Setting Up Pair and Groups, Children in Pairs and Groups: Disusun Oleh: Kelompok 7

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Kelompok 7

1. MONICA MORE [1213111095]

2. NEZA PUSPITA HARAHAP [1213111066]
3. WIDYA PRATIWI [1213111082]






We give thanks to the presence of the Almighty God for His blessings and grace, we can
finish our paper entitled “Setting Up Pair And Groups, Children In Pairs And Groups” on time.
This paper is prepared to fulfill the assignment of Bilingual. We’re very thankful to the lecturer,
Mr. Dody F Padimun Ambarita, S.Pd., M.Hum, who has guided us in completing this task.

We realized in the preparation of this paper, there are still many lack both from words,
sentences, writing, and content. So therefore, we really hope for constructive critism and
suggestions from readers, so that in the future our paper reports can be even better. At the end, we
hope this paper can provide benefits for all of us and especially for group 7.

Medan, October 2022

Group 7


SETTING UP PAIR AND GROUPS, CHILDREN IN PAIRS AND GROUPS ................................... 1

FOREWORD................................................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I ................................................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1
A. Background ..................................................................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation ..................................................................................................................... 1
C. Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................................................... 2
DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................................. 2
A. Setting Up Pair and Groups ........................................................................................................... 2
B. Children In Pairs And Groups ...................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................................. 8
CLOSING .................................................................................................................................................... 8
A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 8
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................................................ 8
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................................... 9


A. Background
In the world of education, the skill of cooperation is an important thing Must be performed in
learning, both inside and outside of school. Cooperation can accelerate the purpose of learning, for
basically a learning community is always better for a study community than for a few individuals
who are learning by themselves (hamid, 2011: 66). As the saying goes, two heads are better than
one, which can mean that with cooperation, the student can develop confidence, gain life
experience and enhance the social interaction that will help the student live his or her life later.
(Rosita & Leonard, 2015)

For elementary school students, group study is one way to work with others. Learning a group
can also increase tolerance by learning to accept and appreciate the strengths and flaws of others.
Even this method can boost confidence because some students feel more comfortable
communicating his ideas in small groups.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is Setting up pairs and groups, Children in pairs and groups?
2. How can you apply the setting up pairs and groups, Children in pairs and groups?
3. What are some examples the activity of setting up pairs and groups, Children in pairs and

C. Purpose
Setelah mempelajari materi ini diharapkan kita dapat menggunakan kalimat dalam bahasa
Inggris untuk membagi siswa dalam grup (setting up pairs and groups, Children in pairs and



A. Setting Up Pair and Groups

As teachers in selecting group members are sometimes just random points by a count of 1.2.3
and so on. Often, teachers tend to focus on just one aspect of appointing group members. For
example based on academic competence equations. Whereas the diversity of individuals within
the group actually enriches the dynamics of the group because they will complement the flaws of
others with the strengths of each individual.

In forming study/discussion groups may also use some methods or methods of grouping, what
are some grouping methods that are commonly used? Here are some observations.

The Methode:

1. Method of calculating

The first way or method that could be tried in establishing a discussion/learning group is
that by counting, for example, 5 groups will be formed, and students are asked to count from
1-5. The student sitting on the front front begins counting the number 1 followed by the student
next to the number 2 then the student next to him called akngka 3 and so on up to the number
5. (Rijal, 2017)

When it comes to number 5, the next student starts counting from the number 1-5 to all the
students in the class already have no. Sort/head, next the students who have no. Same sort of
head to group.

2. A method of handpicking your own teammates

The method is also commonly used in selecting group friends that is by giving the students
the freedom to select their own group mates, but these methods sometimes create some

If, for example, a few students were not selected to become a certain group, thirsting for
reforming groups, the student would usually form a group with his or her best friend/gang.
3. Homogenized group

This method isa grouping of students of the same type, such as male students of one group
with male students, and female students are grouped with all.

4. Heterogeneous group

A heterogeneous group isa group formed based on several considerations, such as gender,
intelligence, background, race and religion. In one group of clever children, groups of less
intelligent children were grouped, wealthy children were grouped with less - privileged
children, children of different tribes formed into one group.

Heterogeneous group methods are quite good at raising children to appreciate each other,
helping each other. Heterogeneous groups are particularly appropriate in teaching the child
mutual values without looking at the student's background, his or her class, his or her religion.

5. Lottery method

How to form a group by the drawing method is to know first the number of students in the
class, then determine the number of groups to be formed. Let's just say that in the class there
were 20 students and 5 groups would be formed that a roll of paper numbered 1 by 4, numbered
2 by 4, numbered 3 by 4, numbered 4 by 4, numbered 4 by 4 and numbered 5 by 4.

In turn the student was asked one by one to pick up each roll of paper, and the student who
scored the same automatically became one group.

6. Big groups and small groups

The formation of large groups and small groups depending on the lesson materials to be
done, the small group usually consists of 2-4 people per group, whereas the large group is
composed of 5-10 group members. In small group discussions it is likely to be more effective.

Furthermore, after the group has been divided, teachers and fast-learners begin learning
with materials that are suitable for group discussion.

B. Children In Pairs And Groups
Before the teaching learning activity begins, it is good if the teacher has prepared an appropriate
method to activate or enliven the class atmosphere. Because not a few students are bored or
saturated with learning in the classroom, especially if they have been paying attention to various
subjects. One way to revive classes as students become bored is by having fun group games.

Playing group games in class is not only fun, but it can also be fun to team up, improve memory,
train concentration and eliminate boredom. Playing games in class can also increase social
interactions between students and teachers, and students with other students. This is effective
enough to reinvigorate the student and make the class atmosphere more active.

