Brentwood MH & RV Park
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Harry Jesse
Toll Free: 1-888-251-2822
Direct Line: 604-302-3771
Fax: 1-888-804-1394
Homelife Glenayre Realty
Email: [email protected] #360 – 3033 Immel St
Website: Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2
Although the above information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, it is not warranted by Homelife Glenayre Realty,
Abbotsford, B.C., or its agents and should not be relied upon without verification.
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Advertising & Promotions $819 $387 $810 $350
Bad debt $0 $0 $0
Insurance $2,053 $2,117 $2,355 $2,450
Bank charges $1,893 $1,750 $2,694 $2,200
Licenses & Permits $0 $0 $0 $0
Management fees $10,980 $11,745 $11,860 $12,000
Office and Telephone $840 $877 $2,799 $880
Legal and Accounting $3,405 $2,929 $4,850 $3,500
Property Tax $1,716 $2,177 $1,717 $1,850
Repair and Maintenance $21,628 $23,780 $46,649 $15,000
Utilities $25,341 $21,673 $26,368 $24,000
Although the above information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, it is not warranted by Homelife Glenayre Realty,
Abbotsford, B.C., or its agents and should not be relied upon without verification.
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
The Property:
Brentwood Mobile Home & RV Park is located on the east edge of Unity, Saskatchewan, situated on
19.37 acres. There are 49 mobile home pads and 34 RV pads making a total of 83 rental pads. Five (5)
mobile homes owned by the park are included in this offering. As of November 15, 2020, three (3)
‘park-owned’ homes are rent and two (2) are vacant and for sale or rent. There is profit for each new
home that is placed and sold, thereby improving cash flow.
Site Services:
The park has town water and sewer, underground hydro (electricity), natural gas, Cable TV, garbage /
recycling pickup with street lighting. New water meters were installed to each home in August 2016.
Each tenant is billed directly from the town for water/sewer, garbage and recycling pick up. All other
utilities are billed to the mobile home lot tenant directly from the service provider (i.e.: SaskPower,
SaskEnergy, SaskTel).
Services to each mobile home lot look to be 200 Amp, however buyer should verify with an
electrician. In 2016 and 2017, RV sites were upgraded to 30 Amp or 50 Amp electrical services.
A ride-on John Deere D155 mower with some small handheld tools is included. (see attached picture).
Park manager cuts grass and trims trees through RV season
COVID-19 has unfortunately affected the RV revenue as it has across the country. The attached RV
Revenue stream chart attached shows how this has been a steady stream of cash year over year except
for 2020. All RV park owners expect this to return to normal once COVID-19 has passed.
Past 5 years managed by retired local bank manager, who lives 2 minutes away from the park.
** The town of Unity is known for hosting tournaments. Just recently (June 14-16, 2019) Brentwood
MH & RV Park had a very successful RV weekend with 132 groups camping with net receipts of
$9,735. This is our highest weekend ever, eclipsing previous year’s record of $8,100
Although the above information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, it is not warranted by Homelife Glenayre Realty,
Abbotsford, B.C., or its agents and should not be relied upon without verification.
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Brentwood MH & RV Park
Unity, SK
Although the above information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, it is not warranted by Homelife Glenayre Realty,
Abbotsford, B.C., or its agents and should not be relied upon without verification.