said;
"islam teaches equality,justice and fairplay to every one."

Addressing at Islamia college peshawar in 1940,the quaid said;

"we didnot demand Pakistan simply to have apiece of land but we wanted a laboratory
we could experiment on Islamic principles."

Quaid e azam was very much optimistic about the future of Pakistan. He said;

"Pakistan has come into existence to stay forever."

According to K.B saeed;

"Another popular view regards Pakistan as splely the creation of Quaid

e azam. It was his dogged determination and sheer fanaticism which brought about the
of the sub-continent."

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