Playing games in groups in class is also referred to as "ice breaker," which is a volatile, sleepy,
tense shift. One reason for having group games is that students have a limited concentration of
information to absorb about 20-30 minutes. So when students are required to absorb subject matter
continually, they will not concentrate and learning materials are difficult to enter the brain.

By playing a group game, the student may find that learning is fun and fun. It can be done after
or before the study, according to the need. There are many fun group games that students in the
class can play, the following 7 being:

1. Gestures and songs

The motion and song games performed in the classroom can lift students' enthusiasm to
learn and make their minds fresh. The study with motion games and songs is highly varied, so
you can find appropriate songs and movements, such as using "marina dancing on the tower,"
"baby shark, "to the song" head knee knee."

Apart from its ability to eliminate boredom in students' studies, it can also train students'
concentration, where movements and songs must harmonize. For more excitement, you can
play the game by the rules "the longer the game, the faster the game, the faster the song, the
faster the movement." (Cita, 2020)
2. Word in the last letter

The last letter word is a game that can be played ina classroom in groups, with the purpose
of increasing the student's vocabulary and training the student to think fast. This game is played
by all the students in the class for 25 minutes.

The trick is to ask learners to sit in a circle, designate the person who determines the first
word, then continue sequentially to think of "the word beginning with the last letter of the
preceding word."

For example, the first word is "pretty," then "we," (in the word "pretty," the last letter is
"k," then the next word is "we."), then "fire, then" fish."

The word that has been spoken before, should not be repeated by others. The game goes
on until someone doesn't find the right word. You could also replace the vocabulary with
English. So that students can add a new vocabulary in a pleasant way.

3. Multiples 4

The game in the next fun class of "multiples of 4," it forms one group of all students in the
class. It can also eliminate student boredom, allowing students to count and train students to

As a teacher, you must instruct this game to run smoothly. To do this, you can appoint
random students, the designated students have to count by Numbers, and on students with
multiples of 4, they can say "boom."

As for the multiples of 4 that is, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and so on. If put in the game then
it's like, 1, 2, 3, boom, 5, 6, 7, boom, 9, 10, 11, boom, and so on.

If a student mismentions and lacks concentration, then they get a minor punishment, such
as singing or dancing and stuff. You can also choose your own game multiple.

4. Follow instructions

As the name suggests, "follow the instructions" is a game that can be played in the
classroom, where the student must follow the teacher's appropriate instruction. How to let
students sit in their seats, students must hear and follow the instructions given by the teacher.

If the teacher USES the word "boss says" before instructing the student, then the student
must follow. However, if teachers don't use the word "boss says" students don't need to follow
the teacher's instructions.

For example: "boss says, raise your hands ", so students raise their hands. "Put his hand
down," so the student doesn't have to put his hand down because the teacher doesn't use the
word "boss says ". While giving instruction, you should also follow your movements.

Do the game quickly to train the speed, agility and concentration of the students. If students
lack concentration, then you may give them a light sentence.

5. Connect story

Another educational game is "conjunction. It is not just fun and can eliminate boredom but
it can train the student's collaborative abilities in the classroom.

The trick is, first the student sits in a circle, then prepare a picture of anything, and designate
the student who can create the first story according to the picture. After that, the story continues
by the next student. The story given by each student is not much, just one paragraph at a time.
Continue the story to the last student.

Through this game, students are invited to increase their imagination and train their
collaborators to create a coherent, logical story.

6. Rhythmic objects.

A virtuality is a class game where a song is played. It is shown to each student and
accompanied by a song, when the song stops, it will also stop. The student who finds an object
at the end of the song is given a guessing. If the student can't answer the guesswork, then the
student will be punished lightly.

7. Morning, noon and night

The "morning, day and night" games, changing classes have the benefits of eliminating
students' boredom, making students concentrate, stimulating students' hearing and thinking
speed, and creating a pleasant atmosphere.
As for the way the game is played, teachers can tell stories using morning, day and night.
When students hear the word "morning" they will clap three times, the word "day" claps
twice, and the word "night" students shut their eyes.

To train for concentration, a teacher can refer to the time at random. Students who lack the
speed to respond to the game are given a slight punishment.

That's the 7 fun games a group can do to fill out teaching activities in the classroom. By
doing the game, students do not get bored and can solidify one another's relationships.



A. Conclusion
In the world of education, the skill of cooperation is an important thing Must be performed in
learning, both inside and outside of school. Cooperation can accelerate the purpose of learning, for
basically a learning community is always better for a study community than for a few individuals
who are learning by themselves (hamid, 2011: 66). As the saying goes, two heads are better than
one, which can mean that with cooperation, the student can develop confidence, gain life
experience and enhance the social interaction that will help the student live his or her life later.

By training and regular students to work together, students can achieve a purpose of learning
that will not only look for value but also an understanding of concepts, confidence, life experiences
and social interactions that will help the student live his or her life one day.

B. Suggestion
We suggest that readers first understand about setting up pairs and groups, Children in pairs
and groups, how to apply it so that students can receive a more varied lesson.

Cita, B. (2020). 7 Game Berkelompok Mengasyikan untuk Mengisi Pembelajaran di Kelas.

Artikel, 1.

Rijal. (2017). 6 Cara atau Metode Dalam Membentuk Kelompok Diskusi dan Kelompok Belajar.
Artikel, 1.

Rosita, I., & Leonard, L. (2015). Meningkatkan Kerja Sama Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran
Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 3(1).

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